Big Brother 11 PoV Spoiler: Week 3
4:14pm BBT
The Feeds are back!!!
As soon as the winner is known, the PoV Spoiler will go right here in this post!
Feed 1 shows a very unhappy Ronnie...
Flipping to Feed 3 to hear any info...
Michele won the PoV

She won a trip!!!
Other Prizes/Punishments:
- Casey has to wear a banana suit all week.
- Casey won them a Margarita Party, jeopardizing his points in the PoV he didn't think he needed to win, & the DR has already said, the Have Nots can't go.
- Jessie won 20k... or 2500.. not sure...
Michele: I have 2 days to think about what I'm gonna say for my speech...
Natalie: You don't have to say anything.. Just I choose to use the PoV on myself, cuz I'm not an idiot...
Do to some aspect of the PoV Comp, Casey will be stuck in a banana suit this week...
***Congrats to Michele for getting her game on when she needed to most!
Red Room
Russell & Natalie
Natalie: It's gonna be great.
Russell: He was like, I have to wear this til the next HoH Comp.
Natalie: He's gonna be evicted in it.
Russell: Bastard Jessie got $20,000... Good for him.. That's pretty f'in awesome..
Casey enters...
Natalie: He told us not to look in the other envelopes, cause they still might use them in another comp... Like one coulda been a unitard.
4:27pm BBT
Russell's goofing around, putting a towel over his head and pressing his face to the mirror, so he can see into the world on the other side of the walls. BB is not pleased.
BB: Russell, stop that! (x3)
Casey: Surely no one can put a banana on the block...
I can't be first...I never
Waiting for the results
kinda hope that Casey wins uses it and is also safe so that Jessie has to either put up ratboy or Chima! I really can't wait to get rid of either of them
The second I saw the feeds come back..I thought: "New Top Post"!!!
feeds are on.....
looks like michelle
SCREAM!!! now I have to wait to see. If I am late for tonight, it's AG's fault.
well apparently Michele won
oh wait, maybe michelle was referring to her "don't evict me" speech.
pls pls pls casey!~!!!!
well the balls in Jessies court. any ideas how this will play out? is pov likely to be used by michelle?
Looks like Casey has to wear a Banana Suit
I think I heard Casey say he has to wear a banana suit1 lol!
okay nix that last commetn//// it made no sense,,....
DAMN IT! Goodbye Casey.
Outta here.
Sounds like someone won $2500 as well.
Well, I guess Casey is going home in the banana suit!
soooo comon what happen Im waitn with bated breath.. I have decided to not watch the feeds this week with the way it tured out with the hoh and all. I really was rooting for the other side to turn the house upside down..Im so hopeing the POV is gona make that happen..
HELLO CAROLYN and everyone
Unfortunately, Carolyn when i saw feeds for the first time I had to see a 1/2 naked Jessie. Why is he showering down there when he has a private one upstairs?
Yeah, Michelle.
I thought Jessie looked pleased.
Bye-bye Casey!
this makes me soooooo disappointed. why can't the people I want to win, win. i guess i got really, really spoiled last season cuz things most of the time fell into place!!!
Okay, so Michele won.......naturally she will pull herself off........
Will Jessie put up Ronnie in her stead? That is the real question!!!!
yay michele
OK so it was Jessie that got $2500 from what I am hearing.
I had a feeling Michele would win--she stepped up when she had to. Now everyone will be her best friend.
Ok, I have to put this out there: my pet peeve is fishes.... why can't they just switch the camera to another HG if someone's talking about something they don't want us to hear instead of sending us fish? Would that be so terrible?
Wow! Michelle. Good for her I guess, but I was hoping Casey would win it. Oh well. Have NO idea what's gonna happen now!!!!
I guess I'll just be expecting the unexpected, lol.
Hoping Nat did a lousy job as host. She doesn't deserve all this gloating!
Is Jessie pulling Michelle under his wing & spell? OMG, Michelle get a grip....values & Jessie??? please! Is this her playing or trying to get in w/ somebody?
