Early Evening in the Big Brother 11 House
Good evening, Big Brother Lovers!! :) Here's the latest!
Jeff, Lydia, Kevin
Someone made a messy poop, and Kevin's cleaning the toilet as they all wonder who did it. Within moments of the poop talk, Lydia and Jeff start discussing dinner plans... She's cooking. He'd like steak. Who looks this good lying there talking about poop and dinner?
6:49pm BBT
Jeff and Lydia continue the dinner talk, and Lydia goes outside to pick some eggplant from the garden, so she can prepare it for Chima, because " the poor little thing is withering away to nothing."

6:57pm BBT
Around the house...
- Lydia's preparing diner...
- Ronnie is watching Russell and Jessie work out by the weight bench.
- Natalie and Kevin are playing pool... or Natalie's hustling Kevin at pool. That remains to be seen.
- Jeff is admiring Jordan, who is still on the elliptical, through the sliding glass door.
7:30pm BBT
Jessie & Russell
They're doing a bit of Jedi training, but mainly just talking about how much they need to win HoH this week... Jessie hopes it's endurane, because "Natalie's not that smart."
Jessie: What did you n Jordan talk about this afternoon when you were sitting out here..
Russell: She really is helpless and clueless.. I think she just wants to get to the jury house, chill and collect that check.
Jessie: But do you think she'd vote for you over Jeff..
Russell: Of course not.
Talk turns to Ronnie...
Russell: People are more pissed at him than you... And that's what I'm pushin'.
Jessie: Just f'in spare me for one week, man..
Russell: Dude, Michele's speech was so f'in corny...
Jessie: Was mine ok?
Russell: Yours was fine... Lydia and Kevin are f'in ridiculous, dude...
Jessie: Don't believe a word out of their mouths.. They want us to hate each other and pick each other off...
Russell: exactly.. and they'll say anything..
Jessie tells Russell that he is his only option to take to final 2 and have a shot at winning, and that's only a shot.
Jessie: Kevin goes, whoever f's me, I'm voting for the other giy regardless...
Russell: The reason you and I are in the dirt is because we've done all the dirty work..
Jessie: Exactly.. and we both need to take someone with at least equal blood on their hands. It's all about choices.. Do you think you could beat Jordan in the finals? Everyone f'in gloves her..
Russell: Exactly.
Jessie: That's why Dan won.. Had he brought Jerry instead of Memphis, he'd have lost $500,000.
Chima comes out, looking lovely, and the boys both cat call.. She shoots them down.. goodnaturedly.. then comes over to join them and chat.
7:40pm BBT
Russell tells Jessie that Casey ought to be ok, but he may start going off on Ronnie...
7:45pm BBT
Lydia's prepping...
7:47-8pm BBT
Backyard Couch
Casey & Jordan
Jordan: Has their ever been a season that was so cliquey as us??
Casey: The houses get divided all the time, man.
Jordan: I think if we started off with 13 regular people... like I mean...
Casey: Singles?
Jordan: Like if he wasn't here, and it was just somebody who hadn't been on the show before, it woulda been a lot easier.
Casey: Well, he mighta went after Jeff that first week.. or Ronnie mighta went after Chima... and if they weren't in the same clique, he and Natalie wouldnt've formed such a bond. It's whatever.
Jordan: I was in the diary room today for so long... venting... The only thing tha tbothers me is they'll cook dinner, but they wont clean up after themselves... or the late night people?
Casey; Oh, the midnight meal? I get up the next morning, and it's always a mess..
Jordan: It's annoying... Are you gonna take your banana suit when you leave?

Jordan: yeah...
Casey: Laura's probably at home laughin'.... or they could have her hidden away somewhere, waiting to come back...
Jordan: Yeah, remember they brought him back, dressed as a gorilla...
Casey: I don't know if I'd wanna come back, with these dorks.. but if a couple left, that'd change the whole dynamic... They've been winning, that's all there is to it. You want the power, you gotta win.
Jordan: Today, uhh.. Lydia said that Jessie's so paranoid about the 4th week... He's terrified he's gonna go home... and Ronnie and Russell keep talkin'... hidden...
Casey: I don't care anymore. In my mind, I'm already at home.
