Friday Morning in the Big Brother 11 House
10:07am BBT - Wakey Wakey House Guests!!! It's time to get up and entertain the live feed viewers!! 2 of you are getting nominated for eviction today, and 3 of you may have to go on slop!
10:20am BBT
Michele, Jordan and are 1st up. Jordan's already downstairs in the bathroom, waiting on Russell to emerge. She runs in to pee as soon as gets out.
Michele's in the HoH bathroom, wearing her robe... When the feeds came on, she was downstairs, perhaps having just changed her batteries?
10:23am BBT
Russell goes into the Pool Room to search for something in the dresser, and we see that Jeff has already relocated himself into the big bed in there. Jordan crawls in with him...
Upstairs, Michele comments to herself that she smells funky.
Jordan: I talked to her a lot last night.. She's putting up Chima and Natalie.
Jeff: When she came out of the DR late last night, she came in to give me a hug... It's so nice feeling like everything's just cool for a change.
Talk turns to the Have/HaveNot Comp. Jeff's really hoping to not be a have not again...
Jordan: They're gonna feel like sh*t today, cause they drank so much last night.
Jeff: They're gonna feel like sh*t cuz the insides of their minds are shot.
BB tells Jeff & Jordan to put their mics on...
Jeff: I'm goin' to sleep. I wanna at least get a few good zzs in before the comp. G'nite.
Jordan: Good night.
10:32am BBT
Around the feeds...
- Michele's using the HoH Shower stall to get dressed.
- Russell's in the kitchen fixing coffee. I think the hooded individual in there with him is Lydia, but I'm not positive yet... Yup, it's Lydia
- Jeff & Jordan are in bed in the Pool Room... Jordan's eyes are open. Jeff's all about sleep.
Kitchen/Dining Area
Russell & Lydia
♫Not a word was spoken,
The church bells all were broken...
The church bells all were broken...
10:39am BBT -
Bliss in the Pool Room...
Jordan rolls over to spoon Jeff...
...and lightly scratch his back
10:54am BBT -
Jordan rolls back to face the other side. Jeff awakens at the lack of contact, looks at her back, then goes back down...
***I wish she'd get up and fix him something wonderful for breakfast, since he's off slop officially now.
Russell heads back into the pool room and under the covers...
In the kitchen, Lydia continues preparing a feast of bacon, eggs and pancakes... There's enough there to feed several of the HGs.
10:59am BBT - Finished, Lydia heads into the Haves Room and quietly announces, "There's blueberry pancakes, eggs and bacon... if you guys want."
Chima or Natalie responds thank you...
11am BBT
Around the house...
- Russell is eyes wide open in bed.
- Jeff and Jordan are trying to catch a few more zzzs... Jordan keeps moving around.
- Lydia is fixing herself a plate of the breakfast goodies she made.
- Chima emerges from the Haves Room, thanks Lydia for her efforts, and says she'll come have a little once she's used the restroom.
11:13am BBT
Chima and Lydia
Lydia: You've totally got to ask the DR about your lotion... They gave me mine last night.
Michele comes downstairs. Chima notices and greets her good morning. Lydia goes to the kitchen and tells Michele she made breakfast...
Chima: How was your first night?
Lydia: I heard cheering outside...
Michele: Cheering?
Lydia: Yeah, all of a sudden, I heard guys going "Wooo!! Yeah!!"
Fishies, briefly, then we return to Michele and Lydia in the kitchen...
11:17am BBT
Lydia hops back in bed in the haves room and says good morning to Natalie.
Michele comes into the Pool room and mouths something to Russell that makes him smile..
In the Haves Room, Lydia and Natalie chat.
Natalie: From here on out, it's pretty much just f-ck it.
Lydia: I know. Seriously.
Lydia starts to tell Natalie about the cheering from outside and we get more fishies.
***FYI - the backyard is locked down tight.
Natalie: They haven't even woken people up to say get ready for the competitions... It's crazy.
Stealth whispering ensues...
Lydia: They think they have power!
Natalie: (only a lip reader could get that)
BB: Natalie, please do not obstruct your microphone.
Lydia: How do you obstruct something that's under your blanket? Kevin, I realized this morning that you're Bosley and we're your biracial angels. What? You don't wanna be Bosley? You wanna be Charlie?
***Hopping to Cam 1 to see what's up with Michele and Chima...
11:28am BBT
Kitchen/Dining area
Michele, Chima, Russell, Jordan, Kevin...
