Wednesday Night in the BB11 House: A New Toy

The HGs have been on lockdown for a couple hours now. We went briefly to fishies, and when we returned, this is what had been delivered to the backyard.
The HGs immediately pounced on it. They figure it's got to be related to the upcoming HoH. Perhaps...
We hear a male voice from production say, "Hey also, just so you guys know..." then more fishies.
6pm BBT
Everyone's taking turns practicing on it.
Ronnie's even in the backyard. I believe they also called a lockdown, so he doesn't have much choice. The HGs are ignoring him en masse, though, to be fair, he's separated himself from them at this point.

6:16pm BBT
They're still practicing. Jeff's getting very good.

Jessie: I wish I was taller.
Lydia gives it another shot, and she's aces at it already.
6:26pm BBT
They're still practicing, but the lockdown is over now, so the houseguests are free to move about the house...
Laura's preparing some sort of food...
Casey, Jeff & Jessie just had a little powwow in the bathroom - I think they were talking about Michele...
***I can't remember there ever being so little jockeying for position amongst the nominees, and I can't imagine Laura just giving up without giving it her all tonight. She's too big a fan of the game.

6:29pm BBT
Jessie & Lydia
Jessie: How come you gave me such an ugly look?
Lydia: Cause you're not being very nice to me...
Jessie: All I said was we're probably going to have to make the balls go into the cups of people we don't want to be HoH.
Lydia: No.
Jessie: That's exactly what I said, I promise you.
Lydia: Ok.
Jessie: Like just there.. You did it again. What's wrong?
Lydia: Nothing. If there was something wrong, I don't have a problem telling you.
6:31pm BBT
Storage Room
Russell comes out to Jessie about wanting to keep Ronnie
Russ: Dude, I think it might be a very good idea to keep Ronnie around...
Jessie is not a hard sell on this, as we know.
Natalie enters the Storage Room, and talk turns to the new toy & how to make it work best. Also, that Casey is the best out of everyone...

6:31pm BBT
Storage Room
Jessie & Russell
Russell comes out to Jessie about wanting to keep Ronnie
Russ: Dude, I think it might be a very good idea to keep Ronnie around...
Jessie: You really do?
Russ: Yeah.. he's gonna be so greatful.. totally on our side.. But don't tell Natalie..
Jessie: Lydia, Natalie and myself, some 5 of us last night..
Russ: I think the Ronnie ideal is a very good thing, because now we're no longer 4, we're 5.
Jessie is not a hard sell on this, as we know.
Natalie enters the Storage Room, and talk turns to the new toy & how to make it work best. Also, that Casey is the best out of everyone...
7:17pm BBT
Spa Room
Jessie & Lydia
Jessie enters.
Jessie: What're you doin' in here?
Lydia: Thinkin' about knockin' your boots.
Jessie: Oh yeah??
Jessie Lays down next to her, tells her about how specific people are doing playing the game... All kinds of b.s. she's not interested in hearing... When he finishes dispensing info, he gets up.
Lydia: So you're doing a drive-by?
Jessie: A what?
Lydia lets it go... He tells her to have a good nap.
7:21pm BBT
Pool Room
Jessie & Jordan
Jordan has called him in.
Jordan: OK.. I just wanna clear it up, cuz Lydia told me you think I don't like you.. The only reason I didn't like you was because of whatshisname... He would say stuff...
Jessie: Ronnie.
Jordan: Yeah. So I want a clean slate, and now here's my chance to get to know you.. And I don't think you're an asshole... Please don't watch my stuff from the first 2 weeks.. I was awful, but it was all because of Ronnie making all this stuff up... I have no respect for him anymore..
Jessie: I understand...
Jordan: I don't know how I let him get in charge of everything...
Jordan keeps blaming every thing that's ever gone wrong in the house, vis-a-vis her and Jessie on Ronnie... Not knowing Jessie is still quite firmly aligned with Ronnie...
They come to a place of understanding... but Jordan's trusting nature may be digging her a hole right now.
7:33pm BBT
Jessie and Jordan wrap up their talk. They walk out of the room, and Lydia has relocated herself to the Haves Room... She's still pouting. Jessie comes over to thank her for setting that up.
Lydia: I had to sit there and be all nice and cuddly with him for over an hour. Uch.
Jessie: Well, he still wants to be close with you...
Lydia: Seriously, who's looking out for you here?
Jessie: I know. You're the best. I'm the worst. You're big. I'm small... I hear people talking..
Lydia: Michele's not gonna throw it.
Jessie: She's horrible at the game.. She tried maybe 15-20 times.. only made one.
Lydia: I don't wanna tell anyone how to do it....
Talk returns to her pouting...
Jessie: Why were you giving me attitude before?
