The Overnight Report
Good Morning, BB Lovers!! Happy Tuesday!
We're celebrating quite a milestone here on BBDish today! :) Sometime today, we're going to pass 10 Million hits! :) Even as I write it, I'm stunned, and I'm so thankful to all of you who make BBDish your Summer home.
At the moment, 4:40am BBT, Natalie is working on an endurance comp of her own.. Staying up all night for another night to keep Lydia and Jessie away from each other after dark. She's not even trying to hide her motives...
This Overnight Report is starting at 9pm BBT/Midnight Eastern, so all the east coast folks who went to sleep can get all caught up... The 1st half of the Overnight is lovingly provided by Blue! It's quite comprehensive. Start reading whereever you left off with the HGs last night!
9:08pm BBT
Casey, Jordan, Chima, Russell
Feeds 1 & 2
If my spidey senses are right, and BB's operating on the same schedule as last season, 48 hours from now, the HGs will be on about the 8th hour of an inside lockdown, because the crew will have already begun setting up and testing whatever wonderful apparatus they've created for the first live to the feeds Endurance Comp of the Big Brother 11 season!
If you haven't signed up for the free trial yet, I strongly encourage you to get everything set up now and get comfortable with the new interface before the endurance comp starts!

Nope, little Scrappy C-Block is jealous beyond measure and using everything possible to get Jessie to stop talking to Lydia at all... To his credit, Jessie's not buying it, and he hasn't said a word about his extra-curricular activities with Lydia to Natalie or anyone else.
He gets it. Meanwhile, Lydia's on the hammock outside... and Natalie, peering through the window in the kitchen while Jessie prepares some food, is quite aware of that, as well. She mentions it to Jessie about 10 minutes later, he takes a gander, and says, "I didn't realize she was up. I think she's crying." Natalie continues her onslaught... Talk turns briefly to the upcoming HoH, which Natalie, like everyone else in the house, must win.
5:03am BBT
Natalie & Jessie
Natalie: (ever so begrudgingly) If Lydia comes in, you can tell her there's breakfast. Just try to keep the conversation to a minimum.
Jessie: These actually look good, though.
Natalie: But she's still a bitch...
Jessie: Why is she a bitch?
Natalie: She says things to my face that aren't true, then she says other things to other people that she wants to put me up... She tells me that she likes me and wants to get to know me..
Jessie: Talking to you is like kicking myself in the balls. That's what it feels like. That's the best analogy I can give you. It's pretty accurate.
Lydia comes in for a moment.
Jessie: Lydia, do you want any breakfast? There's plenty.
Lydia: No..
(pause for a few moments)
Jessie: (very gently) Are you sure you don't want any?
Lydia: mm hmm
(Lydia heads into the Pool Room to grab something...)
Natalie: You dont have to kiss her ass, either.
(Lydia passes back through en route to the bathroom.)
Jessie: What if you woke up and she was just gone one morning?
(Natalie shrugs.)
Natalie: I want everybody to do that.
(Lydia gets into the shower...)
You get the picture... and I've got to move on the Overnight Report before these first ever truly 24/7 HGs drive me completely round the bend. This is the first crew of house guests I can remember that have so little, if any, universal sleep time... When the late nighters go to bed, the early risers get up...
Please refresh this post at 7:30am BBT for the 1st part of the Overnight Report and then again at 9:00am BBT for the completion... BB willing, the HGs will sleep til then!
Happy 10 Million Day!!! :) There will be party favors, but that's all I'm sayin' for now. ;)
9:08pm BBT
Casey, Jordan, Chima, Russell
Feeds 1 & 2
Russell and Chima are quite cozy. She's stroking his head, and he's practically purring.
Casey's talking about being a teacher: his kids, racial dynamics, going back to school for his Master's, becoming a Principal, etc..
Kevin comes outside. Jordan gets up and is immediately called to the DR.
Chima is asking Kevin about Digital Records. Kevin isn't sure what she means, and she says it's code for something. Kevin finally gets it, and the BBGod comes on and says "You are not allowed to talk about your Diary Room session with other House Guests."
Chima mentions something about *finger situation,* and she doesn't want her dad or grandma to see that. Russell has developed a severe headache from cracking his head on the bottom of the pool earlier in the day.
Chima: "You want some Advil?"
Russell: "No, I'm good."
Chima: "You sure?"
Russell: "Mmhmm."
Lydia and Kevin are playing pool on feeds 3 and 4.
Chima: "You still haven't taught me how to play chess."
Russell: "Not tonight, though."
Russell says he's getting sleepy, listening to Casey tell his life story. Casey gets up and says "Thanks!!!" Russell and Chima have a good laugh......good natured!!
Casey goes over and sits by Jeff, by the jacuzzi.
Chima: (very flirty) "Oh Russell, you're so strong and big...
They are laughing and giggling....
BBGod: "Jeff, please go to the Diary Room."
Jeff exits, leaving Casey smoking by the jacuzzi. Jordan returns to the backyard. Casey resumes singing his "Banana suit" song. He's cracking people up with it!
Lydia comes over and sits next to Jordan with something to eat. Jordan is trying to get Casey to do something, and Casey says: "I'm not a f*cking side-show monkey!!!!!" Again, laughing and having fun!!!
They are making fun of him in the Banana suit. Casey is taking it all in good stride -
playing and laughing back.....
Casey: "I'm an angry banana!!! The banana is angry!!! "
9:30pm BBT
Casey et al.
They are trying to get him to do impressions...and he is obliging!!! Chima asks him to do Russell.... He says he's too mean, and he needs more time to work on that one. Asked to do Natalie, Casey prances around in a Natalie-like walk. He calls her a "mean-ass chihuahua."
Then Casey impersonates Kevin... Too funny! Finally, he does Russell.
Casey: "Russell's elbows are always out" He walks around like Russell and
they all crack up.
He does Natalie again... She seems to be the favorite impression for the group.
Casey: "You'll miss me when I'm gone"
During the impersonations, Michele joined the crew outside, but not for long...
BBGod: "Michele, please come to the Diary Room"
As she heads inside, they all check out Michele's walk and laugh. Casey is hoping to figure out how to imitate her!
Jeff has returned.
They are laughing and having a fun time, focused on Casey right now - reminiscing from the past couple or so weeks... Bringing up all the good times, including Braden and his jacket. They mention his blender and how awesome he was with it and he would put avocado on EVERYTHING! Someone recalls Braden took like 50 showers a day.
Casey and Jordan go to take care of laundry.......
Chima: "He's being a good sport about it."
*I assume she is referring to Casey being put up on the block.
Jessie comes out with a big plate of food, sits down with it, and prays. Jessie thanks Lydia for cooking for him (and everyone else), and she says thank Kevin, too. Jessie obeys.
9:40pm BBT
Back Yard - Couch
They are trying to get him to do impressions...and he is obliging!!! Chima asks him to do Russell.... He says he's too mean, and he needs more time to work on that one. Asked to do Natalie, Casey prances around in a Natalie-like walk. He calls her a "mean-ass chihuahua."
Then Casey impersonates Kevin... Too funny! Finally, he does Russell.
Casey: "Russell's elbows are always out" He walks around like Russell and
they all crack up.
