PoV Comp Spoiler & Afternoon

The feeds went to Trivia at 12:54pm BBT.. The Power of Veto competition is underway!! Here's the sneak peek BB gave us at 11:12pm on feed 1! It's not much, but we'll take it! :)
When the feeds return, Michele's swinging the PoV around on her finger... She's very happy, and deservedly so. She's in the pool room with Ronnie, and she tells him she's thrilled, but she's also concerned she'll soon be perceived as a threat for her wins...
Ronnie: You're deifnitely on the jury. Congratulations. Just so you know, I'm willing to do anything you...
Michele: We'll talk...
3:00pm BBT
After asking Natalie if she minds, Michele hops into the shower stall next to Natalie's.
***I'm with Michele and Natalie in the showers, but I can hear Russell shouting, "You're going home!!! Pack your bags, bitch!! You're going Home!! I flipped to quad, and nothing... Ronnie's sitting at the table, eating.. Russell's chatting with Chima at the counter.
3:05pm BBT
Ronnie heads into the bathroom stall.
Kevin's primping in the bathroom mirror.
The girls are still showering.
3:08pm BBT
Jessie, Lydia, Russell, Chima, Jordan, Jeff
Very happy campers all around... There were outsiders in this PoV comp... The HGs are all jazzed talking about how how this one and that one were... Wondering if one guy's tattoos were real...
***So... what can we expect for the next 36 or so hours before the Veto Ceremony? Well, Ronnie's going to work his butt off trying to get Michele to use the PoV on him. It's possible, but higly unlikely that anyone from the Jessie, Natalie, Chima group will help overtly with this, because doing so would show their hand to Russell, should Michele go to him with any information.
Come to think of it, that would certainly spark things up! :)
It's quite possible that Lydia will put in some facetime with Michele as well... but as long as Lydia can count on Michele's vote to evict Ronnie, she's golden.
Me? I'm chomping at the bit to see Michele and Russell's upcoming meeting up in the HoH... :)
3:18pm BBT
Jessie, Michele, Natalie
From their chatter, we learn that the comp had a component of estimating quantities...
3:20pm BBT
Pool Room
Ronnie's laying in bed reading the bible and chatting with Michele about rats. She leaves the room in about 60 seconds.
3:23pm BBT
Kitchen area...
Michele, Russell, Chima
Michele's just bebopping all over the house...
3:26pm BBT
Haves Room
Jeff & Jordan being adorable
Haves Room
3:30pm BBT
3:30pm BBT
Chima comes in, and we learn there was wine available on the sidelines for the HGs not participating in the comp. They're tipsy and quite happy... Jeff says he may have polished off a whole bottle.
Jordan's sitting on another bed in the room...
Jeff: Come back here.. Come lay down with me...
Michele enters. They congratulate her. Happy smiles and chatter all around. Michele and Jordan are being extra cute and goofy together... then...
Jeff: Did you really think there was that much?
Michele: No, I was f'ing around.
Jeff: So you threw a question? Why would you throw a question?
***So we'd have fishies? ;p It's no biggie, BB, HGs throw questions and comps all the time!
Feeds come back after a moment, and Jordan's being spooned, back under the covers - heads visible - with Jeff.
**Then more fishies...
3:50pm BBT
Feeds are back...
Jeff & Jordan are snuggling and peaceful....
Then, boom!!
We cut to the HoH Bathroom. Russell's all fired up about someone hanging all over him. At first it sounds like Lydia, but it turns out he's pissed at Chima, or so he's telling Jessie... He says she's hanging all over him and trying to tell him what to do...
Russell: Dude, Michele's totally on our side... She wants him gone, and if not, this totally forces her hand to show her cards... Did you hear what I said to Ronnie? He's all "there are 125 rats." I said, "Did you count yourself?"
They talk about Kevin a bit, but Russell goes back to Chima... He's pissed.
Russell: She's attracted to me. It's totally one sided..
Jessie: She's just jealous. It'll pass. How bout Kevin pounding grapes outside?
Russell: HuH?
Jessie: He's a have not too... Natalie said he was just pounding em...
***Cue for fishies. ;p Briefly.
Russell tells Jessie he should go down and get Jeff and Jordan, and ask them if they wanna come up.. Russell recommends he puts in some face time with them, especially since he's so sure one of them will with the magic power.
Russell: Jeff and Jordan are drunk. They just made out... F'in Lydia walked in and yells to the whole house, "Jeff & Jordan are makin' out!!!" Geez. Let them have their moment.
Russell moves back to hating on Chima some more, asking Jessie if he saw what she did...
4pm BBT
Still HoH
Jessie and Russell
Jessie's descibing how poorly he did in the comp... His guesses were way off...
Russell: And I always thought Michele was worthless...
Jessie: Anyone can win anything in this piece...
Russell: If Chima comes up, I'm just gonna be like, I don't wanna see your ugly face right now...
***Back to talk about the PoV... Ronnie thought he could play it like Crazy James and just psych everyone out, and it didn't work for him.
