Thursday Evening in the Big Brother House
Well, who'da thunk it? Not I!!! OK.. so here's what'll be interesting to watch - Jessie will be able to hide his alliance with Ronnie until just about the PoV Ceremony, then all hell's gonna break loose on him and anyone who defends him if Ronnie doesn't go up.
This week could well prove the most divisive we've seen in the BB house for quite some time.
There's also this to consider: Will Ronnie remain the most hated, or will someone new rise to the to earn that title?
While we're considering things, something occurred to me the other day, and I've been waiting for the opportunity to say something. In light of Julie's comments to Casey tonight about missing his baby's 1st birthday, perhaps we can take a moment and consider it now: Last season, by this time, easily half of the Big Brother loving world had full on condemned Libra for her choice to take part in the show with young babies at home... Casey? Not a word beyond, awww, poor guy, he misses his kid, isn't that sweet... How much a part of the social experiment are we, the viewing audience? ;)
If you haven't already, be sure to enter The PoV Contest.
If you don't know who won yet, check out the previous post - Live Show Viewing Party.
Once the feeds come back on, we'll be covering them here in this post... Please refresh periodically.

Ready to Join in the Fun & Stop Just Reading About it?
Click here for the Free Trial of the Big Brother Live Feeds
This little link gets you the free trial of the Big Brother Live Feeds, 10 free songs a month, a free game every month, exclusive Subscriber only programming, contests and games, and tons of non-bb related cool programming... Talk about a great deal! With all the freebies, they're practically paying you to watch.
Once the feeds come back on, we'll be covering them here in this post... Please refresh periodically.
I have to give AGP a standing ovation on the edit of tonight's live show. Condensing that 90 minute full house fight into tv friendly 3-5 minute segments was no easy task, and they really pulled it off! Bravo!!! Encore!!!
Please take note of the new Quickie Poll on the right sidebar. ;p I'll be adding more soon.
6:23pm BBT
6:23pm BBT
We're in the kitchen, and everyone's all about food..
6:34pm BBT
Kitchen/Dining Area
Natalie's playing up the hinky vote already, trying to find out who did it and cast doubt upon everyone. Since she's the one who keeps bringing it up, she'll soon be found out. I hope.
It's all the talk right now...
Natalie: There's another rat...
Russell: I think you f'd it up again, Ronnie.
Everyone laughs.
Natalie: He voted from upstairs.
Jeff: It wasn't a big deal
Chima: It wasn't a big deal, but now that somebody's lying...
Talk turns to her goodbyes...
Natalie: She didn't say anything to me. Not a handshake, not a hug.. She hugged Jessie, and she didnt even look at me.
They discuss who Laura acknowledged on her way out the door...
6:50pm BBT
People are breaking off into smaller groups now...
7:03pm BBT - Kevin joins them on the HoH landing... Back to the hinky vote we go.
6:50pm BBT
People are breaking off into smaller groups now...
- Jeff, Chima, Kevin and Casey are chatting in the kitchen.
- Lydia's solo on the Haves Room, resting.
- Jessie and Natalie are upstairs on the HoH landing. Russell goes up to join them.
HoH Landing
Jessie & Natalie
Natalie: You can't. If you put him up, he is going home. (she repeats this 3x)
Jessie's talking about putting Jordan up...
Jessie: I'm gonna tell Jeff, if she's on our side, she's gotta prove it.
Natalie: If you put her up, Jeff's gonna go for you the second he can.
Natalie & Jessie mention both of them being worthless. They discuss the notion of drawing straws as the only fair way...
natalie: But what happens if Lydia draws the short straw?
Jessie: That's what I'm saying.. Lydia is not gonna want to draw straws.
Natalie: Straws was out as of last night. Everyone decided the HoH is gonna decide.
Jessie: So I get to put another target on my back?
Natalie: All I'm saying is it's not a good idea to try and fool all these people into thinking you're gonna back door Ronnie..
Kevin: Jordan already told me.. It was Michele...
7:10pm BBT
Haves Room
Michele, Chima & Russell
Friendly chatter...
Chima & Russell are getting their flirt on. She just told him, with the mustache, he reminds her of Dirk Diggler.
Russ asked who DD was, and she told him there was a movie about him.. Boogie Nights.. he was a porn star with a huge package.
Michele's having a good giggle at the whole conversation.
7:15pm BBT
Spa Room
Jordan & Jeff

Jordan's giving herself a hard time for not being good at anything.. Jeff's bummed neither of them won HoH. Casey pokes his head in and gives Jordan a good daddy style pep talk...
Cuteness resumes. Jordan gets Jeff up to help her with her luggage...
7:15pm BBT
Spa Room
Jordan & Jeff

Jordan's giving herself a hard time for not being good at anything.. Jeff's bummed neither of them won HoH. Casey pokes his head in and gives Jordan a good daddy style pep talk...
Cuteness resumes. Jordan gets Jeff up to help her with her luggage...
7:23pm BBT
Haves Room
Russell, Jordan, Jeff, Natalie, Casey, Lydia
The question of sleeping arrangements comes up, and Jordan says, "Nat, you'll probably just sleep up there with Jessie, right?" Natalie says no way, never, hasn't happened, and never will.
Lydia remains silent.
Casey mentions sticking to the script (getting rid of Ronnie) this week and just enjoying themselves.
Talk returns to the hinky vote... "not that it matters, but why lie" is the general consensus... Michele is the prime suspect.
7:45pm BBT
Backyard Couch
Russell & Casey
Pleasant chatter, some game... Wondering if they've done anything to blow their real jobs...
Casey: The week ain't made of contests, as we all know. That ain't the game. That's just the fun part. I love to compete.
Jeff joins in.
Jeff: Who doesn't.
Casey: This is really the easiest week to be HoH... If he doesn't stick to the plan, then that's a red flag to me.
Jeff: Exactly..
Russell: The one guy..
Casey: Jessie knows his limitations.. I'm not saying he's dumb, but he might wanna keep him around to cover his back.
Jeff: He can't be that dumb.
Casey: I don't think so, but stranger things..
Jeff: Have happened...
Casey: Once Michele and Chima sat down, I didn't care who won.
Talk turns back to Ronnie...
Casey: Jessie'll let him in to talk and plead his case... I was debating even letting him in for when they give me to HoH room.. Sorry, dog, we're at capacity.. Oh, you two? Come on in.