Slowly, slowly, the house is coming to life. Michele's sitting at the table, being complimented a little more than nature would allow by Chima... Both Michele and Chima are talking about how much their appetites have waned since they've been in the house.
Kevin's grabbed some breakfast and joins them at the table.
I can't tell if Jordan's cleaning out the fridge or grabbing items to make breakfast...
11:38am BBT
Dining Table
Chima, Kevin, Natalie
Chima: I think I may take a nice hot shower before the comp, even though we may just go out there and get all sweaty.
Kevin: It might be your last hot shower.
Natalie: Screw that. I'll take em anyway.
Chima: I was just going to say the same thing.
11:53am BBT
Natalie's standing in front of a mirror, popping a big zit on her chest. I'll spare you the picture. Talk is speculation about the comp... Natalie's plan to do her hair in braids after the comp... Then they fantasize a bit about a scenario in which Jessie re-enters the house.
Natalie: He would just end up going right back on the block tonight.
Chima: But he'd have a fighting chance. I'm going back to the bedroom... I'm freezing.
Natalie: I'm gonna take a shower.
Natalie pushes on the sliding glass door, and reports to Chima, "It's still blocked."
Instead, Natalie returns to the Haves Room, joining Chima and Lydia there... They talk about the comp...
Chima: But.. make an effort..
Lydia: 'Cause you know he would..
***Oh Cappy, why did you have to leave us? :::sniffle::
It's almost noon.. I'm going to open an afternoon post.
i am so sick of chima, they have to give her a penalty!
and natalie, i never lie? except i am not really 18, and why is she able to move on regarding jessie with ease, and dumb lydia can't?
dumb lydia, jeff took you off the block, DUH!
did i read that michelle finally explained to russ that she did lie in front of chima?
i would love to see the look on chima's face when she relaizes that russ was not lying. her grandmother got it, chima does need to listen more.
let's hope michelle puts up natalie and chima, and let's hope one of the good ones wins pov.
and russell, why the hell did you vote to save jessie?
which reminds of another natalie lie, when she voted to "shake thing up"
Let me try this again!
Good Morning caroly, Genie and Dishers!
I am so happy for Michelle :)
Hopefully this week her and Russell can learn to trust each other. I would love to see them in the final 4 with Jeff and Jordan!
Two things:
What happened to Jessie's good bye messages last night? I didn't see any? Sorry if this was answered already.
Also, isn't it ironic that Chima distrust men and believes that they are all woman haters,but yet she befriends the biggest chauvinist/woman hater in the house (Jessie) and cries when he leaves? Where is the consistency with this girl?
Morning Carolyn, Genie, Wendy, Julie and all you other BB Dishers out there!!!
(well its afternoon for me, but its all good!)
Hope everyone is having a lovely day! TGIF!!!
I'm still worried about Michelle...she's been so wishy washy up til now...she may tell J&J that they are safe....but I won't believe it til nom's
I was so glad to hear Michelle tell Kevin that she thought Jesse was worse than Russell because of the things Jesse said about people.
She said it's different when someone says something out of anger.
That's basically what I have been saying all along. I just do it in a longer, more drawn out, ranting kind of way.
Hiya Rubyrooooo!
Chima, Natalie, and Lydia need to be fined for taking things from other HGs.
Also, Chima needs to be fined for her "Terrorist" comments--if she wants to leave the show--let her:)
I said Mawning in the previous post, but it wasn't published... don't think I said anything wrong.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a GREAT day!
*pinches gaytor*
AwkWarrrdd...The widow in black and Russell this morning in the kitchen.
"I met a girl who sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy news,
But she just smiled and turned away."
I love that song Genie!
Morning again Kent!!!! So good to see your smiling face in here :0)
I want to spoon Jeff..;)
G'Morning Everybody!
Can't wait for nominations, oh, it should be great viewing.
hi all! yeah, what can i say...i am soaking it in and just enjoying the moment, ~jessie gone, michelle won, chima and nat going up~ this is really nice and i'm loving it! i know it could be very different soon but for now i couldn't be happier. here's to jeff,jordo or russ winning hoh next week, would that not be insane?! insanely good!
Morning Marci, How u doin, hun?
Ok can someone help me out here. did I miss something? Why is Jeff the only one who can't eat?? thanks guys for your help. It's really baffeling (sp)me.
