Saturday Night is B.A.N.A.N.A.S.

8:17 PM BBT
Feeds 3 & 4
Jessie, Natalie, Casey and Chima
Jessie is shaving Casey's back ( ***just before he stabs it) while the ladies chatter on the coach.
Chima: You're not listening to me. They both came up to me and told me they did that on purpose.
They are talking about Jordan and Kevin apologizing to them for putting them on slop because of Ronnie (*** thanks Candygirl!)
Kevin and Lydia come in and talk turns to who is sleeping where.
(***their favorite non-game related subject other than who cleans the toilet and porkchops)
Jessie: Natalie has bomb*ss hair. There's so much of it.

8:27 PM BBT
11:29 PM BBT
Feeds back
Same crew in the bathroom talking about hair...
Lydia is about to shave Jessie's hair. He's nervous. She looks moody. The tension is visible.
Jessie: Are you sure you know what you're doing?
Lydia: Are you going to tell me what to do every step of the way?
Jessie: Yes.
Natalie: Do you realize the veto was used every single time?
They are now waiting on Jeff to spot Lydia. Feeds go to fishes and when they come back, Natalie is shaving his head...
Alcohol has arrived! Everybody wants some.
Ronnie comes in and relates a story when he got into an altercation and he got punched in the face. Only Chima is responding. Lydia is fixing her hair. Natalie is shaving Jessie's head. Kevin is next to Lydia. Jeff comes in and Ronnie stops talking.
Russell shuffles in.
Russell: I just woke up. What's going on here?
Chima: BB Beauty Salon.
Checking to see what's happening on feeds 1 & 2
Michelle: I'm going to try to make meatballs tonight.
Russell: Yeah? (He is pouring red wine)
Michelle: Yeah!
Russell goes back to the bathroom with the wine.
(***and I follow him)
Jeff is shaving Jessie's head now. Russell is in the shower. Kevin is helping Lydia with her "liberty spikes". Chima and Natalie on sitting on the sofa commenting.

Chima: I think Jessie should do what Lydia is doing.
Jessie: I wish!
Chima: Every day you have a different look! I love it!
Lydia: Me?
Chima: Yeah you're so creative. You have a great fashion sense.
Lydia: Thank you Chima!
Chima: You're welcome!
Jeff: Holy garlic balls!
Natalie:(shouting) What you cooking Michelle?
Michelle: (from the kitchen) Meatballs!
Ronnie comes back. He asked DR about a Mohawk and they said to wait for an answer. Chatter about hair and hair styles...
Jessie: If Lydia wants to do it, I'll let her.
Lydia: Do what?
Jessie: Cut my hair on top. I got the hard stuff out of the way for you...

9:00 PM BBT
While all this is going on, Michelle is in the kitchen alone, cooking for everyone. Laughing at the bathroom shenanigans!
Michelle: Your olfactory receptors become oversensitive and stop reacting. (She is explaining to them why people stop smelling things)
(** Rock and Roll Michelle!)
Lydia comes in,
Lydia: Oh my god Michelle. You're amazing!
(**isn't she though?)

Jeff comes in.
Jeff: Mmmm you gonna fire those b*tches up?
Michelle: No. I'm going to bake them. It's healthier.
Jeff: Where's Casey at?
Michelle: I think he's sleeping.
Jeff: Boy, he got the short end of the stick.
Michelle: He can drink. There's beer.

9:12 PM BBT
Kevin. Chima, Natalie, Lydia, Russell, Jessie, & Ronnie.
Casey walks in.
Kevin: And a banana enter the room.
Casey mumbles a response.
Kevin: Sour banana.
More laughter.
Jessie: I prefer the banana to the unitard.
Everyone agrees.
Talk turns to Mohawks and Nick's (BB8) Mohawk.
Lydia: Don't you hate it when everyone wants to have a Mohawk. (**a dig at Ronnie?)
Ronnie talks about Erik on Survivor and how much he was hated, how he was a fan of a the show, and he survived until he gave up the immunity idol. Talk turns to Survivor and who would go on it.
9:27 PM BBT
Feeds 1 & 2
Jeff, Casey, Russell, Michelle, & Natalie.
Talking about the POV contest. What those who played should have done, should not have done. Sounds like a game involving six stations and numbers.
Russell: I thought it was fun.
Natalie: It looked fun.
(**can't wait to see it)
Lydia giving Russell a back massage.
9: 23 PM BBT
Jessie and Lydia head up to the HOH landing to play chess.
BB Voice: Jessie. Please go to the diary room.
Natalie: Are you kidding me? Right when we are about to play the friggen game!
Kevin goes up to play with Natalie.
(**gonna stick with them for a bit to see if there is any game talk)
The people in the kitchen are talking about the alcohol and who had what. (**another common topic in the BB house)
9:45 PM BBT
Lydia joins them.
Lydia: Natalie if you ever cut your hair you could donate it to The Cure.
Natalie: I have no intention of cuttingmy hair.
