PoV Ceremony Spoiler & Early Afternoon

The Feeds are Back. Our nominees, Casey and Jordan are sitting on the couch. Casey just made mention of Jessie's speech being pathetic.
Casey: Where's the outrage? Where's the outrage, people? Nothin'? Nobody?
Jeff: What was that zingeroo about? I'm not tryin' to pour salt in your wound but what was that?
Casey doesn't respond. As expected, he is the replacement nominee.
1:15pm BBT
After several minutes of Jeff & Jordan commiserating together with Casey, Russell joins them outside... The Ronnie bashing continues... Jeff's pissed. Russell's playing along... Who knows who's side Russell's on now. It depends who wins the next HoH.
Russell: I wish we could watch a movie... just so we can have a break from Ronnie scheming for the next 3 days.
Jeff: Every person in the house should be up. I'm already up, smartass. Get away from me.
Russell: You smile at me, you're up.
Jeff: Jordan, you'r emy best friend woop woop, you'r eup. Jordan, want some cookies? Woop Woop.. Jordan's a fat ass.. She eats too many cookies.
Jordan: You better be careful Russell... He's all about the backdooring.
Russell: He likes the backdoor that much?
Jeff: He wants it in the backdoor from Jessie.
Russell: Lemme close this door...
Russell gets up to close the sliding glass door.
Russell: Isn't it crazy.. You work so hard for one week, then it's all, back to the coal mines..
Jordan thinks she's the next target. Russell tells them she's off the hit list.... people are looking at Lydia and Kevin.
Russell: F man. If Ronnie wins again.
Jeff: I'm gonna win. I have to.
Russell: We all do. C'mon Jordan. Let's make it one more week. I liked Jordan's speech... "I don't expect you to use it on me, so I'm not gonna make one up..." She was so nervous... She does that awkward... hehe...
Jordan: You said somethin' about that...
Russell: No, she always has that awkward laugh.. and then she'll move her mouth to the side. What is that?
Russell tries to get Jeff to work out with him... Jeff doesn't want to work out til tonight.
1:25pm BBT
Russell hops on the elliptical. Jeff hops in the pool.
1:40pm BBT
Russell's on the elliptical.
Casey's on a tear.
Casey's doing a bit of ranting about Jessie. Russell's attentive, but self preservant... Casey continues and ups the ante, and we can hear the strain beginning to seep into Russell's tone. He reigns it in, saying we're all here to win $500,000. Casey replies with, "You gotta be friends with a snake."
Casey's just finished showering and begun to shave when Ronnie walks in. Casey faces down towards the sink, perhaps to stop himself from saying anything.
Russell comes in as well, pacing and sweaty from his workout.
Ronnie washes his hands in silence and beats a hasty retreat.
2:02pm BBT
Finished with his shower and shave, Casey dons the banana suit and walks out to the Pool Room to lotion himself up...
Outside, Jeff's on the same lotion schedule, and perv cam's all over him.. extreme close ups galore on F1 @ 2:05p...

2:12pm BBT
Jeff changed his position.. I must screencap it. ;p

2:13pm BBT
There he goes again...

2:20pm BBT
HoH Room
Jessie & Lydia
They're laying in bed, flirting... Jessie's teasing her saying she's dressed like a boy. She lift the sheet to give him a peak - not a boy... Lots of giggling under there... She scoots out from under the sheet to grab something, and we see she's down to her bra...

They're alternating between very cutesy talk and game... It's odd. One moment we have kindergarten voice, and the next, it's all about game, Casey and Kevin.
Storage Room
Ronnie and Russell
Ronnie's slamming Jordan. Russell says that he, Jessie and Ronnie need to start just running the show. There's no need to even pretend anymore.
Ronnie: Next week, it's crucial for you, me or Chima to win HoH.
Russell: You didn't think I was gonna be good for my word, did you?
Ronnie: I didn't know what to think.
Russell: Dude, you, me and Jess.. Its gonna be fun. It's gonna be fun.
Ronnie: (snickering) Casey's gonna be evicted in a Banana Suit.