Lydia: Cuz every time.. You've woken me up.. I was having a really good dream... A really good dream..
Jessie: Was it a dream or a fantasy?
Lydia: A very good dream.. and I can't get back to that spot.
Jessie: Leonardo DiCaprio's gonna have to wait....
Lydia: Totally not my type.
Jessie: Yeah, you look more like a Jean Claude van Damme...
Quickie Fishies, while production lectures Jessie about using names of people who haven't signed releases... and he should know better, since he's been in the house before...
7:41pm BBT
Russell enters... They talk about working out, and Jessie mentions so hot high school girls - who aren't in high school any more - few years ago.
7:49pm BBT
Russell & Ronnie
Russell: My only question is this.. WHy was I being set up for next week?
Ronnie: I swear to God. I swear to Christ. I did not say that. Laura sat right there, Russell, and she said she would make a much better ally than Jordan, and that she could persuade Jeff and Casey to vote for her... I swear, hand to God, I'll put it on the bible right now.
Ronnie: I mentioned it to Natalie, and she jumped up and wanted to confront you right away... I was like, wtf, it's not true.. but she went off. I should've said it right then in the backyard when you called me out.
While Russell's up there, we can hear Casey's voice downstairs, very loud and clear, saying, "where's Russell? He's either upstairs with Ronnie or he's in the DR."
Russell: I don't know who to trust right now..
Ronnie: Actions speak louder than words. i had 2 chances to put you up, and I didn't.
Russell: I want to win HoH.
Downstairs, Casey's search for Russell continues...
***This conversation is feeling very repetetive... like production just told Russell they needed more footage of this deal between him and Ronnie that really spelled out the whole situation for the tv only audience... I'm not likin' it. I'm Reminded of Eric's similar speech during BB8 when we all wanted Nick to stay, and Eric wanted him gone, but Production needed footage of Eric actually doing America's bidding, so he had to go up to the HoH and do a shpiel about it - which he framed as pros and cons...
***I'm not inferring that production is manipulating or creating this alliance of sorts between Russell and Ronnie, merely that this particular conversation has a forced feel.. like there are too many bases being covered...
7:58pm BBT
Too many people are milling around downstairs now. Russell says we may need to create a big scene... Ronnie says, I'll just go out and create a diversion, and you can sneak out on the floor behind me when I open the door.
8:05pm BBT
Ronnie - solo
Chowing on stuff from his HoH basket.
Ronnie: I don't know what to believe anymore about him. He brings me food. He hates me. He says crap about me.
8:27pm BBT
Matching Clique Mates :)
Can Natalie be anymore annoying? I really thinks she's lying when she says she doesn't like Jessie that way.
She goes out of her way for his approval.
She needs to GO!
This show never stops amazing me with turns and twists!
HI Carolyn!! HI BB lovers!
Hi fellow dishers!!!
I'm also a usually anon tired of no face, how do i get my name in blue??? google account?open id????
thxs in advance
I have to keep telling myself to stop feeling bad for Ronnie...
I love how Lydia made the statement, "Me and Russell are going to be playing with this all night"...share, Lydia and I'll even be nice and let you have the toy all to yourself! :P
Looks like Casey is good at it.. Natalie isn't doing good.. and from what I saw Jeff sucks. lol. Poor baby.
Barbara :) google account.
Hi Angela! :)
Sure nuff, I comment on the last post just as a new one goes up!!!
Russell is calculated and I believe he did have the blow up and the make up, PLANNED. He's gonna be the one to watch all season long (given he doesn't get himself booted out)
Oh, there is so no way that it's going to be this easy on Thursday night. The balls will probably be weighted or something.
Thanks Carolyn.
Will it prompt me to upload a pic??
i think so :)
Jessie: I wish I was taller.
that quote just made me sing a really old dumb song. lol... and now it'll be stuck in my head all night.
I walked away for a minute, guess the lockdown is over?
Hey everyone! Evening Carolyn! Hope the day has treated you well!
I gotta ask this, is Russell really turning to Ronnie or do you think it's just a rouse?
Hi :) I'm not sure if it's a ruse or not...
I hope the "Dumb 5" don't get screwed again.
Barbara, if you go to and click on the "dashboard" link at the top you'll see an option to "Edit Your Picture" and you can add one there. It's fairly simple to set up. Good Luck!
Okay, I'm back!!!
(They will be driving through St.Louis, I reminded him not to pull a Clark Griswold!!! LOL)
What the hell is that thing in the backyard?????????????
Okay, I gotta pay attention and try to see what's up in the house since I was away!!!!!
Hellooooo EVERYONE!!
SupeR B here!!
SOOOOO any HOH pics yet??
why has Michelle only got to go once???
