Nomination Spoiler & Immediate Aftermath
Ooooh lordy! It's gonna be a hot night in the Big Brother 11 house. Nominations are happening right now, and as soon as the feeds come back on, the Nomination Spoiler will go right here in this post, as well as the immediate follow up...
It's a very safe bet to assume Chima and Natalie will be going up. Very safe. The only surprise at this point would be if they were not the noms...
The feeds went to Trivia at 5:10pm BBT... Feeds are back @ 6:48pm BBT.
Natalie & Chima
have been
nominated for eviction.
6:47pm BBT
HoH Room
Michele, Jordan, Jeff, Russell
The feeds return and the crew up in HoH is talking about more vandalism to their belongings...
Jeff says he feels like they should at least have 2% class...
Jeff: I hope they give us a couple beers tonight..
Russell: Did you know Chima was on medication last night, when she was drinking her wine... I was downstairs and she was all, those pills and wine.. I was all, woah!
Michele checks the Spy Screen and sees nothing going on in the common areas. Jordan thinks they should go down to make sure they're not messing with their stuff. Russell suggests they all go down to the pool room so they can hear them crying...
Michele: Natalie says I'm in trouble with God...
Russell: Her and Lydia man.. I hope I never go to that jury house.. Can you imagine?
Jeff: I'd rather go into county...
Russell: Dude, what's her boyfriend thinking? She's wearing a shirt of him (Jessie).
Michele: Dude, I was playing in the pool with them and it was really uncomfortable.. They were groping each other..
Talk turns to the food they want to prepare on the grill tonight, then back to the comp earlier today and how the Widows Godderz sucked all the fun out of it.
Going to Cams 1 & 2 to hear from Natalie, Lydia and Chima...
6:56pm BBT
Haves Room
Lydia, Natalie & Chima
Natalie: You could win tomorrow, and it'll turn right back around.
Chima: We still wont have the numbers.
Lydia: There's no way 3 of us can stay.
Natalie: Yeah this week one of us is going home, but next week...
Chima: I now hate Michele and Russell equally...
Natalie: Yeah, Russell's totally off my radar.. I'll put up Jeff and Michele.
Chima: SO basically, I have to win PoV and HoH again to stay in this game... and that's why I'm f'ing pissed. If I don't win PoV, I'm going home.
Natalie: Or me. I know Jeff wants me out.
Lydia: No, it's Chima.. Jeff attacked her right after you two got put up.
Chima: You have no power.. A girl winning this game, yeah, that's gonna happen. Not only do I win, but I talk mad sh-t... And they all know I fought off a serial rapist murderer, and don't think they don't think about that. They know I'm a fighter in every way, shape and form.
Natalie: I'm reading this book, and it says, unless informed by producers... (brief fishies) I just don't get wtf we had HoH last week for.
All feeds cut to HoH @7:04pm BBT...
HoH Room
Michele, Jordan, Jeff, Russell
Michele's telling them how when she was playing monkey in the middle with Jessie and Natalie in the pool, she was intentionally throwing the ball at Jessie's head and playing it off, saying she was a terrible thrower...
Talk turns to chatter about writing and reading and how odd it will feel to do it again... and driving...
7:10pm BBT
7:10pm BBT
HoH Room
Jeff, Michele, Jordan, Russell
Happy times are here again... Michele's always naked... She's sharing stories about all the occurences of nakedness. Very funny... Most embarrassing stories moments...
7:18pm BBT
Jordan's sharing childhood stories, while Jeff looks at her... pretty unmistakeable look there...
The room is pretty darn joyful. It's an extremely welcome break from the day. Long may it last... Jordan's full of stories that are putting everyone in a very good mood... If you're not watching right now, I strongly encourage you to check this out of flashback. :) Good times.
Jordan goes to the kitchen and Kevin passes by on his way to the Green Room. He says something to her, and she follows him in.
Kevin: I just want you to know whatever had happened over there, I am not a part of it.
Jordan: Are you serious? My Stuff?
Jordan goes to investigate. We hear Jeff say, "Who did that?"
Feeds cut to:
The Pool Room
They took all of Jeff's things out of the drawers and dumped them on the bed. HE puts everything back. Natalie is sitting on the bed smirking.
Jeff: Don't touch my sh*t.
Natalie: It wasn't me.
Jeff: You know what I'm talking about.
Natalie: I don't know what you're talking about.
Natalie continues reading the rule book. Jeff and Jordan lie down in the Pool Room. Jordan thinks they e on lockdown for the night because she heard hammering, and that they might be building something for tomorrow.
Natalie: It wasn't me.
Jeff: You know what I'm talking about.
Natalie: I don't know what you're talking about.
Natalie continues reading the rule book. Jeff and Jordan lie down in the Pool Room. Jordan thinks they e on lockdown for the night because she heard hammering, and that they might be building something for tomorrow.
