Saturday Night is Michele's Night

Around the house
Jeff is preparing something yummy no doubt. Michele having come out of the DR, is cleaning the bathroom mirror, Chima just finished her shower and Lydia is on the bathroom sofa giving herself a pedicure. Jordan has just finished doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen area. The rest of the hamsters are mostly snoozing.
Lydia asks Chima to help her with her "evition speech". Chima laughs. (**Oh you don't know how much Chima wishes it really were your eviction speech)
Lydia, Michele and Chima all wish they had brought more comfortable clothes.
They are quiet now, but who knows what the night might bring.

Russell, Jordan. & Jeff
Russell is up and joins Jordan and Jeff in the kitchen.
Ronnie is up and about and bringing food from the storage room.
They are preparing food.
Ronnie is by himself at the table, eating.
And. There's alcohol!
8:35 PM BBT
Jeff goes outside to enjoy his food and a nice glass of red wine. Michelle and Chima are dishing up plates for themselves. Michele joins Jeff outside with her food.
Michele: This is great. I also enjoyed the calamari yesterday.
Russell joins them. They are eating and chatting companionably. Jeff is telling them what he put in it. They are definitely enjoying it :) Jordan joins them outside. She is folding laundry. Michele is telling them that she fell asleep in the DR. Jeff goes in to get second helpings.
Michele: As soon as I saw the rats I thought, yes! Big Brother made this comp for me.
Russell: As soon as I saw it, I knew Ronnie didn't have a chance. I was stoked. This is the best case scenario.
Jeff returns with more food. Michele is still basking in her glory. :)
Russell: His face dropped when you won it. He was so pissed.
Kevin joins the backyard crew. Talk turns to food. Jordan jumps on the elliptical. The elliptical is making a weird noise.
8:46 PM BBT
Spa Room
Natalie, Jessie & Chima
Lots of whispering happening. More of the same. How to get to Michele.
Jessie: Now Russell is going with Jeff and Jordan and the rest of us will bite the bullet.
Chima: Obviously none of us have the power.
Natalie: If we havn't heard anything by Monday, we didn't get it. (**Actually Weds probably)
Chima: I forgot to tell you guys that Kevin and Lydia were asking me why you were funny toward them
Jessie: Yeah he talked to me when I was in the shower. He was asking me why I was distant with him
Chima: Why did he go up and throw us under the bus.
Chima leaves so as not to cause suspicion.

Natalie: Chima is so pretty.
Jessie: I didn't see that coming.
Natalie: She's so pretty.
Jessie: She has her moments.
Natalie: She's so pretty. I wish I was that pretty.
Jessie: You don't think you're pretty. You're very pretty.
Talk turns to sleeping habits. They are talking about numbers. Lydia going home, and what Kevin will do. Natalie wants to talk to Ronnie and tell him this is the second time they are sticking their necks out for him. Next time he goes into a room with people, I'm done with him. They seem to be sure Ronnie is staying.

8:58 PM BBT
Micele, Russell, Kevin, Jeff, Chima & Jordan.
Interesting to note that Chima is not snuggling next to Russell. There is pleasant, non-specific chat while the elliptical makes a thumping noise. Needless to say no game talk.
Talk turns to the hot extra in the competition.
Jeff: The Rock?
Chima: He does look like Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. He's probably Pacific Islander. Because of his tattoos.
Russ says he blew the woman a kiss.
Jeff: She looked like... Oxana. Something like that
Chima: Oxana Bayul?
Jeff: No that's an ice skater! She had that eyeliner. She looked exactly like that.
Chima: She's from Chicago
Jeff: Is she?
Kevin: Hook it up.
General banter around that.
Natalie and Lydia join the backyard crew.
Chima: She's alive!
Natalie doesn't stay long. Talk turns to fairy tale characters.
My niece loves the Disney princesses. The problem is she doesn't like me playing pretend with her. (***Imagine Jeff in a princess outfit?)
Everyone is impressed by Jordan working out.
9:10 PM BBT
Pool Room
Natalie & Ronnie
Conspiring on how to work the vote in his favor. She tells him not to seclude himself, and he has to work on Michele. He says he has telling her she can be in a 5 person alliance. (***Best you can do?) Natalie coaches him, but it doesn't last long because she hears someone coming and leaves.

Around the house.
Natalie and Jessie are dishing/preparing food. Natalie is deep in thought.
Ronnie is in the Pool Room reading his bible.
Jordan is going upstairs to HOH to take a bath.
The rest are outside drinking and chatting.
Natalie says she's not hungry, wraps herself in blankets and joins the others outside.
Jordan goes back to the Pool Room to get her things. There is no talk between her and Ronnie.
Jessie is still preparing food. Lydia pops in and tries to engage him, but he isn't responsive.
Jessie is super crusty. He opened the sliding glass doors asked Natalie if she took something (sorry I missed it) and then slammed the door shut.
9:34 PM BBT
Everyone except Jordan, Jessie, & Ronnie)
Talk turns to Michael Jackson. His death. His music rights. His children. (***surprised they didn't cut the feeds)

9:52 PM BBT
Michele, Natalie, Russell, & Jeff.
Jessie comes out with squid and threatens to chuck it at them. They laugh. He goes inside. Talk turns to Lady Marmelade. They are trying to convince Natalie to dance. She is not having it.
10:1o PM BBT

Jessie, Natalie & Russell
Jessie taking about food (***as usual). Natalie is making cookies. Russell is hanging out. Jordan walks by and Russell asks about making out. Jordan says she won't on TV. She knows her family is watching. Russell offers to crack her back. Kevin passes through. Lydia is making a snack. Russell is eating ice cream. Lydia wants to play pool with Natalie.
Natalie: You didn't follow through with the bet last time.
10:28 PM BBT
Around the house.
Kitchen: Russell, Lydia, Natalie, Jordan & Jessie are preparing eating food.
Backyard: Jeff, Michele & Chima are chatting and laughing. Lydia joins them. Discussion of who took the last beer.
Chima: Somebody hid it.
(♫paranoia will destroy ya♫)
Russell & Jeff are getting ready for a game of pool. Russell says he misses Casey.
Feeds 1 & 2 on Natalie and Jessie eating.
