Into the Night
The paranoia is mounting. The questions are building. It's quiet right now in the house, but we know that it will soon change... And Smackdown Genie is here to cover it! :)
BB: House guests, this is a lockdown. Please go inside and close the sliding glass door.
Jeff: Well, that's that.
***And back on PoV Comp watch we go... If it's a long lock down, the possibilities for a late night (after midnight BBT) PoV Comp increase exponentially. If that's the case, I'll be doing the 2am BBT wake up... so we can have the PoV spoiler for you when you wake up.
Jeff and Jordan head inside...
Jordan: You wanna come upstairs?
Jeff: Yeah
They both head up to the HoH Room.
Jordan: Well, if Russell doesn't come up tonight, we know something's up.
Jeff: ow bout if they are working together, and then they're gonna confront us at some point...
Jordan: Well, if they are working together, it's gonna suck, because then it's gonna be just you against them 2 in the HoH comp.
BB: Jeff, please put on your microphone.
Jeff: I'm gonna jump in the shower.
Jordan: 'Cause why, when I asked her yesterday, would you put him up, she was hesitant... Hey... and if they already called the lockdown, she's probably out of the DR and in the Pool Room with him.. I think I wanna talk to her and ask...
Jeff: I think I wouldn't say anything.
Jeff gets in the shower (perv cam on 1). Jordan climbs into bed and puts the headphones on....
5pm BBT - Michele arrives to the HoH room.
That's 10 whole minutes they got alone up there...
Jeff's done with his shower...
Michele: When did the lockdown occur?
Jeff: 10 minutes ago.
There's a whole lot more silence in the room than when Jordan first became HoH... The paranoia has set in.
Chatter about Natalie's card trick.
5:07pm BBT
Michele: What's wrong? You're acting Jeffy again...
Jeff: I'm playin' solitaire. Sometimes you just gotta zone out, ya know? Whaddayou wanna talk about?
Michele: Nothin..
8:28 PM BBT
Jeff and Jordan
Michele just left HOH, and Jeff and Jordan are convinced she is lying. Jordan thinks that Michele left because she was feeling weird.
Michele relayed what Russell told her about wanted Kevin out next. This is making Jordan and Jeff not trust her because it's a different story that she was telling before.
They conclude that they can trust Kevin more than Michele and Russell.
Jeff: Why would she go to him? (Russell)
Jordan: She might just be playing him.
Jeff: she definitely told him, which is BS. Her saying that he heard is a straight out lie. He can't hear anything.
Russell comes up.
Russell: Did you grab any of the sheets? Any blankets? (They were washing them before lockdown). Are you okay? (to Jordan)
Jordan: I've got cramps.
Russell: Want Advil?
Jordan: I got some.
Russell: Dude I fell asleep until they just called me. We're off at 9. (From slop)
Jeff gets excited and goes downstairs to marinate food. Jordan tells Russell that he can stay. They talk about the keys and Jordan tells him she left his key for last because he is so paranoid.
Russell wants to know where Michele was.
Russell: How did the talk with Natalie go? Everything cool?
Jordan: Yeah I told her to play for the POV.
Russell: Your speech was good.
Jordan: What could I say? We want the other side to go. Now Lydia wants to go. She wants to stay. She wants to go.
Russell: You want us to vote her out? (Lydia)
Jordan: I don't know.
Russell: well, let me know.
Jordan: After the POV, we will all get together and discuss it.
Talk turns to Michele being upstairs all the time, and that Jeff and Jordan have not had much time alone.
Jordan: It's kind of stupid for us to talk game at this point. It's us four against them three. We just want to hang out.
Russell: I tried getting Michele to come down and make cookies and just hang out, but I got called to DR and she came upstairs.
Jordan: I'm so bored today.
Russell: That's why I was sleeping all day. I was talking to Michele and her job. She is cool.
Jordan: Michele? Yeah.
Russell: We talked about the things from the beginning. I didn't know Ronnie was that mean to her. She's cool though.
Jeff comes back and Russell gets up to leave them alone. Jordan thinks he is okay. Russell says that he will go make some food. They say Natalie made some food but Russell doesn't want to eat her food. He says he is cordial to her but that's it. Jordan reports her discussion with Russell to Jeff.
Jeff: I don't knwo what to think, man.
Jordan: Them two are scheming. It's obvious. She goes on to tell him everything Russell said.
Jeff: He seems normal to me. When he is trying something he acts different.
They decide they need to confront him. Russell comes back up to give her batteries. Jordan seems to think that is shady too. (**Paranoia has hit Jordan too.) They decide that they want to talk to them sooner than later. Jeff wants to make sure they don't turn it into something big because he doesn't want the other side to see them at each other's throats. Jordan is pushing they ask him now. Jeff doesn't want to.
(**Not at one point during this do they questions Kevin's veracity.)
Jeff and Jordan
Michele just left HOH, and Jeff and Jordan are convinced she is lying. Jordan thinks that Michele left because she was feeling weird.
Michele relayed what Russell told her about wanted Kevin out next. This is making Jordan and Jeff not trust her because it's a different story that she was telling before.
They conclude that they can trust Kevin more than Michele and Russell.
Jeff: Why would she go to him? (Russell)
Jordan: She might just be playing him.
Jeff: she definitely told him, which is BS. Her saying that he heard is a straight out lie. He can't hear anything.
Russell comes up.
Russell: Did you grab any of the sheets? Any blankets? (They were washing them before lockdown). Are you okay? (to Jordan)
Jordan: I've got cramps.
Russell: Want Advil?
Jordan: I got some.
Russell: Dude I fell asleep until they just called me. We're off at 9. (From slop)
Jeff gets excited and goes downstairs to marinate food. Jordan tells Russell that he can stay. They talk about the keys and Jordan tells him she left his key for last because he is so paranoid.
Russell wants to know where Michele was.
Jordan: Yeah I told her to play for the POV.
Russell: Your speech was good.
Jordan: What could I say? We want the other side to go. Now Lydia wants to go. She wants to stay. She wants to go.
Russell: You want us to vote her out? (Lydia)
Jordan: I don't know.
Russell: well, let me know.
Jordan: After the POV, we will all get together and discuss it.
Talk turns to Michele being upstairs all the time, and that Jeff and Jordan have not had much time alone.
Jordan: It's kind of stupid for us to talk game at this point. It's us four against them three. We just want to hang out.
Russell: I tried getting Michele to come down and make cookies and just hang out, but I got called to DR and she came upstairs.
Jordan: I'm so bored today.
Russell: That's why I was sleeping all day. I was talking to Michele and her job. She is cool.