Lydia: Did you eat all that beef jerky?
Natalie: yeah.
Lydia:It's got so much sodium in it. It's not good for you! Russell what does sodium do to your body (she shouts it down to him in the kitchen)
Russell: It depletes your bodyu of all moisture and hardens your veins.
Natalie shrugs.
(**tension much?)
Natalie gives Michelle a shoutout for cooking this wonder meal for anyone and she can't even eat it.
Natalie: That's awesome Michelle!
Lydia: (to Natalie) You are the biggest personality for an 18 year old I have seen in years. Everyone I know who is 18 is reckless. You're not like that at all. (**cause she's not?)
Natalie doesn't reply...
Talk turns to POV prizes for a bit. Then silence on the HOH landing while we hear chatter and laughter in the kitchen.
Lydia: This popsicle stand is getting boring...
(Genie switches feeds to the kitchen)

9:58 PM BBT
Feeds 3 & 4
Russell, Chima, Michelle, Jeff, Casey, & Michelle (still cooking)
They are ribbing Casey for the banana suit, having a great ole time!
Chima: You got us a Margarita Party though. You made a sacrifice.
Casey: You better not forget it b*tches! (**LOL)
Jeff was playing with the packages of uncooked spaghetti and Micheletook them away from him
Michelle: It's not safe! (**LOL!)
Jeff: Well I know you have to like break it in half anyway!
Russ, Chima, Jeff talking about pedicures and manicures. Jeff likes to be pampered but has not had any. Jeff talks about getting a massage from a shady place where the girl was trying to kiss him and he had to say no, he just wanted a massage. .
Russell: I shave my legs.
Chima: You don't have to.
Casey: Who would've thought you could get so happy with just a beer and a half?
Jeff: We're stir crazy!
Russ tells Casey he will be hilarious in the HOH comp as a banana. They say that Julie will bring it up and ask him about it. Russ does an imitation of how Chima would have acted if she had to wear the banana suit. Chima is laughing. They are teasing her and her diva tendencies.
10:04 PM BBT
10: 07 PM BBT
Feeds back
Kitchen crowd talking about ashy feet. (** can we go back to fishies?) Talk turns to Justin Timberlake. They love him on SNL.
Russell: I love his self-defecating humour.
Chima: Stop saying that!
Casey: It's self-deprecating.
Russell: I know. It's a joke.
This house is bananas. B.A.N.A.N.A.S.!
(**Lydia is sitting alone in the living room. Oh Lydia...)
Michelle: Spaghetti and meatballs are ready!!!!
No one responds. (**Rudeness!)
Talk turns to beds again (*OY!)
Russell: You can't claim beds. We rotate.
Chima: Well make sure we wash the sheets. It gets funky in here.
(**Darling where were you lying earlier? Can we say wet spots?)
They are all about to chow down. (**Perfect time for hanging out in the comments for a bit!)
10: 34 PM BBT
Jeff, Michelle, Casey, Lydia, Russell, & Ronnie
They are talking about music. Lydia keeps giving production music suggestions.
Ronnie: I don't know The Killers.
Lydia: You don't know The Killers? Are you kidding me?
Ronnie shakes his head.
Lydia: I just lost an ovary on that... (**LOL)
Jessie comes out of DR. Natalie calls to him from the HOH landing.
***People. You really need to get the feeds! This is priceless and moving so fast, it's hard to transcribe! :) The link is at the bottom of this post!
They are talking about high school.
10:44 PM BBT
BB VOICE: House guests. The lockdown is over.
Jeff, Casey, Russell and Michelle immediately go outside.
Lydia is trying to get in Jessie's case about the shaving incident, but he's not biting.
Lydia: I'll tell you later when we can talk talk.
(**Genie is going outside with the other house guests)
11:10 PM BBT
Kevin, Casey, Jeff
Casey: Wanna scheme with a banana? Will Ronnie be going home
Kevin: The meatballs have too much garlic.
Casey: Don't hate the banana, hate the game"
Lydia comes out and is complaining about Jessie and Nat and Jessie hinting at putting her on the block again. (**It begins)
Lydia complaining about Jessie to Kevin (They are alone on the couch now)
Lydia: He won't even trust me to cut his hair. You don't' trust me to cut your hair,. you don't trust me in the game. It just validates what we were talking about earlier.
Kevin: But, where are you going to sleep tonight?
(**Kevin is such a good friend.)
Kevin: Are you getting any satisfaction from it? (The sex)
Lydia: Let's just say the two finger technique isn't living up to its reputation.
Lydia goes inside. Casey sits to have a smoke.
Kevin: What's wrong Casey?
Casey: I'm in a banana suit and wondering if Jessie will stick to the plan.
Kevin: Why wouldn't he?
Casey speculates about the plan being left behind. That the athletes have been in power for too long. That he does not want an 18 year old to run the house.
