Late Afternoon in the BB11 House
We're almost to 10 Million!!! I'm gonna update here in this post until 5:40pm BBT, then I'm going to get the Tuesday Show Viewing Party Post together, and get that up a few minutes before 6pm BBT/9pm eastern!! :)
There's a new witch hunt in town. Natalie's doing the rabble rousing and Lydia's her target.
As I tune back into the feeds, Natalie's being lectured by Jessie and Russell about sitting with her ears opan and keeping her mouth shut. They tell her she's just elevated herself on the radar immeasurably by her actions today... and their right.
4:27pm BBT
Russell leaves, and Natalie launches into some smack talk about Russell... Russell told Michele earlier today that Jessie and Natalie are like the Donatos.
***Pardon me while I puke on both of their behalfs.
Michele repeated it to Natalie... and Natalie mentioned it during her reprimand just a few moments ago, clueing Russell in to the fact that he cannot trust Michele...
Although reigned in, Natalie still "just wants to punch Lydia."
Head spinning yet?
4:38-5pm BBT
Lydia confronts Jessie
Lydia heads up to HoH and confronts Jessie head on, demanding to know how is it that Natalie knows every word Lydia said to him in private last night. She repeats several times, "Just admit it. Can you just admit it?" He doesn't. Instead he spins it back to Kevin being the target... And of course she and Natalie are each other's targets...
Lydia: But I get all the sh-t because of it...
Jessie: As I do because of Natalie... As I do because of you.. They think you're the one who's saying everything... I go, Lydia doesn't even know Chess. I said, watch, Kevin will be the next one walking up here, and boom, there he was.
Lydia: Whatever.. she just needs to learn not to react...
Jessie: Regardless of what you want to believe, I've been up here defending you left and right, deflecting grenades towards Kevin...
Lydia: Tell me!
Jessie: You wont believe me anyway...
Lydia: Tell meee!
Jessie: Apparently Kevin threw you under the bus... with Jordan..
Lydia: It's easy to throw me under the bus because of how I look. I'm used to it...
Lydia: Listen, you stay with 4, I'll go with 4. That's super.
Jessie: No... No... I don't care what they say... WHoever wins HoH... I already have intuition...
Lydia: Who wins?
Jessie: I don't know.
Lydia: What's your intuition?
Jessie: Who walks out the door.
Lydia: Tell me.
Jessie: It's not you. How many votes do you need next week? You'll gettem.
Lydia: Thanks for telling me I'm going up.
Jessie: It's not that... If I go up against Ronnie, I'm ok. If I go up against Russell, I'm f'd.
Jessie warns her again about Natalie, and tells her how to handle her... Be calm...
Lydia: She said she wants to sit down at the table ...
Jessie: And oust people.
Lydia: Who's gonna volunteer to do that?
Jessie: She wants to prove that she's right, is what it all comes down to... At all costs...
***Like you did last season, as ouve admitted.. Nice to see you've learned and grown so much in the past year, Jessie.
Jessie: She hates the fact we hang out, by the way as I'm sure you already know...
Lydia: Well why? Doe sshe say why she hates it?
Jessie: You hate it when I hang out with her too though...
Lydia: No I don't... She has a boyfriend. I don't get the whole dynamic, really (paraphrasing)

Moments later, Lydia moves as if to go, and Jessie reaches out, asking her where are you going? She says she's gonna go hang out with Day Yum Yum (her unicorn), since she's not supposed to hang out with him... He grabs her arm ad says no, don't go... Hell with what they think, etc...
Jessie: Just win HoH this week... please.
5:02pm BBT - Jessie and Lydia have returned to their happy place... She's doodling on his arm...
5:05pm BBT
Jessie: C'mon Rapuzel... you better let down your hair, before all the villagers come...
Lydia gets up to go. He holds on to her hand. She gets out of the bed, comes over to his side and they have a good hug...
5:08pm BBT
Chima, Russell, Jordan, Michele
Chatter in the backyard about birthdays... Russell's is in September...
***I saw Natalie in the storage room, so I flipped feeds real quick, and it turns out she was actually getting food. lol.
