Late Afternoon
Hey BB Lovers!! :) I was doing a little research this afternoon, and I discovered something very interesting... If we're going by the way things ran last season, this coming Thursday night's HoH Comp should be the 1st Live to the Feeds Endurance Comp of the season!! :)
Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't Wait!!
If you don't have the live feeds yet, I strongly encourage you to gettem! There's nothing like a Big Brother Endurance Comp to start your live feed experience out right! :) Here's the free trial link.
Haves Room
Kevin & Lydia
After Russell puts on a big show of being nasty to Ronnie in front of Kevin, Kevin realizes he and Lydia and now being kept out of the loop. Kevin has seen Ronnie and Russell whispering together.. He knows the whole thing is a ruse.
Pool Room
Lydia, Jordan and Jeff
Lydia tells them what's going on, and adds to that that they've got to pursue Michele and bring her over to their side, since she's also being courted heavily by the other group...
Lydia: Also, Casey told Kevin that he's gonna try to hustle to get votes to stay in the house...
Lydia exits. Casey enters.
Jeff: Yo BananaRama.
Jordan goes out to grab some food. She offers Jeff a taco. He declines, as he's about to go work out.
Kitchen/Dining Area
Michele, Ronnie, Chima, Natalie
Michele is suddenly the most popular girl in BB high school... She's being courted by every man and woman on campus. Suddenly, everyone's including her, and everyone's laughing at all her jokes.
Ronnie's quite the Big Man on Campus now too...
Kevin and Jessie pass through on their way up to the HoH landing to play some chess...
We follow...

5pm BBT
HoH landing
Kevin and Jessie
Jessie: So everyone's cool with Casey being up, right?
Kevin: Mm hmm.
Jessie: I would think out of all people, you'd appreciate it. That's all it came down to.
Kevin: Too, I'm not gonna try to stck my neck out for him when he didnt...
Jessie: Has he even tried to talk to you?
Kevin: He's pissed... I'm like afraid to even talk to him, for fear he might attack me. I told him I had no idea..
Jessie: I specifically didn't tell anybody..
Kevin: Thank you for that.
Jessie: Exactly.. there was no reason to freak you out.
Ronnie, Chima, Natalie and Michele can be heard chatting downstairs...
5:04pm BBT
Dining Table
Jordan has now joined them... Joined is an odd word choice, perhaps. She's sitting at the table eating, but no one is addressing her...
Chatter about college meal points... Starbucks... Both Ronnie and Michele have worked there. Ronnie for one day... Michele for considerably longer.
Michele: My Starbucks apron has appeared on a boy, naked in a comedy video.
When Chima, Ronnie and Natalie get up from the table, Michele addresses Jordan....
5:13pm BBT
Dining Table, cont'd.
Michele & Jordan
Chatter about exercise, weight, aches and pains from the PoV comp... Jordan's doing her best to make nice-nice, but she seems to find it difficult to be fake.
5:43pm BBT
HoH Room
Jessie, Russell & Lydia
Lydia's asleep.
Jessie and Russell are reading the labels of the various energy bars and noticing they're all really high in carbs, even the so-called protein bars.
**I coulda told em that.
Russell's tells Jessie his neck is hurting something fierce... Jessie suggests he "make Lydia to rub it when she wakes up."
***I can't help but wonder if this injury is legit, or if Russell is setting himself up for an easy, unquestioned dump off the expected Endurance Comp on Thursday.
5:54pm BBT
HoH Landing
Ronnie, Natalie and Jessie
The HGs really think this Thursday will be and Endurance Comp. So do I.
Natalie: How are we gonna be able to tell if it's Endurance?
Ronnie: The biggest telling factors will be lockdown starting Wednesday and no walk through Thursday.
Jessie: Yeah.. we had no walk through...
They're planning what they'll wear... gym pants, wind breakers...
Natalie: Wouldn't it be better to not even have a shirt on?
Jessie: No, people wear a long sleeve shirt to keep cool...
Ronnie: But, if it's majority rules, because Lydia and Kevin are that strategy, we should talk about how we're always gonna say A within earshot of them, but really do B.
Natalie: I'm thinking it has to be endurance...
Ronnie: Me too.
Natalie: I hope it's not some loser endurance comp, where you just have to hold a button.