11:32 PM BBT
Jessie, Natalie, Ronnie & Chima
Interesting to note a quick conversation between Chima and Jessie at the dining room table. Chima feels badly about putting Casey up especially since he is in a banana suit. Jessie quickly squashes that.
Jessie: You know he was coming after you.
Ronnie is smiling... (.....)

11:39 PM BBT
Lydia & Jeff
Jordan joins them.
Jeff: There you are!
Lydia: You look lovely.
Jordan: I'm tired.
Lydia is filling them in about Natalie telling Jessie she loved him in the bathroom during the shaving incident. She is really revving herself up. Jordan is too tired to show an interest.
Lydia goes in. Jeff and Jordan talk about food and eating and gaining weight.
11:58 PM BBT
Around the house...
In the kitchen, Jessie, Chima, Ronnie, Natalie, Michelle and Jordan. General chit chat.
In the backyard, Jeff is on the sofa having a cigarette. Russell and Kevin are having their second game of "friendly" pool. Russell is peeved that Kevin won the first game and went in to tell everyone. They are having a revenge match.
No sign of Lydia, or Casey.

***I'm out for the night! Check in tomorrow for the Overnight Report. :)
Another new top post!!! YAY Genie Sea!!!! w00t w00t!!!!
OK, I just figured it out.
Casey looks like ... when people (not me!) dress up their cat and the cat is just pissed off.
I knew that I've seen that face before.
Why is it they always think someone has thrown a competition? Can't it ever be they just weren't good enough to win??
I guess before I said my last comment I should have asked "Did someone throw the pov comp?"
Ahhh...Jessie can add banana-scaping to his resume!
Hi Carolyn and All !!
I would prefer either Kevin or casey to be the replacement nom.
I love watching the feeds but it's just so frustrating. If someone is deliberately not mentioning someones name, a bell should go off that they're protecting that person.
I think Lydia is finally wise to Jessie's game of using women in the house. It only took her 3 weeks to figure it out but she doesn't want to admit that she's being played.
Did Jesse make the comment about Nat's hair in front of Lydia?
I have to wonder what is true with him.
Is he still into Nat, but just "playing" with Lydia for alliance sake?
Is he really into Lydia and just trying to throw fuel on the fire?
Does Jesse just care about Jesse and lets everyone else paw all over him for attention sake?
I'm going with option 3
Sometimes you say something like 11:27 BBT but its really 8:27.
I'm not complaining just letting you know just incase you didn't realize.
Evening Genie!! Evening Dishers!! Could Lydia be any more of a brat! She may not realize it but she is making herself even more obvious!!
anon - thanks for catching that - fixed now. :)
Hi Kids...
I'm just sticking my head in...
Genie's at the helm!
Oh, what just happened? Lydia WAS starting the cut... I pan back and now Nat is doing it?
Hope there's a Natalie vs Lydia beat down tonight
Meant to add one more little tidbit...the fact that Nat is doing it over Lydia....If it were Jesse's choice (and I don't know cause i missed it), then that shows who he really trusts.
Hi Genie!
And we have alcohol, and Michelle can't drink! Rats
Step one of Operation AMA (Ain't Mad Atcha) is in effect. The HGs just got alcohol.
Just got an extreme close up of the back of Jesse's head. If I ever walk into a salon and see Natalie holding a pair of scissors I shall run for my life screaming the whole way.
*talks to the feeds*
Hey Jeff, go get Jordan.. we need her liquored up!
Uh oh!!!! Alcohol has arrived!!!!
Jamison I am hoping for the beat down tonight too. Looking even better now that alcohol is served!!!
Hey everyone and especially Carolyn and the dishchicks (blue),
I am sure that World War 4 between Natalie and Lydia is on the horizon. There has just been too many small friction-filled moments between them.
Let's count what they are as of recent:
Natalie not giving up her bed and Lydia storming out and then telling everybody and his brother what happened.
Lydia getting tired of Natalie being there everytime Jessie is and vice-versa.
Natalie and Lydia not talking to each other and interacting as nice or as much as they had been.
Lydia was really giving her an extremely sinister look the whole time that Natalie was playing T or D last night. The Furuza(sp) Bulk(bad witch in 'The Craft') was very present in her expression
And now (drumroll please)
Lydia being replaced by Natalie as Jessie's barber in spite of Natalie not know what the hell she is doing.
Oh yes folks it's going to be awnnnnnn!
Oh lord, now I'm really confused. Lydia started Jesse's haircut. Then Nat took over. Now Jeff is working on it. Who woulda thunk it would take 3 people to shave one little pinhead.
Oh my God Lydia is making her hair tres freakay!
She might be able to beat out Casey in the banana outfit for wackiest looking in the house
Lydia is all talk and no action. She would never confront Natalie.
Poor Michelle. On slop and still cooking for everyone in her Peg Bundy outfit. She looks cute but the heels and tights immediately made me think Peg.
Carolyn, if you are going to bed (or better yet, going to get you some!!! hehehehehe,), I just want to give a big shout out and Nite nite to ya!!!