Natalie joins them... The talk is light and fun... Chima reminds everyone it's her birthday.
***I wonder if AGP came through with the Fireman Stripper suit for Russell...
Backyard, cont'd.
5:17pm BBT
The pleasant could only last so long...
Chima: Where's Jessie?
Natalie: I think Lydia went up to talk to him.
Chima: What about?
Natalie: Trying to cover her tracks, probably.
Chima brings back the funny with her Valley Girl impersonation, but her Paris Hiltin needs work...
5:19pm BBT
Having picked some veggies from the garden for Chima's dinner, Michele sets about preparing it.
My head is spinning for sure...
Natalie might be pretending to be 18 but 8 is a more apt age. Seriously, how petty can you get? You like Jessie and so does Lydia. We get it. I believe people will drop Natalie like a bad habit sooner rather than later because she's just too emotional for anyone's good.
I agree that Natalie just put a huge target on her back with all her grilling today. I can't stand her anyway. I just want someone else to be HOH and JEFF and JORDAN better not leave cause I will be heartbroken!
CO made a comment in the pervious post confirming the endurance comp!! So excited for Thursday now!
when we get the feeds, does carolyn get half, if that is the case i will sign up.
Hoping Jessie sees the liability of Nat, irritates her enough to rattle her. She might then put herself in jeopardy in a multitude of ways, causing enough trouble in the house to be a target soon.
Also, I've been thinking about her "boyfriend" she refers do we know that is anymore true than her supposed age? Perhaps the boyfriend is really her trainer for the Olympics, or is really a 30yr. old female, not a male.
I was just thinking about asking if you had heard anything more from CornerOffice, and BAM, there he/she was.
Lydia makes me want to puke from her stupidity.
Is poor little Nat getting nervous because the power may shift--loving it. I hope she falls in the endurance first. She thinks she is so tough. With Jesse out the door, she won't have any game
Hiya all!
Carolyn, forget the bucket...too small. I just bought a new kitchen trash can (the tall one) so I'll be passing that around.
P.S. Remeber NOT to eat dinner during the show...or we will run out of buckets/trash cans.
Good evening everyone!
Just got home from work and caught up on the posts, not the head is spinning, my eyes aren't seeing clearly. Going from work straight home to my laptop probably isn't the smartest idea, but I need to know what I missed. I hate when I don't get a second during the day to catch up on here. Darn work! ;-)
Carolyn, how far away are you from 10 million? What a wonderful job!! Who knew what this site would become when it all started 4 seasons ago! It was season 7, right?
I can't wait till Thursday. I love the endurance comps. Anyone who doesn't have the feeds get them here at BBDish! You don't want to miss a minute of it!
Wow oh wow!! Natalie is falling apart in there. I'm sure it will come back to bite her in her butt - hopefully sooner rather then later too.
Carolyn - did you enjoy your ride?
could she BE any more annoying?! Gah. They need to invent some sort of virtual face slap because I'd like to reach right through my computer and smack her. Oh this violating blog comment rule #4? :/ scratch that. Sorry Carolyn! I hope everyone in the house doesn't mysteriously forget about this craziness like they seem to have forgotten about Ronnie and his shenanigans.
:( and there goes my undying love for Michele.....I realize she's playin the game to get on the good graces of the bigger side, but she is screwing herself over big time. I hope she can save herself with the other side or we will be saying bye to her sooner rather than later.
Geez this house is freakin crazy for a Tuesday!!
~ Ryan ~
Happy 10 mil hits day!! What a day, another message from CO, 10 million hits.. and hopefully a good fight on the feeds tonight!
WOOT! :)
I don't really think Natalie has made herself more of a target by acting out this time. Lydia and Kevin already were going to nominate her and try and evict her. Nothing changes here. But Natalie has a lot to gain if she can expose Lydia. She shouldn't act out like this, but it doesn't really matter this time.
Ooooh so gla micele is busted. so glad she's getting her just desserts for last night.
Damn, Lydia listening to Jessie lie to her face and she's eating it up. She deserves to go home ASAP! I knew she was a horrible player. I said it the first week that Lydia needed to GO. She's completely useless.