Michele did not at any point tell Natalie or Chima point blank who she is putting up. It was implied and Natalie came to the right conclusion.
(I didn't realize there was a new top post so I'll put this here as well if it's okay.)
These girls really are showing how much Jessie was the glue that held their ragtag bunch together. The second he's gone and they're at a disadvantage all they talk about is breaking the rules so they can leave and pointing out the potential rule breaks of others to get them in trouble. All they do is talk and tattle.
I really wish Chima, Natalie and Lydia would just play the game instead of pouting when things don't go their way. It's utterly childish and it shows how weak they are.
Take a look at Jeff and Jordan. They were on the bottom looking up for a month (especially Jordan thanks to the cliques.) Did they cry? Did they run to the Diary Room to throw a hissy fit? No. They sat back and decided to ride the storm out.
Chima, Natalie and Lydia have proven that unless they're on easy street they can't read the Big Brother road map.
I can't wait for the fireworks, these people don't need alcohol to get them fired up .
Will Chima finally go to far and be disqualified? If so what happens? do the bring some one back or continue on and instead of a double evitction will they proceed as normal? I havve so many questions
I've come to the point where i can't even stand to watch chima, nat and lydia talk it's just so petty the things they are doing, i can't believe production hasn't done anything to stop all of this. It's a game.
why are they trying to cite the rule book like little tattle tails.
and really, has there not been a previous incident of the HOH stating their noms? Did Chima say not say she was putting up Russell? Did Russell not say he was putting up Ronnie?
CBS got their wish. This is truly high school, complete with the Mean Girls club.
Every HOH this year, and possibly last has indirectly told their "pawn" they are going up. Geesh, in BB8 they had a group convo on it and Dustin volunteered. He knew he was going up. Michele did nothing wrong.
This is what drives me crazy about the Widows Godderz. For 4 weeks they were safe and knew. 3 of those weeks they knocked off people from the "other side". Meanwhile, the other side just kept playing the game. Obeying BB when he called etc. not viciously attacking them or their property and never running to the DR to tattle in the hopes of getting Jesse's group in trouble.
Now, their side is down a man and getting ready to lose another. They've done nothing but complain, cry, attack, whine and ask BB to penalize Jeff and Russell. It's called sportsmanship. They had a dictionary maybe they should have looked it up.
Caro and Genie, I just don't know how you do it. You ROCK and I got mucho love for you!!!!
Good evening everyone!
I never thought I would ever say this, but Chima is making ED look like an angel!
She is an arrogant person who seriously needs help.
Couldn't Russell get her on slander, or are they exempt b/c they are in the BB house?
She has called him a terrorist too many times for my liking and that is unforgivable!
I'll stop my rant there and take the high road...I least I know I won't run into Chima, Natalie or Lydia.
MattitudeV1oh, I was thinking the same thing.
Maybe if Chima, Natalie and Lydia continue on their path of self destruction, we wont need a double eviction show. Those always make me nervous anyways.
I cant stand this. All they have talked about doing is breaking the rules to "get back" BB since last night, and all they are doing is trying to get someone else caught in something to get into trouble.
For goodness sakes, make up your minds! Either your a tough guy-badass, or your a tattle-tale cry baby. Please figure it out soon. These three make just make my ears bleed if this contiues all week long.
Anyone else predicting a Jump-Ship from Kevin? He needs to get to the other side.....quick.
Smackdowns like thunderstorms
will rain upon the house.
Chima with her fire brand
the house guests she will douse
The Widows Godderz will wail and screech
like vengeful furies two
They will complain til we are deaf
and a little crazy too.
And in this storm, we'll ride it out
With Team Positivity,
The Technobrains will ride again,
Our only sanity.
I can't believe what a baby Lydia is. I really thought she was going to be likable and a fan favorite and she's turned out to be anything but.
Well put
ltcmek said...
CBS got their wish. This is truly high school, complete with the Mean Girls club.
I can't wait for this smackdown. Chima is so blinded by her Russell rage that she isnt considering that SHE might be nominated. LMAO
I fully expect a tense evening, even if the HG's DON'T start yelling. But please start yelling… PRETTY PLEASE!!!
I bet the feeds tonite will be better than the 'live' show last thurs!!! I cant wait!! Good job michele!!
hi peeps...i'm back at the 'the crack house' i am really tired today so not going anywhere tonight. in fact took the whole day to DO NOTHING! hopefully i will be all good and well rested by tomm. and ready for another week of crazy!
btw-michelle rocks. i loved how she just shut out (emotionally speaking) nat and chima. i kind of hope nat goes so over the top that the technobrains get her out first. then chima wont know what hit her, she wont know who t go after!
Good call ltcmek!!
I'm skerrred! Chima is going to go ape shiz!!! :o)
Please let this be the right post for this. Read it. Really really funny guy!