8:05pm BBT
Backyard - Pool Table
Jeff, Russell
Casey: The week ain't made of contests, as we all know. That ain't the game. That's just the fun part. I love to compete.
Jeff joins in.
Jeff: Who doesn't.
Casey: This is really the easiest week to be HoH... If he doesn't stick to the plan, then that's a red flag to me.
Jeff: Exactly..
Russell: The one guy..

Jeff: He can't be that dumb.
Casey: I don't think so, but stranger things..
Jeff: Have happened...
Casey: Once Michele and Chima sat down, I didn't care who won.
Talk turns back to Ronnie...
Casey: Jessie'll let him in to talk and plead his case... I was debating even letting him in for when they give me to HoH room.. Sorry, dog, we're at capacity.. Oh, you two? Come on in.
8:05pm BBT
Backyard - Pool Table
Jeff, Russell
Casey & Kevin at the couch
The yummy boys are playing pool, but they're wearing entirely too much clothing. This too shall pass. ;p

8:35pm BBT
Backyard - Couch
Jordan, Michele, Kevin & Russell
Talking about sex, drugs and relationships... Everyone's contributing, but Jordan's the most open... She went through a rough period a couple years ago where she tried drugs.
Jordan's been with a grand total of 1 person, and it ended badly, and she's promised herself that the next man she's with will be *the* guy...
Kevin: Russell, how many girls you been with?
Russell: Dude, I've been not answering that question for a long time now..
They press him for a number and he settles on 50. Kevin says, times two. What kind of girls? Russell says they can't be dumb - that's about his only MUST.
Kevin: What's your favorite position?
The yummy boys are playing pool, but they're wearing entirely too much clothing. This too shall pass. ;p

8:35pm BBT
Backyard - Couch
Jordan, Michele, Kevin & Russell
Talking about sex, drugs and relationships... Everyone's contributing, but Jordan's the most open... She went through a rough period a couple years ago where she tried drugs.
Jordan's been with a grand total of 1 person, and it ended badly, and she's promised herself that the next man she's with will be *the* guy...
Kevin: Russell, how many girls you been with?
Russell: Dude, I've been not answering that question for a long time now..
They press him for a number and he settles on 50. Kevin says, times two. What kind of girls? Russell says they can't be dumb - that's about his only MUST.
Kevin: What's your favorite position?
***Do tell!!
9pm BBT
All HGs are present, including Ronnie. They're allowing him to eat.. No barbs are being thrown... But while most HGs are chatting, he remains almost completely silent... He's doing an excellent job of keeping up the outsider stance.
9pm BBT
All HGs are present, including Ronnie. They're allowing him to eat.. No barbs are being thrown... But while most HGs are chatting, he remains almost completely silent... He's doing an excellent job of keeping up the outsider stance.

9:30pm BBT
Alcohol is served and the pornstache is gone!!!
Russell: C'mon! Let's get naked.
Ready to Join in the Fun & Stop Just Reading About it?
Click here for the Free Trial of the Big Brother Live Feeds
This little link gets you the free trial of the Big Brother Live Feeds, 10 free songs a month, a free game every month, exclusive Subscriber only programming, contests and games, and tons of non-bb related cool programming... Talk about a great deal! With all the freebies, they're practically paying you to watch.
Can't wait to hear what's going on in the house now!
I may as well move the convo over here, but what the heck!?
Last season, the 3 favs went 1, 2 & 3. I have a HORRIBLE feeling that all my favs will be leaving the first few weeks this season again too!!
Casey & Jeff were SO CLOSE!
~ Ryan ~
Is the Ross Mathew's segment going to be live tonight? If so, where is it going to be shown?
So, what do you think, do you think Jessie, Natalie, Lydia or Russell will talk to Ronnie tonight and get busted? Hahahaaa, that would be a funny.
Jessie is going to have to show his hand. Will he save Ronnie or not. I think after this week, team immunity will be over and it's every man for himself.
If so, Jessie won't be able to compete and he will be valunerable.
when do the feeds come back on please dont tell me after the west coast sees the show
Who's the best for BB coverage you ask?? Carolyn!!! *Smooches* thank you :)
I sure didn't like that HOH comp much. They should have had everyone go 3 times and add their scores, or best outta 3, or something. One shot and that's it? Lame.
I'm SICK! SICK, I TELL YOU!! Carolynn, I really feel sorry for you and your bloggers that you have to watch the feeds with Jesse's big fat head growing the rest of the night, Natalie's belief that she's co-HOH, and Lydia already planning new blanket adventures. Half the people in my chat room wanted to cancel their feeds and hubby says he's done with the show! Worst season yet, IMHO. I couldn't stand Jesse last year and I can't stand him this year! I guess I'll go catch up on my tivo.....and pour a cocktail. :-( now I look like Ronnie. ;-(
Can't remember, how long until we get live feeds again?
Ok so hopefully Jesse since he can't play next week goes on the 4th week just like his sucky but did the fist time he tied playing this game. I hope we get some kind of keep the houseguest in we want it vote or something this week. Casey must stay!!!!!
Hey maybe Nat threw the hinky vote to make them think she votes for herself not with Jessie. Naaaa!
Well, at least I won't need to be glued to the feeds this week. Thank you Jessie!
How far will Natalie be up Jessie's butt? That girl may not see the sun in a week.
I really don't see a huge blow up tonight. The only possible blow up will be with Ronnie.
I've been thinking about the situation with Casey's baby also. He hardly mentions him and nobody else in the house has said anything about him leaving him at such a tender age.
In a way it was cruel for Julie to bring it up tonight. I'm wondering if it was a jab on her part, especially now that she's expecting.
It is a sexist world we live in, that's for sure. As you pointed out, if the sexes were reversed, it would be a big sticking point. I think Julie just drew more attention to it. It will be interesting to see how it affects things, if at all.
Finished my reboot, came back to no sound again. Feeds have just returned and I see no blood on the walls, darn it. Guess I count on the bloggers tonight for the updates. :~( Not that I don't do that anyway :-)... my only audio will come from BBAD.
DQTD said he was the one that fixed it last time and that he would know how to do it again. He lied. He has no clue. (I hadn't rebooted since the last time sound returned. I was afraid of this.)
So get going bloggers!! Tell me...
What's the buzz
tell me what's happening
What's the buzz,
tell me what's happening.
Can anyone name the Broadway play that those lines/the song came from?
I hope things get better to watch. They have a lot of -waisted energy- drama and not enough -game on- drama!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hi Sweet Carolyn and friends,
Still trying to process Jessie as HOH again. Hopefully this lemon can be turned into lemonade because they may start turning on one another.
