Friday Night in the BB House
Welcome to Friday Night with Genie minding the HGs! :)

Spa Room
Feed 1&2
Jordan & Jeff
Cuteness abounds!
Cuddling, chatting.
BB: Jordan. Don't obstruct your microphone!
***with Jeff's pecks...
They are talking about dry skin and such. Their topics of conversation are often related to everyday. Waxing. Blow drying. Hairy Legs!

Red Room
Casey & Russell
Feeds 3 & 4
General chitchat about family....
Casey is dropping industry names. He worked with a station owned by CBS.
Myspace friend requests...
Between chomping on candy.
Interspersed by fishies...
No game talk anywhere in the house...
Chima comes in. Snuggles up close to Russell in the bed.

**** don' look Carolyn....
Chima: Did I come in on some guy talk?
Talk turns to fashion. Riveting :)
8:15 PM BBT
Lydia & Kevin
Talking about POV, and Casey being a :shit starter".
Kevin: If the noms stay the same...
Lydia: Michelle...
Kevin: Michelle?
Lydia: I will abide with what the HOH wants...
Kevin exits. Lydia scraping some food.
Spa Room
Michelle, Jordan & Jeff
Talking about Britney Spears, and music requests.
Fishies.... Genie: Stop it! I was about to screen cap!
8:23 PM BBT
Casey's voice: Everywhere I go, there's lovebirds. Geeze!
Red Room
Natalie & Chima
Natalie is filling Chima in on the plan to backdoor Casey.
Natalie: We know until after the POV.
Guerrilla whispering... Speculating who will use the POV. That it might be tonight...
Natalie: Worse case is if Casey plays for POV.
Natalie running Chima through the days and what should happen when.

Michelle comes in. Discussion over.
Russell comes in. They start talking about candy.
***mhm. Wonder why!
Chima: If you put it in your mouth (candy) and I kiss you....
Casey comes in and Natalie seizes the opportunity to bust him on the fact that he ate her pork chop.
Casey: The pork chops were wrapped up.
Natalie: They were wrapped up for me.
Casey: The tuna is wrapped up. Is it for you.
Natalie: The tuna is for everyone.
Casey: I apologize. I didn't want to eat anyone's dinner. That's rude...
Casey leaves.
Talk turns to the "schemer" (Lydia?)
Chima: I think she likes you.
Natalie: Me?
Chima: Russell.
Talk turns to cleaning and whose bed is whose.
**Hello. Randomness.
BB: Natalie. Don't obstruct your microphone.
Natalie (yelling): I will throw my shoe at him! ( for snoring) Got that?!
BB: Russell. Please come to the Diary Room.
Chima and Natalie talking about going to sleep.
8:44 PM BBT
Spa Room
Michelle & Jordan
Stealth whispering.
Michelle: Don't pick Casey for POV if you have a choice. He won't use it.
They disperse.
Michelle, Lydia & Ronnie
Chatting about where they live.
Jeff walks in. Lydia berates him about being mean to Jordan.
**** Man! They are all over the place!
BB: Russell! The bedroom lights must remain on!
***That puts an end to nap time...
8:57 PM BBT
Jordan & Jeff
Jeff: Why do they keep saying that? (About POV being tonight)
Jordan: I don't know. Cause Ronnie said so.
Jordan telling Jeff about what Michelle told her. She is worried that they are trying to get her out.
Jeff: Nah. They have bigger fish to fry. If they wanted to get you out. They would have last week.
They still think they are going to go ahead with trying to get Ronnie out.
(Hard to hear with Jeff attacking his ice, and Jordan talking with her mouth full)
Red Room
Chima, Natalie, Russell, Kevin Michelle & Ronnie
Playing truth or dare.
Natalie: Chima are you attracted to Russell.
Chima: No.
Russell: Kevin, would you hook up with a girl.
Kevin: Yes
Russell: Hmmm
Kevin: Ronnie. Truth or Dare
Ronnie: Truth. It's national television.
Kevin: Have you ever stolen something and if yes, what.
Ronnie: I'm sure when I was a little kid I stole an ornament from someone's Christmas tree.
Ronnie: Michelle. If dared would you streak through the house.,
Michelle: Out of respect for my husband. no.
Michelle: Natalie
Natalie: Dare. As long as it's nothing that ruins my relationship.
Kevin: Go make out with Jessie.

Natalie has covered herself up in a sheet and is sitting in front of Diary room waiting on Lydia to come out.
She scares her.
Hysterical laughter.
Michelle & Chima dared Ronnie to give Casey a 10 second hug, but they don't want to give a dare that would hurt someone...
Check it out folks! It's fun! Feeds 3 & 4!
9:25 PM BBT
Feeds 3 & 4
Ronnie just gave Casey the hug. Casey and Lydia are pissed. They exchange a few words of comfort in the Splish Splash room.
Now the truth or darers go to HOH to pull a prank on Jessie!

He is NOT amused!
Jessie: Whatever!
Now they are talking about getting Chima to suck on Russell's toe for 10 seconds.
Spark up the feeds! If you don't have them, What are you waiting for?
Spa Room
Casey, Jeff & Jordan
Jordan told Casey what Michelle said earlier in the Splish Splash room (9:29).
Casey is denying it.
Casey: There is no way I'm not using the POV. I never said that!
