Big Brother 11 Tuesday CBS Show Viewing Party

What a day. What a night! 3 Cheers for the Flashback Machine! I think it got it's biggest workout of the season today, what with the complete blow up from midnight to 1:30am BBT on the Live Feeds last night.
I'm so curious to see how they cut that down to a 3 minute segment for the tv only audience on Thursday. Talk about a tough editing job. Talk about a gazillion people who are going to be completely out of the loop, when all they'd have to do to see the real Big Brother is to get the free trial of the live feeds...
Anyway, before we can even begin to think about how they're going to edit the clips for the Live Show, we've got a Power of Veto Competition to watch tonight on the Tuesday broadcast of Big Brother 11.
I look forward to reading your comments and blogs about the Tuesday show, and I'll be publishing during the commercial breaks, once the show starts.
Happy show night Carolyn and fellow BB addicts
Good Evening Carolyn and fellow BB addicts! Happy show day!!!!
I would never make it in that house with the bubble wrap walls. I would have had that room completely popped by now.
Cheers! Here's to a great show!
Hi Michigan Man!! :)
Hey Spyke!! :)
Hi RhondaM!! :)
Hello everyone! I just wanted to stop by and say hello before the show starts. I've been catching up on Facebook, myspace and e-mails and such from last week and keep checking in here to see what's been going on.
Can't wait to see parts of that blowout from last night (if they show it tonight that is).
Carolyn, thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you do! I always look forward to coming here and checking up on the are the best!
OK, time to get my drink and sit on the couch and get ready for the show (of course I will probably be checking in here during the comercials, hehee)!
I know Michigan Man! That would drive me crazy! One of these days, someone will do it. YES!
Just checking in with the Dishers before the show starts. I've got salsa and chips and a margarita! I'm ready to go!
Happy show night to you all!
Hey Robin :) See ya during the breaks!
As usual I am curious on how they are going to edit the show.
Hi all, I love watching these competitions.
pogo players, don't forget to go to badgeaddicts and get all the 3,333 tokens-its Tuesdays only and I just remembered!
Ross vs. Braden tomorrow!
Got questions? Send them to
They want the viewers to have their say!
Hiya all! I've actually made it here before 100+ comments are already in! Where is everyone? I'm not caught up on today, but I guess since the TV episodes aren't either it doesn't really matter!
Hey Carolyn, hey everyone.
runs to freezer for a sugar free fudgesicle...
Hi everyone!!!
Sitting here watching the end of the first half of Hell's Kitchen. Something about an irate Brit that I lurve...
Anyway, I hope everyone's had a good day. Today I "sigh"-ted Mikail Baryshnikov--he's so small and beautiful.
And I've started my doggie on his third medication for the cough caused by his enlarged heart *sigh*. Everyone on teh googel and in his vet's office say it's common but something about having a (9-yr-oldish) pup on so many chemicals
just doesn't sit well with me.
So. That shared. Bring on the POV!
Happy Show, Everyone!!!
I made it home in the nic of time to fry porkchops and sit and watch BB lol!
Be back after the show!!
Have u ever goin shoppin accordin to what time it is and made POSITIVE u were home in time for BB?
Happy show day people!!!
** Yawn **
What colors would Jordan have at her wedding to Jeff? (hee hee, wishful thinking)
Let her be an example to some of you young girls... you don't have to give it up to catch a great... and sexy guy!
(Hope I didn't speak too soon....)
Just want to say HI EVERYONE! Let's watch what we already know! Also, I read (or watched...I forget!) Jessie telling someone that he has a crush on Nat. Is that true? Cause he so looks into Lydia. Just wondering what ya'll think. Jeff is MY McDreamy this season, in fact, I think he's my most favorite HG ever to look at! ;)
OK, just got done watching ALL the Flashback Feeds from the Fight last night. HOLY CRAP!!! I hope we can allow a curse here, but Ronnie's up a shit creek w/o a paddle.
Anybody else think Casey, Jeff or Jordan REALLY need to win this upcoming HoH regardless of this group plan?? I don't trust Jessie/Natalie/Lydia as far as I could throw them w/ this group alliance to get rid of Ronnie. This shall be fun!
~ Ryan ~
Hi everyone.
I have not been here much yet this year hopefully that will all change soon....
