Wednesday Night Afterparty & Smackdown
Feeds back
Russell, Jeff, Jordan & Kevin
The kitchen counter is brimming with food. Looks like Jeff got his pasta!
Jeff: I'm stuffed. (**good boy!)
Chima: I had a little bit of salad. I have a small stomach.
Russell: Why didn't you call me to play last night.
Jeff: I called you five times.
Chima: I really want to know what this competition is going to be. It's been a while.
(**so I guess the party was not outside.)
Green Room
Jeff & Jordan
They are stuffed, happy, flirty and a maybe a little tipsy.
Jeff: I love pizza. I stuffed myself.
Jordan: I loved the cake.
They talk about gaining weight and teasing each other.
Jeff: If I win the big prize, I will get you something nice.
Jordan: You can buy me a Louis Vitton or Gucci purse. Or Dolce et Gabbana... Or just take me, I will pick it out and you swipe it.
Jeff: Now. you're out of control. No... Whatever you want I'll get it.
Jordan: Why? Cause I'm your only BFF?
Jeff: Yeah.
Jordan: Yeah?
Jeff: For real!
Michele joins them. Jordan tells Jeff she will get him season tickets to the Bears.
Kevin & Chima
Chima and Kevin are discussing about who is coming after who, and they blame most of the lies on Russell.
Chima: Russell is planting seeds in everyone's mind before he leaves.
Kevin: Even though you are Russell's target of turmoil, it doesn't mean Russell wants you to go home. Russell likes to make people think he has enemies.
Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
Kevin: They're nervous. That's why we got warned about the live show.
Chima: I made a bunch of threats that's why.
Kevin: Do not mess with... Fishies
8:00 PM BBT
Jeff, Jordan Russell & Michele
Talking about sleep disorders, and disturbed sleep. Jordan complains that Jeff is very restless in bed and whacks her. They are all cracking up.
They are happy about the pizza and beer, especially the have nots.
**Yup. They're tipsy!! :)
Jeff wants to save his cake for his exit it.
Russell: To eat it?
Jeff: Or to smash it in someone's face.
(**quite the difference in mood between those in the Pool Room and the Queen's Quarters! "Off with their heads! Let them eat cake!")
Russell: The summer is almost gone. We wasted our summer.
Michele: Wasted? It's the best summer e-ver!
Russell: Ever?
Michele: Well I haven't had a crazy Russell summer before. (laughter) I usually work summers in the lab.
They go on to talking about Michele's job and it goes on to the "anatomy of the penis", and the difference between male and female anatomy.
Jordan: we have more holes than y'all.
Jeff: But we have something to fill the holes with.
Jordan: Have you ever had butt sex?
Michele: Yeah. It's great.
Jordan: Does it hurt?
Michele: You have a lot of receptors there.
Jordan: Everything is scientific with you.
This conversation is too hysterical to transcribe!! You need to FB it!
Jordan: What do rats' penises look like?
Michele: They're small....
Talk has turned to porn...
**naturally... hahahaa
8:09 PM BBT
Chima & Kevin (cont'd)
Chima wonders why Jeff is so standoffish with everyone.
Chima: He doesn't want to sit with us, even Russell sat at the table (during party)
Kevin: He's always the first to leave. Maybe he just genuinely doesn't like us.
Chima: We don't like each other all the time, but we try to be a cohesive unit. I think he genuinely just doesn't like people as a whole. He likes his immediate family, friends, people he grew up with.
Kevin: Jeff thinks females are scumbags
Chima: He's definitely a 'bros before hos' kinda guy. He's a mystery, hence the mystery power.
Kevin: I feel like Jessie is mysterious too. He's very sensitive.
Chima: Super sensitive!
Kevin: He turns the littlest thing into you don't have his back or you don't like him.
Chima agrees with him.
Lydia comes in
Talk turns to politics, Anderson Cooper and how hot he is. Chima and Kevin both like him a lot.
Michele, Jordan & Jeff
They are talking about Ronnie, and saying he is probably watching. Jordan is being particularly wicked, saying he cries during sex. She calls him 'Ronno'. Jeff is a taken aback by her comments, asking where that came from.
Russell comes in with food, and both Michele and Jeff are jealous. Michele even moves beds because she wants to get away from the food.Jeff covers himself up so he won't smell it. Talk turns to Italian desserts.
Jordan and Russell want to sleep. Lights out. Jeff, Russell and Jordan asleep. Michele left.
Chima, Lydia & Kevin
Lydia is complaining about the living conditions, that production wants them to be interactive but they can't sleep or eat. Talk turns to the upcoming HOH competition, and naturally Russell bashing ensues. They are saying that Ronnie deserved to be in the jury house more than Russell.
Lydia: My gut feeling is Jeff before Michele.
Chima: Michel shares what on his mind.
Kevin: Jeff doesn't share a damn thing on his mind.
Chima: I don't think there is anything on his mind.
Jeff and Jordan bashing. They mock their answer for the Table Topics.
