CBS Releases More Pics of the Big Brother 10 Houseguests
Poolside and entering the house! They're a feisty bunch! Can't wait! Can't Wait! Can't Wait!!!
To check out more pics of the house, swing over to BBDish-Caps, check em out, and take the quickie poll there too!

You do an awesome Job!! I love you guys and thanks for everything that you do!!
Awesome!! Especially since i am away on a live gig Sunday night!!
help! i tried to sign up through the link on your site for the live feed, and it's telling me the coupon code is incorrect???? it took my credit card info the first time, but then the page expired, when i tried again, tells me coupon code is invalid???? how do i know if i'm active for sunday???
any ideas? thanks!
anon@6:20 - What coupon code? Our links don't require any coupons...
If it took your credit card info, you should receive a log in.. just launch real and log in. :)
Please let me know everything's fine.
ok carolyn, i think i'm good to go. i logged in and checked "my account", and i'm active with a recurring payment of 12.99.......i guess i won't be able to see any BB until sunday...:( i'm just so ready to see this season! lol
OK so i am liking them all but whats the lady with the big hair.. She is kinda odd to me.. seems something is off about her...
anon@6:34 :) Crisis averted. ;)
You should be able to see bb9, if ya wanna... They're running the replay. Also, there are tons of other features.. as well as free music downloads and games.
Go explore!
I love the pool pics and the outside-the-house pic. Can I also just say that I love the fact that BB did that country porch setup out front of the house! I swear, as each day passes, I put more names to faces and am getting more and more ready for this season to start already! Let's go BB10!
~ Ryan ~
They're already in DA house?
Wtf? I thought that Sunday night episode was live! Oh well...
Thanks for keeping us updated on everything that is happening!
I'm sure this is going to be an awesome summer...!!!
take care
Okay I am so so soooooooooo excited, I have watched every video I could find on these people... let the games begin!!!!!!!!! Go Big Brother 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wooooooooo Hoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! OMG! So excited!
ok i am with anne-julie. i thought sunday night was a live show. someone please let us in the loop. what's going on?
oh this even makes me more excited. Yay!!!!
The only thing *live* on Sunday will be the feeds.
The HGs always move in several days early. Production needs time to film & edit together the first show...
It's actually the only time all season they get that kind of time...
except when they put stuff on tv ages after it already happened in the house, and leave all the live feed viewers scratching their heads..
like when they aired Nat's hide n seek game with the boys 2 weeks after Matt had gone to seq.. and they edited him out of the shots.
Bah.. anyway..
No, the Sunday Show isn't live. It never is.
Is it Sunday yet?
OMG I only see two people who don't need a tan. Very surprised everyone didn't go tanning before entering the house. These people are pasty white!
I wonder if where everyone's standing in the pool pics (especially the two with their arms around each other in the top left) signal any early alliances?? :)
okie dokey...Im back and raring to go! 1 question ? Is the Steven on BB10 "our" Steven who was on the blogs here, last season? Hope the coffee is plentiful Cara Carolyn!
All signed up and ready 2 go....can't wait 2 read all the comments and updates...U do an awesome job, carolyn!
I love this site!! Greetings to all. Can't wait for this train to get rolling and start enjoying the bumps along the way.
Patti - If you click your heels together 3 times, and go to sleep for 48 hours. ;)
anon re pale HGs - Dr Will wannabes ;)
Claire - Welcome back! Keep the coffee flowing! Alas, no, it's not our Steven.. he made the finals again, but no... hmph.
orphananeeee - Thank you! :) Can't wait to read yours too!
Izzy - Thank you! :) Me toooo!
I have to be honest, I auditioned and made it pretty far and didn't get cast . . . so I'm a bid jaded towards the show at the moment. Hahah. But I'll still be as addicted to this site as I have been for the past two years.
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