Jordan: Michele? Yeah.
Russell: We talked about the things from the beginning. I didn't know Ronnie was that mean to her. She's cool though.
Jeff comes back and Russell gets up to leave them alone. Jordan thinks he is okay. Russell says that he will go make some food. They say Natalie made some food but Russell doesn't want to eat her food. He says he is cordial to her but that's it. Jordan reports her discussion with Russell to Jeff.
Jeff: I don't knwo what to think, man.
Jordan: Them two are scheming. It's obvious. She goes on to tell him everything Russell said.
Jeff: He seems normal to me. When he is trying something he acts different.
They decide they need to confront him. Russell comes back up to give her batteries. Jordan seems to think that is shady too. (**Paranoia has hit Jordan too.) They decide that they want to talk to them sooner than later. Jeff wants to make sure they don't turn it into something big because he doesn't want the other side to see them at each other's throats. Jordan is pushing they ask him now. Jeff doesn't want to.
(**Not at one point during this do they questions Kevin's veracity.)
They decide to wait until after the POV. Now they are leaning towards Michele lying, and that they might cut her loose. They have compared her to Ronnie several times.
Russell is in the kitchen preparing food. Jordan tracks his every move. When he goes to the Storage room, she thinks he has gone to the Pool Room. Jeff tells her to relax. He sleeps. She listens to music while watching Russell in the kitchen through the spy cam.
Feeds come back from brief fish, to Jeff having pulled a trick on Jordan he is laughing hard.
Jeff: You better be nice to me. I'm your only friend here.
Jordan: Quit being so bitter about it.
Jeff: It's done. It's over!
They both crack up.
(**Ah! Tension eased)
Russell is in the kitchen preparing food. Jordan tracks his every move. When he goes to the Storage room, she thinks he has gone to the Pool Room. Jeff tells her to relax. He sleeps. She listens to music while watching Russell in the kitchen through the spy cam.
Jeff: You better be nice to me. I'm your only friend here.
Jordan: Quit being so bitter about it.
Jeff: It's done. It's over!
They both crack up.
(**Ah! Tension eased)
Jordan keeps pushing him to confront them. Jeff goes into a rant.
Jeff: We'll f'ing ask then and they will f'ing go back and forth, and Michele is going to f'ing run out of here, and they will know we are f'ing fighting because we are f'ing fighting.
Jordan: You swear a lot.
Jeff: I do? F*ck! (**They are both cracking up.)
BB Voice: Jordan. Please go to the Diary Room.
Jeff: Good go f'ing talk to them about it.
Jordan: Shut up. It's my batteries.
Jeff: Hurry back. I miss you already.
6:31 pM BBT
Jordan: Come downstairs to the living room. I have to announce something.
They all gather in the living room.
Jordan: Can I go?
Brief Fish
Jordan: Outside in the backyard so everyone get up and let's take a look.
They wait.
They go outside and there is a white tent set-up. A blue robe on a pedestal and a masseuse.
Jordan: You can get into your blue robe now.
Russell is getting the massage he won!
Green Room
Kevin, Natalie & Lydia
They are talking about other luxury prizes and ones that involved leaving the BB house. The mention Jun going to the Red Carpet.
Kevin: I would take Jessie somewhere so we can hash it out.
Natalie is called to DR.
Jordan, Jeff & Kevin
Kevin: Lydia is sleeping and Natalie is in the DR. I thought I would take this opportunity to talk to you.
Jordan: Gucci.
Jordan tells him that Russell is taking every opportunity to put Kevin up. Kevin interrupts her and the fish interrupt him.
Jordan: People from voting out. We have to break up Natalie and Russell. But what if we backdoor Russell and then...
Kevin: Well. I can only speak for myself, is that I will not put up you or Jeff. I would have to put Michele up but the votes...
Jordan: The votes...
Jordan is spilling everything to Kevin. That they will talk to Michele and Russell and Michele's inconsistencies. She tells Kevin he won't be the replacement nom, Russell will be.
Kevin: The girls do not see both of you as targets. They really really want Michele up. They are assuming one of them is going so they want Michele and Russell.
Jordan: I talked to Michele not to put you up. I know Jeff won't put you up.
Both Jordan and Jeff say that something is sketchy.
Kevin: He wants me out because Lydia will let him come after you, but I will not. (paraphrasing)
Jordan: Natalie will put up Michele and Jeff.
Kevin: No, Natalie said she would put Russell up.
Kevin reassures them that he will look out for them and the... fish
Jordan is continuing to spill. Kevin is now throwing doubt on Michele. Jordan asks him not to tell the girls anything. (**Right)
Kevin: The difference between my game play and Russell's game play is that I have not been lying or manipulating too much. Until final 5.
Jordan reassures Kevin that they have him in the final 4 place and that he is good.
Kevin: I think she hears things (about Michele) She thought the girls said she was stupid but then I went inside and asked the girls but they said they were sleeping.
Jordan continues to throw her cards all over the table. She thinks Natalie is still allied with Russell. Kevin is bringing it back to Russell.
Jeff: We don't know. That's what we hear. (About Russell saying that he wanted Jeff out.) We need to get them in here and confront them.
Kevin: And we know how that will go. Drama City.
The discussion keeps going along the same lines with Jordan spilling and Kevin saying little. Kevin finally leaves with the parting "If you're really looking after me, then you would backdoor Russell."
Jordan: I love Kevin. I think we can trust him
Jeff: Yeah but it's weird timing.
They agree that Kevin couldn't guarantee them anything so they need to get Natalie out this week.
Jordan: I'm glad I talked with Kevin.
Jeff: You give me a headache.
Jordan: What did I do?
Jeff: Nothing. I had to jump in at one point to stop you.
Jordan: I don't think I told Kevin too much of anything important. Will Kevin tell them?.I will be able to tell by Lydia's body language if she knows.
Kevin gets a drink and goes back to the girls. They want to know if he is throwing them under the bus and he says no. He will tell them later. The go into random chatter. They don't knwo where the term 'Big Brother' is from.
Lydia is getting into the Unitard. She was told to do
Kevin is called to DR. They think it might be because Jessie asked for the clothes they kept.
Red Room
Kevin, Natalie & Lydia
They want Kevin to tell them about the HOH conversation. He tells them that their lie was actually true. He tells them that Jordan and Jeff are going to call both of them out about the conversation and the vote.
Natalie relates her earlier conversation with Jeff.
This is mostly Jordan talking. They are concerned about numbers. I told them the girls are going after Michele. She goes that the girls might change their minds and come after me.That's why I told you (Lydia) don't do that sh*t.
