It's NOT a TU-muh! Oh, and Natalie's been Promoted
Hey Dishers!! :) I hope you're enjoying the feeds today.. and getting some rest before the Live Show!! I have a feeling it's gonna be a LONNNNGGGG night on the live feeds with the expected Endurance Comp.
Don't forget!! Big Brother Express Lunch starts at noon BBT!! NOW!!!
We'll be here with a brand new top post at 7:45pm Eastern/4:45pm BBT, in time for the Live Show Viewing Party. And in the very likely event of an endurance comp, I'll open a new top post titled, oddly enough, Endurance Comp, at the end of the live show...
Now, without further ado, the moment you've all been waiting for:

This piece will probably be less raunch and more analysis. Hold on. Speaking of raunch, You know those nights where you’re thinking about what kind of porn you want to watch (i.e. mood? stamina level? taboo threshold? etc.). I don’t know if it’s because Jeff and Jordan haven’t gone trashy like other HOmances? But I find their interactions hella sexy. They have amazing chemistry but it’s subtle and reminiscent of the kind of cerebral foreplay you rarely find.
JORDAN: Poor Jordan. It really really s*cks to have to pack all your sh*t up come live eviction night. I had to do it so I’m speaking from experience. Even if you don’t think you’re going, you still have to pack ALL your sh*t. Remember when Marcellas (Season 3) hadn’t packed thinking he wasn’t going? Actually, scratch the word “remember” because I don’t think anyone reading here WOULDN’T remember, how could one not?!?! Hahaha. Anywho, yeah, he gets evicted and the thing is, he never PACKED! Hahaha.
So, howz about that conversation between Ronnie and Michele about POV? Michelle giggling the whole time and after were just awesome. Like seriously Ronnie? You have some serious desensitization going on. Speaking of desensitization…KIDDING! Hmmmm…
I need you to stay with me here for a bit, even if you disagree. Although Jessie and Natalie’s line of questioning and strategizing with each HG might be unbearable to watch, but it’s their party and they can do what they want to, do what they want to, do what they want to. Why it’s “they” and not just Jessie is really beyond me at this point. It is what it is. I just can’t wait until it’s every HG for himself and they turn on each other.
I am SO looking forward to everyone playing an individual game. This will separate the pros from the meek. How would YOU handle it?
The night of Truth or Dare was HYSTERICAL. HYSTERICAL. But only if you are on top of what’s actually going on the house.
Before you get your bloomers in a bunch, just ask yourself why you find the picture of Natalie, I mean, the mutant, so offensive. Mutants need love to, the picture shouldn’t make you uncomfortable. If it does then you are shallow. Don’t take it out on me or Carolyn. Get a therapist and go talk out your feelings.
I think I need to promote Natalie here, to tumor status. She is no longer just a dangling hemorrhoid .
Casey, on the other hand, just needs an upgrade.
Please upgrade immediately and get a delayed reaction package. You can’t assume everyone is thinking like you so if you overdo anything in this loony camp, you can make things AWKWARD. Like how awwwwwkward it got when you cranky about everyone playing nice with Ronnie while making him the banana of the joke. It doesn’t matter that Russell got so defensive (guilty are we?) and pouted like the last time I did when I couldn’t make that third O happen. Take it easy Casey man.
MICHELE: Wow. She be a gambling woman eh? Her nosedive into the pig sty while collecting her POV made me snort, while laughing. But really girl?! Her “I wanted to show my worth to you” to Jessie was so horrible. She can’t lie. It’s uncomfortable to watch. It’s like that one friend in your circle that makes jokes no one laughs at and because they are nice, you just let it go and give a polite laugh. No, wait, that’s my brother’s girlfriend!
LYDIA: Her chat with Kevin about Jessie not respecting her was an honest one. But um, maybe he is disrespectful to you because, as my used to say, “You cannot giving the cow milk to the cow free you know?” Yes, my mom gets the concept but just throws in as many words as she wants. She used to say this, now she just looks at me and says “Nohh the sex this new boy okay?”