They are not wondering if there is another plan. Jeff is trusting that it will happen as planned. It's not occurring to them that Ronnie will not be the replacement nominee. Jordan doesn't want Casey to confront anyone especially not Russell.
Casey: What's her motivation? (Michelle's)
Now talking about Natalie being evicted.
Casey: It's not cute no more.
Jeff: She thinks she runs this m*therf*cker.
Casey telling them about the pork chop incident.
10:58 PM BBT
Green Room

Michelle & Jeff
Michelle goes to lie down with Jeff.
Michelle: Can I lie here?
Jeff: What are you doing? Hiding?
Michelle: Giggles
Jeff: Get out of here with your truth or dare stuff! You think I haven't bee f*cked already? (He mumbles under his breath)
10: 20 PM BBT
While the shenanigans are winding down around the house....
Splish SPlash Room
Casey & Jordan
Talking about the possibility of things not going according to plan. They both seem frustrated and low.
Jordan: Seems to me we're the only ones that keep to what we say.
***time to regroup honey.
10:42 PM BBT
Splish splash Room
Casey & Jordan
Still talking about their frustration. Casey saying how he needs a smoke and a drink. That he wants to go out and go off on them, but he will become a target. (**sorry. too late) Casey is giving Jordan a pep talk about her attitude.
Then she finds Jeff in the Storage room and they have a moment... :)

11:11 PM BBT
Fishies ...
11: 19 PM BBT
False alarm... Back from fishies. :)
11:28 PM BBT
Michelle& Russell
Quick sidebar convo.
Michelle: If you win POV would you take me off the block?
Russell: Yes, but you have to return the favor.
11: 38 PM BBT
Kevin & Lydia
Lydia: Who started truth or dare?
Kevin: Natalie
Lydia: How did Ronnie get into it?
Kevin: Did you see what he was asked to do?
She is not interested.
Kevin: If I win HOH I will put up two athletes. Probably Jeff and Russ.
Jordan joins them and they start talking about POV and who will pick who.
Kevin: Whoever picks me, I will fight for them.
Jordan is trying to solidify that they will put Ronnie up. She is really not getting answers.
Kevin: Anything can happen in this house.
Jordan: Don't tell me this! He has to go up! Why wouldn't he go up?
Jordan goes over the reasons why he should be put up. That she won't talk to him.
Russell walks in.
Kevin: Russell played truth or dare with him
Russell: Don't say that to me! Shut the F*ck up! He is angry.
Kevin: Don't get worked up. I played truth or dare with him too.
Anger disperses. Jokes commence. They make fun of Jordan.
Suddenly Russell smashes Kevin's hand on the counter. Russell is laughing. Kevin isn't.
Lydia: Why did you do that? That's violence!
Russell: That's not violence. Palms don't hurt.
Kevin is not amused.
**subtle undertones in this... it does not bode well for future developments...
Casey comes in
Russell: What's wrong? You look so sour.
Casey: I didn't think I would be the butt of everyone's jokes.
They are explaining that everyone got had during Truth or Dare.
**is he talking about T&D though?
Russell: Playing Truth or Dare doesn't change sh*t.
Casey: That's what I wanted to hear.
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OH I would so love to see Jordan and Jeff kiss!!! :-) They are adorable!
Ronnie is talking of midnight POV? Does that happen this early in the game usually?
Hello Genie Sea and everyone! :)
Hello Genie,
Carolyn has given you the controls! Will the HG give you an easy night? Hopefully not!
Hi JLuvs! :)
Hi NelliJ :)
Hi Bamaaa!! :)
Genie's gonna be posting an moderating for a couple hours...
Yayyyy Genie!!!!
I'm heading for a 4 1/2 hour nap, just in case there is a late night pov tonight.. I'll check back in on the HGs at 4am eastern to see if there's a late night pov... if there is, i'll be here. :)
I think Jordan moves away from Jeff cause she is NOT having booger in the house!
I actually come up with a poem and than a new top post. No more thinking for me tonight. haha.
btw, if they do kiss, somebody please get me the time and feed, so I can catch it on flashback! :)
Hello everyone! I was just about to say, does anyone else get the feeling we will be having a late nite POV comp tonite? I really think we will.
~ Ryan ~
please feel free to keep the poems coming... i have plans for them...
Awww...just noticed the black-and-white picture of Laura! :(
~ Ryan ~
Ewwwww...Natalie came into the love fest. Good, she left.
Chima really wants a piece of Russell's love muscle. She's not playing coy anymore.
Yall moved lol!!
and i fixed my poem over there cos i put Jessie in it instead of Jeff lol!!
Jordan and Jeff they did flirt
No one in the house did it hurt
They really want to win
To make it to the end
So Jordan let Jeff up her skirt!
Now i feel better...
and i made one for Carolyn too!
Carolyn let us write rhymes
Cos it helps us pass the time
While she juggles to post
Shes the most awesome Host
And we all know shes oh oh so fine!
ack.. i tried lol!
Sweet Dreams Carolyn :)
So help me... if they kiss during the fishies.... I'm not going to be happy.
Jeff: Say something nice to me.
Jordan: ...I love you.
Jeff: F*ck you.
Carolyn says to keep writing,
And write if there's a kissing sighting,
We will follow her lead,
And do a good deed,
Cause she is off good nighting! (for about 4 hours anyway);)
Good night or good nap Carolyn. LOL.
