The Overnight Report
Good Morning, BB Lovers!! Happy Thursday & Happy Live Show Day!!! Tonight on the live feeds, the game starts All! Over! Again!
I love Big Brother! What will the evening bring? That's for us to know, and the tv only folks to learn maybe 3% of, if they're especially lucky, on Sunday night!
And now... Part 1 of the Overnight Report by Blue
Green Room fka Spa Room
Jordan and Laura
Talking about high school experiences....
Same time:
Lydia, Kevin, Russell, Jessie, Jeff.....
Practicing on the interesting new toy they got tonight.... Right now Lydia is practicing and Kevin is catching...
Jessie is lifting weights with Russell looking on. Russell takes over practicing on the toy and Lydia is now catching.
Cut to Laura and Jordan on feeds 1 and 2: Talking about pageant work and bikini work... Discussing weight, etc.. Jordan asks her why she doesn't do runway... Laura says she does... the convo continues.
Cut to feeds 3 and 4:
The camera shoots a quick glance to Natalie up in the landing, listening to the
conversation... then back to the Kitchen area.
Russell: "We can verbally ridicule him" *talking about Ronnie*
Russell is cooking something for himself......he's at the stove.... Lydia comes in throwing some trash away....
Russell: "Did you do good?"
Lydia: "Yea, I came really close."
Russell: "I'm going to wait until everyone's done........too many cooks in the kitchen"
*referring to the toy in the back yard.*
***I think Ronnie has come out of HoH, I can hear Russell chiding him........
Russell is at the table eating again.. Jeff looks to be trying to cook something while Casey looks on for a moment..........
Casey and Michele head to the back yard... following them out.....
*I'm not sure, but I think I just saw Ronnie taking Jessie up to HoH, but the camera's
aren't following them.... Like I said......I could be wrong.....we'll see

Carolyn: Yes, dear, you look beautiful. Now be a good HG, keep quiet, and don't wake any of the others! I need to finish the overnight report!!! Getting to that now... Please check back for the completion around 8:45am BBT.
12:24am BBT
Russell & Lydia
Russell: Do you want Ronnie gone?
Lydia: Yeah...
Russell: Really? How much? 50-50? 60-40? 90-10?
He guarantees her it'll go no further.
Lydia: 90-10.
Russell: We're in the same boat. I’d prefer to see Casey gone over Ronnie right now. He’s been all over the place for a couple days now... and look who’s been starting the arguments?
Lydia: Yeah. I know... and I can’t say anything, because he’s on my team.
Russell: He hurts your team.
Lydia: I know.
12:30am BBT
The HGs are told they only have 30 minutes left to practice on the contraption in the backyard... and so they do.
1:10am BBT
Pool Room
Michele & Jordan, then Russell
Michele is worried about her own safety, and tells Jordan she figures she has about a 50-50 chance of staying.
Russell walks in and jokingly accuses them of scheming. The ladies joke back that they were only talking about how sexy he is. Russell walks out and announces to the house that "Jordan and Michele are scheming!"
Michele: (to Jordan) We should just make out.
Both Laugh... then Jordan runs out of the room yelling, "We weren't schemin'!!!"
***For a deliciously fun flashback moment (pure fun, no game), check out Jordan's story telling in the Haves Room around 1:40am. FYI - Ya gotta have the feeds to see the flashback machine. Here's that free trial link again. ;p
8:15am BBT
Lydia's up
1:40am BBT
Kevin, Lydia, Natalie
Natalie: Honestly, if it’s Ronnie and Casey on the block, It'd be tough for me to not vote Casey out.
Lydia: what if it was Russell and Casey?
Natalie: I’d ask you... I’m not sure... Between those two, I think Russell is the bigger threat.
Lydia: ...yeah.
***Shiny ball!
Lydia: Why does Julie reveal the number?!
Kevin: ...and keep the vote secret?
They ponder changes to how the game is run...
Natalie thinks it would be very cool if the HoH got to see who voted how...
Kevin: Producers... Do you hear us? We have some bomb ass ideas.
Natalie: They should hire us for next year!
Lydia: I'm totally willing to come back! Can you imagine? If there were 10 new houseguests... and in each room they found an ex-castmember?? That would be soooo cooooool!!
1:50am BBT
Ronnie comes out of the HoH Room with his laundry. Laura sees him and ponders getting Russell... instead, she just tells Ronnie to run. He drops his Laundry in the storage room and makes a hasty retreat to the HoH room, where he asks production to please get his stuff quickly, so no one destroys his clothing.
1:55am BBT
Lydia, Kevin, Casey
They're discussing the big what-ifs of the coming week...
Casey: I like Jeff. I like Jordan. It’d be easy... Well, not easy... If Ronnie wins the Power of Veto... one of them would go. I don’t want to see them go, but we’re getting to the point where folks gotta get blood on their hands. I don’t wanna think about it..
Kevin: We’ll know more tomorrow.
Casey: Whaddayou think, Lydia?
Lydia: I’m happy they’re gonna play and not throw it... and... It does make the most sense for two athletes to go up... They have four people.
Casey: ...and it’s gonna come more 'n more into play, cuz before ya know it, there'll be 7 people left, an' 4 a them are athletes. They’re not gonna be happy about it...
Lydia: I want our team to win tomorrow.
Jordan: (to Chima) How many orgasms have you faked?
Chima: I don’t know... A lot. I've never counted.
Kevin: Ladies and gentlemen!! Chima just admitted she fakes it!
Chima: He was probably one of those live feeders.
Kevin: Not that there’s anything wrong with that...
Chima: That camera is focused tight on Jordan and Jeff..
Kevin: They’re waiting!! Just like us! (Kevin puts his mic to his lips) In about 10 minutes, they’re gonna start kissing…
Natalie: You'll get your key this week.. They wanna backdoor you.. Casey's all about it.
Ronnie: Chima is mad?
Jessie: Everyone is f'in furious!
Ronnie: I never lied to you. It was Jordan that came up with the plan to evict Chima. Jordan's the one who rallied the votes.
Natalie: Just know... We can't talk to you tomorrow, but we want to..
They all hurry to leave the room. As they're leaving, Natalie encourages Ronnie to go get himself something to eat.

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Before we get there, we need to learn about what happened late into the night last night, and that's what the Overnight Report is all about.
