C=Venus Chops Power Of Veto Contest!

It's time for another contest on BBDish! This one's all about C=Venus' Chops, and the winner's gonna get this cool new Power of Veto tshirt C=Venus just designed!
Better still, she'll customize it for you, free of charge, with your name, or Big Brother 11, or your favorite site... you name it. :)
How do you play? It's easy!
Just go visit BBChops.com and look through C=Venus' chops for Big Brother 11, then come back here to the comment section of this post, and tell us your favorites!
The winner will be randomly selected from all the comments on this post on Saturday, following the Power of Veto competition!
***Saturday, July 25th***
And the randomly selected Winner is
Method of selection... Very scientific indeed -
I asked my mother to pick a number from 1-146,
and she chose 7...
which, unbeknownst to her,
was ilissa's comment #
on this post.
In the event, the PoV comp is late night Friday night, the winner will still be announced on Saturday. ;)
The New PoV shirt is my new fave, but if it's not yours, and you'd prefer a different one, just let me know when you're announced as the winner, and we'll do you right! You can click either of the tshirt pics to get to C=Venus' Shop on CafePress and have a look-see, but you must go to bbchops.com to participate in the contest!
My favorite is Casey's "I'm a big boy. I'm a grown ass man."
I always enjoy your chops though! If I had to choose my favorite of all time....The Flashback from season 9.
Good Luck everyone!
You're supposed to be napping!!!
My favorite chop this year so far is the Jeff and Jordan on where he's telling her to keep looking!
Love the Ronnie play-doh one. Hysterical! :)
This is so funny b/c I had just finished looking through the C-Venus stuff. For the purposes of this contest I will say Ronnie as the energizer bunny is my true favorite, especially with the "Everywhere" written on it b/c he really is EVERYWHERE! BUT I am also a huge fan of the play doh Ronnie and The Lydia Mogwai..she really does look like Gizmo! LOL. Finally the Chima RuPaul is totally spot on. Thanks C-Venus and BBDish..I LOVE the pics :) ~@BB11_Unleashed on twitter.
I love the Russ one, it makes him look even hotter then normal. Mu second one would be the Jeff & Jordan can't find the spider one.
My favorite c-venus chops are lydia as gizmo (cause she does look a tad bit gremlin-y) and jesse with natalie making michelle jealous (HILARIOUS!!!!)
This is such a good idea! I had never actually gone to the site and now I'm glad I did! Each chop is so clever and had me crackin'up. Props to C=venus!
With that said, my favorite is the Ronnie/Playdoh chop. HILARIOUS
Definitely the Lydia/Gremlin...Wait is that a chop??? Love your stuff C=Venus!
My fave is the Princess Chima!!
It cracks me up!
My favorite is definitely Michelle with the sex toys :-)
thanks for making me look, Carolyn! I always enjoy the chops but never seem to get around to checking them all out - it's all I can do to keep up with your blog, and now the feeds!
this isnt fair, how do u choose your favorite? at least its limited to chops from only this season :-)
#1 would have to be playdoh ronnie (is that my inner kid speaking?)
#2 gizmo lydia ('cept she's not as cute as the real one) but got to love her ears! too funny
#3 aphrodite chima.... need i say more!
I cant wait until we find out new HOH, this is gonna be a fun week!
ronnie the play-doh fun factory!!!!
"I'm a big boy." "I'm a grown ass man" (Lather, rinse, repeat)
Lydia as Gizmo
"Queen of Chima"
Jordan, Jeff's legs, and the "spider"
My favorite BBChop is Ronnie as the energizer bunny ;)
I love the new power of veto shirt. I love venus too she is awesome. I wish I was talented like you and Venus. See you in the show comments
LOL...they are all funny but my favorite one is the Princess Chima chop ! I think it's hilarious and fitting !! ;-)
By the way - Thanks for this great contest !!!
I hope you were able to get some shuteye !?
Hi Carolyn
I love all of them.. great job C=Venus!
But my fav would have to be Michelle with the lab coat!!
I love all the C=Venus stuff!!! really hard to pick a favorite!! Laughed out loud the most at playdoh ronnie and energizer bunny ronnie, but also thought that Russells was REALLY hot!!!
for the BB11 c=venus contest. I like the "roughside girls", "legally Blonde;The musical" and of course "Russell" the best. please enter me in the contest
My favorite is "Don't Let the Lab Coat Fool Ya" with Michele!