They move on to mock Natalie's answer that she wanted to learn to speak Chinese because she wants to understand what they are saying in the nail salon.
Chima: Everyone can't be as smart as me. (She laughs alone.)
(**I'm outta there!)
Red Room
Jessie & Natalie
They are engaged in turbo whispering. Natalie is reporting to Jessie about the conversation happening in the Pool Room. SHe is turning it into something suspect. She asks him is he will go upstairs and tell them. **Sorry. It was hard to make it all out.
Lights on in the Pool Room after Fishes.
**I guess they were told they had to perform for BBAD.
9:14 PM BBT
Russell & Michele
Jordan is changing in the shower. Russell is asking Michele for her vote. He is telling her that Natalie told him that she will give him a sympathy vote, but she won't tell Chima.
(**Who is lying to whom at this point?)
Michele is non-committal.
Russell: Are you coming back to the room?
Michele: The splish-splash room? If people are up...
Russell: We turned on the light.
They seem to be getting along better right now.
The feeds cut to the Pool Room. Jordan and Michele are in there alone and whispering. (**did not catch it) Jordan is called to the Diary Room.
9: 25
Pool Room
Russell & Michele
Russell is telling Michele that he asked Natalie for a sympathy vote. He is making his pitch that if they keep him, he will be gunning for them. Michele is worried that the Braden scenario will be repeated. That the one person who said would be voting, won't. Russell says that Natalie thinks it will be a sympathy vote. Apparently, Natalie told him that she would do that.
Russell: Chima has four people protecting her, Jessie has three. I got rid of Ronnie... (*fish)
Russell: He's not going to put me up but he won't bend over backwards to save me. If you don't do anything now or at least take a chance, then what's the point. Jessie and Natalie are scare of you.
Jessie: Did he you calling you crazy? (to Michele)
Michele: Yeah.
Russell: What's your problem? If you were in my position would you do the same.
Jessie: In the position you're in, nothing coming out of your mouth makes sense.
Jessie is saying what about when you called Michele crazy. Russell is saying that Jessie encouraged Ronnie to toss water on Michele.
Russell: Stop acting like you're innocent.
Michele: You were there when Ronnie wanted to torment me.
Russell: You cheered him on. You egged him on.
Jessie: I was laughing. It's hysterical. When you're trying to pull the same thing that Ronnie did to her.
(**Natalie is up in HOH reporting the events)
Russell: What are you trying to pull. She can make up your mind.You walk around her like your sh*t doesn't stink.
Jessie: You'll say anything cause you're on the block.
Russell: What is your point? Filling her full of crap. How do you know what I said?
Michele leaves. They are talking at the same time.The argument continues.
(**Jordan and Michele have gone up to HOH)
Jessie: I know you need to do what you gotta do. You're in a tight squeeze. I would do the same thing.
They hug it out. (**WTF!) They are cracking up laughing!
9:45 PM BBT
Natalie & Jeff
Natalie is reporting the events in the Pool Room to Jeff. And she goes outside the Pool Room to eavesdrop. Jeff comes and Natalie tells him they aren't arguing.
Chima, Lydia, Michele, Kevin, & Jordan.
Jordan: I told him he doesn't have the votes. I mean even if it were 3-3. Chima kinda wants you out.
Michele: Jessie came in to say something, but I'm a big girl. I can listen to BS and nod.
**Apparently production asked them to stop...
Kevin volunteers to go down and spy on them
9:50 PM BBT
Pool Room
Natalie, Russell & Jessie
Russell told them that he felt the odd man out. They are telling him it was his choice not to hang out with them. They are saying that they tried to get Chima not to put him up, but she wouldn't budge.
(**They have/had his back but won't vote for him... Logical?)
10:00 PM BBT
Chima, Lydia, Jordan, Michele, & Kevin
Russell bashfest. (**Very petty stuff!) Natalie and Jessie join in.
Jeff is keeping to himself in the Green Room.
With great power, comes great responsibility...
10 :45 PM BBT
Everyone tells Jordan they all think Jeff has mystery power. They take turns saying "I have mystery power" including Michele and Jordan. This way they eliminate the prospect that anyone in HOH room could use it, and decide it's Jeff.
Pool Room
Addressing America, saying this is him depressed. His is eating juicy gums. The green one tastes good. He was lost his manhood. He doesn't even know if it works anymore. Well, Chima knows.
That brings this post and the updating to an end for the evening.
Good Evening Genie, fellow BB addicts
Jeff seems in a good mood. Food will do that for ya. Doesn't sound like they had to much booze if they had any. No wizard slip.
Eat up while you can Jeff\Mich, sounds like you may need the strength tomorrow.
OK, so AGP is expecting a HUGE blow out tomorrow. Anyone think they might set up the audience outside? That would be awesome!! Plus, no way there is an Endurance HoH tomorrow. I guess we will haveta wait and see tomorrow at 8:00!
~ Ryan ~
Yes, I left a few comments in the last section. I don't want to break a near perfect record.
And we come back to J/J cuteness. i'm a happy camper. I know two feeds are elsewhere but I need some happiness right now. I certainly don't need Hyena laughing before my 2 hours of being awake has passed.