As I was reading through your late night comments on the previous post, I was tickled to learn that so many dishers had been up and blogging about the show all night long... Thank you, Michigan Man, Blue, KatieBlue & GayTor - Y'all rock my socks!!
Go check those out if you'd like a preview & to get started on the best flashback moments of the night!
Upon reading Michigan Man's last comment, part of which read "Russell tells Chima that if she can get him a firefighter outfit, he'll strip for her birthday," I did my first off blog activity of the morning and Googled Chima Simone Date of Birth! Well, folks, Chima's birthday is July 28th. Got that, production? Someone please see to that firefighter outfit... Our hunka hunka burning love muscle has a show to put on for us live feeders... uh, I mean Chima... no, really.. I mean us!
So.. then I checked my email, only to spot another missive from our man Blue! He and I will be doing a joint overnight today, and I'll have it up here for ya by 8:45am BBT. BB, please let them sleep til then!!!
And now... Part 1 of the Overnight Report by Blue
Green Room fka Spa Room
Jordan and Laura
Talking about high school experiences....
Same time:
Lydia, Kevin, Russell, Jessie, Jeff.....
Practicing on the interesting new toy they got tonight.... Right now Lydia is practicing and Kevin is catching...
Jessie is lifting weights with Russell looking on. Russell takes over practicing on the toy and Lydia is now catching.
Cut to Laura and Jordan on feeds 1 and 2: Talking about pageant work and bikini work... Discussing weight, etc.. Jordan asks her why she doesn't do runway... Laura says she does... the convo continues.
Cut to feeds 3 and 4:
Back Yard with Kevin, Lydia, Jeff, Russell, Jessie.....
Lydia: "If you have a chance to practice, why wouldn't you take it."
Jeff agrees with her... They think the crew of them will be out there all night. Jeff keeps over shooting and the balls slam into the back wall, but he starts getting the hang of it again. Jeff passes off to Kevin...
Jessie and Russell have left the backyard for the kitchen.....
Lydia: "If you have a chance to practice, why wouldn't you take it."
Jeff agrees with her... They think the crew of them will be out there all night. Jeff keeps over shooting and the balls slam into the back wall, but he starts getting the hang of it again. Jeff passes off to Kevin...
Jessie and Russell have left the backyard for the kitchen.....
10:00pm BBT
Russell, Jessie, Chima, Casey....
The joke about Ronnie and what Julie might say... Casey is eating at the table, Chima is sitting there eating, too. Jessie and Russell are fixing a bite to eat.
10:00pm BBT
Russell, Jessie, Chima, Casey....
The joke about Ronnie and what Julie might say... Casey is eating at the table, Chima is sitting there eating, too. Jessie and Russell are fixing a bite to eat.
The camera shoots a quick glance to Natalie up in the landing, listening to the
conversation... then back to the Kitchen area.
Russell: "We can verbally ridicule him" *talking about Ronnie*
Russell is cooking something for himself......he's at the stove.... Lydia comes in throwing some trash away....
Russell: "Did you do good?"
Lydia: "Yea, I came really close."
Russell: "I'm going to wait until everyone's done........too many cooks in the kitchen"
*referring to the toy in the back yard.*
10:12pm BBT
Back Yard
Feeds changed
Casey and Jeff are sitting on the couches and smoking...
10:12pm BBT
Back Yard
Feeds changed
Casey and Jeff are sitting on the couches and smoking...
**Checking feeds 3 and 4 at the same time.. Jessie, Natalie, Michele - playing chess... All is quiet on both the Western and Eastern fronts right now!! hehe! Of course, Jeff in a tank top and blue jeans is looking hawt hawt hawt!!!! LOL
Casey & Jeff both go back inside. Lydia appears to have made some popcorn and carries it off somewhere....
Natalie yells to Casey, and the house gets heated:
Natalie: "Casey, wasn't it decided this morning who would compete outside?"
Chima: "So, you were not the decision maker?"
Casey: "I'm not the decision maker in anything."
Casey: "Michele you said last night how much your were......."
Michele: "No, I never said anything......."
They are discussing, semi-arguing about the HoH comp tomorrow and who will compete and throw it... As he said early Wednesday morning, Casey doesn't want to be put in the position of the decision maker...
Chima: "Anyone else want to add their 2 cents? How about we all just do what we're gonna do and not tell anybody?"
***It's definite they are not at all on the same page for tomorrow's HoH comp, and it's very much up for grabs at this point!
Natalie: "You guys make your own decision."
Chima: "If we are going to make a team decision, let's not change it last minute and not tell anyone."
Jessie is now showering...........
Casey: "Just to say, if it's me, I would want to compete."
Chima: "And that's what makes it suspicous...."
Casey: "And that's why I would hate for you guys to throw it, and not make it look like you gave it your best effort"
Michele seems ambivalent at this point and trying to run the middle ground.........but.....
Michele: "I appreciate talking to you and everything.....(to Casey) but I ........."
Michele thinks people are making things up, and not being trustfworthy right now.....
Chima: "Well, who all of a sudden doesn't want Ronnie out?"
Casey: "As far as I know everyone still wants Ronnie out?"
Chima doesn't want anyone to be a pawn or look stupid.....
Casey: "No one wants to go up, we talked last night about drawing straws..........we're stuck........."
Michele: "It's understandable, it's and awkward situation..."
Casey: "I will ride with the plan... I don't want to come off as the decision maker.... whatever... it's a real touchy situation....."
Russell comes in and asks.......
Russell: "What did I miss?"
Chima: "Nothing, we had a cat fight, that's all.."
They all reiterate they want Ronnie to go home.
Casey & Jeff both go back inside. Lydia appears to have made some popcorn and carries it off somewhere....
Natalie yells to Casey, and the house gets heated:
Natalie: "Casey, wasn't it decided this morning who would compete outside?"
Chima: "So, you were not the decision maker?"
Casey: "I'm not the decision maker in anything."
Casey: "Michele you said last night how much your were......."
Michele: "No, I never said anything......."
They are discussing, semi-arguing about the HoH comp tomorrow and who will compete and throw it... As he said early Wednesday morning, Casey doesn't want to be put in the position of the decision maker...