Yuk this sooo sucks
I think Casey, Jeff, Jordan, Michele, Chima, Lydia and Kevin will finally see the threat of Jessie and Natalie.
Sadly Caro, your brilliant revelation about men and women and the kids at home is par for the course. But perhaps instead of looking at it as negative stereotypes of women, we should consider how little we value fathers. Obviously, as long as Casey brings home the prize that's good enough. No worries about how the kid is impacted.
Our culture is screwed up in every direction.
GayTor - are you using mozilla firefox? I've found it very problematic... It use dto be great, but they've screwed it up somehow...
Try Google's browser... it's called Google Chrome
Here's the legit download page:
I wonder if Casey will go on the block... it seems like they have a understanding that no one knows about! Also Jeff will be safe and not get blood on his hands- hopefully he can keep Jordan safe a lil longer! I dont think she will go to the end would like to see them for a couple more weeks until the game gets harder.
Oh Nat is playing with the "who was the 1 vote"
Natalie will out herself with her big mouth and all her denials.
Natalie lies about the stupidest stuff. Her age, how she voted etc.
I wish she would be gone already.
And here begins the Nat lie!
GaYToR - Jesus Christ Superstar! I love broadway! My brother was in La Boehem a few years back.
Can we send a plane to tell Russ to get rid of facial hair!
I thought the same thing about Casey! I mean it really does show how little we value our fathers. I mean if a mother were on the show and left a 1y/o at home... She would be catching so much hell for it!
Ugh, Natalie... I need boots for how deep its getting in here, lol
The comparison with Libra is a little inaccurate. For one, Libra talked about her kids constantly, while I had missed completely that Casey even had a child! But let's be honest, society considers it a woman's role to take care of a child, so of course Libra would face a larger backlash from viewers compared to Casey!
I agree with you Rhonda M.....
It shouda been add up 3 balls or something...
Aaargh!! I am SO NOT a Jessie fan!!
Carolyn I am a Google Chrome user to. I like it much better.
Jesus Christ Superstar Gaytor! That's one of my favs!
Ry, I'm with you. The only thing that is keeping Jeff from going is he's technically a jock. (A jock I would love to add to my collection!)
2 for 2 on my favs going.
The have-not comp is going to be so unfair for Jordan, but do I care if she still can't eat? Nah. I already said I don't like her and think the dumb blonde act is just that... an act.
I'm trying my darndest to stay caught up....far too many comments at the moment and SYTYCD is on now! Good grief what a night!
BUT smart mommy stopped to pick up something for the munsters to eat on the way home from work.. No cooking or time away from the computer required!!
I think Jessie will put up Ronnie as a pawn to lead the other side to believe that his side hasn't taken him back in. He'd assure Ronnie that they have the numbers to keep him. Here's hoping that some of Jessie's peeps flip flop on that one so we don't loose another good guy too soon.
My son was a stay at home dad for the first 2 yrs of my granddaughter life. My daughter in law was very happy.
Tush said...
Jessie is going to have to show his hand.
I sure hope it's not the hand he is scratching his balls with constantly.
Bama, still no Russell for you. You are on Russell Restriction for a full 24 hours.
Did Natalie not learn anything last week? Or is she deliberately trying to take attention away from Ronnie's lies since she knows she's safe? What a crazy thing to do by voting for Laura to stay, then lying and making a big deal about it. I'm not thinking her logic is smart. She may be safe this week, but she might be making some serious enemies for next week. At least I hope so!!!
BTW, I really hate Kevin's good bye messages. He makes me roll my eyes with his forced bitchiness.
A week long " Jessie you're the greatest player in BB history" from Natalie.
I can't wait for someone to drop kick her butt out of the house.
Gaytor the only reason I don't think she is dumb is because even when she argues she is the exact same way. Usually when people are fighting any act goes away quickly.
What happened to Laura's info she was going to provide on her way out the door??? I was waiting for it! Carolyn, very insightful of you, I actually didn't know Casey's children were that young! Sadly, women are always held to a higher standard than men when it comes to raising the children. Kids need both parents equally!!
Lord, grant me patience during this week, I can't take Jessie, nat & lydia. Hopefully we'll at least get a lydia natalie beef out of this week!!!!
Okay, I just finished the show and I have dishes that need to be doing in the sink, but I had to come vent. Seriously?? Jessie?? Yeah, any of the other house guests might be good too if this was their second chance! I really really hate that he won HOH. And why did Natalie have to do the hinky vote? Whoever said it was right, why is she so smug? Jessie's done everything for her! She's won nothing! And the smug way Ronnie talked during his interview with Julie about made me want to take the corn I was eating and...well,do something that would make him rethink his decision to join the show!
but I guess in the end you have to remember that this is a tv show, I don't personally know these people, and the outcome will not affect my personal life....but come on, Seriously??
I just have to say how disappointed I am that Jessie won HoH. I hope Jordan doesnt get stuck in the have not group again she is the only popular left.
What is this google chrome? Is it something I should try sine I cant get my internet explorer up, only can use mozilla firefox service deal.
I dont know anything about this tech stuff.
Natalie will dig her own grave.
I see Casey or Michelle going home, poo and they are my favs !!!
I'mmmm backkkkkkkk :0)
Got dishes done/watering going and even got a quick shower in. All i have left to do is hunt down a cat and pill him.
As for the Libra/Casey debate - i have never had a problem either way. I personally couldn't leave my kids for more then 1hr when they were babies but i'm not either or them and if you all remember Libra had amazing support from hubby and her mom and i'm sure Caseys wife does as well.
If Jessie has to show his hand, it will give his balls a vacation.
Why no Russell for me?
Sheesh there is nothing good on tv tonight now that bb is done. I am so looking forward to some of my fav shows coming back in the fall. I'm dying to know what happens to Charlotte and her baby on Private Practice.
Anyone see Hells Kitchen last night? That Joseph guy is seriously roided out!
Laura said she basically made that up, so no info.
Casey also has a, I think a 17 year old as well...
Thanks for the link Carolyn, I'll definitely try it. I love Firefox but if this is causing the problem then I need to ditch it.
I'll DL it later tonight and see what happens. Cross all your crossable appendages. ;-)
I could easily get naughty with that, and more naughty than you could ever imagine, but I am showing great restraint tonight. MUAH!
tg - yes, absolutely!! try google chrome and see if browsing with that instead of firefox or IE makes a difference for you. :)
jane said...