I have to say that I didn't even have to go look at them to know my favorite... I check her website all the time because her chops are the BEST!!
My absolute fav is the one of Natalie BB9, hanging in the glass house HOH comp with the words 'STUPIDITY' underneath... which is defined by 'Quitters Never Win, Winners Never Quit, But Those Who Kaysar An HOH To A Conniving Whiner Are Idiots.'
Love it!! Don't get me wrong, I personally loved Natalie but his chop STILL makes me crack up whenever I see it...
I'll post more of my favs later, but I knew this one immediately!!
my favorite chop has to be the ronnie play doh sculpture hahaha ;) hilarious!!
Good Luck !
My favorite chop is a toss up between Ronnie as the Energizer Bunny and Casey's "I'm a grown ass man".
My favorite is the one with Michele and the "Don't Let the Lab Coat Fool You" caption. Too funny!
Good evening everyone-
How can we pick just one chop, they are all so good. But if I must I guess I would pick Ronnie and the play-dough with the energizer bunny second. Well going to get things done so I can watch the show.
I love the Casey chop- "I'm a big boy. I'm a grown ass man" Lather rinse repeat. lol and Ronnie's Legally blonde the musical! Thanks for the contest Carolyn! You rock!
Freakin' Princess Chima is my favorite! You nailed that one perfectly! Although all of your chops C-Venus are great!!! :)
I'd have to go with the Casey Chops! Thats great! lol
I love the Lydia/Gizmo chop!! I also think Lydia is playing the game great. She is doing what she needs to, to stay and at the same time avoiding all confrontations. Let the heat go else where.. She may make it farther than I thought she would with this game play.
I love the Lydia/Gizmo chop!! I also think Lydia is playing the game great. She is doing what she needs to, to stay and at the same time avoiding all confrontations. Let the heat go else where.. She may make it farther than I thought she would with this game play.
I'm having a tough time picking a favorite. I love the one of Jessie and Natalie because Michelle from season 10 is annoyed in it. Call me sadistic but I love seeing that annoying chick angry. I also love the Casey one because "grown ass man" is one of my favorite phrases. Great phrase plus one of my favorite BB11 housemates equals a great chop!
I still love Ronnie as the Energizer Bunny LOL makes me laugh. Kinky Michele, what's not to like.
LOVE the Ronnie Play Doh!!
My favs thus far are,
Chima as an African queen.
Braden as "The Fonz" "Ayyyyye"
Ronnie as the Energizer bunny. "HOH, Everywhere."
Hard to pick one! I have to say Michelle's is my fave. t just cracks me up! :)
My favs are play-doh Ronnie and Queen Chima!
Good evening everyone!
I can't just pick one, they are all awesome! I love everything C=Venus does. :-)
But since you asked for one, I would have to go with Michele, Don't let the lab coat fool ya!
Sorry Carolyn... I didn't realize it was supposed to be from BB11. The Natalie one from BB9 just immediately popped into my head... they are all great anyways!!
Pick one? So hard, as ALL of C=Venus's chops are awesome!!
My number one fave would have to be Ronnie as the play-doh Energizer bunny...love, love, love it!!
They are all so good! But if I have to pick one Princess Chima is it!
I love these chops! My favorite is playdo Ronnie. Friken hillarious!!!!
They are all so good! Fantastic job with the chops C-Venus!
I think my favorite one is Ronnie the Energizer Bunny! Soooo true until he got called out! lol!
Wishing everyone luck!
It is so hard to pick one, so I looked away while clicking next. When I looked back, it was on Michele in the lab coat. They're all excellent C=Venus, but I will select Michele's as my favorite! Great job, as usual!
My favorite is probably the Ronnie has the Energizer Bunny one! He IS everywhere! Soooo funny :) I really like any of the ones with Jordan too, but that's just cuz I adore her :)!
The Ronnie Play-Doh One had me rolling on the floor laughing!
THat one definitely is the best- so far!
Ronnie as the energizer bunny is hilarious! Everywhere!
And the Roughside Girls is funny. Chima's face! LOL! I don't think she's happy her butt is so big.
