Big Brother 11 Sunday Show Viewing Party
Good Evening Big Brother Lovers!!
Welcome to the Sunday Show Viewing Party on BBDish!! Boy o Boy!! This is definitely one of those days where tearing yourself away from the live feeds to watch the Sunday Show is really tough! There's so much happening in the house right now!
Still, we need to see the DR sessions, to find out who's being genuine with whom & the Nomination Ceremony, so we can hear Russell's famous speech.

So... Bring on the condensed Endurance Comp, the Nominations, the DR Sessions & the Have/Have Not drawing! I wonder if they'll show the mass projectile vomiting from the beginning of the endurance comp. Anyone wanna take odds on that?
Also, will they include Jordan's having pulled Jeff's name from the bag during the first go around for have nots? I'm curious about that one, only because they had her re-shoot the announcement... It seems too perfect a Jordan moment to lose, though.
Of all the moments they're about to share with the tv only folks, the one I'm most looking forward to is Russell's nomination speech!
Come join us here in the comment section, so we can chat, blog and analyze the edit of the broadcast show together... while it's airing on CBS.
If you're not on the east coast, and you'd like to watch along with us, right click on either of these links: NYFeed or DreamAngel.
If you're not on the east coast, and you're watching the feeds, waiting til the show hits your time zone, *please* let us know if/when anyone's head explodes... or when Russell speaks directly to Michele about what just went down with Jessie and Natalie, who were just up in HoH filling his ear, in an admitted (not to Russell) attempt to save Ronnie.
Russell's really close to losing it on Ronnie again. Frankly, a lot of people are. In the event that happens, or any of the aforementioned, we'd like to see it, so please leave us a comment noting the time and the Feed # it happens on, so we can get there immediately... or go and view it on flashback a little later...
See you in the comment section!!
HI All
Happy Show Night!
Game on, now the tv only crowd gets to see the rest of the HOH and the deal.
I bet we get lots of Ronnie/Jessie gloating in DR about Casey.
Heading for the tv, see you guys after the show.
All's quiet on the front. Let's hope Michelle and Russell talk/Russell blows up at Ronnie happens after the show!
Yayayayayayay Carolyn have i told you lately how much i luv ya? :0)
Viva Viagra!
Hi Carolyn! ((HUGS))
Hi everyone! Genie, you're doing great helping Carolyn!
I'm looking forward to Russell's nom speech.
I really think Jessie and Nat just sealed their fates making up that lie about Michele. Russ is smarter than that. Thank goodness.
Cheers everyone!
Ladies - if your man has a sudden loss of hearing he may just be on viagra! Hell that would mean by BF is on the stuff every damn day!
Hey Carolyn!
I hope you had a nice break... I can't wait to see the Nomination speech, should be good!
I'll be watching it in three hours when it airs in Vegas... Thanks for Everything Carolyn!!
I just wanna see the DR sessions tonight!
~ Ryan ~
Darn my DH for taking the laptop to work!
Natalie looks like a complete fool with her complete devotion to Jessie.
Bring on the DR! :)
Hiiiiiiiiiiiii Everyone! :)
Good day all. I've been reading comments and the blog for the last 90 minutes and still not caught up, but ready for the Show party. Woohoo
I thank everyone for the compliments re: the overnight commenting, and wanted to give my own props to Michigan Man, Shamrock, Ry, Jamison AND Genie Sea for their excellent jobs.
I think the penalty nom rules have been clarified, but as I recall the explanation at some point. If someone is not on the block they go up immediately, making it 3 HGs up for eviction and if it is early enough they do not get to play for PoV and they can not be taken off by the PoV winner. The rest of the rules still apply. Only change is that the voters have 3 to choose from which could really really mess up a week, but... I would love to see Jessalie get that penalty nom they so richly deserve. Come on AGP. You make the rules, stick to them. and not favor ANYONE.
Now the sow is on. Time to listen and do real comments.
Good evening everyone!!
