Let the Gaming Begin
Jeff & Kevin
Kevin goes ahead with the lie. He preambles this by saying that he wants to establish a relationship with Jeff, and that he wants to open the line of trust. He stays that Lydia and Natalie overheard Russell trying to convince Michele in the Pool Room to take Jeff and Jordan out. (lie)
Jeff: It's funny you should say that.We were just talking about it. We were thinking of getting Russell next week but it might happen this week.
I don't want to be a sh*t starter.
Jeff gives away all his game plan to Kevin.That Russell talks to Michele and Michele tells them everything.
Kevin: The girls don't want you gone. They are really gunning after Michele. I can talk to them.
Jeff talks about Russell voting for Natalie to be evicted instead of Jessie knowing that Jeff wanted him out.
Kevin: If the girls don't know I'm looking out for you, then they can put anyone else up.
Jeff: The problem is if we are both up, and he wins POV, I will probably go home.
Kevin: If I win POV, I would take you down.
Jeff discusses the plan to backdoor Russell.
Jeff: I don't get any time alone with Jordan to discuss things.
Kevin: I really don't like to betray people, and...
Jeff: You're safe with us. (airplane drowned out the rest)
Kevin: He thinks we all s*ck. He sees Natalie, Lydia and I as dead weight.
Jeff: The person he would come after is me.
Kevin: I know at this moment, they are not pleased with you, but they are, for some reason, p*ssed at Michele. They are really really focused on her. I do appreciate you looking after me, and I will look after you.
Jeff: He doesn't leave us alone. I haven't had 10 minutes alone with Jordan.
Jordan & Michele
Michele: He is making up sh*t about you guys. He wants me to win HOH and put put one of you guys.
Jordan: I talked to Jeff. There is no teams, there's me and you and Michele.
Michele: He wants me to get you guys out, that's not going to happen.
Jordan: Jeff told me he thinks the next one is Endurance and he wants to win HOH and put Russell out. I told him, we get Natalie out because she is gunning for you and Jeff.
Michele: He really thinks I am going along. At thins point, he doesn't care who he takes. He wants me to look bad.
Jordan: He is trying too hard.
Michele: He had a deal with Jessie. He had a deal with Natalie. If he gets to F2, everyone will vote for him.
Jordan: Tomorrow in my speech, I will make it seem that I want her to go home, because she wants to go home. I will be really nice to Natalie, and so she would expect it. Should I do that?
Michele: If you super trick her, you won't get her vote in jury house.
Jordan: I don't trust Russell's votes.
Michele: It doesn't matter. It will be a tie, unless Jeff's vote is wonky.
Jordan: Would you rather have Kevin in here or Russell.
Michele: For final four? Part of me thinks that if I took him to F2, I would win against him, but he's an a**hole.
They go on to dissect all Russell's lies.
8:35 PM BBT
Kevin & Jeff
Kevin: What I do want to tell Jordan though, is that I want to return the favor and look out for her. I want to remind her that there are people who are close to her that are out to get her.
Jeff: Oh I will talk to her. We just talked about that.
Kevin: I have never been gunning after you. Ever.The people I didn't like got evicted. Early on, it was Russell because he was a strong player, and now it's because he started his sh*t, and now it's because I know he would pick me off. I know you would look after me.
Jeff: I definitely would. At this point, I don't think he would try for POV. I like the odds, if anyone would use it, he would be up.
Kevin: If he were to leave, I would be very grateful.
Jeff goes in to get a coffee and a cigarette. Lydia and Natalie are in there playing cards. They are super nice to him. He jokes around with them that they seem to get whatever they want, no matter how they act. Natalie tells Lydia that when she first saw Lydia, she wanted her out.
Jeff goes back outside.
Dining Room
Kecin. Natalie, & Lydia
Natalie: Michele and Russell are in the room.
Kevin: You're going to wait for what? (for the hair)
Natalie: Any good news?
Kevin doesn't answer.
Natalie: Are we going up?
Kevin: yes.
Natalie: One of us is going home?
Kevin: No.
8:47 PM BBT
Russell & Jeff
They set up to play pool.
Russell: If it's down to you and me for HOH, you can have it. Just don't bend me over (screw him).
Jeff: I'm not gonna bend you over .
Talk turns to the fact that Jeff and Jordan hardly get any time alone. Russell says he will respect their space.
Russell: I'm surprised you still have things to talk about.
Jeff: Dude. All we talk about is toenails.
8:55 PM BBT
Dining Room
Lydia & Natalie
Natalie: Do not f*ck with Jeff. F*ck with Michele but not with Jeff. You don't have to be his best friend...
Kevin walks by.
Natalie: Kevin, we're thinking of throwing jabs in Michele but we won't say anything to Jeff.
Kevin: You don't have to say anything to Jeff.
Natalie: We want to make him (Jeff) think he is okay with us.(to Lydia) Don't call Jordan names either.
Lydia: I'm so happy.
Natalie: Wait til we get nominated, then we will be happy.
Lydia: Weeee!
Natalie: If we do get nominated, you have to say B*tches vote me out. Michele you better vote me out because I', coming after you.
Michele & Jordan
Jordan: You're really out of your shell now.
Michele: I would have been out of my shell sooner if people weren't coming after me.
They go on to talk about the first week. That they both didn't have a good impression of Russell. They look in the spy cam at Lydia and Natalie.
Michele: What a good friend, doing her hair.
Jordan: She has to wear that suit to the finale.