He does Natalie again... She seems to be the favorite impression for the group.
Casey: "You'll miss me when I'm gone"
During the impersonations, Michele joined the crew outside, but not for long...
BBGod: "Michele, please come to the Diary Room"
As she heads inside, they all check out Michele's walk and laugh. Casey is hoping to figure out how to imitate her!
Jeff has returned.
They are laughing and having a fun time, focused on Casey right now - reminiscing from the past couple or so weeks... Bringing up all the good times, including Braden and his jacket. They mention his blender and how awesome he was with it and he would put avocado on EVERYTHING! Someone recalls Braden took like 50 showers a day.
Casey and Jordan go to take care of laundry.......
Chima: "He's being a good sport about it."
*I assume she is referring to Casey being put up on the block.
Jessie comes out with a big plate of food, sits down with it, and prays. Jessie thanks Lydia for cooking for him (and everyone else), and she says thank Kevin, too. Jessie obeys.
9:40pm BBT
Back Yard - Couch
Feeds 3 & 4
BBGod: "Jessie, please go to the Diary Room"
*The House Guests have become quite comfortable with the BBGod voice, and no one really budges or says anything anymore when THEY speak from above. It's become second nature to them.
Chima and Russell are still very snuggly, comfy and cozy.
BBGod: "Jessie, please go to the Diary Room"
*The House Guests have become quite comfortable with the BBGod voice, and no one really budges or says anything anymore when THEY speak from above. It's become second nature to them.
Chima and Russell are still very snuggly, comfy and cozy.
Feeds 1 & 2
Nat is in bed, and Ronnie is sitting on his bed with the lights off.
Nat is in bed, and Ronnie is sitting on his bed with the lights off.
Natalie gets up and mentions stirring up some sh*t in the house... She whispers to Ronnie about going into the storage room... They discuss Casey.
Natalie: "He's going home."
Ronnie: "You know what he said the other day? If he could be any animal, he would be a snake."
The storage room opens up.........they (BB staff) were putting milk in the storage room, Ronnie says he will take it to Chima and goes out and lets her know. Ronnie goes out back and says poor Lydia's being tortured in the bathroom.
Switching feeds to the bathroom. Lydia is in there. Jeff just went in to the toilet room. Jordan is showering. Lydia has left, and now Natalie in her yellow hoodie comes in to use the toilet room. Natalie exits the toilet room - checks herself in the mirror and ties her shorts....DOESN'T wash her hands.......(had to note that one!! hehehe)
Ronnie: "You know what he said the other day? If he could be any animal, he would be a snake."
The storage room opens up.........they (BB staff) were putting milk in the storage room, Ronnie says he will take it to Chima and goes out and lets her know. Ronnie goes out back and says poor Lydia's being tortured in the bathroom.
Switching feeds to the bathroom. Lydia is in there. Jeff just went in to the toilet room. Jordan is showering. Lydia has left, and now Natalie in her yellow hoodie comes in to use the toilet room. Natalie exits the toilet room - checks herself in the mirror and ties her shorts....DOESN'T wash her hands.......(had to note that one!! hehehe)
Back to feeds 3 and 4
Natalie, Lydia, Chima, Jessie, Casey...
Natalie is chiding Lydia, she's giving it right back.
Chima: "You're so cute in your pig tails."
Natalie: "Thank you, Chima. Any food left for me?"
Jessie: "Nope."
Jeff is playing pool
Natalie asks what they're going to make for Wednesday, and Lydia says she's not her Mexican worker.....
Lydia: "Can I make you a wedding dress out of trash bags?"
Natalie: "No."
The HGs start asking BB for games... Someone says "Taboo" and someone else asks what that is... Ronnie goes into full intellectual mode, explaining the rules of it...
Natalie: "So, you guys watch the news today?"
Everyone laughs.
Chima: "The economy is still in the tank... Michelle Obama has another great outfit on."
Natalie: I wish I was the President's daughter....
Jessie: "My dad saved your dad's job!"
Nat: "My dad knows where the weapons of mass destruction are!"
***they banter back and forth!!! Very funny!!1
Talk turns to the specifics of the presidential payroll, the lifetime benefits of former Presidents in terms of health insurance, body guards, etc............
Natalie: It's not that hard a job, because everyone makes decisions for him.
Chima: Are you serious???
Natalie: It's not that hard a job, because everyone makes decisions for him.
Chima: Are you serious???
Jessie is under the misguided notion that people who raise money for Presidential campaigns get to keep that money!!! LMAO!!!!!! Jessie, my dear, you are young, politically unaware and have a lot to learn.
Back Yard
Jessie, Nat, Chima
Natalie: I wanna stir up some sh*t up in there!!
Jessie: "I want to know who voted to keep Laura's a$$."
Back Yard
Jessie, Nat, Chima
Natalie: I wanna stir up some sh*t up in there!!
Jessie: "I want to know who voted to keep Laura's a$$."
***little does he know.............heheheheh
Nat is serious. Jessie suggests making crop circles in the back yard. Nat doesn't know what that
is at first, but Jessie explains and she gets it.........
Chima: "What are we going to do for the next two days?"
Natalie: "We have a plan for tonight."
Natalie: "It has nothing to do with peoples stuff or anything."
Natalie agrees to lay out with Chima tomorrow for about 30 minutes.
Nat and Jess are serious about doing something tonight, after everyone goes to bed, but Jessie explains that Lydia stays up later than everyone and gets up early every morning.
Nat: "What can we do that will be quick?"
Jess: "I don't know. I don't think about ways to get INTO trouble."
They continue to discuss it. Natalie suggests moving things around, like the couches. Chima says no, BBGod will tell them to "Stop that." They continue discussing ideas. Chima keeps putting the kabosh on Nat's ideas.........
Jessie: "We can wait two days and vote someone out of the house."
Chima: "We can hide the Buddha."
Nat says she's gonna do something.. just trying to figure out what..
Nat: "Hide all the food."
Chima: "I like that idea!!!!"
Nat is serious. Jessie suggests making crop circles in the back yard. Nat doesn't know what that
is at first, but Jessie explains and she gets it.........
Chima: "What are we going to do for the next two days?"
Natalie: "We have a plan for tonight."
Natalie: "It has nothing to do with peoples stuff or anything."
Natalie agrees to lay out with Chima tomorrow for about 30 minutes.
Nat and Jess are serious about doing something tonight, after everyone goes to bed, but Jessie explains that Lydia stays up later than everyone and gets up early every morning.
Nat: "What can we do that will be quick?"
Jess: "I don't know. I don't think about ways to get INTO trouble."
They continue to discuss it. Natalie suggests moving things around, like the couches. Chima says no, BBGod will tell them to "Stop that." They continue discussing ideas. Chima keeps putting the kabosh on Nat's ideas.........
Jessie: "We can wait two days and vote someone out of the house."
Chima: "We can hide the Buddha."
Nat says she's gonna do something.. just trying to figure out what..
Nat: "Hide all the food."
Chima: "I like that idea!!!!"
10:27pm BBT
Michele and Ronnie
Ronnie is quizzing Michele on who she knows might be watching the feeds, etc.........they are chilling... Michele is looking good in her bikini..