Chima: "Anyone else want to add their 2 cents? How about we all just do what we're gonna do and not tell anybody?"
***It's definite they are not at all on the same page for tomorrow's HoH comp, and it's very much up for grabs at this point!
Natalie: "You guys make your own decision."
Chima: "If we are going to make a team decision, let's not change it last minute and not tell anyone."
Jessie is now showering...........
Casey: "Just to say, if it's me, I would want to compete."
Chima: "And that's what makes it suspicous...."
Casey: "And that's why I would hate for you guys to throw it, and not make it look like you gave it your best effort"
Michele seems ambivalent at this point and trying to run the middle ground.........but.....
Michele: "I appreciate talking to you and everything.....(to Casey) but I ........."
Michele thinks people are making things up, and not being trustfworthy right now.....
Chima: "Well, who all of a sudden doesn't want Ronnie out?"
Casey: "As far as I know everyone still wants Ronnie out?"
Chima doesn't want anyone to be a pawn or look stupid.....
Casey: "No one wants to go up, we talked last night about drawing straws..........we're stuck........."
Michele: "It's understandable, it's and awkward situation..."
Casey: "I will ride with the plan... I don't want to come off as the decision maker.... whatever... it's a real touchy situation....."
Russell comes in and asks.......
Russell: "What did I miss?"
Chima: "Nothing, we had a cat fight, that's all.."
They all reiterate they want Ronnie to go home.
***Switching to Nat and Lydia and Kevin.......maybe others......
10:30pm BBT
Feeds 3 and 4
Bathroom lounge
Natalie was running her mouth, but haven't caught what she said:
Casey comes in and asks:
Casey: "So, what you all think? Who wants to go up?"
Casey knocks on the bathroom door, to avoid walking in on someone for the umpteenth time this season - honestly, he's already done it so many times, it could make the gag reel.
Natalie: (to Lydia & Kevin) "How about we just play the game, and whatever happens happens, if Ronnie's here next week, he's here..."
Feeds 3 and 4
Bathroom lounge
Natalie was running her mouth, but haven't caught what she said:
Casey comes in and asks:
Casey: "So, what you all think? Who wants to go up?"
Casey knocks on the bathroom door, to avoid walking in on someone for the umpteenth time this season - honestly, he's already done it so many times, it could make the gag reel.
Natalie: (to Lydia & Kevin) "How about we just play the game, and whatever happens happens, if Ronnie's here next week, he's here..."
***I think Ronnie has come out of HoH, I can hear Russell chiding him........
Russell is at the table eating again.. Jeff looks to be trying to cook something while Casey looks on for a moment..........
Casey and Michele head to the back yard... following them out.....
10:34pm BBT
feeds 1 and 2
Casey & Michele
Talking about the HoH comp, throwing it, pulling names, etc.... Michele says she's not mad at him... Michele mentions the trust factor, and how it's lacking right now... Casey has no problem with the Ronnie thing, and the group effort...
Casey says the most logical thing is for all of 'em to go into it (HoH tomorrow night) even, everyone play for it... sorry if it's a change from plans last night, but that's how he feels about it... Michele is agreeing with him.... Casey seems a wee bit irritated.
Talking about the HoH comp, throwing it, pulling names, etc.... Michele says she's not mad at him... Michele mentions the trust factor, and how it's lacking right now... Casey has no problem with the Ronnie thing, and the group effort...
Casey says the most logical thing is for all of 'em to go into it (HoH tomorrow night) even, everyone play for it... sorry if it's a change from plans last night, but that's how he feels about it... Michele is agreeing with him.... Casey seems a wee bit irritated.
*I'm not sure, but I think I just saw Ronnie taking Jessie up to HoH, but the camera's
aren't following them.... Like I said......I could be wrong.....we'll see
10:43pm BBT
Chima, Casey comes in, Russell, Natalie, Jeff...
Chima: "Who are these shady people who don't want Ronnie to go home?"
Casey: "Honestly, I don't think anyone wants to keep Ronnie......."
Jeff is in there...
10:43pm BBT
Chima, Casey comes in, Russell, Natalie, Jeff...
Chima: "Who are these shady people who don't want Ronnie to go home?"
Casey: "Honestly, I don't think anyone wants to keep Ronnie......."
Jeff is in there...
Russell: (to Casey) Are you willing to go up?
Casey: Well, I'm ambivalent towards it.......
They are all worried about HoH tomorrow and whether Ronnie stays or not, and who
goes up and who doesn't.... all over the place!
***Okay, Jessie's in the main bathroom, so maybe he didn't go up to HoH....
Casey: "You all know as well as I do, a lot of stuff goes on in here...." talking about how unpredictable it all is...
Someone says: "Someone ate my porkchop!" Everyone laughs!
Jeff: "Ronnie??!!! Did you eat the porkchop???" More laughing!!
****Listening to all this, it's obvious to me that no one trusts anyone, and HoH is totally going to be up for grabs on Thursday night, and we will see who the winner is, and who that person chooses to put up for nomination!
All 4 feeds still on the round table........lots of talk about the HoH game tomorrow, who goes up as pawns, etc, Ronnie talk...
***Going to go walk Diva Doggie.... seems like a good time!!!!
***I'm back.........I did some re-winding to see if I missed anything........
Basically, it was just more of the same....Everyone vying and jockying for
position, more Ronnie taunting, trying to figure out the HoH tomorrow, and
potential pawns, etc. Watch it on Flashback from 10:43pm BBT - 11:14pm BBT
Casey: Well, I'm ambivalent towards it.......
They are all worried about HoH tomorrow and whether Ronnie stays or not, and who
goes up and who doesn't.... all over the place!
***Okay, Jessie's in the main bathroom, so maybe he didn't go up to HoH....
Casey: "You all know as well as I do, a lot of stuff goes on in here...." talking about how unpredictable it all is...
Someone says: "Someone ate my porkchop!" Everyone laughs!
Jeff: "Ronnie??!!! Did you eat the porkchop???" More laughing!!
****Listening to all this, it's obvious to me that no one trusts anyone, and HoH is totally going to be up for grabs on Thursday night, and we will see who the winner is, and who that person chooses to put up for nomination!
All 4 feeds still on the round table........lots of talk about the HoH game tomorrow, who goes up as pawns, etc, Ronnie talk...