Backyard - Couch
Jeff joins Casey & Jordan on the Couch... and the happy comes back. ;)
Don't miss out on a minute of the Coming Endurance Comp!!
Get the Free Trial of the Live Feeds, and See What you've been Missing!
Live endurance comp. about #1 reason for live feeds i think
I agree :) I LOVE endurance comps on the live feeds!!
I'm sorry, but how exactly does someone have a *messy* poop and not realize it and clean it up????? (mentally stable people, that is?)
That's just gross!! LOL
There ain't nothing better than an endurance comp, DavidB!!!!
I still remember those last summer, the first time I had the live feeds, and being here at Carolyn's blog for them!!!!
lol... beats me, blue!
Never had the feeds for an endurance comp before, woo hoo!!
Can I propose a sub-genre of dishchicks? Jeff's Chicks? hahaha
lol I'm wondering the same thing Blue.
Yikes Blue....betcha that got the heart pounding...more than watching Jeff *snicker*
I commented on the poop thing earlier. Eeeewwwww and gross I believe is how I described it.
I would think they be embarrassed...
I agree...yay endurance comps!!
can anyone top Zach beating ED round 1 at the bunny hop? that was a live feed comp for the ages.....
Jedi training in the yard....
I liked that one last year when they were on the building. Didn't April win, and she's tiny too.
They seem to like to talk about poop a lot on this season of Big Brother. Very awkward thing. Haha.
Blue said...
Hiya, MsFitz!!!!
Love when you're here!!!!!!
Blue you are so sweet!!! :)
Read thru last comments & IMHO about some of them in endurance comps. Both, Russell & Jessie have a lot of strength in arms & torso but they both have skinny legs. I noticed that the other night. There will be some endurance comps that are not really good for them because the upper body strength could possibly not work in their favor. Let's all hope & pray. Other night Ronnie was talking about how long Renny lasted on the wall endurance comp (I think it was the earthquake one) & how she bent at the knees to get a better center of gravity. He said he will do that too. He isn't in nearly as good of shape as Renny so don't think he would last long on endurance either. (thinking positive)
I hope that Chima refuses to eat the eggplant, for some reason.
Boy, I must be bored. I really want someone to fight ar I just dont like Chima.
Either way, I am showing my twisted, unstable side. hehehe
I bet Casey did the messy poop & left it that way just to get everyone angry. It's his way of sh**ing on them....hahahahaha!
Natalie's really starting to wear on my nerves!!!!!
Genie, your star can never fade!!
It will always shine bright upon the world!!!! Never say that about yourself, Sweetie!
Sleepy is fine, but never say fade. That just isn't possible!!
hehe.. me too, Genie..
let's not tell the others. ;)
Blue ...
I just have to say what an absolute Angel you are! I know your aunt knows that and appreciates all you do also ... she's so very lucky to have you in her life.
*huge hugs* to you!!!!!
Okay, here's my mean comment of the day:
There was a Crank Yankers puppet that keep repeating, "You've got mail!" His name was Special Ed.
Remember him?
THAT is what Ronnie looks like to me. lol
Awww Blue! Everybody is going on about how sweet Jeff is; well he doesn't hold a candle to you! :)
Ronnie could win a running your mouth endurance comp...
Genie is getting sleepy... very. very. sleepy :)
MsFitz - LOL I would bet it was Casey too. But don't blame him, blame it on the banana. ha
LOL Carolyn! Me say NOthing! :) Sleep sweet honeys :)
How sweet of you to say, deejay!!!
On lucid days she appreciates me, other days, she wants to know what her son's best friend (that's me) is doing here all the time. LOL
The first time I ever watched the live feeds was during Season 8 for the endurance comp where they were hanging upside down. I think Daniele won? I was hooked on live feeds from that point on...
:) so excited for Thursday.
Jeff is Hot! I can't get over how good he looks even when he works out!!
Laura in NC - LOL, yeah that's it the banana made him do it!
haha! You didn't get me on Top Post this time. I refreshed the last comments just before I started typing. Neener Neener Neener!!!
Not that I have anything to say. I missed all the Monday night CBS shows because DQTD decided we needed to run errands. I said 30 minutes, but it turned into 2 hours.