Kevin & Lydia were just talking about the POV will probably be around 2am BBT. I am sure they are guessing but....
Kevin whispered something to Lydia which I couldn't hear but then she said, we have to abide by what the HOH wants.... I hate that thinking!
cold beer, a Telecaster and some BB feeds. aint it greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
I will "abide" by what the HoH wants...Blech!
If Chima gets some lovin' from Russell,
Maybe it will improve her heart muscle,
And everything out of her mouth won't cause a tussle!!
If Genie is minding the HG's - Send Jeff to my house so we can go frolic in the Gulf! Promise I will take pictures, eventually!
There once was a woman named Chima
Who's laugh sounded like a hyena
they said she's a brain
All she did was complain
And now she can eat her some weiner
Hiya Everyone! :)
Sleep sweet Carolyn! :) Huggies :)
Awesome limericks! :)
Michele is so quiet
Give her a beer and she is a riot
Her husband is so lucky
She joins him in the tub with a ducky
I have no last line
so this will have to be fine
It's been a year and a half since Chima has had sex. That's about the same amount of time it will be for me until my guy gets back from Iraq.
Natalie is so freaking annoying.
Marci - LOL!
Bama - Awwww! :)
Michigan Man - ahaha! Nice one!
Ryan - It's looking like that's what it's going to be. A late night POV! Mercy! Can I do this????
Judy, you are killing it tonight with the limericks. The last one with Chima eating some pure GOLD!
However, if she does get a hold of some Love Muscle.. I'll be the first to drop a Casey-ism and say..
" I ain't mad atcha "
..because i am definitely living vicariously through Chima, in the Russell department !
Evening Genie and all
I am just now getting caught up on all the comments/posts.
One thing I want to say right off the bat is I hate that Carolyn was called such a name! This is a fun and friendly site. I love reading everyone's comments. It just p@sses me off.
I'm not surprised by the nom's either. I hope that Casey wins the POV and takes someone off and Jesse gets outed by not putting up Ronnie. I just don't want Michelle my belle to go home.
Which brings me to...
There once was a chick named Michelle
She is smart and "kinky" as well
She goes into the house
and stays quiet as a mouse
Step it up girl and give them all hell!
Genie Sea - repeat after me: Oh yes I can, Oh yes I can! You will have no problem girl!
Genie ~ If there's anything you can do, it's minding the hamster for 5 hours, lol! You can do it! I have faith in you!
~ Ryan ~
Natalie has been talking about that stupid pork chop someone took for almost a week (it seems like). Did it have her name on it? How would every single person in the house know whose food was whose. She drives me insane!!!
I hope Jordan & Jeff pay attention that the POV will more than likely be in a few hours & get some rest.
Popping in briefly and what to my wandering eyes should appear?
Genie Sea at the helm! YaY Genie.
Now, someone needs to tell Chima to get off... err away from... my man. I'd hate to have to book a flight to L.A. just to *****slap her outta that house. But I'll do it. Watch me. That might be an idea for a 2nd 'bannah'...
OK, I haven't touched this computer in 7 months and I am having to do updates out my ***. I'll be popping in and out (laying on top of Bama of course) as I get this POS up to speed.
I'll definitely be watching BBAD since I am having to reboot this thing constantly because of updates, but I'll be back here at the end of the show, especially if they are doing a PoV comp tonight which wouldn't start until after BBAD.
Where is this idea coming from? Who planted it? I do remember it happening unexpectedly last year also. They were up til daylight BBT.
I shall return.... looking forward to your updates Genie. Did you stock up on *eye rolls* ? Heart ya!
lol ty bisou...
I'll change the last line to
There once was a woman named Chima
Who's laugh sounded like a hyena
they said she's a brain
All she did was complain
And now she can get her some weiner
that way it cover's all bases...
althoughhhhhhhhhhh we know his is a foot long!!!
Ok - Carolyn - who should be napping! I succumbed and got the feeds!
News of the pending (fingers crossed) late night POV did me in! Darn BB.
Now my life has officially ended!
Laura was the second to go
She had more smarts then she let show
She took Ronnie down with her to the bottom of the sea
Unbeknownst to her he had more bouyancy
Still he clings for dear life onto his rubber ducky... I mean Jessie
Not so great but I wanted to do one for Laura
the limericks are too freaking funny!!
Hi Genie! Nice to see you back at the helm. :)
I am on the edge of my seat
as the houseguest complete
to win the power of Veto
if jordan wins it would be neato!
Then the love birds would stay
and I would have my way!
My poem is better than I thought it would be
Carolyn are you proud of me? :)
How ironic that Nat would suggest playing truth or dare!
I'm still not trusting Michele fully. I'm wondering if she told Jordan that to syke her out. Why in the world would Casey say anything to Natalie about not using the POV. He wouldn't. I hope. He doesn't really talk to anyone about the game besides Jeff or Jordan. And I hope Jeff and Jordan can put 2 and 2 together and get 4 for once. It's time for the underdogs to start winning stuff.
PS - the limmerics are hilarious, y'all are a talented bunch for sure!
Poor Jordan... I would so bummed to be on the block again!!!
Lydia, why are you such a cry baby?
Is it because Jessie's Peen makes you go crazy?
