Wednesday Night in the BB11 House: LOCKDOWN
7pm BBT
As of 7pm BBT, the BB11 HGs have been on lockdown inside the house for just over 2 hours now, and the long lockdown is just going to keep on going. They will not see the sun until they head outside around 5:40pm BBT/8:40pm eastern tomorrow during the live show. It'll be just after someone is evicted, and they get to see the HoH Comp apparatus for the first time. They're all expecting Endurance, and so are we! :)
Can't Wait!!! If you've been holding out on subscribing to the live feeds, I strongly encourage you to get the feeds set up now, before the comp starts, so you can get accustomed to the new Big Brother Live Feeds interface *before* the comp!

Haves Room
Jordan's telling everyone where the term Booger came from. The booger explanation leads naturally into a very funny sex talk...
Chima: We talk about sex way too much in this house.
Jeff: Everyone's clogged up. I'm almost nervous to do it again.
Chima: You afraid you wont be able to get it up?
Jeff: No..
Chima: Just that it wont last?
JefF: No, it think it'll rock all night.
Kevin talks about the first time he ejaculated, and how it scared him...
Jordan: Because the white stuff came out?
This is a very funny bit to check out on flashback. I strongly recommend it.
Jordan: Michele, do you masturbate often?
Michele: Yes. How about you, Jordan?
Jordan: No. My vagina doesn't get any action.
This continues... Really funny stuff. All feeds. Check it out.
Michele: Cross your legs when you're driving down a bumpy road and you can make yourself have an orgasm...
Michele and Kevin explain Kegel exercises to Jeff...
Kevin: Guys can do it too.
Jeff: Yeah, I can kinda make my thing move a little bit...
Kevin: I can't believe you can make yourself do that in a car...
Jeff: Do you tell the people you're with?
Michele: Depends who.
Jordan: Maybe that's why we hear you moanin' at night.
Jeff: Have you, in here?
Michele: No.
Jeff: Liar. You can make yourself on a bumpy road, and you want me to believe you've lasted 3 weeks in here?
Michele: I just have sexy dreams.
7:35pm BBT
Pool Room
Kevin & Lydia are discussing the others. Kevin is urging Lydia to be very careful with Ronnie, citing examples Ronnie has said that the game is to lie... Lydia's not hearing it. Kevin is trying to be a friend, but Lydia's gone round the bend on an anti-Russell tact.
She's sitting there making Natalie's outfit for the comp, which also makes no sense... Lydia does say though, that she plans on winning the comp.
Finally, Kevin's words seem to penetrate.
Lydia: I understand what you're saying about Ronnie. I just don't understand why everyone's so afraid to go up against Russell.
7:43pm BBT
Kevin & Lydia cont'd.
Kevin: The rumor being spread around the house this week is that the clique thing is ending.
Lydia: Really? I haven't heard that.
Kevin: Well the people who keep bringing it up are the athletes...
7:45pm BBT
Haves Room
Jeff & Jordan
Being adorable... Playing Rock, paper, scissors in bed...
8:04pm BBT
Pool Room
Casey is bewildered, watching Lydia put a waterproof endurance outfit together for Natalie... I'm with Casey... Unless Lydia's gotten a heads up that they'll be blasted with heat during the comp.
8:35pm BBT
Kitchen Area
Jessie, Russell, Chima, Ronnie...
All happily chatting together, being silly. Lydia and Natalie make a grand entrance to show off Natalie's now completed custom made (from a garbage bag) waterproof endurance comp pants. Lydia made em. Now it's time to make the hoodie.
9:11 PM BBT
Dining Room
Kevin, Chima, Natalie, Jessie, Ronnie, Lydia, Russell, Michelle, & Jeff
The Lockdown chowdown. Random chatter while Casey is in the Pool Room by himself covered to the chin in blankets looking dejected...
Jordan makes her appearance, smiles briefly on her way to the kitchen to get some cleaner and paper towels to clean the mirrors in the Pool Room.

♫Man in a Banana Suit♫ joins the eaters...
Talking about Dancing with the Stars and who they would want as partners...
Lydia: Jessie should be on dancing with the stars...
Laughter (*** only if he's in a pink tutu )
9:29 PM BBT
Russell & Jessie
Russell: What's going on man?
Jessie: It's just that they all know that Casey is going home. It was the same way before Laura went home. We can't do anything until we find out who gets HOH.
Jessie goes to the bathroom. Russell settles down to listen to some music.
BB Voice: Russell. Please exchange your batteries for ones in the storage room (**denied!)
Chima follows him into storage. No game talk. He leaves the storage room and Chima follows. He goes to the bathroom, she follows. (**Did she lose a bet?)
They go up to HOH
Russell: Why do I always have to go first?
Chima: Because I like to watch your ass (Chima laughs at her own joke.) Now open the door for me like a gentleman...
They go in and lie down. Chima proceeds to pluck his eyebrows.