Feeds 3& 4 on Jeff and Russell playing pool.
BB Voice: Natalie, please go to the Diary Room.
Natalie asks Jessie to keep an eye on the cookies for her.
Feeds 1 & 2
Kevin, Lydia, Michele, Jordan, & Chima.
Lydia: I can't even count how many times he lied to us. ( Ronnie) No one bites.
Talk turns to relationships
Michele: My husband says, Girl you're not hot. but I love you.
The rest of the HGs are shocked. Talk about relationships and attraction continues. Fishies because Jordan is talking about someone who hasn't signed a release.
Jeff is called to DR. Russell joins Jessie and Natalie inside. Jessie is in a foul mood. Russell is telling Jessie he isn't eating enough to work out. Talk turns to making food as opposed to fast food. Jessie mentions Cosco and feeds go to fish.... Feeds come back and Jessie is saying that cutting out carbs makes you lose energy. Talk turns to following your dreams, and not regretting missed opportunities.
Switching feeds...and fish! (***Shizz people!)
10:58 PM BBT
Jordan, Kevin, Lydia & Chima
Lydia tells Jordan to "Go for it" about Jeff. Chima says Russell is mad at her because of the way she was flirting with the guy. Chima says Russell locked her out of HOH last night.
Jordan: I am going to put lotion on my feet tonight. (**No I didn't miss a part of the conversation, she literally said that)
Jeff comes out and they go quiet. Jeff asks if it's him. They laugh. Russell comes outside and Jeff joins him to continue their game. Natalie comes out. Jessie was called out to DR.
They talk about how they sleep. Natalie says she won't even get up to pee. Michelle tells her that's not healthy. "Your body reabsorbs the toxins." That doesn't phase Natalie. Talk turns to laundry, and Natalie says about doing Jessie's clothes.
Chima: He never lets anyone touch his clothes. It means you're getting closer.
Awkward silence.
Talk turns to the Mystery player, who it is, when they would know. Natalie says that they will know by Monday and if anyone says that they don't have it they're lying. Chima points out that they can't say. They speculate whether Ronnie has it. Kevin brings up that Ronnie keeps dodging eviction. Jordan mentions that he can't have it, he is sitting alone reading the bible looking sad. Talk turns to alternate spiritual texts and how they should be able to bring them in the house. Natalie points out there has no girl HOH yet. Michele says. "There should have been first week." (***Love Michele) They are talking about the fact that the game is stacked against women (Chima). (***play smarter ladies. Don't blame anyone else.)
11:32 PM BBT
Russell, Michele, Kevin, Lydia, Natalie, & Jeff.
Outside couches.
BB calls Ronnie into the Diary room.
Natalie: They're giving him the wizard power.
Michele: They are asking him how it feels to lose the Veto comp.
Russell and Lydia trash him for a few hot minutes. Camera focuses on Natalie who says nothing. Discussion goes back to movies.
Lydia goes into the bathroom. Kevin joins her. Meanwhile, inside, Natalie convinces Jessie to go outside. Everyone except Chima go in.
Natalie: We know how to clear a room.
Jessie: I know, right?
Natalie: She (Michele) was saying that she wanted out of the Pool room, that she didn't want to listen to Ronnie.
Jessie: She'll vote our way though, right?
Natalie: Chima why did they all go in?
Chima runs down where everyone is going.
Kevin & Lydia
Kevin is telling Lydia to be careful. That things might turn in the house. She might be the one going home.

Russell & Michele
They are taking about Ronnie and his lies. Russell is saying he gave him many chances, and he blew them. Michele is telling Russell about Ronnie lying about his deal with Jessie. Michele tell shim that she didn't win the Veto because she was scared but because she wanted to prove herself. Michele says he tried every story to try and change her vote. She isn't buying his b*llsh*t stories.
Russell: I had a deal with Ronnie. And I'm the HOH. I don't have to say sh*t. If you want to go to the end together, then that would be great. Jessie is with Natalie. People made cases for various people, but I will put up who I want. I kept my word to Jeff. I told everyone I brought Ronnie food.
Michele: Well, apparently you weren't the only one here.
Russell: Me and you are similar. Kevin and Lydia are a team. Jeff and Jordan are a team. Natale and Jessie are a team. I don't' have a team. You don't have a team.
Michele: You're strong, and I want to be on your team.
Russell goes on to tell Michele about Chima's superficiality, her name dropping and the events she goes to. He trains and goes to bed.
Russell: If you're down. (to teaming up) We will be scary.
Michele: The animosity between you and Jeff has eased a little bit. He is a strong guy too.
Russell: He's a solid guy. We bonded. (**Do we have a new alliance?) Jessie and them will try to get rid of me as soon as possible.
Michele: They want to get rid of me.
Russell: I was in a fake alliance.
Michele saying that Jessie thought she was an idiot. He put her n the block and told her he had her back.
Michele: Were you worried about Jessie winning it?
Russell: I was.
They go on to talk about the Mystery power. Russell is saying that no one is as tough physically or mentally as they are. Michele is saying that her every move was strategic including voting against Chima. She wanted people confused about her allegiance and wanting to court her. She is saying she is where she wants to be in week 5, surrounded by cool people.
Russell goes on to say how Ronnie threw her under the bus and yet played chess with Michele. They are comparing notes on what Ronnie said to each of them about the other. They are solidifying their alliance.
Russell: I don't think Chima is as smart as me. I don't think Jessie is as strong as me. Jessie lobbied hard to keep Ronnie.
Michele: Jessie knew my feelings of ill-will towards Ronnie.
Russell: He told me that you wouldn't say anything to him. I said. Dude, she probably doesn't trust you.
Michele: He is in an alliance with Ronnie. He was trying to tell me how stupid I was for wanting Ronnie out. I can do anything Ronnie can, except be a f'ing a**h*le.
Russell: This was a game he should have won. It was made for him. He is a gamer.
They talk some more about the same.
Russell: I give you my word. I gave my word to Jeff. My word is gold.
Michele: I would rather go out with my dignity.
Russell: When did Jessie approach you who you're voting for?
Michele: Everyone asked me yesterday.
Russell: What did he say?
Michele: Do what's best for you.
Russell: I hate that line. What's best for me is I want you out of here.
