Technobrains versus the Widows
They have been on lockdown for a while now. The Technobrains seem to think that they will be opening the back soon, but Jordan heard hammering. So time will only tell. Someone is having fun with the camera (Feed 1)...
8:02 PM BBT
Around the house.
Pool Room - Jeff and Jordan trying to rest.
HOH - Michele and Russell napping.
Green Room - Kevin seeking asylum from the Widows Godderz
Red Room - Lydia and Chima napping. Natalie pouring over the rule book.
Pool Room
Jeff & Jordan
Jordan: I keep thinking about the comp, when you totally ignored me. That's so funny.
Jeff: F that. We don't get to go outside. Mumble.
Jeff is trying to sleep off his hunger. He has an hour to go before he can eat.
Jeff: For some reason I thought tomorrow was off. I wasn't thinking.
Jordan goes through the days.
Jeff: Do you think those steaks will wait until tomorrow?
Jordan: We have leftovers. Will they go bad?
Jeff: No. They are marinating.
They talk about food.
Jordan:It's fish. It's fish. (talking about the food comp)
Jeff: I totally tuned you out.
Jordan: You tuned out your partner? (She cracks up.)
Jeff: I told you to look for a pair.
Jordan: I did!
Jeff: Dude chocolate isn't red! (Jordan crack up again.)
Jordan giggles.
Jeff: They are going to put doing this sh*t all week.
Jordan: I told you it will be a long week.
Jeff: I can't believe there isn't any room.
Jordan: Don't be too surprised if they pour sauce.
Jeff: If they do, I will f'ing snap.
Jordan: If you sleep now, you won't be able to sleep tonight.
Jeff closes his eyes. Jordan's eyes are open. Silence.
Red Room
Lydia & Natalie
Lydia gets up, goes to the bathroom, makes some popcorn and brings it to her BFF. Jeff comes out of the pool room and she gives him the stink eye.
The two talk about the fact there they are building outside. Natalie says she will be fighting hard for the POV, then she relates the discussion with Jeff about his clothes.
Natalie: He's been upstairs the whole time. (Russell) Dude all we have to do is win next week and their f'ed, then the numbers go back to even.
Natalie: This is what I'm going to do kay. I am going to go over everything that happened in this house since day one.
They go over the days.
Lydia: I want to win HOH. I don't want to be stunned the day of.
They are planning to use the chess board. ** It's hard to transcribe this convo between the loud smacking while they eat, and talking with their mouths full.
Natalie: I can't believe she put up Chima. That's some b*llsh*t. She stood up for her against Russell.
Lydia: What's her reasoning?
Natalie: She's doing what they want her to.
Lydia: We have to say a prayer.
Natalie: Jeff won't use it. Kevin won't use it. Russell won't use it.
Lydia: I will use it.
Natalie: I will use it.
They are planning to put up Jeff and Russell up in their imaginary HOHs.
8:53 PM BBT
Natalie and Lydia take the chess board and pieces to do some Sith training for the days.
Natalie and Lydia take the chess board and pieces to do some Sith training for the days.
9:00 PM BBT
Jeff Finally gets to eat.
Jeff Finally gets to eat.
Red Room
Natalie & Lydia
Sith Training
Natalie & Lydia
Sith Training
Jeff & Michele
Michele is up and eating with Jeff at the counter.
The lock down is over.
Kevin, Natalie and Lydia are the first to get to the POV set-up. Natalie is complaining that this was made for Russell. They start practicing.
9:40 - 9:46 PM BBT - Fish
Lydia: No you're not Natalie.
Natalie: Jessie. Here I come!
Lydia: Stop it!
Lydia is coaching her new BFF, Natalie. **While two of the Widows Godderz plot, Genie checks in on the kitchen...
9:54 PM BBT
Jordan, Michel, Russell, Jeff & Kevin.
General chit chat. No animosity.
Jeff: I'm so p*ssed I ate so much!
Kevin: Just give it a couple of hits and then go back to bed.
Chima: I'll come out with you. (**I can't help but wonder... does he not know he will be a replacement nom unless he wins this POV?)
Chima goes outside to join the other two and through the kitchen door, we hear:
Lydia: It's okay we will keep the balls. (**So that no one else can practice.)
Natalie: If you get the hang of it, don't tell Kevin.
She ignores them. She asks Natalie and Lydia about the laundry.
Natalie: You need your mic.
Chima flips off production.
Natalie: Chima! Lydia, go get her mic for her.
Chima: No. Don't get it for me. I just need to practice.
10:04 PM BBT
Kevin got Chima's mic for her. Natalie runs to get it for her.
Natalie: Did you get her mic? Cause she wouldn't get it.
Natalie gives her the mic and Chima tosses it.
And Splash! Right in the hot tub. Natalie and Lydia try to retrieve it.
And Fish.
10:10 PM BBT
Back from fish.
Kevin, Lydia, Chima & Natalie
They are still practicing.
Natalie: Like I told Lydia, f them in there. I am not going to let them practice. I'll be out there until 5am if necessary.
Lydia: If you share these secrets, I will deball you. (**To Kevin)
They are planning on hijacking not only the game but the washer and dryer. They want to wash their chicken suits too...
While they practice, the others are making food and cleaning up... (**Great way to win a POV)
Michele & Jordan.
Jordan: I didn't even know you were out there! I thought you were in the bathroom.
Michelle: Taking a really long ...
Jordan: The reason I really want Natalie out is because she wants Jeff out, and we can't lose Jeff.
Michele: We can't lose Jeff.
Russell comes in.
Jordan: We're talking about what to do.
Michele: Kevin is just out there catching balls. He doesn't want to win it.
Jordan: That's why I want Natalie and Chima out. But Chima first. I can't deal with her mouth.
Michele: Of all the moves I've done in this game, putting up Chima is the shadiest one. But I had to do it.
Russell comes in.
Michele: I'm just so glad that nobody has sabotaged the grill thing.