I just got home from the hospital and was catching up on all the comments when my daughter walks up behind me and says "Mom why is their a naked guy named Mike on the page you are reading?" LOL
Natalie is up Jessies a$$. He walks away for 2 minutes and she sends out a search party and calls in an Amber Alert.
Hiya,, Angela!!!!
I am done playing Animal Crossing on my Wii, so I hope the feeds get a little interesting. I am not so tired tonight!!!
kscooterfox: I don't think any of us knows what's up with Russell at this point!!!! Granted, anything any HG says should always be taken with a grain of salt, and judgment held on reserve......but Russ really seems to be taking it to brand new heights this season!!
Ultimately, I truly believe only Russell knows what Russell's true intentions are at this point.........
Broke student here doesn't have the feeds.... What exactly is this? At first I thought it was a slide, or maybe a ski-ball type situation.
Evening all...What an interesting day in the house, makes one go ummm.."really" lol
Lydia's use of that word makes me nutz!!!
Off topic, but the 150 popcorn tubs in Pogo is crappy, I hate those slot games. Anyone with me?
Michelle in Indiana!!!! LMAO!!!!!@the naked guy comment!!!!!
Nelli - We're guessing it's for a comp - Maybe HoH - Maybe Next PoV...
btw, did you know you can try the feeds free for 3 days, and then go month by month for 14.99/month?
Here's the free trial link.
LOL Michelle!
Guess what, dishers!! :)
By this time next week, we'll be at Ten Million hits!!!
I wish I was a little bit taller
I wish I was a ballah
I wish I had a girl that looked good, I'd call her
JanineDesiree: That one?
If not, it's stuck in my head now! :)
opps. I fell asleep. It looks like I didn't miss much for once.
Yea I almost spit my tea out all over the screen. I'm just glad hubby had his headphones on, he would have been "what the HELL"
Congrats Carolyn!! All the victims that have the pleasure of being my friends but that aren't interested at all in Big Brother have heard ALLLLLL about your site.
Tarheel~Teresa said...
Off topic, but the 150 popcorn tubs in Pogo is crappy, I hate those slot games. Anyone with me..
LOL that is exactly what I am doint right now myself..I hate these slot games takes way to much time and its frustating..I hope Casey wins tomorrow he seems the type to win this..
Blue, did I read correctly, that you quit smoking? If so, how did you do it? I have been trying for a few months now and it's eating my lunch! I don't buy cigarettes, I just smoke my husbands when he gets home from work, or if I really need one, I smoke his long butts that he left in the ashtray! lol. I know that sounds bad! I have done the patches, even called 1800quitnow, but it hasn't worked very well. I need HELP!!!
Im so proud of me.. I actually stayed off the puter for like maybe 3 hours???? Maybe I wont need therapy after all!
But.. does anyone know if they took the HOH Pics? And if they did are they up anywheres for us to see?
I love their new toy!
oh... and hi everyone.. hope ur havin a great evening!
Hugs Gale
w00t w00t!!!!
Holla up in here at the BBDish! Blog site!!!
Let's hear it for next week hitting 10 million strong!!!!!
You all rock something fierce, y'all!!!!
w00t w00t!!!!!
Carolyn, you are the bestest!!!!
And thank you for this amazing blog, and wonderful *family* atmosphere!!!!!!! you so lovingly proved and tend to!!!!
*smooooochies* and major
WoW Carolyn.. and to think I contributed lol!
Way to go on the 10 million! This is an awesome site, I've been reading it for three season's now, I always come back!!
Thank you, Syn!!! :)
Thanks very much, Blue!!!! :)
Kscooter, GaleLuvsBB11 - Thank you!!!
You Dishers are the reason!!!
So thank YOU very much!
Casey, keep practicing because they're itching to get rid of you.
I will be super bummed if Casey goes.
I just don't understand why Chima & Lydia aren't even on anyone's radar. Well, I can understand why Lydia isn't...they all believe her.
But Chima? Even the Dumb 5 (hate to call them that!) hardly ever make comments about her.
Patty I totally agree with you on the pogo slots badge! I've done part of it, but can't stay away from here for
Who all plays pogo?
My name is Kim and I'm an addict.....
Woot Woottttttt 10, million,,,, who will the lucky winner to make it the 10 million hit? Do I smell a winning prize Carolyn??
that was supposed to read: "you so lovingly PROVIDE and tend to"
not "proved"
Yes, kscooterfox........9 months free of the nicotine and tobacco Beast now!!!
I quit cold turkey and through the loving support of family and friends and just good 'ol fashioned stick-to-it'ness!!
Jamison: That's the one! xD
Kscooter - I used Champix (I think it's Chantix) in the States. Or I have it's one of those and it worked like a dream for me!!
Looks like a neat new toy for the hamsters!