Michele: That whole thing with that fake alliance was to turn me against you
Russell: If ever you win HOH, tell who you will put up and I will support you. The only people I trust, and it's funny, are Jeff and Jordan.
Michele: I hope me too.
Russell: Of course you. Everybody says they're dumb. They're not dumb. They're nice people. I don't have a problem putting anyone else up. Including Chima. Apparently, she wanted me out. Yes I flirt with her, but it's to make sure she doesn't vote against me.
Russell goes on to say that Chima wants Lydia out because she's jealous. That she isn't his girlfriend, and she was being belligerent because he was talking to the model during the Veto comp. He says he doesn't want to hurt her feelings.
Michele: I don't think she really likes you. She's playing you.
Game talk winds down. Jessie walks in. Sees Michele there and walks out. (He and Nat are playing chess just outside the door.)
The discussion loops again over the same things between Russell and Michele.

Red Room
Jeff & Jordan
Ironically, they are convinced that they are going to be out of the house soon. (***I thought this is a great way to end this post and my updating for the night.
Please check in the morning for The Overnight Report!!!
Jeff cooks, Jordan cleans!
What more could you ask for.
Now that they're all rested, let the games begin!!
HGs are poppin' tops again!
I think this could be a very active nite.Hopefully they'll get alcohol!
I don't like that BB caved and let Nat and Jesse sleep out of the havenot room.
Hi Carolyn and crew! Here's a question...if Chima is so not into Russell then why does she care about Lydia? If Natalie is so into her boyfriend then why does she care about Lydia? OK - that's 2 questions. I know the obvious answer has to do with game but seems like there is more to it.
I'm in a storm warning here so i may have to poof for awhile.
Claiming winds are in the excess of 100km/hr (which has me stressing over the roof and imaging tiles flying off and water pooling in my kitchen.) hail and heavy down pours.
Gotta get out to smoke a lil something something so i wont be so stressed out.
Yikes Wendy! Good luck with that hon! :)
Whoa!! I was up at the farm for my grandma's 96th birthday and I seem to have missed some excitement!!!! I will be so happy if Michele, Jordan and Jeff actually stay together!!
Hello everyone!!! (BTW)
That Canadian something something sure is good.
I perked up when I read alcohol, but then popped right back down when I remembered I didn't go buy any wine today and I'm all out! Wahhhhh
WendyLady: I know about those storms! I has stormed here most of this week! Finally got some blue skies this evening just for the weather man to say possible storms again tomorrow!
Wendy-where do you live again? I think you've said but I don't remember.
Hey all you technotronics! How are the results for the power going? I have no idea how to check! ;) Hope everyone is energized and ready to entertain us tonight, now that they are well rested!
I napped all day, so I will be up all night.
I'm in need of a screaming match with Lydia and Natalie.
I'm gonna watch BBAD without the laptop tonite, may be back later.
KellieJ, IMO whatever reasons Chima wants Lydia out has little to actually do with Russell.
Wendy, lol @ a lil something something....
Send that rain to me here in South Texas. My pasture needs some green grass for the cows.
I wish Michele would take Lydia aside and tell her that she's going to tell team Jesse that she's going to vote to evict Lydia. Then when the vote comes back 4 to 3 to evict Ronnie, Lydia will know right where she stands. then Jesse, natale, and chimas days would be numbered.
Don't know about it being lydia and nat, but definately there is something in the air tonight. They have been calm for a while. lol....can't see that lasting.
I am a little envious about the storms you all are talking about. I don't want the scary stuff & I wish you all didn't get them either but where I live we are in a serious drought. It's really bad here. Temps have been over 100 for over 30+ days in a row. I would love to have some rain.
rusells look sure changes from facial hair to no hair to glasses to no glasses to hat
I keep hearing rumors about bots voting for Ronnie...does cbs allow these votes to count??? I hope they have a way to make sure those type of votes don't count.
Anon - Please address any questions about bots interfering with CBS voting @ It will have more impact there :)
Shamrock: I'm in East Texas and it has rained so much! We got 9 inches last month! And they say we are gonna have alot for the month of Aug. We got most of our rain this past week. My yard is flooded!
Carolyn why is Russell mad at Chima?
Peek-a-boo!!! :)
Hi MG! :)
Hi DavidB! :)
Hola Rosaritoe! :)
Hi Kellie - beats the heck outta me!
Hi Wendy Lady :) Eek!! Be careful you!
Genieeeee - Smooch!! :) You rock, lady!
Hi NellieJ :) You sure did!!! :) Make sure to check out the Post before this one.
Hi Kscoot! :) I'll share :)
Hey, katieblue! :)
Hi Leeeee!! :) I so love that alliance name!
Hi Bamaaa!! :) Fine by me.. Genie's rockin' the blog.
Hi Boquida! :)
Hey Shamrock! :) You have a pasture and cows? How cool!
Hi NoLegs!! :) Hmmm... I'd say only if it happens 2 minutes before the live show so Lydia has no time to spin it and spill the beans to anyone.
Hi ThatDudesWife! :)
Hey MsFitz :) Ya know.. I hadn't even seen the travel mugs before today.. I'm gonna get one too! lol.
Is the potential magical power play coming this week going to have an effect on when the eviction takes place?? Did Julie say "live eviction" for next thursday? How would they time it not knowing if its going to be used for sure or not? I guess I didn't see it used the last time they had it. It just seems like so much is already crammed into a thursday show. Maybe eviction will happen wednesday? Does that ever happen? Am I just thinking too much? Maybe. A teacher told me I think to much once. Now I'm rambling on.
If Michele votes Ronnie and Lydia and Kevin officially team up with Jeff & Jordan they could totally flip the power struggle in the house.
Howdy Carolyn! Nice to see you tonight!
Hi everyone! Great blogging today!
Is Jeff talking about Robert Duvall?
If You Tweet, and you're tweaked..
Mad about bots being set up for Ronnie? Telling me does ZERO.
Tweet these tweeps:
@agrodner22 @bigbrotherscoop @cbstweet
Carolyn ...
Hereford cows. Just four of them right now. Had more, but cut back because of the severe drought.
James Caan is his name.