Michele: No she doesn't. She will have to wear it to the POV comp.
Jordan: And the Endurance comp.
Michele: Oh, that in an Endurance comp. She will get hurt. Well, I don't want her to get hurt.
They talk about how Lydia has been hurting Kevin's game. The talk turns to
Jordan: Why?
Michele: Because Russell sleep with Jeff in the Splish Splash Room.
Jordan: Maybe I can Jeff to sleep up her with us.
Michele: He said he wouldn't sleep here even if he won HOH.
Jordan: Don't let Russell put things in your head.
Michele: No way.He is so paranoid. I put up Chima, what more does he want. I mean I would have put up Jessie and Chima regardless. Get out the cult leaders.
Jordan: He will be in my ear.
Michele: Oh he would want you to go to F2 with you because he thinks he can beat you.
Jordan: Whenever I picture the final three I always pictured you me and Jeff.
Michele: Oh me too. I told Jeff I would never put him up. Jeff does remind me of qualities of both my husband and my brother-in-law. Deep down he is a good person.
They talk about Russell and Michele tells Jordan about the fight between him, Chima and her. That she had to lie to protect herself because he was outing her and she couldn't trust him. They see Russell coming up and they pretend to be brushing teeth etc. and didn't hear him at the door.
9:23 PM BBT
BB Voice: House guests. This is a lockdown. Please go inside and close the sliding glass door.
Russell: They're doing everything tomorrow.
Michele: Did they say anything?
Russell: They told us to go to bed early, and they never do for nominations.
Kevin, Natalie & Lydia
Kevin is reporting his conversation with Jeff verbatim. He is looking very proud with himself for this game move.
Kevin: However, he is concerned about you Lydia. He said it would be better if the girls would win. He says that if one of the girls win he would take you off and out Russell up. Keep in mind, this could be BS. (* Jeff isn't HOH. Jordan is.)
Natalie: He might want to see if we will tell Russell.
Kevin: I will act like I am feeling guilty and you act sad.
Natalie: We will say, we still have the Veto.
Kevin: he talks game with Michele but not with Jordan. He is tighter with Michel game wise than with Jordan. He is probably p*ssed that Russell is trying to take his F2 player. That's why he wanted to include me in the final four over Russell. That's why we should chill because he might want to keep us to get Russell out.
BB Voice: House guests. The lock down is over. Feel free to move about the house.
Michele and Russell go to check out the back yard to see if there is anything out there. Jeff takes this opportunity.
Jeff: I gotta talk to you later. I had an interesting conversation with him.
Jordan: Who?
Jeff: Kevin.
Jeff starts to tell her, but Russell comes right back. Jeff puts on the headphones and continues with his game of solitaire.
Jeff & Jordan
Michele and Russell leave to make cookies.
Jordan: I have to pretend to sleep.
Jeff: Man I can't get three minutes.
Jordan: She won't be sleeping up here. Okay I have to tell you but don't get mad. Michele said he asked her where we where and she said we were up here, and he said they can do that in the Jury House.
Jeff: Okay. He's out. I had a conversation with Kevin.
Jeff tells Jordan what Kevin told him.
Jordan: Michele said he took her in the Storage Room.
Jeff: Why would she say that?
Jordan: I asked her what do you think about get Russell out. She was okay with that.
Jeff: I'll tell you about Michele. She wants to take you and Russell and F2. Either way she is protected.
Jordan: But we don't want them having better chances at HOH.
Jeff: It doesn't matter because Russell is gunning for me next week.
Jordan: It's okay, he might not even try for POV.
Jeff: I told him if Russell wins, then one of the girls have got to go.
Jordan: It would be better if Natalie were gone and then it would be you, Michele and Russell playing for POV.
Jordan is insisting that they won't have the numbers if the send Russell home.
Jordan: Natalie will put you up against Russell because of him (Jessie).
Jeff: We would have Kevin.
Jordan: Are you sure? Are you sure he won't flop?
Very interesting conversation to find on Flashback.
Jeff: Kevin wouldn't lie?
Jordan: No. He didn't lie about the vote. (**Le Sigh)
Jeff: I don't know he could've played me.
Jeff, Jordan & Michele
Russell goes to the DR. Michele comes upstairs.
Michele: Yes! He went to the DR.
Jordan: Did he say he wanted me and Jeff out?
Jeff: Did he take you in the Splish Splash room?
Michele: No. I don't remember.
Jeff: Did he say he wanted me out next week?
Michele: Next week? No.
Jeff: I overheard him say one of the girls this week. Jeff this week.
Jordan: Did you make an F2 deal with him?
Michele: I made a fake deal.
Jeff: Yeah I know about that. I hope it's a fake deal.
Michele: Dude. It's us F3.
Jordan: Don't trust him.
Michele: No.
Jeff: He asked me. Dude, it's us for F4?
Michele: He's very paranoid. He doesn't want me to talk to Kevin.
Jordan: You know the girls are going after you.
Jeff: Maybe we should take one of the girls our this week and go after him next week. Unless an opportunity arises to backdoor him this week.
Jordan and Jeff are reiterating that they want to trust her.
Jeff: I really want to take him out now. But we should take out one of them because we need the numbers. But we have to win.
Michele: I will hold onto anything. (Endurance.)
Jeff goes downstairs. Finally Jordan makes a most important statement.
Jordan: We'll get Natalie out because she is coming after you. We have to protect you.
Michele: I appreciate it.
