Big Brother 10 Live Show Spoiler for Thursday, July 31st 2008
Good evening, Big Brother lovers! This is the live show spoiler post! We'll be covering everything that happens during the live show here, and in the event the HoH Comp continues on past the broadcast show, we'll open up a new post specifically for that.
Here we go!! Do your thing, Announcer Recap guy. Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house, and who will become the next Head of Household? Find out tonight on Big Brother 10!
Julie: (applause from Live Audience) Good Evening, I'm Julie Chen. It's day 24 in the BB house, and it's become personal... Now, Angie and Jessie find themselves on the chopping block.
But first... Can Angie turn the tide in her favor?
CUT TO: End of Veto Meeting.
Angie DR Session...
Jessie addressing camera saying, No Sweat.
Michelle DR - crying - transition to Storage Room scene between Angie and Michelle, more tears, and back to crying DR.
CUT TO: Another womanizer sequence...
CUT TO: Angie approaching Jerry about a vote in a very odd way, by telling him the only people he'll have to suck up to next week wont be in power, and then becoming a bit argumentative.
CUT TO: Intentionally Casting Doubt upon Jerry - HoH with Jessie & Keesha. Memphis comes up to tell her that he just heard Jerry tell Angie she's not out of this game. Keesha's response - Oh really? Huh.
Then back down to Angie and Michelle, topped off with an Angie DR about kicking up dust here and there to take attention off herself.
Keesha confront Jerry about what Memphis said, and Jerry denies it. Jerry goes back downstairs and Michelle confronts him and gets up in his face.
Julie: Coming up, America's Player. Who did you choose, and did they accept your offer?
COMMERCIAL... And we're back!
Julie: Welcome back to BB10. All he has to do is lay low, but will Jessie's ego be the straw that breaks the body builder's back? One thing is for sure: the house is about to be shaken up.
Earthquake footage.
Bye Bye -Father Time Segment:
Bye Bye wave from Jessie to Libra and ensuing drama. (Production's trying to set up drama for the TV only's, suggesting Jessie's out) Moving on to Jerry telling the girls that Jessie called him Father Time.
Keesha DR: I've gotten agreements from everyone saying they wont vote him out, but he's not safe.
Libra, Ollie and April jogging in the backyard talking about how America probably thinks they're stupid (yep) for not getting Jessie out this week.
Whole lotta set up for drama about the vote.
Julie talks to HGs in the Living Room:
Michelle gets a question about the banner, but doesn't outright lie to Julie or the national television audience.
Memphis gets a question about the womanizer scene:
Memphis: "I've dedicated my life to treating women with respect, and when your characted gets attacked like that on national tv..."
Question to Jerry: Do you still feel they're a great bunch of kids.
Jerry: I do, and I want you to know I've apologized to Memphis.
Julie: Memphis, did you accept?
Memphis: I did. I accepted his apology, but I wont forget.
Julie to Renny: Happy Birthday. What was the best thing about celebrating your bday in the house?
Renny: Just spending it with these people. They made me feel so special. They baked me a cake and everything.
COMMERCIAL... and we're back.
Julie to Keesha in HoH
Julie: In all fairness, you didn't vote for Steven to stay either, so why is Angie more to blame?
Julie asks about Keesha's bonds with Renny and Libra, and she says she is loyal to both.
It's time to find out who will be the next HG to walk out the door. Nominees speak.
Angie has more game in her speech than the entire past week. Extraordinarily well spoken.
Jessie is... Jessie.
Votes to Evict:
Memphis votes to evict Angie (?!)
Michelle votes to evict Angie
Jerry votes to evict Angie
Renny votes to evict Angie
Libra votes to evict Angie
That's enough...
April votes to evict Angie
Ollie votes to evict Angie
Dan votes to evict Angie
By a Vote of
8 to 0
Jessie... you are safe
(hehehe - i love Julie Chen)
Has been evicted from
The Big Brother 10 House

The camera cuts back into the house. There is silence.
There are hugs.
Jessie looks like he's making Jerry's X sign... Odd.
Interview with Julie... Angie is tearful and lovely as always. Goodbye messages. Jessie, Jerry, Memphis, then Michelle who promises to avenge her departure.
Next up - find out who we chose for AP, and then HoH...
It sure looks like an endurance comp from here!!!! Everyone's standing on a ledge...
