Evening in the Big Brother house
6:16pm BBT
Renny, April, Memphis, Michelle
Renny and Michelle are washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Memphis is sitting at the counter..General chit chat..

Around the feeds..
*Dan is in the bathroom..
*Keesha is sleeping in the 80's room..
*No sign of Ollie & Jerry..
6:20pm BBT
Renny, April, Memphis, Michelle, Dan
HG's still cleaning up after dinner..polite chit chat..April is washing dishes..Dan is drying. Renny & Memphis are sitting at the counter. Michelle is sweeping the floor.. Not much talking going on..
Renny: What time do I feed the fish?
Michelle: Anytime between 6 and 8..
Memphis goes outside..
Memphis & Ollie
Ollie comes out to lift weights..
HOH Room
Renny goes up. She is doing something with the bathtub.. Michelle comes up..She feeds the fish..
Hippy Room
Keesha & Dan
Keesha is sleeping..Dan lays on his bed..
6:34pm BBT
Memphis, Michelle, Ollie
Memphis is sitting..
Michelle: Can ya move? Wanna play pool?
Memphis: No, not yet..

Michelle plays pool alone..Ollie is weight lifting..
6:43pm BBT
Around the feeds
*April joins Michelle for a game of pool..Memphis is still sitting, full from dinner..Ollie is weight lifting..
*Jerry is in the kitchen making slop..
*Renny is in the HOH room..
*Dan & Keesha are napping in the Hippy Room..
Alcohol should arrive shortly. Get ready to spark up the feeds. ;)
7:01pm FISHIES
7:08pm BBT
Michelle, April, Ollie
Michelle, April, Ollie are playing pool..
Ollie goes in to get a lollipop..
7:15pm BBT
Michelle goes to check storage..*sigh* no alcohol yet..
Michelle goes back outside to pick at her zit..eww

7:24pm BBT
Ollie & Michelle
More pool playing..
7:31pm BBT
Ollie, Michelle, Jerry
More pool playing..Jerry is walking around the yard..

7:52pm BBT
Ollie, Michelle
Ollie, Michelle still playing pool..Libra bashing..They feel Libra is lucky to be in the jury house. They think other HG's deserved to be there more than she does. Neither believes Libra made a friend in the house.
8:00pm BBT
Around the Feeds
* Dan & Keesha are sleeping in the Hippy Room
* Michelle & Ollie are playing pool..
* Renny and April are in the kitchen..
8:05pm BBT
April & Ollie

April and Ollie are discussing how laid back the house has been this week..
April: All but Renny..
April is telling Ollie about Renny not wanting to let Dan use her HOH bathroom..That Renny timed him when he used it..
Ollie is telling April about Season 9's James and Chelsia, their showmance, how the house made James pay for Chelsia's action. Ollie says he is trying to be careful that doesn't happen to them.
April says she hasn't done anything wrong in the house..She feels she has been nice..
April: I haven't done anything.. except wash dishes and bake cakes for people...
April & Ollie discuss how HG's will be nicer to each other now that they are going to the jury to ensure end votes..
April: Don't let them f*ck with your head when I'm gone. I've never talked bad about you..
April goes inside to get her swim suit on..
8:27pm BBT
Hot tub
Ollie & April

8:50pm BBT
The Beer & Wine have arrived... Let's go HGs! ;) We wanna see some action!

Damn, damn, damn.
I just published 2 comments in the last post. Didn't even notice *top* posts had changed.
It was directed towards you, Genie, in case you want to go read 'em. Can't be bothered to re-publish. Feeling lazy.
All this deviled egg talk has me craving them, but I shall resist since I doubt they are part of my diet!!
I put dry mustard in my recipe.
I sure hope the house livens up a bit, all this heat has sucked my energy stores and I need something exciting to keep me awake! :)
blue - you kill me.
Spent huh? NO comment, and you're lucky Gaytor didn't catch either! hehehe
Dijon huh? Jou like ze spicy stuff non? :)
geez I wish they would liven up some! bb bring on the booze! and April is so silent... I kinda like this side of her. lol!
ReporterX, must be much easier to keep up with only 8 HG huh? Of course it makes it pretty boring. Like now, they are to full to fight. And April is probably trying to hold her tongue so as not to tick anyone off that might just might vote for her.
Oh and Blue and Genie, forget the cigarettes, I'm pouring the wine, who wants some.
Hi Everyone! How is ya'll? It is very boring in the house today...need something to liven it up. I need some distraction.
Think I have got most things done....dog washed (nothing like trying to wash 74 lb. dog with one leg) very comical!! But, he smells much better, all the better to cuddle with :)
from the previous post - Hiya Julissa! :)
Fro future reference my cat's name is Stinky. Don't ask :)
Can April stop with the excuses about why everything is going wrong? Blame everything on that time of the month, WTHN!!! That way when she is evicted, that will be the reason and it won't be cause she is a weech....
Mais oui, Genie! Je suis l'excitement!
And that about covers it for my knowledge of french.
Except for "Voulez vous coucher avec moi, se soi" And I seriously doubt I spelled that right.
Hiya, Rhonda!!!:):)
blue>waves excitedly
Alice- YAY! Wine! I'm in! Cheers! Thank you!
Rhonda - Hiya! How you feeling dawlin?
Poor Jerry sitting all alone.