Ronnie: When you came up, them minute you left I was like, straigh to camera, Glimmer of Hope, baby!
***No, you said "Deal with the devil."
Russell: Keep doin' what you're doin', baby. Have fun.
Ronnie: I wanna start woking out again. I've been missing it.
Russell: Tonight.
2:38pm BBT
HoH Room
Jessie & Lydia
Afternoon delight... We return to smoooching noises. Then Lydia gets up, puts a shirt on, and Jessie says, "Look what you did to me," jokingly...
She teases him a bit more, saying just wait what she'll do once she gets her dress on later.
She was about to go downstairs, but opts for getting back under the covers instead.... Just for another quick snuggle...
Lydia gets out of bed, gets fully dressed and tells him to enjoy his nap.
2:43pm BBT
Jeff & Russell
Just from a brief snippet of conversation, it's abundantly clear that Russell is once again open to all alliances for the week. Where ever the power goes, so goes Russell.
2:45pm BBT
Natalie & Jessie
Natalie takes Lydia's spot in the bed, not 2 minutes after Lydia vacated... She proceeds to slam Lydia. It's petty. Jessie takes the bait and tells Natalie what Lydia had just said about Casey. yes, she'll vote him out, but she's not pleased it was him instead of Ronnie.
Jessie: What it really comes down to is.. Michele's by herself. Jordan's by herself with Jeff. She thinks she can maybe persuade Chima. Let her.
Natalie: Yep. Kevin thinks he can persuade Chima too?
Jessie: Yeah.
Natalie: From day one, we were all in the same room and in different cliques, we said we'd look out for eachother... Me, Kevin, Laura and ____.
Jessie: Is that why you pushed so hard for Lydia to go up the first week?
Natalie: Partly.. partly because I already saw how Lydia was.. f'ing easy..
Jessie: You don't have to hit me when you say that.
Natalie: Good, i don't like her talking to you.
Jessie: Why?
Natalie: Because.
Jessie: Way to justify your actions.
Natalie: SO has she said that Casey said anything?
Jessie: No.. She said that Casey has never said anything about putting me up.. Caey never used my name when talking about the athletes, so obviously, it was you and Russell.
2:53pm BBT
Casey & Kevin
Talking about votes and possibilities... and Casey's amusement over the lack of outrage, which tells him everyone else knew what was up.
Casey: Maybe that's my downfall - honesty and integrity...
Kevin: Do you think you can get Chima?
Casey: If I talk to you, am I talking to Natalie and Jessie?
Kevin: No!
casey: I'm just askin' caus eof some stuff that got back to jessie, when I talked to him last night.. and I want you to know, I didn't throw you or Lydia or Chima under the bus last night..
Kevin: Are you gonna hustle?
Casey: We'll see, man.
Kevin: Cuz obviously, I want you to stay... If you can get the numbers, we'll vote for you.
Casey: Well, thanks man.
Kevin: That's the game.
***Casey's a bitter banana right now... Kevin's offering him an olive branch, and he's snapping it in 2.
3:22pm BBT
Russell, Jeff & Casey are having a good laugh... Casey's talking about pulling a Dick tomorrow morning with pots and pans...
On that note, I'm taking a little break... Enjoy the feeds! I'll be back with a new top post at 4:30pm eastern! :)
Jordan is still not 100% safe! I like Casey, but I'm wanting Jordan to stay! And puhlease can we have someone other than the athletes win HOH this week!
This nomination is going to come back and bite Jessie in the A**!! Ughh I am soo pissed!! Now Ronnie is sitting pretty! I hope someone goes after those 3 next week! The power needs to shift ASAP!
Oh Jordan we see it all right!
I enjoying watching Casey in the banana suit. He's so funny and wears it well, but I'm ready for him to go. I'm tired of listening to his mouth. I hope everything goes and plan. I love Jordan!
Jessie will get his- once they have the chance he will be up on the block.
i'm conflicted on who I want out... I'm rooting for Kevin ultimately right now, but don't know who will be loyal, Jordan or Casey. I suppose Jordan should stay because she is a bloc with Jeff.