I like both Jordan and Michele, so I'm kind of ambivalent about Michele winning...........I would love to see Michele take herself off (which she will, no doubt), and someone go up (Like Ronnie or Chima) who will go home......and not Jordan......I don't want to see Jordan leave right now..........
Michele won POV!!! Come on Michele, work your butt off to get Ronnie put up!!
~ Ryan ~
And can I just looks like when the chips are down.......Michele's got GAME, y'all!!!! w00t w00t!!!
Jessie just had a convo with Michelle, and asked her who she would put up if she could choose the Re-Nom. Michelle said she would think about it. Hmmm...think he is trying to rally some support for putting up Casey!
From the comments it sounds like Casey may be going home...........I'm lost on that one!!!
And I even read through everything from the past 3 days!!!! ggrrrrrr!!!
This is why you can't miss a second of this blog or the live feeds!!!!!
So Jessie may choose to put up Casey, is that right?
Hi Blue, I left you a message in the last set of comments 2 seconds before the feeds came back on.
I have been peekin at the comments in between other tasks today. Sorry for being so rude! *Mwah* forgive me?
Jesse asked Michele who she wants to put up. Hope she says Ronnie and they send him home. She also told Jesse she will potect him next week. I like Casey but like Jordan more.
Blue - That's been Jessie's plan since he won HoH. :)
Yea, Carolyn, Thank you!!! I'm getting up to speed!!!
I'm going to have to go back and re-read everything..............
Doesn't surprise me......Jessie was hesitant on putting up Ronnie from the Casey isn't actually a surprise to me..........
I kinda blew past all of that in the blog posts earlier........I need to slow down and PAY ATTENTION!!!! LOL
Wish the POV was the one who had the power to choose who goes up.
Looks like it's going to be a banana "split"
I saw it RubyRoo!!!! You're not being rude at all, Lady!!!!!! LOL
I was just teasing ya!!!!!!
Okay, gonna pay attention for awhile to the Live Feeds and go back and re-read things.............*sigh*
I don't understand the NBK hatred towards Casey...I knew that it was there but it seems to be about trivial stuff.
Man, I hope that Casey can work his magic....pls pls pls.
Let everyone get wicked drunk, spill secrets and let Ronnie dig another hole so Casey's safe....wishful thinking.
That's it. I'm gonna go grocery shopping. What am I gonna miss? Gloating?
poor chima she can't take part in margarita party since she is a have not what a crappy bday
Jessie only agrees w/ the mob mentality when he is leading the mob. It wasn't his idea to get Ronnie out so he doesn't agree w/ that mob.
At this point, as long as Jordan is safe I don't care who goes home this week. Preferably Ronnie but Jessie apparently isn't that smart.
Eh, I like Casey, but he's not that entertaining. I have to give Jessie credit though, he certainly has learned to play a better game. Anyone else in the house should get out Ronnie, but Jessie is actually better off with him there and Casey is a threat.
We are learning something this season, second time players really do have insight. If Jessie can have insight, anyone can.
Hopefully Chima will get mad because she can't go to the party and its her birthday--if someone tells her that they were have nots because of Ronnie. Kevin said he chose them for have nots cuz of Ronnie.
I am so excited to see Casey rock that banana suit... it's gonna be good !
ahhh..I'm already bracing myself for his " I ain't mad atcha " in the suit.
Oh dear.. the simple things in life that put a smile on my face ! haha
This HOH stinks more and more! Oh wait, maybe that's the cabbage!
Wow, go Michelle! I just hope Jordan doesn't go home! And not Casey either!
nolegs: LOL
I'll be back with a new top post in just a few minutes.
please check for it at 5:10pm BBT
Aww man, the live feeds came back on, lol, and y'all get to see them. I wanted to keep playing games, lol.
Guess this means Casey is a goner. Another player leaving the game too soon. Hmmm, let's see if he has the votes, here's how I think they would vote if the choice was Jordan and Casey. Vote to keep:
Jeff: Jordan
Michele: Jordan
Lydia: Jordan
Kevin: Jordan
Ronnie: Jordan
Chima: Jordan
Russell: Jordan
Natalie: Jordan
The only ones I'm not sure about are Michele, Kevin, and Natalie. That still won't be enough for a tied vote though.