Truth or Dare's just a game
You are really lame
Natalie's a$$ would make me get queezy
Vajayjay was first ever used on Grey's anatomy because Shondra Wilson couldn't say the word Vagina and she made it up. The word is now apart of pop culture history. just FYI.
Hello all!
I have a question:
If the POV is going to be at 2am BBT what time will the drawing for POV be??
Love everyone's poems!!
Maybe Michele will be smart enough to make some friends and rally some votes for herself this week. I can see her and Lydia/Kevin/Chima getting along as friends. Michele did the right thing by hanging back and riding low on the radar, but I don't think that was the right thing to do when whole cliches have immunity. Can't wait til they break this cliche thing down. I'm sort of thankful for the twist, since Michele would have been in Jordan's place last week.
Michele probably won't win Veto, seeing how the last two weeks were mental/physical combo. This week will probably be another crap shoot or something purely physical.
If Jessie wins Veto, will he take who will he take down if he intends Casey to go home. Jessie might be a target next week if he doesn't put up Ronnie. I have a feeling this might instigate Jesse to take Jordan down and putting Ronnie up. He fakes that he wants Ronnie out. It goes:
Votes Against Ronnie: Casey, Jeff, Jordan, Lydia/Kevin
Votes Against Michele: Chima, Natalie, Russell, Lydia/Kevin
Most likely swinging to vote out Michele with Jessie breaking the tie possibly to do who knows what.
And what the hell happens if Casey wins Veto? If he was smart, he'd take Michele down so Jessie would be forced to put up Ronnie and no one would vote against Jordan. If Casey wins veto and takes down Jordan, than he's a MAJOR idiot. He could virtually control the outcome of the next 2 or 3 evictions with a single veto use.
.ramblings sorry!.....
HIya jluvs! :)
Hiya Nellie! :)
Hiya Bama!!! :)
Hiya Rubyroo!! :)
Hiya Lee! :)
Hiya umbeta!! :)
Hiya Ry!!!! :)
Hiya Gale! Love the limericks! :)
Hiya Illisa! :)
Hiya Janine! :)
Hiya MsFitz!!! :)
Hiya DavidB! :)
Hiya Julie!! :)
Hiya MArci! :)
Hiya Judy!! :)
Hiya Michigan Man!:)
Hiya bisou bisou! hahaha love em!:)
Hiya Katie! LOL@ Michelle limerick! :)
Hiya Gaytor!!! Good luck with the PC issues honey!
Hiya Christy!Nice poem!! lol! :)
Hiya Syn! :) LOL@ Getting 4 for once. :)
Thanks everyone for hanging with me! A whole bunch of vajayjay talk happening on the feeds right now. LOL!
When did Casey shave??? Didn't he have a stache too??
I lov Kev trying to snuggle with Jesse (camera view perfect with Jesse mouth open) Yea Jesse mad!!!
OK, someone who was watching the Jessie thing, was it just me or was Jessie looking REALLY PISSED!?!
~ Ryan ~
Russ we have seen you naked already. You love people looking at you. Just get naked. We all want it.
This truth or dare respecting marital boundaries is pretty good!
Jordon looks so sad. Poor girl.
I guess Ronnie is fully back in the folds of the group.... He better name his first born after Jesse bc he owes him majorly!!!
Okay the stick in the muds are so grumpy! I'm amazed they're letting Ronnie play. What's wrong with the rest of them (except Jesse-we all know from last year you don't mess with his sleep)? They all said the last few days that it was great to just have fun, no game talk.
eeewwwwww Russell might be a nice looking guy but I would NOT suck on his toes! Gross!
Chima and Russ will be dared to do something together!!
I'm glad Jordan is opening her eyes. I think now that she said something to Casey he'll start watching the goings on. Three days ago "most" of them wanted Ronnie's head on a pire to display in the living room. Now they are playing Truth or Dare with him and running around laughing. I'd definitely be suspicious.
Jeff needs to WAKE up and realize that there IS another plan, and it's to keep Ronnie!
And why does the interesting stuff go down when I have to go to bed earlier for work tomorrow. Argh!
Can I borrow Jeff when I am having a bad day... the cuddling is sooo sweet!!! He is very protective of her :) Knight in shining armor comes to mind ... :)
Damn I wish I could have gotten a screen cap of the Casey Ronnie hug. I wasn't fast enough! :(
Ry - He was totally pissed!
Jessie has something hidden. Just saying.
What did I miss...??? Why is Lydia pissed/pouting?
The screencap of Kevin and Jessie had me laughing our loud! Love it...thanks for capturing that :)
oooohhhhh nipples! Now THAT sounds better than a toe!
FYI - Jessie looks a little bit like Tom Cruise in that pic of him sleeping w/ Kevin trying to cuddle w/ him.
~ Ryan ~
Mind if I hang a bit in the comments? If anything important happens I will post it! :)
What do you all think?
Late night POV?
No sleep for Genie?
Maybe make some coffee?
Casey, Jeff, and Jordan are consumed with revenge. It's SO OLD.
The Truth or Dare is hysterical. The Jessie/Kevin cuddle was a bit funnier than the Ronnie/Casey hug. But both were HIGHsterical!
Can I brag that I have those blue tumbler cups that the HG's have? They have them at Target. I've had them since BB8. Lotta Target stuff in the house each year.
How come when I post something it doesn't get posted.