HoH room was locked! BB must have forced them to play nice with each other!! hahahahaha
Go Pasta Man !!!
I was looking for Chima's blog on CBS (very hard to find by the way) and I found this response to a Jeff hater:
They wrote:
I hate Jeff can't wait till he go the f*** home
Someone's response:
"Lol - do you hate, warm sunny days, blue skies, kittens, babies, & holidays too?"
too funny
I hope Natalie got tipsy off cam & gets carried away with Jessie love/hate
Poor Carolyn. I hope she is getting some good rest and doing the 'Ice Ice Baby' thing on her back. I remember how bad it got last season.
And Genie is the same as when ReporterX takes over. It's completely seamless. You really can't tell the difference (well maybe a teeny tiny bit) between the two. I just know the 3 of you are one person sharing a single brain. The style of writing just can't be a coincidence. All 3 have wonderful and individual brains I know, but I suspect all 3 plug into the same socket at the Dish power supply strip.
Why when the subject of weight comes up are we getting fish. Did their extra fat not sign a release?
these fish are driving me crazy! is it because the music tonight has all of 'em singing?
(Hi all!)
Laura in NC, that is too funny! Haha!
You guys I'm confused- did Jeff not have to do an extra day of slop? I haven't been around the last two days. Help? :)
Oh Jordan, and her farts.
Jeff: It's a fart, it's not like cherry pie...
I think Jordo's drunk. She's being hysterical!
~ Ryan ~
Whoa, Kevin said they have been getting a lot of threats about ruining the live show!
Jeff sounds STUFFED. You know what they say... the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. If I were there I would have fixed his plates of food and fed him every bite. With a cute lil bib around his neck that says "My Heart Belongs to Daddy GaYToR" :-p~~
If I didn't publish your post, it's because it has violated one of the rules of this blog. Feel free to read them carefully before you hit publish :)
LOL Michigan Man!! Could be their checking with the attorneys!
Well the latest blogging on the front page by Genie answers my next question... It was going to be:
Why is Mr. Happy Fish Fingers so damn fast on the button tonight.
Now we know. Chima. I would NEVER have guessed that. Never in a nanosecond.
Amen GaYtoR...I never know who is writing unless I look below the post to see their name!
BBDISH is my summer home. Even tho I don't comment much, I'm here all day/all night. I LOVE that I can read it on my phone when I'm at work! I take all of you with me everywhere I go!
Ugh! Whats up with all the fish tonight? It seems like its 3 minutes of fish then 1 minute of feeds then fishies again.. soooo frustrating!
Okay so I know ya'll are going to think I'm stupid but, what does AGP stand for? I get that its like production or whatever just by its placement in scentences but I just don't get what it stands for.... I don't know why but its driving me bonkers trying to figure it out.
I'm so excited for tomorrow! Also, going nuts wondering whats going on with the "live" show... thats really early isn't it?
Hiya Genie!
It can't be said enough
Jeff & Jordan are sooooo cute!
ahhhh, they were warned about the "live" show.
Genie Sea said...
Jeff/Jordo/Michele/(Russell's there too) are being very funny in the Splish Splash Room right now, lol!
~ Ryan ~
Wow the HG picture cake. Does that mean half way mark?
It is like two different worlds right now on the feeds.
You have the pool room and then HOH.
Two totally different dynamics
Mali - AGP = Allison Grodner Productions (The producer of the show.
Laura - Exactly! IN fact I typed as much in the post! hahaaa
Sorry - i was on the phone talking to an old friend about all the bb stuff she misses being a tv only! Told her to check this site out when she has time and get the truth behind the payers.
Let them eat cake! LMAO Genie!!
Meadow's Mommy(Mali) AGP .stands for Alison Grodner Productions
Genie are you catching any of the auditions for SYTYCD Canada??
OMG w/ Jordan in Pool Room. Ladies have a Period Hole, Pee Hole & a Butt Hole!?! Wow, I think I just went completely gay, lol!
~ Ryan ~
I am totally spewing my water all over the screen listening to JOrdan, lol. Centipede...More holes...stop up some stuff.
OMG ROFLAFAO Jordan "we have a pee hole, a period hole and a butt hole."
This conversation is hilarious! Period hole? Mushroom dot? Butt sex? Worth the price of feeds!
I refuse to go to the HoH Room feeds. I'll let our trusy Blogger Genie do that for us. I need Happy Happy.
sorry Genie, but since I've suggested that 10X raise.... you owe me. Better your ears bleed than mine.
Ya know I ♥ ya!
Ry you're right. They are hilarious! Love when BB gives them alcohol!!!
LMAO at Jordan and Michelle and the sex talk - too funny!
OMG I am laughing so freakin hard right now with the convo in the splish splash room!!!
Chima and Kevin are now talking about world news...what are the splish splashers talking about?
Good evening everybody!
I am turning on the feeds for the first time in over a week! I'm off work tomorrow, so I get to stay up and watch tonight yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
Omg the pool room crew is cracking me up!