YAY! I get to hang with the Dish Crew and watch the show. I am so excited!
Hello Everyone :)
I don't think the fight will make tonights show. That is too quick. But let's see.
Here we gooooo!!!! :)
Welcome everyone!!!
Mo - A Misha sigh-ting.. yummm..
It's amazing to me the chats on other sites with people who only watch the tv show. They are clueless! And they yell at you if you try to tell them something. Not that I did, but someone else was. They like being manipulated by the producers I guess??
I wonder where Jane is today....
3 minutes in.. and Ronnie is making me so stressed.
Good Evening Everyone. I'll be over there...
<----- ME
I'm sitting in front of the big screen for the show but I'll be back as soon as it's over for the post-show party.
Ahahaa Becca...I've just made a Margarita and I have Lime chips and Pineapple Salsa.
Happy show night everyone!
Yay for Tuesday viewing party! Oh lord, a Ronnie in gold bikini flashback!!
I would like Laura to stay. She has better game. I like Jordan but Laura would be the more interesting game to watch.
Lee - Yes! Dreamy!!!!
I am so jealous of all the East Coast folks who get to watch it on a BIG TV. I get to watch it skip and pixeled in a little box
Hi everyone! Hi Carolyn! I just wanted to say thanks sooo much for all this! I have been a fan of yours since BB8 and I never commented until now. My bf is out of the country til october and so I have been completely enthralled in this season.
Blue - thanks too for the overnight. by the way you always crack me up. never know what is going to come up out of your mouth/keyboard.
Ok, watching this show I am back to not feeling bad for Ronnie.
Ronnie is really hard to watch. He has a severe case of thinks he's smarter than everyone-itis. I wonder what led him to that idea? Because he has glasses? His fall is going to be an amusing one.
I know Rubyroo! It's skipping bad too. But we are lucky and get to stay up late with the HG's and not miss anything live.
Hi all.. not an east coaster but since I know I most likely will set my tv to switch to BB while I watch the live feeds/play xbox 360 I might as well see what's going on for the tv viewers only
WOW...No wonder everyone was schemeing to get Russell out of the house. I missed that on the feeds.
Hey Carolyn and fellow Dishers! Good night!
This is the first time I'm actually home in time to watch a show live (trying to get my phd in bio-med-->like michelle hehe<---so far am on the edge of my seat even though i know what's going to happen. I want laura to stay though i really like jordan!
RhondaM...yes we are. I was up last night watchin the fight LIVE as it happened. I am so glad I don't have to read it all or use the flashback machcine.
Ry - I completely agree with you! Jeff, Jordan, Casey, Michele HAVE TO win! The NBK's (i hate that name) will be back on Ronnie's side easily.
How awesome would it be if BB was like "its a fake out week. no one is evicted this week." or We could vote whoever leaves this week back in! I really want Laura to stay, but I cant lose my little Jordan.
... so anticlimactic.
why can't russ look pretty and chill out? dude...don't put a target on yr back!
Hi Carolyn!! Hi BB Lovers!!
I know exactly what happens yet, I have a knot in my stomach!! eeeeekkkkk!
Lasst night at 3am I had to break down and subscribe to the live feeds, (via the dishchicks) :0) It was so crazyfied!!!
I LOVE this sight! I'm taking my laptop on vacay!! Angela
Casey looks like a 16 year old boy with his clothes. Cracks me up.
Oh boy! Did I do it again? Rhonda! I'm so sorry! I got my Rhonda's mixed up! heheeh But I guess my calling you Red conjured her back :)
I am looking forward to seeing what AGP will to make sense of the mess that is the house right now LOL
Yes Caro, I work very close to his building (the Baryshnikov Art Center). Sorta related, sometimes I run into Isaac Mizrahi (who's studio's in my building) too. Every time I run into either of them it's like seeing unicorns or something, lol.
Oh no MoNYC, I hope he is OK...will he come off the meds?
:( ((Hugs))
Hey Everyone :)
I'm not watching the show because I know what already happens. They edit the show to look one sided, when in fact they leave out all the important stuff.
I'm crushing hard on Russell. I just saw a very good screen cap of Russell changing to his undies....hahaha ( I never thought of him as a blue boxer type of guy.)