Shady businessss.
good night all... I am sending out lots of positive vibes for J/J/C to win POV!!!!
genie hang out herte! make some coffee. it's only 11 where I am...I can stick around for a bit!!
OK Russell. Even if you had to lick close to the equator I was just imagining the tongue and lips. Hello.
someone please stop giving Chima something to laugh about. She sounds like a hyena. Its awful!!!!! Ahhh!
hi Genie
Yes hang here with us
Umbeta, Jessie certainly has something hidden. Starts with BIG ends with BALLS.
oh dear, I couldn't resist!
Holy Name Call, Genie. You are on top of it tonight.. keep it up !
Man I hate how the Big Brother After Dark thing isn't really live on the west coast.
We get what is really 9-12 not 12-3
I want real live stuff! haha.
Christy - Night! Sleep sweet!
Anon @ 9:53 - I'm posting all the comments that are coming through unless they don't follow the rules. But I haven't rejected any thus far... So I don't know!
JulieB - Okie dokie! :)
UGH! Russell kissing Chima's neck....BLECH
Keep updating the blog.
I want to know whats going on in the house.
Tell us everything!!
Why does everyone suspect it might be a late nite POV?
I'm not a seasoned BB watcher.. are you going by prior seasons?
Anon @ 9:53 ~ Don't know why ure comments won't be posted, but if they are breaking any of the 7 rules, then that's pretty much an automatic no-go. Believe me, I still break the rules and don't get stuff published here, lol!
~ Ryan ~
What in My Gay Haaayiiiiiieeeellll?
I don't have time to read the rest of the comments but saw Kevin 'molesting' Jessie and 'bout peed my pants.
Saw that Jessie was really pissed. Anyone thinking now that Kevin will be the new target if one of the nominees come down? I'd say yes. Jessie seemed VERY homophobic with his fit but I didn't get to hear because BBAD cut to the others.
I gotta say I am loving BBAD tonight.
Still updating.. Will be back by the time BBAD is over... I hope.
If I were Kevin I would be soaking in a tub of peroxide right now.
What the heck was on Chima's head?? Looked like a tea cozy
Thanks for the fun gang...
gonna head to zzzzzzzzzzzz work tomorrow...
Genie you can do this!!!
Last limerick of the night
This statement is fact or it's fiction..
Ronnie is up for eviction
Some still think he's a rat
That he has a fake cat...
Now good night to my favorite addiction
I did not mean to be an anon with my Russell/Chima post.
I am so over Natalie. Jeff and Jordan.....kiss already!
10:58 PM BBT
Green Room
Michelle & Jeff
it's only 10:08pm right now..
K now that it's off her head, it looks like a basketball net...and it's Casey's??
Anon @ 9:57 - I will do my best! Nothing is really happening now. They are winding down from their fun and games.
Katie - I'm just going from what the HGs are saying. It could very well be nothing, but if Trivia goes on within the next half hour, I will stick around for the long haul and report the results...:)
Ry - LOL! Stop breaking the rules! :) hehe
Gaytor - I know! Right? It might also be that Jessie doesn't like anyone messing with his physique beauty sleep.... *rolling eyes*
Julie - LMAO!
Ok, good night everybody. Slim chance I will be back on.
Night Judy! Sleep sweet! :)
I think Casey looks handsome without his mustache.
How come when I think the feeds are going to be kind of quiet I wander away & come back to them having finally done something!!
I don't think Jordan, Jeff & Casey are full of anymore revenge than any of the other players in the house.
I couldn't hear very good what Jordan told Jeff that Michelle told her about Casey & POV. But, I am assuming she said Casey wasn't going to use it so they could get rid of Jordan. Why doesn't Jordan or Jeff ask him if he said that, or has Jordan already asked Casey?
Genie, don't think it will go to triva while BBAD is on will it??
Genie, you're doing a great job tonight!!!
They have taken the title of perv stalker away from me....holy hell Nat is a horn dog!
Judy - You're right! If anything happens, it will be after BBAD!
Umbeta - Night! Sleep sweet! :)
MsFitz - Thanks hon! :)
Oh Carolyn - you better fast forward thru all this stuff! Chima will be most hated on your list!
ok tks Genie, I didn't know.
That was a GOOD one Judy!!
Shizz! My feeds went loopy just as I was capping the Chima Russell kiss! Damn!
Guess i should have the updates before i asked my ??? about the Michelle/Jordan/Casey exchange about POV. That was kind of dumb for Michelle to say that when she had to have known Jordan would ask Casey.
WTF, i'm gone all day and i come back to more Dr. Seuss?! Hahaha. You guys crack me up.
This house is all over the place. And it seems like this house is very forgiving of all these romantic pairings, but maybe because they inter-clique?
If Russell hooks up with Chima I'm going to give him a helping of "Was I F*CKING talking to you?!?!"
Not if Carolyn gets there first Jun! hahaha
Hi Jun! Loved your blog by the way.
Alrighty y'all I've gotta call it a night so I can go to nasty old work tomorrow where they won't let me watch the feeds. Stupidheads!
I'm hoping and praying I don't wake up to complete and utter chaos in the house.
Y'all have a good one! ;)
Rubyrooo said...I want Ronnie to get HOH so he will have to show his hand and we will see if he has a poker face. Little did she know her wish would come true and Ronnie would disappear without a trace.