Russell: Give them time. Don't worry about tomorrow.
Michele: I really want her to go home. If she doesn't go home this week. She goes home next week.
Russell: She is praying to her Jessie statue.
Michele: OMG! Thank you Big Brother for the barbecue grill!
Jordan: They listen!
Michele: I have been saying everyday about the barbecue.
Jeff comes in and he's bummed that he is too full to eat. They tell him them will save some for him. He steps outside.
Jeff, Jordan, Michele, and Russell
Russell: Did you tell Jeff?
Michele: It will make him madder.
Jordan: I saw her taking hot sauce, toilet paper and a lint roller to the back. I told y'all to move your stuff.
Russell goes inside. Lydia, Chima and Natalie are planning a cookie picnic on the green.
BB Voice: Chima. Please exchange your microphone for one in the storage room.
Chima: I'm not going anywhere.
Natalie: Go get the mic.
Chima: No. Play the game. Stop worrying about me. I mean I did get f*cked over by Michele.
Natalie: Go get the mic, Lydia.
Chima: Don't do it.
Kevin goes. (**She gets a new microphone and no warning. Nice.) He gives it to her.
Chima mouths into the mic: You guys can s*ck a d*ck.
11:15 PM BBT
Russell is practicing.
Chima is told by BB once again to put on her microphone. She doesn't comply.
11:18 PM BBT
Michele has started practicing.
Jordan is telling Jeff that they are planning on putting hot sauce on their clothes and it's getting Jeff all fired up.
Jeff: If the put hot sauce on my stuff I will light their sh*t on fire.
Jordan: You have to be careful you don't get evicted over it.
Jeff: They can't mess with people's sh*t.
Jordan: If it's endurance you have to convince Russell to drop.
Jeff: I already told him.
Jordan is talking about all of the nice stuff Russell has and that he has 20k and Kevin has 15K. She says she will threaten Lydia with exposing her secret. (Her night time shenanigans with Jessie.)
Jeff: Threaten her? I will do it.
Red Room
Chima, Natalie, Lydia and Kevin
They are looking for stuff they say is missing like red t-shirts, Jessie's wife beater. They blame Russell. Lydia is looking through Russell's stuff for a t-shirt while Natalie keeps watch.
They bring the chess board out for more Sith training.
11:35 PM BBT
Russell & Michele
Russell: I just went in there and checked my sh*t. Then I thought, I'm not letting them scare me. They think they're running sh*t.
11:41 PM BBT - Jeff is out of DR.
11:48 PM BBT -
Red Room - Lydia, Natalie, Chima and Kevin - Sith training on the chess board.
Technowizards - Jeff, Russell, Jordan & Michele
Russell: What's going on man you look frustrated? You cool?
Jeff: Yeah.
Jordan: It got cold.
Russell: You want to try?
Jeff: Yeah. I want to hop in there.
Jeff is doing great. Michele tries. She is doing great. Jordan comes back out after getting pants on.
Natalie and Lydia have been called to DR.
Michele: Stop f'ing with people's sh*t.
Jordan tries. She thinks she will be terrible. The other three encourage and coach her. She starts to get it.
11:54 - 11: 56 PM BBT - Fishes.
Practice continues.
Jordan: How much laundry are they doing?
Jeff: Everything.
Red Room
Lydia, Natalie, Chima & Kevin.
Lydia is eating again. Natalie is giving Chima and Kevin Sith training.
Lydia: They are checking on the health and safety of the house guests. (**DR. Probably because Lydia threatened to put red M&Ms in Michele's drink and she is allergic to red dye.)
Chima: They probably told Michele to put me up.
Lydia: Naw.
Lydia asks Chima about the POV ceremony process and fish.
Outside... The Technowizards are still practicing and getting better! :)
Red Room
Chima, Natalie, Kevin & Lydia
Chima comes in complaining about her missing Cheetohs. She concludes that it was Russell. She goes into the Pool Room, egged on by Lydia to hide his stuff.
Natalie: No. Chima. You don't know it was him. Don't do it! I can't believe I am the voice of reason.
Lydia directs Chima to where his hats are and she takes them.
And hides them in the Have/Not Room.
She sits down and they continue going over the days and events.
Chima: I prefer that you not refer to me as HOH. Cause I really wasn't HOH that week. You can refer to me as the 6th nominee to be evicted from the Big Brother house. Thanks to Production!
And on that note, I bid you all goodnight! Check in for The Overnight Report™!
I never catch those leaks "live" I multi task to much!
Kevin is wisely trying to get away from everything. I really see Kevin distancing himself today away from the Widows Godderz. I am glad. I personally have enjoyed Kevin in the house and hope he doesn't go home until after those 3 girls go. I do want him to go out RIGHT AFTER those girls tho, lol!
Let's go TechnoBrains!!
~ Ryan ~
the Widows Godderz ..... LMAO !!!
After reading that, the movie the "Witches of Eastwick" and "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" came to mind... you figure out who is who :)
Could get interesting after these 45 mins pass, and Jeff can eat again. Everyone will be up and out of the HOH room rested and ready!
Hello all!
Is anyone else thinking late night POV?
Go out for a nice steak dinner and come home to the crazy sheeeeeeeeeeet. Gotta stay awake and watch everything now no matter how much the pinot grigio and vicodin teell me to sleep......
A big thanks to Genie Sea for taking over while we wait for the next smackdown.
It's a LONG way till the double eviction and I'm nervous already. I can only imagine how production feels.
Will we ever have a live show again?
oh, did I see Lydia rise from th dead ?
time for some tv, cooler and potatoe chips before bed, the life of a newspaperboy
How will they do a late night POV with BBAD, will it be after that?
Can't the people in the control room do something to stop Chima and Lidia, and Natalie from messing with the other house guest stuff. I think they ssould be punished in some way. I hope Chima gets kicked off for her actions.
Anybody else getting the feeling we are getting a late night PoV tonight??
