Pandemonium in the BB10 House
9:30pm BBT
The HGs have consumed a couple bottles of wine and some beer, and after a 30 minute love fest, everyone goes off in their separate corners, and all hell breaks loose!
- Ollie & Libra are in storage having it out.
- Memphis and Michelle are conspiring in the HOH
- Sounds like Jerry and Dan are about to fight.
- April & Keesha are fighting in the the spa..
Michelle has now moved down to the bathroom with Dan...Michelle is crying.
Pick a feed, any feed. There is way too much going on right now! This is much better seen than read. Spark up the feeds, NOW.
10:00pm BBT
Keesha & April

April & Keesha had it out over alliances, the vote for Jessie, and Libra.
Keesha: I was told the first day I won HOH to take Angie out. April you know Angie was not after me.
April: She was after LIBRA, SHE WASN'T AFTER ME!
Keesha: Why would I do what I did? If it wasn't for an alliance.
April: I was not after Angie. Angie was not after me.
Keesha: You said..this is what did it for me..the turning point in my mind...I was told you said, Is Keesha in there with Memphis?
April: you and I already talked that out.
Keesha: You said, "What is she doing in there with Memphis, don't think I won't put her up in a heartbeat!"
April: Will you listen to me?? I had the option to use the POV. Jerry asked me..If I really wanted to put you up I would have..ask him..bring him in here..Do you think I'd be a hypocrite? Why would I be mad at you for Memphis when I'm so close to Ollie..
Keesha: I DONT KNOW!! I don't f-ing know..
April: You need to stop and take a couple steps back..
Keesha: Do you not make mistakes in this game?
April: I HAVE! But I have never ever turned on a word that I said I wouldn't..NEVER EVER..Never once!
Keesha: I thought I was going out the door and you didn't give two sh*ts about it. You can go say whatever you want. I was told you Ollie, Jessie, and Michelle had an alliance.
April: Yeah I heard it too..
Keesha: I don't care what b*tch says sh*t in this house, that was pounded in my head you 4 were in an alliance. Why do you think shes so scared out there right now.
April: Ollie & I were so shocked....We were like what the f*ck?? Even Michelle knew about us core four..she knew about us..If it wasn't for Libra running in there every time..
Keesha: I don't care to f-ing sell her out but she keeps saying don't sell me out..please don't turn your back..She told me get her..Get her..If you stay in this house..get her..
***There's a whole lot to be filled in here, but it's more important we let you know that everything is still going strong and intensifying on the feeds... As of 10:30pm BBT, the fighting has come up to HoH, and Keesha is getting into it with Libra, in front of Michelle and April.
While Libra was downstairs getting to work on mending some fences, others have been working on her demise...

HoH Room
10:30pm BBT
Michelle, Keesha, Libra, April
Everyone's going nuts... Libra is the target... and she's dead center of everyone's sights, most notably, Keesha's.
Libra: We can talk semantics Michelle but everyone in this house talks about everyone else. It's a f-ng game!
Michelle: To talk about people!? Telling lies !?
Libra: No, hold on! Not no f-ing LIES! But people are gonna say sh*t in this house about one another..That's what I'm saying.
Michelle: I really think there's people in this house that say things..
April: They instigate.
Michelle: But I don't think people are talking about each other unless other people are making up sh*t, talking sh*t..
Libra: I got sh*t made up on me..Period..I got stuff made up on me and if we want to go there we can..since we are all sitting here.
Michelle: Let's go!
Libra: I just talked to Ollie..apparently I was the one that got all the votes together to get Jessie out. Me? Not..
Libra: Hold on! wait a minute..I didn't say that..I didn't say I got everybody together..
Michelle: YOU SAT RIGHT HERE AND TOLD ME... You said you found out Jessie wanted to go after you. That you did what you did and I'm next..
Libra: No..No..I put my vote in..I wasn't the one that all four votes together. I did not get all four votes together. I did not..I did not go rallying up votes.
Michelle: You told me thats why..You told me you found out Jessie was coming after you..I was next..that's why Angie went..YOU found out Angie was after you.
Libra: NO NO NO!
Libra: What I told you was I found out Jessie was after me..Then I found out the votes were there...I voted the way I did..
Michelle: The votes came to you? You didn't come to the votes?
Libra: The votes came to me.
Michelle: Ok..
April: And Angie?
Michelle: Yeah what about Angie?
Libra: I didn't put Angie up. She wasn't coming after me.
Keesha: I did..I was told she was coming after me..I will take full blame for Angie.
Michelle: You sat right there and told me Angie was coming after you..
Libra: She wasn't..I wasn't..she was coming after us. All of us..
Keesha: SHE was coming after you and April!!! and you guys were my alliance and I f-ing protected you..
April: Who was she after Keesha?
Keesha: You said Libra.
Yelling and fighting like this goes on...finger pointing from all..