Natalie will out herself with her big mouth and all her denials.
Oh yeah, she will eventually out herself out of the BIG CLOSET she's in.
I think it's good that Jessie won, cause now Jeff is safe, and Jessie has played this whole game trying to not show his hand, so i think he will still put Ronnie up as a replacement and try to get the votes for him to stay, but he won't want a tie, and he won't put Jordon up cause he doesn't want Jeff after him, so i think either Ronnie or Casey will be going home next week, and i hope it's Ronnie, but if it has to be Casey in order for Jeff and Jordon to realize they have to start playing more of a dishonest game then so be it, cause had Jeff won he would have for sure kept to the get Ronnie out plan, all the while thinking things are reset, when in reality NBK would have stayed together, and Jeff wouldn't be able to play next week. So Jessie winning may be the best thing for J&J.
BINGO!! RhondaM got my broadway trivia question. Now what does she win? What does she win?
I'll give ya Blue but absolutely no deposit no returns. Once you win a Blue he's yours to keep. :-p~~~~
Okies, I'm back.
And Bad GaYToR! Bad! All that talk of pie had the dessert menu at the drive-thru calling my name. I just had to get a slice of NY Style Cheesecake.
I don't know if it's because we are privy to the info or not, but Natalie is trying to cover her lie a little too hard. I've got everything crossed that she will slip up and be exposed.
And I think Jordan is smarter in regards to reading people than we think. She called Ronnie out on Sunday I believe before the POV Ceremony. She basically told him everything that they all told him out in the backyard.
Gaytor...Jesus Christ...Superstar! I'm a broadway fanatic!
I'm the daughter of a military man that was gone for most of my childhood. You always expect the man to be the bread winner, not always at home. Maybe that's how Casey sees it? He's trying to win some big bucks to take care of his family. He did mention that if he won his son would go to college when the time comes. I don't condem Casey for being on the show, He's just trying to win some big cash!
Good evening one and all.
Overall, I was rather disappointed with tonight's show. The outcome, not the edit.
I too love Jesus Christ Superstar. Now I will have the songs in my head for the rest of the night.
I could tell that Casey was sad about missing his son's birthday.
When my son was little I would be gone for weeks at a time for work. I would miss him something fierce, but it never hurt our relationship. I can honestly say I have never thought a parent is bad for trying to win some bucks on a reality show.
This is going to be an interesting week. I am curious to see who Jessie will nominate for eviction.
Bama - You won't help with the button, can you at least come over and clean the yogurt off my screen and keyboard caused by your balls comment? LOL
WOW!!!! I have been lurking daily well shall I say, every moment I'm home.. LOL Just got back from Costco I scanned the comments and AMBER I was rolling when I read yours. Yea I feel like Ronnie and I have to wait to watch (in PNW)
Thanks Carolyn for all I don't have feeds!!! I didn't like Jessie then and ewwwwww what else to say! Other than he reminds me of that guy from Beetlejuice with the big body and small head~ Thank you all~
Bethra said...
BTW, I really hate Kevin's good bye messages. He makes me roll my eyes with his forced bitchiness.
GaYToR picks up Bertha's eyes, blows off the dust (someone really needs to sweep in here) and rolls them back to her.
Or if you wish, since we have eye rolling contests in here, you can order them by the sackful on eBaY.
YAY! The Jessie and Natalie show! Pass the bucket please Gaytor.
Carolyn - I agree. People were nonstop criticizing Libra last year for leaving her baby, but people feel sorry for Casey. Interesting double standard we have.
Oooops. Didn't read others before I answered your quiz, GaYtor. I really did know it, though! heehee
I ♥ Jeff. Did I mention that today?
I know exactly what is going to set Lydia off is the HOH bed and having to share it with Natalie.
She is going to get fed up with Natalie constantly want to get Jessie's attention.
I FINALLY figured out what Chima's hairstyle reminds me of!!!
Wonder Woman!! That has been buggin me ever since I saw her fixin her hair like that!! LOL!
thanks tg!
hi guys!
I've been gone all day and I haven't read through all the posts and comments yet.
So tell me if you can....what was Natalie's motivation for giving Laura a vote to stay? Was it just a sympathy vote? if so why?? I don't get it.
This week will be interesting. I'm not sure if I can take Natalie and Lydia this week. Or Jessie's DR sessions. Those are THE worst! LOL! he's not so bad out and about in the house this time.
Oh and if Natalie sticks her head any farther up Jessie's @ss he's going to start walking funny. I really can not stand her.
Anyway Carolyn and all you dishers, have a great weekend. The hubby and I are off to Lake Tahoe for the weekend. I look forward to catching up when I get back! :)
Welcome, Shell Proud Mommy :)
Bama, the Russell Restriction is for something you said earlier, pre-show. I don't need to remember it now because I can't, but i remember telling you you were bad bad bad and no Russell for you.
Yes, I tend to have selective memory.
Gaytor - That's from Jesus Christ Superstar
Corey - Niiice!!! Have fun!! :)
I think Natalie's purpose was to cast doubt where ever it may fall.. At the moment, it appears to be falling on Michele.
hmmm ok I see. Just stirring the pot.
Oh I forgot so hmmmm, Jessie is sharing the bed with nat on one side in lyd on the other?? Oh man this is his second time being HOH, I fogot, seems like weeks ago. Geeze BB11 has taken over my life.. Or shall I say this blog =)
I think Nat did that too start crap again, tho they do call her scrappy lol...
piper said...
Michigan Man, I'm sorry I left you out, on a previous post, of deserving a free slop pass for doing overnight reporting. Thank you.
Thank you piper
Sheesh! I should read all the comments before I post. I'm like the last to guess it. lol
No Russell pie for me. Oh well. Denied again! :)
You don't have to print this, but I downloaded firefox last year when IE was giving me the fits on your site. But my question is, will chrome help me with the realplay link from your page? I am having trouble with this, this season.
I'm thinking Tracy Rae may be right or maybe it's just wishful...hopeful thinking on my part. I so hope Jessie feels like he HAS to nominate Ronnie (up front or as renom after POV) or the house will know he's not with him. All the while he will be so cocky as to think that he has the numbers to keep him safe. Here's hoping people will rally, lie to Jessie and vote Ronnie OUT! (Since Natalie can't be put up this week, I'll settle for Ronnie...maybe Lydia). We shall see!