~ Ryan ~
jluvsturtles... you can see season for in it's entirety on youtube. quirkydude has every episode of every bb season posted. Here's the direct link to season 4:
Enjoy :)
Okay so I missed Jessie's interview with Julie this morning on the Early Show and just went to the CBS news site to see it...
There is so much I could say but..he's gone so I won't Except for one thing that came to mind over and over...
Every time they had a shot that showed Jessie's feet... all I could think was "He has really small feet.. really small... OMGosh they truly do look smaller than Noah's (my 8 year old son) feet" I guess Lydia's comment about the 2 fingers may have some merrit.
Okay, so they dumped Jeff's stuff again? Ugh! someone needs to spend some time in the naughty chair or something.. a punishment to fit the crime... I'd LOVE it if AG made them wear diapers and have to drink slop out of large bottles as punishment for their infintile behavior
I am thinking it is going to be real boring on BBAD.
Hi Genie...
Hi all dishers..
Good Night Carolyn...
One thing I cannot stand: NATALIE'S CHEWING!!!!!! I know there is a microphone close by, but damn girl, slow down, enjoy the food... she sounds like an anorexic horse that just realized food isn't the enemy and is making up for 5 years of food deprivation.
Could we please have production ask Natalie to please chew her food with her mouth closed? Lydia is eating the same thing and no sound . . .
Is Lydia and Natalie eatting popcorn with hotsauce?? LOL thats sooo gross!
@ Meadows Mommy - I love it , make them wear diapers, thats awesome thinking
I know Natalie was raised by a male, but it was a human male, right?
RE: Late Night Veto...
They haven't chosen players yet but they can't as BBAD is about to start. IF there is any late night comp tonight it would more than likely be that promptly at 12:01 they pick players, get the host to go to the DR and get instructions and then probably be a comp like the gnome finding from BB all stars (where Janelle shoved James and "stole" his gnome... CLASSIC) or one where they get put in different rooms throughout the house and go out one at a time and compete (like a face morph).
Could also be that whatever is going on for tomorrow needs to get lots of kinks worked out and took lots of construction (the more likely scenario). But they normally do pull an all-night veto at some point and it normally is around this time so maybe, just maybe it is tonight! :-)
Another possibility is a 3:30am BBT wake up time to catch everyone off guard. If VBS/AGP wants Chima or Natalie out this week they will more than likely do this so they are really off guard for the veto and are less likely to win.
Come out, come out, where ever you are....
omg. i have been around cows that eat quieter than Nat is, ugh! gross!!
Why do these girls think it wasn't Michele's plan all along to put up Chima alongside Natalie? I don't think she was "convinced" by Jeff/Jordon/Russell. Michele has her own brain girlies!!
They don't think Kevin would put Widows Godderz up? I think you think wrong.
~ Ryan ~
And can we all just say KUDOS TO KEVIN! He is playing an AWESOME game. I really hope he takes it all...
I am just gonna go ahead and be a selfish son of a bitch and say I hope he takes runner-up because I wanna be the first gay to win BB!!!
Oh I agree!!! Natalie drives me insane when she eats. I've said it before.... my children were taught at an early age to chew with your mouth closed and don't inhale your food.
I will seriously take Jeff/Jordon napping or Russell/Michele napping over the 4 Feeds on the Widows Godderz!!
~ Ryan ~
g'nite everyone.. setting my alarm for 2am bbt. ;) just in case there's a late night pov...
BB Voice: Natalie. Stop that!
Meadow's Mommy,
Love the idea of the diapers!
You should email it to cbs.
I'd love to see Chima suckin on a bottle.
someone tell these airheads that you actully have to WIN hoh in order to nominate people!
g'nite Carolyn!!
scratch that.. setting alarm for 2:15am bbt
Carolyn: Good night!! :-) I am tempted to give you my cellie number so you can call and personally wake me in the event of an overnight POV! haha!
Genie: HAHA!!!!! BB Voice comment was hilarious!!
Okay - I finally had to turn down the volume on the feeds. The two widows feeding was making me ill! Can someone please teach Natalie to chew with her mouth shut, and maybe next time, move the microphone out of her mouth? That is what it sounded like to me!
Nighty Night Carolyn! I think I'm gonna head to bed too. Have to be @ work 8:00, BLECH!!
Can't wait to read the Reports tomorrow! See you all tomorrow!
~ Ryan ~
I guess there won't be an endurance comp Thursday since it is double eviction... unless they end the show starting the 2nd HOH comp and it is endurance... but how will they build it in a moments notice? Veto and HOH could be played inside for BB in a Week? Something seems amiss... besides BB in a Week, I have a feeling we are gonna be surprised with something else at some point this week.
Where are Gaytor and Blue!!
Stephen - If she calls you, you had better call me! :)
Where the heck is Kevin? I'm missing him now, LOL
Night Ry! Sleep sweet! :)
Anyone else notice how much Lydia's been eating since Jessie died, I mean left? I guess that's how some people deal with grief. These 3 are too funny!
Caroline - Good Night, u r dedicated setting ur alarm for the middle of the night, 2 am bbt = 5 am east coast time, dont know if Ill be awake then, lol,
OMG! I missed alot - I was in an all-day driving marathon from Reno to my home in Arizona. Yeah, Nat and Chi are up! I love the names of the Widows Godderz! It is perfect for them. I did get to see the show last night (been in Reno for 4 days), and was SOOOOO excited, I got up and did the happy dance for Jeff, and then Jessie leaving - it was priceless!
I still don't know one thing, did the do the have-nots today, and if so, who are they?
Glad to home - {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} to all especially Carolyn and the crew!
Now no one else can play chess. Good Grief!
I just realized that Natalie is wearing a tribute to Jessie shirt. I wonder what her boyfriend (or should I say ex-boyfriend) is thinking! Also, Natalie and Jessie's behavior in the pool and else where . . .
I would wager $500K that Natalie won't have a boyfriend waiting for her after the season is over . . .