10:40pm BBT
Target practice gets moved across the room, and April's the new bullseye. Keesha calls April out for never taking responsibility for any of her actions. Keesha's pointing her finger in so many directions right now, she may well regret it come voting time.
Keesha storms out of the room. April seizes the opportunity to push for Keesha's eviction with Michelle.
10:47pm BBT
Keesha runs outside. Renny tells her it was a recipe for failure. Keesha doesn't even want to talk to Renny. She goes back inside, and Michelle tries calming her down in the living room. Keesha is completely losing it, yelling at Michelle now.
Meanwhile, upstairs, Libra is trying to work April.
10:48pm BBT
Keesha and Michelle move it into the Hippie Room. Keesha's in tears... and yelling...
Keesha: I'm f'in crazy right now, and I'm like really? Really? Is money worth this to me? I am not this person. i am not this crazy f'in person. i can't do this. It's not me. I wish I got to know you a lot sooner than I did, but I didn't, and I'm stuck between the two insane people.
Michelle: I'm still here.
Keesha: I know.. I think you are a genuinely good person, and I look for that in people... and my gut tells me that about you. Don't let that f'in b*tch sit up there and lie to you... I'm just having a really hard time.. She never admits to anything (April). At least Libra admits to what she does. Why are we getting blamed for what she did?
Michelle: Like I said, if there were more chairs, there'd be more nominees.
10:54pm BBT
Michelle needs air. SHe goes outside to the red couch, arranges the pillows just so, gets beneath them and has a good cry. Then a good scream...
Michelle: F*CK all You MotherF'ers! You think I'm gonna get blamed for all of your decisions?! F*ck You!!!
Michelle runs back inside... comes up to the HoH landing.. again with the pillows... she tears them all off the couch on the hoh landing and yells some more.
Michelle: I did nothing but get screwed here.
Inside the HoH room, Libra says, "And this is why they don't give us alcohol."

10:57pm BBT
Keesha, Memphis, Jerry
(Jerry and Memphis might as well be invisible the first couple minutes)
Keesha: It's not worth it to me. I don't treat people like this. If anybody wants the money, take the money! I am between Libra and April, and they're both nuts. I don't care. I wanna go home to my boyfriend... F--- I look so stupid right now.
From across the yard, Jerry tells her to get it out. He praises her for not keeping her emotions bottled up. Keesha rails on a bit more about April, and Jerry tells her not to worry, that he "controls the vote."
I've said it before. I'll say it again. Spark up the feeds, folks. No matter how fast we all type, it's just not the same as seeing it on the live feeds.
11:03pm BBT
Jerry, Keesha, Memphis
Keesha tells Jerry that April hates him

Libra goes to the HoH Room to talk to her.
They've all lost their minds. Each and every one of them.
If I don't take a break from trying to transcribe 4 feeds at the same time, I will join them very soon.
11:08pm BBT
Michelle is in a full rage, but she's insisting she's quite calm.. I've seen calmer nuclear explosions.

11:20pm BBT
Michelle's still on a rampage. She and Libra are having the shouting match of the BB century. One by one, the room clears out until all but April have left the 2 of them to their fight... and it's a doozy.
Libra's now the 3rd person to say she wants out of the house tonight. Keesha and Michelle were the 1st 2.
Libra gets April to admit that she was not responsible for getting rid of Angie, then Libra goes on a Keesha rant.
Libra: (to April) If you don't f'in vote me out, I'll never speak to you again.
The living room fight dissipates, and Libra asks April if she wants to talk to her before she leaves... They head to the Storage Room..
11:30pm BBT
Storage Room
April & Libra
April: Keesha just called me a liar... Ollie was f'in sitting up there and he can't even have my back.
Libra: I'm the mastermind when there's 7 people up there?!
Libra's working for the only vote she doesn't need to work for...
11:32pm BBT
Michelle, Renny, Jerry
Michelle continues ranting...
11:35pm BBT
Keesha comes out to the backyard to talk to Michelle and tells her she was never going out, she was never her target.
Michelle: You are staying whether you f'ing like it or not.
Keesha: Her and I will probably never speak again, me and April will probably never speak again, me and Libra will probably never speak again... You, I have no problem with...
Michelle is now calming Keesha... It's like a ping pong game of emotional breakdowns tonight... and there are 5 balls in play.
11:39pm BBT
Michelle and Keesha move back up to HoH, tears a flowing.
Libra and April are still in the Storage Room.
Michelle: First of all, you're not leaving. 2nd, you don't think I realize what f'in' Libra's trying to do right now. It gets crazy and personal for me when someone tries to do that to someone else.
Keesha: The thing is, I cam ein here to win 500,000 dollars, like we all did. Do I think it's worth it now? No. These people are f'ing evil. I'm the one who has to go to bed with myself at night...
Keesha resumes her April rant.
11:44pm BBT
Around the house...