Carolyn - loved your "ugh" about Kevin's comment. I'm with you. Hope Nat outs herself soon or the whole thing fizzles. Although I doubt Nat will let it go.
Good job Kevin. Go hang out with Jessie. You are technically still part of his alliance and you might as well keep it that way even if you wanted to put him up if you won.
Carolyn, you brought up a great point about the gender bias re: Casey vs Libra. 100% right. I love to see stories on the Stay-at-Home Dads. It shows the world is changing, but like on so many areas, too damn slowly.
Thanks for playing my own trivia game everyone. That was my 2nd Broadway play to see in my life and never mind what year but it was on it's first tour. My first one was a regional theatre production of Can Can and they had Anne Miller as the star. never mind big time what year that was.
HAHA! Syn. but damn you too, now I want some cheesecake and my cupboards are bare.
LMAO Corey! Are you kidding me? Natalie's been past her neck for weeks up Jessie's butt, the only thing left visible of Natalie is her toes!
Genie - GaYToR's bucket isn't going to hold everything anymore, we need a trough (sp?). Switching to Jeff and Jordan to offset with gooey sweetness.
Cakegirl - LOL that was great!
Syn - cheesecake is my fav! You could have shared at least! :)
Bama - I totally agree. Natalie and Lydia could come to blows this week!
Sherry - I think it will. As long as I dont open firefox, everything seems to work much better. :)
I got a q for ppl here. Why was Kevin put in with the offbeats? Was it cause hes gay? The gay guys i went to school with (they came out in their late 20's) were jocks and brains and what we called bangers.
Evening Caro and fellow BB addicts!!
Well, I'm just as disappointed as everyone else that Jessie won. This season is going to get old quick if the other side of the house doesn't start winning HOHs. Hopefully things change soon!! *crosses fingers* I'm starting to wonder if anyone I like will be in the finals.
Lydia should look on the bright side. This week she is safe and can still play in the HOH next week when winning might be more crucial for her to stay in the house.
Sheesh Syn!! Why would you be so cruel and bring up cheesecake???? Now i want some!! Maybe if i'm lucky the bf will call before coming home from ulty and i can convince him to pick some up. Maybe i should sit here and send out mental images of a big a$$ strawberry cheesecake to him!
All I can say is whoopdy frickin doo and ladee friggin da that Jesse won. His arrogance is nauseating! If Jordan and Jeff go home as a result of his HOH..I am seriously tuning out. Why did they bring this....urrghhh never mind! I am TRYING to be nice!! I don't think I can stand another week of Natalie and Jesse and Jesse and Lydia and Chima on the side!! Who died and made him pimpdaddy of the month? Excuse me while I go throw up.
Wendy - the gay people I hung out with at school were the same....not really offbeats at all.
Oh and I need to make a comment in response to the NKOTB...I went to see them in concert in November....not so long ago. But it would not be my choice for a CD....Duran Duran all the way babbbeeeee!!! LMAO
You are right syn, the bucket is overflowing.
This reminds me of a Family Guy episode where everyone is puking and they never stop. Even Stewie.
Anyone got some Lysol? We're gonna need it and not just for our trough but for all the **** that is going to hit the fan in the BB House as this week progresses.
First off, I'm not at all pleased that Jessie won. However, he did do the best job. He got a good score twice. It wasn't like the 2nd time he beat Jeff with a score of 2 to 1. He got a second 6. Ok, that's the LAST time I'm going to say anything in his defense.
Re the Libra/Casey issue: I believe it is sexism, no question, but I'm afraid there's also some racism involved.
Sorry y'all. Virtual Cheesecake anyone?
What bothers me is that Jessie said Jeff and Jordan were useless, but honestly, what has Kevin, Lydia, NATALIE, and Michele really done? Kevin and Michele have done nothing. Michele is too much like Ronnie for me to accept her into my group of faves.
JulieB -although i do like Duran Duran my cd would be Janis Joplins greatest hits!
thanks Carolyn! Things look weird and different, but I am already on it.
GaYToR - I get Blue? Really? I'm so excited! What do I do with him? ;)
Wendy - i agree about Kevin. Offbeat just cuz he's gay? My brother is gay, but he woulda been in the popular clique for sure. Although he didn't come out til after HS.
Im not sure what everybody is commenting on but before I catch up on everything I have to ask this question. Am I the only one that wants Lydia out the house before Ronnie? That would be a dream because I think Lydia is my least favorite person in the house now.
Michelle needs to stop with her awkward laugh and start making some moves. She is becoming this season's scapegoat because she doesn't stand up for herself. Her always keeping quiet allowed Ronnie to destroy her game. She is still the one everyone is pointing the finger at. Stop cutting potatoes and go out there and play the game!
Uh, who is NKOTB?
Give me some Kenny Chesney, Cher, Tina, Dolly, Garth, a really good mix from my computer. And of course all my favorite performance songs. Definitely Tainted Love, the version by The Pussycat Dolls, but of course Soft Cell was much better. The PD version always makes for great tips for Zsa Zsa d'LaHor
See? Jordan had the perfect opportunity to cast some doubt on someone when Lydia asked her if Laura said anything while walking outside. Jordan is not cut out for this game.
I'm not a fan of Natalie at all but you have to give her credit. As long as she keeps it a secret by not harping on it too much (whomever makes the biggest fuss is usually guilty) it'll definitely plant seeds of doubt.
Can someone answer this question for me...I want to buy the live feeds but was wondering if my brother will be able to use them as well on my account? We live in the same house but we want to split the cost of the feeds...can we watch them at the same time on 2 different computers??
what do you guys think???
Its too bad Natalie can't be put on the block She's way too cocky for me. She's extremely annoying from the way she eats to the way she picks her nose and flicks the boogers where ever. Again just throwing things out there not sure what the hot topic is @ the moment.
Can I just say I love the word hinky? I giggle every time I read about the hinky vote! Don't know why. Maybe cause it seems like we should be talking about kinky hickeys...
I'm sooo irritated that Nat threw out that vote and that Michele is getting blamed for it. I really wish she wasn't safe this week. She needs to know what it feels like to be up on the block.
Amber - You can watch the feeds from up to 3 different IP addresses - I often have mine up on my laptop and my desktop at the same time... Here's the Free trial link.
Hi Genieeee!!!
So weird not seeing you unless I scan down this page!! lol.
I'm so used to just living on the moderation side, and coming to the top box to respond...
I can't believe I even know this one. New Kids On The Block. NKOTB.