Now we wait..
Jessie may or may not be next. it was the plan to oust Ronie fer sure....things change
"Na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na
Let's don't go placing no blame
'Cause you know things can change "
"Dwight Yoakam Things Change "
Good afternoon everyone. I feel a little bad for Casey but not really. He made the decision to go with that side and try to get Chima out week one. He said time and time again he was taking a big gamble going agaist Jessie and that side like that. I don't understand why he is trying to blame it all on Lydia and Natalie having big mouths. Even Ronnie really doesn't have anything to do with it because he made the decision to try to keep Braden. It doesn't matter what Ronnie said he would do. He could've said no, I've got a deal with Jessie but he didn't. I understand why he tried to keep Braden but like he always says, "He just got got".
Please, please, please let Jordan win HOH!!!! At least Jessie didn't lie to Casey last night... I guess he figured he could trust Rat better... you know Jessie had too many advantages this year..
1. 1st HOH
2. Some celebrity awe from everyone else
3. He had already been in the house so had an idea of what to expect
4. Strongest clique
5. He had Casey for the 1st couple of weeks. I kept expecting Casey to bring up their relationship last night and since he didn't I am guessing that they didn't really have one and had just met at an event or something but I still don't think it was fair that Jessie knew someone in there when he went in... too bad Casey didn't work that relationship more or that Jessie didn't see the advantage of having someone on the "other" side...
I think that the majority will vote for Casey to leave, since they know that if he stays he will come after them.
I wish the clique rules would be over this Thurs. Between having 4 members, one being a former HG...it really does give the athletes an unfair advantage. I think that AGP might see that and try to quietly make the playing field more fair. They should anyway!!
C'mon Jeff Jordan Lydia Kevin Michele alliance!!! You guys need to get your game on and do this!
Jordan needs to win HOH Thursday.This way, Jeff is safe and then they can decide if they want to put up an athlete or Ronnie. If Jeff wins, he can't nominate Jessie or Natalie. Although I do want to see Ronnie gone before Jessie, Natalie is driving me crazy. Someone needs to grab her by the ankles and yank her out of Jessie's a$$!!
I don't understand the comment that the power "needs to shift." It doesn't need to do anything. The people who are outnumbered need to win HoH. Ronnie and Jessie have stepped up and won.
It's less than tasteful that Casey is attacking Ronnie's WIFE over this. He said he's going home to a hot wife, and Ronnie is going home to "a fat wife that looks like she ate Denise Richards". Classy for a school teacher. Let's hope the 5th graders don't pick up on that kind of anti-female angst.
What is normally the HOH competition this week coming. I think the house guests got me thinking endurance but I know it seems to soon.
Anybody have any idea what they normally do?
I am hoping and PRAYING that Lydia, Kevin and Jordan win HOH and the Veto this week !! Heck, I will go as far and say hopefully they win back to back HOH comps [but what are the odds of that!] I'd only want Jeff to get an HOH if the cliques break up, because that way he can nominate the 3 stooges.
Casey is the saddest looking banana I've ever seen :(
Carolyn, i hope your frap was delicious !
how pathetic....ugh i cant stand the jock crew...come on BB, bring on the TWIST early!!!!
Up to now I have been reading the comments, but now I have to post something. The power has to shift ASAP, I am REALLY getting tired of the current power in the house of the athletes. It's getting b-o-r-i-n-g! As Jun mentioned, I am softening to Chima a bit, so I would really like to see both Jessie and Natalie on the block battling for their lives. I wouldn't mind seeing Jes, Nat, or Ronnie out. For this week, I would like to see Casey stay since he's more game then Jordan, as cute as she is.
Jeff is on a roll. He's trashing everyone and it's great. Both Jeff and Jordan can see right through Russell and his faux support.
I can't believe I'm going to say this...but it would very interesting for the offbeats and brains to start an alliance (they also have Jeff), go ahead and completely eliminate the populars and then target the athletes. They will have the numbers.
This comment has been removed by the author.