That would probably be the worst thing...slop, food for one meal, slop and more slop.
Especially if everyone else gets to eat.
Bring on the booze!!!
I've been checking in on and off all day waiting for something to happen. I must say, I am more than a little disappointed in April.
As soon as Renny won HOH she started with the threats: I'll lay out everything I know, I'll throw them all under the bus. I'm not going down without a fight.
After noms we got tears.
After POV we got the offer of bribing by trading designer duds for votes, all because she has a big heart.
Well, where's the fight April? I'm waiting. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Of course, when you are small you don't have as far to fall. Maybe that's why April has fallen so hard so fast. In the meantime, I'm still hoping for a wine delivery.
Waves to ReporterX, are you recovered from staying up all night??
Did I just hear April say she hasn't been called to the DR all day?
You'd think we would want to hear from America's Sweetheart don't ya think?
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As much as I have been appalled by Jerry's behavior the last couple of weeks I can't help but feel sorry seeing him frying up his slop.
I am also very surprised that April is acting so calm about being on the block.
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I know how obnoxious and wrong Jerry is, and I'm not a fan, but does anyone feel sorry for him when he roams and is all alone? It really makes me sad. He needs to go! Not this week, though. I'm all for an April eviction!
bluex, julieb, genie sea, kajunlady, alice, rhonda, grendon, and N2RealityTV
hugs and kissies..
Yep, I'm recovered..and here for the night..
I'll take some, Alice!!!
Rhonda, I can totally relate. My parents have two labs, one black(112lbs) and one yellow(104 lbs) I took them for a walk one day, they saw a deer and TOOK OFF. I pulled back on the leashes, dug in my feet and went down on my heiney like a sleigh-swoosh, right across the yard. I'm glad it wasn't in the gravel, I'd have spent a week picking the rocks out of my bum.
This is not good. I've completely forgotten this is a BB website and I have the live feeds on. What's that saying about the *excitement* level in the house right now?
Alice - Count me in.
Hi Rhonda - that does sound like quite a job! Afraid it's pretty boring in the BB house too!
Hugs Blue, Genie, ReporterX...I'm hanging in there. Love being here with ya'll, takes my mind off things. You guys are great and funny and just make me feel better. Has been very down day, so thanks.
So, lets pump these HG up and get some action!!!
I do have to admire Jerry for being on slop by himself most of the time and still being competitive in the comps.
PLEASE get them some alcohol. This day has been Boringgggggggggggggg
I have been feeling a little sorry for Jerry too! Last night he looked so worn out, the only one on slop while people are eating all around him & by himself most of the time! Believe me when I say though, none of this changes my mind about how appalling I think he has acted & he needs to go soon! (not this week, I've been practicing my good-bye April wave)
Despite the fact that his comments,and attitude piss me off, I agree, I do feel sorry for Jerry - eating his slop alone. Sitting alone. I don;t wish that one anyone.
Blue - you got the french almost completely spelled right! But no one is keeping tabs :) I can barely type properly... hehehe
LOL Blue, try dealing with a 74 lb. bulldog...like being hit by a linebacker!!! And it seems he will only deal with 'Mom'. Lord help me when I am on the crutches for 6 wks.!
p.s. your poor bumm!!
Genie, Blue, and Msfitz, pouring, pouring, pouring, but only one glass. I don't want any fights going on over here tonight. I wouldn't do that to Carolyn and ReporterX.
I felt a little sorry for Jessie, the expression on his face, when he found out America did NOT love him the way he thought they did. I expect the same thing to happen to April. She really believes the BB10 fans would "love her even more" if she gave the others some of her booty ... clothes that is ... not the booty she's been giving Ollie ;)
greetings, all. checking in for the fun.
If it is this boring now, imagine when it gets down to fewer....what will happen? Or, is it they are really off today from the comp. last night?
Know that the heat here in our area and Northern CA has been very high, so must be hot SO CA. We were 102 today in Reno, my daughter is in Davis,CA(near Sacramento) and they have been running 107-109. Heat drains me...hope that is the HG problem along with the comp.
Sorry for the babbling....
Very cute dog. I'm a little out of the loop. Why crutches? Not to be nosy, but right now you guys are more interesting than the HGs.
Alice - Thank you! Cheers! No worries about a fight breaking out here. Firstly, we aren't competing for money. Secondly ReporterX and Carolyn would drop kick us! hehehe
Rhonda - hello? Why you apologizing? We're ALL babbling cuz nothing is happening in the house. We went from cat's eye rolling to dijon mustard. hehehe
Rhonda - What a cute pic of your dog! I love it. He looks like a pistol.
shaking my head.
YOU WIN! Wouldn't want to be in your shoes. Or shoe plus one.
LOl@ Alice.
Good to know, Genie.:)
Are we going to watch HGs play pool all night? 'Cause I have a few places I could be playing a little pocket pool, myself.
Not WITH myself, you dishers, you.
I agree about Jerry. He has done a good job of turning me(and the house) against him. They all need to remember he is still part of the house. The irony is, if he hadn't messed things up with Dan so bad, Dan would probably be going out of his way to include him. He still may, knowing Dan, but I can't help but think that even he is finding it difficult to approach Jerry at this point.
I was under the impression that America really DID love Jesse. It's just that Memphis had such a big fan base calling in with the AP vote. You know all those siblings and cousins really add up.