Huggies Carolyn! Gonna hang a bit? :)
patti & dabugd -
i apologize.. i can't post those links here.
James Cain? He wasn't in Days of Thunder! lol
Wendy - good luck hon! hope you're relaxed. ;)
Does Jessie team seriously think they are going to get Michelle lmao.
Maybe Jeff will joing Jordan in the tub?
OMG, I thought perv cam was going to make Jordan its next victim.
We can dream can't we Genie!
It sure seems unbelieveable that ther have been only 2,700 votes.Jeff does get over 80%.Still unbelieveable! I've voted like crazy.Even if everyone here only voted once...
Carolyn - Can't wait to get it. It will be perfect to keep coffee warm longer while watching feeds.
Shamrock, You must live in close proximity to where I live. Bad drought!
Got some screen caps up for Jordan fans :)
Doubt that Genie Sea, but I'm sure she'll be soft and smooth to snuggle up with.
Rosaritoe - The site people keep going to to check stats is not what everyone thinks it is..
in fact, it's nothing more than the results of a quickie poll (like i have here on bbdish), and it has nothing to do with the actual number of votes that are coming in..
rosaritoe said...
It sure seems unbelieveable that ther have been only 2,700 votes.Jeff does get over 80%.Still unbelieveable! I've voted like crazy.Even if everyone here only voted once...
where on the cbs website can you find who is leading america's vote
XD Jeff's singing mah song! lol.
Feeds are much better tonight then last night, that's for sure.
MArci - Amen!
MG - Way to burst my bubble! :)
nice shots, Genie! :)
We Ronnie fans know how to create things to turn the voting around!
Where is Blue????
Thanks Carolyn! :)
Who is the perv cam on now? Did Jordon take a shower after her bath?
Perv cam is not leaving Jordan! hehehe
Think I'm gonna turn off the puter for a bit and just watch BBAD so I can take my glasses off, they are bugging me, still not used to wearing them..
Ttya tomorrow!
G'night everyone!
Thanks Caro for clearing that up!
Still I'm glad Jeff shows such a wide lead. Even if it's a quickie poll.Jeff, quickie, pole. I like these words joined in any fashion.
I hope i'm back - winds are pretty stong and i've got 12 mins left on the laptop but i had to come check updates!!!
I'm either very dedicated or very obsessed!
Funny how we haven't had 'fish' for hours, given all the talk that's been going on in the backyard. Wonder if it's the 'quick-fingered' guys night off! When Kevin & Chima were talking at 6 am this morning, we had fish up the ying yang! Nice to see everyone in good spirits though!
Love this site, great job Carolyn et al!
I totally think that Michelle should tell Jessie, Nat and Chima that she will vote to keep Ronnie, so that on Thursday night, J,N,and C will be caught! (and Michelle stays with JJ and votes to keep Lydia)
getting tired but sun's my only sleep in day.....
Anonymous said:
We Ronnie fans know how to create things to turn the voting around!
August 1, 2009 9:57 PM
AND we don't mind saying who we are, right? lol
Ronnie's going home, no worries there!
Hey Everyone.
I am loving everything right now. Watching the Michele, Jeff, Jordan convo and it is so great. I doubted Michele for a few until that DR where she said how she really felt about Ronnie and Jessie then I knew she was going to rock that house.
Michele said to Jeff "I'm not allowed to f*ck you" and stuck out here tongue LOL ;D
I'm going to be catching up all night.
Hope everyone is doing great tonight and at least I'm up to this post so I might catch up.
Something worries me about Jeff bringing up the wizard all the time. He seems to be one that talks about it a lot, they all talk about it, but he has a lot. I hope if he wins it that he doesn't all of a sudden stops talking about it & keeps up with continuing to wonder who has it like he has been. Make sense?
Genie, great shots of our girl! Don't you know Jeff is downstairs totally thinking about how lucious she must be in those bubbles! :)
Hello, Lovely Caro, hello to all!
Oh no, I jinxed it, now we have fish!
Oh I forgot. Michele's a Gemini, Me too :) May 26th
Hi Filis!! :) Thank you very much! For what it's worth, I wouldn't underestimate Ronnie's fans for a moment! Anonymous or otherwide.
Hey Michigan Man!! :) Welcome home! :) Today was awesome!!!
MsFitz - Don't stress it. They're all bringing it up all the time...
Hi Jluvs!!! Smooch!!
:) My brother is too... June 7th...
Peak a Blueeee!!!
Where are youuuuu???
Ok i think we are in the clear now. Gonna stick with the laptop for a bit but at least now i feel ok about having it plugged in.
Genie - great pics!
I'm very much relaxed and i can't even feel my butt so no worries on numb butt later!
Thanks Jluvs! :)
Carolyn, Did Jessie tell Natalie what Russell said about Chima? Shes been acting wierd around him.. Thanks!
I would prefer ronnie to stay but i am not going to or am capeable of bot like shenanigans
Thanks Wendy! Welcome back :)
Hiya to all who have joined the discussion! :)
anon@10:23pm - I don't know... Russell and Chima have been out of sorts since after the PoV comp.
WendyLady - Welcome back! :)
DavidB - goodonya! :)
Gilligans Island is a really good show to watch when your "relaxed"!
Any chance Jessie can get kicked out of the house for assult with a deadly squid?
Wendy - lol
I think the problem with Russell and Chima is, she was sticking up for Ronnie and trying to convince Russell to get Lydia out instead.
lmao Wendy!
Good thing I had lots of coffee at work so I can stay up and be coherent. Last night I must have really been out of it. I was commenting along then all of a sudden it seems like everything stopped. I kept hitting F5 but there didn't seem to be anymore comments. After about a half hour I decided to go to sleep. This morning when I looked there were 300 comments past where I was :O When I read them they were right from the time I thought everyone left so it must have just been me going loopy and not being able to see they were there. I was really tired so my eyes must have been playing tricks on me.
Tonight I'm good for another all nighter :)
WendyLady - you are making me giggle!!
Carolyn - thanks, makes me feel better. I guess I'm just concentrating on Jeff the most! hummm, can't imagine why that is!!!
LOL Wendy ~ I wish he could be put out just cuz he's such a jerk!
I don't get it, I find absolutely nothing attractive about him.
rosaritoe said...