Hi Carolyn and BB addicts! I hope that Nat digs a deep, deep hole that she cannot get out of easily! Let's get her out!
YAY for the 10 million mark!
Didn't Jessie tell Natalie this morning that he learned all this information from Lydia last night?
Jordan/Jeff learned this information from Lydia.
Kevin sure is getting a lot of blame.
My head is actually hurting right now!
How was the bike ride, Carolyn!
Aye aye aye....
Am I hearing things or is Jessie totally bold face lying to Lydia????
LOL as soon as they cleared out of the HOH Lydia comes in a makes the bed, then gets in it with Jessie.
I like that headband she is wearing, not so Lucy.
I think Jessie is going to have an ulcer. He is trying to play a better game this but with these two women he has to put out fires every single hour.
Love Jordan. I think she is being dumb talking to Chima and Natalie then she goes outside and tells Jeff that she said it was Michele. She is way sharper than they are giving her credit for. I so hope that her or Casey can get Michele to understand the truth.
I still read people posting that Jordan needs to win something. Jordan won the Have/Have Not competition. Even after she put at least two cubes in her cup. Natalie, nothing.
Am i a monster here for wishing Natalie does try to punch Lydia so she is booted out of the house?
It would be different for me if she was playing a game with her accusations but she is just on such a power trip its getting old and fast.
I am trying really hard to keep this all straight.
Jesse is still crying the blues about what a terrible person Dan was and how he was single handedly responsible for causing Jesse to lose last year. Yet this year Jesse is trying to play Dan's game right down to the clever little speech he made when he put Casey on the block. One problem-he doesn't have the intelligence, humor or interity that Dan has. Anyways, a big shout out to Jesse. Way to emulate someone you so obviously have no respect for.
Natalie's on a rant bitchin' and complainin' and wanting to 'oust' (I thought the word was 'out') all the rats and liars in the house. Hmmm, one of your best buds is Ronnie McRatterson, you still haven't fessed up about the whole age thing, and where exactly did that hinky vote come from? The only words I can think of to describe her are actually too good for her.
Lydia and Kevin are awful, dispicable people because they are trying to play the game in a way that would give them a chance to win. They would rather have a 1 in 5 chance rather than knowing that they are ranked 6 and 7 at best. How could they!
Casey is the antichrist because he couldn't find the super glue in time to affix his lips to Jesse's derrierre. Oh, and he would also like a chance to win. What a terrible human being.
And Michelle....well she needs a refund from the place that gave her an IQ test and told her she was way smart. She is a frickin' idiot. She can't see what is right in front of her face so she doesn't stand a chance in hell when those knives start getting aimed at her back. Jordan has more insight into human nature than Michelle.
P.S. Jesse, the phrase is, "getting the brunt of everything" NOT the blunt.
natalie for HOH this week!
can't wait for endurance too.
and hopefully i win a prize from commenting ;)
Evening everyone........
At this point, they are making me nutssssssss and dayum Kevin... get a clue that Lydia's shooting her mouth off!!!
Jessie's got a good shot to the end.
I wonder what Russel's plan is right now...
At some point today I was even gonna root for Natalie so mouth almight Lydia goes home... she's screwing up any chance of a revolt...
PS I want the cliques OVER
No matter how badly Natalie falls apart today, Lydia will do everthing possible to draw the spotlight and drama back to her.
I guess when you're not the center of attention and your pouting has gotten you NO WHERE, Lydia is hell bent on making someone notice her.
Oh and another thing: Michele is a rat, a flip flopping rat.
And everyone thought Chima was horrible...hahahahaha. Don't heat the Diva, hate the game.
Bama come on! Lydia can't go until Nat punches her and Nat gets kicked out!
Being a brain to me means book smarts - obviously not street smart.
I do not think Michelle has the ability to play people.
Evening everyone,
Just got home from work and trying to catch up.
As much as I would like Casey to stay I don't want to see Jordan leave. Jordan and Jeff are just too cute together.