So much excitement we are talking about our pets. I have a Maine Coon mix cat I rescued from the Humane Society last month. He is a sweetie, but he hates that I am on my laptop all the time. He lays with his head in the middle of the keyboard. And it's a big head!!!
rhonda, quit babbling LOL, hehe
I really wish April would start fighting for votes. Wheeling and dealing, lying, promising, manipulating, that sort of thing. I did not expect her to take being on the chopping block this week so well. She may still stress out enough over it to start pulling some things in the house, I must say, tho, I thought she would have tried it before now.
hey guys :)
we're waiting for some fireworks.. ;)
and taking care fo some behind the scenes stuff in the meantime...
Has no one spoken to Jerry since he was nominated?
Carolyn -- You really predict some fireworks tonight? You instincts have been right on so far this season.
I was just going to turn it all off and check back in the morning.
But if you expect fireworks ...
Grendon - I agree! That's the twist! Memphis has 6 million relatives!
blue- I agree. In fact, if I wasn't feeling under the weather I would rather be shooting some pool than watching others play.
Sure as heck wasn't boring when I was on duty ;P hehe. I think they're just taking a break from the mania...
I predict the arrival of booze within the next 60 minutes...
Then... we'll get some action. ;)
Just a feeling.
as long as we are sharing our animal friends, i have a siamese male who thinks he is king of the world. fireworks, carolyn? alright! i'm ready to oooh and aahhh!
Alice - ahhh, thank you! No fights in this group! ReporterX & Carolyn would put a stop to that in a heartbeat!
Rhonda - WOW, he is a big dog! He looks so powerful but I bet he is just a cuddly little Mama's boy! Babble away, we all have been!
April is so convinced we all love her that I don't think she will ever believe we don't think as much of her as she thinks of herself!
None of the people April can campaign with are available. Three are asleep and one is in her HOH world. WAKE THE HELL UP people! hehehe
Carolyn - Every time you say you;re working on "behind the scenes" stuff, I hear the Mission Impossible theme. hehe
Are you all gonna watch history being made in a few mins? Michael Phelps going for his 8th gold medal ....I'm so tired of hearing Ollie suck on that lollipop..
Well, you're feelings have been right on so far, so I'm sticking around for a while!!!
Thanks Carolyn!
Julissa - in your pic is that your kitty? JK
Aww, Julissa. A maine coon.
What you described sounds a lot like my ex boyfriend.
I couldn't break him of it. Hence the *ex*
Grendon, I have to have hip surgery on Monday morning...very scary. But have lots of hugs and support here!!! (and here at home too :)
Here's to hoping your right, Carolyn!!!
Tipping my glass of wine from Alice! And no, no fighting from us.
I'm sceeered of you and RepX!LOL
Old bones....and born with congenital hip dyspasia that has finally caught up to me!! My kids say I just do way to much, but hey, ya only live once, so they say ;)
::: sneaking up behind bluex1969 :::
I wish they pull Michelle into DR and tell her to CAN is about Libra. She is complaining about her saying "If you can't say anything good. say nothing at all." Umm WTH is she doing right now?
And Grendon, not nosy at all. It was said the other night in all the chaos. This feels like a second family, my husband thinks he lost me to ya'll at times LOL
Michelle-Guess what else is on video?
The bannah
Sorry, I just see her nose grow every time she says she never lies.
blue - Your ex was a Maine Coon? What? hehehe
BBAD starts in just a little over an hour. If they are getting alcohol, it will be within the next hour to hour and a half. My prediction. But, if you all have been following the comments all day you can see how confident I am in my psychic abilities.
LOL@Genie......mission impossible theme! :p HAHAH:_)
And your cat is beautiful!!! Funny, my kids say I love my dog more than them...hey they are 24 & 25 out and on their own....yes, my puppy is my world!!!!
Yes....I am old!!!!! Promise, had them young ;)
No that's not my kitty in the pic. My little sis used to work at a big cat refuge in Eureka Springs AK. My sisters and I took a pic with a 14 yr old mountain lion. He was a big cutie. But I was thinking of changing my pic to my new cat. He is very cute.
They are kind of boring right now - I am glad that things are the way they are now. But, we need some action baby! Bring on the booze! April is crazy, give some outfits to the other girls-go right ahead it is a nice gesture for the wrong reasons- but the others will definitely appreciate them more than her.
They all seem to have their fake faces on now, especially April. I think Ollie may finally come in to his own, who knows he may have thrown the POV comp, so he didn't have to take April down. Won't know until Sunday night show.
again, Bring On the Booze!!!!
Ollie -- It would be wise to shut up right now.
Your track record of judging the character of others is seriously in question, so we don't think you are qualified to talk about Libra having no friends based on the way she acted in the house.
Stop and think before you speak any more Ollie!!
I have rheumatoid arthritis. Diagnosed at 27. I am on disability which is why I am able to spend so much time on the computer.
I look at the positive. If I was still able to work, I wouldn't have been able to be a full time mom.
Two summers ago I was in a cast and on crutches for six weeks. Tore my achilles tendon.
(Running through the house, waving my arms in the air)
That's not funny!!!:)
I was applying some lipstick and smeared it! And this crap ain't cheap!! LOL
Good one, tho. HAHAHAHA
Oh hell, Genie. I thought she said MARINE COP.