- Renny comes into HoH bearing flowers... Ahh, mama Renny. She comes, she soothes, she leaves. Michelle and Keesha continue the April bash.
- Meanwhile in the Storage Room, Libra is still working in April.
- In the backyard, Memphis sittingin the jacuzzi talking to Jerry... They're making progress, and Memphis is subtly working for Keesha...
Just in time for complete and total mayhem in the BB House, real has just released a new discount code for new customers, good for $2 off Superpass for life! Here's the link that'll get you 2 weeks free and the BB10 live feeds for only 12.99 a month: Click it!
The code is already filled in for your convenience, but just in case, here ya go: "BB10E0826"
These people are amazing...They can get all offended at what people say, even when it is supposed to be positive.
Seriously! My husband has the computer.... I MUST get it back from him. My itouch won't let me use realplayer, buri can read the dish whenever I am around wi go :-)
There should be a countdown starting for the impending confrontation between Libra and Keesha.
It's fixing to drop in the BB house. Nuclear explosion I fear....
Run for the hills!!!
Wow... blonde cat fight!!!! I can not hear the single feed of Michelle and Dan because of K/A screaming in the back ground!!
Inside voices kids!!!
It's official. I lost any inkling of liking Libra that I may have fleetingly had.
And Keesha... go to bed.
Where is Renny? Bed, right?
Oh man, this is good. More feasts BB!!
I want to see this whole let's confront April and Ollie thing go down... and then there's the Libra/Keesha/April fight, too! Oh excitement! Good thing I have off tomorrow!!
I want this to happen in front of everybody! I want Keesha to tell her lies in front of everybody.
Renny also told Keesha that April said she'd put Keesha's ass on the block because she was talking to Memphis.
OMG...I don't remember a more exciting night than tonight. Yes, the other fight was great, but tonight can change the game! Again! This is a great mix of people! I'm loving's gonna be a long night!
I got BBAD on, and the feeds! I'm watching the opposite on the feeds, and will go back and watch BBAD later. Don't want to miss anything!
LOL Keesha is so wasted!
I agree, thatdudeswife...a Keesha/Libra will explode anytime now...
Honestly........where do they find these people?
so..if dan, renny, memphis and michelle will stay out of the drama and form an alliance....this could be good.
Ollie is being fed by Libra...
April is being fed by Keesha...
Ollie and April disagreement to begin soon. *rubs hands together deliciously*
Keesha is like girls that used to get dumped on me at parties. The sloppy drunk. Here watch this chick. Then they just go on and on and on about the same thing.
April and Keesha who is a bigger victim? And a hug at the end.
Please stop the madness! I hope this is not unprintable.
With all the love and the fighting and the making up and the tears and the passion (and that is only in the spa room)-well to put it bluntly, I think April and Keesha may be having make up sex tonight.
Since there is no sleeping permitted in the living room, I guess Ollie will be bunking with Renny and new BFF Libra.
Oy Vey
So much for that beatiful dinner "lovefest" talk! Where's Jerry?
Man, I wish Keesha would confront Libra because Keesha's so drunk and Libra's not, and I want to hear Keesha try to lie her way out of this in front of everybody.
I can't even listen to April, she is so self righteous! Poor Dan!
libra is such a liar omg she needs to go
Did Libra Really say that about the Designer clothes??
simply sam
I have been watching that as well. Have you noticed how many times today April has corrected Ollie? Perhaps her OCD is kicking into over drive. She's too controlling of a person to not be head of a relationship. If Ollie's any kind of man I know, that is going to get old quick.
Just seasoning for the stew....
Where is Jerry? Are he and Renny in Ollie and Aprils bed? Please say it aint so
I was wondering when Libra would sell Keesha out!!!
oh lets see how libra gets out of this one...more lies and i didn't
Let the alcohol flow!
Goodnight all, I'm out for tonight.
Here it comes.....
whatupkaysar: it is hilarious how we can all watch this stuff and come out with a different reality! I guess that is why BB is so addictive.
I see Keesha as a manipulative drunk weasel at the moment. but drunkedly playing the game. But, I don't see Libra as being a bigger liar than anyone else in this house.
She's right, she is the fall guy this week.
OH my GOODNESS!! The hamsters are giving us a good show tonight on the feeds and BBAD!!
Libra just came up to the HOH with all HENS!! It's going to get heated up!!
Memphis is so damn cute! I can't stop laughing.
omg libra you just told ollie it was making you sick and made reference to the clothes with him... joking NOT she is truly a snake and will lie about everything
This is great stuff. This is my second year with the live feeds. You can't write a script this good.
I feel so bad for BB lovers who just watch it on television. Except for eviction day, my eyes and ears are on the live feeds.
Wait until Ollie tells April about his and Libra's conversation. Come on Keesha, let it rip. Here we go Disher's.
Woo Hoo........fight time
Ooohh Here it goes!
