HoH Comp Spoiler Post
4:30pm BBT Feeds are back!!!
Haves Room
Lydia: (not enthusiastically) It's gonna be awesome. Gonnna be awesome. I'lk be in the shower if anyone wants to join me.
Natalie: OK.
Kevin: She's drunk.
Jordan's blowdrying her hair... Lydia's in the shower...
Scooting back over to feed 1, the Haves Room.
Natalie's talking to Kevin about how BB works... in terms of HoH comps... and when the outgoing HoH gets to compete for HoH again.
***Neither Kevin nor Natalie are looking too terribly excited...
4:37pm BBT
Russell & Michele, then Jeff enters
Russell: Almost had her.. almost... I knew you were fine, but...
Russell tells Jeff he showed some aggression out there.
Jeff: Dude, when I do something, I'm all about it.
Jordan comes out...
Russell: You look nice.
Michele: You gotta look Gucci for your HoH reveal.
Jordan won HoH!!!!
Jordan's very excited about the pictures and the letter... As far as the rest of it, she says it's not important to her at all, and she'll have an open door policy up in her HoH room.
Spark up the feeds, folks!! Welcome to Jordan's HoH!!!
In addition to HoH, this comp had a Hawaiian vacation, $5,000, the unitard and a phone call from home...
Either Natalie or Lydia must've gotten the uni, because Michele and Russell mentioned that "she's" wearing a dress right now, and Russell keeps talking into his mic saying, "doesn't she have to wear the unitard?"
4:51pm BBT
Jordan: I think I'm just a little delirious.. all this because of one person leaving the house? It just blows my mind.
Michele: Can you imagine how different it would've been if CowBoy or Brian had come in?
Jordan: I've said things to people, but I've never gone up to someone and said, you're a ho, you're a bitch, or whatever...
It's Lydia that made the comment to Jordan...
Russell: Don't even listen to her comments. People just say things to get under your skin. They tried with me all last week.
5pm BBT
Lydia has lost her mind... This is must see stuff. Spark up the feeds!!! It progresses into a full house fight, involving Lydia, Michele, Jeff and Natalie, primarily.
Trying to transcribe this would send me to an asylum, but this is officially Smackdown #3599 of the Big Brother 11 season. Watch it now, or watch it on flashback at your leisure, but make sure you see it, before they edit it to bits for tv.
I'm dying here! Who is it? Oh yeah
Hi Carolyn, Genie and every one else out there in BBdish land
Heard Natalie say, "I need to win this veto..."
Oh my Shrek is not a good look on Nat
Jordan won HOH!!!!!!!
OMG! Yay Jordan!!!!
Jordan won HOH!! :)
Yes! Yes! Jordan Won!!!
Absolutely Perfect :)
Yes! Sounds like Jordan won!
Haha, Genie beat me to it!
YAY JORDAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please let it be jordan!!!!
omgawddddd Jordan won.. i think... right?????ommmmmmmmgawd!
YEAH Jordan!!!!! Perfect!
BOOYAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay for Jordan!! Wonder what will happen in that HOH room this week! ;)
Evening, my favorite Dishers!
Yeah Jordan, well done
Jordan WON..yayayayayayayaaaayyyy!!!!
I'm so excited. That's who I wrote my limerick about!!!!
wow, way to go, Jordan!!!! This should be interesting... I'm thinking she'll put Nat and Lydia up, but who knows?
WooHoo!!!! Does that mean we get EXTRA Jeff & Jordan cuteness?!?!?!
I'm on my way home.... I'll join you guys in a few!!!
Way to go Jordon!
Awesome!! That's fantastic news for Jeff, Jordan and the other Technobrains!! Yay!
Hehehehehe i've had people all over the place msg;ing to tell me Jordan won! I love my BB friends :0)
et tu Carolyn? Seriously? Got me on a New Top Post again and within an hour too! I'm calling a lawyer.
Genie, you better not kid! A Jordan HOH win?!?!?! Is this Christmas? My Birthday? Seriously, this is like the BEST DAY EVER!
Oh HELL yeah!!!
Yes, Yes, Yes!!!
Natalie and Lydia might go up. And if either wins POV, backdoor Russell.
w00t w00t w00w w00t w00t!