My bad. hehe
Oh. That was a joke. LOL~! I have a sinus infection goin' on ovah heah and am slow on the uptake. LMAO
Phelps' last race in just a couple minutes! :)
Please don't spoil the result for the left coasties.. ;)
Julissa, has he sent any e-mails yet? My cat has done that.
Yes, Jessie did say that is was Memphis' family and friends that voted him out...hmmmmm WOW that is one big family. Is that kind of like the America that 'likes' April?
Blue, secret crush here....****wink*** could really have something, but alas, I am not your type!!!! (frown)
Thank you. I actually have 5 cats, but he is definitely the 'looker' in the family. One is a stray I brought home from a parking lot 18 years ago. She is mostly blind, terrible breath, but seems content and otherwise healthy so I have no problem letting her stay around here until she shows me she's ready to go on to a better place.
Go Michael Phelps!!!!
Carolyn predicting fireworks, the hair is standing on end on my arms. I only got 3 hours of sleep last week before I had to get up, I tried to stay up last night, but finally went to bed and got 4 hours of sleep before having to get up. I can't do this again. I have to get some sleep once in a while. If they get alcohol before 10 bbt, I'm a goner.
I was watching Project Runway and as one of their challenges they had to design an outfit for the Olympic athletes. One of the judges, Michael Kors said, "Olympic athletes are the closest thing we have to actual superheroes.) And IMO Phelps could easily be their king.
and USA!!!
You make me blush, Rhonda, but you know........a single operation could fix that *problem*. mmhmm.
Sorry Carolyn, I forgot about the time delay for the west coast. Zipping mouth.
alice - i'm with ya there, but shhh... ;)
CBS presents "Hour of Delusion" - with host April Dowling and sidekick Ollie.
Grendon said:
"She is mostly blind, terrible breath, but seems content..."
She sounds sooooo adorable, Grendon.
Also sounds like a few dates I've been on.
and don't forget Carolyn. She did mention she had given people things.
That's important -- it will make America love her even more!
Grendon, sounds like my place...have 3 real old cats (both my kids' cats passed last year at 17 & 18), parrot, puppy and koi pond...then of course my husband and my dad lives with us!! ;)
Yeah-It's finally starting. The poor me, I didn't do anything, it's all Keesha's fault because she is jealous of me.
Finally, the moment I have been waiting for all day.
"i haven't done anything, except wash dishes and bake cakes..."
Dang, we're not allowed to comment on the outcome of the swim meet, because of the delay in the broadcasts between east and west coasts.
Can I at least say Phelps always looks good in his suit?
lmfao @ hurl
Oh, poor me, April - it is all based on jealousy, not a good game player/competitor! Ollie really put it on the line - doesn't want a Showmance like James/Chelsea - there April he said it.
They were being fake with her - yep that was it. Ollie does seem to understand this game better than we thought.
Good grief! Give them the booze! 45 minutes to BBAD
And, don't forget April, you're prettier.
In fact, just ask Ollie. I would LOVE to have that repeated on the show again this week.
Phelps rocks!!!! but, am I the only one who thinks he could fit into the Manning (of football) family very easily? He looks like a Manning brother!
My daughter has three high school friends she graduated with on olympic teams (swimming, baseball, water polo) Kind of weird!
Carolyn said:
"i haven't done anything, except wash dishes and bake cakes..."
That's the strongest opinion I've heard from you(Carolyn) all season, I think.
Well, we wanted action tonight. Who knew it would be a puke fest between delusional and more delusional? huh?
Careful what we ask for.
April forgot to add "and win HOH to keep everyone safe." OMG she is too much.
You made me laugh out loud.
Sometimes you guys do that to me and I have to look over my shoulder to make sure no one saw.
I forget I'm in the room by myself. It must be because I hear people in the walls.
Blue1969, not as good as Kenny Chesney, just ask Gaytor.
Hey it's just a little after 8 their time, are they all going to bed early tonight?
Phelps does look great in his suit. He also has the longest arms I have ever seen! I am so happy I got to see him race this Olympics finally.
So I come back to the computer... and umm... why are all 4 feeds on the empty bathroom?
Is April for real?? I bet she was one of those kids who's parent was always insistant that they never did wrong even when they were caught red handed! UGGGGG!!! I guess mating like bunnies for all the world to see is nothing?!?
BTW what is up with Bob Costas' hair?
Talk about selective memory or is it just short term memory loss? April is delusional. If she is the one to go next and I hope she is, hopefully Libra will enlighten her.
Thanks Rhonda :)
Hey all, love to stay but got tons to do...
****HUGS**** to all and big smoochies to my (secret ;) Have a great evening and keep those HG in line!
Oh geeeze sorry...fell asleep cause:
IT'S SOOOOOOOOOOO BORING in the bb house tonite!!!!!!!!!!
Give em BOOZE immediately please!
Earlier today I was going to comment that no one seems to be using the yeast tank, I mean the hot tub this season.
I can only hope for April that she enjoys it as much as Sheila.
humm April you had surgery down there?? did America need toknow that lil tid bit
I didn't know there was an cat refuge in Eureka Springs. I love that place and have spent a lot of time in the Ozarks --It' so beautiful!
Did someone mention Peyton Manning?
(All 10 fingers tapping lips lightly)
Oh my. Is he here? Is he playing? Is he lurking about?