Who knew the geek would turn out to be such a sneak. He played the athletes against the week.
Laura was playing a sly game until the geek sent her fighting for survival. Laura was not going down without a fight that was so vital.
The fight that was so vital turned out to be the one that brought Ronnie's double dipping to an end and got the whole house trippin.
And who was able to make Roonie hustle into hiding, None other than Russell the love muscle.
Ronnie was the first HOH to disappear without a single friend, will he be able to come back again?
OK, so we are definitely having a late night PoV tonight. They were told they could not go to bed until at least after BBAD and they are on an indoor lockdown?? POV COMP TONIGHT!!
Jun ~ LOL at everything you said! I actually had a question for ya. Did you guys ever have a late night POV Comp in ure season? I can't even remember right now, lol.
~ Ryan ~
Jun - LMAO! I know! Right? WTF! What do you think of the chances there will be a late night POV tonight?
Ms Fitz - I wish I knew what Michelle was thinking!
Hi Caro! Hi Genie! Thanks for the terrific updates, good stuff!
Genie - She never says anything so can't get any kind of handle on her.
I don't find the Chima/Russell flirting cute cuz her laugh bugs the heck out of me!
Night Syn! Sleep sweet! :)
Ry! - Late night POV? Really? Talk about this blogger being baptized by BB fire! Oy! :)
Rubyroo! Love your rhymes! :)
MsFitz - Chima laughs at everything. "My top is yellow." (chortle ha, chortle ah ha HA!) :)
Jluvs - You're welcome! :)
I love your are doing a great job.
Are you publishing comments too?
Genie - turn your feeds up loud and go power zzzzz for an hour! Put coffee on auto first so something else wakes you up! :)
Rubyroo! - Thanks honey! :) Yup. I'm on comments too! :)
Thanks katie!
Ry / Genie: We did. I won it. The FIRST thing I ever won because it was friggin time. But it wasn't until like week 5 or 6, when Erika was HOH and I won so I could jump ship (again) and secure her nominations.
It's kinda early to do a night-time POV, but my BESTest friend Chenbot always says "Expect the Unexpected"
Good point Julie. I'm sure Carolyn already has a plan ready to go if anything happens hahaha.
K, I ran off a bit early before I caught Jun's post. From your blog of the live show earlier, Jun, the answer to your question is:
Yes. I'm straight. As an arrow. ;) Why do you ask?
Thanks for answering that question about what you would do btw, that's a good strategy to adopt.
Wow...impressive! You are so awesome for giving our favorite blogger a much needed break. Thanks so much for entertaining all us dishers!
Luv Ya! *Mwah*
Jun - Yeah, I thought it was too soon in the season for a late night POV. But it is mid August now, isn't it? hahaha :)
JulieB- Great Idea! I might just do that after BBAD is over :) Just in case Jun's BFF Chenbot is right about the unexpected! :)
If they aren't supposed to be sleeping why are lots of them sleeping???
Awww Rubyroo! Shucks! I'm happy to give Carolyn a break! I'm just hoping there isn't a POV tonight! LOL :)
JulieB - Have you not noticed that these HGs aren't really following a lot of the rules. They get up hours after wake up call in the morning. They take their sweet time going to DR. They aren't even attempting recycling and composting.
Don'tcha love how they are all so cool with Ronnie? Even Russell has dropped the pretense.
Genie - LOL! You're right!
As time goes by & Jeff/Casey/Jordan notices how Ronnie's making his way back into the group I hope something clicks w/ them that the plan is not going as they think it is.
Hi Jun, I too love your blog, but it should come with a warning of 'No Food or Drinks While Reading This Blog! Not Responsible For Damage To Your PC'! LOL
Also, I was wondering if it is a prerequisite that HG's entering the house have never had the live feeds? It seems like every season several HG's make comments that makes me believe that they have no clue what 24/7 feeds mean.
Thanks again for being a part of the Dish! Love it!
I noticed Genie...attitude is rules???What rules??? We don't have no stinking rules??
They may have dropped the pretense but Casey caught it!! No dummy there! Hope they give the bitchy man a smoke break soon!
Thank goodness he shared with Jordan and is keeping her sorta focused.
I hate it. Part of playing the best game is going through everything thrown at you, and that's including following the rules. Every year the HGs have bigger egos, etc...I need to get in there and give them the smack down.
BB needs to do what I do to my kids...especially when they stay up or out too late (not following my rules for curfews) Wake them up early and keep them busy doing stuff so they collapse at the end of the day :)
Or they need to be strict again....maybe BB re-wrote the rules so they are more lacks.
Or feed them more booze! Especially tonight since they are locked up.
Jun - I guarantee the ratings would go through the roof if you went in there and gave them a smack down! hahahaha
LOL Genie - It sure feels like mid-August with all the drama so early in the game!
I think my derriere has become one with this chair... I really need to get a pilates ball! hehe
Jun ~ Did you just leak a possible invite to the BB11 House!? Does AGP still keep in touch with you for like future shows or for just check-in reasons? I haveta imagine the BB Family being a very close family!
~ Ryan ~
Jun - I would love to see you go in & give some of these HG's a smack down & knock a few of these egos down a peg or two!
There's just something about Jeff I can't stand...... I wish he could go home this week.
Ok not sure if this went the first time or not??
Genie make sure you put the ball on your to do list tomorrow!! Especially if you plan to give Carolyn breaks more often!! :)
Thanks Marci!