Happy Happy Happy Dance!!!!
Yay Jordan!!!
That news made my crappy day a whole lot better. Go Jordan. Although she can't compete in the next one. I doubt they will do the double elimination now. There's no reason to.
So what do you think they are going to do about the jury? They are down one member. Maybe they will let US decide who will win BB.
OMG bout dang time Jordan pulled off a win. I am so excited. Go team technobrains :D
Carolyn, this makes at least twice today. Today being since I woke up at 1:00 PM BBT.
Don't make me count to 3 Missy!
Syn and I WILL get you. :-p~~
Genie!!! Is that verified? I'm sure you wouldn't post if it wasn't...
GEAUX Jordan.
I was worried because it looked like Russell ad Michelle weren't happy.
Yes. Jordan wants to see her pics.
HaPpY DaNcE HaPpY Dance!!! My week of ecstasy continues.
YAY! My lil poem came true! She will send a widow to their leader!!!! :D Both of my fave girls won this week! wooohoo!
I wonder who she will try to get out? I'm thinking Nat or Lydia!!! Or maybe even Russell who knows I just hope she keeps Jeff and Michele safe. yayayayay!!
GO Jordan!! XD
So awesome! LOVE her so much!
I am screaming right now. (Inside, of course!)
I can't wait to see this on the live show! :)
Go Technobrains!
Also, Carolyn and Genie-- thanks for doing so much to keep us updated. I have been glued to my computer all day long. (It's sick, I know.)
Now I'll take some Baileys!!!
OMG I can breathe again!!!!
I feel bad for Michelle that her HOH was cut short, but I'm SO happy that Jordan won!
OMG!!! I was sooo happy that I screamed!!!! YAY JORDAN !! :D this is perfect, so Jeff can compete next week in the Endurance!!! YAY :D
Hi everyone, yay Jordan won HoH woo hoo!
Did I hear Lydia has to wear the unitard?
Does it sound like Chima, being drunk, may be planning a Chima?
I heard Kevin say 'and Chima only had one glass of wine. Lydia has had 3.'
Or am I hearing things all wrong again as usual?
Bring on all the Jeff and Jordan cuteness in HOH!! I'm so excited!!
Yay Jordan...Happy feet dancing here.
LOL! Lydid got the unitard...
Jordan won?! Yes! Yes! Yes!
This is the perfect scenario is next week's HoH is endurance. Russell, Jeff and Michelle have all already proven that they're great at endurance.
I LOVE this season!
one of them have to wear the unitard....
Sounds like some nice prizes!!
So it sounds like they used the POV comp for the HOH? Exact same golf/unitard game.
Go Girl. Yeah, Jordan.
I just wanted to share that I have known Jeff since he was 3 and he is even hotter in person. He is very funny and I wish he showed more of his wit on TV. I think he is being very careful to edit himself because he is very close and respectful to his parents and family. I hope he and Jordan become more then Bff's he is a great catch. And his family will love her.
Love the blog and website keep up the great work.
BB11 Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!
ha ha, sounds like Lydia won a unitard, I'm sure she'll jazz it up, lol
Congrats Jordan! Way to be "Gucci"!
Man, I love Big Brother...
Thats a nice big in your face to all those meanies who were calling her names!
Jordon won HoH!!! OMG, this week could not go any better!! Oh wait...Natalie leaving this week would be awesomeness! Oh My Gosh, this is freakin awesome!
~ Ryan ~
Jack, you are making me drool. I'm not saying nuttin' else. Nuttin'!!
I'll let the Dishers decide what I mean by that.
WooHoo! My limericks worked!
WTG Jordan! Now Jeff can still play in case it's endurance on Thurs and Michele still gets to enjoy HOH room.
This is working out perfectly!
Miller Lite for evereyone!
yahoooooooooooo! Jordan!!!!!!! my day couldn't be going any better!!!!!
Hahaha...Lydia has to wear an ugly leotard!!
How cool!! :) Thank you for writing! I'd love to chat with you more via email... A friends and family interview is definitely called for! :)
Please email me at dishchicks at yahoo dot com
If "she" is wearing a dress and should be in unitard....that's Lydia!!!
hahahaha who has to wear the uni
LMAO ain't karma a biznatch
LOL Caro. SHE is wearing a dress now is NOT Natalie!