Ronnie gets up to go inside in search of food, leaving her alone. The feeds follow Ronnie inside. He mentions something about BB setting up Chima for milk while passing through the kitchen, as Chima exits back out to the back yard.......
Feeds 1 and 2 for Kevin and Jeff, or
3 and 4 for the outside sofas........
They aren't talking, just playing pool, so switching feeds back to the outdoor sofa's......
Ronnie is talking...........about a crash or accident or something....
It's Jess, Nat, Chima, Michele..........
*don't ask me where Russ, Lydia, Kevin are right now, cause I don't know...
the feeds haven't followed them...........I am curious, though!!!
Michele and Ronnie
Ronnie is quizzing Michele on who she knows might be watching the feeds, etc.........they are chilling... Michele is looking good in her bikini..
Ronnie gets up to go inside in search of food, leaving her alone. The feeds follow Ronnie inside. He mentions something about BB setting up Chima for milk while passing through the kitchen, as Chima exits back out to the back yard.......
Feeds 1 and 2 for Kevin and Jeff, or
3 and 4 for the outside sofas........
They aren't talking, just playing pool, so switching feeds back to the outdoor sofa's......
Ronnie is talking...........about a crash or accident or something....
It's Jess, Nat, Chima, Michele..........
*don't ask me where Russ, Lydia, Kevin are right now, cause I don't know...
the feeds haven't followed them...........I am curious, though!!!
Back Yard
Ronnie, Chima, Nat, Jess, on the sofa's....
Feeds 3 and 4
Switching to feeds 1 and 2 for Jeff and Jordan in the hammock
Jordan: I asked Russell if he and Chima was going to hook up, and he said "Nah...." "She's not my type.....I prefer blond's!"
Jeff says he thought for sure Ronnie was out this week, and it was okay with Jessie being HoH this week because he would waste it on Ronnie, but things change.
Jordan: "I don't get Russell.......I don't understand him."
Jeff: "He's sneaky........I don't trust him"
Back Yard
Ronnie, Chima, Nat, Jess, on the sofa's....
Feeds 3 and 4
Switching to feeds 1 and 2 for Jeff and Jordan in the hammock
Jordan: I asked Russell if he and Chima was going to hook up, and he said "Nah...." "She's not my type.....I prefer blond's!"
Jeff says he thought for sure Ronnie was out this week, and it was okay with Jessie being HoH this week because he would waste it on Ronnie, but things change.
Jordan: "I don't get Russell.......I don't understand him."
Jeff: "He's sneaky........I don't trust him"
They aren't trusting of anyone right now except each other!!!
(Can they just share a nice long deep kiss already, and get it over with!! LOL)
Jordan says that Russell told her that Lydia and Kevin would go out before her. Jeff says that there has to be animosity in their little clique right now. Jordan says that she believes that Lydia and Kevin want Russell OUT!!!!
Jeff keeps pounding that they are going to win this week! Jordan says she hopes it's endurance! and Jeff says he wants to go on a power trip being up in the HoH!
*****Jordan just might surprise us all this week..........she's hungry for an HoH win and
sounds confident in a possible endurance comp!!!
Jeff says she (Jordan) needs to get away from him this week.....
"You just lost your key. The door is locked."
Jeff keeps saying he wants everyone to kiss their a$$ all week!!!! It will feel sooooo good!!
Jordan: "If we don't win this week, it's gonna be you or me."
Jordan(to Jeff): "You're safe if Russ wins, I'm not!!!"
Jeff: "They may drop that team thing this week."
Jordan: "I don't think so, I think it will be who makes it in the jury house first before they drop it."
Jeff: "Seriously, Ronnie's gotta STFU!! Dude hasn't talked in a week and now he's like bbblllbbbllblblblblblblblb!!!" LOL
Jordan asks about her hair, Jeff compliments her, she says "What?", he grabs her nose............they talk about peanut butter and cute together!!!
Jordan: "My teeth look all right?"
Jeff: "Like super scary, almost!"
Switching feeds to 3 and 4
Michele and Kevin
Don't know if Kevin is talking game or not, the sound on his mic isn't louder than the sounds from the jacuzzi..........but I think he is.......
The feeds switch off them back onto the sofas in the back yard with Chima, Jess, Natalie.. Natalie goes inside, and now Jessie and Chima are chatting.......
Lydia comes out. Lydia is just sitting in a chair by herself...........kind of awkward at the moment... she's cracking her knuckles.........
Chima: "I wish we could get some sleeping pills in this house. Or maybe some
BBGod: "Russell, please go to the Diary Room."
***Thank you!!!! Bout freaking time someone checked on him!
Jessie, "Nat!!!!! You want to go make sure he's up???"
Nat: "I don't want to get swing at!!!!"
Jessie and Chima discuss how he has mentioned swinging at people who wake him up. Chat changes to Lydia saying she walks around her town late at night alone.......
Chima mentions how Lydia is always up and doesn't sleep much, and Lydia says yea, like Einstein only slept like 3 hours a day..........because there was always something to do.................I guess Lydia is likening herself to Einstein, and even
Andy Warhol's name has come up.............*rolls eyes* (and I like Lydia, but still, please!!, u got a long way to go to even think about matching Warhol or Einstein!!!!! LOL)
Nat comes back out and says that Russ only swung at her with his feet!!! LOL, they
Lydia and Chima start chatting about everything under the sun..................convo is
happening at around 2:30ET or 11:30BBt to about.........well...still going on at 2:34ET
or 11:34BBT............
Chima says she waited on Prince once............and he doesn't drink, and had the
most beautiful women with him...............(I've heard that about him, Prince
doesn't drink.........have I ever mentioned that back in the early early 90's I once
dated a guy who actually worked as a Prince look-a-like {and even strippped
to his music for the right dollar amount, but I got to witness free of charge, of
course............SWOON *someone fan me!!!! lol* I"ve love raspberries ever
They are just chit chatting about multiple things............They mention how Hollywood
always makes Venice look beautiful on film, but if you actually travel there in
real's smelly and trashy, and not beautiful at all!!!!!
2:40ET or 11:40BBT
Feeds 3 or 4
Feeds 1 and 2 are now on the pool table with Jeff and Nat playing.
It looks like Jordan is getting into bed.........the feeds showed a close up of Russ in bed sleeping soundly...........He's OUT!!!!
Casey takes off his shorts, grabs himself for an adjustment, then crawls into bed......
Jordan sees Jeff and giggles at him........he asks "What?" She says "Nothing" and
giggles more........
Kevin, Chima and Michele are in the kitchen.........possibly getting ready for bed.... Nat is flitting around a bit.........and so is Ronnie.......but who knows with those two!!
Starting to look like it might be an early night for all of 'em.
Nat: (to Ronnie) "So, come up with a good prank?"
Ronnie gives an unintelligable answer...........
Goes to hug Lydia and thanks her for something earlier.........
Outside in the back yard.........
Ronnie: "Kevin was so trying to push the whole thing on Russell and Casey..." *shrugs*
Ronnie is telling Natalie that Russell is saying how Russell is the only friend he has in here, he tells her how Russ pulled him into the storage room earlier...........and said how he proved his loyalty to him today..........he's like "Russell, you proved nothing to me."