Ronnie: I heard the longest one was like 17 hours...
***I think it was closer to 13.
Ronnie begins telling them about Kaysar during season 6
5:58pm BBT
Weight Bench
Jeff & Jordan
Jeff: We've gotta win HoH.
Casey's across the yard, singing ♫ I'm in a banana suit... I'm in a banana suit...
Jeff: Imagine.. if we win HoH.. f-ckin' big bed.. and we get to listen to BoB Marley..
Jordan: I don't think we can depend on the other 2...
Jordan: If it's that, we're screwed. Well, maybe Lydia would get it.
Jeff: We'll be fine.
Jeff does another set...
Jeff: It's so hard to work out today.
Jordan: It's hard to work out in general.
Casey starts his song up again... This time it gets longer, and very funny... Jeff and Jordan are cracking up. Check this out on Flashback.
6:08pm BBT
Casey, Michele & Ronnie
Ronnie: We should all see how many banana jokes we can come up with.
Casey: Today? No. Not today. Today is a day of mourning... Lick my wounds.... I think Michele still woulda beat me though.
They do the math, and that's correct. Michele still would've won, even had casey not gone for the Margarita party.
6:10pm BBT
Jeff, Jordan, Casey, Russell.
Casey's racking up.... playing solo...
Russell's back on the elliptical, trying to lose the 10 pounds he found since he's been in the house.
Casey's still singing now and then... Jordan joins in.
Jeff's lifting.
6:17pm BBT
Grrrrr!!! Just flipped to 1, because I saw it was half naked, sweaty Russ, but it went to fishies when I got there! Fishies were just for a minute, but he'd put a shirt on already.
6:20pm BBT
Circular Staircase
Russell & Jessie
Using the circular staircase for pull ups.
Ronnie looks on in amazement.

I'm trying to avoid the obvious muscle head jokes about using the other side of the staircase...
6:27pm BBT
Jeff, Jordan and Casey
Do not adjust your live feed screens. Yes, that is Jordan on the elliptical machine. Jeff's glorious, doing abs... When he takes a break, both he and Casey encourage Jordan.

6:38pm BBT
Casey, Jeff & Jordan Cont'd...
The sweetest look as Jeff watches Jordan on the elliptical...
Things are going to get the weight of everything fully sinks into Casey.........I can just feel it!!!!
(of course, I'm typically wrong about these things!!! LOL)
Hi, Everyone!!!! *waves*
Alliances are starting to break up and shift again...........and again and again and again........but looking like the two biggest ones are undergoing a major cosmetic surgery at this point.......subtle in style, slow and sly, but when observed over time as noticeable as a Michael Jackson re-construction.
smoochies blue! :)
Why in the SAM HILL is Kevin spilling information to Jessie? It's like all his advice and clarity goes out the window when Jessie courts his attention.
I know, Genie!!!
I wish someone would smack Kevin upside the head!!! (I'm not advocating violence, Carolyn, lol, just wishing he would stop trusting in Jessie!!)
It would be nice (from my own personal point of view) to see a fellow gay boi make it far this season.
Hi BLue!!!! :)
Hey Genie!! :)
AG really makes me angry by letting Jessie have a "do over" this season. I'm a mom of a wonderfully talented softball/volleyball playing daughter. She's played recreation ball for the county's park league and school ball. With the rec teams there is no cutting the players, however the not so talented kids do tend to ride the bench, at the end of the season "Everyone" gets a trophy whether or not they performed well enough to actually "Earn" it. With School ball the not so talented are almost entirely "cut" from the team, moms come out of the woodwork complaining that their kid got cut, some are successful in getting their kid back on the team and that has always been a hot button for me. Watching my daughter practice and work her behind off to "earn" her spot on teams, these wannabe's get do overs.
OK back to the point AG messed up big time bringing this meathead and his ego back for a do over.
It's wrong on so many levels. Hopefully the teams will split soon, and this error of jessie being in the house will be corrected before jury...evil laugh
Been dealing with my own drama over the weekend, HI al and thanks for letting me vent carolyn. Best BB site ever.
Have we hit 1 million yet?
This season is the reason you must eliminate useless people at the beginning of the game. Get rid of people that can vote and that all important swing vote. Those people should be eliminated early.
