Afternoon In the BB House.
After working on some craft in HOH, Michele comes down to join Kevin who has just finished breakfast in the kitchen.
Kevin: Morning! How are you?
Michele: I can't eat or sleep.
Kevin: Really? I slept like a baby. Have we heard anything about what's going to happen?
Michele: No. Usually in the morning they call us about the veto comp.
11:40 AM BBT
At this point, we don't know what's happening. They could be choosing POV players. They could be redoing nominations. They could be meeting with Production again. We will keep you posted as soon as we know.
11:49 AM BBT
Feeds back
Michele & Kevin
They haven't moved from their previous positions.
Kevin: Chima was basically a strong woman but parts of her were very vulnerable.
Michele: Everybody has vulnerable spot.
Kevin: In my mind I thought that she was as solid as a rock. There were very big pieces of her that were very vulnerable. I feel like I blocked some sort of communication skill, like nothing I could do could get to her, maybe I should've cried or something.
Michele: I don't think it would have worked.
Kevin: The only thing I could do was reason. I tried to listen which was hard.
Michele: Well you did everything you did.
Kevin: When you break the rules, they ban you from Viacom. I told her that she would be gone. If you slander production, they will see you.
Michele: She's very strong minded, when she has an opinion, she sticks to it. I think that was her downfall.
Kevin: Enemies are friends. Every day everything changes, you really only have the past couple days to go off of.
Michele: Things change from day to day.
Kevin: Whats really weird is her picture isn't grayed out.
Michele: Well she wasn't evicted.
Feeds switch to the Pool Room and the sleeping HGs.
11:57 AM BBT
BB Voice: Michele. Please go to the Diary Room.
12:30 PM BBT
Fishes. Psychedelic Screen. Control Room BRB.
Michele comes out of DR with a piece of laminated paper, and heads to Red Room.
Then Trivia.
At this point, we have no idea what is happening. As soon we know we will let you know!
**Stay tuned for two exciting blogs by Jun Song and Steven Daigle!!! :)
Put Lydia up and send Nat home...
I'm just checking but- there's no way they'd bring Jessie back, right? I mean, maybe if it was Kevin who left the show, for personal reasons (i.e., had nothing to do with the drama) but Chima's meltdown was the result of Jessie leaving, so bringing him back would be like rewarding the Widows' bad behavior. Right??
I don't know if this has already been talked about or not, so excuse me if it has :) I just woke up and am anxious about the possibility of Jessie, even though I know better.
Has Chima's pic gone grey yet?
MichelleinIN: (from last post), LOL, Those I.U. football tickets are not hard to get.......they practically give them away!!!
My brother's grandfather-in-law is a retired I.U. professor and he has season tickets to both basketball and football.......excellent seats...he's 87 and rarely ever attends any games. He just gives the tickets to family every year....and boy do my brother and I love love love going to the basketball games!!!! w00t w00t!!!
Thank you for keeping us posted!
I have a q for you people.
Because Chima broke all the rules she agreed to by signing up for the show and all the legal docs - could she be in some serious do-do now with CBS?
Hiya, Genie!!!! How are ya??
I was seriously getting worried about Jeff's 'tude last night when he was saying he would start a fire with their things if they didn't quit messin' with his..... He was getting close to overload too. Glad he kept it together.
just saw that Stephen from BB10 tweeted wanting to blog his thoughts here about Chima. That would be cool.
Also I'm REALLY hoping that BB gives Chima some help. I'm almost positive she doesn't need to just be out there on her own. She needs a little time in a soothing environment to cool down. & she probably also needs some serious therapy. I'm not saying this is a mean way. I genuinely don't enjoy seeing people crack-up. I wish her well.
Here's a question for the bloggers (thanks so much for keeping us posted, by the way, you rock!):
When the feeds come back on after the Trivia, would you (hypothetically) prefer it if one of the HGs catered to the feed watchers by directly stating who won the PoV or whatever or would that take the fun out of sleuthing around for it? Just something I was thinking about.
this comment is about one of your quickies polls on the side. i think its really funny how natalie and chima got the most votes in the poll entitled "who do you want michele to nominate for eviction?" ahaha love it :)))))))
Laura Twitter
Kevin, maybe they should drop Chima off in Lebanon since she had so many lovely things to say about those people.....
Hiya Meredith! Ella! Rosaritoe! Blue!!! (smoochies!)Jluvs!! Wendy!!Kevin!! TBone!! Anons!!
Expect the Unexpected! :)
A rainy day, 3 hours at the library, good time to get caught up on work and let production sort it all out, should be quiet as far as patrons goes, not much foot traffic in the rain.
I could see America getting the jury vote, landslide J/J if they or 1 of they is F2.
I think 1 more will go to complete the double eviction week, but just speculating.
Hey Genie have you heard about this mass mooning at 5pm in Sarnia Ontario?
ellaelise- thats a very good point i never saw it that way i hope they dont bring him back he will just get voted out again then it will start all over
I feel sorry for Chima's Grandmother, not Chima.
Ideally, there will be a lockout and when HGs returned, there was a big red X on her photo.
Clothes in the washer turning green? Wonder who brought green hair dye with them....hmmm
Are HGs provided a daily stipend for as long as they are in the house or jury house?