Hmmm, this will probably prove to be another fiery end of the week.
Check out lydia and jessie up in Hoh - he's playing with her unicorn...
Jeff foils the afternoon lust session but laying there & could listen to conversation & doesn't!! Jessie says, I have a decision to make...Jeff hears nothing!!!
I'm glad for Michele--I always felt bad for her being alone. I think this will help her to fit in.
Here is a question for our next game Carolyn.
Name the BB character you are the most like and tell us why...Be honest!
I would love to see the answers to that!
Dang, I hate to see Casey go, I hope something happens to change the plan between now and eviction. I am ready to see Chima go!
I hope all you dishers are having a fabulous weekend!
Natalie just does not care...goes right into HOH, starts climbing on the bed that Jessie and Lydia are in and makes Jessie move over...that would annoy me to no end!
Michelle is on cloud 9. So cute!
Oh and Jessie told Natalie, "Good job on being host", Natlie replies with, "thanks, thanks for picking me"...forgot about that. He wanted Ronnie to be host until Natalie demanded he pick her if she wasn't picked to be host.
Damn its still so hot outside. Only managed 1 bowl full of cherries so far. Will have to wait for later when it cools down to get more.
Part of my flower beds where i've given my son space to plant things is completely screwed from the twit who did the roof. So not cool.
Was glad to hear Michelle won but saddened to know Casey and his Banana suit are gone! If Jessie did win 20k then surely thats a good enough reason for ppl to start looking to evict his a$$.
lol.. i take it back.. i'll post a new top when the action picks up a bit. ;)
For now....
I've gotta go pick a winner for the PoV Contest!!
I just got back from the most amazing hot stone massage....I'm so relaxed. the onlyth thing I need now is a delicious ice cold beer.
This may be the best scenerio. Yeah for Michele. This is going to put a target on Jessie. HG's don't like people who win money during the game. Hopefully his $25K will be hgis consolation prize.
Big Brother has done everything possible to make sure Jessie wins something maybe DR will start "a get Jessie out of the house campaign".
You know, I would still like an answer to a question Jane posed earlier this season.........
If this is supposed to be a "green" house this season.....why aren't the HG's sorting recyclables?
I know no one here can answer that's just a rhetorical one.....but one I think AGP should answer, since they are the ones pushing the "green" theme this year.
I recycle big time, so it's just something stuck in my craw a bit.
The live feeds did a close up on the trash bag/can Jordan is filling, which is what made me think of it.
Well, I was working on this when the new post went up. Hope it's okay to continue the game here.
Cast BB Players in Your Favorite Shows:
Melrose Place:
Jane: Jordan (A bit naive and slow to catch on)
Michael: Russell (playa playa)
Kimberly: Lydia (ape-$&%& crazy and moody)
Billy: Jeff (Pretty much just muscles/athlete)
Alison: Laura (Innocent and Smart, but too late)
Amanda: Chima (Temptress and Aggressive)
Peter: Casey (Tries to be Nice, but is pulled down by others)
Jake: Jeff (Strong sensitive type)
Matt: Kevin (Obvious, but I think Kevin is much more humorous)
Sydney: Michele (Inner Freak, Doesn't really fit in)
Brooke: Natalie (Conniving, bit of a Liar, Possessive)
Ronnie: Melrose Place (Yep, the whole complex, trying to absorb everything, hope Kimberly doesn't blow him up too!)
Please tell me I'm not the only one that had MP as their guilty pleasure in the 90's. What can I say? I was a hormonal teenager.
Operation: Ain't Mad Atcha
Kevin should go make a super secret side deal with Michelle, Jeff, Jordan & Casey. Give Casey a head's up that he's seconds away from the block but make him promise not to mention his name. Casey can even allude to the fact that maybe Ronnie told him or something.