CHIMA: Looked pretty good in the piggy costume. I still stand by my theory that she was just not taking her bipolar meds the first week because she seems to be adjusting slightly better. Not that we have a very high bar to set with her, but this live show she didn’t make it on the Chenbot’s hit-list right? I reserve the right the be "nicer" to Chima as long as she's behaving. Besides, all the more fun when she freaks out again, I am drooling with anticipation.
JEFF: Out of sight out of mind. I didn’t realize how much I missed eyeing him until I saw him again. Amazing. There are parallels to my everyday life. It’s like this guy in my building I bump into randomly. When I SEE Jeff on my television screen “she” starts responding to him!!! She does! I swear! Sometimes you just can't control things.
Dear HGs and general viewing public:
I realized The POV Ceremony was off to a good start when they didn’t make Jordan give a veto speech. I used to hate that. Why on earth would someone on the block use the veto on anyone else but themselves?! POV ceremonies are anti-climactic anyway so I appreciated the brevity.
Poor Casey. On the block, gave those brats a Margarita Party, AND has to walk around wearing Russell’s germ-infested love muscle condom. Oh, what? It’s a banana costuuuume…oh. I’m kinda upset that it wasn’t a FULL costume.
Geez, I liked Ronnie better when he was sipping on Smirnoff and crying. Anything is better than seeing him on that inflated ego of his. Ugh, miserable.
And while we’re on the subject of miserable, this week has been MISERABLY long for me because I had to play grown-up in a major way. I’m sorry this piece is so late, and I will explain later why this week’s felt so long, but Carolyn and I have some good news!
Will Wikle from Season 5 has had his fire reignited and will be guest blogging for the Thursday Live Eviction Night! I will be down in Cape May for the rest of the week for some time away…before I have a minor meltdown. Talk to you all soon!
We'll be here with a brand new top post at 7:45pm Eastern/4:45pm BBT, in time for the Live Show Viewing Party. And in the very likely event of an endurance comp, I'll open a new top post titled, oddly enough, Endurance Comp, at the end of the live show...
Now, without further ado, the moment you've all been waiting for:
Jun's Blog about the Tuesday Show!

This group of HGs has officially “grown on me”. (I always think this saying makes me think "growths". Then I think about Kindergarten Cop. “It’s NOT a TUmuh!” This is how my brain functions sometimes, yest.)
But yeah, for better or worse, all of those we have come to form strong opinions about so far, well…they’ve secured a place in my heart. That place reserved for summertime Big Brother addictions.
As ridiculous and entertaining as the competitions are, and no matter the infinite number of cocktail weenie jokes going around, it’s still GAME SHOW. There’s prize money involved. You win it or you don’t. Everyone seems to be there to play the game and it’s refreshing. I’m sure in a few more weeks we’ll get people saying they want to move to LA, etc…but for now, they all are tolerably everyday people. (The first two booted seem to be most prone to “casting agent” syndrome, hmmmm…coincidence?)
This piece will probably be less raunch and more analysis. Hold on. Speaking of raunch, You know those nights where you’re thinking about what kind of porn you want to watch (i.e. mood? stamina level? taboo threshold? etc.). I don’t know if it’s because Jeff and Jordan haven’t gone trashy like other HOmances? But I find their interactions hella sexy. They have amazing chemistry but it’s subtle and reminiscent of the kind of cerebral foreplay you rarely find.
DID I JUST USE CEREBRAL IN A JORDAN-RELATED THOUGHT?! Hahaha, and it wasn’t even preceded by “non.” Jordan really is TOO cute though. I want to adopt her just so she can cheer me up without trying.
JORDAN: Poor Jordan. It really really s*cks to have to pack all your sh*t up come live eviction night. I had to do it so I’m speaking from experience. Even if you don’t think you’re going, you still have to pack ALL your sh*t. Remember when Marcellas (Season 3) hadn’t packed thinking he wasn’t going? Actually, scratch the word “remember” because I don’t think anyone reading here WOULDN’T remember, how could one not?!?! Hahaha. Anywho, yeah, he gets evicted and the thing is, he never PACKED! Hahaha.