Well. Its rare that a DIE-HARD fan gets into the house. Meaning, someone who has watched most seasons and watched feeds. Probably because CBS doesn't really want know-it-alls...because it diminished the element of surprise when they want to torture the guests. haha.
I knew nothing about the feeds but got the gist eventually when I was in there. But then again, I was on the show when juicy couture was the hottest thing on the market. Sigh.
Genie: I'd go in there and act like my mom. "How come nobody listening to boss people CBS saying?! Don't be the bad people okay?! Be the good playa LIGHT NOW. LIGHT NOW okay?!"
Jessie's most embarrassing moment...when America kicked you out, oh wait, he doesn't know about that, he thinks Dan did it...never mind!
Jun you crack me up! No more coffee drinking for me while you are hanging out! :)
That's it! I have to make more coffee! Jun just made me spit out coffee everywhere! Shizz! LMAO!
Jun - I heart you! In a non-stalkerish way! :)
Russell's story about "dudes in dresses" beating up football players. He's laughing. No one else is...
Jun - that impression of your Mother has me laughing to tears!!! LMAO!!!
Syn. I just saw your response. You are?! < squeal >
You are adorable. I just clicked on your little picture and then saw "View Full Size" and nearly fainted. But then realized they meant a full size of your little picture. Sigh.
All: I am officially logging off for the night so I can start cyberstalking Syn. Cancer Female / Libra Male, Sheep Male / Rabbit Female, Alabama Male / NY know, all that good stuff.
Are they picking players due to the fishes?
YAY! A dishmance between Jun and Syn! :)
Night Jun! Sleep sweet :) Mhm :)
Jun - you will also have to smack Gaytor's hands like I did re: Syn.
Sleep well :)
Genie - I wonder how many computers will have to be replaced after BB due to the amount of liquid they get from spewing LOL
JulieB - LOL!
DISHMANCE! I love it! Good night Genieluv :)
MsFitz! Jessie's most embarrassing moment....bang on!
LMAO, Jun, too funny. And thank you very much. It's an honor to get this attention from everyone on this blog, y'all are ALL HOT! I should tape that picture to my forehead and cover up that third eye that I photoshopped out, lol.
Wait, just heard a sound outside. That's not YOU is it Jun?
Wait, no, no. I didn't really mean i'm logging off. I can multitab / task. Trust me.
Syn, i'm ambidextrous too :)
Syn - BUSTED! Thought you went to bed you little lurker! hahahaha :)
Looking forward to the development of your dishmance with Jun ;)
Funny you should say that Jun, because I was wondering how Ronnie got in the house. Apparently, he knows every POV, HOH, Evicted HG, Winner, etc., from every season. That's why I am surprised he has played the way he has.
Maybe that's why they might have the POV after BBAD tonight? Or maybe wishful thinking on my part!
OH YAY! They are both here! Jun and Syn everybody! A dishmance live in the comments! Perfect since the fishies are lasting! :)
Oh Genie that is toooo funny!!
A dishmance!!
I'll drink to that!
I just had to give the death glare to my neighbours! It's midnight here and a whopping 85F in my house! Window slightly open and all these dudes are in the backyard being quite loud. Usually it's the tv cranked to inhumane levels.
I had to close my window....I'm going to cry!
chants, I only have to survive one more week, just one more week and then they move! Some renters are just beyond rude. Realize you do have an attached wall with someone else. Boundaries????
OK done venting! Whew! :)
Have I told you it's hot here. Have I mentioned how heat and I don't really mix???
Long time on the fishies!?!?!?!
Genie, lol! I did, but I saw where Jun had asked a question in another thread so I popped back in when I saw her posting here.
A bona-fide Dishmance! W00T!
Jun, ambidextrous? Hmmm ... well I'm not sleepy anymore.
POV players are being chosen?
Hahaha. Marci, I think CBS might have wanted to shut people up (like us) who wanted "real" people on the show and not ones with agents and flotation devices surgically placed onto their chests?
I was rooting for him.
But that's what the house does to you, you lose your marbles and all self-control. He probably didn't INTEND to play so hard so fast but his ego got to him.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.
Syn and Jun sitting in a tree......
I've been lurking around on here since BBAD started.. Just thought I would say Hello to everyone :)
I'm going to try to stay up with everyone as long as I can!!
Hmmmm...wonder why the prolonged fishies. But let's not jump the gun. For all we know they're all getting a talking to by one of the Exec Producers to GET A CLUE and follow the rules.
Syn. Tell me you're turning 30 relatively soon? I've sworn off 20-somethings.
JulieB - You would never survive where I live. Almost every day since the beginning of summer it's been 100 degrees plus.
Syn - or a slightly older brother who is single and straight and wouldn't mind a somewhat long distance kinda relationship ☺
OK, how can they have fish so long on the feeds and BBAD is on? That always confuses me! Doesn't take much!
Syn - LOL! "Welcome back"! :)
Jun - Yeah. Ronnie lost the plot in there.
JulieB - LOL!
Robbi - Welcome and hiya :)
Still have no idea if there will be a POV. The HGs keeps saying there will be, and there's a lockdown, so...
Jun, I'll be thirty in September. I was telling myself I'd stay 29 and holding though.