That would set kevin up for a good spot next week...sitting right in the middle. And, my boy Casey would still be here to turn the heat on the nerd herd.
A power switch is in desperate need here. Kevin seems to be pretty smart. He has to realize that, starting next week, if someone from his herd is HOH, they're running out of options for nominees. The teams will be broken up soon and there will be no place to hide.
Happens every the power side until the pivotal moment when it's time to switch. Hopefully, they realize that time is now.
Maybe it's just my wishful thinking to keep Casey here.
The PoV Contest Winner has been announced!!!
To see if that's you, go here.
Hi to everyone,
I am happy that Michelle has gotten a break by winning the POV.
Jessie seems to have horse shoes up his butt this season.
So this means Jordan is going to be moping around until Thursday..
Syn...MP! Heck yeah :)
I love that you made Ronnie the WHOLE compex. Uh huh, that's right.
Good call!
YAY!!! To the winner!!!!
I just saw who it is!!!! w00t w00t!!!
Hi Syn, I loved MP and 90210 and Party of 5...loved who you compared to each HG...perfect!
Casey won the margarita party and will still be the one to go home - UGH!
Thx Jamison! Just noticed a typo though.
Billy: Jeff (Pretty much just muscles/athlete)
should have been
Billy: Jessie (Pretty much just muscles/athlete)
My Bad!
And where can I sign up for Operation: Ain't Mad Atcha! Sounds like an excellent plan.
That's what's driving me batty about these houseguests. They don't seem to be thinking past the current week. (Except last week with the "Get Ronnie Out" plan) I hope you are right and they realize that if the athletes win again they are pretty much out of options on who to put up. Everyone can't be safe.
I think I am going to wait to try to catch up on all the posts. Been gone all day.
I really think someone is gonna slip up and Casey is gonna find out what is going on but, I don't think he will be able to save himself, which makes me sad.
Syn, I still watch 90210 reruns and wish they would show Melrose.
Congrats ~illisa!!
OK, so I am pretty dang happy with a Michele win. I am REALLY hoping that Michele and everyone else can help Jessie see that booting Ronnie would be the RIGHT move! Now we haveta sit here and see Jessie & Natalie complain about Casey...ugh!
~ Ryan ~
Question...does Chima know the real plan to get Casey out? I have totally lost track on who knows and who doesn't.
Man, I like Chima but that weave is out of CONTROL :)
Chaka Khan called and she wants her " I feel for you video weave from the 80's" back.
Congrats illisa!!
We can call it AMA for short :)
Ha Syn...the names are so similar, I had to read your "typo" 3x before I saw it. I must be tired...I'm slipping.
Okay, I just saw the name of the winner.....didn't know if we could say it here, or if everyone had to click the link to find out.....
YAY Ilissa!!!!!!
bama - that's funny.. i was just sitting here thinking, i wonder if it is a weave.. could be natural.. looks natural to me as she's straightening it now...
I do not understand why so many people love Jordan. I mean she is very cute and nice and all but she adds nothing to this house. I have watched BB since day 1 and I can honestly say I have never seen another houseguest who I feel is absolutely incapable of winning ANYTHING.
It is reminiscent of Chaka Khan!!!! LOL
No, Carolyn, that's a weave!!! I know my hair!!!! It's a good one, though!!!! Professionally done, and IMHO quite pretty!
Hello everyone!!! I absolutely love this site. This is my first time commenting. I have been wondering could it be possible that Natalie is Jessie's real life sister? and that could be one of the twists?????
Come On...that weave looks natural.
She needs a chin strap for that thing to keep it on her head.
Hi all! I'm finally here. Didn't get home until almost 3 this morning and then had to get up at 10 to go to mom and dads for awhile.
Catching up on everything now.
Congrats to ilissa!! I clicked the link to see who won. YAY :)
Syn928, I loved MP (and 90210)! I was so sad when it was there no more :( LOL at Ronnie, hahaa!