I agree Rubyrooo I missed Russ' explosion on my Lydia.. He does deserve to go home regardless of how much eye candy he is.. I know I know Ronnie is most likely nominated but hopefully Russ goes up again him <-- and by that I hope that the brains and athletes lose and the offbeats win since the popular clique is only like Jordan and we know how she is LOL or maybe Natalie will be nominated w00t w00t that'd be great
I knew they would put a clip in of Jordan not being able to tell time. That was priceless!
poor jordan. they're just making her look so so dumb!
LOL...Jordan is so flippin FUNNY! Love her.
Did you notice Ronnie's face when Lydia first suggested backdooring Russ? He really cannot hide how he feels! Guess Russ worked his magic on him, though. Sounds like he wanted Russ out this whole time, til it came time to do it!
Lydia has no clue that had she kept her mouth shut when Russ asked the gals in the kitchen none of that woulda happened.
She is so self-centered, of course she is surrounded by others with the same trait.
Hugs's me!!!
Okay, the Jordan scene about time was too funny, but kind of sad!!!!
Wicked Witch of the West!!! LMAO!!
Do you think Jordan just plays dumb or really doesnt know time telling?? Either way it is kinda endearing. Her moments make up for Ronnie's lurking and lying moments.
thanks sleepycat. i needed that hug. unfortunately not--canine dilated cardiomyopathy is a common ailment for elderly and smaller-breed dogs, of which my puppeh is both. =/
Wow! That was a candy lovers heaven! Yummy :)
I like Russell and am glad he's staying (Lydia would have had a piee of my mind a lot earlier than she got it from Russ) but Ronnie really screwed up in not backdooring him. All the exposing Russell did would have looked like sour grapes. I'm curious to see what Ronnie says in the DR about it.
OMG, I really can't stand watching Ronnie! I really cant wait for his HOH week to be over!!!!! Thank god only 2 more days! LOL
Oh ,so sorry MoNYC :( Is that a pic of him (white)? He is sooo adorable!
The Jordan/time clip was kinda cute!
The candy, yeah I woulda been sick after watching that movie!!
anyone else wondering how much coinstar had to pay for that product placement???
Natalie. OMG. She can't count her age, either.
Carolyn-Oh big, big, big $$$$$!
HA Carolyn I was thinking the same thing. Coinstar had to pay ALOT.
Did anyone think Lydia would have been a better host? Her hosting is getting on my nerves.
Also, how much do the producers tell them how to host each competition. It seems like it would take a lot of direction and a lot of time.
We have a coin party once a year or so and all the kids love to help sort and roll. Coinstar is a rip off!
Huggies Mo! Wishing your puppy the best honey :)
Lydia is not so hot at hosting. She sounds robotic.
yep, sleepycat, that's him.
laura in nc, lydia's a baaaad host. she's coming off too phony. and funny, but i believe jesse complimented her on her hosting!
I agree Laura. She kept doing like fake inflections. It was pretty rough.
Very cool comp... and so close!!!
I have to disagree with Russ' DR though. Putting him up would have been a smart move for Ronnie...
Jeff should be a banker. ;)
Ok Russ, you say it would have been dumb because you would try to intimidate him. Oh wait, you are doing it anyway.
thanks genie!
MoNYC...Jessie complimented her cause he's in looooooove! Or is he? ;)
I would've loved that comp! I like counting change (yeah, weird, I know). I know exactly how much to put into a roll on my hand to come up with and even amount (and then just count it that way).
Yea, the smartest move would've been to put up Russ but we want him around longer! LOL
Ok that comp was pretty cool!
And this conversation about backdooring Russ.. Uhhggg... They should have followed through with it!
They just showed a shot of jeff at the wrong time. It had his difference as being 5.80 when they were still on the first round.
This comment has been removed by the author.
AHAHAHA!!! Laura's DR "Ronnie's master plan, everything he's done is bullcrap"
This edit is making me hate Ronnie even more. Guh.....Where's Russell when you need him??
~ Ryan ~
Oh and RhondaM... I spent 3 hours counting and rolling coins a couple months ago. Yeah only to go to the bank and find out they don't take rolled coins anymore... I felt so stupid! They have thier own machine right there in the bank lobby that deposits the money right into your account!