***Going to go walk Diva Doggie.... seems like a good time!!!!
***I'm back.........I did some re-winding to see if I missed anything........
Basically, it was just more of the same....Everyone vying and jockying for
position, more Ronnie taunting, trying to figure out the HoH tomorrow, and
potential pawns, etc. Watch it on Flashback from 10:43pm BBT - 11:14pm BBT
- Carolyn: My favorite part was when someone said, "Whoever wants Ronnie to stay, raise your hand," and Russell did, and the whole table cracked up.
11:15pm BBT
Back Yard
Casey, Jeff, Kevin
Casey is holding court... talking the same stuff about HoH, nom's, pawns, etc... He's even talking veto...........Hello!!! That's REALLY far in advance!!!!
Back Yard
Casey, Jeff, Kevin
Casey is holding court... talking the same stuff about HoH, nom's, pawns, etc... He's even talking veto...........Hello!!! That's REALLY far in advance!!!!
***Switching to feeds 1 and 2
11:16pm BBT
Nat and Jessie
Living Room (I think)
Jessie is massaging lotion into Nat's shoulder again. They are stealth whispering, as usual. I'm not sure, but I think Nat whispers she would like to see Chima win it
tomorrow... really hard to tell... but that would jibe with her & Jessie wanting to keep Ronnie safe.
***Production has upped the amps on her mic to try and capture it! The convo happened on feeds 1 and 2 around 11:15BBT!! If any of you want to try it out on Flashback!
Chima joins them... talk about hot tea... then moving onto other things......
***Just want to say, Natalie and her stealth whispering is totally reminding me of Libra and her stealth whispering last season!!! UGH!!!! Frustrating, y'all!!! LOL
Nat and Jessie
Living Room (I think)
Jessie is massaging lotion into Nat's shoulder again. They are stealth whispering, as usual. I'm not sure, but I think Nat whispers she would like to see Chima win it
tomorrow... really hard to tell... but that would jibe with her & Jessie wanting to keep Ronnie safe.
***Production has upped the amps on her mic to try and capture it! The convo happened on feeds 1 and 2 around 11:15BBT!! If any of you want to try it out on Flashback!
Chima joins them... talk about hot tea... then moving onto other things......
***Just want to say, Natalie and her stealth whispering is totally reminding me of Libra and her stealth whispering last season!!! UGH!!!! Frustrating, y'all!!! LOL
Back Yard
Jeff, Casey, Lydia, Kevin, Michele
Practicing the toy.....again....Lydia is relentless in her practice with it!!!
Everyone's kind of quiet, just practicing and cheering each other, focused BIG MAJOR TIME! They all want to do well!!! Intense, but a relaxed and focused intensity...
**** OMG!!!! I just heard a major scream come from outside my window!!!!!Think it was a cat! Diva Doggie and my two cats jumped about a foot in the air, as did I!!! I have to go check it out!! ...I guess it was a cat! I don't see anything or anyone out there. *sigh* Good grief!!!
I haven't heard a yelp like that since it came out of me when my last boy friend dropped his drawers for the first time!! Now my pets are all wound up, Great!!!! LOL
Quick Fishies at 11:36pm BBT
And we're back!!!!!
Still on the back yard.....feeds 3 and 4
Switching to Jessie and Nat and Chima feeds 1 and 2 *sigh*
Back Yard
Jeff, Casey, Lydia, Kevin, Michele
Practicing the toy.....again....Lydia is relentless in her practice with it!!!
Everyone's kind of quiet, just practicing and cheering each other, focused BIG MAJOR TIME! They all want to do well!!! Intense, but a relaxed and focused intensity...
**** OMG!!!! I just heard a major scream come from outside my window!!!!!Think it was a cat! Diva Doggie and my two cats jumped about a foot in the air, as did I!!! I have to go check it out!! ...I guess it was a cat! I don't see anything or anyone out there. *sigh* Good grief!!!
I haven't heard a yelp like that since it came out of me when my last boy friend dropped his drawers for the first time!! Now my pets are all wound up, Great!!!! LOL
Quick Fishies at 11:36pm BBT
And we're back!!!!!
Still on the back yard.....feeds 3 and 4
Switching to Jessie and Nat and Chima feeds 1 and 2 *sigh*
11: 37pm BBT
Jessie, Chima, Natalie, Russell
F 1 & 2
Jessie is talking about Chima's speech during the Live show last week, and how poised and collected she was..........and he couldn't have done it............
Chima: "I wasn't trying to upset anyone"
Jessie: "Yea, but think about the 12 year old boy watching and wanting
to know what a da da da da da is...."
Chima: "Hopefully he looked it up"
***I have to interject here, ummmm this is a reality game show......not really for children..........sorry, y'all, that's the Uncle coming out in me.... LOL
Chima: "I got to go practice this game........."
Russell: "It's just, they are all out there right now....."
Natalie: (I think it was nat)"I'm going to wait until they go to bed"
Not a whole going on right now......Interesting how Russ is hanging out with them at the moment.......
Back to the Back Yard feeds on 3 and 4
Same crew.........still practicing!!!
Jeff: "Kevin, it's all up to this ball!!! You CAN be the new HoH!!!!" *laughs* "Kevin, you have been eliminated!"
*** LOL
I think Lydia went in.. Right now it appears to be Michele, Jeff, Kevin practicing....
Back inside:
11:53pm BBT
Haves Room
Russell, Chima, Nat, Jessie
Jessie is called to the DR. Lydia passed through and said something nice to Chima. They all laugh.........
Chima: "You know what Nat requested for my birthday? Fried chicken."
Nat: "I would love some Popeye's fried chicken right now!"
Chima: "I want some cake and sprinkles and icing........."
Jessie is talking about Chima's speech during the Live show last week, and how poised and collected she was..........and he couldn't have done it............
Chima: "I wasn't trying to upset anyone"
Jessie: "Yea, but think about the 12 year old boy watching and wanting
to know what a da da da da da is...."
Chima: "Hopefully he looked it up"
***I have to interject here, ummmm this is a reality game show......not really for children..........sorry, y'all, that's the Uncle coming out in me.... LOL
Chima: "I got to go practice this game........."
Russell: "It's just, they are all out there right now....."