Jordan: If we get Natalie out, he won't have Lydia and he hates Kevin. If we get Russell out, Natalie has Lydia and Kevin.
Jeff & Jordan
Jordan: Michele was lying.
Jeff: She doesn't remember what happened yesterday?
Jordan: You can always tell when she is lying. She can't remember.
They go over the different scenarios.
Jeff: There is no safe scenario unless I win.
Jordan: Michele would pick you over Russell.
Jeff: I know. She is just playing the angles.
Jordan wants to talk to Kevin.
The discussion is circular and ongoing.
Genie I hope you have mega coffee because Kevin will run to the widows, who will run to Russell, who will go off on Jeff.
I really wish Jeff would stop telling Kevin all of this. J/J/M NEED Russell at least until the next eviction. Have to get the Widows down to 2. Ugh!
I was really hoping Kevin didn't go through with the LIE. especially now that Jeff and Jordan have discussed backdooring Russell. Kevin would have been better off being honest and trying to side with them. If they uncover the lie, he will never be trusted. He should forget the 2 widows. They are pretty much toast now and he would go farther without them.
Syn - i answered you before i saw New Top Post - so its in the other section!
ARgh! Genie ya got me on the New Post switcheroo! Man, do you and Carolyn do some Sith Training of your own? I'm usually so good about making the jump, but y'all have been getting me a lot lately!
Vewy vewy Sneaky!
jeff really is spillin' can we all send a collective 'shut it jeff' and hope it travels thru his field into his noggin! when you read this..say it to him!
At some point this will probably blow up. If the typical fight ensues I picture Michelle denying that the conversation with Russell ever happened. Then she and Natalie will get into it. The conversation will go something like this:
N-Yes it did.
M-No it didn't.
N-Yes it did.
M-No it didn't. (Lydia then joins in)
L-You are a psychotic, bi-polar, crazy b...h.
M-I'm not crazy.
N&L-Yes you are.
M-No I'm not. (and so on and so on)
Then Russell's paranoia kicks in. He accuses Jeff of having a F2 deal with Kevin and leading Jordan on.
At this point Kevin is not in any harm because he has already found a safe spot to hide. My advice to Jeff. Deny knowing anything. Deny talking to anyone. Angrily demand to know who keeps leaving the dirty dishes laying around the house. Then grab Jordan, duck for cover and run like hell to the HOH room.
P.S. Lock the door.
Its time to ask again. Anyone see OACDYCSF lately?
I'm gonna keep asking :P I'm also gonna give him some hell for not letting us know he is ok!
Kscooterfox-- Thanks for the prayers. The loss of a little one sure does test your faith. Hard to make sense of it all. It just stinks.
Please tell me that Jeff knows Kevin is lying . . . I can't believe he would fall for anything from that group. Especially when someone tells you, 'I want to open a line of trust . . . '
Jeff, look who he is aligned with! Just last week he didn't take off his best friend in the house because of Chima's wishes.
Oh, please J/J/M, don't fall in the whole of lies!
Hi Carolyn, Genie and fellow dishers!! good show tonight, I missed "there goes the neighborhood though"
Well looks like operation LML has snagged Jeff and Jordan. CRAP! I can't believe that Jeff is confiding in a guy who he never ever had any alliance with or trusted.
I guess Jeff and Jordan's chance at final two is really in jeopardy now :(
Why do people believe any of these fabrications that the other alliance members come up with.
They still believe that Michele went into the green room and said she wanted to keep Ronnie.
Wake up people!
Please let the just focus on Natalie for this week. Kevin could win this whole thing.
i so want to puke...i am sorry, i just think this is really going to backfire on jeff. natalie and lydia hate him, i mean hate him for the jessie outing. plus this means jeff is essentially choosing them over michelle, because he thinks they are all gung ho abot michelle out. mark my wrds, lydia or nat WILL take jeff out if they have the chance. i am totally not against jff getting russ ot, i just think it is really stupid to do it this week. someone help me here. i feel like i need to be talked of the ledge!
come on J&J don't fall for Kevin's BS courtesy of the Crybaby Alliance, get out Nat the Brat first! Do not trust Kevin, he's been with the girls the whole time and can't be trusted! Then again nobody can be trusted, its BigBrother after all, lol! I want Nat out, then Kevin, then Lydia! I hope Russ survives this week, I like his game even though some don't because he is so aggressive and loud at times! I don't mind his lying and scheming, thats BB, at least he's not a crybaby and gets so vindictive and disgusting like Chima, Lydia, and Nat! This is the last chance for a true backdoor though since it will be final 6 after the next eviction and all 6 will be able to play POV next week! am I correct? thanks for this amazing blog, you girls do incredible and I am so addicted! I don't know how you enjoy the show for yourselves when you are so busy blogging your tushies off for us so much, it is greatly appreciated! I hope you enjoy your time off when you actually take it! Thanks again and I'm no longer a Anon, I always put my name at the bottom but this is much better! Thanks again, love love love BBDish!
ruh-roh! jeff is WAY too trusting.
Good evening everyone!
As always, I am rooting for Russell and hate that they want to get him out before N/K/L. Yes, Russ brought it on himself by voting for Jessie but I have a feeling that one of the rotten apples will win the game if Jeff allows it to be a tied house this week. It makes me sick that Jeff is falling for this lie so easily and those 3 could maybe stay after all! Now those 3 get the satisfaction of pulling off this big lie.