He is telling them everything except the final four discussion. He is telling them to ease up on the Jessie discussions.
Russell comes and they change their discussion. He leaves and the girls say they want to up Jeff and Michele when Russell is backdoored. Kevin is trying to get them to not put up Jeff but they are adamant.
Interestingly throughout this they are playing the card game BS.
Pool Room
Michele & Russell
Michele: They are both getting cranky.
Russell: He is being irritable. She is on her period. I'm keeping out of their way.
Conversation turns to the various competitions, the Have Not foods and some Jedi training.
Russell: At this point the more you keep your mouth shut the better.
They decide to go outside. (**Still no lockdown. Night time POV getting more and more doubtful)
Around the House
Around the House
- Lydia, Natalie & Kevin are in the Red Room playing a Marathon BS. Kevin & Lydia are eating. Lydia is questioning Kevin about his conversation up in HOH and she wants to know if she is a target. Kevin thinks she isn't but that she needs to play for POV.
- Jeff, Michele, Russell and Jordan have eaten the yummy steaks Russell made. No game talk. They moved on to ice cream and now candy.
10: 35 PM BBT Some Jordan cuteness.
Jordan. Kevin & Natalie
Talk turns to Chima, and Jordan asks why she was "expelled". Natalie and Kevin give her the chain of events. They say that she threw the mic but didn't mean to throw it in the water.
Jordan: What threw her over the edge?
Natalie: Every time she saw Michele, she wanted to physically attack her.
Kevin: She was flipping off every camera and covering herself and when Allison came over the P.A. I knew...
Jordan: I wish she would have stayed and at least tried to do it.
Kevin: She was very hurt by Michele. I know Michele doesn't want to hear it, but Chima really trusted her.
Natalie and Kevin are driving it home how much Chima felt betrayed by Michele and how she always liked her and didn't expect Michele to backstab her.
Natalie, Kevin & Jordan
Natalie says she doesn't even want to go the Jury House after last night She tells Jordan that last night was a bashing Jessie night
Natalie: I don't know if I want to talk to him again.
Jordan: It's funny what you find out after people leave.
Natalie: Jessie poured his heart out to me and wanted relationship outside house.
Jordan: Really?
Natalie: With Lydia it was just a hook-up.
Kevin chimes in and says that he told Lydia that she was rad and that they had a lot of things in common.
Jordan: He was playing both of y'all.
Natalie: I didn't fall for it.
They go on to say about the stuff Jessie did to try to play the girls against each other.
Natalie: I'm glad I wasn't dumb and fell into Jessie's trap. I wanted to be in his alliance, but I didn't like him that way.
Jordan: I would get mad when you would cook for Jessie and wait on him.
Natalie: I never did that
Kevin: Yes, you did!
Jordan: Jessie expected you to wait on him.
Natalie: It was part of the game. He was part of my alliance. I did stuff to keep him on my side. I more played Jessie, than he played me.
Russell: You flirted with him too
Natalie explains it as purely game play. Talk turns and Natalie takes yet another opportunity to say that she blames Michele for Chima's demise not Russell.
11:49 PM BBT
Michelle comes out of DR and does a tumble. She goes outside, and they are asking her what she was doing. Michele said that she was twittering because the outside world doesn't know she isn't HOH anymore.
That brings the Evening Report to an end. :)
Why are Jeff/Jordan messing up a good thing by getting paranoid about Michele/Russell before they take out Kevin & the Widows??
They had it made as long as they stuck with the numbers game and knocked down the numbers on the other side; and now they are gonna screw it all up by letting their minds runs wild about Michele and Russell.
OH they are driving me crazy!!! They are gonna hate themselves if they screw up and then watch the tapes afterward!!
These two are making me crazy! They are blowing their game all to bits right now. How can they be so stupid to think that R/M won't work together at least a little bit. JJ are for sure taking each other to final 2. What is so wrong with R/M making plans too. One week at a time! No point in worrying about F2 if you don't get past next week. J/J need to be really careful they don't lose Russ this week with all the BS going on. Then everyone in the house is going after them. Nat out this week then see who gets HOH and regroup. To many ifs right now to even think about.
In honor of Jeff's "I will f'in set this house on fire!" Rhapsody has given us a blast from the past as their Free Download today.
"Burning Down The House" by Talking Heads
Get it below:
Rhapsody Free Music Of The Day
New top post!!! w00t w00t!!
Hiya, Genie!!!!
Hiya Blue! I know it's w00t w00t, but I thought with the Ross news it deserved all caps, lol. Plus I usually get excited over stuff and all cap it anyway. :)
I was here last night, but I think you had already vanished. I'll only be here a little while tonight and practically none tomorrow because I've got to work. :( I should be here by the Tuesday Show Viewing Party though.
I hate when work interferes with Big Brother and all my Dish Pals ... and GaYToR.
in the event of a night time POV looking for a Jeff win. I think kevin needs to be replacement. he could float through unnoticed. he is a more serious threat than they think. for J/J sake kev needs to go
Good Evening Genie,
Possibly a night POV comp. That would be Great. All us hard core night owls have something to look forward to.
w00t w00t!!!
I'm so ready for another smackdown!!!
hehehe, I've kind of gotten used to them this season!!! They happen so often with these HG's!
Natalie, Lydia, Russell, I don't care who starts it.......I'm just ready for another good juicy smackdown!!! lol
Good Evening All.
Thank you as always for the wonderful updates and blogging throughout the day Carolyn and Genie. Very very appreciated.
Was watching CBS and the commercial for BB tomorrow night show Chima's picture with the word "expelled" across her in red. I guess since it evidently made national news, CBS is making some immediate changes to their BB marketing!!!
*blink blink*
What in the world is Russell making for himself to eat? ewww
Don't you have anything better to do than babysit the feeds my dear Carolyn, LOL!!! i personally take my sleep dearly and thus I sleep until 6:45am no matter what unless..of course my body wakes up before that :-)
Thanks Carolyn!!! We all do appreciate it.
Shamrock said...
You live in SA? I live outside it about 25 miles.
Yes, I live in SA. I've lived here just about all my life. Army brat so we moved around a lot & were stationed here a few times then Dad retired here. Went away to college but came back in 82 & been here ever since.
ok, i'm really regretting getting the feeds right now:( i was so excited about the flashback player! well, it never works for me:( i can't just forward to the thing i want to watch, it freezes up. calling real player about it is a joke...can anyone tell me at least if i'm the only one with this issue? PLEASE? what good is this feature if you have to watch 1/2 hour of nothing, to see a 3 minute conversation that someone tips you off about? i'm so fustrated right now:( ANY advise is appreciated. you guys here are awesome, and so on top of things, i'm thinking for sure someone can help me out here? thanks!
i want to see the convo between jeff and nat about chima leaving.