It sure seems unbelieveable that ther have been only 2,700 votes.Jeff does get over 80%.Still unbelieveable! I've voted like crazy.Even if everyone here only voted once...
Rosaritoe where did you hear that?? Please, Please tell me it's not true...I have personally voted hundreds of times and hope other people have. I am afraid that Ronnie's nerd friends will do the auto voting and keep that jerk in the house!
I can't stand to look at, listen to or think about 'the rat', but wouldn't it be advantageous to take him to the F2? Jeff and Ronnie is a guaranteed win for Jeff. Jeff needs to start making some moves of his own and not wait for Michele. I understand the 'Coup D'tat' paranoia, but c'mon, get in the game, man.
LOL Tell a guy on slop and squid to watch your cookies!!! Gotta love the bite Natalie has!
Shi SHi
The site people keep going to to check stats is not what everyone thinks it is..
in fact, it's nothing more than the results of a quickie poll (like i have here on bbdish), and it has nothing to do with the actual number of votes that are coming in..
Michigan Man - You probably forgot to click 'newest' at the bottom lol
I have never in my life seen a person pout as much as Jessie can if things are not going his way. He will be unbearable by the end of this Have Not. I hope he has it again next week.
Genie ....
I've been a victim of the "Newest" button.
Carolyn....Russ and Jessie were having a discussion in the HOH after the POV and Russ was pissed at Chima for trying to boss him around about not talking to Lydia. From what I could gather Chima was telling Russ that he better leave Lydia alone!
Just popping in to say HEY!! Have only been reading lately (limited computer time). But everyone is as entertaining as ever!! Oh yeah, the feeds are good too - but you all are better!!
Russell can come and massage my aching back! How about yours C?
okay after a month or so off twitter i am back on with a new id, now i gott a find all the bb tweeters agasin
(♫paranoia will destroy ya♫)
Genie, this was to funny because I think of this song all the time watching BB. I had to go find it and listen to it, I love that song.
LOL Shammy :) We all have!
MsFitz - I know! Right? Some things never change.
Shi Shi
Caro cleared that up a@ 9:54
sorry my mistake
LOL Michigan Man! Me too! hehe
Every time i've gone for a big refresh today it always goes into Jessie whinnig about something. Someone needs to tell that boy to stfu!
I hate that after you get "relaxed" you get some serious munchies. I think i just might od on dole fruit cups - yummmmy!
Ladies & Gentlemen 10:56 "Physique" made its reappearance! hahaha
Thanks Carolyn..that makes me feel a lot better!!!!! It would be great if Jeff could get the'power' and next week put of both Jessie and Gnat that would be perfect!!
Natalie just said 'how's the power work? It's been announced'. Then Jessie says yeah. (to Kevin)
Were they just f'ing with Kevin?
Hahahaha only Jessie can go from a full on whine fest about be hungry and mad he has slop and squid into a motivational speech about following your dreams!
LOL Genie ~ I DIDN'T need that!
Hi Izzy!
Hi Izzy :) Glad you popped in!
LOL Marci!
Hiya Izzy! So sweet of you :)
Carolyn ~ what in the world are you still up for? Aren't you incoherent by now?? lol
Hi All! Just dropping in after work to say y'all have been fabu today!
Now I'm off to go flashback to see all the fun stuff that happened today. Can't take Natalie talking about having to do Jessie's laundry. I think Jordan might have called the wrong person Jessie's Beyotch. Or perhaps he has two? :)
And in my BB Voice: Carolyn ... you've got mail :P
ok.. i'm going horizontal :)
gnite everyone
cya tomorrow!
Wrong, wrong, wrong, Ms. Nat!
Good nite, Carolyn!
Good nite, Genie!
I'm out for the night!
Thanks for the wonderful work today!
Good night all my BB Addict buddies!
Night Carolyn - sweet dreams!
Night Carolyn
Ha ha, Chima saying Russell locked her out of HOH last night. What she doesn't know is when she went up there this afternoon, he looked at the screen and didn't answer her knock!
Didn't mean to get rid of you Carolyn!
Good night! Doing brunch in the am?
Thanks Carolyn...but popping out just as quickly. Long day tomorrow.
My daughters and I and my oldest grandchildren have been playing "if they mated" with the BB HGs. We search the internet to find pictures of, say if Chima and Ronnie mated (that one was actually pretty cute puppy picture). Pretty funny results out there!!! (the grandkids only get to watch the TV show)
Anyway - sweetest dreams to all!!
Night Carolyn! Night MsFitz! Sleep sweet! :)
Hi Syn ~ I have to say, I think of you everyday when I log on to Chrome (the Dish is my home page, of course) and see your artwork. I love it!
Hiya Syn! :)
He better be getting lucky! :)
Good night MsFitz!
And where's GaYToR? Isn't he over due too? Didn't hear him mention a show tonight?!?!?
I thought any religious text was allowed. Didn't Kaysar bring in his?
Wendy - The Koran, Torah, Bible and other official religious texts are allowed but not things like Chicken Soup for the Soul that they were talking about. lol
Gaytor has a show tonight. He will be on later, but I miss him too! :)
I think i would like to read the BB rule book. I wonder if they make a new rule book every year.
Hiya Marci and Genie, and everyone else!
So sweet Marci! I love doing the banners. It's my way to give back. lol, one of these days I'm going to do one the way I would do it if Carolyn would allow, complete with drawn on horns, moustaches and blacked out teeth, lol.
I think i prefer the seasons where hgs had to play for different foods not for food in general like this season.
Can I be really evil for a moment?
I just want to point out how ironic it is that Ronnie is reading the bible and chomping on an apple. It even looks like he might be in Genesis too!
And I am in no way mocking or disparaging Ronnie's faith. I just thought that image was very ironic.
lmfao Syn - Would love to see that! :)
Wendy - It would be interesting, wouldn't it?
LMFAO Syn!!!!
I nodding off here so i'm gonna call it a night - sweet dreams everyone and see ya in the mmorning!
Jeff "bag of M&M is $16 at Blockbuster" ROFLMAO because it's true.
Michele "their asking him how it feels to lose the veto comp" ZING
LMAO Genie! I'm still like literally lol'ing about that image. I think it's 2 parts sleep deprivation and 1 part work exhaustion.'s actually hard to sign off without hearing from Blue and Gaytor. They're both missing???