:reaching for my Garth CD:
Hi Carmen :) I'm not sure either. ;)
Lydia annoys the crap out of me. She is all talk and absolutely NO action.
Lydia and Kevin are useless. Their only game play is pointing fingers.
Gaytor - NKOTB = New Kids on the Block
Hi Tracey Rae :) hehe - me too!
Smoochies Carolyn! LOL I know! I have to find another way to get your attention! LOL
You know how during BBAD they show Julie saying for the latest on whats going on the the houseguests or whatever to log onto should be saying to log onto! Caro and Co are the greatest!
thank u soooo much Carolyn!!! you are a huge life saver...we're ordering the feeds now, its killing me to not have them!! =D
btw my brother and I are huge fan of your blog, i got him hooked on it this season ;)
Carolyn - is ReporterX ok? Last i heard she said she wasn't feeling well.
A great poll question would be, what CD would you want to get as HOH?
I would want Adele or Kings of Leon.
WendyLady..I'm with you on Janis Joplin but The Doors rocks and so does his "happy trail" vavavoom!! Bad Company is my fav always and forever though. Timeless.
Genie we kind of need people like Jordan and Michele. Their game isn't so good but they give us an underdog to root for. If it was a whole house of Lydia and Nat or Jesse and Ronnie we wouldn't even care. Every season there are those you like but hate their game.
New Kids on the Block Gaytor
Soft Cell!! Love THEM! I think I have the record in a box downstairs!
Love Frankie Goes to Hollywood too. Saw them at a tiny concert, got the drumstick and a t-shirt, they were a hoot! Gay they might be...but they signed my shirt and it sounds like I slept with them all! Love it! :)
I'm such an 80's chick.
For those who don't like Jessie (that's me included although he is much more tolerable this year than last) him winning HoH is actually a GOOD thing in my book.
Jessie proved last year that the second he gets into power he shows his rear. He got so cocky by winning that first veto that it turned others off of him. Then he bragged like crazy and made himself almost totally unlikable with his HoH reign.
In actuality, it was bad for anyone who wants to stick with Ronnie to win HoH this week. They have to show their hand. Couple that with the fact that Jessie's ego is probably going to make it obvious that he values Ronnie, Natalie and Lydia more than Russell, Kevin and Chima. That will divide the house and put the target on Jessie. I fully expect Jessie and Natalie to be nominated next week. (I know, the cardinal sin is to think too far in advance.)
At this point I believe Jessie's HoH reign will result in a self-implosion like it did for Ronnie. Although I bet Jessie's implosion will be less flashy but have longer lasting effects.
Carolyn, how was Starbucks today? I never made it to our only Starbucks in town, which is way across town! I wound up having to go downtown which was crawling with newsmen trying to catch the Tony Alamo trial.....newsmen and police everywhere!
Maybe tomorrow.. If I stay up as late tonight as I have been watching After Dark, I will need a Venti double shot Carmel Frappachino!! mmmm that sure sounds good!
NATALIE...go home! I really cannot stand her cocky attitude.
Hi Carolyn/Genie
Hi Everyone..
I don't even know what to say about the HOH comp.. I'm so disappointed. Oh wait, yes I do, pass the bucket! HA
I never thought I'd say this but at this point I'd rather have Jessie and Ronnie stay and Gnat go..can't stand her!
And Michelle my Belle will probably be on the block next
week :(
I'm wondering now if maybe Chima or Kevin will start to play their own game once they find out about the keep Ronnie plan. All of NBK (I refuse to call them killers they are natural born whiners to me always) are on board except those two. They may think they are targets since they haven't been brought into plan yet.
natalie natalie natalie well the lie is in her name maybe thats why she is [I think] a truly evil person the lies come too easy to be new somthing she started 2 weeks ago .She makes russell and Jessie look like amatures.If this were a movie we woild see the red glow in her eyes
If I could choose an artist it would be Janet Jackson. I would either want The Velvet Rope, Janet, or Discipline.
Hi all!
I've been dropping by all day reading posts and comments, but this is my first chance to do so.
Carolyn, I thought the same thing about Libra when they asked Casey about his about sexism.
I'm glad Russell can't be put up and I hope Jessie keeps his word and doesn't put Ronnie up either. It makes the game much more interesting...
Thanks, Carmen! :)
Thanks, Amber! :) Please use one of the links from here on bbdish... Every sign up really helps support the site. :)
WendyLady - She's having a tough time, but she's on the mend. :)
It's been fun, boys and girls and ladies and gentlemen and those who have yet to decide.
Since I can't hear and it seems like things are much too calm in the house from what I can watch, I am going to grab a bite to eat and settle into my sofa position for BBAD in 1 hour.
DQTD wants the keyboard anyway.
It was nice to comment DURING the show instead of coming back and trying to catch up, only to get more behind.... mmmm. more behind.. Would I want Bama's or Russell's or would I be a piggy and want both at the same time..... OINK!
KScooter - I'm still working on a quad venti right now... :)
Well, at least I know I can tune out the feeds until Monday or so once again, and not bother watching the Sunday and/or Tuesday shows. bbdish will keep me up to date without having to get sick over the "same crap/different week" that BB will be this week. Casey or Michelle goes home in the end is my guess, but like this last week hopefully an interesting twist will draw me back into the feeds at some point.
Carolyn - make sure you send her all our love and cuddles!
OK, so the gray matter is working overtime again. We know Jessie didnt like Laura from the get go. And he seems to be thinking about Jordon for elimination this week.
Perhaps he has no use for a hot female that he feels he has no chance with. A lil insecurity on his part. But he has admirers with Lydia and Natalie so they are on his favored list.
By eliminating Laura and now Jordon, in his mind now he will have the hottest chicks in the house chasing his body.
Or perhaps it is something totally different.
He is doing nothing to deter those that were accusing him last year of being one who continued to hide in the closet and lacking the self confidence to be proud of his interests.
Perhaps someone can shed some light on their thoughts about Jessie and being able to recognize a guy who has insecurities regarding his sexual preferences. As we all know and recognize there is most certainly no longer a dark cloud that will continue to shadow someone who speaks out.
Hi KatieBlue!! :)
Hi MIchiganMan... my hero!
Where's Blue?!?!?!? SPeaking of my heroes...
Hi Umbeta! :)
Hey Boquida! :)
HIya Patty :) I haven't seen it... but I can't post a link to a site unless I know 100% for certain that there is no material on there that I wouldn't post on here...
GayTor - Lose the FireFox and get Google Chrome - I bet it will make a BIG difference for you!!!!