Maybe the 'girls' could get their own pad and do this everynight for the rest of their lives. Do each other's hair, nails the whole nine yards!
BTW, whose shorts is she wearing? The Incredible Hulk's? They are ginormous! She is a tiny petite girl (or woman if you go by her real age).
Widows Godderz LMAO Carolyn, you are BRILLIANT!!!!!!!
Hi ev1. I've been coming to this site for years and never commented before.
First off a very big thank you to all of you here at bbdish! I think I speak for many of us paupers when I say your work here is truly appreciated.
Unfortunately, this may be my last season of BB. Honestly, I think this season is completely bipolar. The excitement is short lived and the mundane is extensive. It's as if production is making certain that SHO 2 after dark is as boring as possible. At times, the house guests have actually planned for the sh-t to hit the fan immediately after SHO. And then to read about how much is being kept from even the live feed subscribers? I think I'm done.
It also seems that production has lost control of the show. Rewarding and thereby condoning threats by the house guests. They may have had their highest ratings last night (and I was among the many cheering on Jeff as he nominated Nat and Jessie) The fact that Chima had the ability to intimidate the producers into not going "live" is absurd.
Maybe I'm getting to old for this. Being a BB fan for so long, I just feel like the show is somehow taking advantage of my loyalty. The CDT is finally used and we get no aftermath? Three girls crying like babies mourning the "death" of a callous man? It's embarrassing to me as a woman. Completely disappointed in production thus far and can't believe I've managed to stick with it through week 5.
Sry if this is such a downer. I'm just really disgusted with this mess.
Best to all and kudo's to genie (I believe?) who came up with the "Widows Godderz".
I am hoping BB brings back someone this season like they did with Kaysar in Season 6. That way if Natalie and Chima and Jessee all get evicted in a row, they will come back with a vengence! And furthermore, whoever comes back is AUTOMATICALLY HOH without a competition... then Jeff won't be the only one who had power handed to him on a silver platter!!
Don't get me wrong, I am ALLLLL about the coup d'etat and unexpected twists... I just say leave a power as big as coup d'etat to be EARNED and not America's Choice. Chances are Jeff would have won the comp anyways and then at least his power would have been earned and maybe then Chima and Natalie wouldn't have complained and reaked as much havoc as they did.
I LOOOOVVVEEEDDDD in allstars the whole solving the riddle thing... if only Boogie hadnt of won it!!
Would a possible POV really be done at 2am bbt?? if so then as a fellow east coaster I should go to bed b/c I am not staying up til 6am!!!
This isn't game related at all...
Yuck on Lydia for warming up that pizza in the microwave. The only way to get a good taste from leftover pizza is to heat it in the oven.
Sorry, the thought of chewy crust and slimy cheese is making my stomach turn.
I would never stop watching BB-27/7 or BBtv but i am now totally on board the j/j F2 train. no one else deswerves it
Does anyone know where Chima is?
rosaritoe said...
Meadow's Mommy,
Love the idea of the diapers!
You should email it to cbs.
I'd love to see Chima suckin on a bottle.
I would love to but, I've been trying to email them all day something is up with my email...I'm waiting on a call-back from att tech support... If anyone else would like to email the idea...PLEASE do it! I'd love to see it.. the would be "must see TV" (opps! thats NBC)
I don't comment very often, I'm mostly a lurker but I have to say this is the worst house. L/N/C all need to grow up seriously.
Genie: I think GaYTOR had a show tonight....I think I remember him saying that anyway!
Night night Ry and Carolyn!
My 2 1/2 yr old daughter has even commented on Natalie's eating - she said "Mommy, her eats kinda like Tootie Nonster"(cookie Monster) "Her Mommy dunna tell her be poo-ight" (polite)
I'm so glad Jeff is finally getting to eat! And the leftovers he's eating look yummy! Kinda the same thing I ate tonight at the Chineese Restraunt!
Jenna Chima is the red lump on the bed in the corner of the have room.
Thanks Kscooter! :)♥
"Red Room
Natalie and Lydia are sith training.
That was Gucci ;)
JulieB: Lets set the Guiness World Record for biggest phone tree!! haha!!
HEARTHEARTHEART: Was the BLAH BLAH BLAH SNICKER SNICKER BLAH BLAH directed at me? Or another SR? If me, I don't get it. I've never been accussed of being boring, thats for sure!
I never thought watching someone eat would be so fasinating.
GaYToR said last night, that he has a show tonight..
Blu? head he been here at all today? I don't remember seeing him.. Hope everything is okay
Thank you Ellie!!! :)
Hey Stephen... I always love reading your comments, even though I don't always agree! :)
I still feel that Jeff DID earn his magic power... he won over America. But.... if you still don't agree, then the sides should be even since Jessie didn't earn that first HOH!!
HAha! Natalie just sent Lydia to check and see if Jeff was eating already-
She said its like 8:45...
Sorry sweetie its 9:11
Nice try though!
So where's Chima? Did she leave or something?
Messing with other peoples stuff is just passive aggressive childish bulls**t. Chima, Natalie and Lidia need to put on their big girl pants and get over it.
Why the heck is Lidia hanging out with Natalie? Wasn't Natalie her arch-nemesis? Is the mutual boohooing over Jessie that much more important to her than winning the game? I hope Jessie enjoys his alone time in the jury house because the claws will come out once Lidia and Natalie join him there.
Sith traing too funny!
OMG how petty good thing it's 9:11
Anon @ 8:54, that was Genie's idea :)
soooo happy Jeff can have food!
I must have missed something. I thought they were going to make steaks and corn and etc. on the grill at 9:00 when Jeff could eat. Where is everyone???
i think im gonna call it an evening, good night dishers see you tomorrow, cant wait to read the overnight report !!
Awww, Lydia and Natalie are totally BFFs now. They would totally make great sister wives!
Looks like i didn't miss too much. Whiners still whining and being babies.