I dislike Libra but let's all be honest here. Getting Jessie out was all Keesha's plan and now she's freaking out because it's coming out!
sherry did you listen to her talk to ollie... she said it was making her sick and made clothes references and now she is claiming it was a joke pllllsss
Dear sweet lord-4 chicks that all secretly (and I say secretly with a touch of sarcasm) despise each other and up until about 2 seconds ago Michelle was the only one staying calm and making sense.
Can you feel the love tonight...
Oops, sorry. I forgot we aren't allowed to sing.
The guys better form a alliance and take Renny with them and cut their loses now. These women so deserve each other.
I think I finally understand the term canniption fit!!
Ok I love Keesha but she is totally lying right now. SHE was the one determined to get Angie out. It wasn't April & Libra, it was all Keesha! These people! Acting like such fools after a couple drinks, LOL wow!
I thought i was the only one who noticed how cold April was around the table, while everyone was shedding a tear, she just sat there.
Keesha will never listen.....she always manages to bring every subject back to her. She is such a victim. And what an annoying voice...........I was always a Keesha fan......These girls are drunk idiots...........Michelle is a liar too......about the banner.
Holy shite!! Cat fight in the HoH room. The girls are all out after one another.
This could be a llooonnnggg night.
And seriously Michelle needs to lose the banner story. It's gotten way old!
Bring it on girls, bring it on. This is not going to be pretty.
Wow. HOH is a catfight right now. Sheez. And Keesha can NOT handle alcohol.
Keesha shouldn't get drunk. She's digging herself a hole right now. She's going to be voted out if she continues like this
LMAO at keesha pretending to be april right in front of her!!!
i love keesha but she is kind of making a fool of herself tonight. stay away from the beer honey!!
God I love this game! LOL This Game! This house! These people! Love them all! LOL
thank god im gay is all i gotta say
Ohhhh... the missile is pointed at April now.
hmm... I wonder if they'll have voices come tomorrow...
Renny, if you really love Keesha get her out of HOH, tuck her in, put a bucket by her bed and make sure she doesn't talk anymore. If you don't want to do that then hand her a shovel. She's digging her own grave right now.
If anybody in that house wants Keesha out they should sacrifice their alcohol to her and watch her self-destruct. She is painful to listen to.
I can not believe how fast Keesha is digging her own grave.
Libra is playing it really smart and letting her do it!
*Keesha learn to zip it...and back away from the beer!!!! I want you to stay in the house and at the rate you are going you are heading home.
I can't keep up - these ladies are having such a fit.
Holy smokes. What a freak show.
Such a rat-maze... with no ending right now!
They should just tell Keesha to go to bed, she's had enough for the night.... Emotional Drunk Alert.
keesha...please be quiet!
I hope they show it this way on Tuesday's show, quad screen LOL, one of them on each screen. This is so funny. I almost canceled after my two week trial and I almost went to bed when I got home from work at midnight, glad that didn't happen.
It takes far less on the UK version for someone to self eject themselves.
I love Keesah but that voice is driving me up the wall. She won't let anyone else get a word in edgewise. I WISH one of them would point out to Michelle that APRIL is the one who put Jessie on the block and then kept him on the block, when she gave her word to keep him safe. April needs to be on the block!
I hope Kesha and Mecheal can talk with out april and libra
wow i like this this whole thing could be well
Go M and K and brang Dan and Mem to you and lets make a good finel 4
Gotta love drunk HGs :D
And the Emmy goes to:
Libra, Keesha or April?
lol i dont think i can listen to keesha's drunk ranting. she's making such a fool of herself, its so hard to watch!
night folks!
Keesha, as drunk and hysterical as she may be, is right.
Libra has the balls to admit to what she has done, April denies everything and is not held accountable for zip.
I'd be saying the same thing too.
Michelle really needs to listen!!
Good lord!!!!!!! This bunch is so dramatic! I thought last season houseguests were dramatic but this group! Have mercy!!!!!
Will somebody PLEASE get April out of the house??? She gets on my nerves so badly.
I like Keesha though... pointing out all the b/s people are trying to pull on each other. lol.
Dan the man!!! I hope him, Memphis and Keesha make it to final 3. It's unlikely, but one can hope. lol
And Renny is playing a smart move right now. She's not getting in the middle of any of this. Trying to keep the target off her back. Real smart. Unlike Jerry, who by some mericle got POV twice. He's not good in physical competitions so I wouldn't be pushing any buttons there buddy.
But okay, that's all I have to say for now. lol
HAHAHAHAH! Michelle made herself a pillow fort... oh man totally cracking me up!
Start operation backdoor APRIL...
Come on Michelle, you ARE smart. Take her out.
Libra has to go! I can't believe how she's working April. She will win this game if they let her get any further.
Wow all the emotions of the HG's are really getting me worked up. I am so into this game! I love it.
April needs to go to anti greed school.
Keesha needs AA
Michelle needs Anger Mgt training
oh Keesha go to bed....