I've been watching Big Brother for 3 years and I still don't know what a penalty nom is. Someone ... please explain this to me. And if it's for breaking rules - like Knat & Jess not sleeping in the have not room - why weren't they penalized???
Genie I love your poems!
Come on Feeds, come back on with Chima & Natalie on the block and make me the happiest boy ever!!
~ Ryan ~
Good Evening Carolyn, Genie (LOL Widows Godderz)& all fellow Dishers! What a crazy 24 hours it has been in the BB house. I finally just turned my feeds off last nite because of all the hate being spewed around. Turned them on a little today & just had to turn them off cause all of the negitivatey was really bringing me down. This is my 1st yr to get the feeds & I'm seriously thinking about cancelling them. I'm so disappoitned in what Chima is getting away with. This poor woman has some MAJOR problems w/men & controlle issues. I hope she gets some much needed help. Lydia is feeding off of her & Natalie is pushing it. How can they get away w/a lot of the things they are doing. WHY would you want to provoke ANYONE (man or woman) into hitting you then want to see them in jail. Even Evil Dick wasn't this evil. Just sad & I feel so sorry for Michele,Jeff & Jordan for having to live like this for a week. I hope CBS puts a stop to a lot of the crapola or I think it could hurt future shows. JMO
in the past couple of weeks the J/J coupleing didnt appeal to me but i must say they are growing on me, its nice to see them together withoutpulling an Ollie//April thing, And if Michelle does give them the room, I hope Jordan sticks with her No Boogering on TV , it would just ruin the whole magic of the couple..
Thanks Michelle :) ♥
Get the SWAT team prepped! Chima is totally convinced that she is safe. But what is really gonna set her off is the realization that she is Michelle's target this week (because Michelle told Nat that Nat wasn't her target).
I almost fell outta my chair laughing when Chima said she'll just have to get out Russell next week and Michelle just smiled and said "Good Luck"!!!
And good on Michelle for not falling for Chima's emotional pleas. Chima doth protest too much about Jeff and Russell's supposed misogyny. I don't see what Jeff has done to earn such a brand. Russell on the other hand IS abusive (I feel really bad for any girl/boy friends of his), but he comes across as more of an equal opportunity abuser.
I had so hoped that Russell's outbursts were part of some cunning strategy, but it seems clear now that he is an insecure abuser, which is a shame because he can be so sweet when he wants to.
Chima's statements on the other hand betray her own misandry. Kudos to Michelle for rising above all that to make strategic moves.
Ooooo, I am so excited for the Noms and the aftermath.
Although sick of the Trio of tattlers :). I would think that Chima wouldn't let herself get so worked up over a man. Didn't she say it wasn't worth it?
Sending Positive thoughts to team technobrains and the whole dishchick team!
Special shout to Genie Sea--Your Poem Rocks!
re: Penalty Nom, I think this is (so far) only a myth. The only time I remember any serious penalty being enforced was when BB8 Jen ate the turkey burger patty while on the block & on slop bc she KNEW she'd be evicted. So she got an automatic +1 vote for eviction. Otherwise I only recall it as a BB Legend.
"These four walls they could tell you some stories
About lying and dying and fame
There's a price that you pay for the glory
About losing and choosing and pain.
Hear their cries
The hardest part is the night
In the night, hear their cries, in the night
Stay alive
In the night, stay alive, in the night"
Hardest Part Is The Night
Bon Jovi
Itcmek and Kevin, I LOVE your comments!
Genie, your poem is awesome!
Bonnie girl, I'm aka Jami on FB :)
How long do noms usually take?
I wish it was up to America for double eviction! Wouldn't the trio (Widdows) just love it?
I have lost all respect for Chima and Lydia. I never had respect for Natalie (except that she is beautiful, I do respect Mother Nature for giving her that).
Journalists are supposed to be unbiased, and true journalists would never give opinions regarding anyone, but would just report the facts. Chima is a race baiting man hater. Clearly not an objective observer.
I realize where the terrorist thing started. Remember when Russell said that it is funny that the two black people in the house like grape candy? They all said, jokingly, that he was being racist. He said he thought it was funny, and encouraged people to be blatantly insulting to his "group." Chima called him a terrorist (this was when they were friendly) meekly. He said he thought it was hilarious; that he could take a joke. Well, Chima has obviously run with that, and continues to do so. I understand that it started as friendly banter, but that doesn't excuse her stereotyping and hatred.
Trying to get people disqualified by using hate speech is okay? Has this happened in the house before? I find it ugly and cruel, and not good game play by anyone's standards. Chima is making Natalie attractive at this point.
As to Lydia. How stupid can you be? I am not insulting her, I am talking about game play. Jessie is gone. When you see where the tide turned, and you were considered a floater, why would you continue some loyalty to a player who can no longer help your game and jump on the bandwagon that is heading for the ditch? And poor Kevin. Jump ship already.