Good Morning Everyone!! Thanks Carloyn and Genie for all your fabulous work yesterday!! I'm in Chicago and we had a Jeff has the Wizard party last night! :) Then get this- my hubby ordered the live feeds from your site!!! YEAH!! Except I didn't even know he was following your blog!! Too funny- now I can't complain about him on here!! 6 yaers of Marriage and he's a big brother addict too!!
Good Morning Dishers!!
How does Double Eviction work? If 2 people are on the block, do they both go home (jury)?
Thanks :)
Morning WendyLady :)
kkubik said...
I want to spoon Jeff..;)
Jenn - Jeff has a penalty day, today until 9pm, for sipping Gatorade.
Lydia is cooking breakfast for those in mourning I suppose.. how sweet. haha
Dom's Mom - that sounds like a fun night! And what a surprise from hubby!
Good morning to all of you!! ☺☺☺☺
I'm going to be sad come Monday when I can't hang out so much anymore. Holidays are over ☻
Doin' great Rubyrooo ~ and how are you this fine morning?
I think the reason Lydia is having such a hard time getting over Jessie being gone is she has true feelings for him. Ya know some people feel hard and fast sometimes, She is not stupid she just wears her heart on her shelve.
Morning RubyRooooooooo!!!
I love saying your name :P
Dod's Mom--Too funny! Your hubby visits this site too!
Good morning dishers we will find out today were Michelle really stands and I am thinking that she stands with J/J.
Thank you Carolyn for your overnight report I had to go to bed early I think I wore myself out with all my anticipation about the CDT.
JennB - Jeff absentmindedly took a sip of Gaytorade and Lydia called him out on it, so he got an extra day of Have/Not.
And through my magic mirror I see Genie See. She is up and about and has her fingers on the button assisting The Great One this morning.
How do you do it Genie. You pull the Late Night Smackdown Shift and then up so early. Of course I am up too, but after I said my goodnight, I went to the sofa and re-watched the "Not So Live" show to catch things I missed during the Viewing Party. I always miss something.
Mainly I was trying to understand what Jessie said as he went out the door, but I just don't comprehend JessieSpeak. Never did and now I never have to again. If he EVER comes back for another season I am skipping it.
I would never desert the Dish but I would only be here to chase men and remain totally clueless about what goes on in the house.
Doesn't that excite everyone? Sure it does. Especially Syn. Could he do without me for more than a day? Of course not!
Did anybody else feel sorry for CHima's (not SHima) poor grandmother? She seems like a pretty intelligent, down-to-earth, considerate woman. A woman who loves her granddaughter, but had to fight like the dickens to not sound disapproving of the grandchild she truly loves. It's too bad CHima doesn't take a few moves from her grandmother's excellent play book.
Why do the people who have been winning and winning, have such hatred towards the other players who finally were able to peek out just above ground level? Why are the winners not allowed to enjoy one of their scarce wins, without being accused of "shoving it in the faces" of the losers?
Poor sportsmanship and a lack of concern for anybody other than their own small selves, I would hazard to guess. CHima's 'tude towards anybody who doesn't do as she says can really rankle. It's sad to see such a pretty girl on the outside expose such an ugly inside. Her "do they know who they're dealing with" facade is so infantile, and definitely ineffective when you compare it against CBS's true power.
Anybody else surprised that so far this season, BB11 had a SAINT in the house? I guess we viewers of America (the word "America" should be spat out like it is a dirty word) just aren't alert enough to realize when Saints are among us. I'll bet St. Jessie's ego will be significantly increased when he sees the responses to his eviction by his three feable-minded admirers.
For anybody who might be interested, I have been posting pix (ala C=Venus, but without her fabulous artistic ability), expressing some of my reactions to some of the things these HGs have been uttering. I've tried to remain fairly respectful, unlike a few of the HGs. If interested,
Feedback is acceptable and welcome. All I ask is that you apply the rules of this (Carolyn's) blog when posting any remarks.
With that being said, I hope you enjoy my efforts.
Looks like Lydia is practicing a little kitchen therapy and self medicating with food this morning!
Good morning everyone!
Diane - Double Eviction.