So, howz about that conversation between Ronnie and Michele about POV? Michelle giggling the whole time and after were just awesome. Like seriously Ronnie? You have some serious desensitization going on. Speaking of desensitization…KIDDING! Hmmmm…
I need you to stay with me here for a bit, even if you disagree. Although Jessie and Natalie’s line of questioning and strategizing with each HG might be unbearable to watch, but it’s their party and they can do what they want to, do what they want to, do what they want to. Why it’s “they” and not just Jessie is really beyond me at this point. It is what it is. I just can’t wait until it’s every HG for himself and they turn on each other.
I am SO looking forward to everyone playing an individual game. This will separate the pros from the meek. How would YOU handle it?
The night of Truth or Dare was HYSTERICAL. HYSTERICAL. But only if you are on top of what’s actually going on the house.
NATALIE: She was is spot-on with calling the dares that night, and I do appreciate her streak of evil. What I DIDN’T APPRECIATE was her hosting job of the POV Competition. Her voice is…is…well, I can honestly say I’d rather hear my mom having an orgasm before having to listen to her as host again. Orgasms are natural and beautiful. Natalie’s voice is unnatural and would make a great voiceover for some of those mutant creatures from The Hills Have Eyes.
Before you get your bloomers in a bunch, just ask yourself why you find the picture of Natalie, I mean, the mutant, so offensive. Mutants need love to, the picture shouldn’t make you uncomfortable. If it does then you are shallow. Don’t take it out on me or Carolyn. Get a therapist and go talk out your feelings.
I think I need to promote Natalie here, to tumor status. She is no longer just a dangling hemorrhoid .
Casey, on the other hand, just needs an upgrade.
Dear Casey:
Please upgrade immediately and get a delayed reaction package. You can’t assume everyone is thinking like you so if you overdo anything in this loony camp, you can make things AWKWARD. Like how awwwwwkward it got when you cranky about everyone playing nice with Ronnie while making him the banana of the joke. It doesn’t matter that Russell got so defensive (guilty are we?) and pouted like the last time I did when I couldn’t make that third O happen. Take it easy Casey man.
MICHELE: Wow. She be a gambling woman eh? Her nosedive into the pig sty while collecting her POV made me snort, while laughing. But really girl?! Her “I wanted to show my worth to you” to Jessie was so horrible. She can’t lie. It’s uncomfortable to watch. It’s like that one friend in your circle that makes jokes no one laughs at and because they are nice, you just let it go and give a polite laugh. No, wait, that’s my brother’s girlfriend!
LYDIA: Her chat with Kevin about Jessie not respecting her was an honest one. But um, maybe he is disrespectful to you because, as my used to say, “You cannot giving the cow milk to the cow free you know?” Yes, my mom gets the concept but just throws in as many words as she wants. She used to say this, now she just looks at me and says “Nohh the sex this new boy okay?”
CHIMA: Looked pretty good in the piggy costume. I still stand by my theory that she was just not taking her bipolar meds the first week because she seems to be adjusting slightly better. Not that we have a very high bar to set with her, but this live show she didn’t make it on the Chenbot’s hit-list right? I reserve the right the be "nicer" to Chima as long as she's behaving. Besides, all the more fun when she freaks out again, I am drooling with anticipation.
JEFF: Out of sight out of mind. I didn’t realize how much I missed eyeing him until I saw him again. Amazing. There are parallels to my everyday life. It’s like this guy in my building I bump into randomly. When I SEE Jeff on my television screen “she” starts responding to him!!! She does! I swear! Sometimes you just can't control things.
Dear HGs and general viewing public:
Backdooring sucks, yes. But it’s a valid line of credit in game-playing. If it can happen in your bed, it can happen in the BB house…in both scenarios it does the trick.
I realized The POV Ceremony was off to a good start when they didn’t make Jordan give a veto speech. I used to hate that. Why on earth would someone on the block use the veto on anyone else but themselves?! POV ceremonies are anti-climactic anyway so I appreciated the brevity.