I tried to respect Chima because she is obviously intelligent and is articulate. I love smart gurls. But I am dun!
I have loved Lydia because she is so incredibly creative. I think she is a genius. She amuses me. But her neediness and clinginess have gotten the best of her and have clouded her judgment beyond repair.
I am so happy to see that Michele is truer than true blue! I was worried about her allegiances, but I was wrong to worry. The nasties continue to strengthen the bond between all members of the technobrains. And that makes me smile.
Wonder why Chima turned out to be so hateful when her precious grandparents seem so sweet...
Natalie, I can somewhat understand her mean demeanor, she was raised with all boys, right?
And Lydia, poor girl has no self esteem or respect whatsoever.
Where do they find these people? And they really passed a psych exam?
Strong Black women have enough of a problem without Chima.She says she comes from a line of strong black women but she is bringing them shame.Grow up.
I guess she could look forward to marketing a kind of female "Chuckie" doll in her image.She is a horror.
Than you Jody and Jluvs! :) ♥♥
Good evening everyone! Do you have your fire-resistant suits on? :)
Where in the heck is Blue??
Alisa.....'The Widows Godderz...' Hilarious! I LMAO. You go girl!
Anonymous @ 5:32
I would like to have enough class and dignity to admit that I have come to the same point as you (can't stand to watch chima, nat and lydia talk.)
I feel the same as I felt last year watching April, Ollie, Michelle and Jerry. It's hateful, it's rude and it's disgusting. But for some reason it has the same fascinating pull as a car wreck-you know you shouldn't look but yet you can't turn away.
Come on feeds...I have to go pick my husband up at the airport that has been gone for two months and I don't want to miss what is going to happen right after the nominations!!! I'm an addict...I know!!! lol
Genie I loved your poem.
I can't believe how vile Chima is behaving. I also don't understand the bond that Natalie and Lydia have all of a sudden.
Yeah, where the heck has Blue been? And GaYToR is missing tonite too!
OAC if you're out there, you're still missed too!
Bonnie girl
Thanx for the post it was funny.
Grendon, I said the same thing earlier about April/Ollie/Jerry/Michelle! I never thought it could be worse than them, but I was wrong, so very wrong!
ragz - please email that link to me at dishchicks at yahoo dot com. I need to check out the site before publishing.
Anon - I'm not publishing her phone number. No need to keep re-sending the comment.
More like a train wreck!
Thanks Shi Shi but I can't take credit. I think Genie came up with that in the comment section of an earlier post.
erinnyc - that's exactly where that started (not making it right). When they talked about the fake fight she told him again she was going to call him that.
rosaritoe - Exactly what problems is it that strong black women have?
It's probably taking so long becuz Diva Chima ran and got a knife or something crazy like that!
boricua, LOL!
OH!!! Carolyn gave us the BRB screen!!
Can we tweet to Allison Grodner or CBS (or some other way) about how offensive Chima is? I'm neither Muslim, or Middle Eastern (I'm Italian), and I find her to be a vile person for spewing that stuff (My son is half Israeli, does that make him a terrorist because he is of Middle Eastern decent?). She should know better. I really think she deserves a penalty nom, and to be a permanent Have Not/Slop.
Thanks Andrea! :) ♥
jluvs - Gaytor has a show tonight....he may be here, much later on
With Nat,Chima and Lydia I thank my lucky stars for FF.
Kevin Jump! Jump now!
Okay, seriously, how does Natalie not know about Lydia giving Jessie happy endings??
I love the Widows tag! Genius!
oh, and, boo hoo.
wow this is taking a while i wonder what is going on inthere now?
Spark up the feeds already !!!
Got my popcorn and drink ready for the Nasty show
Before WW100 breaks out in that house....
Hi everyone! ☺
Carolyn and Genie....sending you both much love and huggies and special powers to get thru the night (wink, wink)
I'm trying to watch the comments and the feeds and wrestling....way too much multitasking!! (but I want to see how many times my son and I end up on tv, even if only I know it's my shirt!! haha)
Isn't this an awfully long time for the nomination ceremony?
Did Chima blow up?
Are there penalty noms?
i also must say whoever coined the godderz widows..or even just the widows is i think the funniest/best name for a big brother click i have ever heard in all 11 seasons! hats off and thank you!
rosaritoe: Glad you enjoyed it. I was totally LMOA at the whole post :-)
evening all!!! this should be interesting!!!
So with as long as it has taken for the feeds to come back up.. I am thinking they had some kinda crud go on and needed some interference.. I would love to be a fly on the wall.. hurry up already!!
Why am I so darn Twitter illiterate?