And now Michelle has a fit and hides in the pillows after her rant??? WTH???
I love this stuff! As sick as that is, I love this stuff!
these wacky women are giving me a headache and giving our gender a bad rep! where's the advil?
Are these actions the start of Michelle realizing April being put up is a good option? I like how Keesha is talking to Jerry. Is she trying to plant something in Michelle and his head???
Michelle: "Don't tell me who should be put up -- that's MY f'n decision!"
Good for you, Michelle! Finally an HoH with some brains and backbone.
Honestly........Libra is precious...her trying to calm down Michelle........Michelle is out of
Keesha is on a rampage about April... after she was hugging April an hour ago and telling her she always liked her... and how she hates Libra.. but now she hates libra but is ok with the fact that Libra owns up to her stuff and she hates april because she blames everyone else... WHAT A WHIRLWIND...I'm afraid to blink or I'll miss something and be lost!
Oh unholy mayhem!
Oh raging women!
Oh wicked alcohol!
Crawfish anyone?
These Poeple are F**king Crazy. This stuff is funny.
ReporterX LOL
Take a breath hon, flex those fingers. You can only do so much and telling them to put on the feeds is probably the best idea.
Loving Libra's comments about the alcohol. :)
Are you firing up your Java? I know you don't want to miss all nighter, teehee
I must have been on the wrong feed, what the heck set off Michelle? And where is Renny hiding? lmaoo
Has Michelle convinced herself that the banner was real and said what she says it did? She knows the truth, right?
Can anyone say PMS and alchohol do not mix
I quote Michelle ; "Woowh-a"
Everyone needs a time out and go to their corners....
Let's give credit to Carolyns Magic ball when she predicted that WW3 will erupt with the HG's once the alcohol flowed....
I need to get the feeds, this isn't stopping anytime soon...
Does anyone know what exactly started all this?
I lost them along time ago folks..Carolyn took over..Oh my oh head is spinning...
Bed Keesha!!! BED BED BED!!!!!!!
Oh Carolyn aren't you glad you stayed up for this!!!! :)
HOLY CRAP! These people would win the gold medal if the olympics had "bitchfest" as a sport.
reporterx: <--scared LOL..getting my pillows LOL
I need a pillow fort!! LOL
Notice how not a person (other than Libra) is silent. Fear of the wrath of Michelle.
ME! I! ME! I! ME! I!
Good gawd! Can we have an all male big brother, please?!
amazing how libra an never recall any conversations that would require her to look bad....
holy moly
Anybody want cake?
(is it too soon? ;-)
This is ironic. I think the heart of the war is a guilt trip. They're all trying to rationalize what they've done (lied, manipulated, etc.). Note how michelle keeps bringing up the banner ... because she knows she lied about it. The men for the most part are playing it very smart, keeping quiet.
this started from the paranoia from seeing Ollie and Libra go off to talk by themselves...and the rest is history as they say...
What started it? Alcohol with little food..
I'm sitting here typing away everyone's saying nice stuff to each other enjoying a fest..then WAM..HG's split up... feeds split..all at once..all hell breaks loose in every corner...
Oh my god.
I can't believe my neighbors aren't calling the police and reporting a brawl here in my apartment, what with all the yelling and screaming.
Libra and her talk about being the fall guy...
Michelle and her banner...
April and her good heart...
Keesha and her honor...
I'm sick of all of them!
Nice, both nominees are asking to be sent home LOL
Reporter X
LMAO @ pillows!! I need 2 Advil. I have to piddle so bad and do not want to leave my laptop (guess I can carry it to the potty) I would crank up the volume but I think the neighbors may call the cops and think I am chasing my hubby with a frying pan screaming. Has anyone found poor Renny yet? Is she hiding under the bed?
Michelle so does not make sense. Ha, Ollie and Dan went to hide too.
Going to be a lot of moans and groans when they hear Wakey Wakey in the morning.
Why is Keesha hiding in DR? She is getting mowed down by Libra and April.
man this hasnt stoped all night i dont think im sleeping soon lol
wow wow wow i think that this could wind up burying libra
I don't know if it's good for my health to be watching this.
I do think Michelle has talked herself into believing the banner is real.
I also think if it was an all male BB and there weren't women there to get hysterical everyone would be dead. Men alone would never have thee hour screaming, they'd just kill each other. Thank god for screaming women.
Hopefully I won't have a brain hemorrhage listening.
Is Libra gonna DOR????
HAHAHAH @ dan hiding in the shower just flat out standing there...
i almost with michelle and libra and april and keesha would duke it out. what is happening to me?
I think I just heard Libra say "You had better vote me out or I'll never speak to you again!"
Really? Now it looks like Keesha and Libra are fighting to get voted OUT, not kept IN....
Craaaaaaaaaazy people....
Dan's hiding in the shower, Ollie's hiding in the bedroom. TOO funny!!
But they're all listening.
you know, with all the rich food and BB doles of alcohol, I don't think this is drunkeness any longer.