4:08pm BBT
Dining Table
Kevin, Ronnie, Chima
Kevin: Michele's a PoV Princess...
Chima: Michele has proven her worth. She was the last woman standing in the HoH and she's won the last 2 PoVs.
Ronnie's telling them how BB recycles certain comps every year...
Chima: We haven't had a honey challenge yet this year.
Kevin: I would love to do that.
The group breaks up...
Ronnie & Chima
Ronnie's hard to work on Chima, asking her to please help him with Michele, and telling her he's never lied to her since day one.
Ronnie: Please, I'm begging all of you, help me to convince her that this is the best thing for all of us... I said here's what's gonna happen if I leave: Russell will take Jeff and Jordan and Kevin and Lydia and all of you will be the next to leave. Me leaving makes everyone else vulnerable.
Chima: Oooh, that's a mouthful.
Ronnie: Chima, I am so glad I have always kept my word to you. At the end of the day, we all have to do what's best for us... You, me, Jessie and Natalie.. Michele and I have had a few bumps along the road, but we're working it out.
Ronnie speculates about one of them having the mystery power...
Ronnie: I just really need your guys help getting to Michele...
Talk turns to the comp again.
Ronnie: Every other time they've had that comp, the person won by forcing the others to fold,. fold, fold..
Chima: This time that didn't work.
Ronnie: Because everyone knew the game... (back to Michele) Last night she told me that if she comes withus, she's gonna need protection... I really don't wanna go home, but if I do, I want you to win...
Chima goes out to check if anyone's hanging around listening, then returns...
Ronnie: Taking me down off the block would be the best case scenario... It's actually better that I lost..
***Scratching head.
Ronnie: I'm done trying to placate Russell.
Chima: Good. You shouldn't... He's hell bent on getting you out.
Ronnie: If she takes me down and he puts up Kevin, we vote out Lydia.. then...
They hug...
Please don't have Ronnie win
Hmmm, trying to figure out what that POV can be. Someone said gross food earlier. Possibility with that bucket in the pic?
Alisa ~ if it is gross food, let's hope they didn't get the quid out of the trash!
You really can't get a clue from the pic. I have had it paused on FBM for some time and I'm still clueless.
Comp could be when they have to see objects and come up with a phase
I;m guessing it's one of the ones like this. "This trophy is 32 ounces of gold. How many ounces of gold is this large trophy?" Like how they did with that chain, and you had to guess how many links were on that chain based off of the smaller representation next to it.
~ Ryan ~
On your new post, you stated 12:12pm. The leak is actually found at 11:12am. Thanks for all you do!
what about crushing grapes? between the toga and the wooden half barrel... just throwing that out there
Ronnie now is the time to walk the walk and not just talk the talk! Go team Ronnie!!!
Hmm.. I wonder what the POV comp is.. maybe it is the gross foods.. I hope not, Ronnie or Jesse might have a chance at winning that one...
theres a trophy so maybe like a spelling bee
I f Ronnie wins POV that would negate Jeff getting the coup de etat deal as with POV he still couldn't be put back up. I'd rather see Jessie out before jusy just to watch him cry. ;-)
So cool about the sneak peak! I knew if I mentioned it you guys would be able to find it. Thanks !!!
Maybe the POV is the one where they give you time to guess a figure of speech or saying based on the objects they place in the yard. That's the comp they did last season where Jessie dressed up as the ape.
I didn't think of gross food. For some reason stomping grapes comes to mind for me after that pick and the pick of Chima.
ugg Can't believe I typed pick instead of pic TWICE -- I always see the typos just as I'm hitting the publish button.
Yeah Michele won!!!!!
Did Michelle win?
Hello dishers..ive been around, just looking but i had to have a word. Its starting to look like the only happy outcome is if russels wins..seems like ronnie has his whole team playing today..dangit...
thank goodness we have the coup d'etat to look forward to.
even if tv onlys have the majority, the fact that jeff and jordan are the underdogs will play in their favor. dont you think that people usually root for the underdog? at least i do..
michelle won
Michele looks happy.
Did she win it?
Yahhhhhhh Michele won--go girl. Ronnie already sucking up to her
sounds like Michelle won. I'm not opposed to that happening- seems like she's fairly anti-Ronnie!
Ronnie to Michele: "I'm willing to anything to promise you"
Michele: "Alright."
Pretty sure Michele won it.
Michelle won POV I think!! Ronnie is trying to get her to use it on him.
I wish Michele knew how bad Ronnie talked about her and how many time he threw her under the bus.
I'm back just in time!!!
Hi everyone!!!!
I got 90% of everything done but after over 2 hrs of vacuuming the damn car i decided i'm done for the day! Now i can be a lazy toad and not feel guilty at all. Nope no guilt here :0)
Carolyn - JulieB is on Vacay but i sent her a msg via FB to let her know to contact you when she can.
I'm so excited i didn't miss too much!!!!
Crap! I hope she isn't going to use it on Ronnie!