Laura dodge one right there!
Ronnie: Do you swear to God that you wont put me up?
Laura: Um...I promise...
ha! I love it
Grudging credit to Jessie for turning this.
I thought Lydia's hosting skills were annoying. She was grating on my nerves.
Jessie is so running the show. It makes me sick.
He had his shot at the money last season and got evicted.
Obviously Russell's DR sessions were taped today. HAHA
Regarding Coinstar, do you think the houseguests had to factor in the 15 percent surcharge? ;)
my eyes hurt from rolling them. x(
Regarding Coinstar, do you think the houseguests had to factor in the 15 percent surcharge? ;)
Why can't Ronnie see NOW that it's Jessie's fault he is in the position he is in now. He was gonna put Russ up and Jessie talked him out of it. Ronnie is definitely star struck with the former HG Jessie.
I was watching After Dark this afternoon and they had this running head which said that Jessie confessed to Natalie that he has a crush on her. I didn't buy it because it wasn't here. But...what is going on?
mary - lol! i was wondering the same thing!
Hello everyone - west coaster here - loving all you east coasters for keeping me informed. Carolyn, I'm crazy about your site and the loving commitment of your bloggers. Thank you for your hard work.
OMG I love Jordan. (Your sink was shipping!!!!!) BB please don't uncover friends from her hometown who tell us she's actually a brilliant scheming mastermind. It would break my heart.
Russell my pretty, chill. And shave...
Ronnie and Natalie need to go before I can really begin to enjoy this. And to think it's only been a couple of days since Ronnie saw himself on the next BB All Stars!
RhondaM...Jeff can count my coins anytime!
Regarding Coinstar, do you think the houseguests had to factor in the 15 percent surcharge? ;)
Hellooooooooo Everyone... hugs Carolyn.....well since tomorrow is picture day for the HG's ..wondering how many pictures will be taken LOL...Quick question Carolyn what are the odds for thursday that the HOH comp will be an endurance ??
ekmurf- jessie actually told chima that he was into natalie but that he doesnt take second place too well. lol i saw a clip of it on clipser.
Patty - typically the 1st endurance is for the 5th hoh :)
Melanie - guess it depends on where ya live and the bank. I always exchange my change in for $1 silver coins. Not only will we need food storage maybe at some point, but money other than the useless paper.
ugh, shotgun, MoNYC would prefer it if you cease reference to yourself in the third person. MoNYC thanks you. ;-)
They didn't even show WHY Ronnie switched to Jordan (in him mind anyway). TV's are probably thinking "where did that come from?" Bad edit.
What an anti-climatic veto ceremony! lame.
Hi Carolyn,
Since what happened last night was after the Veto Ceremony, I don't think that they will mention this until Thursday. They will stop at the Veto Ceremony on TV. If someone already commented about this already, I apologize for repeating it.
Regarding Coinstar, do you think the houseguests had to factor in the 15 percent surcharge? ;)
They did not even show the argument between Ronnie and Jordan to even explain to the TV onlies why he changed his mind. Ronnie is coming off like an total idiot, which he isn't. Just misguided and misaligned.
Thanks, Sarah!
Michele's family must have been thrilled to see her on TV for 25 seconds tonight, lol.
funny - they duped the tv only folks again...
like it was a huge surprise to jordan or anyone else that she was going up?
How does one get $1.25 stuck in your butt????
We both sighed--in unison--with disgust at Ronnie's "$1.25 richer" comment at the end.
BS AND Quarters...who knows what else would come out of Ronnie's ass??
~ Ryan ~
ok a gold bikini and $1.25 in quarters stuck in his ass are two images I won't be albe to get rid of for a while!!
Wow, I didn't see Jordan/Ronnie argument?
Yuck Ronnie, really, we didn't need to know how much in change was in your butt crack...Yuck!
thanks - i was referring to the thursday show in my own mind..
just needed to make that more clear in print. ;)
LOL Such creative editing for the TV onlys. Total BS about anyone being surprised Jordan was the renom.
Oh and I could have lived my whole life without the visual of quarters stuck in Ronnies behind. uggg.
At least they edited to show how yucky Jessie is. Also, how he will control Ronnie's HoH to the bitter end.