If Jeff, Jordan, Michelle, or Kevin don't win HOH next week, I may be forced to punch myself in the face.
I hope Casey gets a case of verbal diarrhea and doesn't shut up until that door closes behind him.
He's been talked to a lot and now he needs to name names.
And I enjoy cutsey Jordan, but for the games sake, I have my fingers crossed that someone will get their act (brain) together.
So it's Casey up, huh? The banana man himself!!!! LOL
(Howdy, Everyone~!!!!!)
I have to agree with Ernest, Casey attacking Ronnie's wife isn't cool.
I knew Russell was going to try and make Jesse stand out. Russell wants Jesse out and always has but he can't do it.
Are they seriously making us listen to Ronnie tell stories from when he worked at Blockbuster?!?!?! (Slamming head against the wall... repeatedly.....)
BBmade a mistake letting anyone from previous year in so fast they should let them play for 4 or 5 weeks then if they must put him in this was not far once in a lifetime for everyone else but twice for musclebags,my friends and i dont watch bb as much as we use to its bs with jessie oh well
I would love to see Natalie go up against Jessie next week but the truth is she would roll over and die before letting HIM be voted out!!
Jordan and Jeff need to learn to keep their comments to themselves--Russell will run back and tell.
Bama...you enjoying the workout?
Hey Carolyn, I'm here, I'm here!
Mare - Got your message on the ONR! Thanks. You mentioned how Natalie & Lydia compete for Jessie's attention. Why is beyond me but each to their own. One thing that drives me nuts about Lydia is the baby talk & when she makes a statement it sounds like the form of a question. But, I noticed yesterday she mostly uses that type of talk when she is talking to Jessie. Remember, Michelle did that last season too. Weird! I guess she thinks it's the way to charm him!
Casey is going to definitely make some enemies the rest of the week. He is getting under Russell's skin right now! Ha, keep it up Casey..go for it, what do you have to lose now?
Say what you want about Ronnie but he was very loyal to Jessie, in the end Jessie is playing this game for himself not for casey, jeff, etc. I believe it is in Jessies best interest to get rid of casey because trust me he would be going after Jessie. So far Casey, Jeff and jordan have not played this game therefore they dont deserve to be in the house. No need to be be bitter towards anyone but yourself, you were given a free shot to win the veto.
In the end its a game and you have to play it even if you deceit people. What makes casey, Jeff and Jordan anymore deserving when they go around slinging the Fa**** word and personally attacking someones wife.
Also lydia's constant jealousy is going to not only bring her down but also might affect Kevin he needs to get far away from her.
Gee, not sure which is worse, the Blockbuster conversations or all 4 feeds on Casey taking a shower!
I wonder if Russell will need any help lathering up and washing off the work-out sweat when he gets in the shower..........hmmmm....
How many times does Casey have to mention the hot wife/fat wife thing? It's starting to make me glad he's going home. I also thought Jeff seemed a little uncomfortable when Casey mentioned earlier today about him coming to visit after the show and Casey would hook him up with some booty calls. Just another reason to love Jeff (besides the fact he's smokin' hot) *sigh*
What happens if the houseguests physically attack each other? I'd love to see Lydia give Natalie a nice, hard kick in the shin.
Gotta say it -- Casey needs to go this week. Too bad, cause he was enjoyable. It's not Jordan's time! (We still need to see more of her and Jeff's smoochies!)
FYI, Starbucks lovers: the summer special is back! Buy a morning coffee, keep your receipt, and get an afternoon delight (iced, grande drinks only) after 2 p.m. for only $2.
When is Jeff going to cut Jordan. She is his downfall! She is neither a strategist or a strong player in competitions. Of his 3 allies, she is the weakest but he keeps looking out for her instead of Casey and Laura. Can you imagine how strong Laura, Casey and Jeff would be together? But he only wants Jordan, the weakest player in the game, there instead of his strong allies. If Jeff does not try and evict Jordan this week, then he does not deserve to win.
I so can't wait to see Jesse and Nat on the block (togather) see who throws who under the bus first. Russell will just sit back and enjoy.