I guess since Blue is now saying he is going to adopt out LilBlueBits GaYTor, those DNA tests finally came back and now he knows "the kid is not my son." Told ya!!! (does anyone really think I would do Blue without protection, and probably triple protecting knowing how he is.)
Ya just never know. As I have said. It only takes once. I've never had any VD in my life, believe it or not, and I don't want to get any of them now. :-p~~
I can't believe Jesse really thinks Dan wouldn't have won against Jerry! Everyone in the house was sick of him and never washing his hands after using the toilet! People don't forget or forgive that kind of nastiness.
FINE!!! You all are falling by the way side!!! lOL
I'm having trouble getting on this blog and spending time with all you wonderful people I have come to love and adore lately, but that's okay......just leave me to go sleep!!! (LMAO)!!!!
You know I'm teasing!!!!
Appreciate you so very much, and so glad for the time I can find to come here and spend with you......but you both also need your rest...........
Anytime you are ready to sign off, I completely understand, and I'm ready for it!!!!
to Carolyn and Genie
(and everyone else, of course!!)
No, I'm not leaving, just showing some love..........
Awww! I would love to hang out with you all more, but I have work tomorrow, but come Thursday, I will be on vacation finally! YAY!
Okay! I'm really signing off now! Night everyone! :)
*waves to Michigan Man and Gaytor* :)
Oh, no, GayTor, the kid is definitely yours, just figured I could get more money for him if I adopt him out to a high profile gay couple.........versus waiting on your butt!!!! LMAO!!!!
shoulda known, Carolyn I swear you have me and Gaytor lo jacked.
I did my proper greeting in the last post just before I saw New Top Post so I'll just say hi.
HI guys.
Good night, Genie!!!
Jessie has no grasp of even what happened in the house last season.
Jerry beat Dan? I don't think so!!!
Casey is sooo boring!! Please change the feeds!!
YaY for the new poll and biggest vote getter being Jordan. I'm all for that because Jeff wouldn't be able to put up Jessie.
Hopefully Jordan will. As I said last night my fantasy (besides Syn) is for Jessie and Jessie to go up. Then if he happens to win PoV, Jordan would replace him with Jessie.
My SEND JESSIE HOME campaign and voodoo rituals have begun. I do NOT want him going to Jury. Ronnie should be the first one to jury followed by Natalie.
That, my fellow Dishers, is my perfect world dream.
Oh, and sorry, Jessie, no matter who Dan had taken with him to final two, he was winning the half million!!!!
Jerry??????????Are u kidding us with that????????? ROFLMAO!!!!!!
I wonder if Jessie can spell delusional.
Nite, Genie!!!!! *smooch*
Night Genie. I think I might be taking your lead. I got work in the morning!
Blue, it's my fault. I swear I shower, but they smell me coming... err.. entering for the night and they all find an excuse to take off.
But that's fine... I like playing with myself and I know you do too.
We will keep the troops entertained and informed for a good overnight read.
We need RepX back. No one ever answered me. Is she doing OK? I miss her, she's my favorite pie target.
Nite Genie!!!!
Hi GayTor!!!
Re RepX - I talked to her today :) She's planning to drop in soon... ;)
I miss her too!!!!
Carolynn... What order do you thinkk people will come into the jury house?
Sorry, I'm in and out here....I have a ton to get done this week and I'm trying to get as much BB into my system as I can!! Going on holidays this weekend and am away from everything for at least a week!!
Needless to say my chore list is a mile long and then some!!
Why does everyone think it will be an endurance competition this week? Isn't that usually what they do next week? Any answers? I have never had the feeds for an endurance comp either! I am really excited for it! Don't excite me for nothing, y'all!
HUGGGGSSSS ReporterX! (I know you're here reading somewhere...)
Night Genie!
I still haven't caught up yet but as I scroll quickly to current comments I keep seeing talk of endurance comp.
Isn't that historically reserved for the first to go to Jury week? Or am I completely confused which is my usual state of undress.
Caro, please refresh my memory.
This right here is what I love. To bad this can't be the final three. They are hilarious.
Man in a banana suit. LOL ROFLMAO
Why do I think it'll be an endurance comp this week? The dates jibe: Check this - it's the 1st BB10 endurance comp.
GaYToR! Blue! Genie(why we sleep so early?)!! How are we doin thus far, besides sleepy?