Natalie: (I think it was nat)"I'm going to wait until they go to bed"
Not a whole going on right now......Interesting how Russ is hanging out with them at the moment.......
Back to the Back Yard feeds on 3 and 4
Same crew.........still practicing!!!
Jeff: "Kevin, it's all up to this ball!!! You CAN be the new HoH!!!!" *laughs* "Kevin, you have been eliminated!"
*** LOL
I think Lydia went in.. Right now it appears to be Michele, Jeff, Kevin practicing....
Back inside:
11:53pm BBT
Haves Room
Russell, Chima, Nat, Jessie
Jessie is called to the DR. Lydia passed through and said something nice to Chima. They all laugh.........
Chima: "You know what Nat requested for my birthday? Fried chicken."
Nat: "I would love some Popeye's fried chicken right now!"
Chima: "I want some cake and sprinkles and icing........."
*Sounds like a diabetic coma waiting to happen to me!! LOL*
Russ gets up to leave........."Come on, Nat." Chima does to, asks if Nat is going to come out and play......
Kitchen where Casey and Jordan and Laura are..........
Casey mentions something about disturbing the one is sure if
he's pulling their legs or not............he seems serious.........
Chima: "Who are our neighbors? Everybody Loves Raymond?"
Brief Fishies....
Nat: "Seriously who are our neighbors....."
BBGod: "Natalie, you are not allowed to talk about production"
Russ gets up to leave........."Come on, Nat." Chima does to, asks if Nat is going to come out and play......
Kitchen where Casey and Jordan and Laura are..........
Casey mentions something about disturbing the one is sure if
he's pulling their legs or not............he seems serious.........
Chima: "Who are our neighbors? Everybody Loves Raymond?"
Brief Fishies....
Nat: "Seriously who are our neighbors....."
BBGod: "Natalie, you are not allowed to talk about production"
More Fishies, then back
Casey, Laura, Jordan........Laura is talking about votes and going home....
I think Laura's bummed she's going home.........the feeds haven't been on her
much tonight........She's speaking like someone with a defeatist attitude right
now............Gosh, I hate to hear her talk like that! I like her!!!! I think she has
made up her mind that she is going home, and is ready to do so......Bummer.
****Well, I'm done for the night!!!! Gonna get a few zzzzzz's!!!
Thursday evening after the Live Eviction should prove VERY interesting!!! Seeing who will win HoH, what the aftermath will be.... how the new alliances will go down!!!!! OH YEA!!!!!
Starting tomorrow night on the live feeds, a whole brand new game begins all over again!!!!! LOL That's why I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show!!!!! See you all later!!!! Love you all!!!
*smoochies* (((hugs)))
Casey, Laura, Jordan........Laura is talking about votes and going home....
I think Laura's bummed she's going home.........the feeds haven't been on her
much tonight........She's speaking like someone with a defeatist attitude right
now............Gosh, I hate to hear her talk like that! I like her!!!! I think she has
made up her mind that she is going home, and is ready to do so......Bummer.
****Well, I'm done for the night!!!! Gonna get a few zzzzzz's!!!
Thursday evening after the Live Eviction should prove VERY interesting!!! Seeing who will win HoH, what the aftermath will be.... how the new alliances will go down!!!!! OH YEA!!!!!
Starting tomorrow night on the live feeds, a whole brand new game begins all over again!!!!! LOL That's why I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show!!!!! See you all later!!!! Love you all!!!
*smoochies* (((hugs)))
Carolyn Checking in...
CUT Briefly TO:
7:50am BBT
Russel's already awake...

Carolyn: Yes, dear, you look beautiful. Now be a good HG, keep quiet, and don't wake any of the others! I need to finish the overnight report!!! Getting to that now... Please check back for the completion around 8:45am BBT.
12:24am BBT
Russell & Lydia
Russell: Do you want Ronnie gone?
Lydia: Yeah...
Russell: Really? How much? 50-50? 60-40? 90-10?
He guarantees her it'll go no further.
Lydia: 90-10.
Russell: We're in the same boat. I’d prefer to see Casey gone over Ronnie right now. He’s been all over the place for a couple days now... and look who’s been starting the arguments?
Lydia: Yeah. I know... and I can’t say anything, because he’s on my team.
Russell: He hurts your team.
Lydia: I know.
12:30am BBT
The HGs are told they only have 30 minutes left to practice on the contraption in the backyard... and so they do.
1:10am BBT
Pool Room
Michele & Jordan, then Russell
Michele is worried about her own safety, and tells Jordan she figures she has about a 50-50 chance of staying.
Russell walks in and jokingly accuses them of scheming. The ladies joke back that they were only talking about how sexy he is. Russell walks out and announces to the house that "Jordan and Michele are scheming!"
Michele: (to Jordan) We should just make out.
Both Laugh... then Jordan runs out of the room yelling, "We weren't schemin'!!!"
***For a deliciously fun flashback moment (pure fun, no game), check out Jordan's story telling in the Haves Room around 1:40am. FYI - Ya gotta have the feeds to see the flashback machine. Here's that free trial link again. ;p
8:15am BBT
Lydia's up
1:40am BBT
Kevin, Lydia, Natalie
Natalie: Honestly, if it’s Ronnie and Casey on the block, It'd be tough for me to not vote Casey out.
Lydia: what if it was Russell and Casey?
Natalie: I’d ask you... I’m not sure... Between those two, I think Russell is the bigger threat.
Lydia: ...yeah.
***Shiny ball!
Lydia: Why does Julie reveal the number?!
Kevin: ...and keep the vote secret?
They ponder changes to how the game is run...
Natalie thinks it would be very cool if the HoH got to see who voted how...
Kevin: Producers... Do you hear us? We have some bomb ass ideas.
Natalie: They should hire us for next year!
Lydia: I'm totally willing to come back! Can you imagine? If there were 10 new houseguests... and in each room they found an ex-castmember?? That would be soooo cooooool!!
1:50am BBT
Ronnie comes out of the HoH Room with his laundry. Laura sees him and ponders getting Russell... instead, she just tells Ronnie to run. He drops his Laundry in the storage room and makes a hasty retreat to the HoH room, where he asks production to please get his stuff quickly, so no one destroys his clothing.
1:55am BBT
Lydia, Kevin, Casey
They're discussing the big what-ifs of the coming week...