You know, CBS could do an entire show devoted just to watching Jeff sunbathe!!!!
Carolyn, I think the control room was showing you some love......zooming in and out on the pool duckie a couple times......hehehehe
Blue!! - Sounds good to me! :)
I would pay money to watch the Jeff show.
LOTS of money.
Evening y'all!
I think they should have a Jeff and Jordan show after the news every day so you can have a goofy smile on your face instead of concern for where the world is headed.
I've never been more entertained by two people just living their lives than I have with Jeff and Jordan. They are hilarious and CUTE together!
They were scheming in bed last night, and just watching Jordan trying to whisper to Jeff had me lol'ing!
I don't know how I really feel about this whole situation. Jessie makes me sick and he keeps winning HOH. Ronnie is a jerk, and they let him slide! Something has got to change next week for sure!
I second that motion, blue!! Purrr....
Hey Blue ~ 'Bout time you showed up!
Ugh. I said Jeff and Jordan show! Not Jessie and Lydia! Guess it's time for a nice refreshing swim until the feeds get more interesting.
Can't ... take ... the ... baby ... talk!!!
good jeff is soooo sexy
Blue - Hi ya!!
Now that is a show I would record & watch again & again & again & again.....!!! I even loved the close up of his toes!!!
But right now I need Gaytor's bucket. The HOH w/ Jessie & Lydia is making me...oh, no, rrraaalllpphhh!!! Sorry! Oh good, glad I hit the bucket in time!!! I had to turn the sound down....cannot take the freakin' baby talk! Turned sound up for a few min & Jessie is now trying to catch Lydia is some kind of lie. Sound down again!!!
I wish Lydia would stop with the baby talk. It is so annoying. I really want to see her and Nat go at it over Jessie. It really is a race to see who will get HOH first.
Good Lord ~ I would rather watch anyone sleep than watch Jessie and listening to Lydia and her baby talk!
What is it with Jessie and girls that baby talk? Having flashbacks of Michelle last season. And that's a FB I don't like!
Ya know when people start getting cocky in this game it comes back to bite them. Russell & Ronnie are waaaaayy to cocky in the storage room right now!!! They have it down to them & Jessie & after Casey goes pick ppl off. The HOH has to change the power this week!!!
Blue can I watch you sleep? Have a web cam? LOL
Gosh I wish Michele knew how bad Ronnie throws her under the bus. I would love to see her get his butt out. I think if Jordan or Michele gets the power players out, they would be real piss-- because they don't think either has any game. I think Michele does if given the chance.
Marci.......ummmmmm.....*blink blink*
Afraid I'm going to have to respectfully decline on that one..........
( lol )
Now Nat and Jessie in bed sleeping........could the Live Feeds BE any more exciting right now???
ms fitz i am with you 110% on your thoughts of the HGs this year....and I hope you are right about the cocky ones having it coming back to bite them in the butt!
what is everyone's opinion on lydia with jessie? is she playing him to help further her game...surely she is?!? i really hope that she is going to stick with her new alliance with J/J and K and possibly M.
Ronald is so smug. I can't believe there aren't more physical attacks in BB.
Why must all cameras be on HOH. Can't stand listening to Jessalie!
Hello everyone.
I think the reason they need to think about this clique thing again (AGP that is) is because it totally screws some people for no reason. Like if Jeff wins HOH, it would almost be bad for him because it would protect half his targets. THe whole thing is played. Dump it. I'm starting to think this season was designed for more Jessie time, which is literally the last thing anyone needs.
How come Nat never walks into HOH when Lydia and Jesse are messing around. I think Nat knows they are. She has no interest in Jesse that way, but is jealous of Lydia getting info from Jesse
I think Russ, Ronnie, Jess, and the rest of them are getting too cocky....
I would really love to see Jeff or Jordan win HoH this week, preferably Jeff......just to turn the tables on the rest of 'em, and shake 'em up a bit.....Make Jess, Nat, Ronnie for example, really sweat.......