I am just counting down the days until Jessie's end as HoH. I am also praying the rest of these days that Jordan/Jeff/Kevin/Lydia/Michele(possibly) wins HOH this week! I just want Jessie or Natalie to go home, I really do!!
~ Ryan ~
A Syn Fantasy? Cool. Hope I was good! ;)
I agree though, I hope Jessie goes next week, 4th to go home again. It would be too sweet.
Honestly, I think he is the one that I'd want out the most right now. Then they get rid of the cliques, Jeff wins HOH and puts up Natalie, Ronnie, or Russell, and back doors which ever one isn't the initial nom. That'd be awesome.
For those asking why people here think it might be an endurance comp..........because like Carolyn said, the dates line up........plus......
Carolyn was right every single time last season, even about the first overnight PoV comp!!!!!
Don't question the Goddess!!!
*disclaimer: should the blog owner be wrong at any time, it is due only to subversive contracting through AGP, and the blog owner can not be held responsible for any potential or possible misleading declarations of said comps and/or nominations, etc...
Gaytor - a real Nawlins voodoo doll....that should deffo do the trick!!
I am off Casey now after his derogatory women comments today. I know he's just blowing off banana steam, but still.
Look at this!!!
We're gonna break 10 Million Tomorrow!!!!!!
The way Casey is sitting & the end of the banana suit is sticking out....I just have to ask....
is he thinking of getting home to his wife or is that a banana in his pants?
Carolyn, I've got the link to get the Dish on my phone but I can't seem to get to the comment sections, even when you give us a link in the Overnite to check out Blue, MM, Gaytor's et al running commentary. Any suggestions? I'm missing the Overnite stuff because they get up too soon and I can't get to the comments. LOL.
Okay, Jesse is still bitter about last year, thinking that Jerry would have beaten Dan. What an idiot.
*That being said* (sorry, I know it's a Jesse-ism), I think Jeff/Jordan are adorable but they really haven't played the game. They've only really talked strategy and game with each other and Casey, Laura, Braden. It's not going to make me popular here but Russell and Jesse are playing the best games. In that order. Because of that, I want to see them continue. Nat/Russell won the first HOH, Russell's won POV, Ronnie an HOH, Jesse an HOH. These people strategize AND win comps. That's the name of the game. Jeff won a POV when he needed it but other than that, they really haven't stepped up to truly the play the game.
BTW-did everyone hear Russell's knee cracking earlier? OMG that was awful! Jesse was hilarious putting his mic up to it and telling America "don't ride motorcycles, that's a human knee!" LOL
Whohoooooo! You definitely deserve it Carolyn. It's the best BB Blog out there. And the ONLY one I comment on. Thanx for keeping up with all the crazies (lol, both the houseguests and us!).
Oh, and the only one where you can find a Jun and Syn Dishmance too!
waves back to Genie
I know you won't see it til morning but sleep well Genie Bo Benie :)
w00t w00t, Carolyn!!!!
Gonna be an AWESOME day for you tomorrow!!!!
Love you soooooo much, Chica!!!!!
Woo-hoo! 10 million!!! That is incredible!!!
Let's have a party with confetti, bells, whistles!!!
And, the Dallas Cowboys are gonna be in San Antonio tomorrow & training camp begins.
What an awesome day!!!
Blue - perfect disclaimer! :)
Carolyn - congrats again! That's an amazing accomplishment my friend :)
Thanks!!! :)
We have the goodies all ready!! :)
Tell me what you think of these:
A Jun and Syn dishmance!!! Awww!! How sweet and cute are you guys????!!!!
Those are cute Carolyn!
Now I am really going to spend too much at cafe press this year!
(I am going to wait tho to see what else you come up with before the end of the season)
Congrats Carolyn. Very much deserved!!!
Why is Casey eating alone?
That's awesome, Carolyn, but I would be remiss in not asking.......
Why isn't your face on those?????Hmm??
Cvenus made em up for me... :)
Congrats Carolyn! How long has this site been around? Was this the site that was formally BB10Dish or BB9Dish? I am so happy for all that you've done here for us and you deserve 10 million more visits to this lovely blog!