10 MILLION!! Carolyn that is incredible! And a true testament that people can chat about the goings on being nice and respectful to one another. That's why your site is so popular! Congratulations!
Way To Go Carolyn!!!
Honey...I'm Home!!!
That is how I feel everytime I bring up the Dish comments section.
MIHELLE...That comment was CuTe!
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS Carolyn on getting 10 MILLION hits. Do you recall how many you had last season?
(((Hugs 4 Everyone)))
We'll have to have a major commenting party next week when the 10 million mark is hit!!!!
If you haven't hit the tip jar yet this season..........TOTALLY DO IT!!!!
Carolyn and the entire DishChicks team deserve it!!!!! Show 'em some major love!!!!
Your words of support and thanks means a great deal to them........but hitting the Tip Jar is also an amazing way to support this awesome and fun site!!!!!!!!! It's a family affair, y'all!!!!
Whoops...meant to say CONGRATS Carolyn. I think that I found you guys 3 yrs ago? Been hooked ever since...AND, I told all of my BB friends at work. Now there's about 5-6 of us checking here about 10x a day. You're my home page with the Comments in another tab.
Congrats on 10 mil, Carolyn. Thanks for the awesome blog.
Does anyone else wish Laura would play the game and try to convince the others she is an asset? I think she makes some astute observations, and it's disappointing that she won't campaign against Jordan, or for herself.
I'm just hoping the group paranoia might somehow shift towards Jordan in the next 24 hours. Jeff and Jordan are cute, but I'm here for some conniving deceit!
I keep hoping it turns out well for Ronnie. So far I still dont mind him.
WOW! Congrats Ms. Dishy Thang you! Whoop Whoop for Carolyn!
Without you. BB would just be another reality TV show.
With you. IT'S AMAZING!
Cheers for Reporter X! Dawn! Kim! C-Venus! Stacey! Jun! Chelsia! Philip Alan Photography!
And every one of YOU!
I am so thankful for this site.I want to thank Carolyn and all those helpers who keep this going.
It is an escape to a safe place to have fun and laugh. I talk to my non BB friends like I know you all personally.
Thank you thank you thank you ALL!
When I can get a new password I'm Hittin the TIP JAR!Last time I used Pay Pal was last season.I'm not so computer savy but Carolyn patiently walks all the novices thru.
There's no one like you Carolyn!
Hey Carolyn, Secret One, Bama's Tush, and rest of Dish Family!!!!
Yeah for Carolyn, God of BB....I bow to her and big {{{huggies}}}}
As far as Russell??? I said it before, I'll say it again....think he is playing way more than we all think. He has more smarts than he is letting on also, just my thoughts, but a feeling I am getting!!!
Oh Secret One, please e-mail soon....need some huggin and lovin!!!
caroline hook us up with ur password so we can all watch bb on this site :)
Genie, how's it going? Keep missin' ya?
Patty - smart cookie! ;)
JulieB Thank youuu!!
Michelle in Indiana - Thank you!!
RubyRoooo!!! :) THank you!! Me too!!!
Jamison!! Thank you!!
Blue!! Hehe.. thanks for the plug there!
NikoNiko79 Thank you!!
Rosaritoe Aww Thank you!! :)
RedRhonda hehehe :) Thanks hon!!!
MsFitz Honeyyy, where are youuuuu???
Wondering where Jane is too... hmmm.. and Noni... Haven't heard back from her
Hiya, RubyRoo!!!! w00t w00t!!!
Anon - What password do you mean?
Hiya, Secret One!!!!! ((((hugs))))
Will you send me an e-mail first, just in case it isn't still in my addy???? I think it is, but just in case!!!!!!
Congrats Carolyn.
And still laughing imagining how Michell would say with a naked man on her screen. Haha.
Patty and Teresa
Booo to the slots. I am totaly with you.
Carolyn, Is there a FLIP button for Bama's photo?
I guess if there was GaYToR would have worn his out. His button I mean.
RED! Huggies! :) Hows you honey?
Hiya Rubyroo! Welcome home! :)
BAMA! One hot oil massage comin' up! I might have to duck from Gaytor though! hahaha
If I missed saying hiya to you, it's not that I don't care, it's that I'm slowing down....*yawn*
Carolyn - if you see my comment (it's weird now that I'm an author on this blog, you don't moderate my comments so don't necessarily know I'm here now -lol) Jane popped in last night. She went out on a DATE! :)
Rosaritoe, I so agree with you about how comfortable it is here. If your having a bad day, come here and feel welcome, laugh, hug, love and great company. Carolyn has made such a great family community here!!
That's why we love her so much!!!
WOW, WOW, WOW! I remember being flabbergasted when you hit 1 mil!
It's like I said from my very first post, Carolyn, you have the best BB site on the web and you are the best hostess! AND just a really good person!