COMMERCIAL.. and we're back.. about to learn who got picked from AP... and if they accepted.
We voted for Dan!
Does he accept?
Does he accept?
Description: HGs the power is up for grabs. The comp is called Living on the Edge. The goal is simple. Be the last person standing on the ledge, and you win Head of Household.
Watch it Live on the Feeds!
Watch it Live on the Feeds!
Julie: You all felt the earthquake the other day houseguests.. Well you should know, when there are earthquakes, there are aftershocks!
The building shakes... everyone gets covered in dust.
Julie: There are more surprises ahead... but first, who do you want to see Dan get nominated? Here's the link to vote: CLICK HERE.
To continue to watch the live endurance comp, click here and get the feeds!
Back to the HGs on the wall.. Cue the wind machine.
Julie: Hang in there, HGs, it's going to be a bumpy night.
Niiiiiice! Let get this party started!
Hi everyone!! Hugs and Kisses!!
I've got my caffeine..I've eaten. Family is taken care of. I'm all yours for the nite ;-)
Let's all chant:
Endurance Endurance Endurance!! LOL
Happy Dishin
Oops, Submitted my comment between posts, To answer your question, Charlie 96 out of 100 on the Theory, won't know results of Lab until next week(she has 4 classes to grade plus calculating overall course totals) but I'm pretty sure I aced the Lab, too.
Thanks for asking :)
Got my Honey Nut Cheerios and Big ol' Glass o' Water and I'm set!! HERRRRREEEEEE WEEEEEEEE GOOOOOOOOO!!!
~ Ryan ~
While we are all enjoying our wonderful hostess.....don't forget the tip jar please!!!
Carolyn keep this wonderful community together and gives us all a place to get together, don't we all love her for that! And don't forget ReporterX and all the others that keep this site going! Hugs to the BBDish group!
Wooo hooo!!! I'm settled in and ready to go! Here we go endurance comp!
Julie looks MUCH better this week.
OMG WHAT is Jesse wearing?? LOL
Oh please Amber, I mean Michelle. Add there is Memphis harping on the "womanizer" statement. Get over it. SHeesh. Think they will show the apology?
was this before the "apology"?
beeb busy movin' but ready for a good one 2nite!!!!!!!!!!
i love this shit! i get to know and spoil it all for the rest of my house!! HAHAHAHA LOVE IT!!!
Whooaa is Michelle becoming Waaaamber 2.0?
Huh, and what was the point of keeping Michelle's blurry-mouthed response if we have no clue what it was?
And why are they humoring this 'mixologist' business? I bet you that in 10 years Memphis will cringe at watching the show for that very reason.
Poor Jerry. You think Michelle has pig feet breath?
Yipeee! The AP reveal is happening!
great..a message just went across the bottom of the screen that said bb next thursday will play at 1 am because of football....just a warning for others who may also be affected :)
Boy, that editing wasnt fair to Michelle. It lead one to believe that Michelle was the one who first lost it and started yelling. It is taped and shows that Jerry initated the yelling.
Thanks for the heads up. Steelers play on the CBS affiliate here on 8/14 and 8/28, so I'll miss those.
Shana May
Where do you live
*crossing fingers* Please evict Jessie. Please evict Jessie. Please evict Jessie.
repeating on what i said earlier michelle is so that chick from the movie "kiss me guido" u know the wacky landlady
congrats blue
I know that Jerry can take care of himself, but I feel so bad for him! Next year they should do all older people and one 20-something - see how that person feels!
I have to say I kinda want Jessie to win HoH just to see the fireworks between him and Libra.
send him home! send him home!
Am I missing something? Does Memphis have anything really going FOR him? I mean, he's not Jessie or anything, but I don't see any positives there. And you KNOW I won't forget that "big man" chest-thumping
i posted anonymous.. i dont know how to sign in let me see>>>> ill figure it right now so everyone can know who i am!!!
banner not BB?
Can't wait for the Endurance!!!! It will be better knowing that Jessie won't be able to participate ;) HG's face are always priceless when they get back doored!!!!
LMAO! Jessie says Libra is the most deviant one in the house. Jessie you have muscles between your ears where your brains should be! The word is devious you idiot.He is such a rude little punk.
Good thing AP didn't have much fottage of game play to choose from this week. That's the extent of it. Yeesh.
Love that Julie Chen is calling Michelle out on the banner, and Memphis out on his rage! I love you Julie!
