Sunday Show Viewing Party
Good Evening Big Brother Lovers!! It's time for the Sunday Show!!
Bring on the Nominations, the DR Sessions & the Have/Have Not comp!

How much will the tv only audience be misled about the real Big Brother tonight? Will they give them a clue that Casey is the real backdoor target? Also, keep an eye out for edits that play with the true time sequence. ;)
Come join us here in the comment section, so we can chat, blog and analyze the edit of the broadcast show together... while it's airing on CBS.
If you're not on the east coast, and you'd like to watch along with us, right click on either of these links: NYFeed or DreamAngel.
See you in the comment section!!
Can't wait to see tonights edit.
Hiya Carolyn! What's up lovers!
Hi Toni!!! :) Me too! I'll lay odds on them leaving the plan for casey's backdoor on the editing room floor.
Hey RhondaM!! :) What up? What up?! :)
The edit tonight shall be interesting. Heck, I am just excited to see more of Michele in this 1 episode than I'll have all season!!!
Question about the house at this point (Could be a Quickie) ~ Is Casey's Big Brother experience done for at this point?
I would LOVE to say he definitely still has a chance, but with Gnatalie yammering in Jessie's ear every minute about the freakin pork chops and how untrustworthy Casey is, I think Casey is done for. I do agree about ure last post Carolyn, Jessie will be signing his Big Brother Death Certificate come tomorrow if everything goes his way.
~ Ryan ~
Welcome back Carolyn! Hope you had a great dinner.
How does Casey have so much confidence in Jessie putting up Ronnie. Oh I just wish he would get a clue.
Hey Carolyn! I am with you on leaving that out. I am kind of glad that their plan is to b/d Casey right now...anything can happen tonight and there is plenty on time for things to change...wonder what will happen if Chima gets smart and tells Russell that Ronnie spilled his sneaking up to the HOH???
I am so happy that Casey is starting to see what is going on!
Sorry Carolyn..
Casey's got it, Lydia's got it.....
Jordon doesn't look thrilled.
OH YES! Lydia just spilled the beans about backdooring Casey. It's 7:52ET here so that makes it 4:52BBT, right? She just clued in Michelle.
Good Evening Carolyn and fellow BB addicts
Happy Show Night
Just had enough time to read through the happening of the day, no comments yet. Looks like a fun party, lots of flashback at some point.
Wonder what we'll see tonight? I don't think the edit will be as good as Thursday's. Probably lots of Ronnie getting back in good with most of them. DRs should be interesting.
Wake up Casey!!!!!!
Do you think they're going to show Jessie and Russel sneaking into Ronnie's HOH room last week ?
Hiiii everyone!
Sigh... here we go... don't mind me. I'm just crossing all of my everything in hopes that Casey makes it through this week.
Hey everybody!
Happy Sunday!
Why will they not tell Casey about Jessie's plan?
cmon, casey.. wake up...
I think Chima has a permanent wedgie.
Happy Sunday Show!
Heyyy Everyone!!! :)
It would be so great if they evicted Jessie before the jury house.
Lydia is spilling the beans to Michele and Jordan about Jessie putting up Casey.
Jeff, Jordan, Casey, Kevin, Michele and Lydia need to talk about what is going on in the house.
The prime targets need to be Jessie, Natalie and Ronnie.
Casey needs to wake up!!! Kevin and/or Lydia needs to help him with that!!
~ Ryan ~
Can't wait to see how they edited this one!
"Tonight: Love triangle gone ugly"
woohoooo! hahaha
LOL @ end of opening sequence. ;p
Ouch...The opening credits called Jessie/Lydia/Nat a love triangle. That is not good for Nat's boyfriend.
"I miss my wife!"
Lydia can't keep quiet on the show, how in the world has she not told them yet who she was a nanny for?? Or has she?
Laura, thanks, I went and googled the pic, I would totally trip out if it was indeed her!
Re Jessie's HoH Win DR
...and jessie's the one annoying me by referring to himself in the 3rd person...
Evening Carolyn and all
Hope everyone had a great day!
Mikeinbama, I couldn't agree with you more on your post from the last comments. I really like Jordon but would rather for Casey to stay. Why is he so confident?
Casey's yellow DR outfit is a foreshadowing of the banana suit. HA
Yes. Michelle got some air time. A great antidote to listening to Pill Town.
I could not log into Blogger at all. But I am finally on here after awhile.
So Good evening everybody. The live feeds could get interesting if Casey used his brain.
They need to put some dark spots on Mr. Bananna. He looks like he is rotting more and more with that suit on
they showed russell's secret alliance with ronnie! at least now america knows
Puh-leez... Can Stacy and Clinton from "What not to Wear" be waiting outside the house for Natalie when she gets evicted?