OH, it was Rhonda!:( I mean:)
Don't get me started on Peyton and his brother Eli. GORGEOUS!!!
Can someone else please wake up so we don't have to hear about April's surgery any more?
Please BB, play a wake up song or something. Turn on a siren. Please I am about to stick an icepick in my ear.
Nitey night, Rhonda.
Don't let the bed bugs bite....
But if they do........
Hit 'em with a shoe.......
So I can move in to chew.......
I only nibble, tho.:)
See ya, Hon.!
Way to turn a guy on, April. Keep talking about your a%^ surgery>
What the hell was she talking about? How did she get lacerations in her vagina?
i cant believe the convo april is having with ollie! this girl has more issues than sports illustrated. i hope her room is sequester is padded
It's not delusional...it's stuck between crazy and crazier :)
While we're on fishies I gotta try to think of a way to get back at ReporterX for earlier! HMMMM!
This may take some special planning, tho: call in the guys who cover-up the UFO evidence, chat with the people who have seen bigfoot, talk to Tom Clancy......I'll figure it out.:)
I'm cringing just thinking about it-that was not the vajayjay she was talkin' 'bout
April: "So what do you think about relationships? I haven't asked you in AWHILE."
Afraid Ollie may have changed his opinion about them after a couple of weeks with you, April?
Like now Ollie might say..."I'm against them"?
jane, dawlin, don't ask... hehe That was just ew.
Okay I think my last comment was skipped (maybe I said something I wasnt..??) But please.... Carolyn pass that barf bag... I really need to puke after hearing Aprils TMI!!
Seriously I was hoping for drama from her...not this!
I don't know what America needs to know, but I do! What kind of surgery did little miss perfect have? I heard about the life threatening tonsillectomy ... that other one. I missed it! I need gory details.
Oh thank goodness!!!
There IS life in the bb house!!
Learn something new every day.
I was so not aware that going to movies alone was a gay thing.
Thank you April for this very special educational episode of BB.
Alcohol !!!!!!!!!
We have BEER. Carolyn you are the guru. Now how am I going to get some sleep with the possibility of action.
The alcohol does cometh. Thank Goodness! Now give us something to watch!
April: "I go to a lot of movies by myself. I know that sounds really GAY, America, but I go a lot by myself."
Gay? Going to movies by yourself makes you gay? Damn. My Dad and brother are in a world of hurt!
What? WTF?
Did I hear that right? I'm confused. I'm gay, and I can honestly say, while I can't pinpoint any single reason WHY I am, I feel pretty safe in saying that going to movies by myself had NOTHING to do with it. Heard lots of theories in my 39 years, but that one is a first. Maybe I'm just mis-interpreting here.
Sounds *gay*? I don't get it.
Rosa - Yes, Eureka Springs is cool. The cat refuge is called Turpentine Creek. My sis worked 10-12 hr days and made $50/wk! It was called an "internship." She loved it though. They take in a lot of big cats from the places that close down due to mistreatment of animals. They're a good place.
i think she was talking about a different orafice. she said that she would hold "it" in forever becuz she didnt think girls were supposed to do that.
Wait, now going to movies is gay and April has her a$$ sewn up? And everyone is barfing? I'm so confused!
I do believe April is losing it.
I'm awake again... finally.
I'm not doing any Olympic Spoilers because of our Left Coast friends, but...
Does anyone else have goosebumps and tears rolling down their cheeks like I do?
OK, so much for my manly man week, but I'm one of those who can flip emotions and steel exterior in 1/100th of a second.
Today I am a very proud American. Really I always am, but this thing doesn't happen very often.
It seems April is worried that Ollie will take the fall for all the stuff April "didn't" (LOL) do in the house...I wonder if they will stage a fight and break it off before she leaves this week in order to save Ollie. One can only hope for such an event!!!
NO April please do not put your microphone back on. I've heard enough! Eeek!
Howdy all, hope y'all having a good Sat night. I've got my cigarillo's and a little cerveza to celebrate the weekend, Renny's HoH and Dan's PoV.
johnny5 said:
"i think she was talking about a different orafice. she said that she would hold "it" in forever becuz she didnt think girls were supposed to do that."
I sooooo can't go there:)bad thoughts, blue, bad thoughts.:p
jane - April had rectal surgery... not sure why cuz I ran to the bathroom. She stated that the anesthesia wore off and she came to on the table ass up... and now to local news...
blue- April is using teen language. Inappropriate and uninformed. What is interesting is that she thinks IT'S the reason America would consider her lame. Like we don't have dozens of other reasons.
I love that these ladies fill the wine glasses to the very top... it's should be interesting!!
Does anyone know why each beer is a different brand??
Last but not least... April is being way to nice trying to offer Strawberries for everyone.. fake much :) Too bad they still want you to go home !!
Blue, publishing in posts 2 or 3 back is my specialty. Should have seen me in the middle of the night last night/this morning. I know Carolyn posted the link to the newest top post just for me but without calling me out. I could blame it on the G&T but it happens way too often and when I am drinking nothing but diet cola.
The tongue comment, Blue... (yes I just caught up on afternoon posts... I want to finish that thought desperately but Carolyn would have to delete me.
*rolls eyes*
Ahhhh, that felt good. I've had these in for too long. I needed a fresh set.