Could they be legitimizing (and I know I'll get this wrong) lilbluebits???
Night Wendy hon! Sleep sweet! I'm not far behind you! :)
23 minutes to pumpkin hour for Genie. :)
Michigan Man - MHM! hahaha
Wow, Jessie's dense. Natalie tells him that *gasp* Michele was talking to other people. Hinting that she wasn't going to vote their way. Then Jessie says "As long as she doesn't use it, we're good right."
Um, Seriously Jessie? Seriously?
He must really need his hourly feeding.
OK, we need a quickie poll to make Carolyn let us see Syn's new banner!
Good night Wendy, you're a hoot! AND you owe me a web address!!
That is to funny, they left Jessie, Nat and Chima outside. They are now the outcasts.
LOL Izzy!
Michele & Russell in HoH Room talking! Michele is talking!
~ Ryan ~
Russell and Michele are having a convo in HOH.
Genie Why are the smash talking about Chima. She never did anything to them. Do you agree? How do you see it?
Okies, I think I'm turning into a pumpkin pie. Y'all have a great night! Sweet dreams!
Are we seeing the final two or just part of the final four?
Not sure if Russel would want to go F2 with Michele or Jeff?
However this is going, I like it.
LOL Michigan Man ~ and they are not liking it at all! The REAL Jessie is now in the house!
Russell is a liar! LOL I think he has a deal with Jeff. Michele is being fooled!
Can't wait to see this POV, sounds awesome.
Good night Syn!
Ry ~ Michele has talked more today than her whole time in the house! And she's making a lot of sense!
Nite Syn! Sleep sweet! I;m updating like crazy. Game on! hehehe
Russell is sooo full of himself!!! Chima dont want your butt!!! He likes her because he keeps changing the subject back to her!! he knows he isnt man enough for Chima!!!! What a Loser!!
I really love these two and them teaming up with Jeff and Jordan but they shouldn't get over confident. Kevin could win HOH next week and who knows what would happen. It's good to be confident but not over confident.
Michigan Man - Kevin winning HOH is possible but unlikely. :)
Jeff/Jordan/Michele/Russell is an alliance I can totally get behind.
With Ronnie going this week and Jeff most likely having the Coup D'etat this foursome will do some serious damage.
Jessie/Natalie/Chima are going to be left stupified. It's going to be interesting to see what Lydia/Kevin does.
Lots of honesty between Russell and Michele.
When Ronnie leaves, and if Jeff gets the "Wizard" power, then an alliance of Russell, Michele, Jeff and Jordan can finally get rid of Jessie and Nat.
Amen Michigan Man, Mattitude & Shammy! :)I ma lucking this alliance. For the first time this season. Finally! :)
And on that note... I will be hitting the hay. Please watch the critters for Carolyn and feel free to keep on commenting. They will be posted in the morning! :)
Good night Genie!
Michele talking about Lydia hooking up with a female HOH
Michele "clearing I'm the only candidate, but no" LOL
12:46'ish am BBT feed 1.
Michele admitted to Russell that she has a PhD.
It's 1 AM BB Time and Russell & Michele are talking about their personal lives. Michele is talking about being a neuroscientist and Russell is talking about his motorcycle accident/love story. This whole CONVO must be on the Flashback for Overnight Report. Also a lot of talk about how Michele & Russell really respect Jordan & Jeff and how they'd be a nice foursome.
This really is Michele's gaming night!!
~ Ryan ~
12:40am HOH Cam 1,2
Michele and Russel cont.
Russel is saying his only F2 deal was with Casey.
He says he knows the same people outside the house as Casey. Famous people maybe?
Russel says Casey told Laura so that's why their alliance broke up. Russel told Michele he was the one vote for Casey.
They still think the hinky vote for Laura was Casey.
Michele told Russel she has a Phd. He says he knew. Some of the stuff she told him tipped him off. She can't say where she went because of PETA concerns.
They talk about Dr. Will. Ok, now she told him University of Texas Western Medical something.
12:50am Good story, worth a flashback.
She is telling him about her husband. They broke up when she was in college but then of course got back together.
Russel is telling her about UC Davis. Courtney, she took care of him after his accident.
Serious bonding here.
fish :( Lousy Skippy
We're back and their talking about the HOH competition. Russel is talking about kinds of women he dates. Why he doesn't get along with Chima, he thinks she is shallow. Michele and her husband are in Hollywood every night, comedy clubs, networking. She says she grew up in a drug neighborhood so that is why she wanted to work in research to know about addiction.
Compared to every other conversation in the house this one is so easy to listen to. All personal no game.
Russel talking about his dad and mom, mom is a president of a bank. Russel says his uncle ran for president of Lebanon. His sisters, one is art history professor, starts to tell about other one and we get fish.
I meant every other conversation besides Jeff and Jordan. This is real like how they talk to each other. Russel and Michele find each other intellectually stimulating. Kind of the new Jeff and Jordan without the flirting.
The fish when we get fishies on the feeds are called Tiger Barbs and here is a fun fact about tiger barbs.
This colorful barb is frequently chosen for a community tank, unfortunately they are not an ideal choice for all aquariums. When kept singly or in groups of two three, they will terrorize almost any fish that is unfortunate enough to reside in the same tank. Yet if they are kept in groups of a half dozen or more, they will usually keep their quarrelling to themselves.
1:15 AM BBT I tuned in to find Russell and Michele are talking about game but mostly in generalities. Game ethics seem to creep in here and there. Russell is clearly enjoying getting to know her. No huge news to report since I just started watching the feeds. Jessie and Michele were playing chess but gave up and headed downstairs.
1:58 AM BBT Michele leaves Russell's room and Russell goes downstairs too. Jessie and Natalie are waiting to pounce in the bathroom. They had moved away from the landing about 30 minutes ago.
As soon as Jessie sees Russell he drags Russell back to the HoH room with Natalie following closely behind. I guess it is still their room in their own tiny minds.
First thing Russell says is 'she's not using it.' Their talk turns to the usual talk we always hear from Jessie and Natalie, and Russell lets them think even Michele is on board with keeping Ronnie.