Another thing I was thinking was, it would be crazy if any of the Technobrains took either N/K/L to final 2. They would not have a majority in the jury house and I don't think they (Jessie and whover else was friends with him) would vote for anyone but their own. We all know Michelle is a smart girl and I really think she knows she can't win against Jordan in the final 2. She must be thinking that she can't turn on Russ quite yet because she needs him or Jeff to win the big prize because they are hated as well. I wonder if Jordan knows that no one, but maybe Jeff, would take her to final 2. Or does she really think Michelle would take her?
Ya know what.. when you think about it ... Kevins lie is not a lie, only lie is that he heard it. Russell has said he wanted Jeff and Jordan out.
But yah, they both should have kept their mouths shut a while longer!
Oh lovely - we come back from the fish to Russell stratching his ass!
Grendon...I love your posts!!
Gale - bingo!!! Russell & Michele have had the conversation...
Syn - I even posted it on the blog. ;p
Syn=busted for not reading.
Cherry pie!
Right in the kisser!
Gale - didn't Michele already tell Jordan about the conversation with Russell about final 2 and getting jordan/jeff out?
Grendon - you crack me up!
Jeff HAS to see the benefit of knocking the Widows down to 2 and having Russell help give HOH to Jeff next week. HAS to. Jeff has proven he can look ahead and plan accordingly. I think he and Jordan will see the benefit of keeping Russell this week and getting him out next week. C'mon Jeff.
See i was talking to Marci about this earlier. I think the big flaw with Jeff is he has control issues. Jordan has made it clear that they r friends and he is older and knows what he wants but she isn't and wants a career.
Takin a Bow !
Ty Carolyn lol!
And now Jordan and Michele are getting on board with voting Russell out?
Brilliant plan, give the numbers to the other side.
Good grief. They're all idiots.
Wendy - lol! Okay, next year I'll blame Marci too when I cave. I'm such a follower.
Grendon - Can Carolyn and Genie just copy and paste what you wrote, because I have a feeling it will go down exactly like you wrote it! lol, too funny, sad, but funny.
Y'alls comments are starting to scare me. I'll be able to flashback to this by the time I get home. I hope Jeff isn't falling hook line and sinker for this. He really needs to do the math and see that the odds are not in his favor if Russell leaves this week. I've been paying attention to Russell the last few days and he brings up them in the final 4 every chance he gets. He knows that this is coming. I wish the Technobrains could be cohesive for 1 solid week! Please!
And from the last post:
Syn928 said...
Gale, that is a most excellent idea. I hope that Kevin can see that people all around have started making power moves and it's time for him to make one. The only way he can solidify himself in the final four would be to get Russell out. It would have been better though if he had waited about it one more week. If they get Russell out this week, then it's going to even up the power again.
GaYToR's gotta get his voodoo dolls out again and send messages to Jeff: "one more week ... wait one more week"
I realize that Russell has been erratic in his behavior and less than trustworthy in his alliances. But I don't like the odds of keeping Nat, Lydia and Kevin and getting rid of Russell. Then next week It is the 3 of them competing for HOH against Jeff and Michelle.
Russell is going to choose who to work with each week by who he feels is going to keep him safe. If he stays this week it is all the more reason for him to believe that Jeff trusts him. If there is an endurance comp, I believe Russ would drop and let Jeff have it because he has never won HOH yet.
I am not naive enough to believe Russ would do it out of loyalty or generosity. I just think he would feel safe. He would feel that there were still two other people to nominate. I don't even think he would worry too much about POV because if one of the nominees came down and he went up he would still feel safe that his team was controlling the vote.
That would be the week to get rid of Russell. I am afraid if they do it this week it may backfire. And then, even though it may have been a scenario J&J were considering on their own, Nat and Lydia are going to take all the credit. The idea of J&J ruining their own game and Natalie and Lydia gloating because they are sure they caused it with their lie makes me sick. The idea that Kevin was such a big part of it just makes me sad.
Hey hey hey Wendy! I'm over here trying to get through this tropical storm and you're on here trashin' me?
Geez! LOL
And I must say, it didn't take much to convince you! jk
Lost the DSL for a while, so missed the show party. Just a little windy here! And LOT'S of rain that we need badly, just not ALL at once.
Carolyn, did you just add that to the blog post? I swear I didn't see that before. You're trying to make me think I'm losing aren't you! Now when I go back and look, the stuff that I did read from the blog is now in the top post! It wasn't there before. Was it? OMG! I am losing it!
... cherry pie? Hmmm, could I have strawberry? Or perhaps a nice cheesecake? Ooooo, I bet you can make a mean Key Lime Pie!
Sorry forgot!
Hi Sweet Carolyn!
Hiya Genie!
Hi BB Lovers!
little worried about jeff and this ploy of N/L/K but HGs need to work it out on the nightshift w/out me. sleep. tomorrow is another workday.
Everyone is going to jump on me, but Jeff is just acting like a huge idiot, and at this point, I don't know that being that gullible warrants him winning the game. I am so annoyed that he's letting this paranoia set in.
He was even believing Natalie last night! Goodness.
Now now Syn ~ you too??? We'll see next year bud! LOL
If they switch out Russell for Kevin in the final four, there will be a person from each original clique.
Jordan - populars
Jeff - athletes
Michele - brains
Kevin - off-beats
What are the chances of this happening without any outside influence?
Then I know I have done my job for the day. I was hoping I was the reason you are always smiling in your photo.