Holy comment flood!!! LOL! I'm going as fast as I can!!
I think Lydia will rock the unitard! hahaha
Best bet? Lydia and Kevin noms. If Kevin wins, he takes himself off and Natalie goes up. haha Too early to get rid of Russell...
yay! Jordan!!!!!!
Hi Everyone!!!!
What a crazy time in the BB house. Chima leaving was ....Holy Crap!!!!
And now a new HOH comp. Feel so bad for Michelle. She should have totally been allowed to play. She had no control over Chima leaving. So unfair. But, then to the best part....YEAH!!!! As told by Genie - Jordan won HOH... Woo Hoo....Celebrate people...this is awesome....
oops..I mean Lydia has to wear an ugly unitard...I'm so excited by Jordons win!!!
what is with that outfit that nat is wearing?????
Did anyone else catch the Nat/Lydia conversation that just happened? Natalie saying she's going to call Jordan a HO and tell her to take her implants and shove them up her ***??? What the heck???
I said a few minutes ago....
GaYToR said...
Does it sound like Chima, being drunk, may be planning a Chima?
that first Chima should be Lydia. I have had trouble with those two names all season.
Hopefully on Thursday Lydia will be gone too and they will both become 'out of sight, out of mind.'
I think it will be bye bye for Nat
I'm SOSOSO glad Jordan won, but I'm so scared that the one not on the block will take off either kevin, natalie, or lydia and someone from the other side goes up!
The votes are 4 right? So either way they are secured that they go home, and if this does happen I'd hope Jordan would put Russell up because his voting scares me lol!
I hope he and Jordan become more then Bff's he is a great catch. And his family will love her.
bluecrush, thanks to you, I have a stupid grin on my face that will be hard to erase. Thanks so much! (Really!) :)
Gucci Times in the BB House! :)
Gaytor, I heard them say thing. Why are they talking about Chima drinking wine?
Was she at the competition?
So weird!
I usually don't comment on here (I'm a lurker), but I felt that this warranted me commenting:
Jordan won HOH!!!!!!
Not gonna lie, I did a little happy dance when I found out! :)
Jordan wins HOH!!! Love this game so much.
looks like Nat will be the first to show up with her hubby jessie!!!
Well, I hope w/ Chima gone it will eventually help calm the negativity of Lydia & Natalie. (I am thinking positive) There are rumors out there & I'm not going to repeat them but if they are still carrying the feeling their game has been sabotaged by Production like Chima did I wouldn't put it past one of them to exit too.
Wait up! Why is Michele hurt? Did she compete anyway?
Better go sspend some time in the other room with wifey and the real world. cath all you later
Y'all aren't Jordan fans are you? 74 Posts in 20 minutes! LMAO!
To celebrate our little Gucci Princess' HOH Win, I'll quote McD's
"I'm Lovin' It!"
I think I'll have a Big Mac tonight.
Is it just me, or does it feel like Jordan's win is also a win for Michele?
Jordan seems so nice, I can totally see her sharing her HOH room with Michele, to make up for M's abbreviated reign.
Boys rule. Gaytors drool.
woooooo LYDIA!!
She's swiftly taking over Chima's bitchiness!
At least someone has to do the unitard, and that usually means a visit with Julie on Thursday. Life is good.
But I think it would have been even funnier if Natalie had to wear it... and keep her hair up like it is now, for the rest of the week.
Has that unitard ever been lucky? Jen went out in it didn't she? Who else has had to wear it? OK, big She, but she didn't leave that week. Anyone else?
This really has been a fantastic week for me. Great show last night with excellent tips, Came home to the Chima ordeal, now Jordan wins the shortend HoH.
I'm buying a PowerBall ticket for tonight. ;)
Wow, Lydia really knows how to throw out the insults!
"Michele, you bitch who claims to be bisexual but really has a husband who loves her!"
Ouch. Burn.
Lydia is such a child. Who would hire her as a nanny after this?
uhm is this a tad reminiscent of Chelsia and the eggs????
Holy Smackdown
Is Lydia acting childish because she wants to make sure she goes to her Jessie before Natalie?