Nat says they need to get Russ out, and one of them mentions that if Jeff comes off the block in the future, then Russ goes up.. They are making fun of Russ right now, saying how he proved nothing, and does not have power in the house right now.
Feeds 1 and 2
11:58 pm BBT to 12:02BBT
Natalie & Ronnie
They do not trust Russ AT ALL!!!!! Ronnie thinks that if Chima won they could get her to take Russ out, because they are sure she would. Nat says if she wins this week, she will put up Lydia and Jeff, and if one of them comes off, she will back door Russell!
They move on from trashing Russell to trashing Jordan................
Ronnie: "She's full of herself, isn't she?"
Ronnie mentions how he is a champion debator................
Nat: "Yea, she will pawn herself all the way to the end........."
They assure each other that one of them has to win HoH this week.
Ronnie: "I just can't sleep, because I did so much sleeping earlier!!! You know??"
****Just going to say right now.........the two people I would love most to see sweat next week and one of them go home (since they both can't go home) are Ronnie and Natalie!!!!!!!
Natalie & Ronnie
They do not trust Russ AT ALL!!!!! Ronnie thinks that if Chima won they could get her to take Russ out, because they are sure she would. Nat says if she wins this week, she will put up Lydia and Jeff, and if one of them comes off, she will back door Russell!
They move on from trashing Russell to trashing Jordan................
Ronnie: "She's full of herself, isn't she?"
Ronnie mentions how he is a champion debator................
Nat: "Yea, she will pawn herself all the way to the end........."
They assure each other that one of them has to win HoH this week.
Ronnie: "I just can't sleep, because I did so much sleeping earlier!!! You know??"
****Just going to say right now.........the two people I would love most to see sweat next week and one of them go home (since they both can't go home) are Ronnie and Natalie!!!!!!!
Jeff and Jordan
Jordan and Jeff are in bed together right now with the lights off, and Jordan is whispering things into Jeffs stuff.........but can't make out what
she is saying................
***No matter what the HoH comp is this week............lots of players are hungrier than ever............and it's going to be a good one!!!!! Just wait!!!!!! They can all taste
the power/alliance shifting this week and they are all lusting after it BIG TIME!!!!!
***Hopefully you can all keep up with my writing style and follow along, but if not, you
do have the lucky advantage this year of the awesome Flashback Feature on the Live Feeds!!!! Only 14.99 a month or 39.99 for 3 months!!!
Back Yard sofa's
Jessie and Lydia
Lydia awakens Jessie, who has been napping face down......
Lydia: "You want your little shoulders rubbed?"
Jessie: "What time is it? What're you doing?"
Lydia: "Um, thinking about you, in a special way. You wanna go sleep sleep?"
baby talk again..............
Jessie: "Chima still awake?"
Lydia: :"She's going to bed."
Jessie: "Kevin gone to bed?"
Lydia: "They are all going to bed..............not staying up too late..."
Ronnie and Nat are still playing pool, plus, Casey is now back up and out back smoking a ciggie. He's being quiet, just smoking and looking around, watching the pool playing. He puts out his cig and heads quickly back in.............he moves into the kitchen and grabs a pot and a ladle or something.........not sure what he's up to.....
The feeds are on Lydia in the kitchen.........Nat comes in, then heads back out......the door still open........Casey passes back through without the pot and ladle or spoon or whatever he had........goes to the bathroom........
Jeff and Jordan
Jordan and Jeff are in bed together right now with the lights off, and Jordan is whispering things into Jeffs stuff.........but can't make out what
she is saying................
***No matter what the HoH comp is this week............lots of players are hungrier than ever............and it's going to be a good one!!!!! Just wait!!!!!! They can all taste
the power/alliance shifting this week and they are all lusting after it BIG TIME!!!!!
***Hopefully you can all keep up with my writing style and follow along, but if not, you
do have the lucky advantage this year of the awesome Flashback Feature on the Live Feeds!!!! Only 14.99 a month or 39.99 for 3 months!!!
Back Yard sofa's
Jessie and Lydia
Lydia awakens Jessie, who has been napping face down......
Lydia: "You want your little shoulders rubbed?"
Jessie: "What time is it? What're you doing?"
Lydia: "Um, thinking about you, in a special way. You wanna go sleep sleep?"
baby talk again..............
Jessie: "Chima still awake?"
Lydia: :"She's going to bed."
Jessie: "Kevin gone to bed?"
Lydia: "They are all going to bed..............not staying up too late..."
Ronnie and Nat are still playing pool, plus, Casey is now back up and out back smoking a ciggie. He's being quiet, just smoking and looking around, watching the pool playing. He puts out his cig and heads quickly back in.............he moves into the kitchen and grabs a pot and a ladle or something.........not sure what he's up to.....
The feeds are on Lydia in the kitchen.........Nat comes in, then heads back out......the door still open........Casey passes back through without the pot and ladle or spoon or whatever he had........goes to the bathroom........
Kevin and Chima
Kevin and Chima
Ronnie & Natalie
Chima is saying how women age quicker than men, and they spend the most on beauty products............. Chima and Ronnie and Nat are saying how they think Russ will knock _____ (someone)out .............I think they are talking about Casey.............
Nat says to Chima and Ronnie: "Whatever you do, don't go to bed soon......." and laughs.........
Nat is corralling Jeff and Kevin, Michele, Chima, Ronnie, the bathroom, she says something about someone going into the DR.... Something is going on............
Nat: "Hey, we might have to lock ourselves up in your room tonight..."
*Perhaps Nat is the looks like someone managed to get some lotion or somehting onto Jessie's feet............
He's like "How did you do it so good??????" and Jess is wiping something off his feet, a lot of something. Digging down between his toes.......
Yea, someone got Jess while he was sleeping!!!!
Chima is saying how women age quicker than men, and they spend the most on beauty products............. Chima and Ronnie and Nat are saying how they think Russ will knock _____ (someone)out .............I think they are talking about Casey.............
Nat says to Chima and Ronnie: "Whatever you do, don't go to bed soon......." and laughs.........
Nat is corralling Jeff and Kevin, Michele, Chima, Ronnie, the bathroom, she says something about someone going into the DR.... Something is going on............
Nat: "Hey, we might have to lock ourselves up in your room tonight..."
*Perhaps Nat is the looks like someone managed to get some lotion or somehting onto Jessie's feet............
He's like "How did you do it so good??????" and Jess is wiping something off his feet, a lot of something. Digging down between his toes.......
Yea, someone got Jess while he was sleeping!!!!
***It was Lydia. She painted his toes...
Bach yard sofa
Nat and Jess
Nat: "Lydia did it"
Jess: "I can't believe she did it."
Nat: "You didn't hear that nail polish thing from me."
She gets up and goes inside.
Casey, the Fruit of the Loom Banana is still out back smoking, over by the pool table/washer and dryer...............while Jess continues to stuff his mouth .... Casey heads in, without saying a word to him.........
Jessie: "I don't get it...."
Back to the bathroom:
Ronnie, Michele, Kevin, Chima, Nat is passing through...........and moving along....
Chima is washing her face. Her hair in a bandana.......
