Sunday Night Live Feed Viewing Party
While the Sunday Show was airing on the east coast, Lydia told Jordan, within earshot of Michele, that she was pretty sure the plan was changing... Jordan took that information back to Jeff, and the 2 of them discussed it briefly, but then moved on to other topics... and more snuggling...
Shortly after 6pm BBT, Jordan made her way over to the Haves Room for a little chat with Russell. She voiced her concerns to him, and while he feigned ignorance of the plan for tomorrow, he guaranteed her she'd be safe come Thursday...
Below are some recent screencaps...
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Has Jordan told Jeff about the plan to BD Casey????
I believe that Jeff will tell Casey if he finds out. Hope so anyway
Wahooo! Love live feed parties! It gives Carolyn a break and a chance to hang! Whoop! :)
LOL! Casey looks like he has boobs :)
I thought the same thing, Genie!
I'm thinkin' the Margarita party might bring on the first kiss. Do we know when the part is or is it just a guessing game at this point?
For a bunch of people that "think" they know what is coming, they sure are quiet.
Cripes why wait for tomorrow!
Jordan and Jeff do not like me. I leave to make dinner and BAM! Cuteness!
I feel so human today...
I went for a nice long ride, had brunch with my mother, my dentist and his wife...
Learned all about a medical breakthrough he's been working on for 17 years now...
Had a gorgeous shower, complete with facial type activities...
Ahh :)
What a lovely day, Carolyn! And a medical breakthrough! Awesome! :)
lol, janine :) they'll do more. promise!
Hi Crisi :) yup.
Hiya Genie!! :)
Hi TOni!
Hi ilissa! nope, we don't know.
Hey JulieB :) I hear ya... casey's a sitting duck unless he gets his game on, now.
Carolyn - You're aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!
Glad you're feelin' human today:)
Thanks, ilissa :) me tooooo!!! lol.
I was extremely disappointed in this show. They need to change the name of the show to "The Jessie Loves Jessie & The Woman Who Lust Him!" His DRs made me's hard to be so good looking? A butterfly? Glad they found a few moments to fit in the other HG. The only good segment was Kevin in the DR. And, Jordan when she said big muscles do it for some girls but not her. The swooning of Lydia & having a kindergarten crush...ah, Lydia don't think you can call it that when you have spent hanky-panky time under the sheets w/ your crush. The Have/Have Not contest was cute. And, Chima I get the feeling America thinks the same about you too! Also, Kevin really does see a lot...seeing Ronnie say "Thank God" when Jessie won HOH. I hope this will be to Kevin's advantage eventually. He needs to start getting into the game & get away from these athletes. I'm so sick of Natalie's ego & her comment about how much influence she has on Jessie. I spent half my time watching this show rolling my eyes!
sounds like you had a very nice day Carolyn.
See life isn't over because of BB....LMAO. only some of the time.
ok guys.. what do you make of the changed pics on the memory wall?
I think Carolyn deserves a margarita party complete with Russell the lap dancer... :)
I suspect if BB is thinking a little bit that the party will be tomorrow!! Booze, hot tempers, great tv!!
Nice day Carolyn, I'll trade ya! I have to work for about 4 more hours.
And a new breakthrough? Please tell me it's same day tooth alignment with no braces! lol.
I really hope Jeff talks to Casey about the renewed plan. Could this be the start of a turnaround for the game? I hope so!
good evening.....again. Carolyn I am about to ban the words new top post from your vocabulary. LOL.
Can we get these people drunk and have somebody spill about jessie's plan.
who do you think production would rather have here? Casey or Ronnie?
Carolyn .. They better. I'm living vicariously through Jordan. & her saying to Russell she won't be kissing Jeff is disappointing me.
Hi MsFitz! :)
Welcome back!
I better be invited to that margarita party hahahaha!
if not.. i'll be the one lurking in the bushes !
None the less, I'm glad you're feeling like a human today Carolyn.
The memory wall changed?
Carolyn, I didn't see the picture change so I can't answer
Better? Worse??
Happy that you took a few hours to pamper yourself. You sure deserve it.
Why is this bunch so quiet when I can watch and then go nuts the minute that I can't watch.
I am secretly hoping that Michelle doesn't use the POV on herself so that the noms stay the same. For the simple fact that she would ultimately be safe. Which means Casey would still be in the house and the real game could start! Besides Michelle's already given Mr.& Mrs.HOH her shpeel that they wouldn't be a target, so if they listen to that..give her MRS.HOH's vote it should/would go as followed..