~ Ryan ~
Hey Carolyn and fellow West Coaster's the following site is much better:
No lag and no feed-back noise.
As far as the game I feel a rut-roh coming on.
The vote for Jordan to stay may not be unanimous. Could we possibly see another tie-breaker?
Personally, I hope not!!!
Can't believe they didn't show the Jordan Ronnie exchange that happened which made her the obvious choice 2 be the renom. And Ronnie is so ridiculous 4 not realizing Jessie's the one that's been running the show
Evening all
Anyone else feel like that episode was a waste of time?
MG - i have to check on it to see if it's legal for me to post it. can you please email me the link to
dishchicks at yahoo dot com
Hi all..u spend all day with me at work. how was the show? i am on the left coast. dog lived a long time on those meds. Its ok. I had to tell u that.
Hi Carolyn,
I can't believe that BB actually aired what Ronnie said about finding the extra quarters & where he found them let alone touch them. What do you all think about that?
Hi Everyone..
Wouldn't it be awesome for a voting mutiny where everyone united together and vote out Ronnie? This show is full of twists and turns and expect the unexpected..After the votes.. it would be awesome that they refuse to change them. Would be pretty awesome TV. Mr. Dork would probably sue though. Just my two cents.
Since the HGs are chill right now, how about we just hang here together?
I'll open a new post if anyone's head explodes before i go to bed. ;)
Sounds good to me, Carolyn! Although, last night I said how boring the night is and look what happened after I went to bed?
Ron - i'm more offended by how they left out the real reason jordan wound up on the block... :)
:) right?!
Watching with my hubby and he is tv only...he doesn't get some of it till I am yelling at the tv! lol
Then I tell him what has been going on and he understands, it is soooo different than what they show.
Image of quarters......never be the same. YUCK!!!
Carolyn said...
runs to freezer for a sugar free fudgesicle...
I hope you brought enough for all of us ... otherwise may your fudgesicle drip all over your 1000 thread count sheets. Lub ya!
GaleLuvsBB11 said...
Have u ever goin shoppin accordin to what time it is and made POSITIVE u were home in time for BB?
I always do it, and I have cut trips short if I see I am running behind.
Cris - Agreed!! That was so not a nice visual to leave us with.
Is it me or does the TV version seem EXTRA edited this season?
Okay, here I go again. Not a fan of Jesse's and I know they're only using Ronnie but he and Nat made good points on the feeds while the show was on. Ronnie lied, stirred the pot and played them all. How is that different from a lot of others in there? There are better ways to play the game but he was playing the game and seriously "played" the hgs. This is no reason to chase him around the house taunting him. He got caught. Okay, let's move on.
Sorry, I have a soft spot for the "chubby", brainy person that's picked on. I don't disagree with him being called out, but I do with the severity and length of this. I keep thinking how excited he was to be in the house, the giddiness he showed almost daily. Yes he thought he was smarter than everyone else, and that bit him in the butt.
Sorry. It's killing me. LOL-I'm too soft for this game.
RedRhonda - LOL - they never do...
GayTor - 1000 count thread sheets.. ha! i wish.. I always mean to get myself some really nice bedding, but i never do...
Gale - Re Shopping - lol, i do everything on a BB schedule
Glen - I said the exact same thing earlier! Wouldn't it be awesome if BB "faked out" the HG this week and was like "just kidding" no one is going home this week. And then next week Ronnie went home.
Or we could vote Jordan/Laura back in the house in the next couple of weeks.
P.S. Does anyone else wonder what Ronnie's family thinks? I wonder if they watch the live feeds and feel sorry for him. It would be hard to watch someone get bullied (or "bowlied" if you are Jeff)...not saying Ronnie doesnt deserve it.
Oh god, that image of Ronnie and the quarters in his butt crack have permanently damaged my brain!!!!!!
Does Chima not feel her big wedgie?
Alisa - hugs for you.. don't let it get to ya though. ronnie's more aware than most that it's strategy on russell's part. ronnie's a student of the game. i think he's upset because he got busted, not because of anything russell's doing.
Bethra I agree - It's because the HGs are giving them so much material.. and they only have so much time to work with on the tv show.
lol.. i'm beginning to wonder if i should take a nap til midnight BBT... so i can be up n at it when they explode...