What a day! I just caught up, minus the comments. Working on a Sunday absolutely sucks especially during BB season!
I am keeping my fingers crossed that Ronnie comes off the block and Jessie goes up! As Jordan would say, "your ship is sinking", lol.
Hey Everyone!!! :)
Kantro - You're on feed watch duty!! Please let us know the moment (and the feed #) anyone explodes!
Hey Wendy... I don't know if you seen it the other day, so here it is again.... Thank you for the nudie link! It was very interesting!! :)
Hi Genie! Thank you for all the updates!! :)
Happy Show everyone!
Hi Carolyn, Genie Sea, all of the Dishchicks & all the other BBDishers out there!!!
I've been out of town and pretty much out of touch w/ BB for a couple weeks. Anyway, I'm back and ready to get back into all things BB.
I'm looking forward to the show tonight & spending the time here with all of you guys.
Everytime i see a pic of Jessie or see him on tv i always hear this in my head.
"A little head never hurt anyone!"
Not the puke!!!
Boy did I pick the wrong time to eat dinner!
Jessie is a TOOL!
what a sore loser natalie is, throwing her box to the ground in a huff
Jaggers - no worries glad you didn't get scarred!
Damn, Jessie is one selfish jackass!
He pulled his parachute and nothing came out - hmmmm wonder if thats his way of saying his boys don't swim!
Glen - OMG!!! I'm so glad you're ok. I had no idea...
Natalie and Ronnie got what the deserved - nothing!
Hello everyone!
Ok, did anyone else notice how they edited it to look like Ronnie quickly asked for help when Chima fell? when we all know Russell told him to go get help! I hope the rest of the show isn't like that!
I so Love Jordan now more than ever
Feed Update ~ Russel & Michele are still sleep-tanning in the BY. F3 & F4
Everyone else, I think, @ BY sofas chatting F1 & F2
~ Ryan ~
Hey All! I'm late but I'm here!
As we watch them spin around and around I have to say to My Syn.
No studmuffin you are not off the hook. Indigo is my Prince as always and I had already seen that pic via Twitter.... we talk. :-p~~ But you are still fresh meat and I will get you my pretty, and your Little Syn, too. *MOST EVIL LAUGH*
Natalie is an idiot!!
Carolyn thank you for your devotion here and your lovely helpers and great commenters!! Love you and big hugs to you and all who contribute to make this what it is, but you are the goddess that guides all, knows all and holds all together!!
Wow, forgot how hard they were getting hit! Hurt just watching and really just wanted to put a sock in Ronnie's I the only one?
Okay I just want to Say that eveyone Carolyn you ROCK n everyone that helps you ROCKS too!!!!
Now can anyone explain to me what and how the penlty Nom Rule works?
lol, Wendy!
My son almost did!!! He walked up behind me while I was checking it out. Well.... he would've been happy. You know, Jordan butt naked and he's 14!
Oops, I meant to say, "your sink is shipping".
I don't know if this is post worthy, but the current conversation about Prop 8 (?) is something.
Did Jesse just say that Pluto wasn't a planet when he went to school. Pluto wasn't downgraded that long ago. How old is he?
GaYTor: thanks fro clarifying how the penalty noms work for us! I wasn't really sure and I was thinking of Jen from season 8's penalty VOTE. They extra HG up for eviction would definitely be interesting! Cannot wait for Russ's nom speech!
Was kind of karma that Nat and Ronnie did not get anything in their boxes wasn't it? What goes around, comes around. No wonder Nat has been so pouty !!!!!!
They show a lot of Jessie DRs. One day I am going to tally the DRs and see exactly which HG gets what.
I'm really enjoying watching the worried looks on Jessie and Ronnie's faces.
With work and painting my apartment I hope tonight's show clears some things up for me.
Opps Good evening everyone
My fellow Dishers,
We only have 1 full day left to vote for who we want to win the Coup D’etat. Please vote as much as you can for Jeff to win this power. We cannot take the chance of having Ronnie win. Gosh knows I don't want to see any more of his antics in the house.