***** You know, I hate to admit when I'm wrong, but a couple days ago I mentioned that I was sure Chima had a weave,.............and the closer I pay attention, the more
convinced I am she is sporting her own hair!!!!! Mark your calendars!!!! Blue just
might be wrong on this one!
Bach yard sofa
Nat and Jess
Nat: "Lydia did it"
Jess: "I can't believe she did it."
Nat: "You didn't hear that nail polish thing from me."
She gets up and goes inside.
Casey, the Fruit of the Loom Banana is still out back smoking, over by the pool table/washer and dryer...............while Jess continues to stuff his mouth .... Casey heads in, without saying a word to him.........
Jessie: "I don't get it...."
Back to the bathroom:
Ronnie, Michele, Kevin, Chima, Nat is passing through...........and moving along....
Chima is washing her face. Her hair in a bandana.......
***** You know, I hate to admit when I'm wrong, but a couple days ago I mentioned that I was sure Chima had a weave,.............and the closer I pay attention, the more
convinced I am she is sporting her own hair!!!!! Mark your calendars!!!! Blue just
might be wrong on this one!
12:49am BBT
the pool room
Casey and Jordan
Jordan: "You said you were going to beat on pots and pans!!!"
Casey: "I hate this place, man!! People keep laughing with Ronnie! You know what, Jordan, we are the short end of the stick!!!"
the pool room
Casey and Jordan
Jordan: "You said you were going to beat on pots and pans!!!"
Casey: "I hate this place, man!! People keep laughing with Ronnie! You know what, Jordan, we are the short end of the stick!!!"
***um, Casey, you were on the other side, until you switched your vote to evict.
Casey: "Two more days until eviction."
Casey: "Two more days until eviction."
Jessie and Lydia
4 Feeds
Jessie and Lydia
4 Feeds
Jessie is actually kind of pissed at Lydia right now..........about the nail polish I think........(me thinks he doesn't take self-depricating humor well, which is actually a sign of low self-esteem according to the world's leading pyschiatrist's..........)
Wow, he's pissed at her..............shades of Renny coming to mind, and Jessie being ticked off about her *disturbing* his beauty sleep from last season.
*I'm thinking Jessie doesn't like being the brunt of jokes, most especially when he isn't in on them!
Jessie mentions Casey might be banging on a bunch of pots and pans............he says because he's angry at the world, and even DR knows he's going to do it.....he seems to be okay with that, as long as it isn't directed at him.
1:07am BBT
The time is now 4:07ET or 1:07BBT........
Jordan, Jeff, and Casey are in the pool room in bed, and Casey just mentioned something about "Jessie doesn't drink, and Natalie can't drink............."
.....LOL, they still think Nat is underage!!!!! (yes, Jordan and Jeff are in bed together, although she just got up and left the room for something.) Jeff asks if she is going to pee...........she laughs and says "No............"
Back Yard Pool Table
Nat and Jess
Nat: "Hey, you've won one HoH, calm down there buddy!!!"
**LOL Actually, he has won three, two last season, and one this season, and you have won how many little girl????? Oh, that's right.................a big fat ZERO!!!! LMAO!!!! WHATEVER, L'il Lady!!!!!!
*can't believe I'm actually defending Jessie, but come on!!!!
They are discussing Lydia, and Jess says he feels bad for talking to her all the time, instead of Nat, and Nat asks him "Why?" It's becoming apparent she does not like Lydia at all.
Nat wants to know what he talks to her about all the time, and says she doesn't get it.
*Nat is hard core, she mostly doesn't play around, she doesn't mince words, she puts it all out there on the line. She's a tough lil thing!!!!
Love you all much!!!!
*Ronnie just said he thinks Kevin will drop first if it's an endurance comp.........
*****smoooochies****** and many big big big (((((((((hugs))))))))
Love, Blue
This concludes the 1st part of the Overnight Report! Please refresh this post at 9am BBT for the completion. :) -Carolyn
From our very own Syn92, who also blogged late into the night, we learn the following:
1:34am BBT
Green Room
Ronnie, Chima & Michele
The Brains met in the Green Room and they were talking a lot of smack about the rest of the house guests. Ronnie has a lot of really nasty things to say about Casey starting at 1:34a BBT and then Jordan at 1:47a BBT.
Chima sticks up for both Casey and Jordan.
1:50am BBT
HoH Room
Jessie, Natalie & Michele, Ronnie, Chima
Michele has crossed over to the dark side, and the evil lord Jessie and his minion Natalie have accepted her with open arms.
New targets are emerging and their names are Lydia and Kevin.
Michele explained the whole conversation to them: that Kevin and Lydia approached her with a plan for her to join them and create an alliance with Jeff and Jordan with a plan to get the Athlete's out.
Michele has totally sold them out.
The apparent new alliance is Jessie, Natalie, Ronnie, Chima, Russell, and Michele. Leaving Lydia, Kevin, Jeff, and Jordan as the underdogs.
It should be noted that Russell wasn't present during this meeting. He's been asleep since he wasn't feeling well earlier after hitting his head in the pool from a misplaced shallow dive. I hope he's okay and that a medic checked him out.
And Michele makes a joke "Oh I'm so conflicted," as if she didn't know what side to join. Natalie is sure to pipe in with "Why choose a side where no one has won anything!?!?!" Oh the ignorance of youth. "Natalie, you haven't won anything either."
2:25am BBT
Backyard - Couch
Lydia & Casey
Casey's just come outside for a cigarette, and he found Lydia lying on the couch. Lydia asks about his plans to pull a Dick with the pots and pans.. It doesn't seem as if he's still interested in doing it. Talk turns to the people behind the walls... Casey respects them, and it irks him that most of the other HGs don't. He chalks it up to the ignorance of youth.
Then we move on to game...
Lydia: How devastated would they be if you stayed?
Casey: I’m not gonna get Jeff. I wouldn’t ask him to do that. Michele's tough to read... Maybe Russell. I'll check around the next 2 days...
Lydia says some people are walking on eggshells around him. Casey acknowledges that too.
Casey: I know I can be abrasive. People take things the wrong way when I'm tryin' to be funny, but I’ve pretty much kept myself in check. I probably shoulda been an a--hole, if I was goin' home week three. I been nice n' considerate. Some people don’t give a f-ck...
Lydia siezes the opening to tell Casey about Russell, revealing that while he was oh so publicly giving Ronnie such a hard time, Russell was also having secret meetings in the Storage Room with Ronnie.
Casey's a little surprised, but he takes it in stride, saying everyone's gotta do what's best for them.
Lydia: They’re trying to get you out... and me and Kevin are next. I do not want to let an 18 year old run this house.
Casey makes an excellent point - they won, and if you want power and control, you need to win too.
After this conversation, the house quiets down considerably, until we arrive to the material covered at the very beginning of this post with Jessie and Natalie. Natalie finally goes to bed around 5:48am, and then Jessie and Lydia get to talking...