Casey: I like Jeff. I like Jordan. It’d be easy... Well, not easy... If Ronnie wins the Power of Veto... one of them would go. I don’t want to see them go, but we’re getting to the point where folks gotta get blood on their hands. I don’t wanna think about it..
Kevin: We’ll know more tomorrow.
Casey: Whaddayou think, Lydia?
Lydia: I’m happy they’re gonna play and not throw it... and... It does make the most sense for two athletes to go up... They have four people.
Casey: ...and it’s gonna come more 'n more into play, cuz before ya know it, there'll be 7 people left, an' 4 a them are athletes. They’re not gonna be happy about it...
Lydia: I want our team to win tomorrow.
2:10am BBT
Haves Room
Jordan, Jeff, Kevin, Chima
Jordan & Jeff are in bed together. The talk is about masturbation and faking orgasms... The masturbation talk starts, because Jeff is a constant leg jiggler, and from over the sheets, it looks like he's going at it. Highly recommend you check it out on flashback for a good giggle. Here's a snippet...
Jordan: (to Chima) How many orgasms have you faked?
Chima: I don’t know... A lot. I've never counted.
Kevin: Ladies and gentlemen!! Chima just admitted she fakes it!
Chima: He was probably one of those live feeders.
***Chima's been slamming the feeders quite a lot the past couple days. Kevin takes our side.
Kevin: Not that there’s anything wrong with that...
Chima: That camera is focused tight on Jordan and Jeff..
Kevin: They’re waiting!! Just like us! (Kevin puts his mic to his lips) In about 10 minutes, they’re gonna start kissing…
This conversation keeps going and going... 10 minutes later...
Jordan: Has anyone ever masturbated in the Big Brother house and got caught?
***lol. yup! lots of em.
The sex talk is making them all horny... Chima says that if it get to be too much, she's gonna get to it with Russell. They tease her, saying she'll throw the HoH to him.
2:54am BBT
HoH Room
Ronnie, Lydia, Natalie.. and soon Jessie.
The girls snuck up to HoH!
Ronnie: I didn’t screw you over... Not you and not Chima!
Ronnie: I didn’t screw you over... Not you and not Chima!
Natalie: Casey n' Russell are dicks! Here’s the plan... They've convinced everyone to put you up and back door, but if I win, it’ll be a different story!
Ronnie confirms that Lydia's on board with this too. He asks the girls if Jessie's also on board, and they confirm..
And in one little conversation, Ronnie's back in the game... And it's his game, because he's already keeping quite a few secrets about who's come to him.
Ronnie: I love you.
Natalie: You don't even know how much we've wanted to come up here and talk to you! They've just been making it impossible! They said if we even took pictures with you, we’d go on the block!
Natalie: You don't even know how much we've wanted to come up here and talk to you! They've just been making it impossible! They said if we even took pictures with you, we’d go on the block!
Lydia tells him he cannot trust Russell or Chima. Ronnie plays along, saying he would never treat anyone the way he's been treated.
Natalie tells Ronnie about the plans for HoH, saying that the whole house wanted Chima and Michele to throw it, so Ronnie could be nominated, but they were able to get them not to, so now everyone's playing to win.
Ronnie: If I survive next week, I will win the Endurance HoH, and I will wreak holy hell from that balcony!!
*** ::eye-roll:: Good luck with winning an endurance comp, Ron.
Natalie: You'll get your key this week.. They wanna backdoor you.. Casey's all about it.
Natalie asks after his health and tells him how much she's been wanting to sneak him food.
Jessie sneaks into the HoH Room, joining Ronnie, Lydia and Natalie...
Jessie sneaks into the HoH Room, joining Ronnie, Lydia and Natalie...
Ronnie: Chima is mad?
Jessie: Everyone is f'in furious!
Ronnie: I never lied to you. It was Jordan that came up with the plan to evict Chima. Jordan's the one who rallied the votes.
Natalie: Just know... We can't talk to you tomorrow, but we want to..
They all hurry to leave the room. As they're leaving, Natalie encourages Ronnie to go get himself something to eat.
3:04am BBT
Natalie, Lydia, Jessie
Jessie admonishes the girls not to talk about it at all with anyone... He confirms with them that Ronnie told them he hadn't spoken with anyone in 2 days. Lydia and Natalie are pumped about their secret mission.. They start counting the votes in different nominee scenarios...
Meanwhile, upstairs in the HoH, Ronnie is pacing back and forth, talking to himself or us, saying, "Oh man.. If i can just survive this week..." He's counting votes too.
This concludes the Overnight Report. As of 9:20am BBT, the HGs are all snoozing, so I'm making the mad dash for cuban coffee!! See ya back here in a bit to publish comments and get the morning report going!
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Labels: TOR
Good morning everyone & Happy Eviction Day!
Extreme craziness is going on the BB house!!! I was gone for a few hours last night & now I see the house has flipped again (well at least some of the house) - People are teaming back up with Ronnie??? Wow.
Carolyn, my dear - you've got mail. Two, in fact...
Good Morning Carolyn!
Good Morning Dishchicks!
Good morning Blue and Gaytor!
Good morning my BB Buddies :)
While you are typing up TOR, I'm going to make some comments on last nights stuff before I forget!!
Rubyroo and Michigan Man - I do not have Twitter either! BUT if more people on here have twitter than have FB I would sign up just to stay in touch.
Russell said if Chima could find a firefighter outfit he's STRIP for her birthday! WAHOO! Let's get a collection together and UPS it to the studios. WOWZA!
And Blue - you can share the perv stalker title with me! I at least am not scoping them out in the middle of the night LMAO!
I'll be back later on. Have a super, lots of coffee, kinda morning :)
Oh yes, yes, yes!!! I wanna see Russ do a striptease in the firefighters uniform. OMG, Yum!!! BB - pulllleeeese furnish the outfit, lol!
Careful you don't get anyone in trouble, admitting to the world that he's doing a joint later and all.
Good Morning Carolyn,
Muchas Gracias Blue for the ON report.
Thanks to the rest of the Dishers as well for bloggin in the comments section. I am headed that way now to catch up on what I missed.
I should make it back by the time the ON report is up!