Russell: She brings nothing to the table. She is a waste of space. I'm the one everyone hates. (** I am not sure who he is talking about)
9:36 PM BBT
Pool Room
Casey & Jeff
Talking about Braden being evicted and Casey's imminent eviction. They make fun of Chima, and how those HOH are turning everyone to servants. Talking about Panama beaches.
Jordan comes in, asking if anyone needs candy.
Casey (talking into his mic): D0 I need my suitcase? Yes, I think I do. (He suitcase has gone AWOL) He briefly sings his Banana Man song. Lydia enters. Casey leaves. He forgot his Banana suit and goes back to the Pool Room.
Meanwhile in the living room, Ronnie is pontificating about the Endurance comp, and mini-Jedi training...
Ronnie: As soon as the people I'm not cool with drop, I'm out of there because I don't want to be an HOH hog...
Kevin: I don't think I have a lot of enemies in this house.
Ronnie: You never know.
Kevin: I know you're not my enemy. Do you have a lot of enemies?
Ronnie: Casey is leaving so that's one less but I have three for sure.
Kevin: Wow. I just hope it's a fair competition.
Ronnie gives Kevin his theories and brief fishies. Ronnie thinks that he can do this endurance competition ( ** We will see)
They are going through the various Endurance competitions over the seasons. Then they go on to talk about Survivor. Kevin made it to the final picks for that show.

Pool Room
Jordan, Jeff, Casey, Lydia & Natalie
Jordan is packing, Lydia Jeff and Casey are in their beds. Jordan has given Natalie a pair of shorts that don't fit her. Lydia sounds peeved. Casey loses it a little bit and is acting a little looney. They are cracking up. Natalie looks at hm like he's crazy.
Natalie: I've never hung out in here.
Jeff: That's cause this is the projects.
They talk about the curse of the Splish Splash room. Everyone who sleeps there gets evicted.
Casey starts singing "Girl in a trash bag suit" (**Funny!)
Lydia says that she will be making herself a garbage bag suit.
Jeff: What if there is no water?
Lydia makes a crack about Casey leaving, and Casey says he deserves it.
Jeff: Can you make me a tuxedo jacket?
Talk turns to Fraggle Rock and the Smurfs... :) I hear a familiar giggle... Michelle must be in the room too off camera. Talk turns to predators...They move on to talk about oldest versus middle or youngest children while Lydia continues making her garbage chic wardrobe.

Russell, & Chima (Jessie is in the bathroom)
They are talking about sex and relationships. Chima ia cuddling up close to Russell.
Russell: Dude, I don't want to go home next week.
Chima: Why are you going to go home?
Russell: Kevin is going to send me home.
Chima: Why do you think he is going to win?
Both are saying that they will win the Endurance Competition...
Russell: I hate Ronnie.
Chima: Are you sure you hate him? I heard otherwise.
Russell evades the issue. He tells Chima he "trusts" her so he tells her "his plan".
Russell: After I get the strongest competitor after me (Casey), I want to get rid of Ronnie. I can break him. He thinks he's smart but he's really not.
Chima: I want to get rid of Jeff.
Russell: Why? He hasn't won anything.
Chima: He won the Veto.
Russell: That was luck.
Russel successfully throws Chima off Jeff's scent and focuses on Lydia who he says is after Chima.
Russell: She is the toughest of the girls.
Chima brings up the fact that Russell loses it easily and he tells her it's strategy. He blew up on Jeff to draw a line in the sand and see where everyone stood. To see who would defend him. Tells Chima he told DR he was about to do it.
WOW!!! These HG's (Michele, Jeff, Jordan, Kevin.........) are having a really detailed sex talk!!!! LOL
It's so funny!!!!!!!!
Michele is a very sexual woman, even a bumpy car ride can get her.....*ahem* off?........
Jeff: You can juggle your balls? I can't even juggle regular balls.
You can't write this stuff. Very funny conversation.
I just wrote a comment in the other post about this. Jordan is so funny because she just has no clue!!!
Jordan said -- "Maybe it will different if I actually start to like it...then I will hump everything!"
Jeff's had the goofiest grin!
Well...that top post should get everyone over here. lol
Jordan called a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich a p&j.
How cute Jordan you forget the B.
Its PB&J
OMG!!! that whole sex talk convo was HILARIOUS!!!!! I can't stop laughing!!!! (I think I need to pee now!!! hehehehehehe)
My goodness is Jordan Amish or something??? I'm completely baffed with the things this girls doesn't know and by the things she asks.
Funny stuff. Glad to see them getting along. Just please don't let Ronnie talk about his sex life.
OK game over... there's nothing Jordan can do that would prevent me from voting for her a million times for America's Favorite!!
She is just toooooooooo adorable!!!
Wish I could give it to both J/J.. they have had to been in another life together.
They are like Burns & Allen funny. I know I'm showing my age!!
I knew Lydia wouldn't let it go. That stupid ball again.