Michele had everyone fooled--she is doing real well. Hope she doesn't listen to Ronnie. And they all thought Michele had no game
Michele won't save Ronnie which is good but I still think she should use the veto.
Jessie, Natalie and Chima will vote out Lydia.
Jeff, Jordan and Kevin will vote out Ronnie.
EVERYTHING hinges on Michele right now.
Yeah Michelle!!!!
I'm sure she will leave it the same.
From the looks of the screen cap i/m guessing its some gross eat or drink comp!
So, what do you guys think?? Will MIchelle use the POV?? I'm not sure if Russell really wants her to or not. I would just feel alot better if Jessie or Natalie were up against Ronnie. At least one of them would go home. Can I take the suspense??
Wow! For those keeping track...Natalie is in the have not shower. So much for a week without showering. I'm glad for the others sake she relented.
Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! Mivhele is safe this week! Unless theres a twist shes in the jury!!!!!!!!!! Yipeeeeeeeee!
Russ told Ronnie to pack his bags---hope Michele doesn't pull Ronnie off. She would be putting a huge target on her back if she did.
I guess now we'll find out how smart Michelle really is!!
Will she fall for the Ronnie, Jessie, Natalie and Chima ruse or align with the Jeff, Jordan and Russell team?
I'm still not sure where Lydia and Kevin stand but think they could be swayed to either side.
Well, it remains to be seen what Michele does, but I love that her stock has gone up so much. You go girl, brain power!
What Russell needs to do is take a meeting with her and Jeff and the three of them need to make a REAL alliance. THAT would be a team!
OMG! I bet Ronnie's nose is brown already! I hope Michelle is smart. I doubt she would use it on Ronnie anyway. What could she possibly have to gain by taking him down? So now let's see if Natalie and Jessie tell Russell they are voting out Lydia as she said earlier. It seems to me noms will remain the same. even when Jeff gets the coup d'etat, he won't use it this week. Which is good, because now he can use it next week if he needs to. Even better because the other houseguests will NEVER see it coming. (of course, that is assuming he wins it)
Well, we will see where her loyalties lie now! Yes!
She should attach herself to Jeff/Jordan/Lydia/Kevin for the next 2 days, so she doesn't have to listen to the other peoples crap and lies to try to get her to use it. I'd love it if she would tell Ronnie straight up, "I'm not using it on you! I want you gone! Bye Bye!!!"
Okiay when is the Veto Ceremony? If we have to listen to Jessie/Natalie whine/scheme and Ronnie kiss butt, we might need therapy :)
Anom @ 2:58: I don't think it matters. Michelle isn't dumb, she isn't going to be swayed easily by Ronnie. You can tell by her actions when they talk. I would love to know what is going through her hesd when he is talking. I imagine a cartoon bubble with "blah,blah,blah" in it lol!
WOOHOO! Michele is a happy hamster! I think Michele is FULLY aware of Ronnie's bullshit. She may string Ronnie along, and give him false hope, then BAM! NOT use it. I hope she toys with his emotions. Michele's Diary Rooms for the Tuesday show will be KEY. buh-bye Ronnie.
Oh my! I wonder who the B**** is that Russell is yelling at!
At thought was Ronnie but now i'm just not sure.
Hey everyone! Hope y'all are having a great Saturday!
OH please Michelle, no saving Ronnie! We do NOT want him the jury house!
Hi everyone!
depressing a bit.....
This could be very interesting. If Jessie gets to her, would she take off Ronnie? Then again, Jessie would be nervous HE would go up. Hmmm...she is a wild card. I'm sure she is a threat with mental ones. She is a smart cookie. That last one was luck.
Right on, Genie, when will the ceremony be?
I agree, Genie! Ronnie is going to be unbareable!
Poor Michele is going to have to listen to Ronnie for days now. I would just tell him if he says one work, she won't use it. No way Ron can shut up for days lol.
Hi Y'all, just checking in from the sidelines, aka work. Michele in power makes me very nervous. We are on our 4th week and I still don't know where this girl is. But, Week 1 she wanted Chima out and voted that way. She wants Ronnie out ... or so she says. I still don't know. Could be an interesting few days until Thursday.
I'm wondering if the comp had something to do with stomping grapes to make wine or something and the first one who filled up their bottle won. Chima's garb struck me more as Olympian God's than a toga party. Interesting.
Genie, typically the veto ceremony has been on Monday this season. I feel your pain.
I had something else to say, but I forgot it. hmph.
When do they do the veto ceremony? Let's hope Michelle keeps the noms the same.
But then again, who knows what will happen with Coup D'etat.
Jessie and Ronnie are going to be stuck on her like glue. Jessie is already dogging her every move.
Jessie is all bent out of shape because they spelled his name wrong? Keep going kiddo, you don't think Michele is watching your juvenile antics? Makes you and your posse look all the more appealing. Not.
I hate all the schemming back and forth. The flip-flopping drives me nuts.
I almost wish they sequestered the POV winner or had the ceremony within an hour or so of the comp.
