Ross Mathews Wants to Hear from You - Now!!
Good Afternoon, Big Brother Lovers!!
While the BB11 HGs are cleaning house, showering, getting gussied up for the live show and doing their run through on the couch, I'm power napping, so I can stay up as late as possible tonight for all the action that's bound to happen on the feeds tonight after the live show airs and we have a new Head of Household.
I'll be back no later than 7:45pm eastern/4:45pm BBT with a new top post titled Live Show Viewing Party.. or something like that. :)
That being said, your mission, should you choose to accept, is the following.
I just spoke with Ross Mathews' producer Ryan, and they're doing something very special tonight... They're taking your calls LIVE to the newly evicted house guest at around 9:30pm eastern/6:30pm Pacific.
Please email with your questions and your phone number, so they can pre-screen the participants... They'll be calling you.
This message will self destruct in 10 seconds. ;)

Ready to Join in the Fun & Stop Just Reading About it?
Click here for the Free Trial of the Big Brother Live Feeds
That little link gets you the free trial of the Big Brother Live Feeds, 10 free songs a month, a free game every month, exclusive Subscriber only programming, contests and games, and tons of non-bb related cool programming... Talk about a great deal! With all the freebies, they're practically paying you to watch.
That being said, your mission, should you choose to accept, is the following.
I just spoke with Ross Mathews' producer Ryan, and they're doing something very special tonight... They're taking your calls LIVE to the newly evicted house guest at around 9:30pm eastern/6:30pm Pacific.
Please email with your questions and your phone number, so they can pre-screen the participants... They'll be calling you.
This message will self destruct in 10 seconds. ;)
Ready to Join in the Fun & Stop Just Reading About it?
Click here for the Free Trial of the Big Brother Live Feeds
That little link gets you the free trial of the Big Brother Live Feeds, 10 free songs a month, a free game every month, exclusive Subscriber only programming, contests and games, and tons of non-bb related cool programming... Talk about a great deal! With all the freebies, they're practically paying you to watch.
This season of Big Brother just keeps getting better, and with the HoH comp happening tonight, it's about to start all over again! :)
Is it just me or does Lydia constantly have this misguided feminist anger towards all the guys in the house?
I've noticed it all week.
bama... mmm.. i dunno... naptime... ♥u.. bbl.
Thank you so much for posting this site I went to it and now I can get updates while at work. I work from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. 5 nights a week and it is so frustrating that I have to wait to get home to get updates. This is awesome!
tempting, but I think I'll wait to talk to Jeff. Oh yeah, baby!
Besides, what is there to ask Laura?
"Don't you worry about back problems in the future?", "Do you really think it's not your fault your boobs are so big?", "Why didn't you campaign?". Boring.
Hi All!
Carolyn... I need help! I am trying to get the feeds... i am thinking that Real does not accept pre paid cards? Iv put my info in several times but it wont take. And I know there is money on there.
Any help will be grately appreciated!
Anonymous said...
Natalie said something about Chima asking for fried chicken for her birthday dinner and that is when Chima said the "n" word.
July 23, 2009 7:56 AM
(from the latenight comment section)
Thank you Anonymous.
I'm trying not to be the PC police and I'm going to work on not even bringing those words up, but sometime I just can't help it. I still can't believe she said that.. well yes, I can.
Anyway, Going to work hard on just ignoring them. Everyone knows they happen and who is most likely to say them.
Good afternoon everyone. My Dr. appt. was uneventful because I have some infection around the site of the mole in question. All I got today was a script for Cipro (because I'm allergic to penicillin) and a biopsy of the infection to see what it really is. No surgery for at least 2 more weeks and more likely in a month. UGH. I just want this over with and I want it over with NOW!
Carolyn, great reporting on picking up the last half of TOR and great job to you too, Blueboy. *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*
I include Michigan Man in those claps too.
I don't really deserve to be included in the group because my job here is to make "naughty bits" and I do very little reporting. As we all know, most of my comments are about ME ME ME! Just like BB11 is all about ME. :-p~~
Piper it was great to see you pipe in with a comment. I knew we have been missing someone. Hope we get to hear more from you.