BLueeee Smooch!!!
Agreed! Hysterical funny talk!
Jamison :) Yup!
Laura in NC
LOL - Love them... individually and together.
Rose - Here's hopin! :)
just when I thought I was about to catch up on I've got to check the feeds. When will I ever get to bed at a decent hour? Who can resist Jordan talking about sex? So hilarious! Reminds me of so many girls I know!
I don't understand why Lydia would want to make a shirt and pant for Nat for the Endurance comp.........unless she is going to make it in such a way that it will prove to be a hindrance to her (trying to sabotage her)........
Why would she do this? It's a comp!!!! I'm not following this at all!!!!! Doesn't make sense to me........
OMG she's getting more and more psycho every day...
so funny how our opinions change week to week LOL
First week I loved loved loved her
now... she's making me nuts!!!
Must be time for a limerick
all 4 feeds on Lydia and Kevin? Is my RP messed up? Figures, I'm too late for the sex talk :-(
Blue - I totally agree.
I don't care for either lady. How funny would it be for Lydia to put itching powder in the suit at the last minute?
Okay, Kevin and Lydia not getting along too well at the moment....just a disagreement or misunderstanding? or a crack in their relationship?
"here's the thing..."
"here's the thing..."
"here's the thing..."
"here's the thing..."
About 3x in the last 2 sentences
My gawd, Lydia......get off the Jessie bandwagon already!!!!
Blue - I keep wondering that too. Lydia has put a lot of time and effort into Nat's outfit too.
It's like Natalie/Jessie/Lydia are in a polygamist marriage. Lydia hates Natalie but still talks to Nat and does nice things for her just because she is the second wife.
well i am light on the feeds tonight....resting up for tomoroow night.
Is it possible for Laura or Braden to be on these posts you think? Have they done any interviews or blogs that you know of????
I think everything that Lydia does is for attention. She is making the pants for Natalie so people will say, "Wow, Lydia, it's so amaaaaazing that you can do that." She has low self-esteem and the motivation for attention comes before her game play a lot in this house. Just my opinion. ;)
Judy in NY - "so funny how our opinions change week to week"
isn't that the truth! And I need to completely stop watching the pre-season interviews! I thought I was going to hate Kevin, but he's morphing into one of my faves. And I was so worried about Jordan embarassing us Carolina girls, but who knew she would be adorable enough to be forgiven for her innocence. Who knew I'd use the word innocence instead of ignorance?
That's why we all love Big Brother - forces us to stay open-minded :-)
ohmygoodness, Jeff saying he could rock all night just gave me those "tinglies" LOL LOL LOL
okay, there is no way i could do that just going on a bumpy road! some girls are so lucky! i have a friend that can do it just by crossing her legs, no road needed!
Forgive me if this has been answered already - but did we not get a blog from Jun today?
I agree! Jordan will surely get the fan favorite this year. She's the most lovable hg in all seasons. :)
Knowing this house, by morning it will have flipped again!
Like I said earlier, Russ obviously did not throw the ball hard enough....did not knock any sense into Lydia!
Big hugs to all the BB family, secret one included!!
Well I was tripping out yesterday that some of our Dishers don't know what a camel toe is!
LOL, nothing but love here, not saying that in a mean way! :)
Where in the heck is Jun Bug, she'd have us really rolling on the floor!
Yes, Kevin, the clique thing will end soon.......possibly tomorrow night, or next week....but it will not last forever.........I'm thinking (and hoping) that the high school clique aspect of this season ends tomorrow.........when a brand new twist is introduced.....SO WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE TWIST IS GOING TO BE!!!!!
Is it Thursday yet? hehehehehehe
I love everything about Jeff. Jordan is so lucky to get to hang with him. Jeff is lucky, too. They are just too cute.
What a contrast.
Mopey, Moody Kevin and Lydia to Super Fun, Cute Jeff and Jordan.
I really would love to see how ED would handle these HGS - i personally think he would have a blast winding them up!
Jordan & Jeff, too damn cute on the feeds!
~ Ryan ~
My Secret One!!!!!!!!!!!!
How are you Sweetheart???????
Loving you much!!!!! *smoochies* and (((((((((big hugs)))))))))))
The new HOH competition needs to be Rock Paper Scissors!
Jordan is kicking some ass!
If Lydia is making garbage bad outfits for Natalie and its not a comp with cold water wont it make her dehydrate faster?
Janeen....interesting take....and quite quite possible........making me go hmmmmmmmm
I'm scratching my head over it!!!!
LOL at Laura!! Are you a Big Love fan? I am!
yay! rock, paper, scissors, Shoot!
I'm not usually big on BB *showmances*.....but the whole Jeff/Jordan dynamic....and possible and probable potential Chima/Russell works for all of them........I like them all together........maybe something real will come from it after they are out of the house.....!!!!