Thanks for yet another awesome day!!!!(or in my case, a few awesome days!! lol)
I don't know Mike........Lydia has some fire in her..I saw it a couple times...once when Braden got in her face, and once when Laura tried to go off on her..........I wouldn't be so quick to blow her off........
I love Michele the PhD cooking in 4 inch heals and talking to herself about utensils, like a kinky intellectual homemaker. Leave it to Beaver with a brain and butt plug.
to tired to practice guitar. having a cooler and relaxin' playuing some Aloha Peaks. could be wild tonite depoening on the % and amount for the HGs
look forward to the overnight. peace out
Thanks Blue :) I'm bed bound..
Jane - you crack me up.
Genie's rockin' the dish. :)
Gotta love her rolling the meat balls.
Man, if J&J ever do come together, there will be fireworks! LOL
HIYA Everyone! :)
no comment on the butt plug thingy!!!! lol
Hi Genie! :) Hi Caro when you pop your pretty head in! :)
I love Lydia's style!!!! It's so much like many of my friends!!!!
blue, I was referring to Michele's own expressed interest. She's into butt plugs, not me (that's my story and I'm sticking to it).
Chima spends $100 a week on her hair. That's insane.
Michelle needs an apron with those CFM shoes on!! It's nice of her to cook for them & be on slop!
You guys are cracking me up! Hilariousness abounds!
Wow, Chima saying that & Natalie has a sister with Down's. They need to end this conversation.
Michele just brought up one of my favorite bio-political issues. The actual age women, from a biological perspective, should stop bearing children. It's a fascinating story about the AMA versus NOW that started in the 1970's.
Oh, I got that, Jane!!! LOL!!!
You made me spew on that one!!!!
You always crack me up!!!
I've always heard that anything after 35 is not biologically conducive for women bearing children, but then I read stories about women much later than that giving birth......
What is the optimal age for women bearing children?????
Man, Russell is taking the longest shower in the history of showers.
Why isn't there a camera on Russell in the shower?
C Venus is the BEST!!!! I love the new chops and I want MORE eye candy. MMMHHHHMMMMMM YUMMY!
Do you hear me CVENUS MORE EYE CANDY!!!!!!
Hey Blue
Are you going to stay up and do the overnight again?
I love when you do it.
I don't about anyone else but I'm getting tired of Ronnie putting in his stupid two cents everytime he sees the opportunity. You should be out the door this week and not Casey. You're just lucky the HOH is a bonehead.
Genie you are doing an awesome job!
Jane you are to funny!
Hello to my fellow Hoosier Blue.
Ugh, it's not supposed to be getting busy at work this time of night! Can't they just leave me alone for my last 45 minutes!
I'm gonna cut and run y'all! Have an awesome night! And Behave! lol. (That last part is mostly directed at Blue and GaYToR.)
It's a very topical subject right now!!! Look at the Octomom with the 8 little bundles she gave birth to (through in vitrify fertilization *don't know how to spell that*)
and John and Kate plus 8, .....
Then of course, there are the Duggars!!!! That mom keeps popping 'em out like pez candy!! But they always seem to be happy and healthy.......and she's GOT to be in her 40's by now, isn't she?
blue, that's a complicated subject. The optimal age would be somewhere between 16 and 28 approx (biologically). Women are capable to having children until they go through menopause (theoretically). The risks to the mother and child increase with age.
The controversy was the AMA wanted to promote that 35 was the top age for safe childbirth and NOW wanted to promote 40+, because it supported women in careers. There was a lot of hidden truths going on and the actual truth has become all distorted, basically in the direction of it being safe for older women. Sure, it can be, but the issues are real and not well understood.
UM, no, Indigo!!!
Genie is here doing the late night....then I'll be going to bed!!!
My cousins (my aunt's son and daughter-in-law) usually take my aunt to Church on Sunday's, but they are playing in a pool tournament in Indianapolis tomorrow, so I am taking her to Church.
Then I have to go deal with a couple of tenants who have chosen to ignore the *no pets* clause in their lease and I'm trying to rent their place for August for my brother while he is away this week....let's just say....puppy not house broken!!!!! UGH!!!
I'll be back later on Sunday....
It is really getting snippy in the bathroom between Natalie and Lydia.........YEA :)
Blue, In my next life, I'm gonna skip having kids and just become a grandma. Thats the best!
Very informative,'s an interesting subject, definitely. At least, I find it interesting. Don't know about anyone else!!!
Thank you for your input!!!
ooooo, Jessie's ticked off at Lydia right now!!!
Good Night everyone!! :) See you in the morning :) have fun on the feeds!
3 Cheers for Genie for Keeping the blog goin' tonight!! :)
Yo :)
Hi everyone. I turn on the feeds and what do I see, Banana Casey LOL
That thing is to funny.
Happy Michele won POV
Sad Casey didn't win
Hope they can convince Jesse to boot Ronnie.