I'm sorry...everything about the girl just gets under my skin
Hehehehe Lydia's face when Nat told BB thank you for the new sleep shirt!!
Turtles - she did say the couple had a background in music. I am sure Lydia has a contract with the former couple so that is why she is so tight-lipped about it.
Jessie's HOH reveal LOL. Love Jordan's DR about it. "Muscles work for some girls, just not me."
Evening Carolyn and fellow BB addicts! I'm already hating tonight's edit, they're making Jessie and Nat seem like they were so nice with Ronnie when everyone was against him just cause they felt bad for him, when it wasn't because of that at all!
lol, meadows mommy
Meadow Mommy - LOL. That would be too funny. I can just hear their comments now with the 360 degree mirror.
"You are 25 and you dress like you are in middle school. No wonder you fooled them about your real age."
Good Evening everyone!
Mike I agree I would love for Jessie to go before he could get to the jury house.
Carolyn, I may have missed this in previous posts - if so, sorry for the repetition. RULE #6 of the Big Brother Eligibility Requirements states that you must be 21 years old at time of application. This would be an obvious requirement so that the producers wouldn't have to police the alcohol all the time. Now, some of these people have signed up for this show more than once. They've read the rules. They had to send a photocopy of their driver's license and passport or birth certificate to verify age and identity. My first thought on day one was - Shame on Natalie for thinking she could pull this off. But the reality has become - Shame on everyone else for not catching her. I truly hope the margarita party makes SOMEONE question her honesty.
Jessie's analogy...*running 4 a bucket) Really a Jessie a butterfly!
OMG HURL @ Jessie's DR session describing himself as a "beautiful butterfly".
Eeewwwww Gross....I can't take the Jessie and Lydia love angle!
Jessie is going to make me throw up my coffee. butterfly. OH God.
Hey Everyone!!!
Gonna go watch the show... but IMHO the only thing that could possibly change the course of events is if Natalie finds out about Ronnie hiding Laura in the bathroom when they were talking about BD Russel... Kevin and Lydia can blow that cover, but but but Ronnie would say they're lying... who would Jessalie believe???
i just threw up with the Lydia/Jessie hammock scene and the butterfly DR.
P.S. Lydia kindergarten kids don't give HJ.
I'm hoping whoever is HOH next week puts Lydia and Natalie on the block together, just for the drama.
OK that whole thing with catepillar's and butterflies...HUH???????
Kevin's DR room about L/J/N Hilarious!!
If looks could kill! LMAO
LOL.."jessie's into jessie!"
Jessie is a complete tool! Ohhh odd and I think Kevin just described it all greatly!
lmao @ Kevin in DR "Lydia is into Jessie. Natalie is into Jessie. Jessie is into Jessie."
haha. I have wanted them to do a segment on lydia's jealousy for so long. hooray :)
OH NO HE DIDN't..."not always a good thing to be this good looking"
*passing the bucket around the room*
Well there goes my dinner. BARF! Jessie, you're so full of it!
oh. barf..jessie
Jessie is making me sick. Can't stand Jessie, season 2. Lydia needs to open her eyes! NOT her mouth or hands...heehee...doesn't she get it? The selfisness?
Oh Jesse in the DR
note to self: eat dinner BEFORE the show, not during
Pleeeeaaaaaase somebody get Natalie OUT!
ohhh and laure in NC and turtles RE signing Nanny contract. I have had to deal with this and when you work for a family that is known you do have to sign all kinds of extra privacy contracts and forms. It's crazy but they're usually more to protect the children more then anything!
OMG, I LOVE Kevin!!!! Classic DR: "Jessie's sitting pretty right now. Natalie's into Jessie, Lydia's into Jessie, Jessie's into Jessie" ROTFLMAO!!!!
Natalie is so obviously trying to piss Lydia off, why can't Lydia see it? I would have told her quick, this is my time and my seat, beat it! Natalie is so smug! I can't wait for her to BE GONE! The show might get boring, but oh well!
And in the house....still no one is really talking to Casey about the "plan"
Lydia, I didn't know kindergarten school girl crushes slept with each other and gave them nookie.
GOd, I am eating dinner right now, remind me never 2 do that again until Jessie gets evicted!!!! He really makes me wanna puke, I dislike him even more this season than last season!!!! BARF
Why are they showing Jordan on slop? It's from last week?
"Do I want to be part of the"...Of course he doesn't..I own part of the moon
Casey is still clueless about him being placed on the block instead of Ronnie.
I was just thinking that these HGs need a visit from the BB ghost/man in the mirror like last season!