Marci - There you are! Glad you didn't get blown away to Kansas to eat pancakes with Auntie Em and Toto!!! As for the feeds - you twisted my rubber arm :P
Gale - that is exactly what I thought. Last post I said that this whole Kevin and Jeff convo isn't too bad, because it is pretty much true. Gale, I've always liked your thinking. ;)
After what Jeff said about Natalie & Lydia fighting for the POV I hope that doesn't mean they will not play & will throw it to one of them so they can b/d Russell. I want Nat out this week.
All this talk about Jeff...I thought Jordan was HOH?
WOW ~ The eye is just about to hit, so I might make it through BBAD! Yeah!! Priorities ya know!
Like I said on your FB Carolyn, I didn't even know there was a storm in the Gulf until you took today off! Thank you!
LOL Jordan and Michele are pretending they were in the bathroom to hide out from Russel.
LOL Wendy ~ The worst part will it right after the eye passes. So, there's hope yet, I love pancakes! LOL I could take your rubber arm with me, ya know!
Sexy...I mean Jack - that's what I said 2 weeks ago, lol
marci - I wasn't aware it had developed an eye!
Boquida - good point. :)
Marci - LOL funny lady! Thank you again for the help with setting up real player today it was great talking to you :0)
Boquida, Jordan has wanted Russell out long before Jeff has, and unfortunately, she'll listen to him and his wishes. I agree with whoever said he has some control issues.
Marci - lol, it was Wendy! She said to blame you! See I can play this lie game just like Natalie, lol!
I hope the weather isn't too bad. From the looks of it the TS will sit over Alabama. Usually they really slow down when they get to us and just sit on us for days and days pouring buckets of rain. But at least we don't have to deal with the strong winds and everything.
Ugh .....
Jeff or Michele MUST win the next HoH.
No it will HIT! LOL
As of 11 p.m. Sunday evening, a very small Tropical Storm Claudette with some 50 mph winds was located about 25 miles west of Panama City, Florida. The system will soon make landfall tonight.
Tropical storm warnings extend from the Alabama/Florida border eastward to the Aucilla River, Florida.
Gusty winds and heavy rain, which may trigger some flash flooding, are the main threats. Three to six inches are possible in the Florida Panhandle and adjacent portions of southern Alabama. Locally heavier amounts are possible especially just east of where the center of circulation tracks.
Elsewhere in the Atlantic, there are one tropical depression and one tropical storm: Ana and Bill.
Now Tropical Depression Ana (35 mile per hour winds) and is located 25 miles southeast of Guadeloupe in the northern Leeward Islands.
Ana is very poorly organized, struggling in a dry environment at this time as it races westward. Ana could be reduced to a remnant low by the time it crosses Hispaniola late Monday and early Tuesday.
In the short term, expect increased rain and some gusty winds over portions of the northeast Caribbean Islands through Monday.
Tropical storm watches are in effect for the southern Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the rest of the northern Leeward Islands.
Tropical Storm Bill became the 2nd named storm of the Atlantic Hurricane Season on Saturday, forming in the Eastern Atlantic east of Ana. Bill is nearing hurricane strength, located about 1320 miles east of the Lesser Antilles.
Tropical Storm Bill is forecast to move west-northwest through the open tropical Atlantic over the next few days while steadily gaining strength. If fact, Bill may be a major hurricane (category three or higher) by midweek.
The current forecast track calls for Bill to miss the Leeward Islands and Puerto Rico to the north. However, these areas should still monitor this systems progress over the next several days due to the uncertainty in forecasts farther out in time.
Carolyn ~ me either until I just checked TWC. LOL
I haven't been paying attention to the news/weather with so much going on in the house. How sad!
So wait, why does Kevin think Natalie or Lydia won't be going home this week? Jeff basically told him that one of them will be going home and Russell will be Public Enemy #1 next week. Is Kevin lying to protect them or just forgetful? I confused again. Dang this house!!
Night All!rjl
~ Ryan ~
OMG ~ Nat thinks you get cottage cheese thighs from eating cottage cheese? rotflmao
Oooph! I got a minute to pop in and say Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! :)
Syn - shush Mr.!! I'm sweet and innocent! :P
Genie - Hiya lady!
Weather Girl, Carolyn, thank you for the info!
I have a bad feeling about them even thinking about getting Russell out this week. Makes no sense. Why cut their numbers down?
Heheheheheheh Russell reminds me of how i am after i go outside to smoke a little something something - ALWAYS want cookies!
Ha ~ I'm 25 mile west of Panama City!
That's my job for you Carolyn! Guess I better get my shite together now the season has finally fired up. I promise I will do better! LOL
LOL Syn, yeah blame me, I wasn't here!
Were are you?
Oh no! Kevin I had high hopes for you and now you are telling the widows everything!!! ugh
Finally got caught up on the posts!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful day! ☺
Wow Carolyn thanks for reminding me why I left FL lol
Jordan said she missed school for her monthly's....ME too!!! I had to take meds mine were so bad.
And I had a operation once I had my kids. No more problemos for me!
JulieB - hiya lady! How was dinner with the parents?
WOW ~ Kevin just blew his game. He should stick with J,J and M. He has no chance with L and N.
nite nite, y'all :)
see you in the morning with the overnight!
Nightie night Carolyn!
Methinks everyone including Jeff are forgetting that Jordan is the HOH right now. :) Just saying :)
And for the coffee argument:
Starbucks is my fave but I can't afford it as often as I would like it.