Ok... I'm back!! Now my fav from BB11 would be... hands down... the Legally Blond one with Ronnie! I was totally amazed at how excited he was to get his CD, too funny!! Now I will leave you be :o)
I would suggest others to look at all the seasons! They are hilarious... even if you don't know the HG's, you can still catch on to what the chops are about!!
My favorite is the one of Jordan in a little black dress saying "Just cuz I show my tatas and my hookah (at the drop of hat) don't mean I'm gon be doin no boogers up in here." My second favorite is the one of Jeff and Jordan (They are just adorable together) when Jordan is looking for the spider and Jeff tells her to keep looking.
My favorite Chop is definately the one where Chima looks like she came straight outa "Coming to America". hahaha!!
I'm SOOOO excited to c who wins the new H.O.H. im in Cali so im so lucky i can watch it online UNTIL it comes on here(cuz u kno i gotta watch it twice! ;] So thank u Carolyn for everything u do!!
Hey Carolyn,one of my questions got picked. YAY!!!
Not for live, only for the web but still
My favorite is definatly Laura's with her wondering why everyone stares at her boobs. Isnt that the reason people generally get implants? *L* Them being a shelving device is also a nice feature... maybe i should get big boobs... *L*
I'm going to have to go with Michelle as the dominatrix. So funny. Plus I feel sorry for the tv viewers who know absolutely nothing about her.
So hard to select just one! But I think I like the ronnie/legally blond one the best!
Hands down... Laura's Boob chop! That one makes me laugh out loud every, single, time I see it!
Closely followed by Michele's Dom chop.
Geesh... all of C=Venus' work is awesome! ♥ all of her work!
Carolyn and C=Venus:
they are all good! But my favs are...
Michelle and the lab coat
Energizer Bunny Ronnie
Laura and the boobs
Is everyone afraid of Russ? I haven't watched anything except what's on TV and these people seem like idiots.
Awww, C'mon.....
Remember that Ronnie's vocation involves Theater. He is exhibiting his acting skills. The crying with his wife's pic and the crying in the DR was so "play like"
My favorites are the one where Laura has the food on her boobs and is asking, "Why, oh why does everyone keep staring at my boobs?", along with the one where Jordan can't find the spider.
my favorite is legally blonde. they are all awesome though
My favorite has to be Ronnie as the bunny.
That said, They were all great!
I loved them all. But, I think my favorite might be the one of Jessie, Nat and Michelle. Or, maybe Legally Blonde Ronnie one, or Laura's Platter is hilarious! Or.......
I love Michelle/ Lab coat and the playdoh- very creative!!!
Any future Jeff ones would become my fav instantly ;)
C=Venus - I am soooooo getting that Big Brother Fan Forever in some kinda format!!! LOVE it!
I love the Legally Blonde Musical! It is neat and funny.
my favorite is the first one i saw when i went to the website once the season started with jessie natalie and michelle from bb10 lol i bet she really is hella mad
I just LOVE the one of Lydia looking like the Gremlin/Gizmo!
How can I pick they are all so awesome!! I think I like the new one the best, the one with Chima, Natalie and Lydia, "they will yell you into oblivion" lmao!! Close 2nd the Jeff and Jordan "keep looking" one. Soooo funny1!!
I love them all, but if I have to choose a favorite it would be the Legally Blonde Ronnie - too funny!
My favorite is the one of Jeff and Jordan :) A close second is the Legally Blonde musical one! LOL!
My favorite chop was jesse natalie and michelle saying no fair haha!
My favorite would have to be the Michelle lab coat chop though I love all C=Venus' chops
I am going to go with Brayden as the Fonz. He totally plays the part perfectly.
Best season to date!
Its a hard decision! the chops are great every year!! I think its gonna be a toss up between Michelle's dominatrix and Michelle pouting about Jessie/Natalie...lol you know she is really home doing just that....lol
My favorite this season is Casey's "I'm a big boy. I'm a grown ass many."
Looking forward to all the new ones that you create for the season. It isn't a BB season with out C=Venus chops.
My favorites are Ronnie as the Energizer bunny and Braden the Fonie.
Hope i win! :)
haah i think the ROUGHSIDE GIRLS are hilarious lol
I have to say the chima ones are really good. You made her look beautiful. She is so hard to take on those feeds, those chops are really great work.