~ Ryan ~
I love them! Especially the one w/ the duckie on it!
lol Blue. Not as cute as that little chickie in the link Carolyn gave. That's some awesome stuff.
I'm so happy I decided to come out of lurk mode for this season, and to be here for this special event!
It was Ronnie that left the poop. Lydia was sitting on the couch in the bathroom when he came out, and he told her not to go in for a while cause it smelt bad. Then Kevin came in to use the BR, and Lydia told him. That's when they found the poop.
Last year, the earthquake endurance comp was the week that Jessie went home. The next week, Libra went to the jury house.
Good stuff Carolyn. Congrats! Best BB blog around!
Well, okay.......but you know how much we all love your lovely and stunningly beautiful face!!!!!!
You are too pretty and fresh and sinfully delightful not to have your dew drop smile on everything that is BBDish! !!!
Kevin looks like he is wearing a duck suit too w/ that hoodie on.
I'm sorry, but why GOD WHY would all 4 feeds flip to Casey eating dinner when Jordan and Jeff are finally left alone on the couches outside??? wtf is wrong with CBS!! and then Russell walks out and says "we're ruining a moment"... really? what moment?? as much as I love Casey, I was sadly too busy watching him pick his teeth than to see that "moment". SERIOUSLY. what is up with that??!! it makes me really sad : (
Awesome Carolyn on the 10 mil.
We'll crush that number tomorrow.
Cool party favors too. Love the one with the duck.
I am pretty sure someone asked this before....but do none of them watch the feeds?
Chima seems disappointed that it's not even more crazy in there??
LOL MsFitz! You are right! I had to go back and look.
Carolyn... Thank you for that link to BB10. I had forgotten what a fun night that was. I read the blog and every comment.
Memories... Light the corners of my mind....
Now I'm so excited all 6 of my nipplez is tinglin'. Can't wait for Thursday and pray it really will be suited for Jordan because she is the tiniest. Those are almost always won by a female... Other one might be Michele. I think either and the outcome of the week would be the same.
I think I might be making Caro blush, so I'm going to stop now!
LOL@MsFitz RE: Kevin and the duck suit hoodie!!! LOL
I have requests out for more too. ;)
Thanks so much for all your support!!!!
Y'all are awesome!!
fyi, 15 minutes til i'm a pumpkin...
i actually lasted longer than i thought i would.. started at 6am eastern today...
Now, I must leave for a while. It's time for DQTD to feed the GaYToR.
If I keep eating this late, I'm not going to need hip and butt pads for my shows.
I'll be staying on the sofa at least for the start of BBAD but hopefully I can chase him off before Midnight BBT.
Good night to everyone that's leaving soon, and that probably means Carolyn too, if she hasn't already.
Carolyn, if u become a pumpkin, how will everyone see all of my funny, witty, and insightful comments I have ready to dispel and share with everyone????????? Hmmmmmmmm???
I guess they will just have to be patient and wait until tomorrow, like I have to do.....hehehehehehe
Ok how many freaking teachers are in that house? Now Chima is a teacher or wants to be a teacher?
Love that she is embarrassed about sucking Russel's finger and she thinks BB is a family show LOL
That's why she made that speech right. It was for families.
Nighty night Carolyn! Since Blue ang Michigan Man are on, I don't need to pay close attention tonight!!
It's going to rain!!! Yay!! and that means my house will cool down!! Yay!! Which means I'll get sleep tonight! YAHOO!!
yep, Carolyn just announced she is gonna be a pumpkin. Still don't want to see what stem she shows. I know which one I show when I go Pumpkin.
Good night WUSS! (had to get that in at least once today but ya know I love ya! :-p~ )
fire siren just went off downtown as i type and get ready for be...bye until 2morrow
LOL-just went back to the endurance post and comments from last season and without even looking at names I could tell who had written which comment. I posted as anonymous early last year and I can even tell which one of those are mine.
I spend way too much time here. ;)
Night all.
Blue, we will go at it all night. At least I will. Can you keep up? Do you need a Blue pill to stay up with me? *wink* *wink*
Good nite, Carolyn!
Good nite, Blue! Syn, JulieB, Gaytor, Michigan Man & all the wonderful dishers!!
10 million 7/28/09!!!!
I love Chima when she's with Russell.. I get the feeling she's actually herself when they're spending time together...