Poor Casey. On the block, gave those brats a Margarita Party, AND has to walk around wearing Russell’s germ-infested love muscle condom. Oh, what? It’s a banana costuuuume…oh. I’m kinda upset that it wasn’t a FULL costume.
Geez, I liked Ronnie better when he was sipping on Smirnoff and crying. Anything is better than seeing him on that inflated ego of his. Ugh, miserable.
And while we’re on the subject of miserable, this week has been MISERABLY long for me because I had to play grown-up in a major way. I’m sorry this piece is so late, and I will explain later why this week’s felt so long, but Carolyn and I have some good news!
Will Wikle from Season 5 has had his fire reignited and will be guest blogging for the Thursday Live Eviction Night! I will be down in Cape May for the rest of the week for some time away…before I have a minor meltdown. Talk to you all soon!
I love your picture of Nat! and your mom's quote about the cow milk cracked me up.
Jun I love reading your stuff you are witty, clever, just adorable!
Love former HG insight and view points!! You my dear lady are a hoot!
Wait so there is no endurance competition?
Love your posts, Jun
Your mom's quote cracked me up.
I have a dear Vietnamese friend that always gets those quirky little sayings only half there. Her versions crack me up so much that I end up using them..
I get you! and always agree 100%thanks for the giggles.
Carolyn, sweetie, no apology necessary. You were excited and we all had a great bit of excitement right along with you! Your integrity and professionalism have been proven over the years and no one could ever call your motives into question. We love you.
Jun Bug! Love you girl, and your fabulous funny writing! Again, I must tell you that YOU ROCK! xoxo
Have fun on your vacay!
Hiya everyone! I am taking over from RepX in moderating comments.
We request that we not entertain comments about CO situation as we have no answers at the moment. That is why that post has no comment section.
When Carolyn is ready, she will address the situation.
For now, let's focus on Jun's amazing post and the exciting news that Will Wikle will be guest blogging as well!
Jun - Have a great vacation and don't forget to have your cake and eat him too :) tee hee
Oh dear! I don't think there is anything in this world that would make me wanna hear my mum orgasim! NOTHING - nadda - no friggin way! Love my mum but i just can't!
Great blooging as usual!
Carolyn - sorry someone was so mean to play such a horrible trick like not cool.
Hey I am sorry. I was just wondering if there will still be a endurance comp.. I understand you dont have to post my comment.
The indications are that it will be an Endurance Comp but we won't know until tonight :)
Jun - I so wish that I had seen your season. You made me laugh so hard today that my tatoo fell off!
I love your mom stories.
Anyone wanna share what's going on in the house right now? I don't have the feeds :( But I'm guessing it's pretty boring right now....
Heather - HOH lockdown is over. Casey is packing his suitcase that was located. Russell was chatting with Michelle complimenting on how good she looks and that she is the only woman in the house that seriously works out. Chima is primping in the bathroom and Ronnie is boasting and acting the know-it-all.
Everyone, I'd really like to just put this behind me and move on, so comments are closed on the CornerOffice post, and I ask that it not be brought up on others...
It's more than a little embarrassing.
i'm heading back to putting out fires, so to speak...
I'll see you all back here at 7:45pm eastern/4:45pm BBT for the live show viewing party.
Genie & RepX - Thank you both so much for moderating comments today while I'm dealing with the insanity.
Thanks for the laugh Jun. Enjoy your time away. I hope your "grown up" time wasn't anything too serious. When your recharged and need a laugh you know latenite here is always a hoot.
Love ya Carolyn! BIGGEST HUG EVER!
and Will Wikle from Season 5 is guest blogging??? How exciting!
I love former HG's...all are welcome here!! Woohooo!!
Jun, I am so with you on the silliness of a nominee giving a veto meeting speech when the other nominee won the veto already. Unless you're the Donatos it's utterly pointless!
I feel the same about all those little shots they have each week like the HoH mulling over the keys or the veto winner looking at the memory wall as if they're making a last minute decision.
I love my BB but stuff like that is too much cheese!
...and this is coming from a guy who had no issue with the houseguests dressing like pigs. Especially Jordan. Wowza.