Went out to get school stuff for the boy - nice little get away. Came home to a leaking roof again! I'm pissy, upset, frustrated, annoyed and down right heart broken.
Night Lynn! Sleep sweet :)
Stephen - I didn't think that comment was addressed to anyone here. If so, it's gone :)
Jane: I know Natalie was raised by a male, but it was a human male, right?
hahahahahahahahahaha :)
Anon @ 9:15, I think they are in lockdown mode and can't use the grill outside.
SR, you failed to recall Jessie was handed HOH Week 1 without earning it.
I concur with your other comments about the legal rights of individuals to say and do as they choose. However, some of those rights might have been signed away with the contracts they signed.
Besides, even with the legal rights there is a factor called "human decency" which has been overlooked at times.
I feel if the tables were turned as many others have mentioned and Chima were to be called out as a "n#@@$r" all hell would bust loose on the offender and rights would be forgotten about.
I feel also that I am not alone in perceiving why 35 YO Chima is single.
But I respect SR's right to have his perceptions of Chima, as the right I have for my perceptions of her as well.
Jane said, "I know Natalie was raised by a male, but it was a human male, right?"
MeadowMommy, hhhaaaaaahhaaaaa! She is such a nosy trouble maker!
Very funny video on YouTube - Braden watching last night's show. He does a little happy dance at the end.
Search on YouTube for
BB11 Braden's Evition Of The Meathead
(I copied the title directly from YouTube)
Stephen Ritchie
Jesse didn't win the first HOH to take the first controlling power in the house, that was given to him albeit unwittingly by his clique.
American gave Jeff the power, because he earned it with his play in the house.
So Jesse having been given the first HOH was a total free ride.
Genie: Thanks for monitoring. It wasn't that I thought it was BADLY aimed at me... I was just wondering what I said that they thought was "blah blah" so I could elaborate. My opinions tend to be less than "blah blah' so I was just curious! haha!
thanks again Genie for all the work you do. This place wouldn't be the same without you!
BB Voice: Genie, please go to the diary room for your America's Choice prize.
I am gonna just go ahead and expose myself for how crazy i TRUELY am. But does anyone ever just pretend for like 2 minutes that while you are walking around your house or something that you are on Big Brother. LMAO! Cause I totally catch myself thinking stuff like "what if i was on camera and everyone on the dish was blogging about me right now..." I am such a freak! hahaha!
Wendy, I am so sorry you're still having problems. Geez, it's been a long time :(
Divr - I would love to publish your comment without the specific referencing to Chima. Even starred out, it won't do :)
I missed it, who are the have nots this week?
Aww Wendy....{{{HUGS}}}
ok ty jluvs-but
where is everyone?? geez
I too miss GaYToR and Blue!
Well, I have a dumb tax class in the morning, so I think I will watch some BBAD and go nite nite.
Can't wait to see you all tomorrow, and especially if there was a morph veto tonite!!!!
Evening y'all.
The widows have put me in the worst mood. And also the cameramen forcing us to see only them for so long. I would have enjoyed watching Jordan, Jeff, Michele, Kevin, or Russell sleeping than any of them. I want some Jeff/Jordan cuteness STAT! I think I'm going to have to start watching the feeds on a 24 hour delay so I can fast forward through the bad parts.
I've just been apalled by the behavior of Chima, Lydia, and Natalie. Out of all of them, I would have expected Natalie to take it the worst, but I was wrong. If I were Jeff I would have already been in Lydia's face and yelled "I F*$&#$ Saved YOU!" What an ungrateful little twit.
FAVOR: Does anyone have a screenshot/pic of Jordan's stunned face? When Jeff stood up to use the Coup D'Etat?
Jaggers: It isn't that he didn't "earn" it COMPLETELY, but such a HUGE power should not be up to America's choice. Give him a "safe week" or the right to take himself off the block or a slop pass for America's Choice... but the coup d'etat?
The only distinguishing factor I can find with Jessee's first HOH is that his team DID earn it and they were all safe as a result. But good point, he did not earn that HOH either. Although coup d'etat is even bigger than hoh. You are safe, get to change both nominations and neither get a chance at the veto... pretty huge!!
I will say this, I still do like Natalie and Chima but the whining is getting annoying. I don't think the coup was fair but it happened and there isn't a lot that they can do and the motto of the show is "expect the unexpected."
I think the only reason I don't get as mad as other bloggers here about their shennanegans is that I just put myself in their position: I have been living in isolation for 40 days now, EVERYONE is on my nerves, I am paranoid as all hell, 500k is on the line, I won HOH (or was aligned with someone who was HOH) thought I was safe for the week and then at the last minute, BAM my whole HOH week is ruined,, I made big time enemies and no one I wanted is out the door. I would probably be throwing some fits too. But I do agree nonetheless, the complaining should have lasted only a few hours and the vandalism is a bit extreme, although entertaining.
JUN! I actually was on a blog where there was a scren shot of it, let me go see if I can find it
Stephen Ritchie - While we don't agree, you still crack me up.
And yes, though not specifically BB related, I sometimes try to think how i would act if a camera were on me. Helps prevent you from messing w/ your nose in the car, picking your underwear out of your butt or doing anything silly in public. :)
Does Natalie actually realize that "Don't tell nobody" is a double negative? Which means one thing....
jluvs - sister wives!! OMG that's priceless.
Wendy - hugs
Stephen - super call tree sounds like a superb idea and yep your opinions are definitely more than blah blah. ☺
JUN: About halfway down there is the screen shot you desire of Jordan!! :-)
To view any of the televised shows, you can go on I believe.
Hi Everyone
Carolyn, Genie excellent job keeping those of us working up to date.
So happy that Michele put those two up. {another happy dance} :D
Reading some of the earlier goings on at work I just had to say WOW yet again. It is expected but the lengths they have gone to really astounds. When Carolyn mentioned Cappy earlier this afternoon she wasn't kidding. This has so become the Nerd Herd Mark 2.