Probably just the catapult to unleash everything that's been building.
Carolyn, God love you. I don't know how you're keeping up with this. I'm taking excedrin now. Want some? I know these are the moments we live for - but geesh - has there ever been a bigger explosion than this in BB history?
Carolyn is going to need ice packs for her hands.
LMAO! Is Dan hiding in the shower???? I'm gonna pee my pants!
The last fight was just a little baby sparkler... this one? Nuclear!
We are getting our moneys worth today!
Libra: (to April) If you don't f'in vote me out, I'll never speak to you again.
Um...okay is this a threat or a ingenious way of Libra keeping herself in the house?
It is amazing to me... all of them lie so much, that they now believe their own lies.....
steshaluna... mine too. LOL. My neighbors probably all have their elephant ears on and I'm gonna REALLY pee my pants if the police come knocking on my door.
do you guys see how april is interjecting JUST to talk about herself and poor her poor her.. IM GOING MORE INSANE THAN KEESHA RIGHT NOW.
I HATE--- HAAAAAAAAAAAATE april/ollie god help me
the end
Xanex for everybody!!!! :)
Think anyone will push the panic button?
This is exactly why you never have an all girl alliance.. it never works! It's high school! I look at April and all she reminds me of is the movie "Mean Girls".
Keesha should still be safe. They won't vote to keep Libra. They don't like her hair.
Anyone interested in pitching in for a voice recognition program for Carolyn? Then she can save her hands for pulling her hair out or covering her ears! (or pouring herself a drink for nights like this!)
I love the way Libra fights because she keeps her head and remembers what she has said and is being said in the fight. She is telling the facts but Michelle can't hear her.
I never got this talent down. I never learned to fight like this.
You're f'ing staying here whether you like it or not....priceless!!!
So there!
At this rate Gaytor will be home and ticked he missed all this...but he'll be happy, we're all still here!! :)
DIANE :) Done... over a half hour ago. Maybe that's why I am not close to a heart attack right now. LOL.
Michelle NEEDS to get the big picture... hopefully she stews tonight on the "crazy" and "crazier" analogy Keesha gave her earlier.
*keeps fingers crossed* Operation backdoor April b*tches!!! It's so obvious! GAH!
oh, Anonymous at 11:32, that is sad.....
Wanna bet the last thing these gals do is blame the whole evening fight on the boys?
So Keesha is being forced to stay while Libra will be allowed to talk to April. At least as of now.
you guys are cracking me up! i can see the headlines now.....police called in nationwide outbursts!
AWWWWW and Jerry and Memphis are bonding in the backyard.
I'm not sure what's better, the arguing in the house or the comments here. I am laughing so hard my kids think I have officially lost it. Entirely!!
(might be cause I have earphones on so they can't hear the f bombs blowing up)
The funniest part of all this is that Memphis and Jerry are getting along right now.
Prozac,klonopin,xanax? LOL
I love how the most civilized conversation right now is between Memphis and Jerry.
The funniest part now is when the cameras switch to Jerry and Memphis in the back yard talking calmly. Bet no one ever saw that coming.
I hate April.
I don't know what else to say, I'm so overwhelmed.
Everyone in the house is crazy!!! I want Memphis to come out in 3rd place, Dan in 2nd & Renny the winner! They are the only sane ones I think!!!
Everyone in the house is crazy!!! I want Memphis to come out in 3rd place, Dan in 2nd & Renny the winner! They are the only sane ones I think!!!
Next season, they need to let America control each eviction, but let the house guests think it's a normal game and they are in fact voting. They'd never know who voted for who! It'd be gooooood tv.
I've already tried alcohol and ice cream. My nerves are still a wreck.
Yay... an Ollie/Renny feed. Jerry/Ollie is even fine.
Michelle's voice is making me get a massive, instant, grey streak like Nancy in Nightmare on Elm Street.
I can feel them springing out of my head and I can't walk away! BB can I have some hair color please?
GayTor - WHere the heck are you???
Ok- I don't care for Libra, but.... listening to her- she's not lying. Keesha is sitting up in HOH with Michelle saying that she NEVER said Angie was coming after her? Keesha's good... real good. Keesha rallied the votes against Jessie...
I mean... I don't know. I'm hearing everything and Keesha is truly lying... I mean am I the only one hearing this?
Holy cow!
I now have the second headache of my life and the first one was from Jose Quervo.
I think Michelle forgot her meds today. Hopefully she won't have a voice tomorrow. Is this a delayed reaction to Jessie leaving? If she hadn't spent so much time with Jessie and completely ignored everyone else, she wouldn't be alone now. Actions, actions, actions!
Jane - will you start to do psych evals for BB next season?
I can't believe this and I can't turn it off.
They're all lying.
It's Big Brother.
I love Renny
I'm too old for the bull sh*t LMAO
I'm very surprised Jerry didn't get into with any of them. (good boy!!, that will help me like you again) your idea about america evicting.