Can never go wrong with Timmies, eh! I just get ticked off with the lines and I like my coffee but to stand there for THAT long.
I now get beans from Mexico whenever anyone I know goes....LOVE it the best.
And I love espressos and latte's, I have a machine at home so I don't have to pay $10 for a drink. (exaggerating on the price) Love it at Christmas for eggnog latte's. YUMMY!
Gaytor!! I want your recipe for the frozen stuff!
Was it something I said Carolyn! j/k
Sleep well!
Marci, I'm in East Central Alabama, between Birmingham and Atlanta. Usually when the TS and Hurricanes hit in the Gulf Coast area they start to rapidly slow down and just spin for days above us as they arch back over to the Atlantic. We are almost always on the East side of it, so we get the rain and the spin off tornados, etc.
Hiya Genie! ☺
Good night Carolyn!
Goodnight Carolyn!
Yeah! Smackdown Genie's in charge! But hopefully they'll cool their jets until at least after nominations, geez! These people are volatile.
Anyone have any idea when night POV comps will start? Gotta prepare myself if i have to stay up late!
Night Carolyn
Sweet Dreams
Jeff keeps listening to that CD. I'm going to have to pull out my Def Leppard cassettes. Yes I still have music on cassette. Lots of 80s metal.
Wendy last year I think it was when there were 5 left.
Marci - did you get that program for downloading all sorted?
I'm seriously going to cry.
It really upsets me that Jeff didn't listen to Jordan and not talk to Kevin yet. He's letting the power get to his head, too, and is getting paranoid and just plain stupid.
I could cry. I think I'm about to. I think I'm done with Jeff! That hurts to say. A lot.
Michigan Man - thats awesome about the 80's metal. and bonus for the cassettes
Oh! Which reminds me. For the record?The other night I typed Def Leopard instead of Def Leppard because I was tired and I typoed. :)
Syn ~ I used to live in Atlanta and we used to get the sit and spin too.
It's picking up right now. 35 mph winds most of the day. But there have been some nasty gusts. I hate when they come at night when you can't see what all the crashes and thumps are from! Of course I am on the back side which is the strongest. Seems like I always am!
No sleep again tonight! Just hope I keep the DSL.
Michelle - Thanks lady! I wasn't sure - memory isn't brilliant - smoked too many brain cells away i think :0)
Anyone else seeing a episode of Batman in the house right now? Upstairs in Wayne Manor our heroes are hanging out waiting for the bat signal to go off.
In her lair Captain Crazy is plotting with her henchman ready to strike.
Is it just me or is it lack of sleep?
Genie - what movie did you see today that you didn't overly enjoy? I recently watched The Last House On The Left and i thought is was pretty good.
Michigan Man - I have a bunch of cassettes too! I see nothing wrong with listening to them...often!! ☺
Wendy - my supper went great, I brought all the food. Cooked it all and had a nice visit.
No Wendy, not totally. Lost the DSL for a while and kinda trying to keep an eye on the storm!
Have the utorrent and vuse DL'd. Can't wait, but might have to until after BB! LOL
I am going to bed but, I have a question. WTH is it with that dang bathroom that makes it the place to sit and talk? They do it every year.
EllaElise - Don't give up on Jeff yet. Everyone's entitled to a game hiccup every now and then. It's like Jeff said, he hasn't had more than 10 minutes alone with Jordan since Team Technobrains was back on. Give him a chance. He's playing this game full force now. He just needs a minute to think it all out. And Jordan helps him think about things more clearly.
Marci said...
Syn ~ I used to live in Atlanta and we used to get the sit and spin too.
LOL! Marci, I wanted to say that, but I knew GaYToR would take it and run with it! And we ALL know where he likes to run.
Good night, Carolyn!
You are very welcome Wendy! :)
There are a lot of little things that really bother Russell huh?
The penis issue - being called greedy etc
I'm sorry Russell, but Nat looks NOTHING like Alicia Keys! Geez!
Hello Genie and Dishers,
Just poppin in to say Hi!
How is everyone this evening?
Enjoying the quite house?
LMAO Michigan Man!!!
Marci - once you get up and running you will be downloading everything!
Michelle - i have no idea but there is no way after living with 2 males that i would EVER sit and chat in the bathroom!
LOL Syn ~ I thought about that when I typed it. He seems to catch everything! Probably why I love him!
Glad I'm not a male though! LOL With some of the things I type! ha ha
I'm fading fast.....bout to fall asleep on BBAD. Everyone have a good night!
I bet Ronnie would have loved to wear that unitard outfit. For some reason I think he owns a cape.
Russell was an 11lb baby!! Mercy on his mom... ow
Oh no, if nat or lydia stay on the block they will tell rus that jeff if planning to backdoor him and fur will fly. Also I think rus has offered to let jeff have the next hoh so he can't play the following week. This could be bad, really bad.
Russell is grossed out about the baby thing
Go see the video
Pink - Don't leave me
Lydia/Jessie story????
Good night, everyone!
Have a "Gucci" night!!
Syn, maybe I'm letting Kevin's words about Jeff's partnering relationship with Jordan (vs. Michele) get to me too much, but him going ahead and spilling the beans against Jordan's advice and wishes really does bother me on a fundamental level. It makes me feel like he thinks he knows better than her no matter what, even though they're a partnership and she's HoH. You know?