Hey Caro, instead of having the tip jar you should consider setting up paypal for Starbucks gift cards!
WendyLady - Yup!!!! :) Will do!!!
CoCo-Nutt - Hehehe - I've actually thought about that!!
Carolyn, I know you wouldnt post a link unless you have ground proof that is go and look and tell us what you think of it, there is even a video on it with him admitting it
I donate for that too, anything to keep you awake and posting!! I'm a nite owl and most of you hit the sack hours before I do, usually between 2 and 3am.
I hate it win BB puts all cameras on one thing. The chess match is boring. At least there is a conversation in the back yard.
Ben Folds, definitely...
Michigan Man - I agree about Michelle and Jordan. I like them. I'm just getting frustrated because they aren't really underdogs. Underdogs at least play the game. I need those girls to PLAY already! :)
Carolyn-good call on the misogyny regarding Libra. I didn't even catch the parallel. Natalie is going to blow her whole deal over a dumb hinky vote that didn't even mean anything. They are going to sniff her out and lambast her.
I have a bad feeling this is it for Casey. I think the jocks really want him out and he's still thinking that Ronnie is the plan. Someone stick their hand through the screen and shake him a little!
Chima doesn't think Michele was the hinky vote. She was talking to Lydia about it. She said she could tell it wasn't her.
Divr - I think Jessie made his issue with Laura pretty clear from the start. He's got this hang up about "enhancements" used to better your career. He get accused of using steroids all the time and it hurts him deeply. Laura was a symbol for everything Jessie firmly stands against.
Jessie is a deep dude.
Like most of you, I was really upset when Jessie won HOH. In fact, I screamed at the TV and said I'd never watch the show again...that didn't last long! :) Now that I've read everyone's comments, I agree that Jessie getting HOH is a good plan. But thre are a couple of people from Team Jesse that know about the plan to keep Ronnie right? I mean besides Russell and Natalie? I thought I read that in a earlier post.
Sonya -The Doors were good too. I love all that classic rock and 80's british rock- also a big fan of Rob Thomas and Norah Jones. But i can't stand all these girlie groups or boy bands and most of the rap crap and don't even get me started on country! LOL
Is Michele ever going to make any kind of partnership? It seems like it's time. I have no clue who she would to to - though I think she should go to Russell.
Somehow i missed out on the favorite singers... My all time fave is James Taylor.. His voice just feels like a really good hug.
I said win instead of when lol proofread man.
My music for HOH. I would want Iron Maiden, Metallica, or Led Zeppelin. Something to really pump me up before a competition.
Carolyn - is James Taylor folky? I'm sure the name sound familiar but i can't place him and seeing as i'm on the tablet i can't bring up my folder and check it out.
Anon@8:21 - Lydia, Natalie, Russell and Jessie are all on the same page regarding Ronnie.. For now.
Jane - Yup re enhancements.. I'm hoping that doesn't carry over to Jordan.
Bethra - Thank you :) I missed that while I was on another feed
Ekmurf - Thank you... the
Genie, I agree with you completely. At first I thought that Michele was smart for laying low, but I think she's if she waits much longer the game's gonna play her before she even realizes it.
Ok. Where do I start? I'm gonna break it the way down. Carolyn I agree with you 100percent when Libra was in the house all of America talked about here leaving her kids,Casey's baby is having his 1st Bday and he's missing it. Crickets...that's all you hear. 2nd It is so childish the way no one is speaking to Ronnie. I hate it, it reminds me so much of kid behavior. 3rd I'm so disappointed in Chima (not that I like her) but Ronnie never did anything to her, he liked her and she has the nerve to turn her back on him (disgusting)4th and this may strike a nerve but no African American will ever win this game and the reason why is because the blacks they pick make black people look bad(and I can say that because I am black)the best player that was an African American (let's say it together) because we all know... Danielle. She was the poo. Jeff is "Dreamy" lol but he needs to stop talking crap about Ronnie, drop Jordan and play the game because if he doesn't he's out. My prediction final 3Ronnie,Jessie and Russell they are playing the game like it's a friggin superbowl or a nba championship..lmao
You can take it for whatever it's worth this is America and that's my opinion:)
Michigan - Ooooh.. I didn't realize that was the context - OK.. my music for if I won HoH...
WendyLady - James Taylor is wayyyy folky :) I'm sur eyou know his music...
♫ you just call
out my name
and you know
whereever i am
I'll come runnin'
to see you again...
♫ in my mind
i'm gone to caolina..
Hahahahaha my esp to the bf worked sort of....he brought me home cinnamon buns with cream cheese icing!
Hi Tia :) Welcome! :) Thanks for commenting!
jane said...Jessie is a deep dude.
LOL good one Jane.
Carolyn - do you like Jack Johnson and Ben Harper then? Good folky singers.
Michigan Man - if and when i need a pump up to get something done i listen to Out of Your Mouth or Ozzy. Never was big on Metallica/Iron Madien but i LOVE Zeppelin.
Divr>> Are you implying that Jesse is Bi? If so, he needs to come to terms with his own feelings. I don't believe it is our sexuality that makes us a good or bad person it is our moral values and the way you treat people. What people do behind closed doors is their business as long as their not hurting anybody. If people are close-minded enough to judge people on race, gender, sexuality, religous beliefs..etc.. then it shall be a closed off world to them. Everyone has a role to play in the great game of life. I don't think God wants us to judge one another for those previous reasons because it is your heart that anwsers the final question not the shell you walk around in.
LMAO They are talking about crack cocaine!! And Michele sounds like an expert LOL.
I'm familiar with Ben Harper, but not the other one...
I know I'm late but HOH CD for me would be Michael Jackson Number Ones or Evanescence Fallen.
Jordan has done coke but only had sex with one guy. The girl is an enigma.
OMG Carolyn you have to check out Jack Johnson - tomorrow when i'm on the desk top i'm gonna email u a few of his songs cause i think you will love him.
Is anyone in love with Jordan as much as I am? I don't think so. She's creating a stalker out of me. I can't get enough! This can't be healthy.
I remember last season somebody who said they knew Jesse said that he was gay and that everybody knew it. At least I think that was Jesse. Than later on he denied it.
Carolyn..ohhh you are so right on!! I love James Taylor too! Timeless.
MichiganMan..Yes Zepplin rocks and another timeless band. Have their box set and it looks like I have owned it for 40 years I play it so much.