Anon@5:43: I can't answer for anyone else, but I like Jordan because she's just so darn sweet and innocent.....and funny and makes me laugh and smile..........she may not be the smartest player in the house, but gosh darnit!!!!! I like her!!!!
I like Chima's hair (weave or not). It's a little extreme, but so what? I don't really like it straight though, looks frizzy.
Anon - I personally like Jordan for pure entertainment. Normally I'm not a fan of the non-players, but she's charming in a way that would normally be incredibly annoying. Some how she pulls it off. It like having a kid or a puppy in the house.
Good evening. I leave for a few hours and of course excitement. LOL. Casey better get in panic mode and do everything he can Unless it was read wrong Michelle going up.
What did Casey do to change his face? He looks older.
I don't know where my comment ended up because I had so many windows open but lemme just say it a few more times...
I have always had real hair, so I have no clue what a weave looks like. She never wears it up is that a give away? She straightens it funny. But I don't have black girls hair so I don't know if it needs a different approach. LOL
I was thinking she needs lessons on doing her hair. She makes it look so difficult.
I don't see Michele changing up Jesse's plans. If she had a sure alliance, maybe but I don't think she does. Not enough ppl talk to her for her to know if she could pull off the upset.
Does Casey ever sleep?
You know......I'm only 3 hours away from Chicago (the way I drive, anyway, hehehehehe)......
After the season ends, I can totally see myself taking a little trip up North to try and hunt down Jeff.........LOL Just for a pic and an autograph, mind you....yea, I know, he doesn't bat for my team, but he IS VERY pretty.........
ilissa :)
Please email me at dishchicks at yahoo do tcom , so I can connect you and CV :)
lol thx Toni and Michelle, MP was the best back then!
Chima's hair reminds me of that iconic image of Diana Ross where the hair is all flying back behind her. I too wondered if it's real. I'll go with Blue, lol, although it does look like it was done very well.
Anon @ 5:43 - I love Jordan, I think she's funny, and cute, and all those things you said. And I love watching her with Jeff. But I do agree, she really doesn't bring anything on the game playing aspect of it. But you've got to have someone to root for in this house. And I can't root for Jessie, Ronnie, Natalie, Russell, Lydia, or Chima. So I'll happily settle on Jordan and the rest of the "Dumb 5". I don't really see Kevin or Michele bringing anything either.
Hi Klankmum! :)
Welcome!! :)
I don't think soooo.. As far as those kinds of twists go, that's something they'd keep from the house guests, but they'd tell the viewing audience about it for added giggles.
hi blue its mare from ny we've never spoke but I must address you, no disrespect here but I do disagree with you on chima's hair. I have been a hairdresser for 25 years and that is no weave after watching her blowdry, now; did you see her while she was doing it? if so you may be surprised...
TTYS..........later MARE
Congratulations llissa!
Why do they continue to turn up their mics when they eat?
I hate hearing people smack when they eat.
Another first time commenter!!! WOW!!! lOL
Man! casey neeeeeded to win I wish he would have known that.
and I wish he would have at least thought of it you know?
because he obviously could have seen ronnie isnt going up because he is cool with all them now!
i dont want him to go home.
but i do want to see him in the banana suit.
Heyy Carolyn :)
I just turned on my feeds. Was there any game talk about the replacement nominee?
Enjoy your evening!
RubyRoo......I have friends who do black hair, and even specialize in weaves....and it's very different from other hair. That's just a fact....
There are women who get weaves who literally sit for 8-12 hours getting a's a major event!!!!
But when it's done's beautiful, and it leaves many possibilities for different styles......
It isn't cheap, either. Professional weaves can cost even a couple hundred to a few hundred dollars!!!
And styling weaves is very different from styling other hair, so it often looks funny and different to people without weaves.
Hi Thomas - It's Casey - has been since Jessie won hoh, and it hasn't changed. :)
I disagree Mare, I really think it's a professional weave.......but that's just my take on could be natural, but I don't think it is.
is eating a bowl full of cherries :)
Okay. Thank you.
Again with the cherries, Carolyn?????