Been busy going thru a couple bottles of wine with my bff/neighbor and just came back to catch up. now that i have the feeds (thanks to link on bbdish!) I am so happy to be able to use the rewind machine thingy to be able to go back and catch up on the cute sex talk. Just need to kick hubby off his comp so i have sound (no i haven't figured out what my computers problem is yet, i'm sure it's something simple like something unplugged but i've been too busy to actually crawl under the desk today to check).
i have a feeling it will be another late night (aren't they all during bb)? why oh why do i have to be so addicted?
Love J and J. I'll be back a bit later.
love to all,
Jun got busy with work stuff today... :) It'll get here eventually. :)
Shout outs and love to you all. I don't comment often because I feel like I need to catch up before I post anything... and it's so hard to catch up. I'm amazed by those of you who do/can.
Congrats, Caro, on your huge achievement. Way Cool! I love being here.
Question. I know this has been asked and answered (in the 647 comments, yes, I will go back and read them all), but I just can not stand not knowing one minute longer. Would someone please explain the chess analogy just one more time?
Many, many thanks. I can already feel the love.
Oh yay!! Feeds on Jessie sleeping while Kevin sneaks out of the bathroom and out of the stimulating......Are they trying to drive down ratings this evening??? HAHAHAHa
Why, why all 4 on sleeping Jessie? I can't stand to watch him sleep with that big mouth open! I was enjoying "rock,paper,scissors...shoot!"
Jluvsturtles - YES! I love Big Love!
I'm missing everything again, but reading a goodnight story to a four year old is great fun. I'm a smitten grandpa. I think he's out the night.
Jordan cracks me up.
Can the bumpy road story be true? It sure would save wear and tear on ones hand.
Carolyn - thanks!
Watching Gilligans island here - forgot how much i loved this show.
Carolyn, do you mean to say that Jun got busy with Syn today??? hehehehe'
Just kidding!!!!! lol
You're so cute and so nice. I can tell from your comments that you're a lot less judgmental than I tend to be on these poor hg's. lol.
I am probably wrong about Lydia. I just can't help myself sometimes. The things she says and does make me ill. Like coaching Kevin to try and make Michele cry by using the fact that her brother died....that's just sick.
Anyway, whatever is her motivation she's the yuck, in my book. :)
lol Jordan: the "white stuff came out" She really is a cutie.
as much as I want the feeds to switch back to Jeff and Jordan, I hope they don't before I finish typing this "nite all" - cuz I need to get to bed. Resting up for tomorrow!
Have fun, dish friends!
oops...switched feeds before I posted...ugh. Really need to get to bed, but is Jordan braiding Jeff's hair?
I just watched the BB commercial again, and since there's a twist on Thursday night wouldn't it be cool if the twist was that Casey gets to stay? By the way he says "Sweeeeet!" at the end, it kind of looks that way! I can only hope........
Ooo. Ewww. Natalie is always eating, and now she is double dipping. Yuck.
What is wrong with Natalie, she seems like she was raised by wolves.
Uhh I'm so bummed.
Did they really have to switch to Jessie and Natalie when Jeff and Jordan were bubbling over with cuteness again?
Jeff is so cute and funny when he relates to younger type things like the milk and cookies.
"Go over dere. You ruined my whole experience. I was all excited about the milk and cookies".
What is this thing Lydia is making out of black trash bags? Doesn't she know that she may be shooting herself in the foot by making that for Natalie to help win the endurance comp? Whatever!
Hey Blue and Gaytor *waves*
Now she is not the "brightest" crayon in the box.
We need some other word for "adorable." I think J&J totally own that word now!
24 hours from now........ IT ALL CHANGES!!!
Can't wait....
Here's hoping Lydia and Natalie dress up in garbage bags and the competition is something with HEAT!!!!!! blowing on them..
"I'm melting...I'm melting...What a world what a world"""
OMG, Laura, I am cracking up at the "second wife" comment! too funny!
OMG, watching Nat dip fresh strawberries into Cool Whip!!!!!!
DROOLING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!
I love love love ♥♥♥ fresh strawberries!!!!!!!!!!!
*Homer Simpson drool..........*
I'm loving Jordan and and Jeff!!
I really hope they both make jury atleast or even final 2!
Blue, is it Thurday yet? I was just about to say that, you beat me to it! ;-)
I love hearing Jeff talk because he's just a regular guy. I really enjoy their group conversations unrelated to the game.
They always seem to stray of course and end up talking bout sex.....hahahahaha
Has Carolyn gone pumpkin yet? I know it has to be getting close. I'm catching up as fast as I can.
I know there are rumors that the twist is that there will be no more cliques. But I don't think that is what it is going to be. My only reason is with the whole America voting on what the Have Nots eat. Anyone else think it is something else?
I told you guys that Lydia was a nutjob. I want her out of the house NOW!
Carolyn, Have you been smiling big enough to make your face ache? They are the best kind of smiles if you ask me.
Laura, you cracked me up yet again with the "they need to make the HOH comp rock paper scissors!!!"