No prob Syn!!! I understand!! I sometimes all cap things, too, when I get excited (hush it, GaYToR!hehe)!
Work sucks!!!
P.S. you owe me 5 dollars!
Hellooooo My Lovelies! :)
Phew. Maybe there is something in the HOH water? Or the chemical composition of the HOH key?
BB sure is slow shutting off those mics when they go pee.....ugh!
How ya????
Yes. We are thinking night time POV. Usually, if they pick the POV players before BBAD it's confirmed. :)
I just dont get it!!!
and I'm screaming at my monitor like some crazy person... "JEFFFFFFFFFFFF, Kevin's lying!!!" OMFG
What's driving me so nuts about J/J, do they really think because they ask Russell they are going to be able to figure out who lied. It was Kevin. So whatever answer they are going to get they won't be satisfied. But, they are believing what Kevin said over what Michelle told them. I think she is being as honest as she can be & trust them more than they trust her. I can't believe how many times she has been cornered & made out to be a liar when she didn't lie.
I hate to say it but I think they are on a downward spiral. They are going to hate themselves for doing so well getting from the bottom to the top & then back to the bottom because they are spinning out of control over this & that & this & that....just stick to the plan.
Jeff complains that Russell is in the room too much then when Russell stays out to give them their space he is acting weird.
Hi all,
I really think it is in best interest jor J&J to keep the current alliance with Russ and Michelle, because they need the numbers for this week. Also because Russ told Mich that he was going to stay with the JJ/RM for the final four, and michele agreed with him and said that was no problem with her. They just have to stop listening to Nat, she is the mastermind for this whole plot to break up this JJ/RM power house alliance.
Genie - I think they pump paranoia/loony gas into the HOH room.
So glad J/J finally quit talking. They need to just zip it until after the POV.
I'm going to say no......there will be no overnight PoV!!!
(that comment should hopefully succinctly ensure an overnight in I jinxed it by saying it!)
We'll see!
I love watching hot men prepare food!!!
Just read Michelle's HOH blog. She is loyal to Jeff and Jordan and wants to go to final 3 with them!
Well let's all hope these two oome to one simple realization. Michele and Russell are on their side more than Kevin, Lydia or Natalie ever will be.
Work with Michele and Russell to get to the F4 and fight it out from there. Fair nuff!!!
Who wants to do the fishie dance with me? :)
Hiya, JulieB, MsFitz, Bonnie, DavidB.....Janice, confused, Melia, thomascod, !!!!
w00t w00t!!!
*waving excitedly like a damn fool*
The fishie dance? What is that? The Macarana?
You do a onderful job keeping us all updated on the feeds. Thank you so much!! I think Jeff may be getting a grip...he seemd to be figuring out that Russell should saty at least. I hope Lydia or Natalie do something to make him question one point last night he was a little bit suspicious of him...we can only hope!!
Blue what all did he put on the veggies? It reminded me of my teens putting ranch on to drowned out the healthy
I obviously couldn't pay close attention today...but did we get a definitive answer on the slop pass??
With all the new fresh meat (new college students) in town this week, why am I here watching Live Feeds when I could be out getting my groove on??????????
Hi everyone!
What do ya'll think is gonna be on Tuesdays show? They aren't giving themselves much time for editing to have the POV comp and ceremony Tuesday night are they??
Jeff is right, do they think that the confrontation will end in a nice little "still final 4 package"? It will not end well...that scares me. I just want Nat out. I actually think we might have a second walk/kick out if Nat leaves...Lydia will go nuts. I hope Russell wins POV.
I think Jordan "the voice of reason" who has talked Jeff down with each and every paranoid episode this whole game, is failing him now between the responsibility of HOH and the cramps/PMS/not feeling well. He really NEEDS her to tell him it's all going to be okay but she's not saying it.
I can't watch.
Blue...if you want to watch me prepare dinner, you could have just asked! ;-)
and all other Dishers ;)
I'm hoping Russell wins PoV tomorrow so we can see where his loyalties lay this week....will he stay true to Jeff and Jordan and their wishes, or will he use it????
That would be most telling to me....
I will!
just keep swimming, just keep swimming
My oh my, that pic of Jeff is H~O~T!!
Hi everyone! :P
omgawd me and Jeff are gonna have the biggest fight!
Im about to smack the chit outta him for being so mean to Jordan! They need to stop this like right now!
Christy in FL said.... (last post)
Anyone wondering what Jesse is doing all by himself in sequester???
I dont' even want to imagine but if there are a lot of mirrors he is completely occupied.
I will let ya know when I streak threw the house and do a cannon ball into the pool :p
Genie - I would haveta say that Jeff doesn't want to dance, lol!
Blue - You can put it on my tab.
LMAO! Jeff: "What am I? The A-Team?"
Rubyroo- **waves*** Hi!!
Why can't Jeff connect the dots! He is dancing all around it. M/R aren't lying. Where did all this start? KEVIN! They even just agreed that maybe they will confront Russ and he won't have any idea what they are talking about and it will all blow up. Bingo!
Blue - because you said you were old enough to be their dad :)
And WE are more fun anyways....
omgawd me and my hubbie fight like dat... it never last... i always win.. he always knows im right.. end of story...
listen to jordan jeff!
Did Carolyn go horizontal so she could get up early in the event of an overnight PoV????????
Haven't heard from her in awhile!!
*Genie Genie, Bo Beenie.....*
Good evening Genie, Carolyn, Blue, Syn, Kent, MsFitz, Wendy, Rubyroo, Judy, Patti and all my other Dishie addict buddies!!
Missed yuuuuuuu today! ☺
ok, so i'm thinking i can't ask for any flashback advise? this site is the most awesome on the net, but my plea for help goes completely ignored....i don't understand? everytime i read a time frame and cam# of something interesting i missed while gone from my computer, i never get to watch it. i really really am curious if anyone is able to fast forward their flashback player?
i know this isn't related to the current feeds...but any answer? maybe my posts aren't going through?
Did you send me the recipe for your frozen latte and espresso concoctions?????
Hiya, Blue! ****waving****
Blue said...
why am I here watching Live Feeds when I could be out getting my groove on??????????
You have an aunt to take care of & she might want some KFC later....
Bonniegirl -- I just saw that same commercial, advertising that you may be evicted, but it taks something big to get you EXPELLED! I thought it was very interesting too... I guess that CBS knew that people didn't like her, and you know people are gonna tune in tomorrow night! Let's just hope the rest of the week goes this well!