RedRhonda...I have wanted to put a sock in his mouth since before he show started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jessie’s DR speeches are so monotone. I loved Jeff’s comment the other day “Jessie has the personality of an orange road cone”.
GaYToR!!! You should be ashamed! You can't say crap like that and make me ROFL while I'm at work. You should know better! lol
Laura in NC - I see you! What a cutie-patootie! If Jun ignores me much longer and goes on vacay, and if GaYToR ever lets up, and if Jeff and Jordan actually make it, then we might have to have a dishmance of our own ;)
So glad they are showing the Pool Room convo with Ronnie/Lydia/Kevin.
I do wish Jeff saying..."Rock, Paper, Scissors for it?"
Ronnie made me sick watching him be fake again.
Does it bother anyone else that Ronnie always gives handshakes??
Thanks Carolyn.. I am doing better!
Hi All..
I started late on the show.. I am about 15 mins behind on TIvo.. I just watched Casey tell Natalie to "go make Jessie a sandwich" when he was walking out the door. too funny.
I'm really annoyed they cut out Russell telling Jeff that he was the swing vote. Wonder why they didn't feel that was necessary...
Jessie can't be that old. Though durign my higher middle school years they were saying that some thought Pluto wasn't a planet, but it wasn't confirmed. And I'm almost 30.
What there are nakie photos?? I missed something somewhere!
RedRhonda -
I don't think there are enough socks to fit in Ronnie's mouth!!
Yayyy!! Michigan Man has a pic now! :)
Andrea = 1-7 Andrea?
They didn't show Russell admitting to Jeff that he was the vote to evict Jordan. That was part of the reason Jeff felt he could trust Russell.
Hi, Carolyn & fellow BB addicts. Glad to be off work and able to watch with you guys instead of having to catch up after it's posted on Since I don't have feeds, sometimes I forget how annoying Ronny really is until I hear him speak.
Thanks Syn, however, I wouldnt bet much that Gaytor will give up anytime soon. :)
p.s. dont make me blush again today! lol
Wish they show more of how much of a sore loser Jessie is.
OMG!!!! LIESS!!!!
they made it look like Jessie was the original pick!
They didn't show Jordan pull Jeffs name first.... I'm a little surprised!
tchr_mom said...
I don't know if this is post worthy, but the current conversation about Prop 8 (?) is something.
Thank you for posting that. I'll be going to Mr. Peabody's WayBack Machine tonight for sure.
Tchr_Mom, do I already know you from elsewhere? It's been a few years, but I'm the same GaYToR. Hmmm.
MG lol
Jessie....they are showing what a baby he is and how neurotic Natalie is!
I can't stand how cocky Jessie is! It drives me insane.
And Natalie... I just can't stand.
Kevin picked that number! Lay off Natalie. He CHOOSE that box -- BB didnt give him $5,000 for dropping first.
"Like a Jedi Knight" ??!? omg..
Oh Secret One.....where oh where are you? Did you get caught down in the Gaytor dungeon? LOL
OMG Ronnie is an *SS Some Jedi he is!!
So do you think the edit will help Ronnie get votes with the TV onlies or damage his chances?
He looks like a freak to me.
LMAO!!!! RONNIE! He is so full of himself. He thinks we like him and will give him the power.
I agree Genie... I think Ronnie looks like a weirdo!
They cut out the part where his dad said "Remember what I taught you in middle school" which was the whole impetus behind Russell aligning with Jeff...
Not to mention the letters from the rest of his family...
Laura - lol, you are probably right about that :) I'm sure he'll throw in his $4,987,259's worth here soon
Carolyn - so they made it look like Jessie was the first pick for Have Not?!?!?! Are the producers trying to throw Jordan under the bus by insinuating that she's vindictive?
I don't know what you mean by =1-7 Andrea. I am the Andrea from Canada.
Jeff and Russell may be the hottest 2 person alliance in BB history!! Anyone agree?