We need to get you a date!!! And SOON!!!! LOL
is anything happening?
lets keep this blog updated!
Syn928 - I loved MP. My friends & I were all hooked on it along with BH 90210. Loved those shows & hated when they ended.
Cantaloupe here Carolyn!
Thanks Blue for the WEAVE 101...LOL!
Ooooooo, Carolyn did Wendy share that one bowl of cheeries she picked with you?!?! Ah, I guess you deserve it ;P
anon - not so much right now..
bit of a lull.
With Michelle winning POV we'll see if:
A) she and Ronnie actually have a secret alliance (in which case she agrees to put up Casey or possibly Kevin?)
B)if Jessie has the upper "hand"
Anon at 6:17...
The feeds are only showing Jeff and Casey eating with no major game talking as Casey is too busy chewing like a cow. He is now going to lay down for a little bit.
No one else is being show at the time.
Blue...gosh darnit...I like
Heyyyyy, wha'd they do to Casey's picture? Is is a cluuuuue?
yeah, Carolyn I have google chrome and no security message everytime....yes
I don't spend that much time on my hair in a month.
Blue and Syn, I see both of your points, but damn it`s like I think is there any way this girl would be able to win anything at all??? lol it`s very frustrating. I think Kevin is holding back right now and Michelle was doing the same thing after that explosive first week until today when she needed it. At this point I would love for any of the Dumb 5 to win a freaking HoH and put a scare into Nat/Jessie
Speaking of Chima's hair she has so much of it on such a tiny frame. I had no idea she was so skinny until one night she had on some leggings & had her legs propped up & they are like little sticks. I realized then how thin she is but with all that hair it gives her a totally different appearance of body type.
1 problem - she doesn't get to pick who goes up.
hmm.. good catch.
BB need to wake them/make um lively. I am freakin' bored here people. lol
Same here MsFitz and sleepycat. Although I was more into MP than 90210. Here's one for the 90210 lovers:
Brandon: Jeff
Dylan: Russell
Brenda: Lydia
Kelly: Laura
Donna: Jordan
Steve: Jessie
Andrea: Ronnie
Nat: Casey
David: Kevin
Valerie: Chima
Mrs. Walsh: Michele
I've got no clue where to put Natalie.
That one was a bit more difficult than the MP one.
Okay, back to the live feed discussion.
Hey Carolyn, and my Disher peeps, I am back after watching the season finale of Kings on NBC, they are not planning on bringing it back for another run, please sign the petition to keep kings alive!
I heard that Chima has to wear a unitard, is that rue
I don't think Carolyn is sharing her cherries!!!
Stingy!!!! :p!!!! (that's my tongue sticking out!!! heheheheheeh)
What happened to Casey's pic, Jane???????? I missed that!!!!
Me, too!!!! Gosh Darnit!!!
Hey, Anon@6:17: Get the live Feeds, and you won't have to worry about the blog being updated!!!! heheheheh
Just teasing ya.............well, lol, sort of..........
Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like there is a rift right now between Jeff and Jordan? I know she's stressed out by being on the block again, but still. They are the main reason I got the feeds, they are just too damned cute together! I was hoping she'd get a chance to get off the block today and they would have a little celebratory relief fun tonight lol. I'm still holding out for Jeff to get HoH next week...that would get Jordan to the jury house and Jeff could go full out game for himself by then.
Janine - I hear ya.. Look on the bright side.. You don't have comments from an anon imploring you to post about nothing. ;p
Anon @ 6:28, I don't think we've seen all that Jordan can give us just yet. When they got the game toy before the HOH, Jordan was trying really hard, and she was actually pretty good at it from the time I saw her on the feeds with it. I think she just has a short attention span. It's like she's sees something and is like "Ooooh, Shiny!" She definitely sucks at the mental aspect of the game though. She's much too sweet and naive to be in that house. But I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again. Russell, Laura, and Natalie were all taking credit for exposing Ronnie as the rat at one time or another. But if you'll go back on the feeds to the Sunday before the POV Ceremony, you will see that it was Jordan that saw what he was doing and called him out on it. She just didn't do it in front of the entire group. She said everything that the was brought up in that huge HG's vs Ronnie fight.