Good Morning Carolyn and fellow BB addicts
Carolyn you are a phenom. I tried hard last night to get times and cams but I'm not quite ready for cub reporter status. I can comment fine but trying to keep track of when and where it's all happening when your that tired is hard. I felt like Jordan trying to tell time. At first I forgot to subtract the three hours for BB time then I mostly watch in quad cam so I'm thinking the top two are cam 1 and 2 but that's not always the case.
Now I'm watching the convo that started just before 3am with Nat, Lydia and Ronnie with some Jesse and can you say head spin.
Here we go again.
Ronnie saying he will win HOH endurance and rain holy hell LOL
Over confident much there Ronnie.
Jesse swims like me. Just enough to make it to the other side.
Jesse you can't talk to Michele because you're not smart enough and can't manipulate her.
Have a wonderful day all.
Good Morning Sweet Carolyn!
Good Morning Fellow BB Addicts!
Something tells me this is going to be an exciting day/night/morning!
Blue, Blue, Blue - another excellent commentary gorgeous! This better not mean you are going to disappear for another two days bud!
OK, let's get the show on the road. (Sorry Carolyn, I'm sure that's NOT what you want, but I can't wait for all the drama to come)!
G'Mornin Dishies!
Thanks Blue and Caro for the great ONR. Loved it.......
Happy Live Show day! Personally I still want Ronnie, Jessie or Nat to go next week, but we'll see.
Hugzzzzzzz! ♥
I just need someone who will put up Jessie and Natalie to win HOH. And someone please let Jeff and Casey know that Jessie and Russell really want to keep Ronnie around. These houseguests are so unpredictable.
Running in breathlessly! Drive by huggies and smoochies!
Interesting... Ronnie lied to Jessie, Natalie and Lydia. He didn't tell them about Russell. Maybe he's learning his lesson?
Oh these HGs! heehehe
Be back much later!
So I'm going crazy here! I missed reading on Tuesday and Wednesday and now I'm trying to play catch-up! Apparently something happened with Ronnie on Tuesday that I missed...grrr-of all the days! Can someone fill me in please?
Thank you! & thank God for Carolyn--BB wouldn't be the same without her!
* Prego Bridgette....6.5 weeks to go! (let's hope he's not born on a Sun, Tues or Thurs! hahaha)
How sad is this but Russ looks hot even with hiss glasses on, maybe more so to me.
Good morning, Carolyn!
Good morning, All my BB addict buddies!
:) :)
First, I have to say someone that is very special in this awesome group of dishers started my day off on the right foot & made my heart soar! One of the first comments I read from last night's comments after Carolyn signed off that I didn't see until this morning was...
bluex1969 said...
MsFitz??? Have I said today how much I adore you?!?!?
July 22, 2009 9:50 PM
(((Blue))), Thank you for such a sweet comment!! You are awesome!!!
The meeting last night among the HG minus Ronnie about the HOH comp was a good one & I'm glad they decided to play the comp as it should be played with everyone trying to win & not letting Michelle & Chima throw it. They just have to take the chance. One thing I can't figure out is who is aware of this Jessie, Natalie, Russell alliance w/ Ronnie. Chima was getting upset because she said she had heard some HG don't want Ronnie out. She said, who is it that is feeling that way? "Ah, like they would tell you sitting in front of all the HG." Casey pipes in & leads the discussion on whether M & C should throw the comp. They discussed different options & the majority of the mtg was led by Casey. To me he is the voice of reason right now & everyone seems to resent him for that. But, Casey is still working under the assumption everyone wants Ronnie out & he may have suspicions that is not the case but has no idea who really is behind it. And, w/ the way Russell has been carrying on he may not even suspect Russell at all. Russell was very quiet until Casey made comment about how quiet he was & asked him his thoughts. Then Russell added what he thought would be best for the HOH. Jeff seems to be suspicious of someone wanting to keep Ronnie but again, has no idea who. I kind of feel like Jeff, Russell & Jordan/Laura are playing right into their hands again. They want to stop the hate that descended upon their group since they got in the house & are feeling good about kind of being a part of the whole house even though they are kind of aware there is still an existing divide. But, I think in a way it is blinding them a little to what sneaky things are happening around them. It's so easy for us to sit on the outside though & wonder why they can't see it. Not sure if Jordan practiced the game that BB put out in the back yard but in the time I watched the feeds she was very disinterested in it. She is more concerned about her speech tonight. Jeff tried to get her out & play but, again, during the time I was watching she didn't. I know she & Laura are wiped out from being Have Nots but if she wants things to turn around & get better next week she really needs to step it up. I like her so much & she brings a smile to my face almost every day but she needs to get it together. Hopefully, if she doesn't leave tonight & gets some food in her she will start picking it up. I'm on the fence about Michelle. I think she is sitting back & soaking in a lot but I also think she is another one that needs to start getting in the game more & stop sulking about something she heard & start doing something about it.
Well, I'm off to run a couple of errands but I will definitely be back later this afternoon. My watch is on BB time & all errands will cease as time draws close to Showtime!!!
Good Morning Carolyn and all you dishes..
BLUE WTG!!!!! Great job on the over night report..
**** OMG!!!! I just heard a major scream come from outside my window!!!!!Think it was a cat! Diva Doggie and my two cats jumped about a foot in the air, as did I!!! I have to go check it out!! ...I guess it was a cat! I don't see anything or anyone out there. *sigh* Good grief!!!
I haven't heard a yelp like that since it came out of me when my last boy friend dropped his drawers for the first time!! Now my pets are all wound up, Great!!!! LOL
OMG !!!!! you made my coffee come out of my nose (( ewww i know))) and i am at work cracking up reading this...
These houseguests are all comfusing me on who is with who alliance....and wth why are saying who should throw the hoh comp...
Good Morning Carolyn
Great overnight recap. I couldn't stay up and watch last night.
OMG, Russell is co cute. He should be made to remain shirtless as long as he is in the house.
Why was Ronnie putting his laundry in the storage room? I thought HG's cleaned their own laundry outside. sooo curious to see who wins HOH and whats gonna happen after that...
This next week will be very interesting, its all up in the air now!
This is ridiculous!
I love it!
I knew that wouldn't last much longer.
The Overnight Report is now complete. Please refresh the blog.
As of 9:20am BBT, the HGs are all snoozing, so I'm making the mad dash for cuban coffee!!