Or better yet, Jordan stays again and wins HOH...that way no one is automatically safe.
That's what we need.
OMG Jordan got it in her own barrel... LOL! Fun competition though! :)
Oh! Poor Jordon!
This is HIGH SCHOOL cliques. Are they encouraging drinking in high school? ;)
Love Casey's DR sessions!
Loving this comp! It does look like a fun one!
Poor Jordan kept getting it in her own can :-(
Jeff and Jordan are scheming right now :)
Lots of game talk.
Go Forrest Go...
HAHA too bad Chima doesn't know what they could have ended up with!!
If Chima only knew the other options, she would be Lovin' America!
"Who's bright idea was this?" uhhhh ours!! Diva gonna come and get us for it??
BTW...snuggle fest in the BB house time!
Seems like the best/most fun competition this year.
Which food items...squid or liverwurst. Either one of those would be fine choices!
Everything else on that list...not so bad! I'd eat it :)
Squash and squid!!! ohhh yeah!
Oh really, Chima?? We suck?!?!
Bad move, girlfriend!
I would vote for 1 or 2, but NOT 3!
is it possible for natalie to annoy me even more on the tv edit to think she's the co-HoH than it does on the feeds? yes it does....
Jessie....BARF. There are no words. Is there any way we can get rid of him next week? I would love it if Lydia sets off the chain of events tonight to make that happen. A girl can dream.....
Mom's wonderin' why I have a big goofy grin and rosy red cheeks every time Jordan comes on the screen.
Hey Y'all!
Just chiming in while I read the comics from work. Looks like Jessie has you all blowing chunks! Great, something to look forward too. :|
AmyinSJC - The houseguests did have a discussion about Natalie's age and how they saw on their contracts that you had to be 21. Jessie covered for her and said that it wasn't on his contract. Then they started saying her father had to sign off on it, but she vehemently denied that. Jessie just kept reiterating that the 21 age clause wasn't in his contract either. I think he knows the truth about her age, but he isn't spilling to anyone.
I would love to be bonding with Russell right now. Only reason why i am jealous of Kevin and the fact that he is on the show.
I voted squash and squid! I just hope its not Jordon that has to eat it!
Natalie doesn't act like she's 18....more like a 2 year old temper tantrum. Way immature.
And this whole jealousy thing, she sure acts the same and worse for someone who doesn't like Jessie.
Oh it's worse than high school!!
Ronnie is back to old tricks.....running game on Chima and she is falling for it, hook line and sinker!
This group of house guests is one the the first since I have been watching that really gets a sense of what the others are up to but no one wants to be the first to rock the boat. That is why they all go along with Jessalie.
In the house - Ronnie is talking pretty bold.
He's cocky in his security.
He just said F them and the horse they rode onto. I assume he means Casey's group.
Chima just said tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.
Carolyn, I hope ure keeping one of ure eyes on the hamsters, cause I just read on ure Twitter post that Lydia told Michele & Jordan that the plan is to backdoor Casey. I hope there's a bit of "talking" tonight!
~ Ryan ~
OMG! I think if I were gonna fight for one of the guys on the show it would be fight Jordon for Jeff! The sight of Jesse just irks me! The person that loves him the most is Jesse! Lydia should start hitting on one of the other guys. Heck, Ronnie would be better than Jesse!
I've got it! Natalie and Jesse are bizarro Jordan and Jeff!
And Ronnie is bizarro Casey, Rusell is bizarro Kevin, and Chima is bizarro Michele!!!!
That's the real BB9 twist!!!!
YES! How much do I win?
AHAHAHA!!!! Jessie's DR : "I don't know what women want" ROTFLMAO!!! The only smart thing he's ever said!!! LOL
Was that beer the atheletes were drinking during the competition? If so, it sure looked like Natalie was having one...
Is anyone else getting the impression the Ronnie is trying imitate Chill Town in his DR?
OMG.. did he just do the phone thing?!
I really don't know how to say this about someone on a TV show, but I think I may have some sort of hatred towards Ronnie! That ending segment makes me HOPE he goes up on the block as the RENOM!! UGH...Ronnie...
~ Ryan ~
Ronnie, you are not Chilltown. You can't use the phone as your DR schpeel.
LOL @ Jessie's final DR that he was gonna win POV, and also at Ronnie's final DR "Jessie, the governor called" Oh, god, BARF!!!!
You would think that Ronnie would be lying a little lower... hopfuly that bites J/N in the end
i really think ronnie thinks hes in chilltown because half of his diary room sessions are irkly familiar to theirs.
I wish they had shown Russell crawling on the HOH landing
So I totally missed the show, but the last Ronnie DR... *headdesk*
Will have to catch the show at 8pm BBT.