And the commenters here too! Thanks ya'll!
Yea, Jane did make a comment earlier today about being out on a date last night!!!!!!!
She might be getting some nookie right now!!!!! heheheheheeh
To Jane:
"You go, girl!!!!"
And we want details!!! LOL
Thats great Carolyn.. CONGRATS!
I think that Russell is pulling a Ronnie... hedging his bets on both sides. He probably doesn't know what he is going to do yet, keeping his options open...
On the smoking. I quit Thanksgiving Day 2007 after smoking a pack a day for 32 years. I used Chantix and I loved it, I had no side effects but I was ultra aware of what the problems some people have had. The first couple of weeks were the hardest and I cried and cried one night because I was grieving the loss of my best friend. Cigs had been with me through eveything since I was 15 and it was HARD, Chantix made it ALOT easier for me.
see, I open a tab to read some e mails and miss the "all hail Carolyn" so here goes... All hail the might might dishchick Carolyn!!!...we are so thankful we have you and the blog! ((((huggies)))
Congrats on 10 million hits Carolyn!
Goodness these HGs flip at least 4 times a day! Getting very very anxious about tomorrow night's show.
Who is everyone pulling for?
I'm on TEAM JEFF!!
that is so awesome Carolyn....10 million wow. This site is the very best thing to do all day, every day. Just wish I had the feeds, but i work nights and can't see it much. However, with you and Blue, ReporterX, gator, et al, I keep up to date. Thanks all.
HEHEHEHE...I forgot my password..I am such a doofus...
Sitting here listening to the Live Feeds........
These House Guests are deep frying my northern cod!!!! (no, I don't know what that means, a hot Massachusetts sea-faring boi once said it to me!!!) *shrugs*
Let me see if I can remember it. Sorry, need to say something to see if it works.
I don't know why but this time I'm rooting for Jessie and believe me I prayed very hard for him to go last time!!
Can't believe Russ wants to keep Ronnie. Jessie is starting to work on Jordan. Wants to make sure he isn't put up. I hope Casey wins HOH. Course he wouldn't put up Jessie.
Pull in the reigns Jordan!
Anyone have any idea how many times Jordan has said 'what's his name'? lol She's too cute!
Having said that, she needs to shut up with Jessie right now!
Thanks, Umbeta!!
Rosaritoe!! LOLOLOL!!! I wish!!
RedRhonda! :) Thank youuuu!!!
Marci - Thank you so much. I remember that too... wow...:)
katieBlue - Thank you!! :)
Jay - lol - Thank you very much!
Jessica!! :) THank you! Right?! It's BB11 Olympics Version
Rose - Thank you very very much!
Yay, I'm back with google so I can have my name in blue like it was in bb10!
MikeinBama I saw your pic **blushing** you give Russ a run for his money!
That's AWESOME Lorelei!!!
Rose: D'oh!!!! lol
Rosearitoe lol - We need to start a collection for that button! I too have wished that pic would flip for a very long time!
Genie a moderator now...hmmm I am jealous!!! Ok, so maybe just a little jealous. My son is constantly telling me, "Mom, my leg!!!" Interpretation is get the computer off your lap so I can sit there! He is so jealous of the computer that I couldn't imagine doing what all you lovely moderators do!
THANK YOU for ROCKIN the best BB site on the web! Everyone who works there but off for our entertainment is AMAZING!!! Luv all of you for it! *Mwah*
OK Hitting the tip jar while I can!
UGHH! My husband has just informed me that we have to go to the county fair tomorrow night. I'm gonna miss the show. :(
Hi Blue :o)
Hey Genie! :)
Didn't realize you were here til I saw Ruby's comment. :) I remember seeing Jane last night.. and i think earlier today.. but i'm not sure...
Blue says she was here earlier today though..
Michelle in Indiana - Aaaaagh!!!
OMG, Blue..."frying my northern cod" I had to LOL.. you are too funny
Why in the world does Jessie have so darn many shirts when he doesn't wear one?
Marci - LOL!! Excellent point!
Rosaritoe...I like your idea of a flip button for Mike's photo.
Maybe Gaytor can order one when he places his next order for the F5 key! LOL
Go Jane, good for her. Hope she has a great time..
... whats sexier then hearing a man pee?
production needs to remember to cut mics off more often!
Did anyone else cringe at the convo between Jordan and Jessie? Jordan was so sincere and he was like a bag of Doritos sitting there.I was telling her to shush it. Jessie will use every word against her.
Russ and Ronnie are talking again!
Actually, Carolyn, I can't remember if it was today or last night when she posted it.....just remember her saying she had a date!!!!
Oh, well, I have to close the office now....but...I'llllllll be back....
I look like I look, if I looked like Jessie I probably would never wear a shirt either LOL
I missed the Jordan Jessie Convo.