Huggies Carolyn! Get some REST please! :)
Every time I see Jordan and Jeff "Let's Get it On" plays in my head. hahaha
Hi Jun!
Love your blogs... They give me a good laugh! We are lucky to have you this season!
Hi Everyone!
I'm excited for the endurance comp tonight. I'll be putting screencaps up as the hgs fall so be sure to stop by bbdishcaps! Much love to all!!
Big hugs Caro!!
The lovely, talented, sexy, hot **Genie Sea** will be your comment moderator for the next part of your BBDish ride!!
Raising my arms like I'm on the fastest roller coaster in the theme park babes!
Wellllll(rolling tongue)llllllcome Genie Sea!!
(PS: I'm still here..I'll be playing in comments and enjoying the ride....commented in both posts)
Hiya Kim!!!
Can't wait to see your screencaps here!! tee hee
Jun - your posts are so right on the money for these people.
Thank you for the posts!
Thank you Genie Sea for your comments!
Hi Genie Sea!
Thank you! ;)
Genie ~ I have Vista. I was asking for Diane1015. When I signed up for Chrome, it said only available for Vista Service Pack 2. Do you have Mac and Chrome?
Thanks so much sweety!
Now I will put down food and drink, go pee and read Jun's fantabulous blog! And maybe by the looks of that picture, put on a depends!
Big hugs Kim!! Can't wait to see your caps tonight! Endurance Comps rock and so does Miss Kim and Miss Dawn...
Where is Miss Dawn??
Dishchick roll call!!??!! LOL
((((KIM))) (((DAWN)))
RepX - LOL! Weeeeeeeee!!!
There was a young woman called Repx
We all know that she is the best
She stays up at night
To report all the fights
While some of us take our rest.
Genie - thanks for the reminder - haven't checked the screen caps for a few days. Anyone else notioce Jessies six pack is crooked?
I have to say evil is a good name for Nat. I bet there's a 666 on her scalp somewhere. Sorry I just don't care for the way she eats,walks (please pick your feet up)talks and is down right mean.
Her and Jessie (who kills me with his tee shirts) are a very evil pair.
Hiya Jun!
Nat never looked better.
So whats your opinion on the twist tonight? Anything more than breaking up the cliques?
Please give us some more of your mothers pearls of wisdom. My grandmother is Mexican and she also tends to put her own spin on slang. Gotta love em!!!!
I will be getting my nap in 45 minutes! haha
So comment away until then :)
Hi RepX!
Big hugs back at you!! =)
Hi Kim! I checked out all your pics last night, they are so awesome!
OAC - I am so with you about Jun! I didn't start watching BB until season 8, so I'm going to see if I can catch her season on DVD
Genie Sea I love it when you limerick me!!
(sounded dirty but not meant to be..hmmm?? why not it's dirty like my mind LOL)
There is someone on you tube who has uploaded all the old seasons of BB.
Quirkydude i think.
I hope I can get out of work soon! Im making my boyfriend watch big brother with me tonight, I told him tonight its too big for me...
He thankfully understands...
RepX - I love your dirty mind! hehe It's so like mine. :)
Thanks for the giggles Jun! Enjoy your getaway.
Look forward to Will's take on this game and these players!
Fishies... If they are extended, this chica will go for her nap... :)
RepX - I deleted all chat programs off my computer a while ago. It's more peaceful that way... hahaha
I am sorry to Jun to take away but I need to vent...
I finally(after 5 hours on the phone) found out why I cant get the feeds. I will not be able to get them unless my netbook accepts real player.
I would have to reset my computer so internet explorer is default and I would lose everything in my
I am just crying literally over this. I paid for those feeds 2 weeks ago and they wont refund my money. Oh well, I guess. I just want those fees but I cant erase everything in my computer, too much. I down loaded google chrome and it wont work either.
Man...I am really upset.
I hope you are ok Carolyn.
I am trying to get caught up on posts and comments before tonight. At least I have BBAD, I suppose.
So, I am really depressed...
bye...sniff sniff
anybody know if you can get real player on a stupid, tiny, itty bitty, little netbook???