I love Jeff!
Oh how I love Jeff!
Lydia is pulling a "Chima"
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Genie, who would hire anyone from that side of the house after this? I mean seriously.
Even I start to believe Natalie's lie about her age. I wouldn't believe she was 24/25 even if she showed me her birth certificate.
I guess "Act your age" wasn't in those BB Contracts. Unfortunately.
Omg...Natalie is saying Boogie is better than Jeff b/c he didn't use the Coup D'Etat. Whoa. It's about game play. And now Lydia is attacking Michele b/c she has bipolar? Natalie and Lydia have completely lost site of "the game". It's sad really.
Go lil J! Go! Don't let the bullies get you down!
Bethra said...
Gaytor, I heard them say thing. Why are they talking about Chima drinking wine?
Was she at the competition?
Bertha, no, I was referring to what went down with Chima last night. She had a glass of wine just before she went off on her tirade.
OMFG!! That house is gonna explode!
Lydia is going nutz, what happened?
This is disturbing
I believe Lydia wants to go up and be evicded so she can spend a week with muscel head alone.
Yeah Jordan won!!! Listening to Michele and her talk...seems like Lydia called her a hoe and Bitch. Lydia is so CRAZY!!!
WTF!!! Lydia has gone of the deep end. She is the one that is Bi-polar. She just wants to go join Jessie in the jury house, but the way she's behaving she's going to be joining Chima - out of the game...
Carolyn said ...
Lydia has lost her mind... This is must see stuff. Spark up the feeds!!!
You mean she found it first?!?!?!
Woohoo! Smackdown time so early in the day. I'm Lovin' It! too
Syn928 said...
"I'm Lovin' It!"
I think I'll have a Big Mac tonight.
Go for a GaYToR Full Meal Deal instead. Sausage or tail meat. both are delicious. Very popular here at all the best restaurants.
Heck, I'll even buy! (airfare that is. Muhaha!)
How epic would it be is Lydia just "left" too....
I didn't think anyone could outdo Evel Dick/Danielle/Jen's season...I was wrong
YES!!! Jeff finally has his say. I finally see him for the game player he needed to be.
I've always liked him but this is showing he is human. I was almost ready to call him JeffBot.
DRAMA! It's sad to see people crack under pressure. It's sad to see the hate I see on the HGs on these blogs.
Now Jeff is on Natalie and Kevin for not getting her friends to stop acting a certain way. I DID NOT SEE JEFF MAKE BRADEN STOP HIS HOMOPHOBE AND RACIST RANT. People concistency please.
JulieB.... what is Jeff doing?
Not that he has to be doing anything for you to love him... I love him breathing. But, I figured that he's doing something especially fabulous, right now.
There is really no way to transcribe what is going on right now -- if you have feeds you just have to watch.. it's crazy...
They are really fighting like the "Flava of Love Girls"..... I love Jeff. He said his peace and he's out! I freaking love it.
OMG, Natalie is such a freak. I cannot believe she is continuing with this lie. She actually is believing the lie.
Michelle standing up to Natalie Priceless!!!!
Man, today was sucking so much with Aunt Flo showing up a week early.
Now I'm thrilled!! Jordan HoH!
OMG, I just woke up. I'm glad I have just as exciting stuff on my breakfast plate as you all did this morning.
"Jeff: I don't think my parents like me that much. I have to be missing something. Maybe he saved a bus full of children related to them or something."
I lol'd at that. I love Jeff(not in the same way as the rest of you), he'd be an awesome bud.
I'm still kind of asleep so I'll stop myself from rambling and watch the house explode.
Does Lydia realize her dreams of being sequestered with Jessie might be a pipe dream if she's kicked out of the house next?
Can you imagine her banging on the Jury House to be let in, as Jesse and Natalie are enjoying their favorite show, "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, " while drinking Two Buck Chuck wine?
Usually don't comment, but like everybody else here I am so excited. I haven't had any real people contact all day since reading about Chima's departure last night. Props to Carolyn and Genie for the best BB blog in history! And thanks for the laughs GaYToR. Jordan! Jordan! Jordan!