Reading comments
3 Cheers for Genie!!!
Hip Hip Hooray!!!
Hip Hip Hooray!!!
Hip Hip.......YOU GO GENIE GIRL!!!
Thanks Blue :) I'm giving it my best shot. A Carolyn or a Blue I am not :)
Oh bama I am so with you! Can't wait for the blowout..I don't really think Lydia would back down.
Since there is no game talk I can take a couple of minutes to hang in the comments. :)
Very interesting discussion you started Jane! :) Well. technically Michelle started it! hehe
Ok Blue. I had no idea that Genie does this all night.
Lydia just talked to the live feeders a few minutes ago
I think Casey looks hilarious in the banana hammock..I mean banana outfit. I was laughing so much I was crying when he came out in it. If anyone can pull it off it's MingleMixx What! What!
p.o'd here that he is going to be done like that on his last week btw. It should create some good watching on the feeds after Jessie replaces Michelle though. Ohhhh what a double edged sword :( /(:
Oh please, Genie!!!
A Carolyn or a GENIE I'm not!!!lol
What happened with lydia/jesse/nat? I stepped away for a sec and missed it and now i have to wait to flashback.
I'm sorry, but with the wine and beer flowing a little tonight, something just may happen.........
It has every other time so far this season...............
Okay I can attempt hellos now!
Hiya Blue! smoochies :)
Hiya Michigan Man! :) Welcome home!
Night night SWEET Carolyn! Sleep well honey :)
Hiya bigwigg! :)
Hiya Bama!!! I am looking forward to a Lydia/Natalie & Russell/Jessie smackdown! hehehe
Hiya Jane! You intellectual HOT MAMA you! :)
Hiya Michelle! Thanks sweetie :)
Hiya Indigo! :) I will try to keep you entertained tonight :)
Hiya Mysteria :)
Hiya MsFitz!!! :)
Hiya Jluvs!!! :)
Hiya DavidB! :)
Hiya Jamison! :) Michelle is a rockstar! :)
Hiya Grendon! :) LOL@ 3 people to shave one pinhead!
Hiya Becky! :)
Hiya Janine! :)
Hiya Katie!!! :)
Hiya Crisi! :)
Hiya Izzy! :)
Hiya Kscooter! :)
Go Genie, Go Genie!
Lydia is uber feisty tonight. I am totally loving it. It's like those Liberty Spikes filled her with Teen Angst & Super Jealous Rage.
I love Casey so much more in that suit. Poor Lil' Guy doesn't know what's about to go down.. :(
Hi Genie!
So I finally broke down and bought a flat screen (I'm SO behind the times...especially considering how much I love movies). I haven't even enjoyed it because of BB. My DVR is erasing programs because I'm way over my limit!
Watching Nat/Lydia/Kevin because, while it's quiet now, you can see a storm coming.
I can't believe no one is making fun of Casey in his banana suit right now!!!!LOL
They seem to have accepted it and him as just part of the game..........
Hell, I'd be all over it!!!!
Aw Genie, you do a great job! :)
Hi Genie!
Re: Jamison - Ha. Love your comparison to a dressed up cat being pissed off
How do they HGs not know Natalie's real age? I thought she had told Jessie or someone that she wasn't 18, am I wrong? She has given so many hints that she is not 18. Hello she asked for New Kids on the Block CD! No one of the age of 18 know NKOTB! That is a different generation! I dont care if they have made a "comeback." LOL
BTW the HGs got lucky having Renny in the house last year. She was a hairstylist so at least they didnt have jacked up hair.
Hey Genie and everybody else around. Feeds have been on but I have only been listening I'm back again. I want a big blow up on Jessie to make hims tick with Ronnie or to split the house again. But something major.
I wonder what time GayTor gets home from his show????
In GayTor time, it's probably right after he scores a hot boi!!! LOL
*Which means it could be DAYS before we hear from him!!!* lol
I'm just teasing......I love giving GayTor a hard time!!!! hehehehehe
Hey Genie Sea.... You did an awesome job last night! :)
Jeff was asking if he should go get a nice dinner or a nice massage?
hehehehhe, take the MASSAGE, Jeff!!!! I'll give it to ya!!!!
Happy endings anyone?
LOL Blue. re: Gaytor... Put it this way. We will have gone to bed by then :)
Could Lidya possibly try any harder? Next she's gonna start cutting herself onstage.
bisou_bisou........I was noticing Lydia being uber feisty, too!!!
LOVE it!!!
Poor Casey. I wonder if he got a smoke after POV? If not, I think that they've been locked in since last night, right?
That is cruel and unusual punishment for a smoker...even more so in that atmosphere w/ all that stress.
Hey! Whats going on in the house right now?
Laura in NC, what part of NC are you in?
LOL!!!! I'm sure you're right, Genie!!!!!