What was she tellin him?
Bag of Doritos LMAO Genie
LOL with Jessie and the t-shirts!
Speaking of Jesse did anyone know the answer to the question I asked re: Jessie and WWE??
Woo Hoo! Congratulations Carolyn! You do such a fabulous job! I love coming here to catch up with everything BB!
*wavin' hi* to everyone!
LOL @ rosaritoe and her flip button comment! That was too funny! I can't wait to see what our GaYToR has to say about that one! hee hee!
Well, it's time for me to get to bed, I have to get up early! Good night all you wonderful dishers! Sweet dreams!
Hello everyone! I finally made it here! I was playin Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess on my Wii (well, it's actually my son's) and realized I had been playing it for almost 4 hours! Shame on me when I should be here with all you fine folks chattin! Well, I'm gonna start reading everything now and catch up.
My hubby has a script of chantix, he took the starter pack then quit taking them. I guess I could pick up where he left off! I know the patches help me somewhat, they do make me sick sometimes tho. I think I will just take his chantix! Thanks for the help everyone! This was better than the help line for 1800quitnow!!
Sometimes the show just makes ya wanna smoke tho!
Laura is too smart to bother to campaign to stay. She knows, they know, that Jordan isn't a threat. When Jordan's finally evicted she's gonna say "huh?"
Yea, Genie.......I love Jordan to death, but sometimes I don't think she's the brightest pearl in the oyster bunch! She has a tendency to talk too much about things she knows and what she's thinking at times.....
Casey is looking for Russell
WTH @ Russell crawling about on the landing! I hope he gets busted! LOL! They are looking for him!
Haha Russell escaping from HOH room--too funny!!
Russell - that took alot of balls..
I would have lmao if he would have gotten caught up there.
Hi everyone! Life got in the way today and I've been away all day! Just a quick question for you guys...Carolyn said that we got fishies because Jessie has been saying name that haven't been signed and he should know the deal...but celebrity names? They talk about celebs all the time. Maybe I'm misunderstanding? Just time to catch up on comments!
I saw Russell crawling around on the landing, too!!!! WTH was up with that??????
I am so obsessed with Jessie and Lydia. OMG someone slap me! lol I hated Jessie!! What happened?! I neeeeeed the feeds! UGH!
I can't believe Russ believes Ronnie's crap. Ronnie is still lying. I hope it bites Russ in the butt. I believe Russ does want Jessie to final so he came beat him in endurance. Russ has a big ego. I hope Lydia wins HOH and puts Russ and Nat up
Hi Carolyn & All
Just wanted to say congrats!! That is great..
Also just wanted to say I hate pogo slot games too!!
Thank you, LaQuita :)
Sorry for the comment lag... Been updating...
This house, these people !
Blue - I just covered that. ;) go read. ;p
Tiffany - he's a changed man... :)
Hi Shamrock! :)
Hi Robbi! :) Thank you!! :)
I love it when Jeff sticks his tongue out while playing that game thing. xD
Referring to Carolyn's main blog:
You think BB is playing a hand in the Russell/Ronnie thing????
Something doesn't smell right, I admit that...........gonna keep watching and listening like a hawk..........
Mazel, Carolyn for the almost 10,000,000 hits! Amazing!
I'm just now here and about to catch up from the start of the "Afternoon" to current. But wanted to say hi before 'someone' turns into a pumpkin because it looks like I have a lot of reading to do.
Since I haven't read, someone may have already said this but since they got a new toy I think we all knows what that means. Should they be practicing to get the feel for a challenge, and maybe even the HoH challenge tomorrow night?
Things that make me go Hmmmm... besides Blue, and Bama's Tush.
I remember that they had Ryan, I think, change his clothes so they could get more footage.
Rubyroo - Carolyn transcribed the convo between Jessie and Jordan :)
This addict is going to bed! Six am comes too quickly, and I don't have a stipend.
Sweet dreams when you all get there!
Read it, and slid the slider back to listen and watch, too!!! I have the feeds hooked up through your link right doesn't time out and I can rewind for like up to 30 minutes I think.........
Very interesting!!!!! WOW!!!
Night Genie!
Oh my goodness Carolyn, that's awesome, Congrats! But, Not hard to believe...this is the best place to be!
LOL at the pics of Russell slinking along...hahahaaaa
I knew we hadn't seen (or heard) the last from Ronnie!! Secret alliance of 3 - Jessie,Russell and Ronnie!!
Get rid of Jessie and Ronnie!
Evening all - and congrats on 10 M I L L I O N - wowza. You have to know you're the best.
Was anyone else looking at camera 3 when Russ was up with Ronnie? Casey appeared to be going nuts looking for Russel - the camera even followed him into the DR as he looked in there. Odd that they buzzed him in and allowed him to look.