LOL! Carolyn? Testing. :)
Well all, must be going. Gotta get some launry done or hubby won't have any socks to wear to work tomorrow (and no socks while framing a house while it might be raining = ouch)! And since my margaritas were a tiny bit strong, everything seams to be in slow-mo.
Hope everyone has a great night! It's been fun!!
Who knows...I might be back tonight ;)
Thanks Carolyn-I know he's upset by getting caught, and I'm sure he's hiding out of shame too. But really, Jordan asked Russell just 2 days ago to be treated like a human. They're not doing that now. No one can go upstairs, tell him "yeah, you got caught but you gotta eat and you can't hide forever"? Russell just laughed and asked if the "piggy" came out yet. Ugh
Eh, I'm hormonal.
Hey everyone!
Extra edited TV? I think there is just wayyyyy more happening early on this year. Too much to choose from, which is why everyone should be coming to catch up here on the best BB Blog!
I have to agree that I think Russell is bullying Ronnie a bit too much. He called him out and everyone knows. Now it's just bullying which should never be condoned. I am sure they could think of something more creative.
I have to admit Jordan and Jeff have grown on me. I really like them. I think the "bowlie" won me over. That was too funny!
Nite Robin!! :) See ya later!
This house always seems to have a blow-up/scheming night, then an off night, a blow-up/scheming night, then an off night, and so on, and so on. I believe this will be an off night. At least I HOPE it'll be an off night, cause that took WAY too long to get caught up on last night, lol!
After tonite's episode, Thursday's episode is going to be a blow-out like none other. I wonder how Julie will set up the clip? "With Jordan on the block & Laura set to go home, Ronnie's scheming and backstabbing lets loose a backlash of Hiroshima-like proportions throughout the entire house."
Anyone else wanna guess how ChenBot will explain this delicately for the TV Only's??
~ Ryan ~
Ewwww...didn't someone on the feeds say that they took those quarters in the DR? Gorsh, I hoped they used rubber gloves?
That edit of Jordan going up was so bad. My mom calls me up and says why did he put up the blond girl? Once I told her about the fight she got it.
Rubyrooo How dare you say your jealous of us east coast folks. We have to go to bed before all the good stuff starts. We have always been robbed with the feeds till this year. Just LOVE the flashback. I've always been jealous of the west coast.
Evening all.... love watching their diary room confessions...
What a day, what a week, what a season!!
I love love love Jordan and Jeff. They had me laughing with tears rolling down my face before the show. toooooooooo cute Right now they have my vote for America's favorite... not sure who I enjoy more. Their chemistry is so natural!! Loved the time thing shown tonight on the show.
I am surprised that they left out Jordan calling out Ronnie. My TV only friends are starting to think that I am making up stories.
Why is it when somebody talks to Kevin or jokes around with him he just sits their and says nothing. They were just fooling around with him about eating ice cream because it is bad for you fooling around because Russ was eating candy and he just sat there. He seems to do that a lot.
Oooo Jeff is wearing an Illini shirt. Go Big Ten! I knew I loved him.
now if Jeff would just lose that fUCLA hat, he'd be darn near perfect.
Welcome back, Virginia! :)
Bama's TUSH said...
Hey Everyone :)
I'm crushing hard on Russell. I just saw a very good screen cap of Russell changing to his undies....hahaha ( I never thought of him as a blue boxer type of guy.)
Bama, please don't crush too hard. I can't breathe laying between the two of you. Not saying I don't like it though. Just not sure who's on bottom. :-p~~
I try really hard not to say anything negative about the houseguests but after 2 days watching the feeds.......Can Chima please stop laughing, Natalie if you aren't going to wash your hair can you at least brush it, and Kevin say something for cripes sakes!
I hope that doesn't break any rules Carolyn.
Umbeta ~ I noticed that about Kevin too. He is very talkative around Chima & Lydia, and that's it. It seems like he is very shy around people that are not close to him. Who would have thought the Blasian Boy from CA would have been shy? lol!
~ Ryan ~
I can't seem to reconcile BB bringing Jessie back. He is killing the season for me!
When did Michele and Kevin get evicted? I didnt see them once on the TV or DR session.