Jordan is sure to win that one!
GayTor - Nope ;p I may stop actually updating, but I'm gonna hang with you guys in the comments for a while yet. :)
OAC - Yup! :) Still...
Hi Everyone!!!! :) are too kind!!!*smooch*
I try not to be too judgmental of the HG's because of the immense pressure they are under with the intense scrutiny.....and trying to remember that all of them are playing a maybe they aren't their true real selves....they may be completely different people in real ordinary every day life......
But I can be judgmental......and sometimes it shows in my comments...LOL
The Dish is pure entertainment, time to show some love in that tip jar!!!
I'm gonna spank you!!!!
(no real reason....just gonna spank ya!!! hehehehehehe)
OMG Jessie explaining science to the scientist hahahaha
Hi Carolyn :)
I hope they show the "man in a banana suit" song on the show tomorrow night. I had it stuck in my head all day at work today. I teach 3 & 4 year olds and they were cracking up everytime i was singing it. They're all singing it now!
People commenting on the BB11 commercials for tomorrow night...remember, none of it has happened it is all heavily edited clips from previous film.......based entirely on the reactions they think may happen from the HG's tomorrow night, and what they want us to think might happen to try and generate ratings for tomorrow.......
I wouldn't put much stock or faith in those commercials......
Just my take on it.......
Please tell me why Lydia is trying so hard to be friends with Natalie? Anyway! How cute is Jordan? "I may not be the brightest crayon in the box" Lol! I love her. can't stand listening to Jessie jabber on. I should change the feeds. WAIT, Jessie's on all 4 freakin' feeds!! Nothing to cap at this point Carolyn, lol!
~ Ryan ~
Carolyn... Congratulations on your milestone, i've been a long time reader and have posted in the past this is the first time this year. I want to thank you and all the BB dishers and fans for keeping us all in the loop.
thanks all ! ! ! !
Hi Carolyn!!! Hope you are having a good evening!
Is there a moment when Natalie is not riding on Jessie's sack.
Hi Janeen! :)
BLue - I agree about not putting any stock in the commercials...
Anon re banana song & the 3 & 4 year olds... How cute!! :)
Anon@8:13: LMAO!!! Sooooo cute about the kids you teach and "banana" song!!!!! hahahahaha
The endurance comp from the season of ED was harsh - the cold water and standing on a little stump - i wonder if it'll be something like that tomorrow.
Why does Jesse use the word 'literally' so often? Does he know what it means? Does he know how to spell it? Does he know that he is literally driving me insane? When the men in the white coats come to take me away (hee hee haw haw ho ho-to the funny farm) I'll be sending him a bill from my psychiatrist.
Trying to catch up but an old friend from Dallas caught me on MS Messenger and he's being Chatty Kathy. He just got in from Happy Hour so you can imagine.
....just thinking of a few of our dish family in there commenting on the 'sex' talk! Some of you could enlighten Jordan!! Nope, let's keep her as innocent as she is, think Jeff is getting his own ideas (wink)
Okay, nasty thunder and lightening here!! Hard to type with a scared 75 lb. bulldog on your lap!!! ....repeat after me, it's okay Tucker, Mommy is here!
Jeff kind of reminds me of Dan in BB10.
Can someone put a sock in Jessie mouth please. I can't take much more of this.
Jessie please go to the DR.
Thanx Blue! :) I will definitly keep that in mind, but it's nice to hope tho huh? KEEP CASEY AND JORDON IN THE HOUSE!!!!
I would be so very shocked if Jordan doesn't win the fan fave! And I really believe that it was us on theDish that made Keesha win over Jerry. :)
Hi GP :) Thank you!!
Ry - LOL... absolutely nothing! I'm not doing a commercial for whatever product he's hawking.
Hi KScooter!! :)
Bamaaaaa!!! :)
Grendon - He reminds me of Vicini in The Princess Bride...
I wanna tell him, "you use that word a lot.. I do not thinkk it means what you think that it means," a la Inigo Montoya ;)
Hi Wendy Lady!! :)
I wonder where Genie is tonight. :) I miss her!!
Oh Goodie Jessie is going through his muscle body health spiel for the 50th time this season *rolls eyes*
Is it really necessary to have all the cameras on this for 5 - 10 far?
Blue we can spank Tush together. I promised him one this morning for some comment he made.
I drilled holes in my paddle like a HS principal... I want it to STING!
mmmmm. My stinger... Bama's tush... I'll be back.. I have to clean up a spill. :-p~~
Jessie knows a lot about body building and Michele (bless her heart) is great at empathic response.
Jessie loves to share what he knows, huh? ;)
Hi JLuvs!! :)
Michele is going far in this game just on her cooking.
Grendon, it's like last season when Jessie kept saying "point being" and "ver batim"......
mikeinbama said...
"I love hearing Jeff talk because he's just a regular guy."
