Early Friday Afternoon
Good afternoon, BB Lovers! The HGs had a very busy morning of game talk. You can get all caught up with tha tin the Morning Report...
12:12pm BBT
Called to the DR, Jessie comes out of his morning meetings up in HoH and does a quick reconnect with Russell, on his way to the Diary Room.
The Talk around the bathroom is about Nominations, the upcoming Have/HaveNot comp, and Casey pooping, which makes everyone laugh.

Natalie, Kevin, Chima, Michele...
Chatter... Kevin asks Natalie when she's going to give everyone a Tae Kwan Do demonstration. Natalie blows it off, saying she doesn't do that anymore... Talk returns to Chima's face products that her grandma sent production for her...
They fantasize about what kind of bonuses they'd like in the comp today. Chima wants a Cold Water Pass. Natalie wants a Her Own Bed pass. Kevin tells her she could just sleep up in HoH, and she says no way.
12:23pm BBT
Fishies briefly, because Kevin's singing... then bathroom chatter resumes...
12:26pm BBT - Straight into Trivia!!!! If it lasts more than 10 minutes, I'll call it, and I'll post Jun's blog for ya! :)

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Hi Carolyn! How are you doing? I was thinking, it would be a great idea to start a petition to get a firefigher suit into the BB house for Russell to strip. If it worked I would be a very happy girl lol.
That wasn't a very long break Miss Carolyn!
I don't know how much longer I can watch Jeff and Jordan. I have NEVER seen someone with such control. I'd a jumped that the first night. mmm mmm mmmm mmmm mmmmm!
Did I just type that?????
Well here I am and thank everyone for their suggestions. None of them worked and I had already done most of them. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness anyway.
I see the Comp is going on. That's my cue to let DQTD have the computer for a bit while I drag out the old one and see what I can do with it, if anything.
Wish me luck.
Reading the Jessie meetings in the morning post made me ill. I think I need some Pepto Bismol since I no longer do Mylanta thanks to .... Oh, I can't call him that here. :-p~
WOOHOO for Jun's Blog. I'm waiting for that before I give it to him.
Marci - I second that emotion!!
mmmm mmmmm mmmmm
No way I could have held out this long, all the attention and one on one time. To hell with the viewers, I'd have jumped his bones :)
Yeah, my name is Julie and I'm the perv stalker!! LMAO
Carolyn - You are much more polite than I could be....mind you how do you respond to nasty posts if they are too afraid to show their names. You know we luvs ya!
Hey all! When did it come out why Natalie was an athlete? I thought she had kept that guarded at the beginning??
Oh, I forgot.. For all the Twitter'ers... Carolyn came up with this late last night re: a fireman's uniform for Russell. Get on board and let TPTB know what we want!
copy and paste in Twitter. PLEASE!!!
RT: @agrodner22 @BigBrotherScoop *Please* get Russell a fireman stripper costume so he'll do a striptease for Chima's bday! #BB11
Just when I think I"m caught up enough to comment, two more posts appear!
Good afternoon Carolyn and fellow BB addicts
I'm actually all caught up. I need to go through and watch some stuff but at least I know where we are at in this moment.
I hope this is the have/have not comp and not noms. If they do noms first then Jordan and Michele, most likely, will be depressed, annoyed or just sad and not do so well in the other. If Michele throws the H/HN and puts Ronnie on slop no problem there. Jordan on the other hand needs a break. She's all alone now on her team. So much for the populars. I guess in an insane asylum no one is popular.
Well off to flashback.
How cool would it be if Julie told everyone right before the POV comp, that from this point on there will be no more clique's ...everyone on their own???
YAY, back from errands & I can finally see again. Picked up new glasses & new contacts. Old glasses I had to practically sit on top of the screen to read & old contacts were so uncomfortable couldn't wear for more than a couple of hours.
I'm so anxious to know what move "His Highness" is going to make. Whatever he does I'm sure it will make me dislike him even more.
Why oh why is this game going in the direction that I don't want it to??
Finished watching the videos from Inside Dish. I heart Ross!
Braeden - Being from the South all I can say is...."Bless his heart"!
Laura - Was a good interview & she has a lot of poise. I really wish she would have been in the house longer. I know it was a huge disappoint for her but she has a good outlook that even though it was a short time she at least got to be there.
I love all of your comments. I'm with all of you who would jump Jeff's bones if they had a chance and I'm old enough to be his grandmother!
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