Watching Jordan clean her sneakers is soooooooooooo fascinating!! That's good t.v. right there!!! Hope she keeps it up for BBAD!!!
Chima is rubbing Russell's head.....I wonder if she is really into him, or if they are only working each other for the game.........
Gnite MsFitz :)
I saw your comment, Carolyn, I'm trying to think the same as you on this one........but in this house, I'm just so darn suspicious of EVERYTHING!!!
JulieB - Smooch!!!
Alisa - THat's so cool!!! :)
If you get this before you go pumpkin on us Carolyn, sleep well.
I might turn in early myself. Monday's are always hard after late night weekends.
Sweet dreams of Jeff and Jordan and the singing Banana Man everyone.
Good night, Everyone!!!
Sweet Dreams!!!!
Dream of your favorite BB HG's and commenters..........but try to avoid the GayTor, or you will have nightmares!!!! LOL
Nite Nite, Michigan Man :)
Blue - she may well be playing him, but her demeanor when she's with him is what I find appealing...
you going to bed too, blue?
I'll get my G'Night in before Carolyn pumpkinizes!
Night y'all! See you all tomorrow. Everyone sweet dreams and be good! (GaYToR, just try to be good, lol)
Me, Carolyn????
Hell no!!!!!
Was just saying good night to everyone!!!!
Just poppin' in to say goodnight!
Sweet dreams everyone! xoxoxo
oh wow.... back flash in time... i feel just like i felt when they had that endurance challenge last year... just sad that they both wanted it so bad and not even knowin anymore who i wanted to win it. They were up there so long!
Who do u all think can endure something like that this year? Im thinkin Jordon wants the HOH really bad but hasnt yet understood how much it takes to win something like a long endurance, but I feel like she will give it her all. I just hope she has someone on the sidelines cheerin her on and not only Jeff. She needs support! Gosh I just love that girl! And I dont want her going home. I want her to prove shes not just a whimpy blonde like they all think she is.
Did I carry on lol? Sorry!
I cannot wait for the endurance comp. At this point, I really hope Jordan wins, so she can put up Natalie and Jessie. A girl can dream.
I was lucky and found BBDish during Season 8. I first bought the live feeds in Season 9. What I love is following on here, because even when I am working, I can pull it up on my phone, and follow along. Carolyn, you always make it easy to know what is going on, and that is what makes you the (well deserved) best! I love reading all the comments. I have even turned all my friends at work onto BBDish. We are all addicted!
Nighty Night Carolyn!
~ Ryan ~
Uh oh, it's after midnight, did our Princess/Goddess turn into a pumpkin?????
Nite Nite everyone!!!
Smoochies all around!! :)
See you in the morning! :)
Howdy Carolyn and BBdishers...first time commenting this season...but have been here every step of the way. Here's my 2 2/3 cents on who's got what going on. Jessie only has power because for some reason those people didn't watch last season and see that he plays without forethought. If he had any real "game" he would have back doored Ronnie just like the house wanted and would have taken the target off of himself for at least a week or two. Now he is right up there as enemy #1, even within the group of people who were supporting him. Even the girl giving him some "satisfaction" wants the boy out. Why or why did we have to get stuck with him again?? Russell is playing a good game cuz he is bff's with everyone and noone...if anyone has the wherewithal to make it to the end right now it's him. Lydia is too emotional...Kevin let's the hunks sway his decisions waaaaaay too much. Jeff and Jordan will end up married and have the cutest little children and will be the old bb couple to ever "make it" outside the house. But neither of them is going to make it very far in this game. Chima is just obnoxious enough to last a couple more weeks and get on all our nerves before she gets sent to the jury house. Natalie is in my opinion the second most annoying house guest ever....second only to jessie. She will not make it to the final four. She can't think for herself and her constant gossiping and tattling is gonna come back to bite her in the behind. If Michelle makes it through this week...which she most like will...will we see her in the final 3?? Very possible. And if Casey makes it through this week....very unlikely...he's the guy to start dismantle the current "power" structure. Ronnie the rat....is he even still in this game?? Only so long as jessie is there...once jessie is gone...Ronnie is D U N. :)
Thanks for the great site Carolyn. And howdy to all the peeps that keep the blogs happy.