Me, too, and Jordan is a regular gal, at least around these parts of the woods :)
I know, said I was going to bed....and I am. Back tomorrow!
love ya, Carolyn (and all!)
Hello back at ya Carolyn!
I'm running through all the endurance comps i can remember here wondering what tomorrows will be. Looking forward to finding out if the twist is the diamond veto or not.
LMAO@Carolyn and the "Princess Bride" comment.........heheheheheh!!!!
You are so right!!!!!!!!
RedRhonda :) Awwww!! Sounds very cute!
BigWigg - LOL
Indigo!! :) they're doing it purely to torture you, and teach us all patience. ;)
GayTor - step back from bama's tushy - mine mine mine!! ;p
Janeen - sho nuff! :) he's well intentioned... and she's amazing at keeping her knowledge base to herself.
Please give us a feed without Ronnie and Jessie. Someone in the booth has a really sick sense of humor.
Hello, lovely Carolyn! I too was just about to ask where Genie is. I am very happy to have read that RepX is doing better, that is good news! :)
Michigan :) It worked for Jun. ;)
Dineane :) Nite nite! :)
WendyLady :) Hmmmm...
Blue - I *love* Princess bride... one of my all time faves.
BB "Ronnie please go to the DR"
Thank you BB
oooh Gaytor, by Dallas, do you mean Cedar Springs???
man i miss the fun on that street!
Caro, I am begrudgingly passing Jeff to you. Bama plays for my team. Forget it. Blue and I will beat u up!
Let's getter Lube
Jane - I feel like they went to dinner or something.
JLuvs - :) I spoke with RepX earlier :) She'll be on tomorrow night!
I'm thinking Genie must have a hot date, or she just plain collapsed after work today...
We were all up very late last night.
Carolyn - hmmmmmmm? You know something i don't missy???? Come on now you know you are just dying to spill it :P
Hi Carolyn!
Hi All!
Guess I took a longer nap than you C. Woke up to the sex talk. Please tell me why Jeff doesn't just jump Jordan and show her why she should love sex! Her 'one' sexual partner must not have been very good! Too cute! The patience of those two frustrates me!
Anyway, I took a walk and came back to the Jessie commercial. What's with that? I can't believe they allow all his advertisements!
I can't wait for the endurance comp and twist. Our first (hopefully) all nighter. Yeah!
At least Jessie has genuine passion. Ronnie is just a blow hard. How much I would love to see a brain off between him and Michele. What I look forward to the most is Ronnie finding out Michele is a PhD scientist and him cringing in his dork shirt at his own self satisfaction as the smartest person in the house. The jerk off plays video games 8 hours a day. She teaches herself Japanese in the car.
I wish they would cast a shrink. That would be interesting.
RedRhonda I have a great dane (109lbs) He thinks he is a lap dog. When we have a storm he runs to my grandson's closet.
Carolyn, I remember you saying it was one of your favorites....last season, I think, if I remember right! It's a great movie!!!
GayTor.......sure Sweetie!!! We can take turns.....but let's keep it secret from Caro.....she seems to think she has ownership over the Tushmeister........heheheh (and I'm sure she does!!!!! LOL)
HI Carolyn
I have one question... Has any of the HG's even used the bikes in the spa room this year??? I'm wondering maybe the HOH comp might be something like who can peddle the longest making sure the light stays on????
Genie will be here full force for Endurance night!!!! She's probably the only smart one amongst us and is resting up for it properly, instead of like all us addicts who just can't put the feeds down!!!! LOL!!!
Girlfriend, I hope you sleep in tomorrow, cuz you know you'll be up LATE tomorrow nite! All of us will I'm sure!
tick tock tick tock tick tock
can't wait!!!!
is it thursday yet???
Those pants Lydia made are quite ingenious. She is quite the creative gal.
Well at LEAST either Jeff and/or Jordan will make it to the Jury. Only one more HG has to leave before they start going to sequester. So at least I know I can vote for one of them for Fave HG.
If Nat wins the Endurance comp.........I'm gonna implode!!!!! and then vomit.....possibly a supernova will happen within my DNA and a black hole will form in my soul............and I will not be a pleasant person ALL NEXT WEEK!!!!
Nothing against the woman personally, but a Nat HoH next week just could be the beginning of the end for our very own Milky Way Galaxy ...........hehehehe
Please BB do not let Natalie where that outfit. And why is she so afraid of the water. Oh maybe that is why she does not bathe she is afraid of the water.
Why does Jesse pray for so long before he eats? Is he saying, "Please don't let this food be poisoned or laced with crushed glass."
When was Jesse saved? And who saved him? And why?
I am really not trying to make a mockery of Jesse's (or anyone's) religion. Please forgive me if I have offended anyone. For lack of anything more interesting on the feeds right now I have been pondering the strange creature that goes by the name of Jesse
Genie - If it's legitimately you commenting, please gimme a call.