Thursday have the Eviction as normal. The quick HOH Comp. New HOH has a little bit to decide who to nominate. Quick POV. Then Voting and Eviction, followed by another HOH Comp. The first HOH doesn't get a room but gets a basket and a letter.
thank you Diane1015. Ok double evection. One goes home then they play for hoh then Julie will announce immediatley that this is a double evection and as HOH you must put two people OTB immediatley and then they vote again and another person goes home. Does that make since??
Hiya Wendy ~ got a roof yet???
Michigan Man, hotstuff, I want to see Chima and Lydia on the block and if one comes off, replace with Natalie.
Chima and Lydia are stronger players and therefore threats. Natalie is just there and now totally lost without her Jessie. Who's lap will the Pit Chihuahua sit on now?
And... They may or may not have a veto comp. It has been done both ways in the past.
Oh Ok diane1015, Genie Sea said it better so read her comment. thanks guys for clearing it up about Jeff. that was really buggin me:)
To Jenn B:
Jeff's still on slop and in the have nots room because Lydia threw a fit when she saw him accidentily take a sip of Jordon's Gatorade when he was bringing it to her. Lydia's rant kind of forced production to give him an extra day as penalty. Just one more reason for me to hate on Lydia.
Now THERE is the Jane we all know and love. 3 ingredients. HAHA!
Good Morning Everyone!!!!!
It amazes me that Chima, Lydia and Natalie want to be strong women to win, so why are they mourning the loss of Jessie. Over the top and unhinged loyality gets you no where in this game.
Huggies Sweet Dishers! :)
Wendy...glad someone appreciates my smiling face ;-)
Awe Julie, What happens on Monday?
Thanks again for the text updates last night! That so made my month!
You soooo ROCK!
sure, i'd like to Spoon Jeff...
but, I'd also like to Fork him too.
(good morning, all!)
Carolyn! Your poll for who you want Michelle to vote for has Jordan with a full bar even though she only has 8 votes (1%):-(
Gaytor - when Jessie did the fake come back I think he said I'm back bitches or something along those lines...
Read Crazy James comment...I THINK
hearty212 I love that you stated your opinion.
The only thing I can say in defense of Jeff's Coup nominations is Jessie wasn't the only one to consider putting up. American didn't get to play a part in that this year. Dan, as his one week as America's Player was asked by us to get Jessie evicted.
I wish it had been one week sooner but I can't have everything.
I say that with all respect for your opinion.
Lydia still in mourning??
Genie's (@ 10:58 a.m.) definition/explanation of "double eviction." Here's my definition of "justice": Chima wins the FIRST HOH next week. She complains this just passed HOH sucked. Oh, how I would love to see her next HOH consist of 1/2 hour, tops. Then CBS would "find out who they're dealing with." OMG! ROTFLMAO. Priceless, absolutely priceless.
Marci, I am a little sleepy...but I will get my Go Girl down and I will be good to go!
I am excited...we are doing a Girls Night Out tonight! Gonna have sooo much fun :)
Aw, loveliness coming back here to the Dish from FB, geez, there's alot of angry folks out there!
Morning Gaytor!
Where in the heck is our man Blue?
I think that boy (Blue) has another relationship on the side. He disappears to randomly.
Thanks for Helping out Carolyn with comments this morning! We love when you ladies tag team the site for us Dish Fans ;-)
Did anybody see it last night when Lydia, Natalie & Chima were crying over Jessie. And outside Jeff said what is wrong with them he didn't die he just went to a hotel room.
I was laughing so hard..
Now GaYToR, you know Natalie will be Lydia's pet now, they're BFFS!
Huggies, Genie! Huggies to all our Dishers! :)
These are my questions for the day:
Is Lydia wearing Jesse's shorts?
Does Chima have small animals living in her hair?
Will Jesse's giant ego be deflated when he finds out Lydia was not that impressed with his "2 fingers"?
Does Natalie find Lydia so intriquing that by the time they go to jury house they won't even care about Jesse?
Will Kevin look down and realize that he does have a pair and that he really isn't one of the girls?
And finally, Lydia made reference to Jesse's "I'm not lucky, I'm saved" t-shirt. So I end this with the question I asked in one of my first posts of the season-
Who saved Jesse and why?
Thanks Genie Sea & Jenn!
Well I suppose Natalie decided it was safe to drink now because there is no Jesse to come on to so her boy friend won't get mad at her!
Spot said:
After last night’s sour grape fest, I can’t help but imagine Lydia, Chima & Natalie as three witches. I simply can’t decide if they’re more like the Graeae, sisters to the Gorgons who shared one eye and one tooth, or the Three Witches [Weird Sisters] from Macbeth. “Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble.”