Nite nite, Genie!!! *smooch*
Thank you, Lee! :)
Hi GayTor! :)
Blue - I amended... ;) i don't think production is creating the alliance.. that particular interaction just felt odd - like when.. oh who was it..
When BB8 Eric had to give a speech about the pros of keeping Nick!! Since we had voted to keep him, and Eric was working against America's vote instead of with it, there was this one very forced speech...
Nite Genie!! :) Smooch!
Evening, MG! :)
Thank you, SleepyCat! :)
Thanks, Izzy! :)
Hi Carolyn, ReporterX, and Genie!!
How are you? Are there taxes with the feeds?
I too must say goodnight everyone!
I stayed up way too late last night waiting for my kiddo to get home. Sleep deprived and I can't even blame it on BB.
Sweet Dreams everyone. :) HUGS
I know where you're coming from, Carolyn!!!!! LOL
No, I don't remember.....I didn't watch a lot that and on, so my memory is kind of bad on that one...........but I *get* you!!!!
I think we are all on pins and needles where the whole Ronnie/Russell pseudo-alliance thing lays at this point...........
Hi Anon re Taxes :)
ya know.. I haven't canceled since BB6, and I don't remember ever seeing taxes as part of the fee..
Does anyone else?
btw, here's the free trial link.
Gnite Julie B!!! :)
Hey All!! Oooohhhh!! What's that in the backyard!?! I wonder if that will be for the HoH or PoV? Any thoughts?? I like how you said Jeff is doing really well. I hope he wins it tomorrow!!
I think I'll watch a lil BBAD before I go to bed tonite.
Has Laura seriously done NO campaigning?
~ Ryan ~
Hi Ry!! :) Welcome back!!
Where is IndigoPrince this evening??? Haven't seen him on tonight!!! Hmmmm.........
I just got through the last comment section and already 151 in this one, I'll never catch up lol.
Loved watching Russel crawl out of Ronnie's room, crawl worm crawl.
:) hmmm...
if laura's gonna make a move, she better get on it
LOL@Michigan Man!!!!
Catch up, Man!!!! LOL
Oooohhh...Lydia is talking about London and a job opportunity. Do we know who she nanny'd for? Isn't she the one who was a nanny for a celeb?
I think Laura has given up! I don't think she is gonna do it.
MichMan...LOL..Crawl worm crawl
I'm wondering about Laura too, Carolyn, if she does make a move it will be late tonight or tomorrow........a last minute kind of thing........
Hate to see her leave.........
Is Lydia talking about her friend you interviewed Carolyn?
Laura better not make a move. lol.
Plus I think she really wants to go home. She seems to be talking like she's looking forward to leaving.
If BB has them reshoot for the tv version why would they show that to us? Why not just keep the camera off of the situation. That just seems dumb on productions part.
OMG, the twist never stop!!
katieblue - i sure hope not!!! i had that thought too, but she tweets to him all the time, and this other one, i'm thinking no.
umbeta - not a reshoot for tv.. just more information, so the tv only folks will have half a clue.
the talk before wasn't informative enough for an audience that only ever gets 3% of the information...
not by a long shot.
Anon re: Taxes - I signed up during the early bird special and they only charged me 29.99 as stated. I would think if they were going to charge taxes they would have then.
Note to camera operator: There are 10 other people in the house. Gives us an option PLEASE! I beg you. lol.
damn! i was hoping a lydia and natalie bonding session would never happen. lol. i hope lydia still wants her out.
Carolyn if the production ever did try to force an alliance would that be going against the gaming rules that Jun talked about the other day?
Maybe Lydia once was a Nanny for Madonna and Guy Ritchie!!!!!
She said she lived in London once or twice..........
just throwing guesses out there...LOL
I know she said it was a high profile couple.............
Loving seeing Whitney Houston back in the spotlight!!! (sorry, got E!Channel on and she's making the rounds.......) I'm a big fan and would LOVE to see a major come back for her!!!!
Back to BB.............
Carolyn I know what you meant about the tv only people, but I busted out laughing when you said "just more information, so the tv only folks will have half a clue."
Half a Clue. LOL.
umbeta :) i'm kinda passionate about having the feeds...
for me, watching big brother without them is like choosing a president based on commercials and sound bites.
I know tonight when I finally go to bed, I'm gonna dream about Mikes booty! hmmmm nice! Comparative to Russells......
Kscooter - :) i agree - Bama's got the best tushie in the blogosphere. :)
Carolyn, unfortunately, there are people who make choices based on sound bites and commercials!!! As you know all too well, I am sure!! *sigh*
Even though this is only the second year for me to have the feeds, I've found myself becoming passionate about them, too!!!! You just don't know the real game being played without them!!!!!!