Jamison ~ I would LOVE it if Lydia had that itching powder! LOL
Wow, RP didn't like Jessie's infomercial either, it crashed!
Carolyn, might be weather for Genie too, my lines have been going on and off.
Gaytor, is your dungeon ready? May have to be sending some down...
Didn't someone say last night or this morning that Lydia was going to throw the HOH comp? Maybe that is why she is sucking up to Nastalie? Not sure, but have to agree with Bama about getting rid of Jessie first, then Nat will be lost, like a little puppy dog :(
Alright bed time! I gotta get my rest for work...and of course the endurance tomorrow. I will be soo mad if BB is faking us out with this Lockdown and it is just a True/False HOH.
Listening to Michele, etc talk about the garlic they have.......have any of you ever eaten so much garlic at one time that you could even smell it coming out of your own pores the following day?????????
I have.....There is a pizza place in town that has a garlic, white sauce instead of a red tomato sauce........that soooooo mmmmmm-mmm good......but a drawback is you go around smelling like it for about two days after!!! no matter how many times you's soooo worth it, though!!!! YUM, YUM!!!
Hey everyone! I have been trying to catch up on comments! I love reading everyone's comments!
I can't watch the feeds tonight, my twinsies are sleeping over. I will have to watch the sex talk on the flashback tomorrow.
I have to get up at 7am to take the twinsies to the church. They are going to the beach until Saturday. (free to watch the endurance comp tomorrow night! Whoop!)
I will be here for a little while longer, I am washing clothes and have to make sure all are finished before bedtime! :)
Grendon, I've noticed Jessie praying before he eats, too........
But my whole family says grace every time we sit down for a I tend to just ignore it...lots of people do pray before eating...
But I have definitely noticed it.
Grendon, you're also cracking me up! :)
BigWigg, LOL, the bigger they are the harder they fall!! The big dogs are the biggest babies I have always found. But this bulldog (he is only 2) just goes insane at any sign of thunder, never have had a dog do this and I have had many dogs. He is my baby, but bulldogs are known for a few things.....they are great dogs....but have a *****shhhhh (gas)*** problem!! We call them bullfarts and they clear a room, specially since Tucker thinks vegetables are treats!!! LOL
Please for the love of the man above, please get rid of Ronnie, Jessie and Scrappy.
blue - that garlic pizza sauce sounds yummy
Blue - there is a pub here in town that does a hot garlic chicken ceasar salad to die for that leqaves you smelly for a few days too - i love it - so much garlic that your tongue burns from it.
Patty, That would be the best comp ever! But Jessie and his side kicks would win.
Lets save it for later.
They tried out the bikes at least once when Ronnie found or read something that the lights would do something but when nothing happened I haven't seen them on the bikes since.
Hey Blue, I go to Garlic Festival every year! Love it, garlic ice cream, nothing like it! LOL
Only in CA.
But really, love garlic, love to cook. Though have to admit, somehow my son cooks way better than me! He is going to make someone a great 'wife' someday!
"Is there not a moment when Natalie is not riding on Jessie's sack"
priceless bama. priceless
Turtles, yes, Cedar Springs. He lives right behind JR's parking lot, sometimes in it. :-o
Same complex we lived in during our exile after Katrina.
WOW that was kind of a super long break for me! Left work, and then had a major delay waiting for one of my kids.
Then I got company!
I just have to catch up on this comment section and I'm set! Should be right when Carolyn says night :)
Good evening dishers! :)
WendyLady, you are making me hungry!!! LOL
There's Genie!!!!
Speak of the devil's wife herself!!hehehe
Good evening Genie! :0)
evening all
Hi Genie! You made it! :)
What a long day! Just caught up on the blog and comments. Sounds like it was pretty quiet.
Thanks Carolyn for all the updates.
Blue re: garlic, my husband loves garlic and we went got pizza and bread sticks and garlic butter. We went to Holiday World the next day and it was about 90 degrees and boy o boy did he stink!
{{{{hugs}}}} Genie!!!
Nat talking about mixed drinks and things...........when are people going to catch on????? *sigh*
RE Jane: She teaches herself Japanese in the car.
It took me a minute and then I was rolling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think i'm turning japanese, i really think so :)
I just had a thought. If Natalie wins HOH and truly wants to keep up her fib of being 18 years old, I think BB should cooperate and only give her Kool Aid in her HOH room. Also, do a "Natalie, STOP THAT" if she tries to drink at any time.
I definitely think you're( I used the correct punc Casey ;)) right about Michele's cooking getting her far in the game.
I bet when the jury has to give their reason for why they want her to win it will be because she can make chicken cordon bleu.
Well my patience has run thin regarding Jessie @Carolyn
Okay, time to take the pup out and take care of some things before trying to settle down for the night. Going to be a long one tomorrow, hopefully!
Night All, see everyone tomorrow for a bright day in the BB fish bowl. Here's hoping for some change coming!! Hugs, smoochies, and sweet dreams for all!!!