I dont want a smackdown.. I want some calm... I want some Jeff and Jordan snuggly time.. I want Lydia and Chima and Natalie to go to bed and not wake up till the POV and then I want them to lose it and then go back to bed! Im so tired of hearing their whiny lil mouths. And if Kevin has any sense left in his brain he will jump ship and go with the nice side of the BB House because you cant be around negativity that long and not let it get to you. He will lose sleep over it, and comps!
No SmackDown.. just Jeff and Jordan.. and Calm...
please? No? But I said Pleaseeeeeeeeee!
"Widows Godderz" was first used by me :) I will take credit! Thank you :) hehehehe You can only use it for non-profit purposes! hahaha *wink*
Thank you JulieB! Was missing his commentary! :)
Okay, now I'm REALLY convinced Chima ran and got a knife or scissors and is holding people hostage!
The 3 widows remind me of the 3 witches in Hocus Pocus Winnie, Sarah and Mary Sanderson, then they had the zombie guy and there you have Kevin.
CBS Big Brother Related Tweets...
@agrodner22 = Alison Grodner, BB Exec Producer
@BigBrotherScoop - the twitter account they set up for the show
@CBSTweet - cbs publicity, which is akin to tweeting the network
i must echo -
Genie - the Widows Godderz is flipping brilliant!
Hello Carolyn, Genie, and my BB dish friends, thanks for keeping me posted on today's activities. boy tonight is gonna be crazy, I am happy I missed Chima's terrorist rant, I have no tolerance for the slandering that has been going on
If Chima has flipped her weave and gotten herself put out of the house I hope they show the tv only's why it happened.
I was on tv, ME! (I didn't have to squint or look for me t-shirt! It's ME!!!!)
Ha! My son will be ticked that I'm on and he isn't hahahahaha.
(I know I'm super cool for taking him and super cruel that I'm gonna rub it in!!) teeheehee
Thanks Caro! Have I mentioned how much I adore you?
I googled 3 headed snake and this is what i found, laughed myself off me chair!
Spawned by Typhoeus and Echidna , the Chimaera had three heads - lion, goat, and snake .Its body was also mixed having the front part of a lion, middle of a goat, and snake for a tail. It breathed fire. It ravaged Lycia, killing cattle and setting fires until it was killed by Bellerophon.
My translation:
Spawned by Pitiness and Insecurity, the Chimaera had three heads - lion - chima, goat - natalie, and snake lydia (just because she has decorated skin lol, .Its body was also mixed having the front part of a lion - strength, middle of a goat - strength , and snake - hissy fits -for a tail. It breathed fire. It ravaged the BB house, killing all that was good and setting fires until it was killed by Bellerophon - Technobrains.
Evenings Addicts!!
xoxoxo Carolyn & Genie
Is this not the longest nomination cermeony ever?? sheeeesh
Thank you, Caro, but how do you tweet them the message? I only figured out how to post on your wall cuz I "follow" you. LOL LOL
i've been reading bbdish for 3 years now i rarely ever comment but i decided why not start now. It's truly the best BB Site, you guys do such a great job!
On another note, i can not believe how "jessie's fan club" is acting, Lydia Nat and Chima, thought this was like being in high school again not first grade.
Testing... is it working now lol
my BB crush since AllStars...
whats taking so long?!?!? i wonder if anyone stormed off the show.
i also sent a complaint to
about how Chima actually compared herself to the Twin Towers and Russell the terrorist.
Did someone have a fit? This is taking forever!
Get ready Smackdown Genie
Gale, I want peace and harmony too.
harry carry must be going on in that place this is taking way to long something is going down in there ..we want to see open the feeds...its finally getting exciting..
Thanks Very Much, Meg :)
JLuvs - What's your name on twitter?
Ok good it works ok but first lol I think that Natalie and Chima will be going up because Michele is tight with Jeff and Jordan by the looks of it ;-) and if that happens the feeds tonight are going to be awesome to watch with probably fights oooooo how exciting this all will be
I'm sure I forgot to mention it today, but THANK YOU Carolyn and GenieSea -
Carolyn thanks for your "Thoughts on Chima's Rant" and this blog.
Genie thanks for your quick wit!!
I come to this site to watch a game and be amused by you two and all the commenters.
Sometimes its hard to watch the game....
But again Thanks!!
btw - in case anyone doesn't know, I'm @theREALbbdish :)
Man... it seems like it's taking forever. Do you think Chima went off the deep end and production had to step in????
♥♥Go TechnoBrains♥♥
Thanks Carolyn! :)
Lynn! AWESOME!! LOL that was greatness!
Caro ~ jamijohnson23
Where are the Feeds!? If there are Penalty Noms, they should have at least have the common courtesy to do it during the Live Feeds.
I really hope Chima/Natalie/Lydia stop with this whole trying to get the other side to get Penalty Nom'd. It is really starting to get ridiculous.
I can't help but refer to the fact that J/J/M had their friends sent home, but they stayed and played the game, didn't bitch profusely.