Jun! It's like you are in my brain with your thoughts. Well, except for the naughty ones, lol, those are all yours.
Have a great Vacay! Think of me fondling.
Hmmm, wait, that's not right. Oh yeah, this is the saying "I'll think of you fondling." No No, still not right.
"I'll think of you fondly?"
Oh you get the picture!
tg - I don't know if this will help, but try here
I love you guys! I don't have the feeds, but I read the blogs daily to catch up on the juicy stuff. Keep it up!
Syn is fondling again...
Okay. I need to take my nap. Nothing is happening in the house game wise and the comments have slowed down! See you all on the other side of my nap! :)
Ha Syn...
Cute and Funny...what a catch ;-)
it is my imagination, or has natalie been wearing the same clothes for 2 days now?? NASTY! i'd like to se her on the block next week!! lol how will the little princess handle that??? lol
Genie, lol, I didn't see GaYToR or Blue around, so I thought I'd be safe just this once!
And how cool is Jun! She leaves on vacay and she even finds her own fill-in! And in the form of Dr. Will no less! That's just freakin' awesome.
Rest well Genie and i'll see you all just before tonights show!!!!
Syn, Its not Dr. Will from Season 2, its Will from Season 5, the gay one, with blond hair...
Both would have been good!!!
Another great post Jun!! I always look forward to them.
I'm pretty happy about Will blogging while you take a break. He's one of my all time favorite houseguests!
About tonights expected endurance comp- I'd be surprised if they were running or dancing-- not gonna last long if that was the case plus dancing implies music and no way will CBS pay for that.
I kinda get a chuckle watching Russell slug down all that water. I think I would drink very little several hours before an endurance comp. I may be remembering it wrong but I don't think they are allowed to pee while competing anymore because of the sanitary issues-- does anyone else remember that?
Awesome blog as usual Jun and way to go with getting a fill-in next week! Dr Will is one of my most favorite houseguests, and I do love reading former players opinions on what is going on in the game, I have watched since season 5 and bought season 3 and season 4 when I realized I was hooked. Since I can not afford the live feeds I love sites like this one and look forward to catching up with all I miss through all the bloggers and commenters so Keep It Up people!!!
I think I will take a nappy poopy too...Dishchick break!
We will meet back here soon for the live show and hopeful, very probable, endurance comp.
LMAO it feels damned good to read your blogs because I was initially DREADING doing so. I liked you as your season's winner, so I was praying you and I wouldn't be completely on different planets when it came to opinions......
When I read 'em girl, I am more than relieved :-)
Not to maention you're funny as hell with your insight on our beloved Natalie........she's playing for the Pink Mafia, mark my words, I know a thing or two about this mama......
Thanks genie, I am printing it off as we speak !!!
Oh, please work, please work, please work..
Jun, You are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! to say the least. I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your comments on the show and you keep me laughing my (_!_) off!!!! Keep up the great work!!
LOL X ~ Nappy and poopy @ the same time? Ewwwwwwwww! LOL
Great blog, Jun!! You make me laugh :)
There is talk on FB about "when have they ever shown the whole thing on the live feeds???" This is my 1st time subscribing - is there truth to them not showing and blocking the camera feeds w/ be right back?
Wonderfully insightful and as always roll on the floor funny.
Watching every season of BB you would think I would remember more but anyway...have been watching your season again. I forgot how small the old house was. Seems downright claustrophobic to the new one. I'm sure your happy that you all had PB&J instead of slop. Have you ever gotten to eat it, just to try it? When Jee walked in the door, sorry, but your face was priceless. You seemed so sad when you won. They really hated your game play didn't they. Hopefully you had a great party or something to get over it.
Enjoy your vacation.
Quick lesson on Wills for everyone.
There have been three Wills in all the seasons of BB
William(Will-Mega)Collins Season 1
Will Kirby(Dr. Will)Season 2 and All-Stars
Charles William "Will" Wikle III (nurse Will) Season 5
Looking forward to Will's blog.