You can't let people like Kevin, Lydia, Chima, and Michele decide who stays or goes in the house. Undecided voters need to be eliminated.
smoochies Carolyn! :)
It's a sad BB game indeed when Jessie is the best player in the house. I think we need to go buy buckets in bulk for the Dishy Alliance...
Hiya, Carolyn!!!!!! ((((hugs))))
Genie, just read your comment about Jessie being the best player in the house at the moment........
Lady!!! Are you intentionally trying to make me vomit??? LMAO!!!
Blue - Where have you been...I have been looking for you for the past couple of days!
This is so late...but you Wooted me in comments the other night while I was asleep and I must say I felt like a pretty big deal in the morning when I read. LOL
So thanks!!
I was just about to say that I would bet Casey stays, but I just counted and I don't see how that is possible. Turning Michele is not the issue, Chima is, and I don't see her going over there right now. And even then, there is Russell, and although I think he would happily go with the flow, it's a high risk situation and Casey is a threat to him personally. At the end of the day I see Casey gone, justified as a good competitor, and then a shift where Jessie and Natalie (and of course Ronnie) become persona non grata.
I think this was an interesting move by Jessie, and as hard as it is to give him credit for anything, a ballsy move. But if he has stuck with Ronnie he would have gone under the radar next week and been a minor hero. No he will have a neon kick me sign on his muscled ass ... which is fine with me.
As much as I love the angry banana thing (makes me laugh every time), he's not as interesting a player as I would have expected.
My 2 1/3 cents.
Blue - LOL! Refer to my bucket addendum in that comment... hahaha
Oh my. Lydia needs to stick by Kevin like he did to her, so that Jessie doesn't change his mind. Kevin seems to be easily persuaded, and I'd hate to see that come back and bite him cause I like him.
Good evening everybody!!
I'm back on the live feeds. I see I didn't miss to much while I was gone. I hope everybody is doing good!!
Hiya, Laura!!! You're so sweet!!!!
w00t w00t!!! hehehehehe
Yea, Genie, pass your bucket!! LOL
It's interesting to see how much everyone is bucking for Michele. Does anyone remember a week ago when she was a nonexistent person in the house? I think this upcoming week will be VERY interesting in terms of goings-ons in the house. I am hoping that Michele goes w/ Jordan/Jeff/Kevin/Lydia, but you never know how this game will work out. This shall be an interesting next few days!
~ Ryan ~
Good evening everyone!
Casey wants Ronnie gone soo bad and he's also gunning for the athletes, so it may be in Chima's best interest to give him her vote. Although previously he would have definitely put her up, now maybe not so much.
why does Kevin and Lydia and such say "they didnt have an idea" --- that is such a lie
I understand why Kevin says that to Casey...but while he is talking to Jessie why does he say he didnt have an idea.
Everyone, including Casey, knew it was going to happen.
Hugs to everyone!
So, while we are watching this entralling view of the "Chess" match on the feeds I have a question.
Is anyone who doesn't play chess upset that they don't know how to play and Jessie does!?!?!
I sure am. I've always thought of chess as a "brains" game. I've never been interested in learning. But I can't stand that Jessie knows how to play. It's insulting to me.
Just some randomness thrown in for your day. :)
I'm going to collect money to send a bannah over AGP Offices. It will read "Change the feeds!"
And it worked. That was cheap. :)
Syn - Don't hate the game. Hate the player. hahaha
Hey Tarheel Teresa :)
We passed 1 million quite a while ago. :) We're closing in on 10.
Typos drive me nuts. I meant to type enthralling, not entralling.
Thanx so much for the bannah Genie! I was flip flopping between hurling and falling to sleep.
*sigh* Jeff on the elliptical machine!!!!!
As hunky as Russ is with his swarthy and dark good looks and nice body, I think I'm drawn more to Jeff.........maybe it's because he's from Chicago, and I used to live just outside of Chicago and ADORE Chicago (it's my kind of town)........
Don't know exactly what it is, can't quite put my finger on it.....but dreaming about putting my finger on something of his, nonetheless!!! lol
Jeff is becoming hotter in my eyes because he is funny and sweet.
LMAO, Syn! I was thinking the same thing...never had an interest in Chess, but it is upsetting that some of the HG's can play, of course I won't name names. ;-)
I have caught up on the blog. Seems I'm back to my usual routine of sleeping for 2 days after a show. The heat's got me down.