Votes to keep Michelle: Lydia, Kevin, Casey, Natalie, and Chima/Ronnie will vote for her if Jessie tells them to
Votes to keep Jordan: Russell, Jeff
I am assuming that everyone is on board with knowing the backdoor situation, and REALIZE Casey & Michelle are both better players than Jordan.. which means they are more beneficial to have vs Jordan who is such a doll [bless her lil heart]
... that's the version of Big Brother i would want to see !
What happened to the pics on the memory wall? I stepped away from the computer for a minute and I missed something! haha...that actually happens alot! Lovin' the flashback feature.
Carolyn...another good poll would be the cutest couple everrrrrrr in the BB house. I think J&J got that covered!
Kevin's and Casey's pics are different.. There may be more. THose are just the ones I've noticed.
Re the dentist - It's really cool.. and I'm going to be helping him a bit on the get funding end... I can't talk about what it is just yet, but when I can, I will. :)
Hi Carolyn! Happy to hear you had a nice day!
Amen MizFitz! You said it all g/f!
I don't think or rather I know I couldn't have said it better!
Is anyone else's feeds a little off? The main screen is a few secinds behind the ones at the bottom
ha i agree with you umbeta...
i guess tomorrow will be interesting...
im tryin to catch up on BB since friday...
poor casey has no idea...
Carolyn, glad you got to have a normal day outside of your BB bubble today!!!
you deserve it!
k - saw Casey's....much more personality displayed.
Hi Carolyn!
Hi Everyone!
Can't say I noticed the wall pictures - thanks for pointing them out!!! hmmmmm...wonder what it means.
I don't see a change in the memory wall at all.
Oh, yeah I've noticed Kevin's and Casey's and have been wondering if any of the others are that way too. Maybe their head shots didn't turn out too well, hehe
Boquida, mine was like that about an hour ago. Seems to be fine now though.
What not busy enough?
my feeds are usually if not always delayed between 4 cam shot and main window
someone in BB chat just rumored that lydia told jordan about the plan to backdoor does jeff and jordan both know now? or is this a rumor????
Hi Carolyn!
hi everyone!!!
SOOOO wat is everyone voting to give the have nots this week????
ME....brussel sprouts & borscht. this time i'm voting ALOT.
i want them to get the last time i voted for pickled herring ;]
Russell's shaving?
Carolyn.. I always thought Kevin and Casey pictures have always been like that. Those are the ones I've always seen.
Dear Heavens! Russell is in the shower again. Yummmm-mmmmyy!
Good Evening everyone!
Didn't the pictures changing have some thing to do with a comp one year?
Bisou, if Michelle doesn't take herself off the plan was to get rid of Michelle second and Jordan 3rd so that plan wouldn't work out so well.
I voted squash and squid lol
I agree that the beans need to be spilled about backdooring Casey but I don't see how they can change Jessie/Natalies mind about putting him up.
The pics changed a couple days ago... Becky's right - they will typically become part of an hoh comp.
Hi everyone!
Yay Carolyn! People will probably hate me for saying this but, I think you need to do that atleast Every time! You definately deserve it.
Carolyn, every Sunday you need to...step away from the computer! Enjoy the day with friends and family. Life is too short.
Thank you for all that you do! :D
Amber - it's no rumour, it happened. Although why tell Jordan, she can't and would be silly to do something!
SuperB - I wouldn't find that tough at all! Liverworst or squid would be much better options LMAO
Casey's has always been different than everyone's. With his hands doing that thing. I don't think that is new. I'll have to check. Usually, isn't it for a comp? But there are no more comps til Thursday...or is there?? wahahaha
Thanks guys, I guess I'll refresh when I know Russell is done, lol.
Carolyn do you think this week won't be endurance than or will the pics have something to do with the endurance and if they guess something wrong it becomes harder for those who messed up?
Carolyn - So, so happy you had such a nice Carolyn day!!! Sometimes you gotta take care of you.
KScotterFox - thank you!!!!
Boquida - My feeds do that all the time. Sometimes the bottom ones are ahead & sometimes a little behind.
Wait? We can vote for the Have Nots again.. and an option is borscht?! OMG I would intentional go on Have Not for that!!
Becky and Carolyn - didn't the pics change in the past to actual events inside the BB house??? They haven't been headshot changes.
My cameras are always out of sync. I just accept it. It's annoying, though.