Just as Michelle puts dinner on the table, the BB gods will say you can go outside.
ha Casey's banana suit looks so small and strangely like a halter/tank top thing too. IT looks like it is mad for a teenager. HA
Thank you Bamarama! :)
Fishies to give Genie a break! hehehe
Jay - I grew up in Greensboro and then went to UNC (Chapel Hill) for college. Then Raleigh for hairschool after college. Now I am back in Greensboro after. SO basically the Triad/Triangle area.
I live about an hour and a half from where Jordan is from.
Jay where are you from...its only polite for me to ask!
P.S. where the hell is Jordan? I haven't seen her at all. I'm not on the feeds though, just watching BBAD right now.
Anon@9:58: Refresh the main blog to read Genie's updates, or you could always subscribe to the Live Feeds through Carolyn's site!!!! You will not be disappointed if you do!!!
I must admit that Chima is stunning with her hair straight and worn the way she has it now.
And I'm not even a Chima fan!
Whats goin on everybody?!?!? Just thought Id stop in and say "WHAT UP!"
Your doing a great job Genie!!!!
Lydia pouts when she's not the center of attention. No one really made a huge deal about her new hair style.
Yea, I'm a Lydia fan, Peeps. Not many people here are!!!!
That's okay!!! I picked her as my early on fave, and I'm sticking with her!!!! LOL
(I have a few faves, but calling Lydia publicly, since I picked her VERY EARLY ON!!!)
(I know many of my Disher friends don't agree and I stand alone with them.....*sigh* ) LOL
awesome Laura I live right off Wendover Ave, on the edge of High Point, and Jamestown
Is Jessie still in the DR?
WOW Lydia is sitting in the green chair all alone with this pissed off look on her face!
Do you think she is regretting her frisky hands and thinking about Jessie? HA She looks like she could explode of someone.
LMAO@Genie: talk about ashy feet and can we go back to fishies!!!!
Anonymous @ 9:58. The more money in the tip jar the faster these women work! When is the last time you put money in there?
Laura had to have won best eviction dress ever. JC i was crying when I saw it.
Hiya Biskit!! Thank you :)
It's amazing how much Ronnie is keeping quiet, and then when he does speak up, it's something a bit on the nerdy side!!!! LOL
Major difference from the past two weeks!!!!
Hey Biskit!!!!
Biskit is in da house!!!!! Everyone
w00t w00t!!!!
Yay Michele for winning POV! I'm watching BBAD and I haven't seen Casey crack a smile yet..he must not be too happy about the banana suit but it sure is entertaining for all of us! Can you imagine Jessie in that banana? Haha!
True dat, true dat!!!
Jay shut up! I live in Jamestown. I just said Greensboro because you dont know Jamestown unless you live here. I live literally right by the J'town library. I probably drove by your house today...I had dinner at my sister's and she lives off Skeet Club.
What a small world!
Your most welcome Genie!
Once again, your doing AWESOME!
OH!! ... and HIYA BLUE!!
Casey: "I don't do 'exotic weird' "
I DO!!! C'MERE LYDIA!!! ;)
Jessie is twittering right now.....and all I can muster is a ............
UUUUUUUUggggggghhhhhh.........*and a* gggggrrrrrrrroooooaaaaaaannnnnn!!!
Jessie's narcissism is at Olympic levels right now!!!!! *rolling eyes*
(roll 'em back, Genie!!!)
Lydia: "Do you know how many fantasies you have fulfilled right now, Casey. Think of it that way."
Hiya!!! Buddy!!!
Laura, do you know where Laurel Bluff is? thats where I live...
LMFAO Biskit!
Jessica - Jessie in a banana suit just hurts my brain! hahaha
**rolling the eyeballs back to Blue**
I'm enjoying the HGs right now. They are having fun. That will soon change as soon as the POV ceremony happens...
point being Blue?
Michelle - LOL!
A banana drinking a Bud Light?!?!? Who woulda thunk it?!?! LOL!
And how much does Ronnie look like a lost lil puppy? GEEZ MAN!!
Biskit - I know! I had to grab that screen shot! hahaha
I agree Biskit
Point being, Michelle in Indiana???
Ok Lydia, we get it. You want attention. That is the reason for your tats an d hair styles. You want people to notice you. Dang cry baby.
OMG!! Jeff just jumped a notch in my book!! LICENSE TO ILL by the Beastie Boys!!! YEAH MAN!!
LOL! Did you all catch the look Casey was giving Ronnie while he was talking about composting? Priceless! Was too quick to capture! (feed 3)
Jay - how funny...I know exactly where you live. If you ever need a haircut just email me LauraCMeredith at gmail dot com! I'll give ya my salon info.
Jeff talking about being in a little bar, playing pool, listening to some Bob Marley and Reggae!!!!
LOVE bog Marley!!!
"rolling eyes, rolling eyes, rolling eyes" @ Jessie's tweets.
He is so full of himself & Blue said it best...
Jessie's narcissism is at Olympic levels right now!!!!!
One tweet he says...
"I have people in mind to put up and with that I'm trying to think two to three moves ahead as best as I can!"