I would be honored with that shirt.
Thanks for all you do.
I liked them all but my favorit is the Hungary Jacks mashed potatoes and gravy on Lydia's head.
My favorite would be Jessie & Natalie surrounded by the hearts with Michelle from Season 10 saying "Not Fair" LOL to funny, I've been saying for weeks that Michelle is probably FUMING!! lol love it!
My fav of BB11 is Princess Chima - You Better Work!!!
don't like her, but that chop is fabulous!!
LMAO ok, Legally Blonde The Musical with Ronnie's face on it is priceless! venus is a genius with these chops, plain and simple! I literally go around showing the office every chop done and I have seen co-workers laugh so hard they can't breathe!
"I'm a grown ass man, lather, rinse repeat" Casey chop was pretty damn hilarious as well, tough call to name faves when you got THIS much material to work with!
Thank you for the endless laughs Venus, you're the *beep*!
I love the one with Jessie and Natalie and then Michelle from season 10 pouting.
I also really like the Princess Chima one.
And the Fire Starter with Natalie.
But I think my fav has to be the Ronnie Play Doh one!
They are all great. Thanks for the laughs C Venus!
It' so hard to pick my favorite. I love the one with Michele with the sex toys and really any of the ones with Ronnie are awesome.
it was hard to pick a favorite but i'd have to go with the "roughside girls" one. not my fav girls in the house but the look on chima's face is priceless!! it made me laugh so hard!
I'm loving the one about Jordan showing her tata but no booger! LOL
As always, fabulous chops. The one that cracked me up is Jeff and Jordan with the "spider".
Spot on describing their flirtatious relationship!
Princess Chima or Bad Michelle LMFAO!!!!!
Definately Jordan lookin for the spider lol
All the Chops are Fantabulous!:)
I'm gonna go with the Energizer Bunny Ronnie as my Favorite, just because that's How he looked to be playing the game lol lying, and lying and lying and lying and lying and lying lol
I'm a grown ass man. That says it all!!
I can't decide!!! There's two I really really really love, though.
The first one is of Ronnie as the energizer bunny. "Everywhere". Too true, too funny. The other one is Michelle saying "No Fair". That one had me crying. LMAO!!!
C-Venus rocks!!!! <3
I like the playdoh one and the Firestarter one with Natelie! LOL
I love the Legally Blonde the Musical poster with Ronnie's face in it. I dont like him much, but I give him props for asking for that CD. The show is amazing!!
The Energizer Bunny with Ronnie's face on it is my Favorite.
Ok I love them all but I have to say the one I'm drawn to is Ronnie and the play-doh because it is kinda creepy and really real looking.
I have to go with "The Kevster Unplugged" he seems to be unplugged so far.
All time favorite - Season 8 - Shades of Boring...
Always a great job C=Venus very creative its great.
Hard to choose since they are all GREAT (as always)!
But, have to go with the Energizer Ronnie -- too funny!
I like the natalie/jessie/michelle one the best but they are all good.
My favorite is Mishelle in the Maid outfit with all the sex toys. We all judged her by her appearance and boy were we wrong! The Nerdy girly has WILD SIDE!!!
I love it!
They are all so great it's hard to choose a specific one.
Until today my favorite has been BB9 Michelle's "No Fair" with that wonderful look of anger only she can flash.
Now I look again and I love "Firestarter" Natalie is truly going to be one, and she could ignite at any moment.
I love Jessie and Nat with Michelle looking on that's great cause i really wonder if she's watching soooo mad
Love Jessie and Nat with Michelle BB10 looking on too funny cause she probably is at home watching sooo mad
I am having a good giggle at alot of the "chops" but I have to say I LMAO at the "Energizer Ronnie" Love it!!!
It's hard to choose they are all fantastic but I will pick five & these are in no particular order...
#1 Lydia / Gremlin
#2 Natalie / Firestarter
#3 Casey / I'm a big boy, I'm a grown ass man!
#4 Ronnie / Energizer Bunny (especially with "Everywhere" on the drum)
#5 Ronnie / Legally Blonde The Musical
It's probably Gnat as FireStarter... I would love to have known how she would have played without Jessie or even if Jessie wouldn't have been the 1st HOH. But I love them all!!