Jerry is gracious. Memphis not so much.
I cannot believe Renny is 54.
Srsly, Libra you could've totally taken Jesse out this week!
Michelle: Wow, she's a HORRIBLE liar when it comes to that banner.
Newsflash Memphis: Nothing besmirched your character like your overblown response to Jerry's insult.
Jerry: He really is socially inept, but he's got a better excuse for it than many.
And I still can't believe that Jessie is going to stay. Sigh.
"Stupidest cast ever for not getting Jessie out"...yea...I wouldn't put it that nicely...
~ Ryan ~
Okay. As much as I hate to admit it, I hope Memphis wins tonight. I think he can shake it up a bit, and possibly put Libra and April in the hot seat. Starting to tire of some of the Magnificent 7. If not Memphis, then I'm going for Dan all the way.
As long as Michelle, Jessie, Libra, or April don't win, I'm good.
I was hoping jessie would go home, it would be in the houses best interest, but it doesnt seem thats going to happen!
Finally, some not-so-flattering edits of Jessie!!!
Cracking up at the look on Michelle's face as Jerry was answering Julie about his altercation with her. hahahehe
I wish Julie told them the earthquake was real, would love to have seen their reaction!
I'd like to point out that Jessie never knelt down on his shirt during the earthquake like he claimed he did.... I believe Ollie came out without a shirt, and Jessie couldn't possibly let him be the only one out there without a shirt! hahahaha, what a tool.
Carolyn, I love the job you do, and I'm frequently disappointed with the edits. I KNEW they would make it look like Jessie was going home tonight. Even so, even though I know better, I find myself sitting here hoping you missed something and that the slant in the show so far is true. Please send Jessie home!
HAHAHAH! "Underested me...some dumb blond" Oh my Jeez I think I just laughed some pee out!!
~ Ryan ~
hot damn angie's speech was awesome!
as usual, jessie left something to be desired...
Kansas City Chiefs broadcast area....there will prolly be several other games that cause delays as well
I am really upset that Julie put Michelle on the spot regarding the banner. She should not be allowed to do that. It is interfering in the game. Yes, we all know it was a lie. But we know of lies other people have told and they are not getting called out. That is kind of cheating in my opinion.
wow! Angie's speech blew me away
Angie's speech - excellent.
Jesse's speech - lame... after a few seconds all I heard was blah blah blah...
Memphis - traitor... he voted against Angie!
Bye Angie hun. Better luck on Survivor.
Spineless. The whole lot of them!
lemmings the lot of em
Okay, so I'm stuck at work so I'm not watching...Did they reveal the new AP?? Wasn't sure if I missed it or not.
Weak, weak, weak!!! These are weakest hg ever!
DANG IT!!!!!!! Angie should have STAYED!!!!! When Jessie is not in trainer mode, does he EVER stop talking about himself? Even for his evicition speech, it's all about him and his "power".
Angie may not have tried hard at the end, but she was MUCH, MUCH cooler. Everyone wants Jessie to go, but they still vote for Angie because of Keesha's cattiness?? How frustrating!
I'm sorry, they now get what they deserve.
AWWWW, poor Dan, getting called out by Julie like that!
Can I give him a hug?
Angie- very good speech, very smart, wish she had more game.
again its all about people respecting him.
these hgs are dopes! if Angie goes!
Team Dan! He is too cute.
I wonder if he will throw this comp too...
Message to HouseGuests:
You are officially the dumbest group in all 10 seasons!! At least the Season 9'ers were smart enough to get rid of the large threats!
OY...I'm calling a Jessie/Memphis/Michelle win...those 7 deserve to have a nice group slap in the face...
I would love it if Renny won tho!!
~ Ryan ~
Wow, I can't believe that after all the crap Jessie stirred up this past week that everyone voted for Angie to leave.
Me thinks there will be some houseguests who will regret keeping that lump in the house!
No no no no NO!!! Dumb dumb dumb move. And boy oh boy will they regret not getting Jessie out when they had the chance.
Hey BlueX....way to go on your test!!! Big sigh of relief now that it's done....and you get to hang out on the feeds tonight!! How great is that!!!
It's official...I hate this cast. Definitely making one of the most boring seasons thus far. There hasn't been one week where it's a toss up with the votes. Everyone votes with the house. It's so ANNOYING!!!