Robert in Washington
Awww .. I went away for dinner and look ... I missed the *nighty nights* to all ... so sorry.
Carolyn, Genie, you guys rock! Get some rest ... Thursday's gonna be a big night at the BB house ...
RepX, Thank you, Thank you for staying up and keeping watch over the HGs ... your efforts are much appreciated *smile*
The first endurance competition was for week 4 last year. It was for week 5 for most of the other seasons though!
Does Jessie not think of ANYONE but himself.....NNNOOO of course not. How can he set there eating in front of all those have-nots. They are outside so they don't have to think about food, and what does he do....bring a huge plate of food. Nats not much better....
10:01pm BBT
Chima and Natalie
Natalie: " He'll get like an Escalade or something."
Ha, ha! Dumb Gnat screwed up and said that Obama spoke at her college graduation and then turned it around to where she is going to go and they are all sitting there and let her go.... UGH... please let her or Ronnie go next or Jessie...
aaaarrrrrgggghhhhH! STFU Jessie! Get over it, it was a joke, dude! You don't have to be such a jerk about it....grrrrrr! A little fingernail polish and remover are NOT gonna kill you! You need to lighten up and enjoy life a bit!
Okay, just had to vent a bit. LOL
Just dropping in with a flashback note:
The Brains met in the Green Room and they were talking a lot of smack about the rest of the houseguests.
Ronnie has a lot of really nasty things to say about Casey starting at 1:34a BBT and then Jordan at 1:47a BBT.
I actually elevated my level of respect for Chima during this conversation though. She was sticking up for both Casey and Jordan.
I'd like to say one thing to Ronnie after seeing a youtube clip of him and some friends. "Kettle, meet Pot." Disparaging Casey's ability to be a good teacher, yeah Ronnie, you are a great role model.
I can't wait for Ronnie to eat all of his words, one letter at a time.
And another after hours comment from me, lol.
Very interesting pow wow in HOH starting about 1:50a BBT or shortly after that.
Michele has crossed over to the dark side, and the evil lord Jessie and his minion Natalie have accepted her with open arms.
New targets are emerging and their names are Lydia and Kevin. Michele explained the whole conversation to them that Kevin and Lydia approached her with a plan for her to join them and create an alliance with Jeff and Jordan with a plan to get the Athlete's out. Michele has totally sold them out.
The apparent new alliance is Jessie, Natalie, Ronnie, Chima, Russell, and Michele. Leaving Lydia, Kevin, Jeff, and Jordan as the underdogs.
It should be noted that Russell wasn't present during this meeting. He's been asleep since he wasn't feeling well earlier after hitting his head in the pool from a misplaced shallow dive. I hope he's okay and that a medic checked him out.
And Michele makes a joke "Oh I'm so conflicted" as if she didn't know what side to join. Natalie is sure to pipe in with "Why choose a side where no one has won anything!?!?!" Oh the ignorance of youth. "Natalie, you haven't won anything either."
Okay, this bitter-party-of-one is going to bed.
Y'all have a great morning!
Dagnabit, Syn!!! I must have been on different feeds when those convo's went down!!!! I totally missed that when I was blogging my little heart out!!!! Bummer *sigh*
This is why Carolyn is the Goddess.....nothing gets past her!!!!LOL
*sticking my head in for a moment, before I walk Diva Doggie and my aunt, just as soon as she finishes her first cup of coffee.........(tapping fingers, tapping, tap a tap a tappa ) hehehehehe
Just sat back down, and I'm being treated to Jess and Nat eating what appears to be bacon and eggs and toast.............
I think it's safe to say that Nat has never been to finishing school.......or around anyone with table manners...........
It's looking like she grew up with Jessie!
It just dawned on me!!!! Nat is the female version of Jessie!!!!
OMG!!!! She totally is!!! She is Jessie on estrogen and hormones!!!
Instead of seeking out the rat they should try to find out who has the messy poops and tell whoever it is to start cleaning up after themselves.
It's probably Ronnie
To all you wonderfull writers I've relied on for 11 summers...Thank you soooo much. At the ripe-old age of 63 ( and 1/2 ), I can barely get my arthritic fingers to type but had to let you know that you all make BB and the feeds worth it. Can't do without it!
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