Why is he saying this on his tweet when all he has said since HOH win is he wants to BD Casey!
I so want CASEY to win. He probably needs the $, since he's teacher. Teacher's are overworked and unpaid :-(
Kings of Leon....awesome band and Chima likes them.
Who here would have Lydia as your nanny??
Lydia you can't try to look punk while talking like Cher from Clueless. It doesn't working.
Point being Jessie= TOOL
Brass Monkey my fave Beastie Boys
You know, there are lots of little bars I would take many of these house guests in my little town here..........
Would totally take Lydia to the local gay bar.........
There is a Pop bar I would take Chima to,.....
There is this cute little bar I would take Michelle to.....lots of smart people just hanging out and having a couple beers and talking about Newton and Einstein....
And, of course, my own personal bar in my bedroom/living room *teehee* I would take either Russell or Jeff to.......probably just Jeff, 'cause Carolyn would totally beat me to a bloody pulp for Russell and I'm kinda scared a her right now.........and play Reggae fer shure u know!!!!!
OMG, Ronnie just said he would love to meet Kathy Griffin.......and so would I!!!!!
LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Genie-I agree!
Every time I look at Casey, I can't help but bust out laughing.. He looks so awkward in that thing! It's going to be a funny week with the live feeds!
NICE MICHELLE! Mines "No Sleep Til Brooklyn"
Mike re hit the nail on the head. That's exactly how I feel.
Yay! I updated and now I have a profile with a pic of one of my pups. I think its going to show up...Just have to see when this gets posted.
We need to get a screencap of Casey popping his pimples in a banana suit.
Caseys giving a whole new meaning to "banana hammock"! LOL!
LMAO@myself right now!!!
ummmmmmm, that was supposed to be
Bob Marley earlier, not *bog* Marley!!!!!
Total typo on that one!!!!
Biskit that is my daughters favorite. I love it when my kids ask for a cd of a band that I have the cassette.
Blue, I just laughed at the Bog Marley...wasn't gonna call you out!
Bigwigg - I thought the same thing about Lydia and children. Who would let her watch them? I can't imagine her looking professional for an interview, you know?
I would really like to know who she nannyed? Has anyone figured that out?
Geez, I can't stand watching Jesse eat!
Did he thank Michelle for cooking??
Jessie and his freakin chipmunk cheeks
Ronnie acts just like a good gay friend I had in college. The only difference is looks.
Awesome Laura, I shot an email to you
Casey: "Are we in the Twilight Zone?"
Jeff: "I dont know, You are in a banana costume."
Casey: "I gotta banana suit on. Anything I say this week you can just blame it on the banana."
Too funny
Its late! Goodnight everyone!
Sorry folks. I had to switch from the Lydia Jessie convo. If you really want me to transcribe it, I will :)
Has anyone heard Jordin Spoarks new album?..I love it!
Hey late nighters!!!
Hey Genie!!!! Sorry, my first post was hours ago and didn't realize you were running the ship!!
My computer time is still limited - competing with 4 grandkids (still on vaca) As a good Grammy, I let the kids have it.
Gonna attempt to catch up now. Sweetest of dreams to those heading off.
This is very late in coming and I appologize, but I have been thinking hard on this all evening!
The Adams Family big Brother Style!
Uncle Fester-Russell
Cousin It-Chima
Lurch- Jesse
The big Brother family started, when the Love Muscle farted,
they all came out retarded
Big Brother Family!
Duh- duh-duh n duh
snap snap
duh n di duh.
Kinda stupid but I thought it was funny! lol
Night Laura! Sleep sweet :)
You can actually tell Jessie is not interested in Lydia, at all. She's wasted a hand job on him, because he's not interested in her girl parts.
I never would have thought watching someone watering plants would be so interesting!
YAY!! Laura in NC!!!
Cute pic!!!! Love it!!!!
w00t w00t!!!
Jamison, LOL, thanks for not calling me out!!!! I called myself out on that one!!!! lol
Genie, the lydia/jesse convo goes like this...
jesse: blah blah
Lydia: b*tch and moan
She's really got a bug up her b*tt tonight. Woo hoo. Now she's being nasty to Natalie. AWKWARD
Hey Genie! How are you? These feeds are too much funn tonight!!
Good night, Laura!!!
Oh Oh! Natalie is wrapping up spaghetti and meatballs... Will we be hearing about them for three weeks? I hope she puts her name on the plate.
night Laura!
That banana suit is never getting old
RE: The Lydia and Nanny thing:
My guesses stand.........
I think it is Brad and Angelina....
Heather Mills........
Or Madonna and Guy Ritchie!!!!....
She did say it was a high profile couple, and she did live in England for awhile..........
Those are my official guesses......Can't wait to find out who it really was!!!!
Natalie, Darling, if you don't eat it within a couple will be thrown out............
I'm thinking with this attitude that Lydia is pushing, she might just be the one to save Casey from a renom.