10 million hits Carolyn!!! I Remember when you were aiming for 1 million.
I think I posted these comments on the wrong post earlier..sorry if it's a repeat!
Woo-hoo! CO showed up on the last post!
Endurance is first time w/ the live feeds...Cannot wait!!!
Jessie said to Lydia.
"IF" Natalie goes on a power trip, IF? IF? IF?
Gnat better think twice about a house meeting! they might decide who it was that voted to keep Laura and it was Natalie! That meeting might prove what a gnat she really is!
I have decided, I can't quit smoking while BB is on and I'm reading the dish! Sometimes I think I'm stressing more over this than I am our upcoming custody trial, which by the way, we are winning! YAY!!!
I think Lydia and Natalie are both painting a big red target on eachothers backs...
Congratulations on the 10 million! Carolyn, Genie, Blue RepX and GayTOR you are all doing such an awesome job!xoxoxoxo
Carolyn....I know you've heard it 10 million times before but here goes 10 million and 1 ....YOU'RE THE GREATEST!!!!
I have a question to anyone in the know...What exactly is this "Chess Analogy" Gnatalie keeps referring to?
I agree with you. It seems Lydia always has to have everything back to her. She seems like she always has to get the last word in.
HEEEE! I slept through the early afternoon and had that feeling the late afternoon was coming before I could finish and throw out a few comments. Gotcha Carolyn. I'm catching onto you!
Syn928 said...
I can not stand for it! I won't!
Syn, I have no problem if you need to lay down for it. Standing up is a good position but so is laying down. (Did you really think that would get past me?) :-p~~
OAC DQTD is what I dubbed Danny (my partner of 28 years and still going) last year. It means Drag Queen Taxi Driver. Last year we kept him running all over town when any of us needed to go shopping or to get to a show or a rehearsal. This year, not so much. He's developed cataracts (very early and too soon for surgery) so we no longer let him drive. 4 tickets in about 8 months... We (the two of US)can't afford his fines anymore. Still the moniker fits.
I'm back again. I was away and just from reading the recaps i can see why people believe Natalie is 18. she acts more childish than my 14 year old sister.
I was with my friend. I have my 10 year high school reunion next Friday and my birthday this Friday so I am getting prepared.
congrats again on the success of this site Carolyn. I don't know how you run this and all of the social networking you do for this site. Great dedication.
I'm listening to the girls minus Lydia talking about Jeff and Jordan's relationship and guys and dating. At least this conversation isn't wearing my nerves down...
Dang new post and already 35+ comments!!! I can't wait til tonite's show, but I REALLY can't wait til Thursday!!!!
I can't stomach Natalie and I want her out of the house, but Lydia is worse.
Lydia's game play of using her sexuality is painful to watch and it's completely back firing. Her awkward handjob hasn't done anything to move her game forward.
Oops I commented in the wrong post. Dang. Anyway all i said was I missed a lot while away. Natalie can get away with saying she is 18 because she is so childish.
I was away getting prepared for my birthday this Friday, and my 10 year high school reunion next Friday.
And Carolyn congrats again on the site and it's number one ranking!! And how good you do with this site and the social networking sites to keep this site on top!!!
Kscooter - I started the medicine (Chantix) to quit...haven't been doing too bad!
What state are you in? I am in NJ and kind of going through the same thing personally that you are. I just feel like I am pi$$ing in the wind with my case.
Happy 10 million today Caroline! I got my coffee and ready for the show to start up in an hour, woohoooo! Cant wait to see what they edit this week. Get the feeds people if you dont have them...I hope its an endurance comp this thurs!
Congrats on 28 years Gaytor!!
Watching Hells Kitchen - crazy season here too - this has been one crazy a$$ summer!
I so hope Lydia does not win AOH.
YaY for CornerOffice making a comment and affirming what the Mistress of the Dish already knew. Indeed our Carolyn does know her BB schedule history.
Hi CornerOffice. Nice to see you again. :-)
Well I wake up and turn on the feeds to see Jessie, Russell and Ronnie trying to reign in Natalie. So she's still going at it strong. I haven't been to the front page yet to check the rundown on the actual happenings.
hehe Genie Sea for sneaking in and approving comments, and for Carolyn to not know which of you, (You or RepX) was doing it. I loved that little public interchange.