C/N/M lose Jessie and it's World War (insert number here) every single day. I have lost respect for them and hope for their consecutive evictions. I'm trying not to be mean, but the things they say are downright repulsive at times.
~ Ryan ~
...wondering if that means i'm slow witted...
Jluvs - whether you are twitter literate or not, I give you props for joining and trying!
I have successfully avoided setting up an account on there!
You don't think Chima went crazy and hurt someone or herself.Is that why it's taking so long for the noms ceremony.
Genie loved the Widows Godderz
I'm on board with everyone about them(anyone who breaks the rules) being penalized.
Loved Michele standing her ground with Natalie then again with Chima.
Why can't the other hg's realize Natalie was drinking and she is suppose to be 18.
Why oh why oh why can't they control this years HG's.
This IS a long nom ceremony. I wonder if the cops and paramedics had to be called? And maybe the U.N.
Is it just me or is this trivia (Nomination Ceremony) taking INSANELY too much time? want feeds nao. kthxbai
Very clever Lynn! :)
It sure is taking a long time. They've either forgotten how to turn the feeds back on or there has been a bunch of drama they want us to not see. I'm betting if Chima got really nasty(good bet since she isn't expecting to be nominated) they will wait until she has calmed down a bit before letting us see anything.
Lynn, it's Perfect!
Carolyn - Slow witted? Are you kidding me? 10 Thousand treadmills going at 160 miles an hour can't keep up with you honey! :)
I know I never post! But I do tip well. Love this blog.
Can someone please tell me why BB changed today's half not comp? We all voted on food. Why did they change it to food groups for the day? And no cold showers and metal beds?
Is Chima really on production's payroll?
Is production afraid that C,L,and N will walk?
Shall we take bets whether Chima will still be in the house when the feeds come back on?
My guess is, Chima flipped. Going to be an interesting night on the feeds!!!
Im not a fan of Twitter...i dont know why, just couldnt get into it...
im just gonna stick with facebook if thats ok with everyone! lol
Thank you Julie! I sooooo want to complain to the big dogs instead of dragging Caro and Genie down!
Genie, I'm so glad I credited the right person. LOL. I'm usually so far behind I can't remember which post or poster I saw a bon mot in.
This is taking a little too long right? (said in my best Lydia speak).
If Chima has gone off again they need to just kick her out, forget the DE this week and let the game play on. Good grief! I don't think I've seen this level of disrespect towards production since Parker in Season 9.
Hey JudyD I saw your comment on the other post and wanted to say it was a good cry so it's ok.
Yeah, Caro, I copy what Genie says! :)
We're assuming they'll turn the feeds back on?!?!?! haha
Maybe C/N/L finally pushed it too far???
I am glad to see I'm not the only one not liking Chima. I didn't really care either way before, but in the past week she has proven herself to be a selfish, rude, slandering, pathetic BRAT. I think she should go home asap. Then the annoying, shady Natalie. Just thought I'd offer my 2 cents. =)
OMG Lynn!!! I blew iced tea right out of my nose!! How apprapo Chima/Chimaera...the 3 headed snake. That could not be more perfect.
I finally turned my feeds back on about 15 minutes ago & about to pull my hair out over that darn song!! Don't want to turn the sound off as I've got 2 other pages going. Hopefully they didn't have to call 911 or the National Guard!!
jluvsturtles said...
Shall we take bets whether Chima will still be in the house when the feeds come back on?
I'm with you on that one.I just hope she didn't hurt someone on the way out.
Did you see BBScoop's twitter at 5:37?
ok now im twittering too:
you know i hope they do walk out. like jeff said, they will all just be closer to the money. AND it will prove that all impressions of these 3 players is correct...they are sorry sore losers and extremely self absorbed.
Carolyn and Genie...
I really hope you all drank your coffee... I have a sneaking suspicion you are definitely going to be needing it tonight after this long trivia break.
Who thinks Chima flipped and left?? A girl can dream, right??
Carolyn, YOU ARE THE BEST! Thank you for guiding me :)
What is going on please someone tell me.I'm going crazy here.
BTW you guys rock tonight.Carolyn your the best.All of you BBDishers are so much fun to read.I always love coming here to get my BB fix.
My theory for why it is taking so long-
Russell stole Chimas extensions as revenge for her taking his rosary and now she is refusing to come out of the bathroom.
Lydia found some ink, a needle and some thread and she convinced Natalie to give her a 'prison tattoo' in memory of Jesse.
Kevin realized he is not 'one of the girls' and decided to grow a pair.