Didn't read anywhere if Nat got busted for the wine. Did anything come of that?
OMG with the chewing!!!
Hi Genie,
I've never had the pleasure of interacting with you here in BBDishLand. I don't post very often, and usually only to Carolyn (my long distance crush for the past few years), but I just wanted to say thanks so much for all that you do!
All the best
Just stopping by to check in. Been crazy at work the past 2 days. I was so disgusted at Nat/Lydia/Chima crying over Jessie last night. Pathetic! Lydia is a fool. Jessie use her and she is crying over him. Jeff saved her from the block and she didn't even thank him. You would think Jessie dies. He's probably sleeping by the pool in the jury house. And it's sad how Lydia said if she was on the blaock she would give them the ok to vote her out? Yeah because she wants to be alone with Jessie in the jury house! Ok, off to watch some BBAD and then bedtime. Early day tomorrow. Can't wait till Sunday to see the looks on Nat and Chima's faces when they are nominated.
Jun: Did you ever stay in contact with the mime that kept you company while Allie and Robert watched Runaway Jury? LOL! :-)
Jun! My love! It's been so long since we met like this!
I'll get that screen shot for ya in two jigs!
Sorry. I can't post links without Carolyn's okay. :)
Jluvs - Thanks. I know to some its no big deal but to anyone with ocd issues with cleaning and order its hell. I'm just so tired of living in this chaos and not eating proper meals. (which makes my tummy even worse with the meds)
By the time i actually get a kitchen/back porch and order back in this house i will have become a huge pothead :o/
I got it! Thanks Ms. Julie!!! :)
Michelle has Chima's shirt and pants on that Chima gave her the other day.
I so hope she had them on when she put her on the block.
Hiya Anthony :) Nice to meet you! And thank you :)
What in the name of all that is holy is Natalie chomping on? That is horrendous.
I am glad I help entertain bloggers here... god knows you guys all entertain me!! Sometimes it is lonely being the sole person here with certain opinions, but I also love that you guys all feel a different way because (believe it or not) a lot of the time I find myself looking at things a different way and see both sides.... keeps me grounded in reality! haha... well except for when I am in my delusional state of things my living room is the big brother house. haha
My biggest pet peeve is: Mouth Noises!!! What ever happened to manners????
ekmurf I agree
Stephen - I see where ur coming from! I do agree with you that the complaining is going a little (a lot, lol) far! They need to get over it and play the game!!!
I know that I would NEVER last in the house.... I'm not that much of a people person. I would def. have to tell Natalie about her eating habits!!!!! So I do understand that it makes it a lot harder than the REAL world!!
I still love reading your comments... and they are def. not blah, blah, blah!!! I can agree to disagree on everything else, that's what I love about this blog!!! ☺:)
Do you think it's possible that during the long delay of the nom's ceremony that Chima may have gotten read the riot act or something? That that could be why she's in bed alone and not talking or anything???
Genie my apologises. I just don't have it in me tonight to chat. I need some snuggle time with the bf.
Have a good night everyone!
Awwww man, too slow. Well here's what I snapped anyway to show how much I'm willing to be Jun's slave. ;)
Jordan's Shock
Jordan's Shock Profile
I wonder if the widows three will get a schedule together so no one else can try it out....
That combined with the mega white laundry loads would drive Jeff to the edge :)
MsFitz- That was not directed at you at all honey! :) I got 10 comments with links and I am simply making everyone aware of the fact that I cannot post links :)
Wendy - No apologies honey! Sleep sweet! :)
POV practice so I guess no late night one. Pretty random chance to win. You know it won't look exactly the same as the practice course. I would say our side has a good chance at this since they actually do physical things on a regular basis and the others, not at all.
I probably missed it...but where is Chima??
Genie - ok, thank you! I just didn't want to break a rule. I knew better than to put the actual link so I wanted to check to make sure I didn't do anything wrong by suggesting the search. Thanks for clarifying. ☺☺
Jaggers! Well Put! :-)
What is this veto? I can't get a good screen shot of what makes it so hard? Is there some small opening they have to get the ball in or something? I think this is a POV that is a total toss up... more luck than skill. I could see Chima being good at this one!!
I have a feeling the Widows of Eastwick are going to "hog" the practice game all night to keep everyone else from practicing.
How can BB put up with Chima's attitude as in her flipping them off when they told her to put her mic on? That's just rude. She needs to go! I'm so dun with her! And her poor grandparents seem so sweet!
oh great, the accuser is awake
WTF! If Chima doesn't get a severe penalty after that I don't know what will get her one. She ignored BB's command to get her microphone so Kevin got it and then she threw it directly into the hot tub. Are you kidding me!?!?!
Uh oh... the girls are turning on Kevin. Witholding veto secrets and doubting his ability to save them. I think it is good on Kevin's part to distance himself from them and good on their part to not share too much with him at this point. Although... I hate to see them break up! :-)
One Anti-Kevin thing I sort of do have to say is winning that veto was his chance to say "I AM NOT A FLOATER!" Floaters rarely win this game, and if they do, it is normally because of secret alliances that no one else knew about and the jury only THOUGHT they were floating until they see the show... Kevin should have grown a pair and taken Lydia off and said "we are an alliance and if u mess with her, you mess with me." It would have made his road to the end harder (he is worried about getting to the end) but he is failing to note that you also need votes to win and the jury tends to not take kindly to people who play both sides and don't stick with an alliance... I could see Kevin getting to the end but not winning because he never took a stand.
Did Chima just throw her mic pack in the hot tub? That has got to be a penalty.
Chima flipped off production when the voice asked her to please put on her microphone. hope you capped that.
Genie: I think tonight BB is the smackdown!! They are yelling a Chima right now to put her damn microphone on!!!!
Leanne - Please refer to rule #4
And of course, we get fishies as a result.
Michigan Man: Good Point... the practice they give them is never exactly how the real POV will be.
did Chima really just throw her mic into hot tub? um… rude
I was reading the update & saw this...