If michele flips, yet again, next week will be incredibly antigonostic...
I am glad that Jessie dod NOT win...but I would so have loved to see Jeff win and then ronnie would have not even had a chance to kiss butt.
Jessie is back to the old Jessie. Poor Michele will endure a lot of crap from Ron & Jess this week.
Ah, rats. That come was rigged for Michele! :)
she needs to leave everything as it stands, and get as far away from Ronnie as she can this week.. actually she should tell him to F off!!!!
I was thinking about getting the live feeds...are they blurry? and do you have to watch all four feeds at the same time or can you just watch one camera at a time?
Carolyn, Have you seen this at cbs.com
The HGs could use some advice and this is your chance to give it to them! Call the number below and give them your two cents -- from wardrobe to hygiene tips, your advice can have an impact, make them laugh, or just get under their skin. So be creative and your message could be played in the house and even air as part of the show!
Call 1-323-386-2350
Leave your message anytime until August 2, 2009 at 11:59pm PT.
Tune in to every episode to find out when your messages might be played to the house guests! Watch what happened last season!
Charges will be accrued based on your phone service and long distance plan. By submitting a message via the number provided I hereby confirm that I have read, and agree to, the CBS.com Terms of use and CBS Mobile User Agreement, and that I am 18 year of age or older. Standard charges, including long distance charges, will apply.
Fingers crossed Russell somehow gets wind of Jessie/Natalie/Chima's desire to keep Ronnie and evict Lydia. Maybe the DR will ask enough random questions to make him paranoid or he'll overhear another "private" scheming conversation. Then Russell can ask Michelle to take Lydia off the block and replace her with Jessie/Natalie/Chima. It won't matter who goes home then, but in those circumstances it will most likely be Ronnie that gets the boot! I shouldn't be wishing this as my wishes seldom come true. I'm a little worried that Natalie or Chima can work Michelle into doing what they want. Jeff and Jordan don't seem to be very good and working people (it makes them likable since they aren't always scheming, but doesn't always help their game). At least Ronnie or Jessie didn't win the POV.
I hope Michelle grows a backbone/spine and quits being so wishy-washy with this POV power and doesn't bend to Jessie's will and take Ronnie off the block!
If she tells Ronnie to go "s@#$ himself" I will cheer for her and be her biggest fan!! Oh how I would love to see Michelle PLAY THE GAME!!
She has the chance now to show she has some gumpshun (southern term) and I can't wait to see what she does!
Jessie keeps telling Michelle, "we'll work it out." Yeah, Jessie. You do that. Funny how many friends one gets when they have power.
POV had something to do with RATS--how funny is that. Michele does lab work on rats and Ronnie is a rat.
Cris...fear not. There are no more comps this week, so that's it for the shower. She just said that. But that is expected from someone who doesn't wash hands after using the bathroom AND the other night she was biting her nails and spit it out in the bedroom. She grosses me out.
IMO Ronnie is not the first or last to behave as he has, I don't get all the ronnie hate. in 11 seasons of BB there has been IMO HGs who lied more and irritated me more than ronnie. i finally got over ED beating Zach and i still dont think ED deserved to win because he was a nice guy. he won because he played dirty
Natalie showered!!!!
did I read correctly, Carolyn? Ronnie is talking about RATS? How appropriate! lol! I feel sorry for michelle that she will have Ronnie following her around for the rest of the night
I have a question about the Coup D'etat.
If the winner chooses to use the power do they have to replace BOTH nominees or can they choose to only replace one? Is it an all or nothing sort of deal?
Where do you find the list showing who is ahead in the voting for the Coup d'etat! Also when I go to cbs to vote it doesn't seem to be counting my votes, I just vote and and vote and it never tells me I have voted my limit. Anyone else having this happen.
Is there a limit for voting online on CBS - daily or overall limit?
Michele getting the PoV makes me very nervous. She always seems to be all over the place.... hopefully she dislikes Ronnie enough to just keep it the same!
Hey everyone!
I think the PoV had something to do with winery type stuff like
smashing grapes the fastest or something
or they had to make the wine kinda.
like smash the grapes. put the grapes in something, tranfer it.
fill to the top
Jane -
You beat me to the punch!!
Boy would i laugh my butt off if the comp was something along the lines of how much liquid was in the beakers......Michele being a scientist would have had no problems i'm sure.
Good afternoon Carolyn & BB bloggers!! It's a gloomy day still here w/lots of rain & storms. But it seems to be a bright sunshiney day in the BB house!! So happy for Michele!! It's about time the "good guys" get something going right for them. Ought to be an interesting week for everyone! Wonder how much Ronnie is gonna grovel & lie?
Jordan & Jeff have got to be the cutest couple in BB history!! Wonder if Russell will renom Jesse is Michele takes off Lyda. That would make for a wild time!!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend & just wanted to say THANK YOU for all you do Carolyn!! (& all of your helpers!) BB wouldn't be near as much fun!!
Fishes?? Surely they aren't doing the POV meeting yet??
I have a question..