Carolyn, what are the polls showing for the vote? I went to CBS and the first link under the polls shows Ronnie (agghhh, cough, spit) sorry computer choked up, is at 35%. Also, I cannot vote online, all i get is a blank and then vote. What's up with that?
Man, I want and need a Jeff!
JEFF needs to get the power and next week make sure it's Jessilie on the block last minute!
Ronnie just made me gag (again) when they showed him talking to the camera saying "America, I'll use the power for good" yeah, like we would vote to give you any powers.
That does irritate me that only Ronnie was shown asking for the Wizard Power. Very irritating...
~ Ryan ~
Eeryone who wants them a Jeff - cloning is becoming more and more possible!
I think were missing some adorableness in the HOH room. Just sayin'
- please post the link to the poll results you're referring to.
i have a feeling what you're looking at is actually the results of a quickie poll someone posted on the cbs bb forum...
interesting, but completely meaningless.
- thanks. :) i'm on the look out for another andrea.
Thanks Carolyn - I was trying to listen for the "secret message" in Russell's letter. But now I know they edited it!
Laura in NC, where exactly in NC are you?
I was just there visiting Willmington/Wrightsville and Raleigh since my hubby is from Raleigh....hence the reason I am soooo behind on everything that happened since 1.5 weeks ago, except that I saw the endurance comp post...LOL
I wasn't an initial jeff fan but just spent the commercial break voting for him on
Don't know where Russell is but just peeked at the feeds and Jordan/Jeff are in the HOH bed watching the spy screen. Probably being adorable.
YaY!!!! the squid and squash... perfect timing for squash talk. Even though I voted repeatedly for liverwurst and black licorice.
Syn, you know I have absolutely no shame by now. :-p~~ You just never know what I'm thinking, or when!
Expect the unexpected.
BTW... when we were talking about squash the other night, I didn't get a chance to ask. What kind of squash are you? Are you a yellow summer crooked neck or a zucchini? Inquiring minds want to know.
On August 24, 2006, the IAU defined the term "planet" for the first time. This definition excluded Pluto as a planet, and added it as a member of the new category "dwarf planet" along with Eris and Ceres
whoa Lydia. That makeup doesn't show well on camera.
But I gotta give her props on her makeup. She is very creative.
Does anyone else find Lydia's voice annoying???
I went to the CBS Polling Results page and there is an error message on it. Interesting...
Does Jessie have crabs or something? He's always scratching his crotch! STOP IT!!!
The poll I went to says that Jeff is still at 83%. It's the second one.... it used to be the first one.
Ok my stomach is turning listening to Ronnie talk...I have muted the TV and now listening to Live Feeds. Does anyone have the same feels as I do?
These polls even on the CBS mean nothing. They are just quickie polls... Keep voting! :)
This years Big Brother theme should be DELUSIONAL.
Everyone in the house think their hands are clean.
Jeff and Jordan's hands really are clean because they have not been in power.
jaggers - if you could post the link to that poll it would be very helpful. :)
Not trying to brag, but I got myself a "Jeff". My hubby rocks!
Keep voting Jeff!!
On the NYC feed they're for Jeff too!! I do think he has it but don't want to get over confident!!
Also, nobody can say for sure if you can only vote 10 times online.
Earlier someone (think Kevin) said they couldn't do a bot on
I would have thought the HOH winner would at least get an Ipod with all their music on it.
anon @ 5:36: when I went to to vote, it took a while for the houseguests photos to load, so I dont know if that is what is happening to you, too. I had to wait a bit before I could vote.
I so badly want to see Ronnie sitting with Julie on Thursday and if/when I do I will be jumping on my couch like Tom Cruise on Oprah!
Wow is it just me or is ronnie getting WAY to good of an edit tonight? I hope the tv only people don't actually vote for him. Love Russell DR though. I have a new found respect for him and am really liking him (still Love Jeff though). Now off to vote for him some more.
how many times should we each vote for jeff?
just was on and there are some posts out there to rally for Ronnie. I am very nervous that his geek friends are going to make some sort of GAMERS bond and get him to win..