Hugs and kisses.
Carolyn, Genie, Patti, Rubyroo, blue, Julie, Melia, MsFitz, thomas, David, confused, syn, ajs, Sandra, someone, danyelle, Kas, Kent (hope I didn't miss anyone)
Now can we all pump some logic into the HOH room NOW!!! It's so fricken frustrating to watch them crash and burn!!!
Okey dokey, Syn!!!
Actually, I'll put it on GaYToR's tab.....I think he owes both of us quite a lot this season!!!! hehehehe
Paranoia will destroya -
Jeff and Jordan - Go immediately to the HOH rooom. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.
Lock the door and go back to the beginning when you just talked and laughed and flirted. Forget the game for awhile.
Don't talk game again until after POV!!!
Thank you Carolyn and Genie for doing such a great job with this site- tonight is a great example of how your job is less than glamorous at time... I am getting quite annoyed listening to Jeff and Jordan go off the deep end with their paranoia.
I really hope Michelle can make it to final 3 with them. They need to step back and recognize that even if she might be lying here and there, she is still their best bet for a trustworthy third. She's not going to stab them in the back yet... maybe in a week or two, but she clearly isn't stupid.
I'm rooting for Michelle to win it.. I think she could definitely win against Jordan, and possibly Jeff. She may be everyone's nemesis, but in BB that's not always a bad thing once you hit final 2. I for one would recognize that she became the enemy for a reason, because she was a threat and a solid player. Jordan has not done much of anything save dodge eviction and allow Jeff to commandeer her HOH.
And that's my rant. Jeff was a great hero for when the house was full of schemers, but now that the numbers are dwindling he is becoming the schemer himself.
JulieB, why you have to go and remind me? Party Pooper!!!
Well look what you did everyone! They all went to sleep! Now I HAVE to do something! LOL
Good news is they can no longer think silly things!
Hey Blue and Rubyroo and Syn and Genie and everyone
Oh so many names to single out
Anyway, I totally agree with you Judy I am yelling at my computer screen hoping that Jeff and Jordan can hear me and figure out they are being played by those 3 bottom feeders too.
Come on guys figure it out. The sabator (sp) is not anybody in your alliance.
Isn't everyone on slop today? Why is Russell making food? I know the only who unfortunately can eat is Nat the brat.
Why are we just watchin people sleep?
whats the fun in that?
I hope Russell can make Jeff feel comfortable...Jeff needs to stop being so he's worse than Russell!!!
Great. I finally get to go on vacation, and now I'm completely lost. I was chillin by the lake, and I get a text message saying Chima was gone. How hard was it for me to relax after that?!
As soon as I got back, I hit the dish knowing that I could get caught up here. I think I'm caught up, but still a bit lost. Can't wait for the show tomorrow.
And how cool is it that Jordan won HoH! Still a bit confused on the paranoia surrounding Michelle and Russell.
In the words of our HoH: Something scandalous is going on and I'm gonna figure it out....eventually :)
Michelle confirmed what Kevin said so Kevin's statement has been supported as truth even though his intention was a lie. Unfortunately, they (JJ) are falling in their (NLK) trap, quickly!! I think the HOH room makes people super paranoid, remember Russell? For the first time ever, I will be rooting for Russell. I hope he wins the POV and they decide not to confront him. I think that is the only chance to keep this alliance alive!!
Danyelle - I think Tuesday's show is going to be a Chima Special. At least in part. They might do Jordan's HOH. I think they will go ahead with the 'BB Fast Forward' on Thursday's episode, only without Chima being evicted at the beginning since she's already gone. Then we might have HOH, Noms, POV, POV Ceremony, Eviction, and finally the HOH for next week.
Rubyrooo - Hiya!!! :)
MsFitz - LMAO @ the mirrors!
I think their paranoia about the Final 4 is right on time actually. They've jumped the gun on everything else this season from Week 1, lol, why change things now?
OMG... what's going on?? lol
What the hell is going on????
Something interesting in the backyard!!!
Jordan seems to know something about it.
What the???????????
I'm confuzzled? That whole meeting was about Russell getting a spa treatment? Why'd the need the whole house?
And these fish! Grrrr, I'm ready to go get a fishing pole and take care of them!
Congrats on your interview with Ross Carolyn. Can't wait to see.
Well I think I'm caught up as good as I'm getting right now. Not liking what I'm reading. The lie is working well. Exactly what they wanted, mistrust is growing. Long time until Thursday so anything can still happen.
Wonder what is going on in yard. It sort of looked like they might getting massages? Didn't look like a comp. It is a massage.
All I can say about J/J. You don't confront your own team.
Spa Day??? Anyone think they are being way too nice to the HGs??? ;)
OK, Russell is in the backyard with a chick, and he had to change into a dark blue robe and slippers. All the other HG's are inside. If this is a POV competition, it's a strange one, lol
Not sure what to think really....
OMG he's getting a massage, lol
They are starting to worry me. Jeff and Jordan.
That was a good nap!
Hiya all!
Congrats on the Ross interview!!!!! When can we see it???
EA - what did u win??? I keep sending the boy to get the mail but nothing yet here.
Those people complain about gifts that aren't even theirs.
Seriously??? LOL
They're getting professional massages? Does AGP think they may have too much built up tension this season or what? LOL
Enjoyed Michele HOH blog. She has always said she was true to J/J. I hope she wins POV to prove to J/J that she can be trusted. Michele has gone thru alot to get to finally be with J/J. Hope J/J can relax and trust her again. I still don't trust Russell. Hopefully Nat will not shut up and J/J figure everything out.
wow, i think i know how ronnie felt now :( thanks for the help guys.
such a shame....i've followed this blog for 3 seasons now:(
I am now addicted to this site and check every few minutes for updates. I can't wait til BBafterdark. My speakers are broken so I can't make anything out of the feeds. Thanks for all the great work!!
The massage will make him weak for the POV!!
Gotta love Natalie, NOT!!
Lucky masseuse!
Here comes Kevin to confirm the lie to Jordan.
Let's hope Kevin blows it....
Why the hell did they cut to fishies just then???? Kevin and Jordan didn't say anything to warrant going to fishies!!!! GRRRRRRR
Hi Genie!
We finally get to hear Kevin and Jordan and Jeff discuss some game play in private, and they cut the feeds to it!!!
Sometimes, I just really don't like the control room!! heheheh
Not all the time, but sometimes, like NOW!!!!