Ok i'm caught up - i think.
So they did get warned about tomorrows show - good on AGP! Now lets hope Chima doesn't decide to ignore the warnings and flap her gums when Jeff uses the CDE!
Gaytor - damn Mr. you quack me up :P
Gaytor - There is not enough money in the world to make me go to that feed again!! :)
And. I don't care if they're talking about "world news".
Okay the Pool Room has to be the final four.
This is hilarious.
The feeds would be so boring without them right now.
I can't have a whole summer with the same conversation over and over.
Uhg, Jordan is just too cute for words.
Genie - i'm cracking up so hard over here on your screen caps with the conversation on anal!
Jordan asking about rat penises is too damn funny.
fappity fap fap. ZOMG I freaking LOVE Michele demonstrating how rats flag (wiggle their asses) when they're horny.
OK, I am going off topic here for a couple of comments. I've never done it before but I've seen others do it.
HAHAHAHA! No I have NEVER done it. (Not more than 50 times a day anyway.)
There has been a nationwide campaign to get Brad Pitt to run for Mayor of the City of New Orleans in 2010. (And we can't wait to get rid of the current crook of our fair city.)
It would take a change of the City Charter since Brad and Angie haven't been residents of the city for a full 5 years, but that could be changed with enough pressure.
Anyway... Brad will be on The Today Show on NBC in the morning to make his intentions clear.
There really as been a big push for this. I've signed petitions out my arse. I haven't bought it yet but I must have a Brad Pitt for Mayor t-shirt that is being sold here. And hopefully one day I will catch him biking over to the Lower 9th to check on the progress of the houses he is building for his 'Make It Right 9' foundation.
Here's a link to the shirt I want. I may go get it in the morning before they become defunct or start selling out, depending on his announcement.
(Shamelesss plug?) copy and paste:
Jordan is priceless! OMG!!
Genie! You have to at least visit that's your job! ♥
(I know, I know... smartass, shut up!)
I was listening to the HOH convo. They didn't say anything to cause fishes bfore they get blamed.
Ry said...
OMG w/ Jordan in Pool Room. Ladies have a Period Hole, Pee Hole & a Butt Hole!?! Wow, I think I just went completely gay, lol!
~ Ryan ~
Ryan, come sit next to me and I promise I will make you forget all about it. I'll use hypnotism. BUT, I will not be responsible for anything you do to me or for me while under my influence. *Very Evil Grin*
I didn't need to hear that either so we can do therapy together.
Anon- re: fish- Chima and Kevin were bringing up production talking to them about tomorrow. Ergo. Fish.
Chima and Kevin talked about censorship, the journalists recently released for N. Korea, Iranian elections, news media,and now 60 minutes
the "we have a pee hole, a poop hole and a period hole" quote from Jordan was classic :}
good times in the pool room.
Sheesh still no Oac! I wonder where that man got to - hope all is ok with him!
Hi Dishers,
I’ve enjoyed coming here and ‘listening’ in on everyone’s comments but haven’t yet joined in. I’ve been going through a rough patch this summer, so thank you Carolyn and Genie and everyone else for putting a smile on my face by making the Dish a place of happiness in my life.
big hugs in thanks!
i just switched to HOH - their conversation was more interesting on mute.
ha. I just wish they would let Renny in the house. I was Renny to imitate the BB11 HGs like she used to do with her cast....I think someone mentioned that today.
Welcome to the comments KatinVan - hope to see more of ya!
Hope Carolyn is at least watching the feeds - would be a shame for her to miss all the silliness from these people.
Genie & GaYToR-
Thank You. That makes sense to me know.. it was driving me nuts!
I agree Jordan is sooo flippin funny tonight! Now she's talking about Casey's boner and his old man undies! I Love her!
Also.. I just want to say how much I appreciate you all so much.. its so nice to hear others perspectives on things and to have things explained to me...(I'm a little ditzy) Plus, ya'll almost always put a smile on my face if ya don't have me laughing my hiney off
Hey friends!
Jeff, Jordan, Michele, and Russell in the pool room are cracking me up right now!
Gearing up for tomorrow night..I can hardly contain my excitement!! :)
OH!!! And now we have an appearance by the ULTRA-UBER-SEXY Jack.
Hello HotStuff! You who make me moist with those steel blue eyes.
Now who do I molest tongight? Syn, Jack, Ryan, Michigan Man or any of the male species I may have left out.
Maybe all of the above and more. :-D
Gaytor - how can you go wrong for $20 bucks!
I am so planning a trip to NOLA next year!!!
GaYToR ~ Promise to be nice and I'll come over, but only if you promise... ;P
I really do enjoy this Pool Room Foursome right now. I just hope Jeff/Jordon/Michele win HoH tomorrow. PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN AGP!!
~ Ryan ~
Brad Pitt for Mayor! Yeah! :) He can be Mayor of my city any day! RWAR! :)
Love Jordan: 'I've been having sex dreams lately'. Well duh, you are sleeping with Jeff. I hope you are having sex dreams or you are DEAD!