Syn928 said...
Laura - lol, you are probably right about that :) I'm sure he'll throw in his $4,987,259's worth here soon
So now I know Syn's price. I know every man has one. I'm headed to the bank in the morning for a loan and heading to Alabama. MUHAHAHA!
This has been one of the worst edits of the season so far IMNSHO.
What happened to all the 'rock paper scissors' talk before they came to the verbal agreement? That was FUNNY!
why hasn't Michelle brought up backdooring Jessie to Russ? It's not like she'd be losing a friend (in Jessie) if she did so. Russ...take out Jessie and Nat/Lydia would be out for each other's throats...if you (Russ) are gonna bust up the main alliance, then take out of the head of the snake...which is Jessie
Jaggers - exactly! There are two polls on there. The first one was posted by the two or three Ronnie fans. The second one has all the names. Anyone can post a thread on the CBS forums.
I just checked the CBS polls for Coupe D'etat. They don't show the results and I was able to vote without a problem.
I don't understand why they didn't show the reading of the entire letter from home.
Based on the DR sessions, I don't think Russell really wants to align with Jessie and Natalie anymore.
I hope Jeff get's Coupe D'etat and that AGP doesn't screw us over like they did with BB9 when we all voted for Alex to return to the house and they let James back in.
Here it is Carolyn:
YAY Nomination Speech!
We know, Lydia, that you will do ANYTHING to stay in this game.
Almost time for True Blood.
who knew russell was a richard hatch fan?
Time for cuteness!
Krista - I currently live in Greensboro, but I went to school in Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) and then Raleigh (for hair school)...I just moved back to my hometown Greensboro.
Wilmington is sooo beautiful isn't it? Raleigh is a bit too busy for me. I hope you enjoyed your trip and NC!
Okay Loved the Speech!! Right on Russell!...King Cobra??? Whatever!!
Okay I have finally figured it what character Ronnie is.....
Captin Helmet from Spaceballs!!!
Hello everyone!
Lee, I agree! :)
I loved the nomination speech from Russell. I sure hope Ronnie is the one leaving on Thursday. I really can't stand much more of his cocky attitude. He needs to go, with Jessalie right behind him.
I love how Russell called himself a Mongoose!
Talk about a letdown... that speech was the equivalent of Sarah Palin's resignation
ohh, wait, that was the crazy truck driver lady that said that. Sorry.
Loved Russell's speech
Eww@Ronnie's post nom DR!
I wish they would show the HGs saying "wizard power" instead of "mystery power." It is just too funny.
GaYToR - Do you miss anything? And do you seriously think I'm going to answer that question? lol I try to give you the least amount of ammunition as possible.
Thanx for all the voting reminders y'all I'm going to go do that now if it will let me.
I'm kinda disappointed that they edited out all the whining by Jessie about being on slop. He was whining for most of BBAD after the HOH.
OMG! Ronnie thinks he's a "king cobra" > hahaha
Okay, if Ronnie wins this Coup d'Etat, I'm calling foul! CBS shows only him begging for the power, then shows Russell hoping Ronnie doesn't get it. UGH!
I'm going to vote again right now!!
What the F*CK, CBS set this episode up to make people want to vote for Ronnie and the power secret. I only hope people aren't that damn stupid!
Jsggers -
Thanks. Yup. THat's what i thought.
It's not voting results at all.
It's the results of a quickie poll.
I am definitely voting for Jeff non-stop, but does anyone get the sickening feeling that Ronnie is being edited to get the Wizard Power??
~ Ryan ~
I'm guessing this could be the site that shows Ronnie leading. It's
It only shows Ronnie as all three options and only 19 votes. While it does show him having 30 something percent, it doesn't seem to mean much if Ronnie is the only choice. Looks flawed to me!
Go Jeff!!!!!!
Russell is a mongoose?
I like him but... um... that's not exactly on par with Sue Hawk talking about how the snake was going to eat the rat, is it?