Oh Yeah baby! Pill town!
Ronnie trying to be Chill Town made me almost as sick as Jessie and his cocoon speech.
Well that was disgusting. The Jessie, Nat and Ronnie show. Pass the bucket. GAG
Got to see more of Michele although she didn't look so good. She thinks she is in with the jocks? If so she is she is the bottom rung of that ladder.
The beer game was pretty funny and Jessie was was really good as a buffoon. Typecasting perhaps LOL
Why does the show have to end with Ronnie, pass that bucket back here again.
Ronnie would be the first person out of the next HOH and that makes me happy.
On the feeds - Jordan and Russell are talking about her and Jeff. He asked if they have kissed and she said only on the cheek. Russ is like well why not? cute
Hey Carolyn and BB lovers...
just got back from an amazing weekend. And let me tell you, a house of 12 people. it made me feel like I was in big brother. it was a bit crazy
lots of drama, lots of interesting conversations, lots of drunk guys showin me and the ladies their penis lol. and it all ended with my friend falling down the stairs to the basement and having to go to the hospital...
what a weekend, and i know im behind but too tired to catch up. Anyone wanna share any quick updates with me?
Is it still the plan to backdoor casey?
Good evening all...
Now Jessie's dig at the Southern slang was offensive to me.
I'm sure he wouldnt like someone making a dig at the dufus muscle builder guy.
Oh well, that is the dufus muscle builder Jessie talking!!!!!!
Just realized that Natalie is wearing the same non matching yellow outfit today as she was on the show.
Hi Carolyn,
Some nomination speech from Jessie. I can not stand him at all. Everytime he did a DR, I just want to puke. Keep in mind I'm eating dinner during this episode. Seeing Ronnie at the end just makes me want to dispize(sp) him even more. I can't wait for the fireworks to begin when Casey finds out he is going to be backdoored & not Ronnie. I also can not wait for Natalie to mess up & have her "secret" come out about her age. It will make everyone wonder if she can lie about that, what else has she lied about? Like the hinky vote for Laura for starters. What do you all think?
Kent - in a nutshell YES! :) Glad you had a nice weekend. except for your friend.
When you all are done with the barf bucket, please pass it down.
Does Jessie not realize the reason that America voted him off last year was for the same behavior he is exhibiting now?
What a putz...
I think that the edit was good tonight.
They did show Jessie being his usual humble self ...and they did show that Ronnie is still a sneak.
I also liked that they showed Natalie acting like she is in charge of the house.
Welcome back Kent! Sounds like a BB weekend indeed! IS your friend okay??
Yeah Pill Town's plan is to BD Casey. :(
Divr I think production made Jessie talk like that for the show as annoying as he sounded.
So frustrated... Ronnie is cockier than ever now... Natalie drives me insane! and I feel so bad for Casey and Jordan... I like both of them and don't want to see either go home. **hopeing that Natalie and Ronnie go on the block next week** then if th POV is used..throw Jesse up there!..In my own little perfect world
Toni I saw that to about Natalie. What I want to know is where does she get off talking about other people's outfits when she can't even dress herself.
***New Top Post!!!
Kent - :) Welcome back :) Yes, Casey's still the backdoor man.
Ronnie has a nerve acting like chill town. Dr.Will never spent 2 days hiding in the HOH room crying and afraid to come out.
OMG I can't stand Natalie, and I can't believe Jessie is stupid enough to keep Ronnie! What a MORON! He deserves to go home ASAP. And honestly I really don't like this team play, I don't think it is fair. I'd rather play the game for myself not w/ a team. Though the team angle has it's perks for the players (not nominated if a team member is HOH) but I honestly hope they don't do the team angle again.
Ronnie and Natalie should be up, but she can't be cuz Jessie is HOH. And after they leave Jessie can go or in whatever order as long as it's one after the other!
I am a huge chilltown fan...
I was appalled that Ronnie did the *ring ring* chilltown phone thing.
so not cool.
On the feeds tonight, it seems like she is avoiding Jeff, and kinda flirting w/ Russell. Do y'all know if this is strategy or is it just her ditziness. Jeff seems kinda put-out too.
True Blood was freaking awesome tonight... I needed a break from Big Brother
Am I the only one wondering what Russell is doing in the shower? He's in there forever.... Too bad they don't wear the mic in the shower, would he be panting? lol Just saying...
So THAT's why they made everyone sit on the couch and be quiet and not fold laundry just before the nomination ceremony, so they could splice that clip into the show tonight when natalie told ronnie to go sit outside with them?
I thought it was weird, until I saw the show tonight. clever!
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