Welcome KatlnVan! :)
OK, the funny talk in the splish splash room just got me in I was laughing so hard I woke my husband up. Glad it is winding down a bit. lmao about Jordan having to see Casey's "boner".
Thanks Wendy!
Marci - LOL - anyone who sleeps with Jeff would have to be deaf/dumb and blind not to have a dirty dream or 2 of him - yummmmy!
OK, so I just listened to Michele's list of CD's that she requested and I think I love her even more! Also really liking Jeff's picks for CDs. Splish Splash Room FTW!!
~ Ryan ~
Ohhhhhhhhh my comment looks so wrong behind Gaytors!
I think we're as bad as the pool room peeps!☺
Cant believe that Jeff said he downloads from limewire LMAO Isnt that illegal
My cousin called me a bit ago...I get to go to ACDC!! Yippee!!
Kings of Leon is playing here tonight.
LMAO @ Jordan saying that "ron-o" cries during sex!
I swear thats one of hte funniest things I've heard all day
LOL Jordan just said Ronnie probably cries during sex... I love that girl!
What's up y'all!
Loving the splish splash room. I won't dare switch to the 'other' option.
Oooo, Brad Pitt as New Orleans Mayor. I met have to come visit just to see Angelina. Yum!
LMAO! Jordan: "I bet he cries when he has sex!" in regards to Ronno. OMG, too funny.
Mali said...
(I'm a little ditzy)
Mali, come have a seat. You belong at my table.
Ryan do I really have to promise? OK, I'll promise, but I reserve the right to have any appendages I want crossed as I do.
JulieB I'd love to meet you here in New Orleans. Someone else is coming too, but not sure when.
RhondaM, I can't wait. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you via email but yes yes yes!!!!!
I still think we should plan a Dish Convention here. I'm serious. I would start working on great discount hotel rates and some special activities if enough are willing.
I had others to comment too. Something was going to go to WendyLady but now it's out of my head, at least for now.
I popped in the Queen's chambers....they are chatting about Jeff
Gee, thanks for setting the market so low for me, Julie.
Good to see you, Gaytor! :)
HAHA Julie! It works for me.
I bet Syn would do it for $20.
I'd pay $50 for Jack.
Blue... Would still be at his going rate. 3 for a nickel. Where is my little Smurf anyway?
Ryan... well that's negotiable...
Speak the devil's name and he appears. Syn that is. Not our little blue devil.
I've got my $20 ready. Well actually I have no cash on me but I have my debit card. And I know where to swipe it too.
Gaytor - Did i dodge a bullet? LOL I know all your teasing is all in good fun :P
And now they are hatin' on Russell and Ronnie...
My duty is done...someone else's turn now.
I actually think Jordans comment about Ronnie crying during/after sex was a little too harsh and you all know i'm no Ronnie fan - but i think certain things should be off limits when it comes to making fun of someone.
LOL Wendy ~ dream or 2??? How about 2 a night since the season started????
Grrr. Met = Might. Same difference right? lol.
Why are these people going to bed so early?
I wonder if they were told? Hmmm?
JulieB said...
My cousin called me a bit ago...I get to go to ACDC!! Yippee!!
I've never been AC/DC. I'm strictly AC. Never had it, never will. (The old 7*Up slogan... That doesn't indicate anything about me mind you. There really ARE some secrets I refuse to share, even if I beg for them from others. Only special websites know the answer to THAT question. *Blush* (as in the color of Diet cherry 7*Up)
We have Russell/Michele/Jordan and Jeff in the pool room - Kevin/Lydia and Chima upstairs - where is the tool and his da-go? (da-go here da-go there da-go with you everywhere!)
You are so lucky. AC/DC is one of my favorite bands that I haven't seen in concert. Tickets were just way to much when they were here.
From the blog:
Kevin: Jeff thinks females are scumbags
Seriously? How? Where would Kevin get that idea? He's aligned himself more strongly with a woman than anyone else in the house. Kevin must've lost it. It must be some kind of air-borne drug they pump into the HOH room.
I would still rather watch Jordan, Russell, and Jeff sleep than go to that room. How awful is that?
I'm on my way!...and I'll bring ya a host gift (anything in mind?) Esp. now that I know your in N.O. My sister lived there on Magazine (or Mechanic...I always get it wrong)...its on one of the parade routes) for about 4 years and I love, love, loved it and am so ready to go back!
Syn928 said...
Oooo, Brad Pitt as New Orleans Mayor. I met have to come visit just to see Angelina. Yum!
As long as you know that all roads leading to the Pitt-Jolie's come through me. *giggle*
There will be no new top post. This is it! :)
At this point. I would rather watch Michele pluck her eyebrows than listen to the spew coming out of HOH.
Wendy - I agree. Jordan's comments about Ronnie were out of line and mean. Even Jeff was shocked.