HAHA! Blue talked about his black hole.
I think in the next Star Trek movie they will be trying to fly through that. Probably the last Star Trek ever to be made because they will get so lost in there.
Love ya Blue but you left that wide open and I had to.
Blue.... wide open.... oh I could go on and on and on and on and on ad infinitum.
Why WOULD they ask an *18* year old what kind of liquor they wanted......??????? Hellllllooo!!!!!
So over the gNat. Cannot wait til this lie is exposed! It is irrelevant in the game but in that house it will be HUGE!
Jane, I just saw your comment about watching a *brain off* between Ronnie and Michele!!! LOL
I would pay good money to see that!!!! My money's on Michele!!! BIG TIME@!! hehehhee
Hiya Blue, Wendy and LaQuita!!! Smoochies :)
Blue darling you started it by bringing up pizza! I'm sitting here hungry and wanting garlic-y yummys buts its 10 and all it would do is give me nightmares :0)
Hi Genie! :)
Lol Hubby is gonna make me garlic chicken for dinner this weekend.....can't wait!
Huggies Rhonda!
GayTor: I'm so glad I leave myself *wide open* for you!! LMAO!!!! It just makes my day!!!!!
Can't say anything with you around!!!
Does Nat still have the shirt on that she took from Chima last night?
after all of ronnies lies i don't think 18 versus 24 is gonna spark em up, IMO
Night everyone, catch on the flip side.
Hiya Kscooter!!
well boys and girls and those still undecideds or those we can't figure out...
BBAD is on and DQTD tells me that means we have to switch positions.
I'm SURE Caro will be pumpkinated by the time this is over, so good night all. This doesn't mean I am gone for the night, it just means my comments won't be up until morning.
I know I did, Wendy!! just smack me!!!! hehehehe
I am playing catch up! I have to record the shows and check the blog to find out what to watch on flashback! I am trying to juggle a 5 year old and a 7 week's wearing me down!
I think its time to for me to go to cloud cookie land now - allergy meds kicking my butt and i'm finding it hard to sit up :P
Hope everyone has a wonderful evening and i'll catch in the morning!!
Time for me to get to bed! I hope everyone has a great night! Get lots of rest so that we can all be here for the endurance comp!
nite nite, sweet dreams!
Nite Michigan Man :)
Nite Wendy! :)
Nite nite LaQuita! :)
See ya in the morning, GayTor :)
Is everyone going now??
I just caught up!!
Hi Genie! You were missed! :)
GaYTor, Big Daddy Mack's will make ya wanna scream! LOL my friend took a fish there about a month ago and they got kicked out cuz the bartender didn't like her. hahahahahaaaaa
Is everyone leaving me?? :(
I'm here!! :)
is it sad that Jesse's DR sessions are amusing to me....I absolutely cannot stand Ronnie's!
YAY!! :)
Hi Genie! I'm here, but you sure know how to clear a blog! Just kidding of course! LOL
Wish we were watching the E Comp. right now!!!!
I'm here, too, Genie!! Can't believe Caro is still hanging in......
I guess I too shall say nitey nite.
Lovely Caro, make sure you get that much needed rest for the BIG DAY tomorrow! If we thought last night was a party...
Good Times!!!
Good night, friends! xoxo
They are like one big happy family tonight!
Awfully quiet, that all on it's own might get me to sleep on time :)
Is it just me or does anyone else believe there was crack in the trash bags? Lydia and Natalie are being soooo nice I can t stand it!
Um, Jessie, the computer keypad is basically the same keypad the old time typewriters were...........
Where did everyone go???
Am I the only Disher still up? lol
Gee! Thanks Marci! LOL! :) Unlike Natalie I take a shower every day... hahaha
Okay, so totally off the subject, but I have been curious for a couple of seasons now. Why, when the HGs wash dishes, they don't fill one side of the sink with water and soap, instead of putting the soap on the pad, wash a few dishes, rinse, repeat. I mean, one or two squirts in the water would do a sink full of dishes. Am I just bored or what?
Judy too.. I have been reading comments for over an hour. but done now...Blue...implode...too funny
Casey looks like a whipped banana frappe' right about now.
awwww...I feel so bad for him :(
You know I love ya Genie!!! And you smell mmmaaaavalous!
I don't get Nat not bathing. Ewwwww! It's bad enough that she never brushes her hair. And I have only seen her brush her teeth once. Hopefully THAT is just not on the cams!
Anon @ 9:26 - LOL!
BLUE! I'm here and will be for a while! :)
Hiya, Rose!!!! *wave*!!!!
Genie did you sleep all day???? :)
Russell's disgusted.....poor guy, just comfy in the HoH bed to listen to some music and has to go change his mic in the SR!!!!
YAY, Genie!!!!! w00t w00t!!! heheheh
Is Caro going horizontal????????
Blue :) Very Very Soon..
I leave you in the gentle, loving, capable hands of GenieSea :)
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