Now to rush and read all the evening happenings to see what I missed. I might even make it back before Carolyn goes 'hoirizontal', but if she does maybe X will play with us for a bit.
OMG. I'm sorry, PhD or not, you don't need to be Freud to know this chick has had worse experiences than her tonsils out at 20. I mean it's a terrible thing to revel in, whatever kind of hideous abuse that girl suffered. But you don't get crazy like that from drinking out of public fountains (or whatever else she is neurotic about).
I almost feel guilty despising her.
Uh, oh. GayTor's back.
I have to behave now.
Okay, they got beer, but how much? Enough for a couple each? With these alkies that won't even make a dent. A drag queen can get more stoned from hairspray backstage at a gay pageant! I know, I've been there.
Ah back to deviled eggs. MMMmm
Left Coaster here! Yes we just saw 100 meter semi's and swimming still to come.
I agree, thank God I am American!
As for April...come girl..chug alug..and give me a good melt down..hee hee
Gaytor, glad to see you finally joining us.
You've missed the exciting conversation between April and Ollie. You would have had lots to comment about. April was just fascinating.
Gag, puck, spit, sorry I couldn't go on. I really am glad to see ya Gaytor, that is true.
OK -- Jane's last comment sums up the conversation totally and is also the funniest I have read all night.
I love this game!!!
So you swim/olympic fans....I'm gonna say that Canada FINALLY got some medals, 3 of them!! :)
Still commenting blindly... Michelle and her zit, UGH, but does anyone else think she looks so much more attractive with her hair straight? Someone, PLEASE, hide her curling iron.
Heh! I found something good to say about Michelle. Will wonders ever cease?
Don't expect me to say anything good about April though. It just ain't gonna happen.
Too bad they didn't sew up April's mouth instead of the other end! Good Lord!
I don't know how the movie/gay thing started but I go to the movies by myself all the time and I am not gay. My husband and I have two different ideas of what we want to see in a movie. He is into Jet Lee type things or Clint Eastwood, and I am more into girlie comedies.
Here we go, let it pour.
I find it so amazing how April has all of a sudden seperated herself from Ollie long enough to socialize with the other ladies.
Too late April, we know this is the fake side of you. Go back under the covers with Ollie where you have been for weeks. Oops, I forgot, I think Ollie is trying to distance himself from you. He's scared of the the remaining HG's taking out your MEMEME attitude oh him when you are gone.
Someone call the beotch out tonight please!! For kissing up and socializing only because she is on the block and Ollie is not up to snuggles.
WOOHOO! Still posting blindly.
The wine is a'flyin'.... Hope for a bumpy night. They need to give the BBAD people a good show. We haven't had one in a while.
Hey, Everyone!
You guys are really entertaining--thank you for keeping me from getting most of my "work" done today ;) It's way more fun to hang out lurking with you guys. I don't post often, but I read several times a day.
It is really interesting what a small world it is and how much we seem to have in common. Carolyn and Lee having the same birthday (even the same year) was a big coincidence and got me thinking.
However, all day today, I've been saying "me too!"
FIRST: I have a Ph.D. but didn't weigh in on the conversation. I didn't take offense by Jane's comments because I knew what Jane meant. It's like saying that a paralegal can do the same thing as an attorney. Jane knows the truth. We all work hard, but different degrees at different levels allow different doors to open for us. For someone who doesn't feel they can commit to a Ph.D. program, a Master's degree will open some similar doors. I could go on, but won't...
I just need to say to Jane that I love your comments. You are so insightful and have a wonderful way of expressing your thoughts.
SECOND: Rhonda, I gave MY dog a bath today. She is also about 75 pounds, but it is relatively easy to get her to accept it because she is a Golden Retriever and mostly likes water. It was likely A LOT easier for me, but funny that we both washed the dogs today :)
Just like Grendon's cat, my dog is old and has horrible breath. She is getting hard of hearing and is starting to have some hip trouble. Plus, the vet things she may have cancer. She has some lumps, but the only way to know if it is cancer is to operate and the surgery could end up killing her. As long as her quality of life is not suffering, we are not going to do surgery.
THIRD: Next, Rhonda has been talking about surgery and Grendon mentioned achilles tendon ripping. About one and a half years ago,I ripped my tendon while boogie boarding in Hawaii at Christmas time.
OK, everybody, all together now, "AWWWWWWW." That's right feel sorry for me.
But wait--it gets better. After I had surgery in Hawaii, I came home to NORTH DAKOTA on crutches in the snow and ice. I ended up on crutches for 9 weeks. My doc in ND didn't think it was necessary for that long, but the surgeon in HI had recommended it, so we went for it.
FOURTH: Someone mentioned the hot tub and I have been re-filling our hot tub, putting in chemicals to get the water balanced, etc.
Not only do you all entertain me--I keep finding commonalities with y'all!!
Carolyn, Reporter X, and crew: you guys are awesome! You hear it all the time, but I can't believe how much you make BB "real" for all of us.
I would love to have the live feeds, but know that I would never sleep and could not get anything done.
The other day, I was thinking: If I got the feeds, I could perch the laptop on a chair and watch feeds while ironing. I almost had myself talked into it thinking of all the things I could do while watching the feeds. MMMM hmmm...sure I would!!
Long enough already!
This comment has been removed by the author.
I miss your previous pic.I'm sorry I mentioned that the woman's elbow looked like a breast.I loved that picture. The woman seemed to have so much character.