My favorite has to be the Princess Chima aka RuPaul one.
my fav is the one with Michelle says:
dont let the lab coat foolya !!!
I say Ronnie as the energizer bunny.U hit that 1 right on.He is everywhere even when he was HOH and didnt need to be.So funny
The Roughside Girls chop had me in stitches mainly because of Chimas face. "Many appearances by Kevin" probably hidden in the background a la "Wheres Waldo."
Love the new PoV shirt! esPECially the placement of the letters ... I can just see it on me now!! BigEvilGrin!!
I love the chops..I check it multipul times a day looking for new ones!
My fav so far is prob. Ronnie as the "everywhere" bunny=)
I love all three Ronnie Chops with the Play-Doh Ronnie taking the prize! =o)~ (Even tho I want him gone gone GONE!)
I love all three Ronnie Chops with the Play-Doh Ronnie taking the prize! =o)~ (Even tho I want him gone gone GONE!)
My fav is Kevin Unplugged LOL
I loved the Jeff and Jordan spider one and the awesome on of Michelle in the maid outfit, it was sooooo hard to just pick a few because they are all hilarious and she does such an awesome job!
OMG!!! <---- by the way I can't believe I just wrote that.
I change my mind, my new favorite chop is the one where Jeff is carrying Jordan. I love it!!
OMG new chops!!!
Love...Love...Love the Jeff Firefighter and Russell the Love Muscle ones!! Thanks so much C-Venus!
But the one with Jeff carrying Jordan to the jury house, and the one with Ronnie... H-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s! I'm cracking up over here!
I love Casey and the Jaws chop! Awesome work!
C=Venus Great work! These are hilarious! I love Ronnie as the Energizer Bunny!
I have always LOVED CVenus' BBchops. My favorites so far are RoughSide Girls, Jaws (really looks like him) and the EYE CANDY ones.
C=Venus: the gift that just keeps on giving, and giving, and giving, and giving, and . . .
My favorite isRonnie under the house he "flipped," but I'm afraid he's already accomplished slithering his way out from under it;
Firestarter is so spot-on, it's hard to wipe the grin off my mug. The little snot just won't shut up, and I always hope she'll burst into flames -- since I'm sure AGP wouldn't allow the houseguests to apply a liberal application of multi-purpose duct tape to that gaping, lie-spewing hole Natalie calls a mouth.
Hey Carolyn!!!! Happy Saturday, hon :)
Thanks everyone, for all of the wonderfully nice comments about my chops!!!! I really appreciate it. Makes my efforts worth it :))
I was so happy to be able to do some male eye candy for us girls for a change - I don't usually have that option with BB, but this year, yesssss!!!!!
Berdache Bear, you're absolutely right - Ronnie has slithered from underneath the house, doggoneit! That was a chop I had planned to do earlier last week, but unfortunately time got away from me. I liked it so much I decided to post it anyway.
Hey, isn't it just uncanny how much Casey looks like Roy Scheider? I've thought that ever since I first saw him. Glad you guys like the Jaws chop!
Good luck to everyone participating in the contest! This is fun :))
C Venus - love the new chop of Ronnie being squashed by his on HOH power!!
OMG...Is it even a really disputed? Of course it is "Russel the Love Muscle"
My favorite is Michele with the toys!! My second is Jessie Natalie and Michelle. Their expressions are hilarious and deadon. Great work C-Venus.
C=Venus ~ I love your work! These are hilarious!
My favorite is the one of Ronnie under the house ;0
I also really like the Jaws one with Casey, wow...what a look-a-like!
Happy Veto Day! My favorite is Jeff as "Heat on the Beach". What a pretty boy!!!
My fav is Jeff in the fireman's suit.
A lil' eye candy for the ladies...
Just FYI (so I don't drive you guys crazy, lol), once the POV ceremony officially starts, I will NOT be posting any more new chops until AFTER Carolyn has announced the contest winner here.
That being said - I just did a new chop, lol!!!
Enjoy! :))
My favorite is the one with the house on top of Ronnie, oh how I wish this would happen, but it just doesn't seem like it will.
My fave chops is Ronnie's Legally Blode the musical
I truly LOVE all of them. Hilarious !!!! But I do happen to have a crush on Russell <3, so it has to be "Russell...The Love Muscle"
Gotta say I love them all. I'm a huge BB fan.