Haven't read comments since the Jun Blog so not going to make much of a comment here...
I realize now from the morning comments I failed to even say good morning. Where are my manners?
I'll remedy that now with:
Good evening everyone. Everyone is so much easier than roll call. I know it's a cop out but everyone knows I like to take the easy way out.
You also know I'm easy but Blue is easier and it's good to see him back in action today.
I'm going to take this break to watch my usual Monday night comedies on CBS and I'll be back as usual for the late late show.
I have nothing to say about BB anyway other than I am sick of them and I hope they wake up before next week and work to get Jessie out of there before Jury House starts. If not, I have to be the conspiracy theorist as usual and think AGP is skewing it again to keep a promise to him to get him to Jury (at least) this year so he can have a fully paid summer vacation.
Syn, I learned how to play Chess when I was in single digits of age. It really isn't that hard..IMHO,
It gets more complicated when you play with people who have studied it and can think (and visualize) multiple plays ahead of time, analyzing the potential upcoming moves and possible outcomes and what your best strategy should be,
but I seriously doubt that Jessie could play well against true students of the game.
I could be wrong, but I just don't see it.
Blue...I'm with you. I'd pick Jeff over Russell in a heartbeat! I think he's my all time fave, actually!
I just killed my two fish in an attempt to clean their tank, so there BETTER be some exciting drama in the house tonight. PLEASE!
Hey everyone :)
One thing before I go...
bluex1969 said...
... and I used to live just outside of Chicago and ADORE Chicago (it's my kind of town)........
So that WAS you when we were there several years ago. I knew that ..... looked familiar. :-p~~
GAYTOR!!!! My baby daddy is here!!!!
Missed you, Dearheart!!!
By the way, I'm working on adopting out our baby, LilBlueBits GayTor to either Ellen Degeneres and Portia De Rossi, or I hear that Rosie is looking to adopt maybe her and Kelly..........
Awww! Illissa! :(
One of the MANY things I find so endearing about Jeff is how sweet he is to Jordan. Sometimes when she says something dumb, I keep thinking "oh he's going to slam her on that" but he just cracks up and she ends up laughing, too. They are just so freakin adorable together!
He really doesn't act like a typical hot guy. It's almost like he doesn't realize how hot he actually is.
Now if he'll just get his game on!!! Go Jeff!!
Oh Ilissa,
Sorry to hear that. Doesnt that suck? You feel bad cause their tank is dirty so you try to do them a favor and, whamo, dead fish.
As you can see, I have done that before too.
I know how to remedy this for the future fish!!!!!!
Yes, GayTor, That was me, stalking Bob Greene outside of Oprah's downtown penthouse apartment building!!! LOL
Ilissa, Bummer!!! I'm so sorry!!!
was a typo on my part it was supposed to read 10 million far are we??
Evening Carolyn, Genie and All!
Hope everyone had a great day. Trying to get caught up on all of the comments.
I can't wait to see Jessie and Gnat eat slop, maybe even some squash and squid. Would hate it for Jeff but...I really hope its them next week.
Blue, it does seem a little complicated to learn. I grew up in the electronic age I guess, so playing an actual game that you don't load on a game console or computer I guess is what kept me from it. Plus growing up with the age gap between me and my sisters, I really had to rely on my imagination. Not a lot of two person games for me growing up. But it's made me an imaginative person, so I guess that's good.
Now, on to Jeff. I think what makes me respect him so much is that he hasn't compromised himself in order to succeed in the game. Yeah, that might mean he gets evicted, but he still doesn't change just to fit into someone elses mold. That's how I am. That's why I don't think I would do well in Big Brother, but I don't kiss up to people I don't like.
Hi gang.
The excitement on the feeds is certainly making it easier for me to get things done around the house.
crap...lots of new posts to read. Better get back at it.
Evening Carolyn and Crew!!!
Sad to be losing Casey but if one had to go from that side I'd rather it be him and not Jordan or Jeff. Hope someone who will nominate Jessie gets HOH and they vote him OUT next week...will be fun to watch that side scatter and turn on each other without Jessie protecting them all.
IS anyone else getting grossed out with all the candy eating slurping and chewing noises its making me gag!!!
Carolyn its going to be endurance?
The guilt is horrendous!