Does anyone else believe that America DID NOT choose cocktail weinies?! thats too good to be chosen! I think CBS is lying to us...
And Im confused how there arent enough beds.. I count 7 beds besides the have not and HOH... how is that not enough!?
if i take a nap, will they all perk up and do something? ;)
Umbeta, I'm sad you just burst my pretend Big Brother bubble :(
I guess, I just want to see Casey stay in the house. He's a fun banana.
Side note: I can't help but wonder what Mr.& Mrs HOH are up to ! NOT that i don't enjoy Russell in the shower or Jeff in the kitchen x 4 feeds !
I really hope Jeff does not blow off what Jordan told him & pays attention & let's Casey in on this!
I actually like that the feeds on the bottom are a little ahead of the one I am watching because that gives me time to do a quick switch!
Lindsay - I don't think CBS is lying. Why would they? I voted cabbage and wienies, and apparently so did a lot of other people. I personally do not like either food.
Don't worry Carolyn. They will perk up and then some tomorrow after the POV comp. :)
MsFitz - I know! Right?
JulieB I remember them changing to activities. Can only imagine what they are up to now!!!:)
i think ur right ;]
squid is worse. altho the only thing i could stomache would be squash....
i jus want em to suffer ;]
How humiliating for Casey. I hope he can work some magic before the vote.
Just stating for the record....
I want my very own Russell and my very own Jeff.
Lordy they are some deliciously good looking men.
Jessie doesn't hold a candle to those two.
Lindsay I think a lot of people voted for Wienies because they are scared their favorite clique may end up on slop. And if they are on slop you want them getting protein. Just my thoughts.
Genie Sea,
Tonigth is the reason why I love True Blood. :)
Jordan is putting on make up...margarita time on bbad?
i think sum want to b nice, n actually give them something they can stomache....NOT me. hehe.
Of course they will. Just to interrupt your sleep
Merry, Carolyn - I think we should get AGP to do a poll re: the cuteness of those boys....Jessie will be knocked a pedestal or two when he comes in below Jeff and Russ!! (insert evil laugh here)
Bama - I love True Blood but I have to get HBO Canada to see it, so I have to watch it online. I can't watch more than an hour at a time, so I am sooooo behind! No spoilers please! :)
Merry - duly noted.. I'll put in a good word for you to cupid.
Julie - I think he would rate below Kevin, Casey and Ronnie... :)
:) Please do Carolyn!!! Lord knows SOMEBODY needs to! :)
The only vote Casey needs is Chima's or Russell's. It would be a smart move for Russell or Chima to switch their votes and have Casey go after Jessie, Natalie and Ronnie.
Evening Dishers!!
Carolyn I'm glad you took a day mostly for yourself and enjoyed it to top it off!
Can someone please explain how the pics changed for us non-feed watchers? Are they just different head shots or what?
I'll be headed to bed here soon. I hope I don't miss too much. Hate being on the East coast during BB!
They're all primping. It looks like the margarita party is a go...
They do seem to be getting dressed for something!
Genie Sea ~ Where do you watch True Blood online? I'm to lazy to get HBO and all the sites I go to say I can't watch cause I'm in Canada.
Hi Melanie :) Thank you!! Yeah, they just inserted a couple of more animated looking pics on the memory wall..
Hi Bama :) Hi Bama's tushy!
The cuteness poll: I'm sorry Russell and Jessie would come in under everyone else in my book. All those muscles are hard to snuggle on, not my idea of fun!
Crap... Probably shouldn't have said that! Carolyn will probably block me from her site for saying something so mean about her love muscle!!
I get a grin watching least he looks good in yellow!!
Julie - If Jessie did come in last on a poll of the men he wouldn't understand it anyway. He still thinks Dan is responsible for evicting him last season.
Margarita Time?
BB needs to play the Nickelback song Burn it to the Ground for the hamsters.
Janine - Google "watch true blood online + full episodes"
I wish Kevin would come alive in the house like he does in the diary room.
I like Casey right now, but I can see him being really irritating eventually. He hasn't stepped out of the middle since he got in the house, either. I think he's funny, but if he's gonna go, it should be now so he can get home to his baby and not sit in the jury house. Besides... I'd send ANYONE home to keep Jordan in the house :)
The last pic a Casey in banana suit looks like he borrowed Laura's
no one answered my bed number question... :(
*grin* you are right MsFitz!