*****smoooochies****** and many big big big (((((((((hugs))))))))
Love, Blue
This concludes the 1st part of the Overnight Report! Please refresh this post at 9am BBT for the completion. :) -Carolyn
From our very own Syn92, who also blogged late into the night, we learn the following:
1:34am BBT
Green Room
Ronnie, Chima & Michele
The Brains met in the Green Room and they were talking a lot of smack about the rest of the house guests. Ronnie has a lot of really nasty things to say about Casey starting at 1:34a BBT and then Jordan at 1:47a BBT.
Chima sticks up for both Casey and Jordan.
1:50am BBT
HoH Room
Jessie, Natalie & Michele, Ronnie, Chima
Michele has crossed over to the dark side, and the evil lord Jessie and his minion Natalie have accepted her with open arms.
New targets are emerging and their names are Lydia and Kevin.
Michele explained the whole conversation to them: that Kevin and Lydia approached her with a plan for her to join them and create an alliance with Jeff and Jordan with a plan to get the Athlete's out.
Michele has totally sold them out.
The apparent new alliance is Jessie, Natalie, Ronnie, Chima, Russell, and Michele. Leaving Lydia, Kevin, Jeff, and Jordan as the underdogs.
It should be noted that Russell wasn't present during this meeting. He's been asleep since he wasn't feeling well earlier after hitting his head in the pool from a misplaced shallow dive. I hope he's okay and that a medic checked him out.
And Michele makes a joke "Oh I'm so conflicted," as if she didn't know what side to join. Natalie is sure to pipe in with "Why choose a side where no one has won anything!?!?!" Oh the ignorance of youth. "Natalie, you haven't won anything either."
2:25am BBT
Backyard - Couch
Lydia & Casey
Casey's just come outside for a cigarette, and he found Lydia lying on the couch. Lydia asks about his plans to pull a Dick with the pots and pans.. It doesn't seem as if he's still interested in doing it. Talk turns to the people behind the walls... Casey respects them, and it irks him that most of the other HGs don't. He chalks it up to the ignorance of youth.
Then we move on to game...
Lydia: How devastated would they be if you stayed?
Casey: I’m not gonna get Jeff. I wouldn’t ask him to do that. Michele's tough to read... Maybe Russell. I'll check around the next 2 days...
Lydia says some people are walking on eggshells around him. Casey acknowledges that too.
Casey: I know I can be abrasive. People take things the wrong way when I'm tryin' to be funny, but I’ve pretty much kept myself in check. I probably shoulda been an a--hole, if I was goin' home week three. I been nice n' considerate. Some people don’t give a f-ck...
Lydia siezes the opening to tell Casey about Russell, revealing that while he was oh so publicly giving Ronnie such a hard time, Russell was also having secret meetings in the Storage Room with Ronnie.
Casey's a little surprised, but he takes it in stride, saying everyone's gotta do what's best for them.
Lydia: They’re trying to get you out... and me and Kevin are next. I do not want to let an 18 year old run this house.
Casey makes an excellent point - they won, and if you want power and control, you need to win too.
After this conversation, the house quiets down considerably, until we arrive to the material covered at the very beginning of this post with Jessie and Natalie. Natalie finally goes to bed around 5:48am, and then Jessie and Lydia get to talking...
I covered that in my tweets via @theREALbbdish while I was editing Blue's coverage... Here are the details:
5:48am BBT Seems Natalie's finally gone to bed. If you're on Perv watch, the time is now.
6:03am BBT - Lovers Quarrel on F3&4
6:59am BBT - Lovers Quarrel over - Jessie & Lydia Snuggling in the Spa Room on 3 & 4
7:08am BBT - Jessie's planning for nookie - "I don't think there's any infra red cameras in the bathroom of the HoH..."
Approx 7:30am BBT - Jessie's not gettin' any, but he did mend that fence before they both went to sleep...
7:56am BBT Russell's up and using the bathroom - For all who were concerned (me included) He seems quite fine. #BB11
At 8:07am BBT, BB made the wake up call. Time to stretch and open a morning report!!!
"Talking to you is like kicking myself in the balls. That's what it feels like. That's the best analogy I can give you. It's pretty accurate."
Did Natalie not hear him!?!? She is acting like a lost puppy dog.
I woke up to the same conversation this morning. I about fell of the couch laughing when Jesse said to Nat, that talking to her is like kicking himself in the balls :p
Jesse was referring to a conversation earlier that Lydia overheard? I am sure it will go up in the overnight report, but I was just curious. Lydia had such a strong reaction to Jesse about it.
Good Morning Carolyn!
Happy 10 Million Day!
Good morning everyone,
I've had a lot of bad stuff going on at home. From computers breaking and other one being infected with a virus to finding out I have some more serious health problems.
Carolyn is and always will be a very dear friend. I feel so bad I have not been around to help. The doll she is, calls and checks on me, and knows what is going on. She wants me to rest. But you all don't know. Many have asked and I don't tell.
So here goes. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, a hiatal hernia, acid reflux, an anxiety disorder, and diabetes. I suffer with insomnia and sleep apnea.
I have no immune system. I don't go outside very often. This started when I seemed to be allergic to the sun. The sun gives me rashes. Leads the doctors to think it could me Lupus.
I'm also dealing with some nasty allergies.
Most recently the flu messed me up, the hiatal hernia diet messed with the diabetes and I ended up at the hospital. My hernia needs an operation.
Oh, and the messed up thing is doctor says. Normally we would say losing some weight would help all your problems. I however only weigh 110 pounds. They don't want me losing any.
My other allergies are to medicines and other treatments. Deadly reactions. So treatment has been very tricky. New meds have to be tested in front of the doctor.
There is more but this comment is getting depressing. I want you all to know you bring me great joy when I am dealing with this crap. I love you guys and gals! Even when you don't see me.
hugs and kissies..butt grabs and pies to all!
PS: I'm so happy to see Carolyn has awesome helpers to step in Genie, Blue, Gaytor and more, thanks for being there for Carolyn!
Good morning!
Congrats on the 10 mil mark!!!!!!!
My intention is to go to sleep after the fall-out from breakfast is over.
Lydia threatened (empty) to throw the dirty dishes at Nat when she was sleeping. I knew she wouldn't but that doesn't mean I wouldn't l.o.v.e. to watch those two finally get into it.
PS) Rep X: Wow. I hope everything ends up working out ok for you. You're definitely missed while you're gone. Take care of yourself.
Good morning Reporter X...
Im so sorry to hear about everything goin on in your life. Know that I will say a few prayers for you when I go to bed tonight!
Good Morning Carolyn and all you BB lovas out there!
Dear, dear, dear ReporterX, I am screaming this thought as loud as I possibly can, WHY DO BAD THINGS CONTINUE TO HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE!
I am sending you the world's biggest hugs and gigantic positive thoughts. You always make me smile.
Carolyn - Congratulations on 10 million. It should be on a McDonald's sign, BBDish 10 Million Served.
Good morning one and all.
Oh my goodness...I've been asking about you RepX!!!!!!
Carolyn has told me a little briefly, but no details,.... respecting your privacy and everything.........which I completely understand!!!!!
I miss you so much!!!!!
I asked Caro to let you know once that I had said a prayer for you, but just know, I will continue to keep you in my well as your entire family!!!!! I had no idea!!!!!
You are so loved and adored here (and sorely and desperately missed right now!!!!), You don't even know!!!!