I'm getting ready to move and transporting them wouldn't have been easy so I guess it's better this way. I'll just pretend they have gone to a better the BB fish tank. :)
You're right Crisi; no more fish!
Evenin all!
How is everyone doing this evening? Im partly watchin the Live feeds and partly watchin a movie!
good times!
Katieblue- it doesnt matter! Natalie has the slop pass.
Seriously why do we have to watch Jessie eat and Ronnie flip his shoe around.
I'm sure that I signed up for the live Big Brother feeds but I must have clicked on the wrong button because all I'm getting in some lame chess tournament, day after day after day...
Pill Town Pill Town
You're so not fun
You make everything so glum
We can't wait to see you go
And finally leave the BB show.
Squash and squid sound goofy but that would be great. Sauted they are both delicious and very healthy, especially with the other stuff from the garden. Michele will teach them how to cook it, I'm sure.
Hello everyone!! Just catching up on all the blogs from today. I think I've come to peace with Casey going only because I really like Jordan.
As a broke and unemployed student I'm ever so thankful for BBDish!!! Thank you everyone. It was nice to see more of Kevin in last nights episode, being feedless I felt like I knew him the least. Well, and Michele I guess.
I hope on Thursday we're all watching Jordan, Lydia or Kevin win Hoh. Anyone that will put up Jesse and Nat. I think I like Ronnie better than those two.
This is a little chattier than my usual comments (few as they may be). Hope you don't mind reading my thoughts too much. =)
Evening all! I'm kinda down... I could use some shake up in the house right about now... Too bad I don't have the feeds!
Genie Sea- Hiya!
This week is goin to be endurance?
Anon @ 5:54 - It is rumored that it very well might be endurance...
Totally understand, Syn!!!!
Ronnie and Nat are really starting to turn on Lydia and Kevin!!!!
Really looks like alliances are shifting, Big Time!!!!
I know how you feel, but it happened unfortunately with you having the best intentions.
Moving with them would have been a nightmare!! I have actually had fish die in the pet store bag in the car ride 5 miles to my house.
A fish tank is a tricky enviroment. You need a PhD in biology just to keep the PH levels correct.
Sorry again :(
Janeen - LOL! An annoying chess tournament!
Hi Blue and Genie,Caroly, and dishchicks. Everybody (I think that covers it) ;)
Anyway, I also don't understand why Kevin is spilling the beans just like I didn't understand why Lydia said that she thought Casey was going up to Jordan yesterday.
Kevin and Lydia are the middle gears that are constantly driving the unfortunates (all I can call them) to keep on their toes.
Last night I thought Casey was going to blow on Jessie when he first went up. Good thing that he got time to calm down. Not that it's going to save him unfortunately :(
If Kevin and Lydia were smart they would vote to keep their clique member. I guess that's asking a lot isn't it? in regards to being smart and keeping Casey.
Think about it. They are going to be the first ones in the NBK alliance to be devoured. If they had Jeff, Jordan, and Casey they might have had a chance. It was nice knowing you time in time.
Don't be down, Melanie!!!!
You're with the bestest people on the planet right here!!!!! Cheer up, Sweetie!!!! ♥♥♥
to Jun,
I forgot to add that your new word cruciblog is priceless. You need to patent that one honey :)
LOL Janeen!!
Jordan's attention span was not built for endurance comps, lol.
I can't see Lydia, Kevin or Chima actually getting Jessie out at this point, sadly... and who KNOWS what Michele would do.
So I guess I'd like to see Jeff win it and get Ronnie out.
I just really, really REALLY don't want Jessie to make it to the jury house though! Grrrrrrr!
It's killing me....I'm wasting away in front of my computer (and gaining my Big Brother 5-7 lbs) for this?! lol
Ilissa, so sorry about your fishies. They are fragile creatures. But they are fun. I felt so bad last week, for my Betta that I have on my desk at work. I forgot to get someone to feed him on my off days. He was thankfully okay when I got back to work. But you can get two when you settle in to your new place. I've got the perfect names for them ... Jeff and Jordan! lol.
Kent, what movie are you watching, if the feeds don't pick up, I might have to do the same, lol.
Small and determined people are best suited for endurance comps. That gives Kevin, Chima, Natalie, Jordan, Michelle and Lydia the best chances. Let's see who has the most determination.