Of course, if it is going to be and Endurance comp this week, I can see Natalie having the edge, unless her shoulder gives her problems.......Kevin and Lydia might do well at and endurance...I think Chima is too much of a Princess to last very long......
Just thinking out loud. :)
Ok, I'm clearly in the minority here and may get booed a bit BUT I don't mind Jessie and Lydia. Yeah the baby talk is annoying but as a whole, I don't hate it. I think it's going to be VERY interesting when he sees she's playing both sides which by the way is SUPER smart of her. I doubt we'll see anymore hanky panky though. :) Lord knows when we are going to see any from Jordan and Jeff. Goo-goo eyes are fine but let's at least have a proper kiss. Some of us are living vicariously through strangers. haha
Back to Jesse, when I really start hating on Jesse is when Natalie is all up in his butt. I'd love nothing more than to see a Jesse/Natalie with a Russell renom if necessary next week. So that means, I'm not hoping for an endurance this week (even though they are super fun to watch). I don't think Michelle/Jordan/Lydia/Kevin have what it takes to outlast any of the athletes. BUT - I do love to cheer for the underdogs.
Wow - that was long. Sorry!
Say what you want .......but Jesse's got game this season. I'm loving it.
Shame on Casey for his remark about Ronnie's wife.
If I have to hear Jeff say "I'm so stupid~ dumb~ or the worst player ever.....I'm going to scream.
Does Casey think that telling Kevin that he (Casey)is a man and not a sheep is a good strategy?
OMG, NATALIE STFU! Lydia is using Jessie the way YOU are using Jessie. HELLO!?!
That girl is something special :|
But call me crazy because I really think Jessie genuinely likes Lydia.. if not he would have been like Matt from bb9 and spilled the beans by now or at least made fun of her trying to get with him.
just a thought..
Oh thanks a lot Blue, I said WATCH you SLEEP! That's as close to a man I care to get right now with my back. Knew I would be safe with you.
WOW, crocodile tears are coming! Haven't been this hurt in a very long time!
I have not read any of the comments so I may be repeating here...
First off Carolyn THANK YOU for those yummalicious screen shots of Jeff. :)
And this might be an obvious/or a TMI comment. Do any of you know when a person has sex. Can't you smell it. I can. Is Natalie that oblivious???
As for repeatedly crawling into that vacated spot after the deed is GROSS!!!!
I personally think that we will see a real kiss between Jeff and Jordan once (fingers crossed) one of them wins the HoH room. I can just see them now: (peeping out from under the covers) "hey America, just so you know... we aren't boogering under these covers, we are just kissin"
LOL, I know you said sleep.......I have to admit...this is a first for me!!! No one has ever asked to watch me sleep before!!!! hehehehe
BLUE...but if Jeff won, he can't nominate any of those "pills" from his team. So I say GO JORDAN! LOve her, but not too much faith in her winning a comp, though.
Cindy.Lou...lol...funny! I can picture her saying that, too.
That's right, Lee!!!! I keep forgetting about the stupid team thing!!! D'oh!!!
GO JORDAN for HoH!!!! hehehehe
Man o man I am a smoker, but Casey is making my lungs hurt.
But you are so cute!
Kinda snotty, but cute! LOL
There's a first time for everything!
I hate to say it, but it's becoming increasingly clear about the lack of game that Casey has. He limits himself to Jordan/Jeff ALL DAY. When he does branch out, it's Kevin & Russell. I know Casey's going home on Thursday, but I hope he can make some sort of power move soon.
I read the whole possible 5 person alliance of Michele, Jordan, Jeff, Kevin, Lydia & I like it! I just hope Michele keeps it to herself and it really goes through!
~ Ryan ~
I think if we have endurance this week it will be close between Russ, Nat and Jeff. If Nat wins I won't be able to listen to her happy butt.
Hey Guys!! :)
I've gotta run a quick errand... and take a break from sitting on my bum!!