So funny you said that because the witches of Eastwick come to mind! But I kind like bitter 3. :D
Marci - Good Morning!! Hoping to know forsure by the end of the day. We've been waiting for a good rain to see if it is gonna leak but haven't anything more then sprinkles the last few days. Today is calling for a t-storm so crossing everything i can (and i tell you there is a lot more to cross as i get older :P) hoping to get a good down pour and hopefully not be able to puddle jump in my kitchen!
Afternoon! I don't know how I get through my work day!
I can't belive one slip of Gatorade get him an extra day and taking of HOH gift basket items gets them not even a slap on the hand!
Hi Jluvs *waving*
Grendon...Love your questions.
Wendy where are you that you have down poor in August?
Lydia: They think they have the power. **Umm Lydia. They do... Deal with it.
Bosley and the Angels? More like Kevin and the Vipers. :)
B-Bear .... went to your site ... those are sooo funny!! Thanks for inviting us over there to see your chops!
Good Morning everyone else! I LOVED the whole wonderful night last night! Thanks for keeping those of us without feeds updated on everything going on in the house.
How many of you think Jeff gave the HOH to Michelle? Reducing the heat already aimed his way?
I really do hope Michelle stays with J/J ... and I can't wait to see Chima's outrage when she is nominated .... hehehehe
Keep up the good work everyone! I'll be checking in all day to see if Michelle does what she says she is going to do.
Bye for now ..
Good morning to you too julieB!
I have no idea where Smurfette is hiding out. But he does this to us. Hope everything at home is OK with him and his auntie.
If anyone spots him please put a retractable leash on him. I suspect he is out chasing cars again. That's dangerous.
Our Oscar calls a retractable leash a yo-yo. I like that even better. He doesn't need one because he can't move fast enough to need it. He makes fun of other dogs he sees wearing one, especially his cousins.
Good Morning Carolyn, Genie and all you wonderful dishers.
Thank you for the great overnight and morning reports. Fell asleep and this morning I was able to get caught up.
We have another exciting day in BB house today. I can hardly wait...
Have a great day everyone.
Are you talking about what Crazy James said when he came back in the box?
He said, "I'm back to f#$k you all."
Good Morning!
I am not happy with any of the HGs this week on neither a personal nor game level. Being confined in a house for over a month playing a game with people you may or may not like and being watched 24 hours a day could drive anyone crazy. The negativity itself is driving me crazy. They have all made personal attacks (maybe not to their face), been nasty, talked sh*t, been crabby, etc. Not one of them is above and beyond or better than another in my eyes. We and they are all human.
Its easy for us judge their character based on what we see. So many past HGs say its harder than it looks and they don't think what people think about them is truly who they are. Maybe they have a point. After all even though we watch them all day we don't really know these people and will probably never meet them. We have not had the opportunity to sit down with them, have a conversation and come to our own conclusion.
Like Carolyn says every morning they are there to entertain us. Is it possible they all get caught up in doing just that. You have to be a strong person to go on a national TV show knowing you will be watched 24/7 and criticized, ridiculed, attacked, belittled, and judged for everything you say and do. Next month they get to go back to their real lives with family and friends.
AGP and CBS go out of their way each year to find more and more outlandish characters. They wanted the drama. Be careful what you wish for.
RubyRoo - Southern Alberta - we have had a very odd and crazy spring and summer - nothing is growing like it should and the temps have been a lot cooler then the norm.
Grendon - I was going to ask if Lydia was wearing Nat's shorts!! LOL
Rubyroo - I go back to work Monday
hmmmm where to go, bitter on 1, 2,3 and 4
Kent it was YOU who gave me the shoutout. Thanks buddy. I appreciated it. That's two for me this year. I feel loved and appreciated and all I do is give Carolyn as much grief as I can. ;-)
I heard my name, and Julie's, and before that Carolyn's but at the time the sound was still messed up and I couldn't hear who it came from.
Did I say this yesterday? I think so, but I still had the wrong person if I recall, which I don't do correctly very often.
Berdache Bears LOL ~ Great job!!
Calling all BLUE! Calling all BLUE! Where the heck are you???!!!
Ah yes's all coming back to me now.... ☺
Wendy - it was spitting up here this morning....we get rain this afternoon and evening expected as well.