LOL Janeen!
you too? ;)
Janeen - LOL! We're all in the same boat. The Dishy Alliance boat! :)
Indigo...nice little recap there. i agree with ya completely
Geniee I thinkk Chima and Natalie.. What about you?
LMAO @Casey
Did you guys enjoy Casey's Banana Suit song? Funny
Thanks Syn :)
Their names were Bette and Tina, after my favorite couple on "The L Word".
Jeff and Jordan would be excellent names if I should choose to try again with the fishies :-D
Well at least I have all these lovely folks to share it with. :)
Anon @ 6:04 - I think Natalie, Lydia and Michelle. Chima will not want to put herself through that. She is protected.
Hiya, Indigo!!!!!
Carolyn - I was thinking the same thing about Russell...
lol Ilissa about Jordan's attn are right, but if Jordan can just pull out an HoH win, she and Jeff are def safe and maybe we can get Jessie out before jury house. That would be frikkin fantastic!!
all the polls i see have jeff and jordan as the house favs. i'm not saying that the show is rigged, but it seems like AGP could sort of tweak with things to keep them both in the house awhile longer. I wish they would, anyway! Dreaming here, I know....
I see Nat, Michele, Lydia and Kevin doing well in an endurance comp, but Natalie's shoulder might give her problems.........
Others could surprise us, like Jeff being really determined........but like Genie said, it's the smaller bodied people who tend to do the best at Endurance comps......not counting Kaysar, of course!!! (which is what I mean about determination.)
Thanks Blue! Thats why I'm here! Hoping to get in a better mood!
Hi Everyone,
I really wish someone would give camera guy a small course on getting more than one angle on the feeds. At first it was 2 angles and now he is down to 1.
I spent the day painting my bedroom so maybe I'm a tad cranky but camera guy wake up.
Syn Im watchin the movie "Cellular" the guy in it is a hottie! lol
Genie--I dont understand who Chima is procted by LOL..Can you fill me in with who
Okay: Endurance Comp with just Jordan, Nat and Lydia left....
Who Makes A Deal With Who????
Natalie's shoulder will hopefully prevent her from winning.
I can see it now...if she won and Jessie spent any time up there, that may just send Lydia over the edge since Natalie being up in Jessie's HOH room isn't all his fault, according to Jessie.
Hi everyone! First time posting, but been following for years!! Carolyn, this is the best BB site on the web and the regulars are the funniest, wittiest, and most enjoyable posts I have am addicted to reading!
Just wanted to chime in :) I hate this whole clique thing, and I hate that Jessie got a do-over!! And please, please let Jordan win HoH this week!!!!!
Sharon :)
ANon @ 6:10 - Chima is protected by Natalie, Jessie, Ronnie and Russell. She is on no one's radar at the moment. Given her... ummm... particular disposition, I doubt she would put herself through that misery for long. But. I could very well eat my words. hahahaha :)
In an endurance comp I think Natalie and Lydia will be the most determined. I don't think Michelle thinks she's much of a target, at least she knows that both "sides" have bigger fish to fry. Lydia wants Nat out BAD and vice versa. Jordan wants it but I don't think she could hang with Lyd and Nat.
If Nat and Lydia are left, as see the longest endurance comp in BB history. There is no way each of these girls will give in to the other. Again. I could eat my words! :)
Sending you happy wishes, Melanie! Like Blue said, You are among great peeps here! :) Hope your day gets better!
Hello, Dishers! Your writings are all so great!
Welcome, PatriotsGirl (Sharon)!!!!!!
Blue waves!!!!
Hey Everyone!!! :)
Happy Monday night!!
FYI - I put the cam/time on the pic, so you'll be able to find casey's bananaman song on the flashback machine. :)
Illisa- Sorry about Bette & Tina! That's a good way to look at it! They are stars on the BB Fishie show!!
Melanie - Cheer up! You're w/ us & can't get better than that on a Monday night!!!
Hi everybody! Gonna be popping in & out tonight!
LOL! Good point, I forgot about Nat and Lydia's "friendship" there. That being said I would love to see an endurance comp with just those two left but only if Lydia won. Hoping that Lydia does flip, turns around and send Nat packing!
How you doin'?
Hiya, MsFitz!!!!
Love when you're here!!!!!!