Dang it Lydia! Wake up! Just because Natalie has a boyfriend doesn't mean she still can't fool around with Jesse!
Bama ~ OK, how about a double eviction next week? I'll go for that. But I would still like to see Nat punch L! LOL
It's sad, because based on pre-house interviews, Lydia WAS my favorite until she decided using sex was the only way to stay in the game!
I like Natalie. I don't understand why other people don't. Lydia is the one that I don't like. I think Natalie has a game plan (even if it is not the best game plan), she knows who her enemies are, and she doesn't let men walk all over her. She controls Jessie just as much as Jessie controls her... and she doesn't have to sleep with him to do it!
OK, so I blew up about Michele, but I think I need to backtrack, lol. As much as I hate that Michele needs to act BFF in this house, she had to do that to stay in this game. I think she has the ability to throw the HoH comp next week and NOT get put up. Michele has to be a week-to-week player, and if kissing the athletes butt to get an extra week or 2 works for her, then it works. I think everyone will be back to loving her very soon, just wait and see, lol!
Carolyn! Congrats on the 10,000,000 visits. Here's to 10,000,000 more!!
~ Ryan ~
Wonder where our Jun Bug is! Miss ya girl!
Carolyn, I feel so special to be a part of the 10 million mark! This is my 4th season with you, and there is NO other blog out there that compares to theDish! Some of the others are so hard to read and navigate around, not user friendly at all!
You know I love ya girl! :)
Wow, I turn 28 this week and I can't believe I am older than Russ. i guess I am happy I look young. LOL. I haven't dated a younger guy in a while but I guess I can make an exception. haha.
Hey everyone! Don't forget to show Carolyn your support and go to the tip jar!
If I missed anyone else asking me/commenting at me since my afternoon break, I'm sorry. I scrolled really fast to get caught up thinking the show was on at 7:00 PM GaYToR Time instad of 8:00 PM GaYToR Time.
Mistress of the Dish, may I refer to Natalie as NataLIE? It's so fitting.
I'll probably keep typing the name in regular spelling but when anyone sees if from me, put the emphasis on 'lie'.
I'm so disappointed that when Lydia came up and got in bed with Jessie right now, that NataLIE didn't come back up and catch them. I really want to see the blood and guts fly. I really do.
As for Banana Man staying. I'm all for it if he can manage the votes. I think he brings much more to the game than Jordan (sorry syn but he does.)
Now if Jordan would actually do something besides MY Jeff, I might reverse that but so far she hasn't. My hope is that she does win HoH this week. That would redeem her in my eyes as actually playing the game.
Also, she can put up whoever she wants, with input from Jeff of course. As it stands now, Jeff would be so limited in his choices for nominations.
I don't want anyone else there to win HoH this week. I know putting all my money on one horse is not a good game, but I feel like this time I absolutely have to do it for the sake of changing the game.
Natalie. Must. GO!
Did anyone notice Nat and how she almost slipped up with her age? I know it is a big off topic, but I noticed it and I dont think many other people did.
Congrats on the 10 million mark!
Michelle might not seem to have "street smarts" but I personally think she is doing something right... she's playing the "keep you enemies closer" strategy. Which is what I would do if basically 1/2 the house has wanted me out, and the other half so clearly doesn’t like me, no matter what they say to my face. i.e. when she leaves a room all you here is "she’s weird" childish type bitchin ect...
My guess is that Micelle is indeed smart enough to pick up on how people really feel about her, and knows she really doesn't have a chance at an alliance with this cast of hamsters. So I will cut her some slack, because until we see who wins HOH next, I don't see what else she can do.
Just my two cents.
Over all I hope it could be Jessie out before Jury ;) - Next Ronnie, then Nat. But I doubt my wishes will come true.
Congrats, Carolyn! Can't wait to help click you to two million :)
Damn 28 yrs Gaytor! Congrats!