The Jordan bashing by Lydia is uncalled for. Not surprising, but uncalled for
Marci - maybe i should switch to the meds you are on! My meds kill a lot of my urges *sigh* but when they hit the bf has no chance in hell of getting sleep LOL
Can anyone tell me where to go to read Chima's HOH Blog???
Talked turned to Jordan and it was brought up that she doesn't look as good as she did in the beginning-- she doesn't take time anymore or effort -- I personally don't think she has to take any time... she is naturally beautiful.
No, no, no they are not forcing me to go to HOH!
Guess I will go rest my back so I can get it stuck with needles again tomorrow. I'm so glad the feeds will probably be fish/trivia most of the day so I won't miss much.
Good night all, have fun!
Tomorrow's Thursday! Yeahhhhhhh!
Do I have this right, that each of the HG had a conversation with AG today about tomorrow.
Wow they must be really concerned about all hell breaking loose.
Chima: Everyone can't be as smart as me. (She laughs alone.)
My goodness her ego is huge! I wonder how she is able to fit through the doors in that house!
OOPS. I forgot
Good evening everyone!!!!! And one more thing. I'm glad BB gave them a party, but now they are all full and sleepy. I cannot take 2 hours of Showtime full of the HOH crew. Not fair!!!!! I guess that might be whining. I'm sorry.
GaYToR - I'm not even going to go into how confusing your 9:02 comment was.
And I'm worth SOOOOO much more than $20.
Does anyone have details on what they were told about tomorrow? Or did they cut to fishies too soon.
Brb people - apparently the meteor shower is really cool tonight so i'm gonna go have a peek!
Genie I agree wholeheartedly. I stayed in the bathroom with Michele. Not venturing upstairs. No one can make me.
Jack I hit the button and went oh lordy that's gonna sound messed up too.
I know you all know what I meant ☺☺☺
Mali!!!! come on back down... It's Magazine probably unless Mechanic is one of the smaller side streets crossing St Charles that I can't remember.
St. Charles is the main parade route and we lived 2 blocks from it for years, pre-Katrina, in two different locations. We never missed a parade. DQTD still doesn't. I miss them when I have shows or know I need rest for the next day etc because of my back issues.
JulieB said...
I popped in the Queen's chambers
I nearly choked when I read that the first time.
I thought you pOOped. I was hoping it was on Chima's weave.
LOL Wendy, I said DREAM! LOL
With my back, anything other than that and I can't walk for 2 or 3 weeks. Dreams are less painful!!! LOL
Ok, now good night ALL!!!
Hello everyone. Just stopping by to say a quick heelo. I worked all day and didn't ahve a break to read the updates, so I was just doing that now. Wonder what tomorrow's show will be like? Well, I am off to watch BBAD for a bit then sleepy time! I'll be around maybe for a bit tomorrow before work. Have a good one!
Wow Natalie is ignorant with her "I want to learn Chinese because I want to know what they say in the nail salon" comment. Don't always assume that every Asian that you encounter is Chinese, Natalie!!!
Re: Marci and her 2 a nights.
I'll have what she's having.
Syn, what do you not understand about my 9:02 comment. Come over here and sit on my lap and I'll explain it to you.
And Syn, we can start with $20 and I'll finish it off with a tip accordingly. I might got as high as $25.
WendyLady, it was fantastic last night. That was peak but it goes for days before and after.
I went out to the swamps last night and saw a few, but it was partly cloudy and too much so to see a really great show. I'm hoping for clear skies when the next one comes around in October, and another in November. Besides, that won't interrupt my BB schedule and I will be here while the party is still going.
If I go outside and see clear skies, maybe we will go back out about 3:00 AM GaYToR Time again.
Seeing things from out in the swamps is fabulous. Just another perk of living in SE LA.
Good thing there is the wizard so the Dumb 3 don't get burned again with voting to keep Russel.
You know. When I was just a commentator here, I would sometimes read about the comments that Carolyn had to sift through. Now I see them, and I have to say. It takes a strong person to keep up with it.
And you know what else?
All of you! You rock!
Smack Down!
Its Def Magazine..I called her and asked. Any once I read what you wrote I would have known anyway... we could see the parades from the roof but it wasn't the main anyway!
Sorry to hear you have back issues! Those in my oppinion are the worse..people who don't have 'em can't sympathize.
Next time I'm down there I'd love to see one of your shows!!!!!
oooh! Sounds like Russ is about to go off....
Hmmmm. Confrontation. Jessie on Russell.
Is it Smackdown time? I love the way Russell jumped up when Jessie started confronting him.
A little something something + a wicked meteor shower = nice!
Genie - i can only imagine that vular crap you and Carolyn have to deal with! I thank you both for sheltering us from it :0)
GEAUX RUSSEL GEAUX!!! Get in his face. Don't back down.
I love the look on Michelle's face and her input to Jessie, calling him out for things.
Yep! It's the night before eviction day!
Gooooo Russell!!! Behave! Don't freak out!
Jessie...bury yourself! PLEASE!