I'm just frustrated. Last night when he was believing everything Nat was saying (about Lydia acting out and her trying to stop it) I was shocked. But now I'm just angry. And really sad!
Russell is getting suspicious. Like someone else said, Russ will stay with whoever he feels safe with. If they make him feel unsafe, they're effed. If they backdoor him and lose the numbers, then they're just plain stupid and don't deserve to win, IMO. Harsh but true. Don't ruin this!
Hmmm is it normal for rp to crash a lot?
"Okay good. Because he's gone."
I have always wondered about hanging out in the BB bathroom. Who does that. Considering they have one bathroom it can't smell that good.
They hang out there instead of the living room.
I bet the reason Lydia gets hired as a nanny is cause she has the emotional age of one and can relate to the kids.
Nightie night to the ladies leaving!
Hiya RubyRoo!
Syn ~ the latest path of Claudette looks like you might not get much rain/winds!
"I wouldn't even tell Michele that." In regards to verifying Kevin's story. Really Jeff? You're going to trust Kevin over Michele? I know Michele has lied, but Kevin has never had anything to do with them, AND he's still with the girls!? WHAT IS HE THINKING??
Also, Jordan making good points about sending Natalie home right now:
"But he'll come for me next week!"
"You're right. I'm sorry" UGH JORDAN don't fold so easily! Keep fighting girl! You know what to do!
Does Jeff remember things wrong or is he just making up stories on his own? Kevin never mentioned they were in the storage room. No one can hear anything in the Splish Splash room from the storage room. Kevin said they were outside the door.
Please talk sense to Jeff Jordan. She is trying but Jeff has that Russel paranoia now.
Jordan is the voice of reason - she is thinking rationally.
That's what I'm afraid of Wendy! LOL
Oh lordy! Jordan get Jeff's brain to work properly!
Natalie needs to gooooooo.
Worry about Russ later.
I have to go to sleep, my vacation is officially over so I have to find my bed.
Have a great night everyone ♥
Nightie Night Julie! Have a good day tomorrow :0)
Hi Wendy,
How are you doing with the feeds?
Everything is okay. J&J are talking it over with Michele. He has said he wants Jeff out. So this is all true.
Good night to whoever is leaving!
RubyRoo - its been quiet tonight on them so its been ok so far.
Rubyrooooooo! Hiya!
How ya doin?
Phew! All day they chill. I get on to do updates and they don't stop talking game! Sorry I haven't had the chance to be in the comments :)
No worries Genie - i'm sitting zoning out and i keep waiting for a commercial or the show to end and have to remind myself there aren't any!
Michele is so 100% genuine and no one ever believes her. Even when her actions show them. She said I don't remember again to Jeff since you can't remember something that didn't happen. This will put doubt in Jeff's head. I want them F3 but I really see Michele being this years Keesha.
Jordan and Michele get everything fixed and ready to go and Jeff's temper gets the best of him. He believes Kevin?! WTH Jeff.
No problem Smackdown Genie! Maybe they're gettin' ready!
Wendy, yes the feeds freeze occasionally. More so if you try to rewind a few times. At least with mine.
Genie no worries on not being able to hang with us. There is a reason you're Smack Down Genie. I just hope nothing happens for Jeff to go off on Russel before they get Nat out.
Now Jordan believes Michele is lying. UHG!!!
Really quiet. The house went from WWIII to a quiet day at the spa.
Michele's downfall will be her "I don't remember."
Night MsFitz and JulieB! Have a Gucci night! :)
Lalala. How many times to I transcribe the same convo? haha
I think they will talk themselves into voting out Natalie. Hopefully BB and the DR will help with that. It's only fair.
Came back just to say goodnight! Thank you again for the kind words and prayers! I will check in again tomorrow at some point. Hope you all have a good night! Genie, get some rest! Carolyn, sweet dreams!
((((((((Hugs for All!))))))))))
Huggies Kim! :)
Nightie night Kimmie!
Okay we're going to have to put a leash on Blue! He has disappeared again! :(
Ok people its midnight here and i need to rest.
Have a good night and i'll see ya in the morning!
Night Wendy! Sleep sweet :)
Good night Wendy! Glad I twisted your arm!!!
Ooopsie, forgot to warn y'all that I was leaving work and going home. I'm home now! Turn on the feeds and .... fish. Lovely.
Marci - I just checked the weather out and you may be right. There's still scattered thunderstorms in the forecast for now until Sunday though. I didn't have anything planned anyhow. But I like to at least look out the window at the sun shining while being attached to the feeds, lol.
EllaElise - lol, step away from the ledge. Don't give up hope yet. I'll have to watch it on flashback to see what exactly was said, but I don't think Jeff has screwed himself and Jordan yet.
Rubyrooo - Hiya!
Lather, Rinse, Repeat
I think we're in the spin cycle now.
Night Genie, Night All
Genie ~ If the convos weren't circular, the season would be only 2 weeks! LOL
Nighty night Wendy!
Whoa! Jeff needs to simmer down! No need to bite Jordan's head off, lol. He gets so intense.
Genie, you are so right! That is her give-away. The minute she says, "I don't remember." Everyone knows she is lying. Hopefully smarty pants can find another way to get around her lies. Everyone does it in this game, just figure out a way to cover your tracks!
OMG, let me count the ways that I love Jordan. She's just freakin' adorable sitting out there by herself making faces. I could do without the sound effects, but just seeing her brings a smile to my face.