This whole lie is being orchestrated by DR. I swear now we get fish when he is spilling it to Jordan. What the Heck.
I'm paranoid now. They're out to get me. I know they are.
What was that?!
I can't believe we get fishies as soon as Kevin starts talking, arrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!!
End of game for J/J. Why is she telling Kevin this! Oh GAWD!!!
Oh no Kev is up in HOH.
So who is dumber Jeff or Jordan? They both tell their whole plan to Kevin, good job giving your game away.
I cannot believe she is spilling it so bad. This moment is the beginning of their downfall. He's going to go back & tell Nat & Lydia every word.
Why are they trusting him so much. I find it unreal!!!
Okay, they are back.
I hope they see through him. He's trying to save both of them.....come on........they can't see what he's trying to do????
Kevin's going to be doing the happy dance when this convo is done....
And then there are the besties Lydia and Natalie...I had such high hopes for Lydia :(
Syn - I have been humming that song for almost an hour now thanks to you! Us Canucks don't get the free tunes....
Okay so Jordan back doors Russel. Nat, Lydia or Kevin win HOH. Michele is the target. Michele goes home. Jeff, Jordan who is the target next? Think!
If you don't know what's going on why are you putting all your cards on the table! J/J are so done after this. Why are they talking to Kevin. What is wrong with them!
Poor J and J. I think they are getting played and giving Kevin too much trust. Kudos to Kevin, though. If he pulls this off, he may just be the one to beat!
why do they keep going to fishies during important game talk!! Isn't this what we are paying for?
24/7 uncensored my ass!!!
Rant over.
Okay, I have been thinking this thought for awhile now, I have to get it off my chest!
If Jeff and Jordan fall for Kevin, Natalie and Lydia's plan, they deserve what they get.
Even though Michelle confirmed 'sort of, in a BB way,' I would hope that Kevin wins over the widow's. However, if for some reason Jeff and Jordan's group stay in control, I still would want either one of them to win.
Now, anyone hear how they are going to get the right amount of votes since they are short one person for the Jury House?
Why are they telling Kevin their plans. They should shut up... Talking to the enemy... Kevin is going to win.... Watch and see.... crap
Jeff "I don't want to get to crazy" Way to late for that Jeff
The way this is going now Michele will get back doored and sent to the Jury house by the person she has been the most loyal to in the whole game. Jordan, what are you thinking.
J/J dug a huge hole for themselves. Now they are getting ready to jump in and hand the shovel to the other HGs so they can bury them. I'm so sad. I can't believe they threw the whole game in the last 24 hrs.
Carolyn: I still don't understand but ok I'm just glad someone knows how to get a copy of images off live feeds for me to see ;-).
Melia aka: marvelous_0001
Michele is the only person who was able to handle being HOH. She had no paranoia, she had a plan, she stuck to it and put up the person she wanted out. Michele must be immune to the HOH crazy gas.
I hate J/J are doing this to Michelle. I just read her blog & she wants to go the F3 with them & of course, she wants to win it all but would be very happy if either J/J won it!
I can't take this. I'm taking a break!
I hope Jeff and Jordan get some cuteness in the jury house because that is where they are headed. They might be pretty but they really aren't very bright.
I agree with you totally; Jeff/Jordan just handed the game over to Kevin and the Widows......
I don't know if I can keep watching this; its sickening!!
Janice GA
knyteprincess: "wow, i think i know how ronnie felt now :( thanks for the help guys.
such a shame....i've followed this blog for 3 seasons now:("
Are we missing something??? What's a shame, knyteprincess? I'm sorry, did we overlook something???? Let me know, so I can answer it for you, or Genie, or Carolyn, or one of us!!
Russell won the massage at the last comp.
I would like to see how long it takes Kevo to run down and tell the widows everything. Which by the way is stupid because, he is telling the widows that J&J want to take him to final 4. He would be silly not to take them up on it. He would rather stick with the 2 morons.I like how K just told them if they r really looking out for him they would take out russel this week. I hope they r not that dumb.
hi peeps! okay- once again i need talking off the ledge. seriously people. i am really getting disgusted here. i just turned it back on after being gone all day and i am so disappointed in jeff amd jordan. not because they are thinking outside the box and or any of that stuff. BUT because they are letting personal stuff AND paranoia really get to them! the strategy of keeping russ another week is paramount to them both staying over the next few weeks. the other thing that is KILLING me is that they REALLY think that kevin is not going to tell the girls stuff!! are you effin' kidding me. this is one of the biggest mistakes they have made! also how much they are spilling to kevin is just ridiculous! i am sick about this. they really are making mistake after mistake with these things. i am sincerely asking someone to talk me off the ledge here,?! please? help. oh god! it never stops! the keep thinking he's not going to talk, are you kidding?
i never thought i'd be watching anotherdude getting a rub down live on the internet.
Im so sad. I thought Jeff was smarter then this. Im going to agree with others tonight, The deserve to loose after this night.
OMG I knew it. I can't believe that Jordan just spilled the beans. Our only hope is that Russel wins the POV. Then leaves the nominations the same.
Ahhh, I get it now.......I was not aware that Russell had won a massage in a comp!!!
All makes sense once again!!! hehehe
Jordan: "I think we can trust Kevin, right now, right?"
Jeff: "It is weird timing."
The understatement of the year, Jeff boy, BIG TIME!!!
And Jordan......NOOOOOOOO!!!!
*banging my head against my den wall........really really hard!!!*
Well for the first time in 3 seasons, I turned off the feeds.. I couldn't watch anymore. How sad for J/J but great great play for Kevin and the liar and crazy tatoo'd lady!!! They pulled it off...
Sooooooooo sad right now....
Thank you Syn928.. that's what I was kinda thinking too..
OMG... I can't believe they are falling for all this coming out of Kevins mouth!!
OK he is ready to leave the HOH, so lets do the count down till he tells the widows, ready in 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1Blabbb
Jordan continues to throw her cards all over the table.
too funny. you're good!
Can I get a volunteer to tell me when they comes to their senses so I can turn the feeds back on LOL...
Not sure they will return to their senses any time soon though!!!
Jeff and Jordan........dumbest move in Big Brother history!!! Hopefully they will find a way to survive it!!!
Thank goodness J/J decided that Nat or Lydia needs to go this week. This gives Michelle another chance to infiltrate the final four!