People are getting so upset that their friends are being voted out (KEESHA) but if these dummies would realize that if they voted how they wanted some people might still be there. Jeesh!!!
Why do we even go through the process of seeing how everybody votes when the morons on BB10 all want to vote as a flock!!!!!
Since when did the HOH makes the decision who leaves the house???
What is up with these lemmings???
I am so sad! I was hoping there would be a last minute change...there never is, though! I like Angie. She is fun and has a great sense of humor!
P.S. Nice speech, Jessie...all about me,me,me...(I just threw up in my mouth a little!)
This IS the dumbest cast EVER! If they were smart they would have 1) listened to Angie 2) At least a couple of them voted for Jessie to set the house on fire. Espeicaly one if Memphis or Michelle did it just to see the others turn on eachother and try to figure out who did what. Argh what are we going to do with them? I would LOVE to just walk in, hit each upside the top of hte head, and walk out.
Did anyone notice they are taking out the bottom row
Love Dan! Can I take him home and keep him? I'll gladly give up my teddy bear. Mrs. Chen, how cute.
I just can't stop shaking my head... Maybe there's some grand plan that I'm just not seeing. Ugh. I'm so disappointed.
Did I say I love Julie?
Hahaha she made Jessie lose 5 lbs just now... By a vote of 8 to 0 Jessie... hahaha you are safe.
Angie leaves. Booooooo!
Here we go ladies & gentlemen! Let the games begin!
CAP :)
I promised myself I wouldn't cry . ..
The look on Jessie's face was priceless when Julie said by a vote of 9 to 0 .... Jessie ...... you are safe.
I'm so ready for someone to shake this house up. Just one person to vote the opposite of the house. They are like Stepford Wives. :(
BB9 vs BB10 ?
BB9 would chew them up and spit them up. The kids got no game just a mob.
They deserve it if Jessie (or Michelle) win HOH and come after them. Even though I positively can't stand him, and threw up a little in my mouth just typing it.
sorry carolyn... i just can't stand any of these guys. look jessie is lying through his teethh and murdering the english lang.. i mean if they all felt this way then they should have voted their concious(SP)
oops .... I said 9 to 0, and it was 8 to 0. Sorry for the mistake!
I dont ever recall that much quietness after an eviction. I feel everyone realizes the unfairness Keesha put into her decision. I dont feel anyone other than Keesha wanted Angie out.
They're not similies! Ugh.
YAY! Endurance comp! I wonder how long April will last in her little black dress. Idiotic wardrobe choice.
Stupid house guests.
Stupid, stupid house guests.
These people are sheep. baaaahhhhhh. I so thought Jesse was gone....oh well, I see HOH comp is on a ledge more earthquake to come? I hope Jesse and Libra are out first!!!!
Pegions, are we going to see a poop comp?
hummmmmmmm - HOH looks VVVEEEEEEERRRRRRRYYYYYY interesting!
CAP :)
As much as i think memphis is somewhat of a douche.
I'm so sick of KEESHA , and April and Libra,that I'd like it if Memphis got HOH :)
but then again, I want michelle OUT of there, she's just annoying all around,her voice, And how she THROWS herself at jessie,Get a backbone girl.
Hey y'all! What did the banner say anyways?
Love your site Carolyn! You rock!
Yay endurance comp! I hope memphis wins so he can get rid of libra!
Thanks, julieB!:)
LOL@aimee....calling the HG's lemmings.........they are the little mammals who blindly follow the pack even if it means plunging to their deaths off the side of steep cliff, right?
Yay! dan!!!!
I can't believe they got rid of Angie. These people don't think for themselves, they did what keesha wanted.
DAN - Yes - this is going to be AWESOME!
CAP :)
These people are sheep and would follow each other over a cliff.
Ok now that Dan's Americas player :)
I want Dan to win HOH :)
that way america can put up Michelle and Jessie :)
I can't stop! I have diarrhea of the fingers.Must be pain meds. Jessies good bye speech! Double YUCK! more similes and analogies? OMG! Stuff a sock in his mouth!
SCREAM! I can't keep up. I can't seem to post on the right page.
Charlie? Beorn? Ry? Blue? Where is MikeInBama? ANYONE, preferably with man parts though... Please cuff me to the right comment section.
Yeah Dan!
Yay Dan!!!! Make us proud!!
Me thinks Renny won't last long! LOL
OK. I love you AGP!! That's a kickass comp!!! hahahaha
Oh nice Endurance comp.