Sorry. I'm slowing down on the updates. trying to take a breather. If meatballs fly, I will update :)
Hiya Thomas! The house guests are jubilant and in no way slowing down, but I am! LOL!
Blue, I can't see Madge letting her watch her kids. Angelina maybe. But if it was one of them we would have seen her in tabloid pics since those two take nannies with them when they get kids. And if I worked for either of them I wouldn't be leaving that is for sure.
Heather Mills type of person is more believable. Maybe a famous singer like Kylie who is known in America as well.
Genie, you trying to outlast me???
You can't outlast me, Dearheart!!!
I am the energizer bunny and I.....THUD!!!!!
What was Natalie just doing? Trying to be Jesse's back??? That was too funny. I just knew hell was about to break loose.....It may still happen before the night is out!
Does anyone else think that Casey and Kevin look like Banana Man and Mini Me Banana Man?
Does anyone else feel like we are watching Lydia self-destruct because her jealousy of Natalie? Switching to backyard with the hgs who are a bit less petty than Lydia. Oh, how she has disappointed me. I wanted to like her.
Blue - LOL! The only one who can outlast you is Gaytor...and I'm sure he would have some choice words to say about that :)
Lydia is reaching a boiling point. Give her one more beer!!!
alright BB friends I am falling asleep at my desk, have a good night
Kscooter - It did look like that, didn't it?
They are both being very passive aggressive right now.
"Blue - LOL! The only one who can outlast you is Gaytor...and I'm sure he would have some choice words to say about that :)"
Covers ears and goes ... "LALALALALALALALALALALA"
Night Jay! Sleep sweet :)
Thank you Genie, great job tonight
I don't know, Umbetta!!! I can totally see Lydia watching Madge's children for her!!!!
I've been a Madonna fan since she first came on the scene back in the early 80's, 3 decades now!!!!
(OMG, I am totally dating myself with that, aren't I? LOL)
MsFitz - Last night I hung in here because of the supposed POV... Tonight, I'm glued to the feeds for a possible smackdown! LOL
OK, there is a banana playing pool and no cameras on it, what the heck camera people.
Oh hell!!! GayTor's a lightweight!!!!
He can't outlast me!!!! LOL
(I'm going to go hide under a bed now!!! heheheheh)
ME TOO BLUE!! I remember watching the "BURNING UP" video on NIGHT FLIGHT! ...OMG! Now Im dating myself!
No she isn't, MsFitz!!!!
Genie is trying to outlast me and it isn't possibl...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
LMAO@Biskit........let's us old guys hang out and rock in our chairs and talk about the good 'ol days, huh?
Haha it's funny to see a banana smoking a cigarette! I won't take anything he says this week seriously while he's in that suit.
Goodnight! Sweet dreams to all :)
Night Jessica! Sleep sweet :)
The HG's need more alcohol to fuel the fire between Lydia and Natalie.
If meatballs fly!! LOL Genie
I know I probably stand alone but I am enjoying seeing Jeff without Jordan right now..I like the cuteness of them but it was starting to get on my nerves some.
Blue - I am the energizer bunny and I.....THUD!!!!!
I have thought all along it was...
Heather Mills!
I think she would be the only one of them that would hire someone like her. Meaning, Heather has never really been in the spotlight except during the divorce like Madonna & Angelina/Brad. And the nannies I have seen with them are more reserved looking then Lydia's look. I'm sure Lydia can cover up & the way she styles her hair she can probably achieve that look but that's just my opinion.
Lydia had better stop flirting with Jeff!!! Not cool!!!
She needs to listen to Kevin about Jessie.
LMAO BLUE!! No doubt! Freakin' Bartles and Jaymes!
Well Im outta here for the night ya'all! Have a good one and I'll see you later!
Going to have to go to bed here!!!
Gotta take the old woman to Church in the morning, and deal with a maniacal tenant!!!!
The banana has finally got it. Not quite how it's going to happen but he does have the right idea. Work on Kevin Banana Man.
Hey Blue, I live 15 minutes from Madonna's home town of Bay City.
ok I can't stay awake much longer.
Goodnight all
Hi gang! Who's still hanging around! I've reasonably caught up on the day....and my football team won the game this afternoon. Other than missing all my BB stuff, I've had a great day!
Genie!! Two nights in a row! I'm impressed! Did you get the ball?
What the hell did Lydia do to her hair?!?!?
Night Blue, Biskit and Michelle! Sleep sweet! :)
Hiya JulieB! I know! :)
Genie - I was here last night waiting too & tonight doing the same cuz the last few times I did shut down all he** broke loose so I want to be first in line to see this smackdown.
Blue - Yes, she is. hahaha! Yes, she is! Yes, she is!!! Hahahaha- it's coming soon!!!
Keep on chattering folks! Please be overheard!!!
OMG!!!! Bartyles and James!!!! LOL
Wine coolers for the cool and elite people, please!!!! LOL
Michigan Man......I don't think she claims that as a home town!!! LOL
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