Hmmm, Lydia's back in the land of the living, wonder if they were called down and told to get ready to pick for the POV.
Hi Robbi
Hi KatieBlue
Hi Marci
Hi MsFitz
Hi again Syn
Hugs Genie and Jun!
And if I missed anyone....hi to you too!!
I think if they call Jessie to DR and then fishies, it might be POV. Otherwise, nah... But what do I know? hehehe
Sorry JulieB, only older sister's and they are both married. But they have taught me a lot about how to treat a woman. And as I've been told "One day, I'm going to make a great catch."
I've looked ALL over my calendar and I can't seem to find "One Day". Can someone help me out with that?
Syn - One day = Today :)
Yeah, I wish they would get back to real people too. Not swimsuit models, Jessie's, wanta be actors, etc.
Jun would you go back for BB Allstars? And what's your opinion of Jessie being in the house?
Sorry, don't mean to interrupt the dishmance! Actually I do! LOL - good one Genie!
Natalie looks like Jose Eber from the back when she's wearing that hat!
lol Genie ... But I have to work today! (well in a few hours anyway) I thought it would be like a holiday or something.
Syn...Can't find One Day on my calendar...LOL
Genie love your response..=Today
I want to know if it is safe to go to sleep. When will we know if there is a POV tonight?
Yes yes, I will catch you.
Jeff who? Russell who? :)
Adorable Jun, do you ever sleep? LOL On FB you were with kiddos all day, now in cyberland all nite ;-) You must drink the good coffee like our girl Caro :)
Rubyroo - If anything happens tonight it will be after BBAD which will be in 40 minutes...
Marci...I don't know if I could now. I have a HELL OF A LOT more skeletons in my closet than I had back in 2003. I'm talking big scary skeletons. :)
I wanted Cowboy in there of all 4 just because he's so sincere and passionate. And so easy to make fun of.
How do you keep track of all of these details? I know this stuff, but I get a little loopy from the lack of sleep and forget everything! I don't know how you ladies keep track of anything.
Jun...I am with you on that one. I would never go on the show cause all those skeletons would rise from the grave and torment me forever! Not worth 500k to me. I will keep my anonymity it is worth way more!
on bbad they were giving trivia. Did anyone else hear it, or have they been doing it and i am just now hearing it?
HAHA Turtles. Yes, I was babysitting earlier! Boy, it's a good thing I have multiple personalities.
I was bathing and burping a 4 month old and now i'm shamefully hitting on a 29 year old.
Oh goodness, now I've got to watch for Jun's mantraps. :D
Y'all are too much, thanks for the entertainment. I really really really have to go to bed now. You all please have a fantastic night, enjoy the feeds if things get crazy. Y'all are a great bunch!
Good night for real this time! Muah!
Nothing Shameful about hitting on a 29 year old! *High 5*
Mmmmhmm Ruby. Back then I worried about ex-bfs (one ended up in the house with me anyway hoe approrpriate) and "church people" or wall street execs turning on me. Now i've got to worry about law enforcement and the IRS hahaha.
Okay, I was almost gone then I saw Jun's latest.
Jun, I could probably use another bath. ;)
OK, g'night for REAL this time! I'm serious! Seriously!
LOL - So have you talked to your ex much since your season Jun (especially since you won)? He kinda disappeared after the show!
Why is BBDISH not on the Reloader Links? It is the best bb blog on the web. What is up with that?
MsFitz - I would die in heat like that. Or be on a continual search for AC.
I live in Alberta, I'm used to snow for at least 6-7 months! LMAO
In the cold I can add layers and more layers and more layers. With the heat once you are nekkid, there's nothing else you can do!
I think the body language of Lydia/Kevin is kind of a give away during this convo about getting rid of Ronnie. I hope Jordan picks up on it.
Russell is a fricken tripper...Jun did you hear him say..."Shut the F'up!" again. LOL
Gang - I'm going to lay down and listen for the next ten minutes at least....if there's a comp I should hear it and be back. If not I'll see you all in my morning! :) HUGS
As Gaytor says...send out the search team cause Genie went Awall!
tinalp - while the feeds were on fishies, BB asked questions on bbad.
The only question I know of (im not sure if there were more) as this:
"Did you know there are 121 marble slots in a Chinese checker board?"
and the house guests were told to stay awake until midnight.
Sounds like something's up to me!
Jun, I'm almost to the end of watching BB4. I don't know where Syn is from but maybe you could cook a great dinner for him and watch the Thursday Live show together!!
Sorry for the comment hold up! I was updating the little interchange in the kitchen just now.
Finally. I have been having fits. Still not understanding what is f'ing wrong because it changes ... a lot. But I am no longer SCREAMING when I try to comment.. as in all caps. I can finally log in which I couldn't because the caps lock key was totally screwy and as we all know passwords are case sensitive.
BBAD has been a blast. Glad I am here and things are working for now. About to turn on RP again and hope everything holds together.
WOOHOO!!! BBAD is over. Do I have perfect timing or what?
Nigh JuleiB!
Night Syn!
Sleep sweet! :)
Is Jun really gone for the night or has she booked a flight to Alabama to mess with MY syn.
Jun ever heard of dial 1-800-Get-Your-Own-Man? :-p~~ I know, I know... he bats for your team.
Good luck with RP Gaytor! And welcome back! :) In case you missed it, there is talk of late night POV but I doubt it...
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