Genie checks in on the kitchen...
And, for a split second I thought who is Genie????
Stephen, you think you got problems thinking BB is in your living room. I thought our DishChick was a HG!
And, yes, Stephen I have done that before. In the kitchen or brushing my teeth or washing my face. I think if there is a camera in there or behind that mirror, how would I act.
Chima's not wearing a mic.
And if she flipped off BB, happy fish fingers should hit the switch and somebody on that shift should put it on her.
Why oh why do they get away with makes no sense to me.
I obviously missed something....what happened with the balls and Michelle??
And they don't want Kevin to know how to do it....yeah I can see him flipping....
Did C really throw her mic in the hot tub?
Okay. the throwing of the mic really is bad. I dont think it should result in a penalty nom but she did agree to be watched and heard 24/7... I wanna be able to hear all her shennanegans! :-) But I would think her throwing her mic in the hot tub would make you guys happen so you get a break from her complaining. I was even starting to need a break. I still love her laugh tho! haha
Kevin - I didn't get the chance to cap it. My feeds shunked out at that point. Grr! :(
MsFitz... I am glad to know I am not the only one. Maybe I will just set up a camera system in my house and make a live feed! hahaha!! Something tells me I wouldn't be as popular as the big brother house! LMAO!
Chima threw her mic pack and it landed in the hot childish can one be? And why on earth hasn't production said something to her about that nonsense?????
uhhh ohhhhh.. here comes Russell... I think he might grab a golf club and beat someone with it... he had that "man on a mission" walk going on when he came out! haha
I hope Jeff does not give in to the madness..... I can only imagine how frustrating it is for them.
Seriously? BB lets her get away with that? I'm flabbergasted. Will they let them stop the others from practicing? Will those four stop eating and go out and practice?
I am really surprised how bratty and immature Natalie comes off... being an elite athlete (in a sport that demands a respect for authority and respect of all) I would think she would be more mature...
I totally have to wonder what Chima needs to do before someone steps in and says or does something to "correct" her... her actions are very poor sportsmanship and she should be kicked off the show
Do you think that leak is actually the camera between the have and have not bedrooms? lol.
Stephen - I think you would be VERY popular with Gaytor!!!
Which side is Kevin going to go to, he was all telling Chima about going out and practicing; now he is telling the people in the house.
As for Natalie's comments about she is going home, watch, she will not win the POV, she won't campaign to get votes, she will happily walk out of the BB House and into Jessie's arms! There aren't cameras at the Jury House . . .
Things that make you go hmmmmmmm . . .
So just exactly what does Chima have to do to get any kind of penalty or punishment??
I am sick of this!
Sorry Stephen I just don't agree at all- enough is enough..
and its not funny anymore.
Sean - huh?
I just don't understand why if someone wants to leave they don't just say leave. The UK version of BB has people leave all the time.
They also punish them for bad behavior and breaking the rules. I still say the only way they are going to fix this in future seasons is to take some of the stipend away for breaking the rules. Nothing else will work.
So are there any Have Nots this week? There has to be if they did a comp today.
The have/have not situation is not clear at present.
Stephen - LOL, I bet I could guess who your first subscriber would be... he lives close to a swamp down in LA....hahahaha!
I see Kevin's reasoning in telling Chima to practice and giving her tips. If Lydia plays, wins and takes Nat down, he goes up. If Chima wins, Lydia goes up.
Boy ain't stupid. ;)
I can't believe AG is putting up with this stuff. These 3 have gone completely crazy and it's not the enjoyable type of crazy that gets you ratings. Ugh.
I have to go to bed. I am going to a very unhappy place again..TY Chima!
Night Genie
Night Dishers
Are they really not going to say anything to chima about her throwing her mic in the hot tub?
Jaggers: I think you are right... I may even get him away from the BB feeds! hahaha
Katie: I respectfully disagree... I think penalty noms should only be given on digressions that directly affect the integrity of the game. Eating while a have not, telling someone you have a secret power, etc. Pouting, Whining, Throwing Microphones in the Water, etc. are things that production can deal with without having to reverse permanent damage to any one players chances of winning because of something another contestant does. I do think (although I think it would have been funny as hell) that if Chima went off on LIVE television, a penalty nom or even eviction would have been proper (although I would not have liked it) because part of the Big Brother popularity is the fact that evictions are live and the house is in "real time."
However, her childish actions are the reason she was cast, and until she breaks a "game altering" rule, I dont think penalty noms or any other punishment should be given other than a yelling from the BB God Voice.
JulieB: Michele gathered up 3 balls to practice with, put them in her hoodie pockets, & then hit them. In other words, NOTHING. Nat is just being überbitchy at the moment.
Camera guys must be asleep at the wheel tonight. What is with these angles. Would like to see the hole.
Well tossing her mic in the hot tub didn't piss anyone off. She still doesn't have one on....
THANK YOU SYN!!!! You are my Prince Charming! Muah! :)
What was Russ cooking? We need a BB recipe blog. haha
And Chima refusing to mic? Not acceptable.
I had a friend who set up his web cam and let people watch him work. He was at a computer all day so not real exciting. He had a about 10 viewers though.
MsFitz: Haha... is that GaYToR or someone else? I dunno who the swamp in LA is... I used to live in LA tho (dad is from there) and the closest thing to a "swamp" near LA that I can think of is Toluca Lake... and I dont even think there is really a lake there... ironically enough, Toluca Lake is RIGHT next to the big brother house!!!
whhat are they exactly trying to do with the contraption? Get the ball down without hitting anything? Getting it to land in a certain spot? Was anyone watching the feeds when they got the instructions to go with the veto device or was it still fishies when that happened?
Night Michelle! Sleep sweet.
I am saving my energy and fingers for the ensuing smackdown when they refuse to let the others to practice.
No prob Genie!