ReporterX - don't go toidy with the laptop - been there. Bad results - I'll spare ya the details!
At this point the bottle of Grey Goose that's been in my freezer for 4 years is looking mighty good.
Think I'm going to fix a stiff one and head to bed (hoping to avoid the need to turn my laptop back on.)
Nite nite and god bless to all. Hope we can wakey wakey more easily (and minus the 'oh sh!t' moment) than the HGs will!!
Sweet dreams....
So help me God, if April gets HOH next, I'm going to die.
Lies, Lies, Lies! LOL... BB, thank you! Ugh I'm sitting watching live internet feed on a Saturday Night... hahahaha! :)
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was awesome..Michelle is crazzzzyyyyy..I'm so serious dude this chick totally needs the producers to watch her and make sure she doesn't hurt anybody...
Is anyone else as amused as I am seeing big, buffed Ollie in a princess bed?
Awwww. *more snorts* Nowhere else but BB. ;)
I'm back for more! I just cannot stand April! "I'm getting Keesha out next week, it's done." AHHH! I realllllly hope she does not win HOH and gets put on the block, PLLLEASE BB Gods, take her off her pedestal!!
Come on Jerry - use the POV and then Michelle needs to get her head out of her butt and get April OUT! She's SO cocky right now, how can Michelle not see this?!
I'm completely amused that the fight was sooo quick and so large..BB didn't have time to clean up the Lobster Feast..the remains are still on the table..
Carolyn - Gaytor is working tonight hun.
Come type and talk with us. Tell us what you think. Love hearing your comments.
Does anyone notice that with all that is going on April is still on the "It's all about me kick".
Ollie isn't there for me, doesn't take up for me, blah blah blah.
NO April, he has just been kissing your a** and following you around like a lost puppy dog for weeks.
IMHO, April can't do anything unless she has a man to stroke her bleached personality, oops I mean hair. hehe. She is vain and needy. Ollie will be kissing her butt again real soon.
When are April & Ollie gonna have sex again? LOL... blah blah blah this is getting old!
Good point Carolyn! I am so glad you are still here.
You know, if I was in the house, acted like these women and then went home and watched the whole season, especially if I had to see BBAD and the feeds, I would be horrified and too humiliated to show my face again. Or at least I would change my name and have plastic surgery.
I hate April.
There. I said it.
It's finally starting to calm down - I am exhausted from trying to keep up with all of them. This was the best fight, better than the last one. I still think that April and Libra instigates, and they all lie, and not very good sometimes. Keesha should not be given alcohol... wait, if she didn't have it, we wouldn't have had such a good time tonite also! :~):~):~)
I am afraid if I go to bed, I will miss more - I will check the overnite report in the am. Enjoy!
Carolyn will be joining us in about 5 mins to share her thoughts..
Be afraid. Be very very afraid. It's looking like a bad traffic accident. It certainly feels like I'm witnessing one.
LOL reporterx, i noticed that as well! Should have known with the alcohol flowing!
mlbinsrb - OMG I would pay them to do the psych evals. My friend who did it said she felt like she was selling her soul, but my standards are lower. If I lived in LA I would do psych evals for reality TV in a heartbeat. At least until I felt the devil crawling too far up my pants leg.
Nite nite all..
lol.. i only have one thought right now.. I'm beat!
have mercy.
i think BB should give them all lights out curfew right now.
Nite nite ReportrX. Sweet peaceful dreams. :)
Just Crazy! I wish they would vote Keesha out and keep Libra just for the fun of it. Yikes, Michelle and alcohol just don't more beer / wine for this group. And Michelle, she seriously lives in her own world and doesn't listen worth a damn, not to mention she was talking crap about Libra. I don't think BB does physic evals on this people before they go to the House...otherwise Michelle and Jesse would not have been let in.
agreed carolyn! i'm exhausted but can't keep away! i think the fishies will help lead me to bed, lol.
holy hell in a handbasket ya'll. I never been so glad to see fishes.
(omg I jsut automatically followed the L in my name with ibra instead of essa. Shoot me. *L* Clearly too much recappiN!)
I'm beat as well! BUT I'm still!
Carolyn. I think that is exactly what's happening right now. Either that or a fist fight broke out somewhere in the house, and I bet it won't be involving any men.
I guess the fishies are our clue to call it a night, especially on the east coast!
Thank goodness for fishies....maybe they're being told to go to bed. Probably not, they must be getting around to cleaning up.
I'm leaving my feeds on, but going to lay down now, that was enough excitement for one night!!