I see everyone saying they threw away all the squid but I've seen them cooking it a few times and talking about how much they like it.
Did they just throw away what was used for the display or what??
Hey Wendy... thanks for the link!! I'm going to check it out now... I'll let you know if I survive it, lol.
I wondered when Russell was going to get tired of Chima & her mouth & her demands! I just wish he wasn't telling all of his frustrations to Jessie right now. He will tell Chima. He really seems to be aligned w/ Jessie.
Russell to Jessie-Did you hear what I said? He (Ronnie) said 25 rats and I said, DID YOU COUNT YOU?
Good one, Russell.
HanHaysMom...I agree. J&J are the cutest BB couple ever! Second is Eric and Jessica, in my book. They so own the word, adorable!
Somebody's fingers need to calm down in that control room. too many fishies.
Now Jesse is trying to say Kev ate a grape and he is on have nots. I hope Kev didn't. Jesse is such a baby.
So happy for Michele. Maybe now she will get some respect from other HGs. Hope she tells Ronnie to shut up.
Holy Smoke Batman! If Russell doesn't calm down i'll be able to hear it all out my front door!
Feed watchers - any chance we maybe looking at blow ups from hell tonights?
Jessie is such a BABY!!
I told the DR Kevin ate up in HOH.
He had 1 chip which production saw and ignored. Now he's complaining to Russell that Kevin ate grapes. Get over it Jessie!!
I think Russell has anger problems. If he feels this way about Chima, than put her butt up. I think Chima is playing him anyways for safety
Coup D’etat Explanation from CBS: Over the next two weeks, the winner of Coup D’etat will have the ability to overthrow the Head of Household and replace the nominations right before the August 6th or August 13th live show evictions. The winner of this power can only use it once and only the winner will know they have the power.
Note that the winner can replace both nominations.
I dont know what Chima did to Russell, but Russell is offically an a**hole
It always tickles me after a comp Jessie talks about how he could have won....I would have won if, blah, blah, blah, I was going to..blah, blah, blah, all I needed was blah, blah, blah, I almost had it but, blah, blah, blah!!
my coffin lid has opened. I'm fluttering out like a butterfly in heat. I need my bottle of True Blood while I come shed my cocoon.
Looks like a lot went on today. I'm still catching up so I can type intelligently about the day. (QUIT LAUGHING! It could happen.)
Hope everyone has had a happy Saturday. Guess I will see as I get through the comments.
Hoping for big explosions tonight so that Russell will ask Michele to use that PoV on Lydia and Jessalie goes up as a replacement. (either of them would make me as happy as a boy with two peters.)
MsFitz - my goodness you got Jessie down to a T there!! LOL
Am I the only one whose feeds a all fubared hope I spell it right.
K.im said...
why would they want Ronnie to remain in the house ?? he is so weird and just plain YUCKY
August 1, 2009 7:18 AM
I've been thinking about that. Starting to wonder if their train of thought might be to keep the target off themselves. As long as Ronnie is there, they know he is a bigger target, plus they know they can get any information they want from his loose lips. They don't want their ship to sink.
Russell is a total egomaniac. I'm really not feeling him anymore
Jeff and Jordan were really making out?! Or was Lydia just blowing things up? But if they were...when and where and what camera!?! lol
I still think that Russell is attracted to Jordan. I think he will get Jeff out as soon as he can in hope of getting next to Jordan. Russell has a big ego. He is making a mistake telling Jessie anything.
Whispers whispers everywhere!! Ronnie & Jesse just kill me!
Hey Lee.....maybe if there's an J/J engagement we can "throw a shower" here on Dish!!
OK, pass the bucket!
It's going to be a long 2 days listening to Ronnie and Jessie.
Poor Michelle.
I don't get why Russ said that stuff to Jess about Chima. Is he planning something. Time will tell. Russ should of known last night that Chima wasn't on his side, but on Ronnie's.
David B ... in regards to Ronnie, I guess my personal dislike for him has to do with how much of a fan of the show he is and how he knows how to play the game. His bio lists:
Ronnie is an über BIG BROTHER fan who can recite the order of every person ever evicted from the BIG BROTHER house.
Yet, it seems like he has made some huge mistakes from week 1. With Evel Dick, you knew what to expect from him. You knew he was going to be an @$$. You didn't with Ronnie. And I guess that is the name of the game "Expect the Unexpected" but he really rubbed me the wrong way from week 1.
I also dislike how mean-spirited he is when he's around Jessie and co. He has been really derogatory to most of the people in the house. I think Jeff and Jordan are proving that you don't have to be that way to get ahead. (Not that they haven't had their derogatory moments, too) The worst part to me was when he was disparaging what kind of teacher Casey could be outside of the house because of his behavior inside the house or after hours outside of the house. IMO, Ronnie has been MUCH worse than Casey was. And this makes him the biggest hipocrite of all in my eyes. I just find him to be the worst kind of manipulator.