Hi Carolyn and the rest of you all. I watched tonights show and then got busy reading up about all of the stuff that went on last night. I was listening to bbad before tonights show while I was playing pogo with my sister. I could hear that something was going to eventually jump off. I even told my sister in our chat that there a couple of pretty good liars this season. It totally cracked me up that Russell camped outside of the HOH. And Carolyn, keep the Jordanisms coming. I love your input and comments. Thanks
lol, Michelle and Laura!
Cindy, Thank you :)
biggwigg...You have a point! The feeds definately beat the TV.
I won't complain any more! :)
Alisa said...
Sorry, I have a soft spot for the "chubby"
Yes, I have special feelings for "chubby's" too. Maybe I'm not thinking of the same kind of chubby. :-p~~ It brings me back to something Lydia said last night about Ronnie acting like he has a 12" ****. Trust me, I've done years of research and sometimes it's true. The geekys are very well endowed. NOT that I want to or care to find out in this case... just saying because I'm a voice of experience.
*waves at Carolyn* Can you see me? hahaha
I don't knwo about all of you, but I am liking the lightness tonight. A break from the whispering and plotting. The nastiness and meanness.
Yeah Russell should let up on Ronnie, but Ronnie needs to grow a pair and show his face. Hiding in the HOH is just silly.
I watched tonights episode with my 10 yr old boy and even he called Lydia a big cry baby. She really has got the crocodile tears working for her.
Btw i dislike Russells choice in facial hair as 70's porn star which judging by his whoopsy shot he could pull off quite easily!
Hey fellow dishers!
Carolyn, you know we love you, but tonite have to give SMOOCHES to Blue, Gaytor, Michigan Man and all the others who left comments last nite.
Went to bed early & missed it all, but you guys did a GREAT job and I was able to "see" it all from your posts. Thanks so much to everyone who helped last nite while some of us were dreaming the night away.
I think Ronnie is playing up the "i'm so scared of Russell" rant. Yeah Russell has been a bully, yes he is scary looking with all those muscles but this is BB and they wouldn't let it get to a violent level.
Carolyn said...
now if Jeff would just lose that fUCLA hat, he'd be darn near perfect.
I'm not one to point out typos because we all know I make plenty of my own but in this case I just had to.... Color added to point it out.
Hi Carolyn,
You're right. They didn't cover why Jordan was picked & not Russell as what was led to be believed. At least those with the feeds which I'm sure is 9/10 on this blog know the truth. It's the TV only people that are probably scratchng their heads right now wondering what is going on. Maybe it will convince the last 1/10 to get the feeds for the rest of the season. What do you think?
Now I have done all my call outs. On to comment about the show. I can't wait to see Jun's blog about it tomorrow or whenever it comes. She has so much material to work with.
I will share a tweet I did right after the show...
RT: JanellePierzina ...Ewww Ronnie and his quarters. Gross!...
Janelle, I'll never touch another quarter without boiling it first.
Did Lydia loose another bet?
GayTor - that was no typo... I'm a USC alum. ;p As you well know!
Ron - i think the tv only audience outnumbers us by a LOT more than that... i just don't get why... it makes no sense to me.
ltcmek - I've been smooching them all day too! :)
the episodes make the show look not as interesting as it really is. what a shame. lol. maybe its their way of getting people to get the feeds. lol.
RubyRoooooo!!! :) Meant to say hi earlier. Nope, she's still working off the one from the other night.
Madi - I agree 100%, but the tv only folks truly don't know what they're missing... Who knows? Maybe they're content with being spoon fed 10% of the truth?
Now this edit and continuity. How can they talk about continuity when Russell went through 3 facial hair changes? And personally I love every one of them. The man with a thousand faces. And that Memory Wall pic of him with smooth face. HAHAHA! He looks so innocent there, I wasn't even turned on by him in that pic. Now.... WOWSER!! Guess that makes me superfacial... yes facial not superficial but I'm that too.
TV viewers are robbed. Nothing to show how back & forth Ronnie went on the replacement nom. Didn't show Jordan going off on him. Made Jessie out to look like a reasonable person. Jessie has not liked Laura since the minute he met her. I hated his DR about her. I think he's more afraid of her than anything. I don't think she has told as many lies as Jessie has made her out to have told & she sure hasn't told as many as Ronnie. I don't get this bit about getting upset if people lie. Everyone in the house tells a lie at some point. oooooo, and I definitely could have done w/out the last shot of Ronnie telling us where he found $ his butt cheeks!!! Double yuck!! Lydia, I've said before I don't care for her & this victim role she played when Russell yelled at her was ridiculous. She spoke in a smart tone to him & he wasn't even talking to her. She & Natalie have to be in the middle of almost every drama in the house.