Bows down to ReporterX and Carolyn for all your hard work and lack of sleep tonight **HUGS**
Night everyone, I had a blast hanging out with all of you!!
is the blogging over for the night?
i just put in an order to production to have them all sedated and restrained.... so there will be no need for an overnight report sunday morning. ;)
tonight should be titled the nine headed snake.
i meant to say the nine headed snake pit. night, all.
i think when michelle was walking around on her rampage cursing the house was fantastic, I would've said the same exact stuff she said. What's sad about all this is she's still on the outside, nothing has changed. Each person that has come to talk to her only talks about themselves and how the other person is wroning them. I'm totally digging michelle tonight
i'm goin' horizontal, y'all
nite nite.
passing out
babybee - Michelle isn't in her own little world, she's on the outside looking in. Like a sad puppy in the rain. lolol
Oh drats.
Niiiiiiiiiite nite.
Wow the feeds come back and there they are - Libra, Dan, Renny, Keesha and Michelle chatting away. What the hell? They must have gotten a good talking to...
That was an awesome BBAD!!! lol & look who has the rule book by her side now?!?
I hope she does go this week!!!
Sweet and peaceful dreams Carolyn. :)
Oh what an ending. They are on outside lock down for BB to clean up from the feast. April is sitting by herself, she doesn't even want Ollie to be with her. Libra is on the far end of the couch by herself having to listen to the conversation going on around her and trying to be semi social. I need to get up in 4 hours but I don't want to go to sleep and miss anything. Decisions Decisions. BB wins.
everyone just see april shun ollie!?? LOL i love it... that chick is unbelievable and that's not a compliment. Can you imagine what's going to come of this when she rips him a new one once she figures out how to manipulate ..errr.. communicate her frustrations of what "he did to her"... this game is absolutely insane. war april v ollie 2008 and both lose
I LOVE JERRY!!! He has life experience and lessons to tell, but many younger people always think they know best.
His Knife lesson to Ollie was great. He is in a good shape that old fart.
Thank you Carolyn and Reporter X! You gals are amazing at what you do for your fellow addicts! THANK YOU!
Have a good night's sleep. G'nite.
BB already had a season when America did all the evicting. It became boring real fast, because all the 'spicy' HGs were sent packing and it came down to a popularity contest. That is not how this show should be run. Ratings took a nose dive.
I see a new team in the future:
So the next two on the block would be April and Ollie. And between those two, April will be the one to go. Man what a Sequester house that will be. Libra and April. Put one camera in there.
DAMN DAMN DAMN I missed it all. Here it is 3:30 AM GaYToR Central Time and I'm just getting in. A little richer and happy about that, but WAAAAAA!!! I wanted to see this on the feeds.
i'm watching BBAD right now and catching up. But I know it is nothing like being here with the DishChicks Family.
Looks like everyone is in bed on the feeds now and accounted for. I came into the feeds and saw fishies... First thought was WOOHOO.. someone drew blood, but alas it was short lived and everyone seems to be a BIT friendly as they go to bed.
Guess I will finish BBAD and make my comments whenever I crawl out of my coffin.
Carolyn, ReporterX, as always excellent job. It was the next best thing to being there.
Commenters, you filled in some blanks and I thank every one of you for that. Carolyn and X can only catch so much so the comments made the blog make more sense.
(Not that the blog didn't make sense, but 2 on the blog vs. the dozens in comments really put it all in perspective.
Julie I wanted to be here believe me. Carolyn trust me I was here in spirit.
I actually almost asked the bar to turn on SHO2 after the show so I could see what was going on. DAMN I need a laptop.
BBAD is getting good. G'night!
Til Tomorrow...
I can't wait to see the TRD recaps ... this one night deserves a special recap ... War and Peace (not necessarily in that order).
For the recap ... may I suggest ... There's Got to be a Morning After ... lol
Paging Dr Will...we need some Midol in this house STAT! OMG what the **** is happening to these women?? My brain hurts.
Isn't the purpose of the game to lie, cheat to make it to the end of the game to win the money???
I guess Libra thinks if she changes her tone of voice it sounds sincere. I can't stand her condescending apologies!!!!
I think Keesha (I love her) had a tad too much to drink last night but I guess what needed to be said got said and out in the open. Wooooooooow I was just thinking the cats out of the bag tonight.
Well, I was out last night having a feast of my own & the wine was flowing too but my end result was not like this was. Mine was 1000 more tame & came home to just fall in bed for a nice peaceful sleep. My dining companion & I never yelled once or threw each other under the bus. We had an enjoyable time unlike this feast, for sure. I missed it all but I do have BBAD recorded.
Carolyn, ReporterX & fellow BB addicts, thank you for helping me picture all this in my mind with the blogging & the comments.
keesha is the biggest LIAR in the house
she was SOOOO jealous of ANGIE so she made everyone vote her out
and she blamed that on libra
give me a break!!
and now she is jealous of april so she is tryin to get her out
grow up keesha
i hope they vote her out!!
libra thinks shes gonna pull a Dr. Will and ask to get voted out. the only way she has any chance is if they use the veto on her. she reminded me why i hated her for so long.
this is why they dont give them alchohol. no one can understand a single word being said.
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