Major storm - you can have, I just want the sprinkles LOL
Berdache! Your chops are really good!
Berdache Bear 11:08
Your theory sounds good cept for one thing.... Chima needs to GOOOOOOO! and if shes HOH she will put up either Jeff Russell or Jordan and one of them will go and she will stay, even if she is HOH for a half hour lol!
so ... nope... the Techobrains have to win the next one too!
I havent seen anything this morning yet, but did see all the cryin last nite. Omgawd Jessie is going to a better house and most likely a beach! The guy didnt die!
Oh....and Good Afternoon to u all!
Lets hope Michele puts up Chima and Natalie!
Well, speaking of rain, the T storms are here again! Glad things are so boring in the house, I won't miss anything if my dsl goes out again.
chima and natalie...take those hot showers even if you are a HN....A penalty nom would be sooooooooo cool, and michelle could throw up her hands and say oh well.
chickaboom, i love it
I dunno if I trust Michelle so much.. I really HOPE she does the right thing.. but honestly the poeple i love NEVER win this game.. on a sidenote i really hope Jeff and Jordan get married and have lots of babies.. they are soo CUTE together
Can someone tell me how many weeks Chicken George was on slop, I know it was alot of the time he was there,
I think I just heard someone say i / u have the record for being on slop for 3 weeks ?
I DEFINITELY think that Jeff threw the comp to Michele. Let's pray that it was a smart move!
Mark590 Good Morning Lust of my Moment.
It's nice to wake up to see a hot man. Nicer to wake up next to one.
I'm curious. Are you single? HAHA! (I'm not but I have permission.)
Oh, yay-Natalie wants her whole head done in little tiny braids just like Amber in season 8. Do we all remember how well that look worked for her?NOT
Okay I've bitten my tongue as long as I could! Who do these.... who do Chima and Natalie think they are??? Constantly threatening to break the rules like they're untouchable. So now if they're have nots they're going to take hot showers anyway?!?!?!? They are absolutely TOO MUCH! Double eviction? YAY!! Let's see one stroll out right behind the other! They don't want the money anyway if they keep taunting production, AG, CBS....
Okay rant over! Whew!
Have a good day everyone! I'll be catching up with you all later this evening.☺
Ha Gaytor, ya it was me...Just thought I would send ya some love ;-)
How is everyone today? Good I hope! I'm so happy Jessie is gone and am hopeful Jeff and Jordan will survive for a while.
I've been wondering about Jessie since the way he acted towards hugging Kevin goodbye and then w/Ross when he was joking with the blanket in the interview. I'm not saying Jessie is homophobic/anti-gay but I do think he has some issues. Maybe he's very lost in the back of the closet or something. I just see him as extremely uncomfortable with gay men. Maybe he needs some GaYToRtherapy?
WOW ~ The latest CBS promo says:
"Jeff used the coup d'tat power and shocked everyone. Catch the fallout from the biggest blow out in BB history!"
The funny thing is they showed the blow out in the first week or so between Lydia and Jordan. Jordan's in her pastel coverup! Funny!
But maybe we will see some of the fall out we missed with the feed blackout. Sure hope it's not another flashback edit job.
Ohhhhh!! Mark590 pinched me. Is that like presenting himself? :-p~~
I love that term after Michele explained it.
Careful, I pinch back, and nibble and... well I DO want this published so I should stop there. Read between the lines. ;-)
Kevin: It might be your last hot shower.
Natalie: Screw that. I'll take em anyway.
Chima: I was just going to say the same thing.
The blatant disregard just drives me craaazzzzyyyyyyy!
Hey everyone!! :)
I'm about to open a new top post!
Oh, Caro, I forgot all about Cappy! LOL thanks for the memory.
why did jessie take off his one shirt so we could see the shirt underneath "the man, the myth, the legend" and a pic of jessie? i can only think of one reason to sell this shirt in mass production, who here will buy it?
and did any of you see michelles husband in the pics? does he look anything like Jeff?
it would have been a great twist in the bb house if jeff ended up being michelles husband lol!!
Russell looks sad and lonely.