I spent a little over 8 with my ex twit ( thankfully i didn't have custody problems as he gave over sole custody to me for the house) and i've been with my bf for 4 1/2. Hope to get to 28 yrs with the bf. Thats something to be very proud of in my books and much respect to the both of you for sticking together all this time!
Yvonne I wouldn't be at all surprised to know that NataLIE's bf, if she actually has a mate, is a gf.
Do her moods, actions not scream lesbian? Not that there is ANYTHING wrong with that.
Illisa's does your gaydar (or is that LesDar?.. innocent question) go off big time on that girl.
But we also know Illisa wants Jordan, along with Syn... I would love to see Illia all over Syn's ass re: Jordan. LMCAO again, just for Syn.
You know Gaytor, I agree with you about Jordan. She really adds no value to the game. Casey does not neither, because he never fights for anything, but he would fight harder than her when in a pinch. I noticed that she made a comment the other night that people just want to make it to the jury house, but they should just go home if that is the case. BUT the other night (about two nights before that) she made the comment to Jeff that she just wants to make it to the jury house.
I seriously loveee Jessie and Lydia together!!
WOW! We (well, Carolyn) were graced with CO again today?? So exciting!
I can't stand Natalie. This house is nuts. Thursday should be super interesting. Hope the power changes. :)
Ry the youngest man here who has my unbridled lust... Have I paid any attention to you lately.
Now Rod Stewart's "Tonight's the Night" is running through my head.
How ya doin' Big Boy? Come up and see me sometime (ala Mae West) ;-)
As cute as Jordan is cute never won this game. The ones who played and played hard on all sorts of levels - lying/cheating/going back on their word and fighting tooth and nail to win comps are the ones who win. This game is about how low you can go to win half a mil - not how cute you are. Thats why i think Casey would be better in the game then Jordan.
Yikes - sounds like I missed another to catch up, back in a bit!
Bleh, Natalie is such an instigator. She needs to grow up. I think she's been pretending she's 18 so long, she's starting to actually become 18. Can't wait until Jessie's gone (if she's still around), she won't be anything in the game then.
I'm realllyyy hoping either Jeff or Jordan win HOH Thursday....I love them to pieces!
Can't wait to see the POV comp!
Just about 10,000 to go- CONGRATS Carolyn
Wendy - I have got to ask because I keep feeling like you are talking code and I missed it someplace. Who or what is CO???
mikeinbama said...
Damn, Lydia listening to Jessie lie to her face and she's eating it up. She deserves to go home ASAP! I knew she was a horrible player. I said it the first week that Lydia needed to GO. She's completely useless.
July 28, 2009 4:45 PM
Gag me as in pass the bucket, but it makes me wonder if Jessie's two finger trick is better than she admitted to Kevin. Actually my thought is she just likes sex and she will get it where she can, but still *PUKE* Sorry for making anyone else do the same. Passing the giant garbage can.
Thanks GaYToR for explaining DQTD. I was curious also.
And many congrats and much thanks to Carolyn. What a great site she has created and especially for managing to do it while maintaining a sense of class and decency towards the Hamsters and fellow posters! Much kudos to you girl. I run a chat group as well and I know it isn't easy!
I've got something yummy and rummy in my cup to sit back and enjoy the show (after Hell's Kitchen... I just love Chef)
Keep the screencaps of the mucho cutie Jeff coming!
Happy show night everyone!
OK, Wendy I just saw that answer posted by RhondaM...excuse me, I'm having a moment of delusion!
I need to get stuff ready for the show. Basket of raspberries and cherries and smirnoff ice and coffee!!
And I'm baking at commercials since I got home late!!
Congrats to all the Dishers and especially to Ms. Carolyn in your 10 million marker. Just wanted to say that and that Nat has got to go along with Jessie.
Hi all! Been here since season 8 and have passed along this site to many friends and family who are now hooked as well! Cograts Carolyn on the big 10 mill! I also remember the 1 million mark and feel like I know many of you personally even tho you all don't know who I am. =o) (Sounds kinda creepy, huh?)
Thanks to everyone who works so hard to keep us BB addicts!