***I'm switching to the Haves Room where lights are out but Michele has joined them. Can't get a headcount yet but I know it's Michelle, Jeff, I think Jordan, and maybe even Lydia, but what I think is Lydia is sleeping. Looks like Kevin is there too, but only by the way the person is dressed. It's sitting like Kevin and dressed like Kevin so it's most likely Kevin.
Michele is discussing strategies in general terms. Everyone talks about how Russell is unreadable but Michele disagrees. ***Yes we really are seeing the real Michele and now we know she is more than just a kinky woman. She's got game, too.***
2:25 MA BBT
Darkened room has gone off feeds as the camera follow Kevin to the kitchen where he is eating a pickle. Big excitement.
Switched to the HoH where they are watching Kevin eat a pickle. First thing I hear is Jessie saying Kevin is sneaking food with his pickle.
***My first thought is 'guilty hen squaks first', especially since I heard Jessie say he knew ways to sneak food the night he got put on slop aka squid and squash.***
The Have's Room is all dark and quiet now.
The pow wow in the HoH breaks up briefly as Jessie says he is going down to get his and Natalie's food. Natalie follows like a puppy with mention of getting the laundry. Russell makes a request for her to bring something up for him. Didn't catch what it was.
***I can't seem to connect via actual RP so I am going to Carolyn's sidebar link which seems to never fail me. Thank you for that too, Carolyn.***
2:27 AM BBT I return to see Kevin in the kitchen with Ronnie there with him. Ronnie is chomping on a green apple with huge bites. Were it a red apple it would remind me of a whole roasted pig on a spit. Not that I would eat Ronnie, but it sure makes me want some cochon d'lait.
Russell and Jessie are back up in HoH, Natalie has grabbed the ear of Michele, and they are on the bathroom sofa. Natalie is working her hard. Michele is nodding politely.
Decisions, decisions, but I am going for Russell and Jessie for now. Maybe this is a night for my own masochism, but I want to catch Jessie eating something he shouldn't.
The boiz are talking about the PoV comp and what they had to count. Jessie swears he could not have possibly been off by 100 in counting arrows. Maybe 10, but no way was he off by 100. "I was standing right there. I counted every f'ing one of them."
Complaining about the last two comps seems to be the crux of Jessie's 'point being' at the moment.
Russell is asking if Jessie thinks Jordan or Jeff has the Coup. Jessie is all "f'in YES! Jessie is being his usual bitter 'I'm not in power' self. He's even complaining about Natalie for not winning the HoH comp. He's tired of 'keeping her f'ing ass happy'.
Jessie seems to be accepting that Russell's wishes are going to come to fruition and Lydia will be staying. But that is this very second. I haven't seen the rest of the day to know what Jessie is really ???thinking???. Not that I think he is capable of thinking.
Still complaining about the PoV.
Jessie is saying what he will say to Kevin if Kevin ever gets an HoH and how he will ... blah blah blah.
2:58 AM BBT
My feeds died for a few and I return to Ronnie in the HoH and Russell apologizing for that week of screaming at him. Russell says he stays confused as to who is and isn't telling the truth at any given time. Russell's apology is sincere, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to do his best to send Ronnie's a$$ back to his wife this week.
Ronnie is begging for his BB life, telling Russell that if he would stay and win HoH next week he would put up Jeff and Jordan, but he would do whatever the team wants. "It's me, Jessie, Natalie, you and Chima" he says to Russell. He swears his undying loyalty and that he will do absolutely anything to stay in the house. He's basically promising Russell the moon and to remind him how much he has stayed loyal to the group. I think he is trying to say he would go as far as to be Russell's P.A.L. ***and if you don't know what that stands for... see if Carolyn or someone else will inform you. I'm a good Christian (voodoo) boy and don't say those phrases.***
Russell says he will marinate on it. (love that term and wondering what marinade would be good on Russell.)
Ronnie keeps going and tells Russell how much alike they are.
"Yes he did Miss Julie, he compared himself to Russell, to Russell's FACE!"
Russell is trying to get rid of Ronnie (physically from the room) but is certainly taking a long time. Russell is even off the bed. I'm not sure if Russell is planning on his own escape or lacing up his boots and about to open the door and kick the shitake mushrooms out of the twit, Ronnie.
Ronnie gets out and Russell gets back in bed, going directly to the spy screen to see where Ronnie goes next.
And now Jessie and his very own P.A.L heads to the HoH room.
3:30 AM BBT
Jessie and Natalie are still complaining about how Jordan picked the Have Nots. Get over it jessie. You are on the Have Nots. Did you think it would never happen? Did you think AG would make that a stipulation for you to come back?
Eat Squid!
3:51 AM BBT
Not a lot being said in the HoH with Russell, Jessie and Natalie. Jessie continues to say 'we' as if Russell is really in his alliance.
I missed something about Jessie wanting to sue someone. They hadn't emailed in 6 months but something happened. I thought he was talking about AG, but we got no fish so obviously not. It's something about his manager at a fitness center. Now we have fishies.
This whole time of the Athletes in HoH has been Kevin and Michele on the bathroom sofa. No idea what they are saying but about to switch to them because I am sick of the Jessalie show. Came back from Fish to Jessie saying he can't wait to go to Vegas, and if they make the show people are going to want to see "US". Otherwise, if they aren't there, no one would care and wouldn't show up. He brings up Will Kirby will join and he blows a bit of smoke that way about Kirby's perfect game. Jessie says "but I don't like giving props to anyone from 8 seasons ago."
Then Jessie goes into a tirade on Father Dan... he just can't let it go. He talks about Dan swearing on everything and always crying? Did I block that out? I saw much humor from Dan but I never recall seeing tears. (Jessie even mentions him swearing on his son... unless Jessie switched trashing Dan and went on to someone else in mid-sentence. Methinks Jessie doesn't remember anything from last season past his own eviction. *shrug*.
OOPS! Ronnie is up and outside. Can't see who he is talking to so I am going there against my better judgment.
Feeds on fire all night. I didn't keep track which cam or times because it was every cam / all night.
It's 0412 and, so far, best moment of the night just occurred on cam 1 starting around 0400 (maybe a little before or a little after).