Earlier today someone commented that he looks like a woman abuser. I don't want to start a smackdown in the comments section the hell does someone 'look' like a woman abuser? Ask an abused woman or an abused child-abusers come in all shapes and sizes, all colors, all religions, all levels of education, rich and poor. Quite often, it ends up being the last person you would suspect. And a lot of abusive men are very charming and chivalrous. I think the creepy look on Jesse's face when he was obviously causing Lydia physical pain and the way he would charm his way back into her good graces rather than apologize makes him a much more likely candidate. But that is just my opinion, and I didn't reach that opinion based on him 'looking' like someone who would abuse women.
jump jump jump jump jump
I wish they WOULD just gtfo of the house. They just made the threat again. just now
Can't get EL yet. Must still have tech problems!
I think in a way right now, I am glad I don't have the feeds, or I'd probably want to smack Lydia, Natalia, and Chima even more than I already do. I just don't get why production is letting them get away with trashing other house guests' stuff and stealing things! That's ridiculous. I swear, those girls remind me of Kindergartners throwing tantrums.
New Top Post!!
Cris HA! I wouldn't get close enough to him to give him therapy, or even advice.
I stated my not so humble but well educated opinion last night about his homophobia. It's very obvious to me and the rejection of Kevin's goodbye said so much. Then the interview with Ross added more to the thought. He really was freaked out by the 'sheet' thing.
I think his comment earlier in the week spoke volumes also. "I don't like boobs." What straight man says that? I know there are boob men and leg men, and those who also love the junk in the trunk. Natalie has none of those but he admits to liking her. Things that make me go Hmmmmm.
Good morning RubyRooKins to you too.
I know I am missing a lot of people but I just caught up and that is quite a chore for me and highly unusual.
I'll fall behind big time again later since I have a show tonight, but for now I feel good about my catching up. Allow me to bask in my glory for 5 minutes. ;)
Whoever asked about Jessie's "I'm Not Lucky, I'm Saved" t-shirt...
I haven't seen it but to me it sounds like a religious thing. Another fine example of the religious ones who think God is watching them lie, cheat and steal, yet will still wants them to win a reality TV show.
Nothing against religion. To each their own. Everyone has a right to their beliefs. I'm a very spiritual person myself, but in something like this, whatever higher power one believes in should be left out of it.
I can't believe I have something nice to say about Jessie, but I do admire him for saying Grace before every meal, and doing it silently and privately as possible.
New Top Post!!! :)
Hi Guys;
I am new to the comment section but not to this page. I have enjoyed many seasons with you all.. I finally just had to leave my thoughts..
I listened to the express lunch yesterday and found myself agreeing with marceles (spelling?)when he was defending Chima.. I have not liked her from the beginning but I understood what he was saying.. Then last night and today she goes to the bottom level.. She gets pissy with everyone when they dont bow to her and it drives me nuts. She messes with Russel and Jeff"s things and nothing happens. They for sure should get a penalty nom natalie and lydia should as well. They are acting like 2 year olds she claims to be the only one palying right.. They have lied and made up stories to go against J & J & M but ecpect them to lie down and be evicted. She just said again tht terriost comment and she was not talking about terriozing other house guests.. J&J have said goodbye to many friends and they act like they should never get a blow.. OK sorry I have been holding this all in and I just finally had to let it out.. :)
Nice Cappy reference, Carolyn. Hahaha.
It's funny you should mention Cappy. I was thinking of the douche-bag just last night and coming up with similarities between him and Pinhead - uh, I mean, Jessie. And to think Natalie and Lydia think they are smarter than the rest of the HG's... Now that IS funny!
Can someone explain why they are not doing anything about these women... Chima threw a microphone in the hot tub, isn't that considered destroying private property???
Hello everyone in BB Land! I am new to the comment section of BBDish but a long time reader. I would just like to post a few personal opinions:
Chima: you self-centered egomaniacal crazy witch! You call yourself a leader but would get lost finding your way out of a wet paper bag.
Lydia: Grow up! If anything I have learned so far in life is what you do comes back to you 10 fold! KARMA!
Natalie: Good thing you have a boyfriend. Hope he liked watching Jessie put his hands all over you. Thank god its just a "game"
Jeff: You RULE! Keep it positive
Russell: You need a few Ritalin's
Jordan: Keep riding that coat tail girl... we all think you guys are cute as h e double hockey sticks!
and last but not least Michelle
Congratulations on your first HoH! You deserved it and I personally glad that you put up Witch Hazel and Broomhilda!
But that's my rant I'm sorry I'm not a great blogger/commenter will work on that ....
Carolyn! My wife and I love your site keep up the good work. <3~~~
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