Chatty bunch tonight!!! I can hardly keep up LMAO! F5 is getting a work out!
Oy the house is least there is a choice...Jessie, no Jessie. :)
Loving this interaction in the yard between J/J/C
Happy Monday, Carolyn!!
Did you loofah yourself earlier? Cause I totally volunteered!!!
The "He-man" antics is so *macho*!!!
Who's the better of the 2? Russ or Jess?
Thanks all! I just need to find something to eat that is salty and then when I get done with that I need a snack that is sugary!! Then I need to find a maid!! Ohhh yeah that would work! LOL
The look on Ronnie's face watching Russel and Jessie work out is priceless. heehee
Hmmm, I think y'all might be giving Lydia more strength than she has. She gets hurt at everything they do. Even slip-n-slide.
I'm trying not to be malicious, but I hope that Natalie's shoulder doesn't hold out and she's one of the first to drop. She hasn't won anything, and I'd be very happy if that continued.
After all of the talk of by the "NBK" of cheating at an A/B type of HOH comp, It would definitely be telling if production did go ahead and go with something like that. I think CBS would get a lot of flack for "fixing" the game then. Hopefully it'll be something Jordan can win at, because she's the best case scenario for my fave group.
I think Jessie might be kicking Russell's butt on the pull-ups....Russell is looking tired to me, and Jessie looks like he can go on all night.
Russell will so not do well if it's and endurance HoH this week.....he'll be physically too tired for it........which opens many questions........
All this working out....and here we sit on our butts watching 'em
I don't have much faith in Lydia winning an endurance comp, Syn, I'd be very surprised if she did win it, but I do believe she may be able to stick it out for awhile. Just a gut feeling, but like I said earlier tonight, I'm typically wrong about these things!! LOL
I also hope Nat doesn't win it.
While I don't see Chima lasting long, she could surprise us all and do question, though, is, will she want to win it, or does she feel secure enough right now that she won't be interested in trying to win this week.........
Blue re: Pullups, I'm sure it's easier for Jessie because he has those little chicken legs, lol. His workouts are obviously not balanced for his entire body.
So I have my computer sitting on the table and I caught one of my dogs (the pic on the right), Lola, staring at my computer screen watching the feeds. She kept tilting her head from side to side and then starting growling when Casey in the banana costume came on screen! HAHA
Check out the latest cap of Jeff.. yummyyyy!!!
Syn ~ I do agree with you on the Natalie and not being able to last due to her shoulder. I could imagine some sort of hanging comp with stress on the shoulders since Russell & Natalie have already started they are not doing so well.
I honestly think Michele could win this HoH IF she feels as though it is necessary. Jordan winning would probably make me laugh in joy.
~ Ryan ~
Yes, very yummy of Jeff!!1
But I have to say that's a GREAT cap of Jordan, too!!!! She looks awesome!!!
She's so pretty!!!
I sooooo need to me a guy like Jeff.
K...I'm going to find a corner and sob now... :)
When you can look pretty while working out, you know you're pretty!!!!!
Jordan said she gained 7 pounds already. I guess she likes slop more than expected.
Hi everyone!
Carolyn, have I told you lately that I <3 you? No?! Well, it's twoo, it's twoo ... and Genie and Blue and GaYTor and ..., well, all the dishers .. too many to name all, but you do keep me "in the game" even when I want to (literally) throw in the towel and vow to never, ever watch another BB11 show.
I'm sure if it weren't for you all I would have gone totally off the whole season by now cuz I can't stand Jessie! Whew! There, I said it.
Enough of that ... anyone catch Ronnie giving the "let's say A when we're in earshot, but really do B" speech? Really? Didn't he learn his lesson the first time?
(btw, the C=Venus chops w BB11 house falling on Ronnie was priceless!)
Seriously?! Ronnie overthinks everything and is now proving himself a liability to the very folks who saved his butt from noms today!
Anyway, I ramble, *hugs* all around ... and thanks so much for all of you who make this game so much fun!
Yikes! Can't remember my password!
Signed; deejay58
Jeff's hot and everything, but I feel like this entire board is gonna have a group orgasm over the multiple caps of Jeff. LOL!
On a completely separate note, can we get a nudie slip-up from Jeff already damn it!?! I would also say a Jordan slip-up for ilissa, but we ALL know there's been many of those, lol!