How does Natalie have the nerve to bring up the Green Room incident with Michele that didn't even happen. She's such a little instigator! Good TV though, lol
Natalie is really an outstanding manipulator.
I am so glad my bf is gone this weekend and I can see this all play out! LOL
what is the quote?? "this house, these people.." goodness gracious!
checking in. lydia is mentally checked out??
When this year started... my favorites were Lydia, Michelle and Russell. I guess I can count out two of them for acting crazy in there.
I love Russ, he has played the game the whole time. He's been entertaining. He can dish it out and take it too.
This is gettin just ridiculous~
will the season even end with a winner or will the producers just throw their hands in the air and give up?
And why is Lydia even so upset??????
Im glad Jeff finally spoke up! But please, not settin stuff on fire k Jeffie?
A team of transcribers would not be able to keep up with this fluster nuck.
Is it just me or did BB let people in the house that failed the psych exam?
Chima w/ her men issues after going thru what she did being closed in with strong men.
Lydia w/ her daddy issues, needing to use sex as a way to feel love/like.
One is a basket case and the other a cutter. These 2 should be in an asylum getting help not in the BB house. Someone must have used bad judgment hoping it would be great TV.
Jess - he finaly found his....tongue and is telling them how it is!
I knew it was a matter of time before he let loose, but he was still controlled about it...until Lydia!
Just uh wow.
They sure can fly some low blows!
I wish Jeff would take the gloves off and do a number on Nat and Lydia.
For the second time in one day Nat might get saved by a loon walking out of the house.
Before the nasty anons blast you...
Watch for the Gnats...some are getting thru
Oh so now Natalie is the redeemer of Christian values.
They have some mentally unstable people in this house. The poser, Lydia has finally been exposed.........I'm loving it.
I love that Michele has defended against Natalie. Natalie is a bold faced liar about the conversation in the green room about wanting to keep Ronnie.
Fireworks everywhere.
Who would ahve thought that Russell would be the voice of reason.
Kevin pisses me off by being so passive. He is so useless.
ARGH this behaviour saddens me more than anything. It's so true about this experience and how bad some people want it. It is a game and some people can't handle it, but I just feel bad when Lydia, for example, is showing herself in this light.
I hope it's still a double eviction and it is Lydia then Natalie.
Oh what a threat. LMCAO. Natalie who has won NOTHING threatens Michele telling her if she wins HoH next week, Michele WILL go home.
No, Natalie has never lied in this game. Chima should have petitioned for a St. Natalie too.
I'm taking a dinner break and just listen to the feeds.
Yes, I'll get far far behind again, but it wouldn't be a normal night if stayed caught up.
I hate reading my own posts. Even with spellcheck things get missed. Even doing a preview I don't catch things.
I'd also like to have a grammar check. Maybe I should type everything in Word before I post over here. I know better, but I don't think before I type. Of course we all know that is so very true.
Well I do think, about what man I am going after next.
Speaking of hot menz, have I said hello to Mark590 today? Woof Woof Woof!!!
Russell brings up racial slur and terrorist and we get Mr. Happy Fish Fingers sitting on his butt-on.
I'm off for a bit.
Oh and did this green room thing ever happen? I'm sooooo confused lol
Holy Cow! This is just too much drama. I'm beginning to think Jeff hit the nail on the head when he asked if Jessie had saved a bus full of children all related to Lydia/Chima/Natalie to inspire such devotion. Unfreakingbelievable
Natalie says she hasn't yelled at anyone, did I hear that right. I think she has yelled at almost eveyone in the house.
I could be wrong. hehehe
Julie B - Thanks hon.
I actually closed comments to anons earlier today.. for the first time in the history of BBDish.
If people want to comment, they need to make a name.
Do we have any idea/thoughts on how this will air live?