Michelle gets so disgusted w/ Ronnie, she just says, "i'm done!" and walks away. Classic!! It was great :):):):):):):):):)
4:04 AM BBT
So it's Michele who Ronnie is torturing outside. First thing I heard was:
"So Russell told me he now thinks it was a bad idea to put me up." ***HUH???***
Ronnie is promising Michele the moon to take him down, swearing her allegiance to her and that they will be an alliance to the end.
***How many people can he tell this to? I can't wait for the note comparing to begin and they all tell that same story about Ronnie's two person alliance with everyone in the house.***
And I want to take this opportunity to thank AGP for the FOH. I usually bitch about Mr. Happy Fish Fingers but for this time I am grateful.
On Mr. Fingers... This one doesn't seem as willing to hit/sit on the button as the usual weekend Mr. Fingers. Did AGP get enough complaints and change ....
Holy Walk Away, Batman.
Michelle just told Ronnie she is done and walked inside. She told Ronnie she is tired of the conversation. He talks but he can't even say the word 'alliance'. Ronnie rushed in behind her but she is off screen and he stopped at the kitchen to rinse his glass. Ronnie quickly runs to the pool room and hops in bed.. lights out. I hope I didn't see what I thought I saw. I could have sworn I saw naughty parts as Ronnie lifted his leg to get into bed (between inner thigh and boxer shorts. I will not now nor will I ever go back to see.)
Back to HoH, same cast: 4:15 AM BBT
Jessie still doing all the talking, trashing everyone, from those already evicted to those who he wants evicted still.
Jessie says "Kevin is down there spinning his crap."
I'm not sure to whom he might be spinning because I don't see Kevin on any feed. Something was said about Kevin eating a grape. I don't know if it was that first moments of HoH reveal or if he is making something up. Jessie wants to do some extra eating too. His favorite subjects are eating and catching someone doing something against the rules. *yadda yadda yadda*
Quick exit by Jessie and his little Natalie right behind him. Not sure if they are going to bed or to the BY. sounds like the BY ... so they don't have to lay on the "bed of nails" yet.
Oh how I wish AGP would have added just enough bumps to those sheets of steel, or did they use that industrial style? Still they get blowup floatie mattresses from the pool room. Quick flash to the Have Not Room. Kevin is asleep.
Jessie and Natalie are foraging through the kitchen fridge and wherever in preparation for heading outside. A protein shake is in the making by Jessie. Natalie still has her nose in the fridge.
Correction. Jessie and Natalie are in the Spa Room for now. Natalie is still harping on everything from the PoV comp to every person in the house, almost as if she is going down a printed list in front of her.
Talk is very whispered so it's very hard to catch what either is saying.
4:38 AM BBT
It 'looks' like everyone is in bed except Jessie and Natalie.
They are still in the spa room whispering and I have volume up 100% to try to catch anything. It's still not easy, especially as Natalie pulls the blanket up over her head or neck (I can't tell) and all I get is scratchy mic noises.) I really wish BB would hit the "Natalie, stop that" button.
From what I can gather, all they are doing is trashing everyone else.
One thing I did catch from Jessie is he thinks Michele should be grateful to him for not putting her up. He didn't do it and he's had two opportunities.
***uh, Jessie, your first week there were 12 people in the house besides yourself. You couldn't put up everyone who wasn't in your clique. You wanted Braden out and you got it. The 3rd week you still had a choice and your choice was Casey. Are these regrets now or are you just thinking (with what?) that if you wanted to, you could have filled the nominations chairs with ever
It seems, in this private talk, that at least for now they are facing the reality that there will be no saving Ronnie.
I think... stress think... I just heard Jessie say he is ready to put up Russell when he wins HoH next week. Natalie hopes she wins, because she will do the same thing. That's why I call them Jessalie.
They are trying so hard to sleep. You can hear the voices winding down. When will BB tell them they can't sleep there? These are the times I wish BB would call a lights out and demand everyone go to bed.
Jessie says he just hopes he makes it through this week. Has something been said that makes him worry?
My personal hope is that he does indeed go before the Jury House starts. Ronnie will be a target every week he lasts, which won't be many. This would be my perfect week if Jessie would get shown how the backdoor works... on HIM. But only Russell could flip that script. Come on Russell! Hear me. Open up to telepathic messages from me.
5:00 AM BBT
(7:00 AM GaYToR Time)
The sun is rising and that means the GaYToR needs to hide from the close up the blackout curtains.
This is my last for the night unless something absolutely fantastic happens.. like BB tells Jessie and Natalie they get a penalty nomination for sleeping in the Spa Room.
I am still listening and hoping to hear a snore from either or both of them. I'm starting to wonder if BB is waiting for the same.
As it looked like the sleep in the Spa Room was about to happen we got the "Be Right Back" shot of the control room, but came back quickly and they are still there, but obviously fading quickly.
Just Do It!!
Syn928 said...
I won't hold that against you ;)
August 1, 2009 4:21 PM
DAMBIT!!! Foiled again! :-p~~ And I wasn't even awake to catch it at the time he said it.
Hey GaYToR!
I may not be awake yet, but I believe Jessie did in fact put Michele up last week...Jordan and Michele to be exact! Michele won the POV and took herself down and that is when he put Casey up.
He even said if the nominations stayed the same, Michele would go home.
He is delusional!!!
One thing I did catch from Jessie is he thinks Michele should be grateful to him for not putting her up. He didn't do it and he's had two opportunities.
GaYToR: great job on the updates!! I was watching last night, but had to get some sleep. You helped "fill the gaps" for me :)
I usually don'tcomment but was compelled to speak up today...this site is my inside track on what's happening in the bb house. I do watch bb afterdark on showto faithfully each night but I am truly greatful because in these ruff econimic times I am not able to afford the subscription to the live feeds. I'm trying to save my three day trial for when the underdogs take over the power & make a mad dash to kick the annoying Nat, Jesse, & Chima clique to the bb curb. From the site owner all the way on down to the commenters...I must say thanks for the play by play. Everyone is doing a yoman's job! Keep up the good work! *The302UniBlogger*
We miss you when you're not here!
Thanks for all the Late late nite blogging.
We really appreciate you♥
Wow way to not approve my comment. I miss the good ole over night reports.
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