Production is trying to maintain control of the house and the technobrains are all sitting in the HOH room having the best day ever.
chima lydia and natalie will probabely all be gone when the feeds come back on
So it isn't just me in thinking that this ceremony is going on an unusually long time.
also, i rally really really hope that one of lydias freinds has seen the feeds and how awful jessie spoke of her and dissed her. i also hope kevin so kicks lydia to the curb as a friend outside of this hose when he sees how many times (not just one slip) that lydia stabbed him in the back. she did it again today! i bet yall are right that chima blew up...thats what i what i was thinking a while ago
Thank you DishChicks for the great work you have been doing the past couple of days!
Does this seem like an awfully long ceremony to anyone else? My guess is Chima is already causing extreme havoc. C'mon feeds! I'm getting very anxious!
I'm sorry - Lydia gave Jesse "happy endings?" I must have missed something ~ does that mean what I think it means?
P.S. I've never posted before and really want to say, Carolyn, et al - thank you so much for all you do! I don't read everything or watch the feeds as I don't have the time, but I truly appreicate all that you do!!!
If this current long "lack of feeds" has anything to do with Chima, and there is no penalty then I will cancel them pronto! I didn't sign up for this (kiss the queen's ring) BS~
If C/L/N/ walk so be it, its there loss, but I dont think all 3 will walk out united, unless they r linked together with handcuffs, lol,
What would happen if 2 or more hg's were ejected?
There u have it!! Game on its WAR!
Dang it!! 2 seconds the trivia!! AHHHHHHAAAHHHHHH!
Feeds are back!!
Get ready girls!!
What rules are they talking about breaking?
mich/jeff/ jordan & russ in the HOH talking about them pouring coffee onto their clothes.. So there is crap going on that's for sure
well for the 15 seconds that the feeds were on, it sounds like the poop hit the fan, ok i have decided not to go to bed tonight!!
Feeds are back!!!
Yay! I did it, thank you Caro!
Well good news - feeds are back and we know nobody is dead!
Pissed off but not gone!
Sounds like the widows thru out some threats and are now looking for ways to get around the rules.
maybe the feeds wont come back on tonight..that would really be bad for all of us ...we wouldnt know what went on until who knows when..scary thought. i really hope no one got hurt in there tho.
Judy, me too, I hope no one gets hurt.
Chima is up and.....?
Nat says.. Michelle is going to get a disease or get sick for what she did to Chima.... seriously!!!
chima and nat got nommed, and nat just said that michele will get a disease as retribution for putting chima up.
Long time reader first time Blogger, I just wanted to convey my dislike for Chima's comments....I having been at the Pentagon during 9/11, I find it to be so disrespectful to everyone and every could she even thinks to compare herself to the Twin Towers....I feel so sorry for the Families that lost loved ones there....She needs to GO!!!!
Is Natalie for real? Michele is gonna get a horrid diease for putting up Chima?? REALLY!! OMG...these folks have lost their ever loving minds!!
Darn! I was soooo hoping Chima would have gotten the boot :(
i c u worked ur magic ;)
This is what this is coming to in the house. The 3 miserable ones have been putting the J/J/M/R on edge because they are afraid their personal items are going to be messed with again. And, it is causing J/J/M/R to want to get back at them. So I guess AGP is going to wait so they can punish all of them instead of the culprits who started all the childish behavior. I'm commenting not complaining. I have already submitted a letter of complaint to CBS & AGP for allowing this to continue instead of nipping it in the bud.
I didn't realize Russell has not found the rosary yet. That is so wrong!!
Hi folks... I'm really hoping for Chima up on the block with Natalie or Lydia or that useless Kevin!!
I will be sorely disappointed if any of them make it to the final 3 or 4..
Ohmygosh, here goes another un-Christian telling a good person that they're in trouble with God! That makes me so totally sick sick sick sick sick!
I think Lydia is sad she didn't get a nom! The 3 just keep spinning tales & are making themselves more insecure!
Chima is hiding under the covers because she didn't get her way?!?
Could someone please tell her she is acting like a small spoiled child (again)?
feeds are finally "really" back...I am like uhhh ohhhh
Chima is made because "she has to win POV and HOH ... AGAIN after I already proved myself"
Appearently she has NEVER seen this show... survival is more that winning one HOH!
Can we do a screen this for Chima under the covers? LOL
Oh and love that Nat has the rule book out trying her best to find something to boot out the others... is that really how you want to play the game???
Oh and Hi everyone!! Sending lots of love to ya!!
OK - I think it's safe to assume they know that book pretty good.
BB take it away!!
And the widows are still picked off and upset blah blah blah blah. When will they figure out this is the game and not about them???
Anyone see Kevin yet?
Michelle I'm glad it was a good cry. I Had one of those myself.Please feel free to copy it and let others read it from time to time.That goes for any one else who wants a copy of the poem.
Thank you Carolyn for posting it all three times too.You are the best.
Michele basically did tell Natalie. She broke the rule. But they don't enforce the rules usually, so production didn't care.
They took the cameras out of the widows room just when I was starting to like Chima. In bed with a blanket over her head. It was a good look for her and it really cut down on the shrillness of her voice.