But these are just my opinions, you of'course are entitled to cheer him on as you see fit. I won't hold that against you ;)
Can Chima not see what Ronnie is made of. I would tell him to shut up. She should realize that he will throw her and anyone else under the bus.
Dang Lydia, being a *%$! blocker! And all the action she's gotten, no one went around the house blabbing! Does anyone but Kevin even KNOW about Lydia and Jessie?
I cannot stand her, and now I'm really ticked that she would ruin what we've ALL been waiting for!
she sux!
Ronnie just said it was the "Fold or Stay" Comp. Did I hear that right?
Now Jessie is telling about Russell being upset over Chima to Natalie who you know will tell Chima.
I don't think that Russell getting mad about something Chima did makes him an a**hole. It makes him human. She obviously did something that made him angry. And, because he is venting doesn't mean he has anger issues.
Someone told the DR about Kevin eating the grapes today & Jessie told Nat they said they would write it down, they think this is the 2nd time he did it. Kevin eating the grapes is actually the 3rd time Kevin has broke the rule of "Have Nots". He ate a chip the first night, he admitted to eating some peanuts last night, & ate the grapes today. He told Jordan & Lydia he mistakenly ate the peanuts.
Msfitz, you have me rollin on the floor over the blah blah blah! :)
Thanks Marci but that still doesn't really answer my question.
I know the person with the Coup D'etat CAN replace both nominees. I'm wondering if they HAVE to replace both or if they can decide to only replace one.
Marci :) Thank you
Mattitude - One or Both.
Ronnie, Ronnie, Ronnie Do you really think BB doesn't know how you keep working your Majority Rules cheat? I think they would be crazy if they used it this year. There would be HUGE backlash from the feed viewer. He obviously hasn't considered that.
I've decided I want Michelle to take down Lydia and for Russell to put up Chima to force them to vote Ronnie out. Not that I'm a fan of Lydia's but I'm still nervous that somehow Ronnies gonna get his 4th vote from someone. I know Russell probably wouldn't do it but I can hope.
Hey Carolyn!
Is the POV ceremony tomorrow or monday?
Ronnie trying to wake up Michele is being hateful. He is like a little brat. And Ron telling Chima that Russ won't put her up, once again Ron knows it all.
AMEN Syn98! I feel the same way. Ronnie tends to hold everyone else to a higher standard than himself then justifies ANYTHING & EVERYTHING he does on game play. I felt for Chima, having him follow her around talking non stop!!
Sorry Ronnie fans, just the way I feel~
here we go..Ronnie telling another person he never lied to them. Does he really think Michelle will use the POV on him?
Congratulations to Cris, WendyLady33, Traci08, ScottDish, Andrea, Mommy of a Princess, JulieB, MoNYC, PlymouthLighthouse, MsFitz!
I haven't had a chance to say it yet.
And thanks to all the BB givers too.
But I'm with Jane, it was rigged. I won nothing. *just kidding* Congrats to all.
Whoever gets the autographed pair of Alex's unwashed underwear... I'll pay a month's salary (which ain't much but the best I can offer) for them. I can eat rice and pasta.. plain, for a month and screw the mortgage payment. :-p~~
WendyLady33, jluvsturtles :)!
Hi Carolyn!
Jesse is definitly a "coulda woulda shoulda" type person! If you coulda then you woulda! If you woulda then ya shoulda! In other words, STFU Jesse!
Mattetude ~ Not really sure, since I have never seen it used. I just copied it for those who didn't see or understand it.
But my guess is that the winner can replace whoever (1 or both). Which would be great since the sides are even for/against Ronnie. They could put up someone from the other side, hence the majority wins and HOPEFULLY Ronnie, Nat or Jessie goes home JMO!
Actually I would prefer Jessie goes and the rest crumble without him.
MsFitz, what makes Russell an a$$ is the fact that Chima is into him as much as he is into her....according to him not at all. So if he can be THAT flirtatious and touchy/feely with her and not really like her, why can't she? She has said numerous times that she is "with" him by default and she would not ruin not having had sex for 2 years for someone she was not in a relationship with. He needs to get over himself. He says he likes strong women, maybe she's just too strong...
I have a few questions.. Will they be answered or unanswered like my last ones.
1. Has anyone ever been evicted for actual fighting in the house?
2. If So what Seaon and whom?
3. If Michele were to use the POV on someone will she still be safe IF the power
of Coup d'Etat is played. Since Julie said ONLY the HOH and POV Holder will be safe.
Thanks for your time.
hey does anyone know what "high profile" couple lydia was a nanny for?
MsFitz, what makes Russell an a$$ is the fact that Chima is into him as much as he is into her....according to him not at all. So if he can be THAT flirtatious and touchy/feely with her and not really like her, why can't she? She has said numerous times that she is "with" him by default and she would not ruin not having had sex for 2 years for someone she was not in a relationship with. He needs to get over himself. He says he likes strong women, maybe she's just too strong...
You welcome Carolyn ~ I was hoping you didn't mind me posting that since there seems to be some confusion!
Has one ever been used, or have I had another brain fart?