OMG how boring are these HG"s!
On the deviled eggs... How many use sweet pickle relish and how many use dill? I think that might be one of the regional differences.
Charlie, where are you to give us insight on this food?
The dynamic eating disorder duo. That's a chop that is just begging to be made.
"I love the smell of bacon, but I won't eat it." "When I'm drunk I will eat the most disgusting things."
Where's Jerry?
LOL @ Renny "He's probably dead."
Genie, Didn't catch 'spent'? HA! So I'm a few hours late but I saw it, I just haven't commented on it yet. Maybe because I am too? :p~
ok...have been watching martian child. am back now, with bbad.
Wish you'd been here a little bit ago. I am sure you would have something good to say about April.
Well, not good 'about' her, but good for us to read about her.
Yes, Gaytor... Michelle looks better with her hair straight...in front of her face. :)
Michelle does look very nice with her hair straightened.
OK. That was catty... I repent!
sandy - thanks, I was just sharing some info - it got blown way out of proportion. But as an aside, MSW's can have therapy clients exactly like psychologists. It's not a paralegal/lawyer thing. It's apples to apples. I'm not making a judgment on that (I don't need any more scolding today), but this has been going on for about 10 years - it's the work of the insurance companies. You can pay MSW's less for the same 50 minute session.
Anyway, enough said. Thanks for the kind words.
I agree about Michelle's hair, as well. When it's curly it's too 80's for me!
Rosa, That is my favorite pic of my granny. She was 93 at the time, we live in St. Louis and she insisted that she come to my brother's wedding in San Diego. Then she proceeded to have a martini as big as her head and dance the night away until past midnight. It was so cool.
And yes she is quite a character. Her husband (my grandpa) passed away 3 years ago. She announced to us last year that she was moving her wedding ring to the other hand to signify she was "available" for suitors. God love her.
I have a wonder...I wonder why the live feeds go to fish, and BBAD does not.
RHONDA! Glad to see your post. Remember, we will all be thinking good thoughts for you. HUGZ!
Washing the dog... Reminds me of when we took Oscar for shots and a bath once. Was taking forever and we wanted our baby back 9 hours later. We called to see if he was ready. They told us he was still in the dryer. All we could do was imagine him tumbling around in a clothes dryer. Danny rushed up there and we got him before they even combed him out. In the DRYER indeed!
Gaytor you are so behind. (various puns intended).
AWESOME post, Sandi!!!!
That was good! And I couldn't agree more. I laugh so much out loud while visiting here I may need a hernia operation by the end of the season.
And Carolyn, RepX and Crew making it feel *real*......Yes! They do. They actually make us all feel like we are part of the show, even though we all know we are not. I can't begin to tell you how many times I have *talked* directly to the HG's both here in my comment posting, and at the screen. LOL
This is perfect. Give them alcohol and put four women who have had nothing good to say about each other in a room alone, while the guys chill by the pool. One wrong comment and fur will fly.
Hurry up, GayTor, catch up.
I'm not sure I like you *behind* me! hehehe
I hear April has given detail about a rectal surgery she had. Please do share (I mean a little). It explains A LOT about her!!!
Genie Sea - I like that hairstyle on Michelle too! You are funny! haha!
Gaytor - I use dill in my deviled eggs & also use dijon mustard.
My niece's in-law side of the family has a runner in the 100m running for Jamaica. It's been very exciting for us to anticipate his race.
It's time for me to pay attention to my 4-legged kid. That one glass of wine did me in. Thanks for sharing Alice. Gonna go watch BBAD!
Good night all my BB addict buddies!
Good night, Carolyn!
Good night, ReporterX!
bluex1969 said...
..... I'm glad it wasn't in the gravel, I'd have spent a week picking the rocks out of my bum.
You know I would have helped, and checked you for ticks at the same time. :p~
Keesha's wine glass is soooo full! Remember what happened last time Keesha...
I should talk. That's how I drink wine too.
You had just signed out this a.m. when i woke up.
It's been a very busy day and I have to wash 3 dogs tomorrow--so I will look forward to reading your Sat nite comments in the a.m.
Thanks to you all--blue,Genie,Alice, Jane, Julissa and all the others I'm forgetting
You kept me laughing today:D
Thank you Dish Chicks for your hospitality
I bow to you
Keesha's voice is getting higher. Uh Oh...if anything happens tonight, I think it may be towards Dan...Poor Dan.
:) We're calling it a night...
I'll be back in the morning with the overnight... Then I'm off to do more storm prep... and ReporterX will be here for the wake up. :)
Nite nite everyone.
Time to lay on couch and watch BBAD. Have fun! Thanks Carolyn and Reporter X! "See" ya tomorrow!
Nite nite all..
Hugs and Kissies
April, April, April - 'I just can't be fake'. Yeah, that's why you became Keesha's best friend the moment after you were put up on the block after not talking to her for a week and a half. She's friendlier to her right now than she was when they were in an alliance. I know she is just doing her a favor cuz Keesha is so jealous. With that big heart she just can't help it. I wonder what gift she is going to bribe her with?
Please make sure she is out Thursday!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Oh Keesha is starting to feel her wine.. her voice is getting very squeeky....oh bashing Libra time.. here we go
Gaytor, I'm in the northeast we use sweet relish, must be Hellmans real mayo, Colemans dry mustard,Lea & Perrins Worcestershire, Tobasco, pepper, a dash of lemon juice, and of course the eggs topped off with paprika and a slice of olive.