You WILL PULL THROUGH all of this!!!!! I will not stop praying for you until you do!!!!!
I'm sure you are surrounded by loving and supportive family and friends, but just know that you have supportive and loving friends here, too!!!! Stop in as much as you are able to!!!!!
Love you so much!!!!
*smoochies* and ((((hugs))))
{and multiple butt grabs}!!! LOL
congratulations on 10 million!!!!! I remember a few seasons ago, I think we were celebrating 1, kudos to you for doing such a wonderful job!
Good Morning! I don't get a chance to post in the comments alot, I read as much as I can though.. I hope the endurance comp is Thursday night! I can't wait!!
I hope Jeff or Jordan win, but I wouldn't mind seeing Lydia win and try to get Natalie out of the house! haha!!
Carolyn, Congratulations on 10 Million hits! This is the best BB site out there, I think it was season 7 or 8 I started coming here, and have made this place my home! We appreciate everything everyone does to make this the best site there is for our addiction! ;)
Reporter X I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi RX (that seemed ironically and darkly funny ... at least that's how it was meant to be).
Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I was dumped last night. No, that probably doesn't. I could tell you I got hit by a bus, but it only feels that way.
I have dealt with my share of health problems, including some you mention. It sucks. I'll say it again, it sucks. I'm not saying this a cure all for anything, but I found a holistic doctor who "prescribes" a host of vitamins and such specifically related to health concerns and tests. I don't know how much difference it makes, really, but I do believe it makes my immune system stronger and helps medicines along.
Do you use your CPAP religiously?
Did this become a lonely hearts and medical blog?
Keep on truckin' there kid. People with good health have no idea what a gift they have, till it's too damn late. Let that be a lesson to you all!
Natalie needs to calm down!! Doesn't she have a boyfriend so why does she need Jessie?
Congrats Caro! I'm sure that your popularity has nothing to do with the fact that your a sensational person with other great people working tirelessly to catch us all up on the happenings of our summer drug!
Love ya xoxoxoxoxo
Congratulations on the 10 Million hits, Carolyn!
Natalie is a horrid little beast, isn't she. What I find most amusing about her (not in a ha ha way) is that she really does seem 18. It's hard to believe she's 24. She actually seems about 16. Some serious emotional stunting there ... and she does take about her daddy an awful lot!
Good A.M Carolyn & fellow bloggers! It's a dreary, rainy day here w/tornado warnings all around us but I so love stormy weather so I'll take to bad w/the good!
Been on vaca & getting my son back & forth to bandcamp (school starts here Aug 12th) & haven't had much time for more than reading. Back into the swing of it & ready to rumble!
Last nite on BBAD when Ronnie layed down on his bed while talking to Nat the Brat he almost gave us a crouch shot & I almost hurled!!! Can't stand him almost as much as Jessie. If those 2 get to final 2 there is no justice in this world. Would love to see Jessie go out AGAIN as # 4!! sorry you've had it so bad lately. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Thank GOD for computers so even when your homebound you can still be in touch w/the world.
Hope everyone has a great day!!!
HanHaysMom (DonnaT in Louisiana)
What an exciting day this is for Carolyn, RepX, Genie Sea, Jun, all the Dishchicks & Dishers! Without the incredible efforts & contributions of each this site would not be what it has become. I am excited to be a part of such a huge milestone!
And, a huge thanks to Carolyn, our Queen of the DishChicks, for making it all possible!
WooT!! WooT!! WooT!!
Reporter X...big hugs and kisses!!! My thoughts are always with you, your spirit is so bright I hope that you know how very much you are loved and missed, but know that it is so very important to take care of yourself!
Anything you need....just a stroke key away :)
(((HUGS, HUGS and more HUGS)))) ReporterX. I'm so sorry to hear you are going through all this. And we really can't do a thing for you. Know you are missed and thought of often! We love you!!
It's so nice that we have a big, happy, family.
I'll add you to my prayers sweetie.
Congratulations Carolyn on the Big 10 Million!!! No one deserves it more than you!! :) ReporterX - Feel Better Soon!!! You have way too much for one person to deal with! I will keep you in my prayers. I hope you find lots of things to smile about today! Take care of yourself.
Carolyn!!! Happy 10 Million!!!
BIG HUGS and smoochies to YOU!
I think this is the best BB site EVER.
And you deserve it all :)
I am thrilled beyond words for you and priviledged to be a part of it all.
Jessie: "talking to you is like kicking myself in the balls"
yes jessie, i guess it is!
RepX, bless you. I had no idea. All I can do is send my love and positive thoughts that things will get better. I'm so glad you shared.
I must say, you inspire me. I am reminded of the saying that goes something like 'I complained because I had to walk, but then I saw a man with no feet. (something like that and I could go on with a multitude of others but you and everyone reading get my point.)
BiG GaYToR HugZ! And a pie for good measure. *SPLAT*
Good morning everyone!!!
C=Venus, I thought of one for you! Ronnie yesterday prior to the lockdown after the POV renom, said his weenies were on...there was that part in the movie Accepted where the guy had to dress up like a hot dog as part of the frat thing. I thought that fit perfectly!! :)
I haven't read a thing yet from last night after everyone went to bed or the TOR so I best get at it so I can actually get some work done today!! LOL...ya right.
From the TOR blog.
Nope, little Scrappy C-Block is jealous beyond measure and using everything possible to get Jessie to stop talking to Lydia at all... To his credit, Jessie's not buying it, and he hasn't said a word about his extra-curricular activities with Lydia to Natalie or anyone else.
He gets it.
Obviously he isn't and won't be getting it anymore if Natalie has her way. And neither will Lydia. *chuckle*
ReporterX~ I am so sorry about all of your health issues~just horrible for one person to go through so much! Do you have family and friends to help you? If not, I volunteer! I don't know what else to say except please know you have a lot of people here pulling for you and if there is ANYTHING we can do, please ask!
Sending you many many {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}
You have an immense amount of courage to face each and every day. Hoping all the best for you to manage and endure even though many of your problems can't be cured by Doctors.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carolyn~ Congrats on Ten Million!!! That is just so freakin' awesome!! Who woulda thunk it, eh? You so rock and we just adore you! Thank you so much for providing such a fun, loving forum for all of us BB addicts! And you brought us Jun... how can we ever repay you for such a wonderful addition to such a great crew? Oh, I know, maybe a little trip to the Tip Jar?? Seriously guys, you know she deserves it!!
Many smooches to all of you dishers!
Oh, and Blue, w00t w00t!! *wink*
RepX - My prayers, thoughts & love are with you as you battle these health issues. Thank you for sharing & allowing us to know about the challenges you are facing. Most importantly, stay positive in mind & take one day at a time. You are very special! Please keep us updated.
Sorry I pooped out on ya last night Carolyn. I just couldn't take it anymore. I was on the sofa watching BBAD and couldn't take the Natalie Show anymore.
Seriously, did her mental age growth stop at 12? I remember when my niece was 12. She was 3 times more mature than Natalie.
Now my niece (I have to brag) is an Iraq War Vet, married to the love of her life which she met while there, and they have two beautiful daughters. Those great nieces are "Co-Queens of my Universe"
Back to Natalie and my reason for not being here last night. BBAD was all about Natalie, with only a few brief moments of Jeff and Jordan being oh so cute on the hammock across the yard.