I honestly think she could win against Jeff or Jordan. In essence neither of them have done too much, and Michelle is everyone's nemesis for a reason, because she's a threat and a solid player.
oh crapola! now i see most of you are as floored, dumbfounded, disappointed as me
I posted that it was the massage he won. There was no need for speculation. haha Huggies :)
knyteprincess - so sorry girl! I always figure someone else will chime in. I can't figure out how to fast forward it either, without jumping forward. Know what I mean? The arrow buttons ►► don't work, so I move the bar on the line thingy and it jumps to where I put it, but there is no time so you have to guess. Halfway is 30 min in, and so forth.
And this is why I don't explain things. I don't do it well. LOL!
Good luck!☺ ♥
Thanks Mo! :)
Genie, if that was meant for me, I was speculating before I saw your post, and I didn't know.......
Thank you.
Natalie "I don't get where that name comes from, Big Brother."
Lydia "there is some book or something."
I take it 1984 is not required reading in schools anymore. Since I actually graduated in 1984 it was a huge deal to all of us.
pleeeease!! big brother can't you talk J/J through their paranoia in th DR w/out giving it away--but get them thinking mayyyybe they're not thinking straight???
I am so disappointed in them right now, its tough to watch, Ugh!!
does anyone know if i heard what i thoght i heard...that as soon as kevin left the room that jeff and jordan said 'now we have to get one of the girls out, he couldn't guarantee us?' did anyone else hear that?
When Kevin left the HOH room, Jeff said that it was "suspect" that Kevin was reaching out at this particular point in the game, and that they have to get one of the girls out to keep the numbers on their side...Jordan agreed...maybe they have come to their senses (even if only a little). fingers crossed!!
"They don't know where the term Big Brother is from." I thought 1984 was pretty standard reading for high school?
I can't believe I am watching this, the only thing that would be worse then the fact that Jeff and Jordan are falling for this, is Natalie and Lydia gloating about how they got away with it.
Why am I not freakin' out about Jeff and Jordan like y'all?
Either I'm giving Kevin too much credit, or y'all aren't giving him enough, lol.
I think Kevin is starting to realize that he has to start protecting himself. I don't think he'll tell everything to Natalie and Lydia if he's interested in protecting himself.
If I were him, I would also be laying the seeds of doubt about Michele and Russell in Jeff and Jordan's minds. That way if I did get to take Russell's spot in the Final 4, then I would have a better chance at Final 3, if I had planted doubt about Michele.
I'm still not giving up hope on Jeff and Jordan. I think they really want Kevin as part of the Final 4. And in order to earn that trust they have to share some information.
You can all point and laugh at me later if I'm completely wrong about all this, lol!
BLUE! Shush! I was kidding!!!! ♥♥♥ :)
Jor "I love Kev, I think we can trust him"
Remember in the beginning when she said that about Ronnie!!! grrrrrrrrrr
Great, now Russ is going to be out of it for the veto tomorrow. Could this get any worse!
OMG Chima is on twitter @ChimaSimone
Genie, I know that. That's why I said Thank You!!!
Genie, you think I don't *get you* by now? Believe you me, Darling, I totally do!!!
*sloppy wet smoochies* and *full on groping ((((huggies)))))*!!!!!
I'm not watching the feeds, either. Can't bear to watch this train wreck!
when HGs are losing it it reminds me of a song:
"despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
someone will say what is lost can never be saved
despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage"
Smashing Pumpkins "Rat In A Cage "
I think they finally came to their right fram of mind. Right after Kevin left they both said now we have to get out 1 of the girls!!! Let's hope that sticks now
Is anyone else hoping for an overnight PoV comp? I know I am!!!
The great Otev or the morph game, either one would be totally awesome!!!
Maybe I am crazy -- but I really dont think that J&J are doomed. You have to think of this game in all angles. I think it is great that J&J are listening to all sides. After every conversation they are wary.
At one point or another Russell will gun for them and he does great at competitions. So you have to think of backdooring him.
Kevin has to think about jumping ship...and I do think that if he switches he will stay loyal for self-preservation. We have seen him think of himself and not help his allies (not using POV). He is a smart player that sees if he does stay with the girls, he will be picked off.
I think everyone is getting so scared with J&J because this is the first week (starting with the CDT)that they've had power and they actually have to talk REAL GAME. Before when they didn't have power, they just had to stay out of they way. J&J are being careful because last time they thought they had the numbers was when Braden was on the block...and we saw how that worked for them.
I added Jordan and Jeff's subsequent convo after Kevin left. It seems Jeff is thinking clearly.:)
Late night POV at this point? Doubtful. They haven't started building it. If they pick POV players before BBAD, more than likely yes.
I haven't read all of today's comments yet, but does anyone else think the POV game will be the "Morph" comp?
Didn't they do a previous Morph comp at night too?
CBS had one of their "headlines" for BB as some morph type software you could download, and if it was good, they said they might use it in the game.
If it is tonight, it'll probably start right after BBAD.
Kevin: I tried finding Chima on twitter, but every variation I try isn't working........including the one you mentioned.
I'm here. Early for me huh?
but I'll be back in 15. DQTD is whining for the keyboard.
I pointed out Rule #7 but he didn't stop. I can't seem to get him to mind me when I tell him he is in a time out.
Good evening everyone!
Syn - I was thinking the same thing. Why am I not freaking out? I knew I liked you! :)
Kevin - I just looked at Chima's twitter page. Tell me her background pic doesn't look like reality star from VH1?! ha New York, maybe?! haha
kevin said...
OMG Chima is on twitter @ChimaSimone
Is it really her? Or someone making up the account w/ that name. She is being raked over the coals from the few I read so for her sake I hope it really isn't her. I do not condone a thing she did or said but I don't want to see someone abused by the internet.
I think doubtful too, on the late night PoV comp.........they haven't picked players yet, the night is quickly passing by....
but I was hoping.
I can't hear kevin right now~!
is my sound messed up? or NLK really stealth whispering?
those three are like the castaways. That is my new name for them. I can't believe that jj believe Kevin!
Can anyone actually hear Kevin??? I hear NADA!
Oh thank God. I am breathing such a big sigh of relief since Jeff confirmed that they still need to get one of the girls out.
thank you thank you thank you for not believing anything that Kevin was saying
Now let's all hope none of the 3 mongers wins P.O.V.
Okay, these three take stealth whispering to a whole new level!
I'm not the 10 Million Dollar Man or the Bionic Woman, I can't hear a thing! And I have the speaker on full volume and the bar on Real Player on full volume.
Good grief!
Is it too much to hope that M/R hear Kevin whispering with the widows and then put 2 and 2 together?
they just selfdestroyed their game they got away from the way they have played it. it's now coming back to destroy them i say 1 of the 2 of them will be gone next week -if- nat stays in the house this is the beginning of the end for those 2 in bb house. jeff will see he f@#&% up his lay low way was gonna get him to the end now he is over thinking the game .its true the hoh room is cursed stay out of it .oh well it was nice to watch bb. bye bye J&J ITS OVER U DID IT TO YOUR SELFS
Me too Syn!