The fight from last night is only probably going to show Russell being mean & probably make the viewers feel sorry for Ronnie.
Why does Natalie always looked so pi$$ed?
I thought the bet ended last night, I guess I am a little off!
Mea culpa Carolyn. But I loved fUCLA. Very sneaky of you. Either work for me. fUSC, fUCLA... what's the differnce? :-p~~
GaYToR will now go into hiding until Carolyn puts away those sharp objects. hehe.
Carolyn - i love that you are letting some of the regs here with big personalities do some of the updating. It makes the blog more of a family setting then ever before. It was lovely having my coffee and reading Blues excitement over last night brawl.
Expect the unexpected is not only the bb longo but applies here as well. There is always something interesting going on here even when the house is quiet!
Question: those of you who have live feeds... This morning when they couldn't find Russ and he was laying up by HOH I know some of the house guests questioned bc they were sleeping whether he really was just laying up there or if him and ronnie are in on something together.... I don't think they are but those of you with live feeds should know I he was in there talking to him right?
MoNYC - I hope your puppy does better on the new meds. Sorry he has to be on them.
I want Jeff to teach me how to cut hair like he does!!! Just stand over the sink, cock your head, and snip away!!!
ltcmek thank you, but I did very very little. I still curtsy to Blue for his excellent transcribing vs. my simple comments and summarizing.
MsFitz - Hey lady!! :) Nice bloggin'
GayTor - You're in time out, bucko. fUSC, indeed. No cursing in my house unless it's against fUCLA. brat. Geaux on this!
WendyLady - Thanks :) I'm so glad you enjoyed that!! :)
Negative. Russell was not talking to him. He was there purely to intimidate, lest Ronnie dare to set foot outside again.
With a family of two tv-onlies, and myself, the reason is they simply don't have the time for more than three hours per week. Sad, but true.
ltcmek, I think I told you the same thing last year but with my dirty mind every time I see "ltcmek" my eyes read LickMe. If it wasn't last year, or if I never pointed it out, now I have. ;-)
Carolyn, did you enjoy your a leisurely morning compliments of Blue?
I can not imagine trying to do what you do. It is really nice when you are able to chill and enjoy the feeds with the rest of the Dish Family!
Good evening, fellow BB lovers. Still catching up on tonight's comments but wanted to throw my two cents in. I, too, love Jordan and think she is super cute and funny. However, she's got no game. I would like to see Laura stay, if only to entertain the addicts.
Off topic... I had a houseful of kids here today, another rainy day on the east coast. Five kids trying to entertain themselves INSIDE the house. They were playing a morphed version of hide-n-seek, with teams (???) and I heard my 11-year-old whisper "don't tell them about our alliance." That's my boy!
Blue, super fantastic job last night. Carolyn, YOU are amazing.
Oops Compliments of Blue and a few others, Right!
Thanks to all you Awesome Dish folks for helping out our Queen!
Well ladies and gents it's that time again. I'm gonna go lay down and watch the new hells kitchen and rest up.
See you in the am all!
Natalie is really jealous of anyone who talks or sits near Jessie. I smell fatal attraction!
Ruby - i wouldn't call it a leisurely morning, but it definitely cut down on the hand cramps today! :)
Thanks! :) I enjoy it a lot too!
SusanNY - Thank you! :) That's so cute about your son!!! :)
I don't think I will last tonight. I got two hours of sleep after getting woken up to take care of a bat. So I am going to say good night to everybody. But if I get a burst of energy I will be back on, you never know. Later sexy people.
Where is Blue tonight? I also wanted to tell him what a great job he did last night!
NIte Wendy!!!
Bama - lol :) she's been pretty cool about lydia and jessie sharing a twin bed...
Tim - I don't think everyone hates on Natalie.. I sure don't.
I still like all of em.
Umbeta - A bat?? and you leave.. details please.
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