But now those freaking people are going to think that the earthquake was REALLY put on
Yeah for Dan.....oh I soooo hope he wins HoH!!!!
Dan try for jessie to be evicted!!!!!!
yeah im done with this show.
I have grown to really like Dan.
I so do not like Jessie. I did laugh when he said Libra thinks she is the most Deviant in the house(uh what?)
Then, the 'rationalized mind'
At least he didn't brag about his high 'ick'
Are you kidding me? Now they really think the whole earthquake thing was put on by production! Crazy how BB can quickly tie in a major disaster in less than 48 hrs. Kudos to them!
CAP :)
Please pick Jessie for Dan to get nominated everyone, that way he doesnt have to go against his alliance.
April's got the eye of the tiger!
Come on people, VOTE FOR JESSIE!!
Note: This will be the only time I tell ya'll to vote for Jessie!
~ Ryan ~
Memphis PLEASE win and send Keesha packing!
ROFLMAO! I'm starting to believe myself now that BB engineered the earthquake!
They really now will think it was fake! This is soooo funny.
Looks like the balance and endurance they need in this comp may favor Jessie. It looks like they are going to need a lot of upper body strength. Who'd a thunk it? There really is a use for all those muscles. Plus, if he falls at least we know he won't damage his head. Air floats doesn't it?
Hang on Renny. I so want Renny to win HOH.
come onnnnn switch over to the feeds already!!!!!!
I voted to evict Jessie, I so want him to suffer this next week.
I'm voting Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse however many times I can!!!
OK, where are the live feeds???
YAY for Dan. Now we are all voting to get Jessie nominated right?
PLEASE BB. Let a big sandbag fall on Jessie's head in this comp. It may loosen some of his too tighly wound srews, which are loose but askew.
Ugh sad , I wanted renny to win this one, but this looks hard for even a younger person to handle up there,Hopefully Her Work out sessions with lord loves himself,Will help her out here
Anon @ 5:35 - Amen!
During Jessies speach a started cursing very loudly at the thinks i've gone
Respect this and disrespect that....sheesh i'd love to disrespect him across his lil head.
I would LOVE for Renny to get HOH, but that is unlikely, so my second choice is Ollie or maybe even Dan
I'm voting Libra libra libra libra until i can't vote anymore
Oh dang, I'll never get caught up on comments...but...
1) did anyone else think they saw Jessie give Memphis and maybe Jerry a subtle, modified "X" symbol?
2) Yeah, Dan -- hope we don't mess you up though!
3) Now the HGs are REALLY going to think BB fabricated the earthquake the other day!
4) Dang! Wish I could get the feeds!
Thank you Carolyn and Reporter X and all the other Dish chicks and dude (TRX). Love and appreciate you all!
I'm weak and know it or in a pain med induced haze. Had to go for the live feeds. SCREW the budget, who needs to eat anyway? Besides I need to lose a few(all right more than a few)pounds. Bring on the feeds. Hit your link Carolyn.
I'll be voting Jessie over and over. He really showed what he's made of this past week.
Ready for Libra to go next week but Jessie has to be evicted this week!
Is it to nominate the person to evict or nominate the person to win HOH??
I'm confused. :(
I know most of you guys want Jessie out but I want Keesha out as well. She's a jealous "B" and deserves to leave. I knew Angie was gonna get voted out because this cast are losers big time to listen to a jealous woman (who was clearly jealous) break down the 7 asses (excluding Renny I like her) and the rest can go I hope Memphis and Michelle take it all the way.
Why did Angie not play like the speech she gave?
She is my hometown girl and I really wanted to pull for her and see her do well. She simply did not have the demeanor for this game. I will miss her.
The group mentality and driving jealousy of this cast is very annoying. I am pulling for the meathead to win HOH, they deserve it.
I wish we can pick more than one to get nominated- I would love to see april, ollie, keesha, and libra on the block at the same time. four evictions at once, boom outta here. it would be so nice!
Buh By Jerry..."too much weight" He's outta here....want to see Jessie out of the comp too...
Who's everyone voting for Dan to get nominated next week. 10 for Jessie
~ hockeymom ~
I voted for Dan to get rid of Jessie. I can not deal with another week of him
When is someone going to think about turning and facing the building to get relief?
why is oillie trying s hard he is thebigest floater there is
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