Early BB10 Cast Reveal?

According to BB Alum Diane Henry's announcement (via bulletin) on her myspace, it sounds like the cast reveal may be happening a bit earlier that usual... like tomorrow?! Here's what Diane had to say, "So Wednesday we're doing a press junket and introducing the new BB10 cast mates so if anyone has some good questions that we might not think of let me know ok! Just wanted the fans to be a part of this somehow : )"
If you've got questions, here's the link for Diane's myspace. And thanks very much to Quirkydude for the heads up about Diane's bulletin! Ironic though it is, with nearly 6,000 myspace friends now, we never actually see bulletins. They fly by way too fast!
Here's the thing... Diane didn't specify an actual date, just Wednesday. It would make a lot more sense for the cast reveal to be Wednesday, July 9th than Wednesday, July 2nd. N'est-ce pas?? Wednesday, July 9th would definitely fall more into line with the 5-7 days before the first airing cast reveal...
Still, I'm just tellin' ya what she said...
Like I said, typically, the HG reveal doesn't happen until they're all sequestered in the BB house for the summer, and that's generally 5-7 days before the first show. Frankly, I don't know what to make of this. Nonetheless, I'll be on high alert all day Wednesday the 2nd looking for the info! :)
Incidentally, Sheila will also be on housecalls this coming season... Wednesdays. That's confirmed. We've also heard rumors that BB9 Matt may be in the housecalls lineup. Another rumor running around was that Kaysar may be out of the HC lineup... Hmph! Thankfully, our friend Lessa from BigBrotherCraze quashed that one... So for Housecalls (so far) we have Wednesday-Sheila, Thursday-Dick and Friday-Kaysar.
And then there's the Wednesday afternoon Dick-a-thon - Dick reports that in lieu of the 2 hours of fish/flames/guinea pigs/whatever that preceeds every live show (to make sure all us feeders actually tune in to CBS for the live show) on the feeds, we'll be seeing him do an interview show... on the feeds during that time period.
Lastly, remember the guy who had the oddly public argument with Evel Dick? Well, I got word from the Silver Kid today that he will not be on the upcoming season of Big Brother... I know you're all heartbroken. ;)
Doing a Cast reveal happy dance!!!!! You goooooooo Caro....
Oh yea! I'm hating them already!
I have GOT to remember my blogger id before this all heats up!! Have to tell you that Kaysar was probably my least fav on house calls, I'm glad to see they'll be changing it up. Bunky is hilarious and I really wish Marcellas was coming back!! Will be interesting to say the least. I can't wait.....not too much longer to wait!!
Sure it's not next Wednesday? The news was that the press junket would be July 9th, which is also a Wednesday.
Matt, she didn't specify, but I've added a bit more to the post... thanks to you. :)
Next Wednesday sure makes a lot more sense...
Diane is only referring to the day where all the houseguests go through the interview gauntlet. This is where the blindfold the houseguests... have them run into a waiting room... then into one interview... then it goes on and on from hotel room to hotel room until they are done doing all their preshow press. We dont end up seeing all those interviews until they have enetered the big brother house... usually about 5 days prior to the first CBS show.
Kaysar confirmed in chat last night (according to Jokers) that he will be on Housecalls on Fridays this season.
So it's Wednesday Sheila
Thursday Dick
Friday Kaysar. Dunno about monday/tuesday as of yet.
Would be nice to see Crazy James do housecalls on Monday and Tuesday, then see Matt BB9 do either day
I DO wish BB would set things up so that we could see the HG's from the rime they enter the house. Watching the honeymoon period really sets things up and we can't see it...
I noticed your new pic (or whatever the computer term for it is...) and clicked on it so I could see it better. I noticed on your info that you are from Columbus. I was born and raised in the Dayton area. Just thought I would throw that in because I think it's fun discovering connections with the people I blog with. I live in Tenn now, but go back to the Dayton area frequently to visit family. When I'm there next month, I'll holler and wave your way! Ha!
I'd just as soon forget everyone from last season! James and Matt, most especially!!!
I hope BB has changed the format up a bit this season. I'm getting tired of the one they have been using...
i'm heading out to go see Hancock :)
i'll be back to publish comments later this evening.
thanks for checking in!
Carolyn, I can't get BBDish 10 on my
"My Yahoo" page like I was able to do last year. What am I doing wrong?
Ohhh, all very exciting news!! And maybe I just whine for a sec and say "Matt on HC...really? Like REALLY, really?" I mean I don't watch HC at all but still, can't imagine anyone jumping on their computer to listen what that dude has to say, lol.
Carolyn, I am very saddened because I have a new job (well, not saddened at that) but they have the strictest of all website visiting that I have ever seen. So sad :(
Can't wait...12 more days!!
Ahhhhhh it's July!!!! It's almost here!! Wooo Big Brother 10!!!! Still waiting for a season that can beat BB8... BB9 failed at that one.
What's odd is I had a dream last night that I met Chelsea LOL. weird.
Actually, the cast is the be revealed Wed. the 9th, would love to see them earlier, but thats the news at cbs.com...
I've missed something. Who had an arguement with ED? And who is the Silver Kid?
Whooohoooo! Happy Dance! Lovely Carolyn, looking forward to another round!
Monday, Daniele is scheduled to be on housecalls, and Tuesda, Bunky is scheduled, just though you would like to know!!! (go to wlbb.com)
I still can't believe James isn't a sure thing for house calls! Am I REALLY gonna have to wait till All-stars to see more of him?
hehe =)
What bothers me the most about housecalls - at least season the hosts went off topic to much.
I don't care what socks or clothing your wear, Bunky's trips, Dicks' rants who pissed off at disney, ebay, etc. Stick with the topic of big brother.
im so excited!!!!
Let's get this party started!
Hey Carolyn...
You probably already seen this, but I just seen it from www.welovebigbrother.com . It's an interview with Allison Grodner on the upcoming season. :)
The problem with Natalie ebaying her clothes is that we NEVER SAW her in them......other than her bikini's...
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