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah! this is as good as it could get for jeff! i love it. go at it guys! jessie's paranoia finally got him!
fight fight... feed 1
Ronnie and Jessie arguing~ I've been waiting for this... If they went at it my money would be on Russ...But hope they don't... Jessie is making himself look kinda bad right now... where is Jeff to witness this?
Holy Cow..Didn't see this coming w/Jessie & Russell. Good thing Smackdown Genie is around tonight! LOL :))
SImmer down Russell this could end badly!
I really hope that somebody is watching the feeds right now on Jessie and Russell.... it's getting heated.....
Dang it! I am trying to rest my back Jessie!
Talk about deja vu! Is this BB10 with Libra and Keesha???
Didn't work then either Jess!!!
Ba Bye Jessie!!
Can someone grab the convo in HOH please?!
♫Lalalalalalalal i don't have the feeds lalalalalalalalalal the lull in the comments means something good is going down lalalalalalalalalalalala stupid me for not getting the feeds lalalalalalalalalalalala i love you man!♫
Hehehehehehehehe i love this stuff :P
jessie is trying to get russel to hit him
♥♥♥♥♥♥ Genie!!!
Wendy - Oooooh I'm mad at you! lol, j/k. I did got outside to check out the meteor shower, but I saw nothing. But then I come back to see a Jessie/Russell smackdown! It's all your fault :P
Genie - I have no idea what you and Carolyn have to put up with. But I can imagine it's ridiculous. All I know is that there's plenty of room on CBS's forums if you don't like the bbdish. Please enjoy! :)
Wow, this is probably about the most 1st grade argument in the BB House I've ever seen. Is there a reason they are talking to an empty bed.
Russ is kinda sexy right now.. up in Jessie's face talking low
Okay not so much now that he is getting lous and bouncing ... but for a second I was warm and tingily in my special spot
why can't jordon keep her mouth shut! ????? gawd jordon!
Who the hell is Jessie talking to? Does he not realize Michele left? ha ha ha
Is anyone getting this Jessie and Russel altercation there were a few times I could of swore that both of them were about to be exiting the house for other reasons than eviction
Thanks WendyLady!!
WTF was that?
Holy Hell! Russ and Jess look like it may actually come to blows! had to run up here during the BBAD commercial to ck the live feeds.
Jeff may not need to use the wizard power because they both may end up getting thrown out tonight! wooohooo!
o gee, did michelle just leave the room and it was all and act. WTF?
I'm sorry is this giving anyone else flashbacks of Keesha's birthday? Same room, same person, same I don't want to see or hear you any more. And as a matter of fact, Jessie got evicted right after that fight too LOL!
What was that.. now they are laughing and hugging... I'm starting to beileve my mom dropped me on my head when I was a baby...
HoH room is discussing votes and who has what...Natalie seems to be spearheading the convo...
Michelle insists Russell is NOT getting her vote.
The yelling woke up Natalie. Nat is saying that Russell said he would say anything to stay in the game.
Uh oh here goes Nat to save the day!! Jessie needs some support.
There goes Natalie
i hate this house
OMG I think they are all drunk AND insane.
Okay they crack me up but I don't get any of this. Is this strategy?
Sorry Genie, I was so into watching smackdown, or what I thought was smackdown, I .... well I don't know WTF is going on now. They went from in-your-face to rolling on the beds laughing.
omg these people.
Michelle telling Chima the name calling history, Jordan says Russell has been up her ass.
And my camera has just switched...
Nat is talking to jeff now about everything she just heard.
Annnddddd here they BOTH find R/J
And they are listening behind the door in the dark.
Arguing no more...frig!
And switch back to HoH
Chima saying Russell has to vote for SOMEBODY since he's on the jury, who care if he gets ticked off.
Michelle is saying Jessie didn't have to come to her assist.
lather, rinse, repeat....
So was that fight between Jesse and Russell just bs? I'm so confused now! WTH????
Hi everyone! Happy night before eviction!!
Hope you're laughin' tomorrow night Jessie!
A quote from "Steel Magnolias".
Ouisa: Clairee, are you high?
Change the names as you will. It could fit all of them tonight.
What was in that party food? I want the leftovers.
Now Michele is up in HoH after they pretty much chased her out with their pretend fight. WTF is up with that?
Seriously, I need a storyboard.
Kevin is off to investigate now??? (he's going to change his hoodie)
Chima is saying she thought Michelle was entertaining the idea of keeping Russell.
Just the girls chatting up there now, Lydia is talking about the slamming doors.
Jordan figures Russell is going to have a nasty speech.
Lydia's going to tell people to vote to evict Russell for her speech. Now she's practicing.
Kevin is back reporting.
Chima is making fun of Russell and his "now I feel sooooo alone" he's the paranoid skizo (sp) and how no one wants to be the one going to the house next.
Cripes how do you people DO this!!
Boy the wizard is going to hit that group like a truck tomorrow.
Russell's winning the $10M was the incentive to get him out.
Mystery power discussion ensues...don't use it...PLEASE and the who has it discussion....AGAIN
Chima wishes she had it, blah blah blah
Genie - I think the HoH is safe to avoid until Jessie and/or Natalie come back up to the den.