Wow.. I slept till 4pm and missed so much! The flashback machine is going to be my friend this season.
To figure the right feed it's 1 2 3 4 across the bottom right?
Ditto Syn ~ and the fact that he really isn't a teacher makes it even worse!
Yes Michelle - Stay Strong!!
Good Lord just use the veto, put Jessie next to Ronnie and guarantee Ronnie goes HOME.
why would they switch the feeds in the middle of Jeff and Michelle's scheming talk?!
Thank God it's back. I'm so happy they are making a deal! This could be good... assuming Michelle stays true!
HansHaysMom...I like your thinking!!!
I will be so glad if Michelle does go over to Jeff/Jordan side :)
Maybe Russell is secretly madd because Chima kept talking about that "hot guy"....lol
afternoon all..what an eventful few days huh?
can things finally be going the way i want them to?
i really hope michele doesnt use the veto and ronnie goes home! that would be amazing!!!
The Jeff/Michele convo is GREAT !
Damn .... I love this blog.
Thanks for all you DishChicks do !!!
Yayayayayaya Michele is playing the game now! Maybe she was laying low and listening all this time to see who would be the right ppl for her to align with - either way i'm glad she is playing now!
Woot Woot Michelle!! We got game!!
Here is my feelings on Ronnie:
1. He's too much.
From the second he stepped into the house, he talked game non-stop. The only times he talks about the outside is when he refers to his wife and/or job, however he follows that up with, "This is what my wife would do here" or "My students are watching this" or "How I act here, is how I am at school" blah blah blah
2. I find him insincere.
Yes, he compliments everyone , but he does to gain something. The reason I find him so insincere is because one minute he will say something nice to Michelle and then bash her to no end to someone else. Another thing, he stopped Jordan several times last night to tell her how nice and thankful she didnt put his name in the hat last night. Once thanking...okay...twice thanking...alright...three times of thanking her...now you are doing it for attention and hoping that it sway her opinion of him.
3. He believes he is better in every way.
He thinks he is smarter than everyone. The thing that I like about Michelle is that she doesn't make anyone feel inferior to her intelligence. Also, he believe he has a better moral fiber...i.e the argument with Casey. He thinks he is better because of his BB knowledge. He thinks he is better because of his manipulation skills (which in my opinion are horrible).
4. He is self-absorbed.
Goes back to my #3 about him, but also he is so far the only player that i know of, who thinks or hints that they will get the power.
All in all, I believe Ronnie is the type of person who believes he is everything that he's not. Maybe he is a great person out of the house, but in the house I am not a fan.
Dont get me wrong, if he could pull off the lying and crazy tatics I would love him...I thought ED was not the best person but an awesome BB player.
This is all just my opinion.
Michelle my belle has game!!
Bout time, I couldn't be happier!!
SPN asked - 1. Has anyone ever been evicted for actual fighting in the house?
2. If So what Seaon and whom?
3. If Michele were to use the POV on someone will she still be safe IF the power
of Coup d'Etat is played. Since Julie said ONLY the HOH and POV Holder will be safe.
No one has been kicked out for fighting but someone has been removed for goofing off with a knife - Justin season 2 - and HG who uses the veto is safe and can not be put up as a re-nom - Coup d'etat means who ever has it can nom anyone but the HOH
Hope that helps!
Hi Everyone!!! :)
wow, right?!?!?!
Loving Michele!!!
Coup d' etat has never been used - Boogie had it but didn't need to use it.
out of all the BB11 hg's i don't know who i would root for if ronnie leaves. i like him for some of the same reasons i like zach. everyone else is ok but other than jessie no one reallty grabs me on an emotional level yet.
Michele to Jordan:
"If I'm going home next week, I don't want a chance of being in the jury house with him (Ronnie) for weeks on end."
Lovin' it too, Carolyn!
spnshacres...Yes, someone had to leave because he held a knife to an exs throat...I think...It was the season where exs were in the house....I don't have a really good memory of who's who..but it has happened.... and Michelle will still be safe because she is the POV holder even if she uses it. Hope this helps, if I am wrong someone will clarify....
carolyn finely loving michele! I alwas have! Girls got game!
Carolyn, I can't thank you enough for the detailed updates you are giving right now. It makes me feel like I'm not missing anything at all while I'm away from the feeds. I really really hope Michele is not just blowing smoke. She has to see that the power of Jessie and Co. is dwindling and that it's time to align elsewhere. She HAS to know that if she aligned with Jessie and Co. that she would be the least safe amongst their group. With Jeff and Co., I would think that Michele would probably be in the middle somewhere, especially with how she's talking now. This is the most the girl has talked in weeks!
Laura in NC, I couldn't agree more with your thoughts on Ronnie. You said what I was trying to say, lol.
Michelle just asked J J what they really think of her, honestly and Jeff told her he thinks she's a little "off!" Now THAT'S funny! and true
Ha Ha, we're happy too, Michelle!