Damn, now I'm hungry and the cupboard is bare, too busy watching BB feeds and Olympics last 24hrs to go to store.
by the way I know noni in NJ, we are grandparents in law.
Van in Jersey
Good evening everyone,
So now April and Keesha don't know how they ended up with Libra in their group? They got along just fine until she did this, that and the other? Is this some strategy = let's talk crap about Libra to show how much we all have in common? So funny how everybody is playing along - yeah Keesha, nobody remembers you screaming about how much you can't stand April. She's gone guys, please let it go. Uugh - it doesn't usually becoming this boring until there are 2 or 3 people in the house. Could we just cut to the end please? Upshot...I can watch the Olympics without fear of missing something on BBAD.
Give these girls some alcohol and they can't shut up now.
I am so over the Libra Feast!! Why are they still blaming everything on Libra? I guess they hate it that Libra figured them all out. Ollie, April, Jessie and Michelle did have an alliance. And now they are sitting there like Libra lied about it. Keesha did get Michelle's beloved Jessie out. And thursday when April is voted out April/Ollie will see Libra was not the threat! But if Jerry goes Renny will also see! Michelle/Renny are both so fake they absolutely iritate me!!
gossip girl hell. of course, i'm surprised jerry isn't gossipping away with them. april and keesha are more alike than they will admit.
Sorry if someone said this or I'm off-topic or the pov ceremony already happened (it's late, I'm tired but just got here....) but what if Dan chooses to use the pov to save Jerry to show the power of forgiveness and teach Jerry a lesson? Can't you just see Dan doing it? I mean, what an opportunity to live your faith?
oh, I have so much to say and I know I'll leave most of it out. In accounting terms, my inventory is FIFO. In laymen terms my mind is like a sieve. (isn't that the one where everything falls through and leaves quickly? I don't want to go to M-W.com.)
I think Carolyn and X do this too me intentionally. They always go away just as I come alive. :p~ But they don't skeere me so come sit on.. errr.. next to me blue, and I'll protect you from the Big Bad X.
Loved all your comments this afternoon and tonight. I can't possibly shout out to each of you individually, so CHEERS to all of you. I've laughed uncontrollably reading tonight.
There are a few things I will comment on and here they are:
So April had butt surgery. First thing I thought of was venereal warts. Either part down there is susceptible.
Re; April's 'so gay' comment. I nearly went through the monitor at her. Even more reason to dislike her. I've heard others from past seasons, and from here and there use it, but I can't name them because those types get on my bad side, and once there they are forgotten and never get back on my good side. I never go to movies alone. Does that make me UN-gay? Yea right. Oh I could say so much more but I would rather bite Blue's tongue that speak ill of anyone. >;)
Yay for flowing wine. I expect it to start any moment now, unless A/O continue to hide from the others. Even then, I think it will happen. Maybe I should DEMAND it... Just call me DeManda.
What are we watching tonight? BB or Battle of the Sexes. All the males were outside and all the females inside. Not that I object to all male hot tub moments, but I want to see GAME!
Jerry on slop for 20whatever days? I don't feel sorry for him at all. It's full of all the nutrients, and with all the CONDOMents they are allowed with slop I am sure it can be very tasty.
Again, loved all the fun comments today. Wish I had been here earlier but a GaYToR goes into corpse mode when he gets in his coffin. In that sense only I am reminded of the song "They Only Come Out at Night"... the ONLY sense of that phrase because as you all know I am completely out all of the time.
NO! Not out of my mind you evil thinkers. Well, OK, I am out of my mind all the time, but would anyone here want me any other way?
Goodnight all, since the bosses shut us down. I'll only comment if there is a big fight or change of plans are brewing for the week.
CAROLYN! Be Safe! Get the heck off that island, before the traffic starts and it takes 12 hours. I know you have a laptop... Have laptop, will travel.
Everyone else in the way of Fay, same thing, although I still don't trust the forecasts. She has been moving due west at 14 to 16 mph. We know they slow down, and basically stop before any directional changes.
HUGZ all!
Van in Jersey, I would tell everyone my recipe but then I would have to track down each one of you and kill you. All my recipes are secret... actually they are secret because I never measure anything, I just add and mix 'til something tastes/looks right.
I will say my deviled eggs are requested at most functions. So is my cornbread sage dressing.
And my Death by Chocolate cake. That is the one thing I do exactly by the recipe... The one I use is in the "Gay of Cooking" cookbook. I'm sure most of you have never seen that but it is a great one, and also very very funny.
OK. g'night again.
April: I haven't done anything.. except wash dishes and bake cakes for people...
Yeah April... okay.... we believe you... o_O
April is outside all alone in the hammock...Ollie went outside check the washer n dryer but I don't know why he didn't go to April and comfort her...She is all alone. Is she pregnant cause she missed her period and then she only drank white wine with sprite...very lite drinker. Is this why Ollie is acting strange???
Annyonomous 37
pictures would be better without bbdish all over them
I couldn't quite hear all the "weird" things they were saying Dan did. I'd love to have a transcript. Maybe my Dishchicks can give me the dish on that ... I hope, lol.
So, does anyone know why singing is not allowed in the bb house????????
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