Just to prove how much I'm over thinking the "big" announcement tonight. I was thinking if they are gonna keep the cliques for a little while longer they could switch things up by having all the houseguests draw a number(or something similar) to determine "captains" and then have them choose teams one by one. Choosing players in school for teams is the ultimate popularity contest. Along w/being pissed about what team they ended up on I'm sure the ones chosen last will feel threatened/upset. It would really shake the houseguests up going into an endurance comp.
Great post Jun. ;) always a good laugh after reading your posts.
Does anybody know the HGs myspace pages?
I have a quick question on the endurance comps do the houseguests get to see what it is before the live show tonight.
Jun, awesome, you are too funny! :) Love your blogs!
Hope you are doing well ReporterX, I've kept you in my prayers.
And I hope you have a great/uninterupted nap Genie. Everyone knows that if you're trying to take a nap someone will be calling (even if your phone hasn't rung all day!).
And Carolyn, sending lots of love to you sweetie! {{Hugs}}
See you all here tonight!!!!
I wonder if the comp is gonna be a football game of some sort.
Please keep us informed. Some of us dont have the feeds, and it is not b/c we dont want them !!! lol
Thanks and Michigan Man for the edu-ma-cation on the BB Wills! I had no idea. I didn't start watching until All-Stars, so I only knew about Dr. Will.
A Will by any other name is still a Will. I'm sure it will be extremely fun either way!
and LMAO! I just watched the flashback of "Who's on First" and it was hilarious. Jordan was so confused, "Are you talking about sex?" ... bless her heart.
Goooooooooooooooooo Jordan. Would love to see her win HOH. Just think of her and Jeff all alone in HOH
Why are the feeds on trivia? Thank you
Anon @ 3:17 - The feeds are going to be on Trivia in preparation for the Live Eviction Show tonight.
Genie will the feeds be back before 8pm?
Oh I forgot to say Jun I love your posts they are hilarious. And I am so excited about tonight.
Hi Genie!!!
Another great blog Jun! Thanks for the heads up on the "guest blogger" this week. LOL
Okay, I'm off to flashback to the Who's on First routine with Jordan.
See y'all at 8pm eastern!
Orgasm and and Grand Mother in the same sentence. OMG.
Hiya Michelle!
Hiya Everyone! I'm here from my nap and ready to moderate comments, as well as steal some of Gaytor's espresso! hehehe
Anon - The Trivia will go through the Live Eviction Show.
the team thing will never work it makes too many players that cant be touched so in 2 weeks its all off kilter. This year has had the worse luck ever if the players had been allowed to pick one only an idiot would have picked Jessie it makes my mind hurt to see the little bandy leg preening fool who has now shown he is abusive to Natlie I hope she comes to and gets rid of him.
I tried to nap. No such luck. It has been an exhausting day.
Awww! Sorry to hear Michelle! :(
My aunt passed away and her funeral was today and it just takes so much out of you. Sorry if that was to much info, don't want to be a downer.
I have my coffee for later though because I don't want to miss the comp.
I can't remember the feeds being on this late on live show day!
Ok got my spot ready - animals are fed - just gotta finish getting dinner ready and i'm set.
Awww Michelle sweetie! Hugs honey. I am so sorry top hear :(
as usual, your blog was great,Jun! I always look forward to reading them.
Marci - I was surprised to see them back too!
Genie ~ Maybe there will be leak of E comp!!! Please, please, please!!!
Marci - I wish! :)
Good evening everyone!!
Is everyone well rested and in for the long haul tonight?? I went to bed before 8:30 last night and still got up late this morning. I hope I can make it tonight, be productive tomorrow and still make happy hour tomorrow night! :)
Go Jordan!!!!!
Is Lydia wearing her leather pants???
Michelle - sorry to hear about your Auntie, what a long day you've had.
BUT hopefully hanging out here and on the feeds will cheer you up a little bit.
ReporterX, Genie, Carolyn, Gaytor, and Blue, I hope you all had good naps/sleeps!!
Somebody better still be awake when I get home if the endurance comp ends earlier than expected!! :)
Have fun and play nice BB Buddies.
I am praying that Lydia is somehow on the block by Friday afternoon.
I can't stand to listen to her voice anymore.