~ Ryan ~
Bathroom gang is grossing me out....
Kevin cleaning the toilet...someone has explosive poops.
Everyone in the house is coming to check it out...
LMAO@Syn!!!! *chicken legs*
Nat is apologizing to Lydia for her grumpiness this morning??????
OMG! Need the bucket NOW!
Stand back while Ronnie attempts exercise everyone!
and lol Julie. When are they going to event something that you can connect your self to your screen and burn calories watching other people exercise!
LOL!!! Laura, that's so cute about your doggie!!!
My *Diva Doggie* and one of my cats do the same thing!!!! I have the feeds on so much, and I'm so pre-occupied with the blog and watching, that sometimes they sit in the chair next to me and stare at the screen, too!!!!!!
For some reason, *Diva Doggie* always barks when Jessie is on the feeds, and she's sitting next to me looking!!!!! LOL I don't know what it is!! She's done it several times!!!
Diva Doggie knows a good meatball when she sees one... :)
Syn - I took my kids to a bike rally event and there were a bunch of demos going on.
There was one where you could make your own smoothie using pedal power to get the blender going.
If they had that contraption for the tv, I'd so be buying it!
OMG, Ry!!!!!!!
You kill me, Buddy!!!!!
I guess she does, huh? lol
Blue, now we just have to convince Carolyn that "Chicken Legs" is a positive nickname for Jessie. Hehe.
Maybe I need to sign up for BB. All you've really got to do is exercise. That could be my diet plan for next summer!
Ryan, Blue, re: Natalie and the comp, I just really don't know if I could stand another week of her in HOH. I'm so ready to see her, Russell, and Jessie not feel safe. I want to see what they'll do then.
Julie, that'd be awesome because I doubt I'd watch that much TV then, lol!
Could you imagine trying to watch a two-hour movie and giving out just before it's over.
Genie! ROTFLMFAO... Re: Diva Doggie knowing a meatball!! That's what I needed thanks!
LOL :) You're welcome Melanie :)
Syn, I know exactly what you mean. I would love to see Jessie, Natalie & Russel crap their pants for a day or two. Just let them feel unsafe and petition their ass off for votes. When they start throwing each other under the bus, that's when the game will get REAL GOOD! I am praying for that to happen this Thursday!
~ Ryan ~
Not thinking that would be a good thing Syn. I think I would be inclined to power thru the burn LMAO
lol, Ry-
Between Jordan and the flash back feature, I feel extra pervy this season.
I would be surprised if Casey doesn't go off on everyone by the end of the week. I really want more Jeff and Jordan, everyone else is just lame.
Here's a suggestion :
A post only of screen shots of Mr. Hotness himself - JEFF !!!!...hahaha....just kidding...or am i ????...;-)....
Good grief!!!! The smoke alarm was just going off!!!!
It was a pot of water boiled completely down, and the pot itself was starting to smoke!!! My aunt said she wanted to fix some spaghetti!!! (We had spaghetti for dinner)
She said she forgot about it, I asked her if she heard the smoke alarm and she said she thought it was a tornado warning (there are no storms........I'm smacking my head repeatedly here while trying to calm myself down.........)
Gave her and apples and cinnamon granola bar and sent her back to bed.
*sigh* *WHEW*!!!
calming down, calming down, calming down, calming down......
*breathe, breathe.........breeeaaaatheeeeee*
I forgot to say...
New Top Post! :)
Oh Jeffrey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind! Hey Jeffrey!
Good Evening Carolyn, Genie, fellow BB addicts
I was gone all day so just got caught up on everything. I did turn the feeds on when I got home but the first thing that I saw and heard was Jessie and Lydia doing their baby talk thing in HOH bed and almost lost my dinner so they have been on with no sound since. I did catch the Banana Man song though. Saw Jeff and Jordana and thought it was ok to watch and it was just in time for the performance.
Nothing will change until two of NBK are on the block so I doubt there will be much to care about unless it's Jeff and Jordan. I could listen to her forever. Banana Man will crack me up til he leaves.
I was so disappointed in Michele last night/this morning with the tool. I'm glad to read that it might all be an act, I sure hope so. I love listening to her as well but if she is in the tool shed I won't be able to stand it.
Hope you all had a great day.
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