I'll be back with a new top post by 4:30pm eastern! :)
Was there a conversation between Michele, Jordan, Jeff, Kevin and Lydia about forming an alliance? Or just a conversation from us wishing they would? I don't trust Michele at all and I thought I was going to like her but it is about time for her to stand up and quit being so wishy washy. I respected her telling Chima that she was mad and voted for her no matter what everyone else does but then last night with Jessie I lost that last little bit of hope I had... can't figure that chick out... I think that Lydia really likes Jordan and if they can make it to next week the timing may be right because surely the clique will have to break up.. of course, it all depends on HOH this week. PLEASE, PLEASE JORDAN!!!!!
HAHAAHA...When Jessie came outside he said "I'll sit on the dry spot!" Funnnny!
Hello Carolyn and the Dishy Alliance!
How is everyone on mashed banana day?
Is anyone else catching the death stares Nat is giving Lydia outside on the sofas during the lockdown? She is one pissed off fashion faux pas!
Oh oh!
Genie...Lydia's shooting the daggers right back at her!! Such silence
Good Evening everyone!
I just finished getting caught up and turned my feeds on. Not surprised by anything that went down. I am beyond exhausted...I have never felt this way this soon...I usually start feeling like this the end of August, beginning of September.
Hiya, Genie!!!!! *smooch*
Yea, I'm seeing that, too!! LOL
I would so love to see Nat go up on the block1!!!! I really think she just might self-destruct!!! And I will LOL the whole time!!!!
Carolyn do you know what all is in their garden?
Hi Guys!! :)
I'm almost back - hehe - 4:45 for the new top post... Showering is for bloggers too. ;)
Genie!! Thanks for keeping the comments going! What a nice surprise!
If the next HoH comp is endurance then that just SUCKS because it almost assures another athlete win! God, don't let it be Natalie! UGH! Maybe, BB will be able to pull an endurance comp out that doesn't favor athletes? OR maybe Michelle or Lydia can do some fast talkin' and wheelin' and dealin' and convince the athletes to drop? Lydia might have a shot at that, but then I am not all that sure she would actually put Jessie, Natalie or Russel on the block...so, will be interesting to see how things go Thursday. In my dreams somehow Russel and Natalie are nominated with Jessie backdoored and voted out...if Russel and Natalie stay on the block, then please send Natalie home.
Even though I don't dislike Jessie as much as last season, some little devil inside me would LOVE to see him go home week 4 again! mwahahahahahaha! LOL He has to go sooner or later, and it was be kind of 'poetic' if history could repeat itself...I know, I'm bad....LOL
Carolyn, need me to loofah you???
Natalie has such poor table manners, thank you Cameraman for letting us watch that mess.
Anyone as grossed out as I was?
When lockdown was over Natalie was whispering something to Chima...I thought I heard Jordan's name. Did Jordan tell someone that Chima would be easy to get to switch. A lot of them don't realize how in Chima is w/ Jessie & Nat.
And, after lockdown Ronnie told Jessie that he had been approached by Lydia & Kevin & they said they were glad he was staying & they were behind him during all the mess. He told Jessie, that didn't take long. Kevin & Lydia are playing every angle they can & once again Jordan & Jeff need to watch out!
LOL You're welcome Carolyn! Welcome back :)
bisou bisou - I was thinking the exact same thing!
Lydia and Kevin are giving me whiplash with all their back and forth.
YAY! Pill Town on all 4 feeds! *hurl*
Casey sounds like Darth Vader when he's smoking. It's ridiculous !
Hope Lydia and Nat fight after the next HOH. Want to see what Jesse does. Lydia needs to tell everyone she is sleeping with Jessie. Nat will scramble than. Especially if they have no power.
OK - Home and all caught up on the comments :)
Okay, here is the sad truth...I am not really rooting for any of these people! LOL I guess I'm rootinf Jeff more than anyone, but if he doesn't step it up, he doesn't stand a chance! His defeatist attitude is really getting on my nerves. Self-deprecating is one thing, but he is bordering on self-fulfilling prophecy. C'mon Jeff! Snap out of it!
I'm so pissed! Not what I wanted to happen!
Jordan needs to win HOH Im rooting for Jordan
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