Sunday: Chima freakout/removal + Luxury
Tuesday: New HoH + Noms
Thursday: Single evic + HoH
Omg this screaming is giving me a head ache. Lydia has totally lost her mind, and Nat says she's going to do this all week? :O
I have something I've been wanting to say for the last few hours but had no idea where to put it (once angry anon got started) so here goes. (would love your feedback)
I do not think Chima walked, I think she was ejected from the house. I think that the "meeting" that was held was just between her, Allison and Rich (production)but no other HGs were present. They don't know what was said. I think when Chima was told she broke the rules and was going to have to leave, she was also told that if she preferred to tell the other houseguests she was quitting, she could do that. Kind of like when someone gets fired, to save face something the boss will allow them to tell their fellow employees that they resigned. Especially if you feel these people may be friends, it makes things easier. The reason I think this is because I watched the feeds up until the 'meeting' and Chima was in no way upset, annoyed, irritated, or of the state of mind where she would walk. And like Stephen said, they are warned from day one that this is something they are not to do. I have been watching BB since season one, and have seen over and over, many a houseguest want to quit the game. Every single time they are talked down in the DR by someone in there who is apparantly very good at that. This did not appear to be the case here.
I think CBS is telling us the truth, and the HGs will find out when the show is over what really happened.
Yeah Jordan! Go Girl!
I am so happy she can no longer say she was carried!
Evening Dishers, Carolyn, and Genie!
leanneforreal said...
Oh and did this green room thing ever happen? I'm sooooo confused lol
No, it was a lie that Jessie, Natalie, Chima made up & Jessie & Natalie went to HOH Russell & told him the lie. Chima never told the lie but she knew about it & encouraged them to continue to keep it going.
leanneforreal, the green room conversation never happened. It was Natalie's idea to make it up. She literally said "let's just lie about it." It was her and Jessie together, and then they told Chima that they made it up. The three of them are the only ones who know it is made up. Natalie and Jessie have both actively lied about it, Chima just avoided it whenever it came up.
That's pretty awesome, Carolyn. You're so cool. And I mean in general not just by shutting down the cowardly anonymous function.
The Green Room incident was fabricated by Natalie and Jessie. Chima knew it was a fabrication.
Reposted for...
Crazy Cricut Chick...
AWESOME, AWESOME NEWS!!!!!!!! I was praying it would be Jordan or Jeff. Now let's hope she puts Nat up so we can her pathetic butt out of the house!!! I am SO happy!!!
Tell me more..i dont have feeds!
OoOOOoo, this is making my head swim with all the fights. I'm breaking out the drinks. Who's up for some sangria & popcorn to watch the next round when Lydia comes out of the DR? (IF she comes out. She may end up pulling a Chima).
damn it's the 4th of July all over again!!!lol And Lydia has the nerve to call michelle crazy? lol
Good move, Carolyn. Closing the blog to anon's makes sense. This is your personal blog, not a public service.
Ok now we have TRvia--- how much you wanna bet that Lydia just got herself kicked out too..... I bet it's coming.. she is pulling a Chima so she can get to the JH with Jessie...or either she is just plain crazy...
Oh no! Not trivia :( I am enjoying the mayhem :)
These people are crazy I am so glad I got the feeds this year.
When Jeff didn't stop Braden it automatically made him a part of it
When Ronnie set up half the house to vote for Braden and lied to them the whole week he said it was strategy. It wasn't wrong because he didn't lie to the people he felt 'real' loyalty to. While arguing with Michelle Natalie basically accused Michelle of doing the exact same thing as Ronnie, yet when Michelle did it suddenly it is not good gameplay and Ronnie is justified in his hatred of Michelle.
And Natalie, please do roll the footage. So we can all watch the day you laughed about the green room LIE that you and Jesse made up.
BTW-Lydia calling someone crazy after what she was threatening to do to herself over a guy she barely even knew. I did feel bad for her obvious emotional problems at one time. No more. After what she has done since the feeds came back and after the things she has said, I dislike her more than Chima. At least Chima was up front and in your face. Lydia hid behind others this whole time and now she wants to make a stand by proving she can be more hateful, spiteful and petty than anyone in the house.
Don't like her, don't respect her, can't find one kind thing to say about her.
And I know that everyone joked about her and Nat fighting over eviction to be the first one to get to Jesse. But doesn't it seem like now that she knows the choice will probably be between her and Nat she has grown completely desperate? Pretty much begging/demanding to be evicted when just this morning she was talking to Michelle in a calm rational manner saying that she would never act like Chima. She is absolutely trying to get to the jury house before Natalie gets there and IMHO she is absolutely pathetic.