***btw caro, I always get the feeds right here...the only way to be a true addict!
Annette =o)
Hot Jeff alert if AGP/RP would stick that BRB button where the sun doesn't shine. He's working out and making some great noises.
I hate to admit it but I do think Casey would do better in this game than Jordan :( and I love Jordan!! Got a question....If Nat goes crazy and hits somebody does she go home or immediately on the block? What would it take for her to be on the block with Jordan and Casey? Is that possible?
Hello to Carolyn *my BB girl friend and my dish family, how is everyone tonight?
JulieB - no worries cause i'm confused to what you are referring too LOL
Phew! Got one second to say HI EVERYONE! :)
Just in case you're wondering why your comment didn't show...
I'm still publishing comments for Carolyn, and if there are any questions addressed for her, I leave them until she gets a moment (HA!) to see them and respond. Either that, or you broke a rule! TSK! :)
I keep hearing about veggies for Chima's dinner. Are the have-nots all able to have veggies or just her? what's the deal?
JulieB - Hey! I answered something? Cool! Can I have some of what your having? Yummy! I was going to make a watermelon daiquiri(sp?), but just realized this dang thing has seeds in it. I got the wrong watermelon! I hate picking out seeds.
Looking forward to seeing the POV comp tonight!
Bama my MAN! We disagree, but we can agree to disagree on Lydia. I still pull for her for now. Unless she has done something really bad today.
That could be very possible. I still haven't gotten back to the front page to see the blow by blows from Carolyn.
That doesn't mean we can't still bump tushes anytime you're ready.
Natalie won't last too much longer because everyone is going to get tired of her flying off the handle.
Lydia's sloppy handjob and Jessie playing stinky finger with her was enough for me.
Has anyone notice how much more Casey is smoking since he went up on the block?
Wildcats -as far as i know any form of physical violence gets you removed from the house.
If Jordan gets HOH she would put Ronnie which is great but I think she would also put up Michele rather than a jock. Michele would end up going home if the POV isn't used and Ronnie would get to gloat more. With Casey, Lydia and Kevin they have a beef and something to prove. Plus, if Banana Man can pull off staying he is a force to reckon with. This will be the hardest thing to do but if he can they all better watch out, besides Jeff.
Wildcat - If one HG were to punch another HG, that would be immediate eviction from the house. The noms are null and void. I believe but I could be wrong! hehe
Boquida- Any 'have not' can eat anything growing in their little garden as well as slop and whatever food we voted for them to have for the week, and protein shakes.
Noticed we have someone else also posting as Becca so I'll just shorten mine to Bec from here on out in my signature (that's what my partner calls me anyways). Just to eliminate any confusion even tho the other Becca and I do seem to agree on the state of the game... LOL
Carolyn ~ I didn't see an answer about the brownies, so I went with chocolate, Kahlua, walnut if you would like one or ten.
Anyone else? They are still warm. I also have Black Jack Cherry frozen yogurt to smother them!
Marci - Are you trying to make me drool? :)
Rhonda I'm happy to share....a watermelon daiquiri sounds yummy! I'd pick out the seeds :)
Wendy I think my post is yet unpublished but I was asking about CO,
Genie, feel free to delete it since I sound like I lost my mind!
GAYTOR!! How are you & DQTD doing today? 28 years? Well, that's younger than! Well, the more mature men always do have more knowledge of certain...things...;) But again, congrats on the 28 years! I can only hope that I have a loving and lasting relationship such as what you have in the future!
Oh yes, I may be young, but I do get that Mae West saying!
Where did CornerOffice post!? Did he/she post on the Dish or send Carolyn an e-mail??
Carolyn, I have such an urge to shorten ure name and say Caro. How's that work for ya? Lemme know!
~ Ryan ~
Marci!!! Put me down for 10!!! times 10
Mine are hitting the oven NOW!
Hi everybody,
I hope all is well. I have been super busy but been keeping up with ya'll.
Way to go Carolyn on the 10 mill hits !!!
I have not been able to keep up today so I have been reading and wow is MY head spinning..
See ya'll in the next post while I get ready for the show !!!