Good Grief Charlie Brown!!!!
Blue - I found her on twitter. It is ChimaSimone -- all thanks to Kevin!
Haven't all 4 freaking cams been on them enough!??
Come on, there is still M,R,J,J somewhere????
Wow! Thank You SYN928, Judy,
Syn928-it is so nice to hear other, totally fresh ways to see things-i like it, thanks!
Judy in NJ- wow...exactly her words-you're sooo right!
Confused-more than likely russ will feel better tomorrow after the massage--trust me , i'm a massage therapist. they make you feel good, not hurt, she was too small to give a thick man like that the level of deep tissue he would require to hurt tomorrow. so 'no worrys' as jeff would say.
Kevin is going to win this game.
Ugh. Jordan is a sweet girl but she is going to be the end of Jeff in this game.
"Do you think Kevin will tell them?" SERIOUSLY?!?!
I should have a bottle of Advil on hand. I think I broke my eardrums trying to summarize that conversation. Transcribing it was next to impossible.
If that's really Chima on Twitter, she has offended another group. Combat veterans.
"A critic is someone who never actually goes to the battle, yet who afterwards comes out shooting the wounded."
Comparing a game show to going to war? Amazing.
Genie, how did you even hear that conversation?! You really are a superwoman!!!
Imagine...the BS game in the BB house. Hmmmm....
People answer me this:
Who's the 4th in this Jorff and Kevin scenario? Michele or Lydia? Or is it unknown?
Blue - What's wrong?
Laura - What's that? Can you speak a little louder? I can't hear you! hahaha :) It was dead hard I tell ya.
here is what i think is going to happen,If J&J stick to the plan and take out 1 of the girls, crap is gonna hit the fan. They will spill everything to russel & michele of what J&J told Kevin. Then russel will never drop for Jeff thursday, and russel & michele will stay together and take J&J out!!So needless to say they should have kept their mouths shut to kevin, because either way now they r screwed, unless Jeff wins HOH!!
Why in the world would I ever want to follow Chima on twitter? Just saying and zipping it. :)
Laura in NC - LMAO! At least everyone will have two people to point and laugh at! Especially watching the end of the conversation that could not be heard, lol. If I was Kevin, I'd be like "O M G ... this is Re-DONK-ulous! I'm trying to save these #*@*#@$ and they just want to play this card game!"
BTW, I meant 6 Million Dollar Man.
I went to the HOH's twitter account to see if Michele got to tweet anything...and I was greeted with Chima's last tweet:
"With all my "observations" you may think that I'm not grateful, but I am.This is a fun experience with highs/lows, ups/downs.Much like life"
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :)
well folks, I am just about ready to give up on Jeff and Jordan, they will be lucky to get out with more than their stipend. I knew Jordan was young and naive, but I did not think that someone as wordlly as Jeff could be so easily duped.
It should be so obvious to them, that Kevin is this with the girls. Someone early in the game said Kevin was going to win this thing, and I thought he was crazy, but it just might happen now.
I can no longer watch the feeds on a regular basis, as I become so angry with J&J's stupidity. I am just going to check in from time to time to see what the final outcome is. I will really feel sad for Jordan, as I know how much the money means to her and her family.
Blue - do a search & just type in @chimasimone.
What makes me sick is this woman is going to make lots of $$$ off this.
Nuttin, Honey!!! (Genie)
I stubbed my big toe on my chair!!LOL
*le sigh* hehehehe
Laura in NC, thank you, I found her!!!
Even made a nice tweet to her.......I choked on it, but I did it!!!hehehehe
Ditto Genie!
I am dreading have to see her again on Tuesdays show, much less wantin to see anything else she has to say. We all know its going to be all about how productions screwed her,etc. so... im so done with her!
Anyone eating any snacks? Whatcha got? How about sharing I want chocolate lol!
catching up...
lubex1969 said...
w00t w00t!!!
*waving excitedly like a damn fool*
Like???? :-p~~ ♥ ya!
Syn - If people start to point and laugh at us...I am just going to throw you under the bus and just lie and deny. :) "I never said that...I never agreed with Syn" (((deleting my old comment now)))
Genie - Chima who?? LOL!
No Twitter for me, only FB. Rhonda Hillman McPeak if anyone's interested. Carolyn and Genie are my friends. Anyone else want to be?
I think a massage is a LAME reward. Especially for people who do nothing all day except eat, sleep and talk BS. Well, I guess Russ works out some. Definitely not as much as he did the first few weeks. I wonder if he asked her to rub his love muscle? LOL!
I wasn't saying anyone should actually follow Chima on twitter, just amusing that she is on it. I would recommend following @Chimasweave for shits & giggles, but definitely not her. she reminds me of New York from Flavor of Love. *blech*
< bluex1969 said...
With all the new fresh meat (new college students) in town this week, why am I here watching Live Feeds when I could be out getting my groove on??????????
Because the University put out a warning notice with your pic on it? They do have a responsibility to the students. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
I hope you have given me more to work with. I haven't reached the end yet but I believe Syn has already gone and I prefer to know he is here when I make my advances.
Great, now M/R are thinking J/J are acting wierd. That is what I was afraid would happen. J/J are going to make Russ come after them sooner than final 4.
MsFitz - I remember thinking the same thing about April last year.
I see a Gaytor!!! :)
Blue - OUCHIE! Stubbed toes are the pits.
This one I'll post as a serious comment response. Wanted to warn everyone not to expect it so no one faints.
bluex1969 said...
I'm hoping Russell wins PoV tomorrow so we can see where his loyalties lay this week....will he stay true to Jeff and Jordan and their wishes, or will he use it????
That would be most telling to me..
I hope he wins too. I don't doubt him at all and the paranoia of J/J is sad. They know how Natalie is. They know how Chima is. Sure, Kevin is doing a good job on them, but they have to remember who is feeding him what to say.
RhondaM - added ya :0)
I'm not giving up on anyone just yet. Kevin is making a move. If he is successful in dismantling that alliance, then it wasn't an alliance after all.
Toni said...
My oh my, that pic of Jeff is H~O~T!!
Hi everyone! :P
Indeed it was. I thought I was going to have to reach for a moist towelette. I reached and grabbed a box of my makeup remover wipes. Glad I didn't have to go there. it would have BURNED!!!!
Rhonda just added u to my facebook... hope u want me there lol
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