I kinda feel like now that Chima has left the house, she should be off-limits. I mean obviously I have no way to police anything except for my own words. But enough is enough. I think that part of the reason she chose to leave is because she wanted to get out of this spotlight. And I think that needs to be respected starting now and definitely after they close up her storyline either tomorrow or on Tuesday. Just my two cents.
Yay, Carolyn! I think that is the best thing for you to do. I'm sorry it has come to that but it's getting pretty ugly for you & Genie & ya'll shouldn't have to go thru that.
That's what was different on the page when I looked at it!! Everyone IS in blue.
I'm sure GaYTor will have a comment about that comment.
I love me a Dish Chick!
Long, long time lurker. No more! This is madness and I'm glad my date fell through tonight so I could see this craziness.
Jeff makes me swoon. Wow...he couldn't be more perfect.
Please, please Jordan. Send Natalie out this week to make Lydia keep up the D R A M A. Wow. Anyone ever read 'Girl with the Dragon Tatoo'? The protagonist in there really reminds me of Lydia (lots of issues) but with more redeeming qualities. I'm trying not to lose all hope in that girl but the Jessie love is ridiculous.
Anyone wanna make a bet if Production people werent on Meds before they surely are now lol?
The green room incident reminds me of the Michelle Costa banner incident of last year.
Why do Bitches Godderdz keep bringing up these bold faces lies that they themselves fabricated?
Okay so I put off cooking as long as I could to watch the feeds.. went outside to put the burgers on the grill and tried to hurry to get back in the house..Fell UP the little hill/sidewalk/path from my patio to my door... skinned up both knees and the side of my face! Wow! who knew this could be dangerous for the viewers too?
okay..I'm off to get the burgers off the grilland try to find where I hid the vicoden..(it hurts!).. while we still have fishies!
Glad to hear you closed comments to anons. It's too easy to say things under cover of anonymity and not be held accountable. I appreciate it very much. If I can figure out how to get an account, anybody can!
Lydia called Jordan fat& a ho!! Umm wasn't she the one giving Jessie the happy ending? lol
Wow Carolyn...You closed comments to Anons :)
That is a major change!
Chima and Lydia are beyond basket cases......they're pillow cases at this point....hahahahaha
The twisted logic by Natalie and Lydia reeks of no education.
Natalie and Lydia honestly think that because you don't fulfill their wishes, you are a dirty person in this game...Give me a Break.
Good for you, Carolyn! I'm glad you closed comments to Anons, hope it makes your job easier! You all do such a great service here, and I am so grateful. I feel so sorry for Jeff right now, I think he's at wit's end. He tried to hard to calm it down. Hope the outside's open so he can have a well-deserved smoke, lol
Is Lydia trying to get thrown off the show?
As wack as Lydia is, Nats time has come. We all know why Lydia is fighting so hard to beat her out the door.
Carolyn said...
I actually closed comments to anons earlier today.. for the first time in the history of BBDish.
Good choice. It doesn't take that much effect to make a gmail account and get hooked in.
Carolyn, Genie and everyone else, thanks for helping me keep in the loop this season.
Why do they keep cutting into the feeds. I am really getting frustrated this year. It seems like we miss a lot of important conversations and good arguements. I didn't hear anyone talking about production. And I really doubt anyone is singing unless it was "I gotta get out of this place, if it's the last thing I ever do..."
When are they gonna learn arguing w/ Natalie is like arguing with a fence post?
Thank you Genie Sea :)
I wish we were allowed to read the big brother handbook to see whats allowable and whats not!
Carolyn, so sad for you that you had to do that. We all know we have good anons but the nastys far outweigh them I'm sure.
AnonyMooses have the same mentality as the certain half of the house this season.
Have you ever had a season when those were so bad.
I love you as I have said many times before and will say it again and again.
You run a 5 Star website here. You do what you have to do, but you put up with so much before you do it.
Come one everyone!!!
Three Cheers for Carolyn.
Now hit that Tip Jar, too. (that is a proud, not shameless, plug.)
I REALLY don't like seeing Jeff and Michele crack under the pressure. I know several people are happy they are defending themselves but I'd really like it if they were able to keep it together and not start to lower themselves to joining in the screaming matches. I give Jordan a lot of credit right now. She is able to call them on sh*t and still keep her temper so far.