Marci - you are killing me. Dang, that sounds so good! I'll take 1 or 10, please!
There's plenty Genie! And I won't waste them with a splat!
CO posted on the previous post today!
JulieB - no worries it keeps my on my toes!
I try to read everyones comment but sometimes ones are added i miss.
I wish i still drank - a daiquiri sounds so yummy right now.
I dont get the Jessie/Lydia dynamic but in the last couple days he has been defending her more and more.
Oh and I am a little confused today...
What side is Michelle really on?
STILL trying to get my feeds to work, ya know...the ones I paid for 2 weeks ago and still cant get them. The cable company says its not cable but Realplayer...who knows.
JulieB- CO is Corner Office who is someone "in the know" about the game. :)
Ry - CO commented in the precious post. :)
i want jordan to win thursday so it will shake this house up
It really surprises me how much Jessie defends Lydia. And Natalie for crying out loud...let it GO!
I'm waiting to comment now in Top Post
I have a few saved up.
Come on Caro, open the pre-Show party. :-p
JulieB ~ What flavor are yours? We can swap. (I almost said slop)
And hallelujah, it is finally raining (well storming) for the first time in weeks. Yeah, as long as the cable doesn't go out.
***New Top Post!!! :)
Edit to my previous post. 28 years is OLDER than me. I really need to do a better job at editing my posts, lol!
~ Ryan ~
You got it Msfitz! On it's way!
Gaytor - Congratulations on 28yrs! That is awesome. I have always wondered what DQTD meant!
Marci...Chocolate, Kahlua, Walnut brownies sound divine...Yum!
RhondaM...I will pick out the seeds, watermelon daiquiris sound so much better than plain Margaritas!
Now I've got the munchies and I'm very thirsty!
One more minute till BB POV show!
Hi all...heres to the 10 mil tonite!
Am I the only one who thinks Lydia isnt stupid?...I personally think she may have a "small" crush on Jessie, but at the same time she knows he stands in the way of her winning half a mil. It is the reason for BB right?...U are not here to forge life long friendships...If they happen, then great, but the main goal is to win the grand prize. She and Kevin were, IMOP, doing the exact thing they should have been doing in trying to create a new alliance outside of the athletes. So sad that Michelle is a moron and doesnt see the sense they were talking and runs back to the HOH. So then they have to go into self-preservation mode to not get nominated next week if the power wins again. So, am I the only one who understands why each Kevin and Lydia thru the other under the bus?
Just my op guys!...I like Lydia along with Jeff and Jordan. Kevin is starting to win my love too. I think they are all playing a good game as far as thinking processes go, they just needed to use patience until the HOH Comp before working it.
Cheers BBDish to you monumental day!
Gaytor - thanks for the explanation on DQTD! I have been wondering myself.
Drag Queen Tranny Dishy?
Dis Qualified Tootsie Dolly?
I really had no
Last night on BBAD, Jessie, Natalie, Kevin, Chima, and Russell were all on the couches in the backyard talking about being president when Nat said Obama gave a speech at her college graduation (and then backpeddled) and that the reason why she didn't vote for president was because she doesn't really know enough about politics to vote.(not that she wasn't old enough to vote!!) When will they all start actually "listening to the words that actually come out of her mouth" (her words exactly)! Uhhggg!! She is sooooo on my very last nerve!
@ the other Becca, hahaha, we have the same ideas and share a name! That's great!
And sorry if I stole your name, I didn't even notice....
can i buy nat-dah-lee a 1 way ticket to siberia????
Can i buy nat-dah-lee a 1 way ticket to siberia please !!!!
Just wanted to congratulate you on your milestone. I have been reading your site for years but this is the first time I have sent in a comment. Thanks for all you do to keep us BB fans updated and I will continue to read you everyday.
Oh Russell... I could seriously just stare at him all day. And Jeff :):)
***Pardon me while I puke on both of their behalfs.
Are you puking for the Donatos or for Jessie/Nat? I am going to assume for the Donatos :o)
how do i find the arguments between Lydia and Natalie... I have been looking for awhile now.. please help
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