Dang I just love music period it makes me happy. That is the only reason I could never go on BB..I would go insane. Well one of
oooohhhhhhh....and if I couldn't have Duran Duran....I'd go for Depeche Mode.
I'm with ya Wendy on the rap crap. Some of the songs have wicked beats and if the verses were not inundated with swears I'd be a-ok. And country...uhm, yeah. I can tolerate it for short amounts of time. Some of the boy/girl bands I can tolerate, depends on the musicality.
Broadway tunes, all over it, classical, A-ok. I love my music.
Jane - Love the Jesse is deep comment. :)
And good on the esp Wendy!
How's the coffee Carolyn?
It is so freaking hot in my house...27C, I think I'll end up cutting out early again....heat and I not such a good match. Drains me of everything!
Catch up with all of you in the morn. :) mwah
Me thinks Kevy Poo has crush on Carolyns Love Muscle :0)
Tia... I don't think all the AAs on BB have looked bad, what about Jameka? As far as the women go, in the seasons I've watched (8-11) they have all been educated. They've also been outspoken...which I think is what turns people off, but in that instance its a matter of taste and personality.
Hey Caro, I've be curious weren't Dick and Janelle supposed to be doing a blog together? I haven't heard anymore about it. Do you know if that did happen and where do I go to check it out?!?
Thanks, Wendy! :)
ilissa :) I love her too... but not like you. ;p i love that she's there... she's like a little ray of sunshine in a storm.
Sonya - Ditto. :)
Michigan Man - agreed re zepellin too.
JulieB - Nite hon :) I'm still bright eyed! lol.
This time around, Jessie has more than one ally, (Nat & Lyd), - if Lydia really is one. Last season the only person who wanted anything to do with him was Michelle, and I don't remember them talking game. I can't wait to see how he plays once Nat isn't there to tell him how to think. I also think that the only way Natalie will go up is if BB busts up the cliques and Russell or Jeff puts her up. I think the others will try to get rid of the threats - Russell and Jeff - first, but R & J will want Nat out to get to Jessie. Does that make sense? Personally, I won't have any problem watching Russell & Jeff everyday until the end!!!
I hope some action goes down during family dinner! Or else, I'm going to sleep!
Coco - go check out Dick's blog on myspace :) they're doing it... just started.
Carolyn, are you a fan of Ben Taylor? There's such a similar tone in his voice as his daddy's. Different but the same.
WendyLady, good call on Ben Harper and Jack Johnson. LOVE both of them.
Julie - rest well - with you on the heat - so glad we have ac even though its gonna cost me a fortune this summer with the back of the house all ripped out and no insulation in - but at least the rest of the house isn't bad!
Umbeta I've been saying Jessie is gay since last season. I think he definitely has it in him, but will never, ever admit it ;)
Shocking that Natalie knows where she and Jessie are sitting but not a clue about anybody else. I wanna yank that bandana off her head so bad. Sorry Natalie fans but oh is she driving me nuts. Random thought; a shorter hairstyle would look nicer on her.
and I think Natalie is in the same closet Jessie is in, although I see her walking out someday. :)
I dunno Carolyn ... you can't go wrong with:
♫ I've seen fire and I've seen rain ... ♫
For me, for HOH, I'd probably have to go with a movie soundtrack of some sort (NOT Legally Blonde!) that had a good mix of music that could pump me up if I needed it for comps and some to bring me down to keep from ripping another houseguest's head off with my bare hands.
Ronnie sitting between Russel and Michele at the table for the first real BB dinner, interesting choice.
I agree with everyone that this HOH competition was horrible. It was too quick and seemed rushed.
There should have been rounds. Not just one try and you are done.
Ilissa said...
Is anyone in love with Jordan as much as I am? I
Ilissa, I'm afraid you'll have to fight me for Jordan, after we both fight Jeff of'course. I could definitely see myself with someone like her.
I think that's why I'm so wrapped up in Jordan and Jeff, because I can see some qualities of myself in Jeff, and I think that they are truly starting to fall for each other. I just get this goofy grin when I watch just the two of them. I feel like a moron when I realize what I'm doing, lol.
I think Kevin is an offbeat for other reasons then gay --- He is "blacknese" and when he actually does interviews and talks about himself he has this off-the-wall personality and dresses outlandish. HOwever, when he is in a social setting he is just dull and the opposite of an offbeat
Oh, Jordan gets to eat! That was nice of BB.
Alright everyone I can't take it anymore! Watching Jessie, Natalie and Russell eat KILLS me! Jessie looks like he has a gold ball in his cheek and just keeps shoveling in. Natalie looks like she is chewing cud, and Russell takes bites as big as his fist!!! AAHHHHHHH
LOL Carolyn - love the Ronnie arrow!
AmyInSJC - Hi :) Thanks for coming and commenting! :)
TracyRae - I didn't even know James had a son! lol.
ilissa - i agree
syn - I ♥ that song.. and so many others... & ditto on the goofy grins when i watch jeff and jordan together.
Marci :) hehe - Thanks :) I couldn't resist. Nice catch re Jordan - I hadn't even processed it.
I am so bummed Jesse is HOH, and I think Jeff is absolutely gorgeous! And Kevin's diva act is beyond old and tired!
Llissa I think Jesse has been around the bush with guys but still convincing himself that he is straight or at least really wants to be. Maybe he is the steam room kind of guy. LOL.
Me too with the goofy grin, Syn! I think the first kiss is coming very soon. I wish the rest of the house guests would hound them about it :-D
I hate watching them eat because it always makes me want to snack, and it's too late EST to snack!
I think i've finally figured out why i'm not a Lydia fan. She tries to hard to be a "rebel" or the bad girl - her father is a cop so she does the tatts and piercings to annoy daddy not because shes truely unique......these are the types that annoy me so much because they are trying too damn hard to not be who they really are.
lol, At least I'm not alone in my goofy love of J&J.
Carolyn, I think the houseguests might need that pic w/ the Ronnie arrow so they'll know he is there.
I'm kinda on the edge of my seat because I just feel like Ronnie's going to try to apologize to the group. I'm afraid of how that will go for the whole group.
Hi Jluvs!! :)
Umbeta - i always got the impression that Jessie bends both ways - wherever he can get the love and affection is where he will bend next.
I don't really see Lydia as a rebel, it's all fashion. I'm not sure she sees herself as a rebel exactly, more a free spirit. I don't know if she's a free spirit either, but I do know in 10 years she is going to have a lot of laser tattoo removal.
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