Hey everyone!!!!
I haven't been able to check in much today... I just wanted to share something. I was messing around on FB with the status shuffle thing, and this one came up and made me giggle:
It's official, I have CRAFTS Disease :O( Can't Remember A Thing!! :O)
I thought maybe GaYToR would like it!!!! :P
♥♥Go Jeff♥♥
So, I have to think Jessie and Natalie are down there working on Russell for a jury vote.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow more and more with every second that passes.
And again Jessie is whining about not being picked as Russell's HouseGuest Choice for the PoV.
Bitter, Party of 1, thy name is Jessie Godderz. You and your little dog may now be seated.
I don't think I've ever known any big macho guys (apparently, since I've never seen this kind of behavior before). But Jessie and Russell are like apes in a cage. I mean literally, to me they look like gorillas. It's so strange, like watching pre historic man.
Knighthawk - If I'm not sure about a comment, I leave it to Carolyn to publish :)
Jaggers - that is a GREAT one!
Pool Room has gone certifiable!
I was totally having a deja vu when it started. Jessie and Libra flash to Jessie and Russell, in that very room. The eve of his eviction :)
Syn typed...
Wendy - Oooooh I'm mad at you!
Really now, are ya gonna spank me :P
Sorry i get little ~~free~~ after a little something something :0)
Wendy! LMAO! lalalalalala
I have a headache! :(
LOL jaggers.
CRAFT... I have to tell that one to my doctor. Maybe he can write a paper on me and be published in "The New England Journal of Medicine"
GaYToR passes the secret hidden bottle of really good drugs to Genie to get rid of her headache.
OMG! The comments during and after whatever that was are hyterical. I am laughing so hard I have tears and have woken up my kids.
It's official they think their mom is looooooo loooooooo
alright i am once again confused. can we take another poll? after the FALLOUT of his little fight and jordon amd michelle running upstairs, the people upstairs thinking all hell has broken loose and solidifying the group upstairs. do who thinks jeff WILL use the power, at this point?
GaYToR said...
So, I have to think Jessie and Natalie are down there working on Russell for a jury vote.
Excellent point GaYToR ... and I'm talking about your comment. Nothing else. :)
Genie, these people MAKE me want to do drugs. Good grief! I'm still completely lost. I have no idea what that was.
I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you all! :)
Wendy - lmao! I'm a little tired, and Canada is a loooooooooong way away. If it weren't, I just might :P
we ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you toooooo
Thanks Again Genie for taking over and hanging out with us for so long today. mwah
Oh where oh where has my little Blue gone?
Oh where oh where can Lube be?
Oh where oh where has that little Smurf gone.
Please bring that b*otch back to me.
Tell me what you're dr. let's you know about that Gaytor!!! :P
I love it.... that's going to be my answer for everything, lol!!
♥♥Go Jeff♥♥
Once again this doesn't matter with the wizard power but it seems that Russel's new strategy is to ask everyone for a one sympathy and get four.
Khope, I was wondering the same thing!
Syn talk about it as you wish. We all know you want my pointy thing too. :-p~~
Syn, taking drugs doesn't help. I've already had mine for the night. It didn't help one bit.
Natalie is up filling them in....
Russell is blaming it all on Chima, wanted to smash her with an egg in the PoV, that he never, that he didn't blah blah blah
You can't blame him he wants to be in the game
blah blah blah blah and we didn't want Ronnie to go blah blah blah
Where to go....BS in the pool room, even more BS in the HoH
Is Jeff in the green room plotting Jessie's demise? I hope
LMAO That whole argument/gigglefest between Russell and Jessie has turned into Russell working Jessie to keep him in the house.
In the heat of the Jessie/Russell fight when they were nose to nose did anyone else wonder if they were just gonna grab each other and kiss? If this was a soap opera there definitely would have been a kiss in there!
Wendy ~ pass Genie a little something, something!
10-4 :) No harm no foul.
Genie - Aww we love you too !!!
Marci - i find it makes my headaches worse cause you focus really really well on only 1 thing! LOL
I wonder if the reason they are taping the live show early is so whoever Jeff uses the Coup D'etat on will have time to pack up before the HOH comp? Does that make sense? lol
JulieB - LOL liked my song did you? LOL
Tomorrow is going to be great and long so I'm out.
Have a great night everybody.
See you Tsunami Thursday
this is just bs, especially b/c jordon is there. jeff is now THE only person not in on this. he may cave to the pressure. if he does, i will seriously cry. jordon please leave that room!
Oh my Gosh! I feel like it is an alternate universe tonight. i'm watching BBAD while cleaning my family room (kids going back to school so i can finally get things back to normal. I thought that fight was real. I do think Jess/Gnat are working him for the Jury vote, but it's still for naught cuz our boy jeff is gonna turn the house upside down tomorrow! Wow is about all i can say...
I feel another very l;ate night coming. gonna go back to cleaning until BBAD is over then i'll be up here on feeds and comments...
Love to all,
Nightie night Michigan Man sleep well!
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