Hiya Toni!! :)
Michelle I am sorry to hear about your Aunt. My Gram passed away yesterday and I know how you are feeling right now.
Omg!! I am so excited!! These houseguests look ready and prepared for WAR! Genie r u excited as much as me lol!
Thanks Genie
Hiya BAMA!! :) Lydia is not even on the top of my annoying list, but she's there.
Hiya JulieB! :) We're here for the long haul! :)
Ok, had a great nap! Ready for the live show and endurance comp. I so want Jordan to win HOH, please, please, please!! Have a great night everyone and let's hope these HGs get turned on their buns!
Hi Genie!! :-)
Of course BB wouldn't cut the feeds early today...why allow us fans to get anything accomplished before being glued to the feeds all night?!?!?!
Genie Sea.... :)
I can't take her saying every sentence in the form of a question. She's such a phony.
Any variation of Natalie, Jessie, Ronnie or Lydia would make me happy.
I don't have much faith that Jordan or Jeff can win HOH.
Is Russell praying?
Hiya Nina! Sorry to hear about your Gram :(
Hiya Anon @ 4:15 - I am very excited!
Hiya Filis! - Who knows? They might literally get turned on their buns! :)
Thanks JulieB.
I noticed when I read through all the comments earlier that people were giving out info for facebook. If anybody wants mine it is Michelle Williams Falk.
Russell is looking very sexy in the black tank top :)
Nina I am so sorry for your loss.
BAMA! You have to keep up the faith! Channel some Sheila! :)
Shelia would have flipped the house 10 times if she was in the game with these houseguest!
Bama - So true! That house needs some Sheila! :)
Thank You Genie but she is now with my Grand Dad who she has been missing since I was born and now she is with him.
OMG, Casey was just talking to Jordan about wearing the black in case she has to pee on herself during the endurance comp. I had NEVER even thought about that!
You live feed endurance comp vets help me out ... have y'all seen previous houseguests do that before? That's ... yuck. But you gotta do what you gotta do I guess.
Hmmm, maybe that's where "Expect the Unexpected" came from.
Ok I can not get upset lets go Jordan and Jeff
I hope Nat doesn't win. Don't need Jesse as Co HOH. Go Jordan or Jeff
Nina - That's sweet honey :)
Syn - That ain't so unexpected in an E Comp :)
Evening All!! Can't wait! Bama, is that the Sheila train I hear? Wow, would that finally knock some sense into some HGs?
Hiya Red!!! :) Woo Woo! hehehe
Hey Genie, hugs sweetie!!
I would so suck at being a HG! I'd be the grouchy old woman who would get annoyed with the mess and there is no way on earth i would p on myself. I'd be one easy target to put on the block!
4:45 PM BBT - Trivia... That was a long peek before the show that they gave us!
Michelle sorry for your loss and Nina, sorry about your Grandma, it is so hard losing the ones we love. Hugs to both of you!
Jun - Thanks so much for your prize! Very funny card...and no, I am YOUR biggest fan. LOL
By the way, I was thinking the other day...I really need a close up picture of someone to put on my wall...and whaddya know I get yours in the mail!!! HA
Thanks again!
best exit speech yet by him...go make Jesse a sandwich! I can't stop laughing!!
Jun!! You did it to me again... I have to clean up the desk, monitor AND the keyboard.
There should be an additional warning about your blog. Put a bread bag over your keyboard.
"DID I JUST USE CEREBRAL IN A JORDAN-RELATED THOUGHT?! Hahaha, and it wasn’t even preceded by “non.” "
I could never have said it that good myself... touche.
I can't get through this one in a single reading. Laughter tears are rolling down my face and I can't see.
Hearing your mother's orgasm. Jun, that was just plain mean and I love you for it.
Who didn't think of their own mother?
I'll finish this after I sleep.
Fantastic job once again gf!
I still haven't finished but I scrolled to the bottom for some reason.
Will Wikle will be Guest Blogging about tonight's Live Show. I can't wait!!!!
I lovez me some Will.
I'm so excited all 6 of my nipplez iz tinglin'.
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