I can't wait to see what shakes out of this event....something is bound to happen after they get a few in them.
Trivia! Oh no! We don't get to see the party?! Boooooooooooo!
Feed Leak!
There are enough beds if some share. Some don't like to Natalie.
Nat is soooo NOT-girly
Lindsay - Some of the HGs are just being childish about the bed situation. None of them wanted to sleep in the same room as Russell who snores wickedly.
Lindsey - there are single beds and double beds. Some people cough Natalie cough are sleeping in a double and don't want to share.
Lydia did explain it right in the show.
I think there should be enough spaces after this eviction.
that used to drive mu NUTS. being in the same room as a bad snoere. I understand completely, its not childish it can drive you banannas
Are we going to be blocked from the party, or are they gonna save it for BBAD? Waddya think?
AGP needs to let America decide to...
Force Jeff to kiss Jordan
Force Natalie to get out Jessie
Force Chima to swim every day
Seriously, if Casey says NOTHING in regard to Jessie about Ronnie being the ReNom, then I have nothing to say for Casey. NEVER assume in the game of Big Brother. It makes an ass out of you...and JUST you!
~ Ryan ~
Why does Michelle get to go out there?
Carolyn- Casey and Kevin's pictures have been like that from the very beginning. I pointed them out to my friend the very first episode during our very own viewing party.
there are 3 beds in the pool room and 4 beds in the red room and theres HOH... there are only 8 people that sleep currently not in the ice box... why would anyone have to share?
Awwww the have-nots can have not!!
Hello all!!
I've been thinking about Jeff & Jordan telling Casey about the plan to BD him. Something tells me that, while they will be sad to see Casey go, since Jordan is on the block, they're not going to do anything to rock the boat so that she is evicted. They're probably just trying to do what they can to keep her there...just relieved that the plan isn't to get Jordan out right now. Not that they thought she was going. I wish they could convince Jessie to put Ronnie up, but I don't see how that would happen.
I like how Jeff keeps dropping those one liners.
Lydia is on #2 already! Hope there's something interesting in the near future!
Yeah, I am pretty sure their pictures have been that way since the beginning too. Not sure why though... maybe it's an offbeat thing? I haven't seen Lydia's.
Ilissa - I love your America's choice suggestions. It would be hard to decide between those! :)
I guess they wanted them to have the party tonight because tomorrow, all hell is going to break loose.
Re: Bama -
I watched True Blood tonight too. So good. Bill is way better when he is naughty.
my cameras are acting a little off too. i so hope we can see the margarita party on the feeds.
Say Jordan was a have-not. That's only one person in the Have-not room, and 12 out there to share the 7 beds.
But there isn't a *real* bed issue. Just pettiness between the hosue guests.
llisa...I think Michele wants to go out. Ronnie and Chima are being negative nellies.
Ilissa said...
AGP needs to let America decide to...
Force Jeff to kiss Jordan
Force Natalie to get out Jessie
Force Chima to swim every day
he he he he!!
Way to go Michelle, being a good sport!!
Natalie is a dude in a mini skirt.
Illsa- the Have Nots can go out there they just cannot have anything. Chima & Ronnie choose not to. Chima has said since they won it that she was not going to go out there if they couldn't have any.
Lydia is downing the drinks.
"When the sun goes down that's
when the street heats up
Senorita Margarita fills your empty cup tonight -
She make you feel alright"
Bon Jovi
99 in the Shade
Come on, HG's. Entertain us. Lame.
I agree Leigh Ann. They are afraid to rock the boat atm.
Oh nevermind. I do see the party. My cameras were delayed. Whoops!
Anyone else find it odd that Lydia has no tats across the top of her back??
Casey reminds me of chaquita banana LOL
Guess what! ;p
***New Top post !!!
woo hoo Margarita party! I'd be drinkin' too but like most of the world I gotta work in the morning
Everyone watch....Lydia is not getting any attention.
I see a major pouting session coming on.
Oh! Well good for Michelle then! Cooking for the house guests while on slop and joining the party though she can't have any to drink.... All this AFTER winning the POV. Someone should recognize it!
**Conga line over to the new post***
JulieB, I've thought that about Lydia too. maybe she has future plans for her back...?
Whyy is Michele out there?
Geniee!! How are you??
I missed it!! What did Natalie just tell to Jessie? During the party
Lisa - Basically more of the same. Keeping Ronnie. Hating Lydia. Join us at the new Top Post! :)
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