See ya back here in a bit to publish comments and get the morning report going!
Oh this is getting good! good Morning Carolyn and BB addicts! Like you, I am about to have to leave for a bit, gonna get some coffee too. Hope the caffiene does you like it will do me!!!
"I haven't heard a yelp like that since it came out of me when my last boy friend dropped his drawers for the first time!!
OMG LMBO! Perfect way to start my morning..I'll be giggling about it all day!
Good morning Carolyn*
I don't think Russel is capable of thinking more than five minutes in advance. His 'hate' towards Ronnie was REAL the first day and a half. And, then he realized he was the only one hating on Ronnie and changed it up to save his patootie =O
Jessie won't practice the new toy, I think, because he has no intention of being HOH again. Why not..he's got puppets doing everything for him.
Hope this note finds you all doing fantabulous!
I really wish Lydia would focus on getting Natalie out instead of Russell.
If Russell leaves, I won't have anyone to drool over. ;-)
WOW - very long Wakey Wakey! They must be waiting for Carolyn to get back!
Don't worry Ronnie you're our "secret friend", but whenever we're around other people we're not going to acknowledge you.
I thought BB was going to go back to high school this summer, not middle school.
Is that Chima's hair on the counter in front of the recycling box? LOL
Morning Carolyn and all my favorite dishers! Happy live evection day, I can't wait!!!
BLUE!!! I almost choked on my diet coke while reading your overnight report!! You did fantastic!!
Suggestion for new poll. Who gets caught scheming with Ronnie first after HOH room is closed?
Russel is in a pretty good position. Casey suggested he keep on Ronnie today to which he agreed. He can talk to Ronnie all he wants and everyone will think he is just dogging him.
I'm waiting for Lydia to find out that Jesse and Nat have a side deal with Ronnie and Russel that she is not a part of. She is fine working with Ronnie but still not Russel. Kevin and Chima are a bit out of the loop at the moment and the Dumb 5 soon to be the dumb 4 are in the same place they were before this all started. I see Casey and Michele on the block if the jocks win HOH ,besides Jeff of course, as the "pawns".
ShiShi in LA
I think we all know now how Russell is planning to get Ronnie to stay in the house without anyone knowing he is on Ronnie's side. He is going to continue to rant and rave at Ronnie, try to win HOH and get everyone pissed at Casey. Then put Casey and Ronnie up and tell lies to everyone else about Casey and get him voted out.
All this is stressing me out!!!!!!
Hi Beautiful Carolyn!
I've been so busy lately and I'm constantly trying to play catch-up here and on AD. And, I hardly ever get to watch the feeds these days! Maybe this weekend...sigh...
I don't get the chance to comment much these days but I do want you to know how much I appreciate and adore you.
Blue, ReporterX, Genie - you all deserve a free slop pass for your excellent reporting.
I will be sick if Ronnie wins this game. But they sure are falling for it all over again!
Gang - I'm having a problem woth comment moderation this morning - I can see there are dozens waiting, but I can't actually do anything with them...
Please gimme a few minutes to get this sorted out and All will be back to normal :)
Carolyn....describe normal lol!
Mornin yall!!!
Dumb 5 having breakfast, Ronnie awake in HOH but not moving, no one else in site.
Clear demonstration of how divided the house still is.
and away we go... publishing all your comments now...
there's a new top post, btw. :)
Hi Carolyn and fellow BB addicts! Carolyn, I've read your site for years but mainly only lurked. Thanks so much to you (and the fellow dishers) for all your work on this great site!!
I'm really sad about Laura (likely) going home. I've really come to enjoy her the past couple weeks. I love the girls that people write off at first because of their appearance (Janelle, Jen Johnson, Keesha, etc) who end up kicking ass and proving everyone wrong. I love Jordan too and wish neither of them were going home! It's just too bad because Laura's so smart and also also such a big fan of the game (and she came so prepared! She even brought comp gloves! I can never understand why more of them don't do that).
So nervous to see what happens tonight with the HOH!! :-/
Anyway, thanks again keeping up this wonderful site for all us addicts!! :-)
JulieB: WOOHOO...Where do I send my donation for that Firefiighter suite? I say we send an extra on for Jeff!!!
MichMan & JulieB: I am not to worried about oline stalkers...I am not that hot. lol
MichMan: I am with you on Ronnie Winning an endurance Comp. LOL I think all the dishers are with you on that one.
Does anyone remember how long he lasted on the 1st endurance comp?
MichMAn: "Jesse you can't talk to Michele because you're not smart enough and can't manipulate her." ROTFLMAO
I was bored with the feeds last night so caught up with some other shows... Came here first thing to see if I missed anything. I LMAO at Chima asking who their neighbors were? Everybody loves Raymond?
LOL actually it's Bill Engvall!
Anon, asked what happenee to Ronnie:
Russell got PO'ed at a meeting that took place in the HOH where Ronnie told the whole group that Russ was trying to get Laura to stay in the house. (The convo was really about regretting not putting Russ on the block, and Russ still doesn't know one let it slip)
Russ kept diggin trying to figure it out and eventually someone pulled everyone together (can't remember who) and everyone discovred Ronnie had not only been playing both sides but making things up to pit them against each other.
As you can imagine Ronnie bolted rather than dealing with the situation. He has been held op in the HOH room every since. When he would come out Russ would taunt him so bad he would scurry as fast as possiblre back to the room.
Everyone in the house is angry with Ronnie and going along with the Ronnie bashing.
Jessie convinced a few that it is their best interest to keep Ronnie around and so a few people have started speaking to him, but it is all on the DL.
There is a bunch of stuff in between, but that is the meat of the situation.
Headed to the Gym to try to get my Ginormous @ss to shrink back to a normal size. Catch y'all later. Gonna miss the Live show again cause of class *pouting* I will check in to see what is happening.
If Carolyn isn't bloggin the show Blue, MichMan or Genie can you comment who is evicted and who the new HOH is, PRETTY PLEASE!!!
The nights when she watches it with everyon leave me hangin, and I am reading in class, just can't participate! LOL
Carolyn have a wonderful afternoon and make sure you let us know when you hit 10,0000,000 hits.
Post in on the main page so I can't miss it.
Yoooo Hooooo!!!
***New Top Post!!***
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