Hahahahahaaaaa!! They don't have the numbers! Hahahahahaaaaaa! Oh life is grand after all ;-)
Where is Kevin??? Poor guy is probably hiding!!! He must be going nuts having to listen to the 3 widows.
I am so glad that Natalie and Chima were nominated.Why did it take so long?Do any of you know the reason?So very sorry I can't afford the live feeds.One of these years I am going to safe up the money.Till then I rely on you all for the truth.Thank you so very much.
looks like production finally gave up on the Red Room Weeping Widows. all 4 feeds on the HoH room. I know Chima is a survivor, but… she needs someone to CHECK her with a aptly placed "Honeychild, please."
LMAO Michele is talking abt how she flashed at camp when she was a kid. She cried. I luv her so fkn much
its nice to see the fab 4 having fun and laughing, hopefully it calms them and they will be able to take whatever gets thrown at them in stride when they leave the safety of the HOH room,
I would imagine the response to the widdowes from production would be "Expect the Unexpected".I'm sure they're safely out of reach of the evil Chimaera(3 headed monster).
NICE JOB MICHELLE!!! Swwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttt!!
I'm sooooo excited!!!
I'm going to be in Michigan for a few days and will more than likely miss the episodes.. will be relying on all of you for info!!
Has there EVER been a group of whiners this bad in the BB house??? What a bunch of "Debbie Downers"! I feel bad for the people who have to live in there with them...
I love that pic of J&J, what a nice lovely peaceful image :)
I am sooooooo happy Michele did the right thing and put up Nat and Chima. Who is the bitter banana I miss Casey, he was so funny. Cant wait for BBAD.
Holy Cow. This season is awesome.
I am working on my new blog now. It's gonna be a savory one. :)
Andrea -- no kidding! Poor Kevin! (Although, he could float to the final 2 or 3 the way things are going!)
Bethyyyyy!!!! :)
Hi Jun!! :)
JUN! That is music to my ears. I need some comedic relief. Can't wait to see what you have for us!
It's aaaaabvious that Lydia wants to be 2nd in the jury house so she and Jessie can be there alone for a week. She's scared to death that it'll be Nat out next. She needs some major counseling when she gets out of there.
Ok...I know fifteen people said it, but props where props are due: Genie, "Widows Godderz" is the BEST. I really love it. Thanks for the chuckle.
"Lyd saying her target is J/R, wants the men out." I *really* dislike how Lydia (and others) imply that Kevin isn't a man. It's so insulting and disrepectful.
Same with Chima's effing up the butt stuff that she has said. Not right.
JudyD - I did copy your poem & wanted to ask if it was okay to share it. I lost a very dear friend on 9/11 so its easy for me to get choked/tear up. Thanks again for sharing it with us.
Hello to my favorite bike-riding, red-head, coffee drinking, mermaid lover!!!!
where is kevin
I hope when these people watch the show they will truly see just how delusional and psychotic they were. And the liars will be exposed! And Lydia giving Jessie happy endings will be exposed!
HI JUN!!!!!
Caro, Genie, and Jun.... now that's a perfect trifecta!
Bon soir madame carolyn :)
I think I heard Jeff say last nite"You know how they feel about them (c/n/l) on the other side of this wall (production?)
Jun Bug! Can't wait can't wait can't wait!
Anon @7:06: Ronnie is that you??? Sure sounds like him!
I guess this is what you call Karma!
But cautious Karma, things could turn on Double eviction. They need to work on Kevin
Hi Jun!!
Can't wait for your blog!! ☺
All of the talk by C/N/L about how Michele must be against the idea of a women winning... Redonkulous...She is actually 100% for a woman winning... The womans names just happens to be Michele and not Natalie, Chima or Lydia... And there is the problem... Instead of whining and making threats and committing vandalism why not try plaing the game...
It's a half million dollars!!! It's a half a million dollars!!! Pony up... It's just a matter of time before Kevin jumps ship... He is the only one that came to Michele with logic and reason. Reasons why he shouldn't go up and not empty promises of safety interwoven with Russell bashing.
Also Russell is no Evel Dick... He actually put a lot of thought behind his attacks... he also had complete loyalty to Danielle, Russell would never use the Power of Veto on the person sitting next to him rather than himself...
The messing with other people's property is BS. Where are the penalty noms? why is this being allowed to continue?
Ding dong the witch is dead!
OH I love the look of love on Jeff's face as he looks at Jordan! Ah, I can watch this foursome for the rest of the season and be happy happy joy joy :)
p.s. anyone seen poor kevin yet? he needs to join the fun upstairs!
Jun, you funny, now I say "Allison who?"
Oh Please Nat should be more worried about the diseases she could have gotten from that dog Jessie that she loved so much..OMG will they not all feel like fools when they see the feeds
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