Natalie was coming up with some dumbass idea of taking all the plates out of the kitchen and spelling HoH in the middle of the backyard. Jessie was boringly playing along with anything she said. At least Chima was there to speak up that it was a bad idea. Someone would have to wash all those dishes afterward. Chima said. "And it won't be me, and I know it won't be you."
It still didn't stop Natalie from going on with the idea. I have no idea if she ever did it. I just couldn't keep watching. The bucket was full.
So I switched to the 1:00AM GaYToR Time news repeat and nodded off for a full night of sleep.
Poor Carolyn for trying to find ANYTHING to make a decent TOR.
BUT!!! YeHaw! 10 Million today. I can't believe it's already here, but why shouldn't I? This is the best blog on the net, and this proves everyone knows it!
Happy 10,000,000 Day!
Carolyn, there were a couple comments in there I didn't thing would get past you, and guess what?
THEY DIDN'T!!!! LMAO!!!!! Hahahahah!!!
That's why we love you, and why you have hit 10 million!!!! You keep us all clean, honest, kind, and positive!!!!! Thank you so much for all your hard work you put into this blog!!!!
I truly hope you know how much you are loved, adored, and appreciated beyond measure!!!!!
Much love,
ooooo...........Russell is up, and looking very sexy in his sleep/lounge pants with his silver wire rim glasses........
Looks like he is going back to bed, though.
You guys are the best people in da whole wide world! Thanks for the love and support..the prayers and humor.
I do have a wonderful hubby and family.
Happy 10 Million BBDISH! The people commenting this lovely morning are proving why this blog is so great!!
Good morning all!
ReporterX, I will keep you in my prayers during these difficult time.
Great overnight Blue!
I had dozed during BBAD and woke in time to see Lydia painting Jessie toe nails....soooooooo funny. Casey is gonna try to pull an ED and do some pot/pan banging this morning.
Re: Chima's hair. I can't figure it out either, Carolyn but I'm leaning towards weave. There's so much of it and usually if you can't see the scalp, its weave. Also, I think I recall Michelle making a comment about Chima not wanted to get her hair messed up because it was weave and takes long to dry. Very good quality weave can cost over $100 and you can treat it just like your real hair.
Good morning, friends.
ReporterX, you are in our prayers, and we wish nothing but the best for you and your family. Stay strong! We appreciate all that you do.
Looking very forward to getting through Jessie's HOH week. Can't seem to be interested with him and his harem.
Did anyone else catch Nat's slip of the tongue when she bragged about Prez Obama speaking at her COLLEGE inauguration(graduation)- seems the houseguests didn't - Jessie did and quickly commented - You dodged a bullet there!
Morning Carolyn! Congrats on 1mil. posts. Natalie is getting increasingly anoying to me day by day. I watched BB after Dark last night for a while and she is so immature. She actually wanted to take all the dishes outside and make some kind of formation so the others would think it's for a comp. Chima asked her "who is going to wash all those plates? Not you"
I am waiting to see how long it takes Chima to cross over to the other side. She seems to only be a part of it because of Russ. I have watched her face and I think Nat is annoying her,as well. Nat alomost slipped up and showed her real age when they were discussing Obama, she mentioned he spoke at the "graduation" and pointed to her sweatshirt (ASU) adn the corrected herself "not my graduation, but the place I am going to be going to" You can only keep up the ruse for so long, Nat. Someone will catch on ( I hope) I also would love for Lydia to find out Nat was the one who gave Laura her vote-you know she would off like lightning to tell Jessie.
TOR: "Ronnie mentions how he is a champion debator................"
So he is a master-de-bator? That is something I hope never to see. I certainly won't watch any report of it.
MariaT I caught that too! If you're gonna stick to that lie, then don't talk about things that might get you caught up.
Reporter X - so sorry to hear of all your medical issues. Just had to send hugs and prayers to you, as my sister is going through some very similar problems. She is not even 40 yet, and has a very severe case of hardening of the arteries. She just had major surgery to bypass part of her aorta and part of her femoral arteries to try to manage her problem. After surgery, she ended up with extreme water retention that infiltrated her lungs. She will be going home with massive numbers of "lifetime" prescriptions and probably be on oxygen for a while - until they can get the fluid out of her lungs.
Just wanted you to know that I can understand the position you're in...please take care of yourself!!
Again from the TOR:
Mark your calendars!!!!
Blue just
might be wrong
on this one!
No, that would be two times. "The kid is not my son."
Good Morning all~
Reporter-X, my prayers are with you & I hope you get stronger & stronger everyday. May God be with you during all of your troubles.
Thank you Blue, Syn92, & the rest for the overnight report. I stayed up as long as I could, but they were just really pretty boring last nite. The only thing I really enjoyed was casing mimicking everyone's walk--I'm going to miss him!!!
Happy 10 mill Carolyn! Hope you all have a great day!
Dear Sweet ReporterX,
I am so sorry for all you are going through.
Hopefully with all the prayers from the great people here, you will be feeling better soon.
Many many prayers are coming your way from me too, and you truly are loved and missed! Like you haven't figured that out on your own.
Take care us yourself and know we are all thinking of you and your family!
Good Morning Carolyn :)
Hi ReporterX :)
My prayers are with you and your family. Stay strong sweetie!
Happy 10 Million Day.
***New top post!!!***
Good Morning Carolyn :)
Hi ReporterX :)
My prayers are with you and your family. Stay strong sweetie!
Happy 10 Million Day.
10,000,000 HITS!?!?!?
(hopefully there's enough zeros there?)
Congrats Dishers! We ROCK!! I have sent just about everyone I know that loves BB here. I am sure the rest of you have as well, as there is no better site than BBDish. Hugs all around!!
And ReporterX, HUGE hugs, kisses, prayers and healing vibes going out to you sweetheart! You are SO missed! Bless you, we are all here for you whenever you need us!
Love and Hugs to all..........♥
Congrats on your 10 million mark! I am so happy to have found your blog as I am positive the other 9,999,999 are!!
omg I knew Lydia was going to screw Kevin over.....
she is so vile...
I wish someone would use the HOH ball tosser and throw Natalie over the wall :)
I wish someone would use the HOH ball tosser and throw Natalies ass across the fence :)
Thanks Carolyn and your crew for this wonderful site! I have been away on vacation since the start of the show and was able to read your updates to keep posted so far. Happy 10 million day! Continued sucess to you!!
Wow - someone evict Natalie STAT. It's like nails on a chalkboard having to look and listen to her. YIKES!
Happy 10 million Carolyn!
God Bless You, ReporterX!!!!
I love BBDish! Whenever I read the posts though, I admit that I sort of skim until I get to anything about Jeff and Jordan and then I'm even MORE into it!
You do a great job Carolyn :)
Love your blog!
Allison bb4 (like the plague in the house) dan bb10 and janelle great at comps are my favorites. The cliques will end on Thursday or Ronnie's tongue will be tied in a turk's head! Congrats on 10 million hits-this is my first season to visit your great site
Evict the weasel
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