Michelle stock with me just tripled...she's a Gemini. We're some of the smartest people I know, lol
'Phelps edges nemesis to regain world record'! cnn
Sorry, had to put some news in here!
I sure hope Michele isn't playing J & J. Time will tell. She is so hard to read!
First, Thank you for the hard work you put into this board. I love that even when people disagree it remains positive and no name calling. I know it is time consuming and difficult, but for me it is fabulous!
Second, I love the feeds right now. Yea!!!!!! Michelle and ...
Way to go Jeff!!!!!!! His attitude is amazing. I want a Jeff for my house. Please?
Hi Everyone! Hope everyone had a good Saturday!
How was your show last night GayTOR? Fun I hope!
I just finished a wonderful meal of Garlic Chicken with rice and homemade eggrolls that my husband cooked for me! I was awesome! And as usual, I was eating while having my laptop on my lap reading the comments!!
Play some game Michele!
Sorry for the backlog on the comments everyone...
Been typing my little fingers off...
GO VOTE!!!!!
Oh, and I also want to note:
Carolyn you pointed out Michele's body language in the Sat Morning update and how closed off she was to Ronnie. Looking at that screenshot of Michele during the Jeff/Michele convo would suggest that she is relatively open to them. It's an awesome sign too that she initiated the conversation.
I agree that the power needs to shift, but after some of this conversation jeff is making me question him a little
Woohoo Michele. I knew she had it in her.
WoW!! If Michele is being serious right now, than she is playing a very good game. I remember when she said that she didn't like Jeff. I never knew why. I think she has planned this for a while now. I hope she isn't just saying all this to Jeff because she might be afraid of the special thingy and she is trying to cover her tracks for next week.
Carolyn - if there is anything we can do to help just ask - i'm sure any one of us here would be more the willing to lend a hand!
No problem Carolyn ~ you are among loved ones here until some nasty anon comes along! ♥♥♥
I was kinda hoping they would all sleep for a while after the comp so I could nap too!
I assume Jeff will win the coup d'etat. BUT I hope that he does not use it. As of now, they are completely under the radar. And he does not need the coup d'etat to stay in the house. If he does use it, he will be a huge target. He would probably go home the second one of his allies does not win. He'd be a huge target with the coup d'etat. So I hope the HGs find out that he has it and just do whatever it is that he wants them to do.
Jeff, on Jessie: "That guy's got the personality of an orange road cone."
Maybe my favorite line of the season.
"Personality of an orange road cone."
Michele is ruling this game with an iron fist and is getting back in with Jordan & Jeff again! I love Michele!
~ Ryan ~
Quote of the day. Jeff about Jessie: that kid's got the personality of an orange road cone.
I actually lol'd.
Jeff about Jessie, "That guys got the personality of an orange road cone."
I literally laughed out loud. Good thing no one else is here to question my sanity.
Can't say much I'm at work.
Just had to say YAY Michele!
I really want to watch the live feeds but my interent is so slow that it doesnt keep up so i have to come which is fine i found my new love lol i really hope jeff wins the power and using it on jesse and nat i dont really care if ronnie goes home this week i want jesse or nat out now or chima
LMAO Jeff just told Jordan that Jesse has the personality of and Orange Road Cone. Love Jeff and his ways
Everyone!! :)
This whole thing with Michele really merited it's own post, so I just created one...
***New Top Post
Finally, J & J are thinking the same way I'm thinking. Go after Jessie and the rest will fall by the wasteside.
If Michele follows through and evict Ronnie, I know that J or J will get America's vote.
It's so true about what Jeff and Jordan said about Lydia. Jessie, Natalie and Chima will vote to evict her but if she stays, she and Kevin will still align themselves with Jessie and his group.
This is why Lydia and Kevin are useless. After this week they still won't see Jessie and Natalie as a threat.
I want to vote, and the site doesn't want me to apparently grrr
I won't give up...I think I can (little tug boat)
It's been a difficult weekend and I am too happy to turn on the feeds and get one of my favorite laughs so far this season.
Jeff was telling Jordan about Jessie's behavior in the POV. Jessie trying to be funny. Jeff says, "Jessie's got the personality of an orange road cone" omg too funny. Laughed out loud!
Boquida - From the conversation Russell had with Jessie about Chima she made a remark to him that made him feel like she was telling him what to do & following him around. A strong woman doesn't mean being demanding. I don't think what happened had anything to do with the time they have spent together. I still don't think that makes him an a**.
Took my nieces and nephews to the zoo today. A rainy trip, but at least it wasn't unbearably hot here in Memphis.
Come back to find....loookie lookie who's playin' some BB! Go Michelle. I'm liking everything coming out of her mouth right now. I think she realized she had no choice, and what a great time to share her thoughts with Jeff and Jordan.
And how great is Jeff now?! I loved his climbing out of the hole speech. LOVE IT LOVE IT!
Go Team TechnoBrains!
omg......jordan is a nitwit.
jeff can't believe what she's saying. run jeff ....run!
Where are the other hg's? I want to stick my head in the oven listening to these two!
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