What are your thoughts on Natalie? She hasn't won anything. Unless you count that first HOH, but I don't, because it was skewed towards the athlete's IMO anyway. So far she's just been self appointed Co-HOH with Jessie and the little instigator of everything. Including this lastest plan to back door Casey.
Anon@6:38 etc., etc...
Here's the free trial link.
Take advantage of it!! :)
It's much more fun to watch the feeds than to read what I write about em anyhow. ;)
dag nabit, i dont have my boyfriend's pass word for real player, no feeds for me until 12am
Allison - I don't think there's a rift at all... I think they're both feeling a great deal of sexual tension, and they're trying very hard to maintain decorum.
Blue - Thanks honey
AWWW, Jay, Bummer!!!
Trade in your BF for Carolyn!!! She'll keep you up to date all the time!!!! LOL
oooh Carolyn....I'll bet you are right!! I think that tension is what is holding my attention, as well.
Carolyn..much more fun that what you blog?.....not
Hey Syn, what was the name of the girl Brandon dated that was the crazy stalker... I think it was Emily maybe that could be Natalie.
Dang!!! My feeds I link to through
Carolyn's site totally quit on me,.......I had to restart1!!!!!!
That's new!!!
Carolyn will you be my BB girl friend?
Allison, I don't think there's a Jeff/Jordan rift perse, but I do think Jordan is really stressed with being on the block for the second week. I did detect a sense of negative tension between them last night on the feeds though. She was trying to tell him that she thought the plan had changed. Jeff dismissed it and thought Michele was just making stuff up. And I was silently screaming at him to wake up and see that she was right! She might be frustrated with him for that. But I really think it's block stress.
My ideal situation for next week would be for Jordan to win HOH, put up Jessie, Natalie, or Ronnie, and then if the POV is used, back door which ever of those three didn't get put up initially.
Starting my Jordan for HOH chant now, lol.
Jay..dag you are soooo cute.
Are they doing anything good?
Thanks Carolyn
And I would just like to know where peeps like GayTor and GenieSea and others took off to??????
bluetapping foot!!!
I'm gone for a couple days and they post all over the place, I come back and they take off!!!!! What's up with that!!!!????? lOL
I'm going to get a complex!!! I tells ya!!!!
Oh sweet Darling Carolyn, and the rest of the crew is here........that's all that counts!!!!!
*I'm plotting revenge on 'em though, I tells ya!!! lol*
Carolyn, I think there is sexual tension between Jeff and Jordan, too, at least until the season ends and I can make my way to Chicago........LOL!!!!
*sigh* A boi can dream, right?
Happy Impending Banana Suit, Everyone! :)
***New Top Post!!! missed my question last night...when blue, gaytor, michigan al comment all night can we follow or do we have to wait until you approve in the morning?
Carolyn and Allison. I totally agree with Carolyn re: J and J. I made a comment last night that Jordan always moves away from him because I think she is trying to avoid the itch to "booger." ;)
I've been trying to pay attention to Chima and her hair, and I don't know.........
Mare could definitely be correct!! That just might be her natural hair! I don't think it is, I still contend that is a really professionally done weave, but I'm willing to concede the possibility it is her real hair........It's awesome natural hair if it is, though.........
Going to go with my original gut-reaction that it's a weave, but I'm not as sure as I was......darn that Mare!!!! LMAO!!!!
Awww!! I accept! :)
Happens to me occasionally too...
Rose :)
Ahh.. yeah, when people comment and we've closed up show fo rthe night, the comments sit unpublished til morning...
hey! i am a hairstylist....Chima's hair HAS to be a weave.
1. typically hair with her texture you can't have that much
2. in general, anytime someone has that long of hair it is extensions
3. the curl pattern she has is not natural
I gotta give props to however put it in! It looks great but it has to be expensive. Since she is flat ironing it, it means it is real human hair so at least $500-$1,000. No Joke
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