This was my original post and pick how ever......
Tarheel~Teresa said...
All the Chops are Fantabulous!:)
I'm gonna go with the Energizer Bunny Ronnie as my Favorite, just because that's How he looked to be playing the game lol lying, and lying and lying and lying and lying and lying lol
July 24, 2009 8:54 AM
Holy Hot Tub!!!! Russell in the tub is now my FAVORITE.
BTW they are all awesome!!!
The playdough was so funny.
Ok well I love all the chops every season...they always give me a good laugh!!
The one with Jeff I wouldn't mind hanging on my wall;)
I get a kick out of the Natalie "firestarter" one and the "roughside girls" one...
but the ones that make me laugh the most was the Ronnie "playdough" and the "energizer bunny" ones!!
Thanks for always keeping me entertained!!
Amanda H
My favorite is ROUGHSIDE GIRLS...
this is too funny...
"Ready for a rumble? These girls will scream and yell you into oblivion."
They are all awesome, keep it up we love looking at them!!!!
C=Venus you have out done yourself!!! I am loving all the eye candy... Jeff is definally bringing the heat!!!
Also love Nat firestarter... that is perfect for her and the Casey in Jaws... great look alike!!!!
:) Thanks for the smiles!!
Well, I love Kevin...and I love the chop of him as the statue with the very passive face.
Jeff the Firefighter and Russell the Love Muscle, without a doubt. They are all wonderful! Thanks!!
I first have to say that C-Venus does an amazing job with every chop... I always love to see new ones!
My fave is probably the Casey one: I'm a grown ass man!
I can't remember my password... so I have to post anonymous!
Heat on the Beach..very nice!
I really enjoy the Lydia Furbie!
~ Ryan ~
I love the Jordan and Jeff ones!!
I have to say the one that fit the best was ronnie as play-doh he tries to play as if he's his own man but rather than he is been molded this hole time by the whole house! lol to funny
Kevin de Milo scared me to death I just couldn't stand seeing him without arms.Your sooooo bad but i still loves ya.
Who was the Who character?
Casey as the lead actor in Jaws was spot on.He really did look like him.
This is my favorite one...Jeff as Heat on the Beach.Oh!my Lord I need to be younger and not married.He's just so easy on the eyes.
The BB house falling on top of Ronnie was hilarious.He deserved it though.
Ronnie as the play-doh figure was just plain wrong on so many levels.I will never be able to play with play-doh ever again.
Ronnie the Energizer Bunny was great.He kept going n going n going from group to group fast as he could to spread his lies.He just couldn't keep his mouth shut for 5 secs.
Natilie as Firestarter freaked me out I'm already scared of her as it is you just made it worse.I will be having nightmares tonight thank you.
Princess Chima and The Queen of Eygpt fit her to a tee.She is BB's Diva this year.
Lydia as Gizmo made her look kind of cute I really liked it.
Michele with french maid outfit on made her look really sexy.I think she needs to see what she can look like.
Well I really did enjoy looking at this years C=Venus Chops and had a great time writing down what I thought.I can't wait to see more of them.Thank you for the laughs and shivers.
No, I'm sure she said 47! ;)
Congrats ilissa!
Lol, Judy D!
I didn't lop off Kevin's arms. He always walks around with his arms underneath this shirt, like he's trying to get warm or something. It looks soooo strange. Look at some of the BB pics - he's done that several times. Anyway, his armless-looking weirdness reminded me of the famous statue Venus de Milo.
Sorry I scared you with "Firestarter" but that's totally what Natalie is, lol.
Cindy Lou Who is Jordan!!!
Thanks for taking the time to look thru my chops and good luck with the contest!
P.S.: I'm glad you still love me! ;))
Oh my gosh!!!
Thank you Carolyn and everybody!!!
I never win anything, I am SO excited!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh! C=Venus is here! Thanks, you! You're so talented and hilarious :)
Thank you (((Ilissa!!!!))) and CONGRATZ!!!!
My Favorite is wit Jessie and Natalie and last season michelle wonder what she is thinking know Jessie in lust with natalie and is getting it going with Lydia LOL....ohhh and all the ronnie ones ohh and Russell Ohh also Ms Gizmo Lydia LMFAO HAHAHAHAHA
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