Hi Carolyn, Hi Blue, Hi Genie Sea, Hi All my BB addict buddies!!
All the family has left & it was a really nice dinner & party for Mom. She seemed to have a good time. Especially with all her great grand kids here. Whew, I'm beat.
I'm trying to work my way thru the comments!!
I wonder what Russ is up to & I'm sure that is the #1 question on Ronnie's mind too. Did he take any pictures?
Hey MsFitz! :)
Welcome home!! :) I missed you!
I tried to get the feeds suring ALL STARS and I couldn't get it to work.
I didn't start watchin the feeds until I was BRAINWASHED by Carolyn that you are missing out if you don't have them.
Then the first endurance comp happened and I was hooked.
I couldn't go back, despite the fact that my life is consumed by BB now cause of the feeds!
LOL Carolyn - You are absolutely right. I can't even remember what season I finally got the feeds (I was in bed with a body brace with nothing else to do) and I couldn't believe it. It was like I had watched with the sound off and finally found the mute off button.
I know I've said this before, but for me, I save money getting the feeds because I have all the entertainment I need at home and don't spend as much money going out. It's better than wasting money on a movie that sucks and you don't have to put up with traffic!
My cats aren't too thrilled with my lack of playing with them and fewer litter box cleanings, so they do help me out on the keyboard though!
LOL!!! I was just sitting here wondering where you were tonight, MsFitz!!!!!
This is so random...I found this cool video of Chris Daughtry on youtube. Not sure if you will publish the link or not, but I thought I would share.
☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺
That about covers it!
Blue...that was my guess, along with Gwenyth Paltrow, since they all go back and forth. Awesome job the other night, btw!
ruby - is it at all BB related?
NOPE! No BB relation what-so-ever!
I saw your tweet about Jordan, Carolyn, and I totally concur!!!
Carolyn - does that mean you are grinning from ear to ear from all the love? I hope so, you deserve it!
Well, it's almost bed time. Have a great night everyone! Be back tomorrow.
Love, hugs, and kisses to all!
Loved Casey's comment to Lydia when she asked him if he was in the DR. "Yeah, we started with the Civil War and went forward - took a minute!" LOL
Congrats on 10 million hits Carolyn
When Jordan's finally evicted she's gonna say "huh?"
To funny Ann
Okay, these guys had a dictionary in the house. They really should have looked up marinate. They keep saying they will marinate on when they mean ruminate or contemplate. Marinate is my pet peeve this season.
Here I am C!! Muah!! Love you!! With my new work schedule, kinda been tough here lately, but I miss you and EVERYONE!!!!
Still keeping up though!!!
I got the feeds this year because of the lack of being able to post videos. Then I discovered on this awesome site that I ALSO got $10 of free music downloads each month, and with my spending on iTunes, the early bird special totally paid for itself! Thanx for the heads up about that on your site Carolyn!
I learned quickly last season that the TV Onlys were missing out when I saw how Jerry was being portrayed on the show.
Oh Sweet Carolyn, I just saw the comment...@ 7:09,,You missed me!!
XX00 (((hugs)))
Carolyn said...
for me, watching big brother without them is like choosing a president based on commercials and sound bites.
ROFLMAO!!! That is one of the best lines I have heard in a long time!
I want to say more but I will hold my fingers back!!
By the way, Carolyn I showed some family members that are BB & BBAD watchers your site & they all said send me the link. So as they stood around me I emailed them your link!! More hits on the way!!!
Congratulations on the 10 million hits that awesome & awesome & amazing!!! Wow!!!
When I move into my old house in a couple of weeks I have to switch back to DSL. I really hope it doesn't mess with the feeds. Becuase if it does than I will only have this and BBAD. But I really like choosing my own feeds.
Biskit!!! :) Yayyy!!!!
MichiganMan :) Thank you!!
Marci - LOL - Thanks. I missed that Casey Quote. & I am grinning ear to ear with all the love!
Blue - Isn't she just lil miss sunshine?
G'nite Sleepycat!!
Laura it's a goodbye speech that nobody even cares about including the tv viewers. The point of that speech is to be on the live show, so keep it on the live show.
Biskit's here!!!! w00t w00t!!!! Holla!!!!
Good to see ya, Buddy!!!!
That reminds me that I haven't checked my twitter account for days. lol
Marci- LOL!!I understand about the cats. My cat wanders into the room every once in a while & lets a out a very loud cry!! Then hops up on the desk & sits smack dab in front of the screen. I have a bunch of toys of his all around me so we can play & I can still watch feeds. He's just not too keen on why his servant/playmate is putting attention elsewhere these days.
Am I the only person in the world without a Twitter account?
Syn, the $10.00 a month in free music alone pays for it!!!!! It's awesome!!!!
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