Forgive me for not remembering the name (someone spank me, pleeeease!) But regarding a baby due and hoping it doesn't happen on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Sunday... There is always the induced labor method. Pick the time... I would suggest early on a Friday morning. That would be the longest break of the week. :-p~~
I'm here for the night. Be prepared for multiple GaYToRisms. That's ISMS not ASMS Lube
Blue I am still chortling over the drop trou comment. Only you sweetie, only you! ♥ ya!
Hope you nap well Carolyn. Just wanted to pop in and ask if you had seen Ronnie's HOH pics? Must say they are the worst I have ever seen!!! And his blog is questionable as far as his career....forensics?? Unless I am reading it wrong, which I could be because I am extremely tired today.
Well, see all tonight!! Hugs all the way around.
I finally turn on the feeds and the first thing I hear on Cam#3 is "I didn't douche" from Lydia, I think.
Did I really need to hear that to start my feed day? NO. Did I hear it? YES.
Nighty Nighty Carolyn!
mikeinbama said...
... Those three rely on Jessie to think for them.
July 23, 2009 11:34 AM
You cracked me up, Tush. "Jessie to think for them."
Jessie and think should never be used in the same sentence. No Russell for you. Bad Bama! Bad! Bad! Bad!
OK, I get the feeds on, hear about not douching and now trivia. Guess they are doing a run through. That gives me a chance to comment on my usual and biggest problem with this whole game and what I do NOT like about it.
Until this season BB - All-Has Beens was my least favorite season. Now we get a BB10 HG back in. He hasn't been gone long enough and he was certainly no 'star.' We (America) voted him out and would do it again in a flash, given the opportunity.
What was AG thinking? Is she TRYING to lose in the ratings game instead of improving? (I'm saying that blindly because I haven't been checking to see how ratings are doing on anything lately.)
I don't like production giving them any clue about what any competition is going to be like. Even if it isn't exactly the same, the HG's have an idea on how to play it, plus we hear leaks (thanks to BBAD mostly) when production talks to them to let them know what to do with these toys. I tend to remember a minature golf game sort of thing last season or was it the one before or the one before that? They all run together.
BB should be the only voice they hear. That's the way they do it in AU (sorry to those who get sick of me comparing the AU version to this one but they are all actually owned by John Endemol.) This getting friendly with the AP's is just way too much. This is why they get the big head and think they are stars when in actuality who really remembers most of the house. Few stand out as a true All-Star. People like our Jun and very few others deserve that status. But back to my point. Getting too familiar with the behind the scenes people makes it look very suspicious.
A question for Jun here. It's been a while but I don't remember BB4 being so familiar with the wall people. Were you or has that become a new trend since BB4?
OK. Trivia still. This is my cue to STFU and let DQTD check his email. I'm guessing this may be on until after the show is over.
I'll be back for the pre-party.
I cannot remember where I read it on this wonderful site but it seems I remember Laura told Jordan she was going to whisper something in her ear as she was leaving BB tonight. I was just wondering if Laura was going to tell her that she is really "JAN" with a bit of makeup?
Carolyn I love your site and it makes watching BB ever the better.
I think its really funny that Russell has been able to make the "brain" ronnie think he is safe with him...Sucker
Thanks again for everything Carolyn
Razorback Bob
I cannot remember where I read it on this wonderful site but it seems I remember Laura told Jordan she was going to whisper something in her ear as she was leaving BB tonight. I was just wondering if Laura was going to tell her that she is really "JAN" with a bit of makeup?
Carolyn I love your site and it makes watching BB ever the better.
I think its really funny that Russell has been able to make the "brain" ronnie think he is safe with him...Sucker
Thanks again for everything Carolyn
Razorback Bob
Hi! Haven't caught up on all of the comments yet...still working on it.
At your suggestion, I did flashback to cam 1/0130'ish. Jeff IS a doll. Every time that Jordan would stop fiddling with his hair, he'd (silently & almost subconsciously) tap her arm so she'd start doing it again.
Not sure if that's what you were talking about...haven't watched through yet...but it's still pretty cute.
Oh God Jordan. I just heard the story that you were surely talking about.
That girl has no filter.
Lydia as gizmo......that should be her new tattoo!
You're right. Jessie, thinking...hell what was I thinking. I believe they think he has some type of insight that they need to stick close to for some reason.
Now, let me have my Russell....please...please..please.
hey carolyn. where can i watch the show at 9:30?
on like housecalls or is it on the live feeds?
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