BTW When the feeds came back Kevin and Nat were commenting that Lydia was drunk then when Jeff said something about Lydia being drunk Kevin and Nat both claimed she hadn't even been drinking.
Who thinks Lydia may be in the DR a long long time??
So many fish and trivia hits going on.
Anyone else think Allison Grodner is working all weekend?
I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear that Lydia has walked next.
Yay Jordan!!!
Has there ever been a comparable day in BB History??
Carolyn - shows you hard I've been trying to keep up, I didn't even notice there were no anon posts! LOL
And for the record I don't find that word (G**t) offensive but know you've gotten heat from it before...
And this is what sets apart people like Jeff and Jordan from people like Lydia, Natalie and Chima. They could have "outed" Lydia's after dark shenanigans with Jessie in the fight just now, but they didn't. And that's why those of us who love and respect them, do. And Scene!
♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫ OH WHAT A NIGHT ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫
wow. this house, these people, this game! i'm not sure this was the season i was looking forward to. it's a shame. i sure hope they do better evaluations next season. if there is one, after this crap.
what really sucks about his situation (to me) is now BB has to cater to lydia and nat so they wont leave and they still have a game. i would not be surprised if lydia is trying to leave now.
Why do I think that it will be Lydia will be gone by morning?
Exactly Genie!!
Carolyn said...
I actually closed comments to anons earlier today.. for the first time in the history of BBDish.
If people want to comment, they need to make a name.
Good on you then! I think that's what is best for your (and Genie, Rep X, etc) sanity.
Looks like Ronnie left us something....and scene....lol
Poor Michelle....these girls are vicious!
Why is it that a girl always gets the uni? While it makes me giggle to think of Lydia pissed about it, I would have much rather seen Jeff or Russell in something tight all week...
I know lots of people asked about Lessa's site for the last few days- she got locked out but you can find her at bigbrothercraze.us now instead! These girls are batdoodoo crazy! I can't believe they all passed the psych eval!
Enough with the trivia already! Geesh!!
Anyone have any ideas for how the rest of the week might go now? Will nominations be tonight yet or tomorrow? And, POV?
OOOHHHMYYYYGGGOOODDD! I don't visit the dish for a couple of days and look what happens.....I hope we get to see some of Chima's antics...Glad she is gone hope Nat is next and then the rest can have a great fight to the finish...
Well, maybe a little peace has been restored. I can't believe Natalie actually came to an agreement.
I am crazy? It's still Saturday right?
The feed had cut to trivia twice and right before that it says they are preparing for tonight's live show... are they just goofing up/tired of fish?
I am from the Chicago suburbs too , like Jeff, and he is being a good decent guy from the near west side. He is not going to be disrespectful to women. His parents raised him like that.
KEVIN for the Win!!!
He is befriending and talking to Jeff even though he knows they (Jeff and Russ) do not like him.
Hello Carolyn,GenieSea snd all you wonderful BBDishers.
I go outside to mow the lawn and come back to Jordan winning HOH.I am so darn happy that I could scream it out loud Ö.me screaming
"WTG Jordan!!!!"☼♥U
Ya'll are just the best ever.☼♥U I can't thank you enough for blogging all the true stuff that goes on in the BBhouse.
BBDish Fan4Life
JudyD in Tennessee
Lydia is trying to get out, somehow. She doesn't have the "strength" that Chima has to actually take the final step on her own. It's so desperately sad though, because Jessie will reject her. Ugh, to be devastated by Jessie. Talk about adding insult to injury. She really needs some serious therapy. What's her family story, anyone know? Was she abused? She strikes me as someone who was abused as a child.
Carolyn? what is that little trash can by my blog? Did I do something wrong? I hope not. RAH RAH RAH
Oh and one more thing I really hope Chima is okay.I may have not liked her attitude and personality I still love her as a human being.Please let her receive the help she needs.That's all I needed to say and oh yea Jordan won HOH.Yes!
Come on carolyn. there are some of us that cant afford the feeds...give us the Gist if you cant transcribe it all
Kevin and Natalie are egging Lydia on to get Jeff so pissed off, he will be evicted.
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