I'm sorry to have been unsure about the number, but I'm in Texas and I suddenly got confused with 8 and 12 here.
GaYToR, I don't think we know each other. But we do now :)
BTW-can I assume you are from Louisiana? Me too originally
Gaytor -- well I hope the bank gives you the loan!
I totally agree about the Rock Paper Scissors. That was so funny.
It also shows how Jordan and Jeff always want to do things picking names out of a hat or rock paper scissoring. (scissoring? not really a word but I will use it)
Now i feel completly let down - that show really blew because of how the edits were done.
New Top post coming very very soon. :)
You're very welcome Carolyn.
Yup... it's pretty much just like you're quickie polls! Nothing to take to the bank.
I thought alex was a dud, there were a lot of us wanting James back
Hum, what do you guys think? I think that was a rather sympathetic edit of Ronnie. Yeah, he was portrayed as a hard player, but not a sleazebag like the previous episode (and actual life). BB clearly wants to give him a chance at the wizard powers - good for ratings. I wonder if he and Jeff are in a close heat? Ugh!
FYI: I went to vote for Jeff again and the new Have-not poll is up
choices are:
eggplant and eggnog
liver and limes
sardines and saltines
( I would not mind the eggplant and eggnog, myself)
but I didnt see a place to vote for the CDT
Maybe because I already voted well over ten times?
oh well, I still have about 3-4 more times I can vote by cell. Guess I'm gonna have an extra 10 bucks on my bill next month
New Top Post!!! :)
******On August 24, 2006, the IAU defined the term "planet" for the first time. This definition excluded Pluto as a planet, and added it as a member of the new category "dwarf planet" along with Eris and Ceres
Thank you I knew it hadn't been that long since the official determination.
Hi! Shoot....I only threw one comment out last night. All the props go to the rest of the crew.
I'm going to wait for the show to come on here and not watch the EC feed.
I haven't made it all the way through all the comments yet so maybe someone has mentioned this...
I don't understand why people aren't talking NOW (with their own alliances) about what they would do IF they got the power. That way, the rest of their group knows how to vote. Once they get the power, they can't let on. Get the talk done now so you're all on the same page.
Not much on feeds now. J & J cute in HOH. Last I saw, Jesse was trying to do Lydia's hair. The only interesting thing about that is the fact that she's so excited that she's getting attn.
Well that edit was sparse again and confusing for a non feed viewer. The Jessie, Lydia brief argument in the kitchen after Have Not pick made no sense to them.
DRs weren't very good this time. How much does AG want to keep Ronnie, he is always the last word on the show, King Cobra (eye roll).
I really want Michele to use the POV and Russel put up Jessie or Nat.
Live Feed now.
Jeff and Jordan are having way to much fun with the spy screen LOL Russel's voices as he watches others.
True Blood was awesome tonight!
Hey everyone, I just tried to vote again on the cbs site. they offer two options. one for the coup, and another for haves and have nots. the problem is no matter what you click, it goes to the haves and have nots. hopefully they will fix this problem.
Okay I dont know about anyone else but I got the impression that CBS was trying to prepare us for them giving Ronnie the power, bcuz i think they dont want him to leave the show this early plus why was he the only houseguest to get to ask america for the power and they gave him like 2 mins to do so??? And noone else had a chance, I'm worried they are gonna rig the vote how bout yall?
All great TV shows have to have a villain. Ronnie is the villain of the season. Of course AG needs Ronnie to stay.
Evil Dick was the villain on his season. AG wanted hm to stay.
Dr. Will was the villain on his season.
I disagree with the villain theory- Ronnie isn't a villain. He is just plain annoying !
BB fans want him gone more than the HG's do. After Casey's eviction many vowed to stop watching if Ronnie doesn't go this week. So conversely, keeping Ronnie will decline ratings.
Hope part of expect the unexpected includes a new type of penalty for the HG's breaking the rules! (Chima,Jessie,Natalie)
Good idea would be to deny jury house... Why is CBS being so lenient?
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