Night Michigan Man! Sleep sweet! :)
Syn - I thought you fell in the toilet or something! haha! I was going to cap a few of Jordan's faces but I decided against it.
I thought we scared you away Syn!
But I knew you would be back for GaYToR! LOL
'Night Michigan Man!
Genie - lol, no, just was ready to get outta there! People are always the rudest on Sunday for some reason. I don't get it.
I just wish I could have telepathy for one day and see what is going on in Jordan's mind. It's gotta be hilarious. And now Jordan's playing with her boobs. Nice. :)
You're right Syn, Jordan is a natural beauty inside and out!
And I smile looking at Jeff for the same reason! And they're both funny!
Marci! Don't say his name. He's like Beetlejuice. If you say his name three times he'll appear! Don't do it, lol.
And here comes Michele's "I don't remembers." Do y'all think that an act? I'm not so sure anymore. Of'course they she's talking right now brings up "thou doth protest too much." Who knows? I haven't been able to read her all season.
WTF, had Jeff started taking stupid pills???
This is Jordan's HOH, and he is beginning to act like Nat when the NBK was ruling. I know he thinks he has carried Jordan all this way, but as I had felt several weeks ago Jordan is not the "dumb blonde" many labeled her as.
Someone had commented on here the other day about catching the fact that in a conversation with Michelle it appeared the dumb lil southern belle image was missing, but when someone had walked by, she brought it right back into play.
Jeff needs to cool his jets. Otherwise he is going to be totally embarassed when it is evident that he fell for Kevin's lie and totally screwed their chances of winning.
There is no way around it they need to maintain the numbers, and the only way to do that is to get out one of the three.
Okay. For my sanity, I have turned off the feeds. Seriously. My head is spinning from this conversation like it's on turbo cycle. Natalie. No. Russell. No Natalie. No. Russell.
Last call for comments! :)
GaYToR, GaYToR, GaYToR, ha ha!
Night ALL, it's been fun and the storm is picking up now.
And now that it has made landfall, the weather channel has quit it's coverage!
GaYToR, GaYToR, GaYToR :)
Night Marci! Be safe and sleep sweet! :)
LOL Gotcha Syn!
Thanks Genie, right back at cha! You rock girl!
Goodnite Genie, sleep well.
Night everyone who is around! Huggies! Sleep sweet when you get there!
That was just mean ladies! lol
Good night all. Sweet Dreams!
Lydia will have some explaining to do...just before BBAD ended, she admitted to Nat and Kev that she and Jessie had sexy time the first week.
Michelle needs Russ, she can't win against J/J.
Someone tell me please, r we in the twilight zone? Jeff finally came to his right frame of mind, and said to take out nat, now Jordan & michele r trying to talk him out of it to get rid of Russel... WTF is going on ...geeze
Must have conversations going on at same time:
1145'ish on through at least 1245
Cam 3/4 -- Nat & Lydia in RR
Cam 1/2 -- Michelle & Jordan in HOH. Then M/J/J. Then just J/J.
They are trying to figure out a team name.
Got the gucci's
Three's Company with Russell as Larry
Jordan is a bad singer!
I changed my mind on what cd i'd want - Janis Joplin out - i think Norah Jones would be better - its calm and soothing and i think thats more of what i'd need in that house.
I tried explaining Jordan to the bf tonight and i decided she is Pinky and the Brain all wrapped up in one person. I truely think she is an evil genius but play the dumb blonde up really well.
Its gotta be hard on Jeff being in a bed with 2 beautiful women and getting nothing! Bet his friends will wind him up about that when he gets home.
Looks like everyone is in bed there and my meds are making me droopy eyed.
Hopefully see u in the morning :0)
After watching Jeff Jordan and Michele sleeping in the HoH bed, and Lydia and Natalie in the Green Room with Lydia working on some craft, we keep getting a lot of the WBRB screens.
As of right now, and the last 5 or 10 minutes all are in bed and all are quiet. Production must have told them tomorrow is going to be a busy day, and probably an early wake up call.
I didn't report anything for the last hour and 15 minutes because I heard nothing worth typing.
Syn928 said...
GaYToR's gotta get his voodoo dolls out again and send messages to Jeff: "one more week ... wait one more week"
I'm already working on it big man. I'm making several dolls. Never know when I'm going to need to stick a pin in someone's head or sew up their lips.
Now, if you would be so kind... I need a lock of YOUR hair and some fingernail clippings. Those make the spells much stronger. Not that I would make you do anything against your will. Nah... I'd never do that. NEVER! But appease me and send the stuff anyway. :-p~~
Syn928 said...
Marci, I'm in East Central Alabama, between Birmingham and Atlanta.
Thanks Syn, I'm starting to hone in on an exact location. I'm sorta looking toward Montgomery now.
Syn928 said...
Marci said...
Syn ~ I used to live in Atlanta and we used to get the sit and spin too.
LOL! Marci, I wanted to say that, but I knew GaYToR would take it and run with it! And we ALL know where he likes to run.
And now you have said it. Looks like we need to set up a play date.
Syn you are getting easier every day.
And Good morning our Queen of the Dish, Queen Carolyn. MUAH!
Just as I catch up I see the overnight comments starting to appear.
Nice to see them all in bed huh?
I'm headed to the sofa. Hopefully with their busy day in the House, there will also be some time for smackdowns. What would a ceremony of comp be this season if they didn't finish it off with a fight?
Have fun and I'll be checking back later for your TOR.
♥♥♥ you!
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