I'm trying to learn how to f'in twitter so I can tweet AGP, CBS, and BB Scoop. That is unfreakin' believable! And she hasn't even been called to the DR!
I find it hard to believe that Nat ever did anything physical let alone excelled in it. She is not very good at anything physical. She is about the worst miniature gold player I've ever seen. Well that is besides Chima. Guess that is what happens when you sleep all day.
so the miserable three are going to monopolize the game and the washing machine.
And you have no friends if you are sitting outside????
And I sure as heck wouldn't have a bf anymore if I was wearing some other dudes freaking clothes!!
A Big Brother Cook BOok would be awesome! I also think they should market Slop and sell it at Ralphs or other grocery stores... they would make a shit load of money with a limited time supply, and then all us crazy fans can know just how bad it really is!!!!! And we could get creative with slop recipes and CBS could have a cook off competition and the winner gets to go into the big brother house to host a food comp and then show the HGs how to make their yummy slop recipe!!!!!
I love how Natalie and Lydia are BFF's now. LOL!! So I guess Chima gets her way and BB is not going to do anything to her. How frustrating!!!
Genie Sea: Good call on waiting... there is bound to be drama with this practicing stuff.
Although Michele is smart by sitting out there and watching them... she can learn from their mistakes and hopefully practice without practicing so to speak...
I really want Chima to win. Not only because I like her, but I just love when nothing goes as planned in the house... causes a lot of drama and scrambling!!
I want them to hurry up and eat and go practice. LOL!!!!
Stephen I think MsFitz means Louisiana.....and still
Oh Please Big Brother "Gods" let the good (Jeff, Jordan, Michelle, Russell) win the POV.
Then I so hope Chima does something to get kicked out, so she can't go to the jury house.**In my opinion, Chima has already done enough to get kicked out.
What does everyone think?
Genie Sea said...
Night Michelle! Sleep sweet.
I am saving my energy and fingers for the ensuing smackdown when they refuse to let the others to practice.
And it is soooo coming..production won't leave that out there for to long... so they all need to practice.. and the smackdown is coming.. whoooo so glad i got live feeds.
Is anyone else surprised that no one has done something to the BBQ or the food or anything else unsupervised in the by
Those 3 are honestly making me sick. My 13 year old kids would not act the way they are. It's really ridiculous. And why haven't they called Chima into the DR over the mic?
Stephen - It's the GaYToR in New Orleans, Louisiana.
I think BB should send Chima to bed with strict instructions that she cannot speak until she has a mic on....
not that it would work but it's an idea
Lydia just said "I hate weak submissive women that act like victims"
I'll just leave that alone.
I wonder if the real comp will be a much bigger set up with a plethora of holes for the balls (no sexual jokes gaytor... i actually mean golf balls...) and various holes are worth veto points and luxury prizes... that way people aiming for veto points may miss and get luxury but no points, or people going for luxury who want to throw the veto for whatever reason end up geting points and winning the veto... and of course, big brother will throw in some bad things too!!!
Ok I am waiting on the bb gods to punish Chima in some way....this is unacceptable!!! Don't they sign contracts?
It's really sad when a houseguest forces you to join twitter just so you can tweet about their dispicable behavior.
@agrodner22 Chima deliberately threw her mic in the hot tub. How can she get away with that? This Tyrant MUST be stopped!
@bigbrotherscoop Chima deliberately threw her mic in the hot tub. How can she get away with that? This Tyrant MUST be stopped!
@cbstweet Chima deliberately threw her mic in the hot tub. How can she get away with that? This Tyrant MUST be stopped!
Poll: If you were Jeff, how would you handle the situation with the Widows Godderz/
Would you blow up at them or be civilized like he is?
However, her childish actions are the reason she was cast.
Im sorry Stephen, I would have never pegged her for someone they would have cast for childish actions..I really liked her alot in the beginning of the show.. I think she was cast for just the oposite but thats just my opinion.
I do enjoy your opinions and hope you don't take offense to mine:)
This is why I love this site!
I don't think BB should acknowledge Chima's 2 year old behavior (throwing mic in pool). Ignore the temper tantrum and the 2 year old eventually gives up. Respond to it and they get "positive reinforcement" that tells them it's ok to act that way because it gets them what they want.
I mean really, nobody is going to complain that she isn't mic'd. Her laugh is annoying and she doesn't do anything other than bash russell. Not missing out on much with her mic in the pool.
- Vicky in HB
I just thought of something.
Did any of you have to share a room?? Do you remember ever having to draw the line with strict rules of don't even put a toe on MY side??
That's what it feels like in the house right now.
It's almost the if I don't talk to you, you don't exist...
ohhhhh LA the state abbreviation.... gotcha. lol
Stephen, I agree with many of your posts you rock
What the hell is Chima doing? Standing guard?
Katie: I love your opinions too, no offense taken at all!! I didn't mean, per se, that they cast her because they knew she would act as a child but simply because she is outrageous enough to do some of the stuff she is doing. If they cast people who knew how to act properly at all times, and could keep their cool in every situation, well... we need not worry about that because someone like that would never be cast (except for maybe Will Kirby).
Why is Chima sitting on the washer/dryer? Trying to get her thrill on?? lol
JulieB: YES!!! The whole "don't cross the line thing"... there is definitley some tension in the air...I could cut it with the dullest butter knife in the world!!!
I hope something happens to shake the house up. I would love to see Chima/Russell/Jeff and Lydia end up on one alliance and Kevin/Jordan/Michele/Natlie to end up on the other side. That would just completely change EVERY aspect of what is going on in the house right now.
That would never happen, but other than Lydia and Natalie there haven't been many alliance shifts this season... or at least any shocking/game changing ones.
Thanks Jay!!! :-)
Ya'll she queen Chima perched on her throne? Maybe she is just enjoying the spin cyle ;-0
anyone else tired of the childish behavior coming from the jessie lovers.. kick them all out man I sick of it.. they are ruining a great game...thank god for the technobrains
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