I thought Russell was Persian, not Lebanese.
Blue How lucky are you!!! We usually go to 1 fball game. But it is the bball we love! Going to midnight madness this year too.
OMG is that Russell or Jeff snoring?
Hiya Janine and DavidB!
Chances of Jessie coming back = NIL.
Chances of a Double Eviction = Doubtful
Chances that Michele does another nom = 50/50
Chances that they need another nom before POV = 100%
Not that I really know, but I assume they didn't grey out Chima's picture because the aren't certain when and how they will let viewers know and for now they are keeping it up for continuity.
DR told Lydia Jessie would not be coming back. I think it is clear there will be a single eviction this week (there is no one sequestered to bring back), question is will they let Michele control it or will they spring it on them like a double eviction. I'm assuming they will spring it. I have no clue what they will do to fill that gap.
Although they are flying by the seat of their pants, it's not like they haven't considered this sort of thing. They must have contingency plans galore.
Hiya Michelle!! Scott!! TT!! Wendy!!! (Mass mooning? Hell no! hahaha)
OK, this is the first time I am commenting about the happenings of last night to today, and all I have to say is O M G !!!!
Chima ~ As if I had any for her before, I have lost complete respect for her. Sorry if this has been touched upon frequently already, lol. I really hate how she left the house. People would DIE (OK, maybe not literally) to be on the show. The past few HGs would have loved to be in Jury House. Now Miss Drama Queen can't stand being CDE'd & nom'd and she goes batshit crazy and DOR's? I'll be quite happy not to see her again.
I wonder what will happen now? Only time will tell! Thanx for all the updates Carolyn!!
~ Ryan ~
Its a protest over some balloon in the area - interesting article.
Carolyn is resting. I am holding down the fort. :)
I am wondering how many people in the production crew are crammed in a room trying to brain storm what the best idea to move forward!!
In the whole scheme of things, Big Brother is merely a speck. I know it consumes my life for 3 months every summer but then I must is a game. People say and do things that are out of character and for shock value. I don't think they would do, say or even think these things outside of the BB house. Most people don't know and could care less about the people on BB and who said what or did what to whom and why. There are many more important things than this game, however addicted we may be.
There are people out in the world who have done and said worst things than Chima with worst intentions. I do not believe all of their lives should be ruined as I don't think Chima's should be. Maybe since she felt herself going to places where she knew she shouldn’t be she decided that playing the game and the money was no longer worth it. Money isn’t everything.
If I judge these people by all of their words and actions in the house – they are all deceitful, backstabbing liars. But I know…that’s the name of the game. Don’t hate the playa hate the game. She hasn’t done anything that hasn’t been done before she just took it to the next level.
Maybe this wasn’t the game for her and she should have realized that earlier. I’ve heard Chima say numerous times that she thought the game should be played by building relationships and winning comps, she just happened to also be confrontational. She never lied about anything even when she went along with others’ lies. Once she realized that people were not playing the game that it set her off.
Scott, the green dye is from a comp I think.
TT, Russell spoke last night/early morning during his steak feast about his grandfather coming from Lebanon and going back to get his family. I'm assuming he's Lebanese.
Wow, so that was fun! I sign up for twitter just so I can tweet @agrodner22 about Chima throwing her mic in the hot tub, and AGP herself goes into the house. I should have signed up for twitter a long time ago. Who do y'all want to go home next? I'll tweet it!
For those that wanted Chima gone, and I made that happen, you can send gifts to:
1234 Anywhere Street
Somewhere, AL 12345-6789
Well this is exciting.
I'm going to have to catch up later cause all this snoring is making me sleepy again.
Genie's here? YAY! Hi Genie! So if I may ask you dear Genie, ure thoughts on what has happened the past 12 - 15 hours?
~ Ryan ~
There was a big red X on Chima's photo?
Hiya Genie! ☺
Have a good nap Caro! ☺
For all those thinking L/N/C ruined J/J/R/M stuff - They DID NOT!
As for the green stuff not coming out of their clothes - it's from the Have/Have not competition
Sleeping again?? or still?? (sorry had to run out for a bit) I thought there would be much more excitement all ready ☺
the best thing that can happen know is for nat to go thurs and then we can say carma is a b**** aint it
Genie u r doing a great job , Carolyn get some well deserved rest and ty for keeping us in the loop.
ok , I am not a patient person and this not knowing is killing me, on top of it all I cant see the live feeds as Im not on my home comp :(
Surprised Lydia didn't volunteer herself to go on the block so she can go back to giving Jessie those *happy endings*
LOL @ Syn
This is the 11th season not the first. She knew darn well what the rules were and how the twists change the game. She is just a sore loser she couldn't enjoy being a part of the game if it wasn't played by her rules.
Seriously, she made her bed and then dumped hot sauce on it.
Good afternoon dishers!
I'm back after the wonderful early morning we witnessed. I was texting some of my local BB friends at 5am.. they weren't very happy with me. haha.
Happy Saturday!
Syn - LMAO!
It's so funny how many people are writing "please don't bring jessie back!" He is definately not liked by many, but I like him more than I do his pitbulls.
This is the perfect time to get Russell out. If Michelle were smart she would but Russell out and bring Kevin on there side. They can go after Natalie and Lydia next time. This is the only way that it would guantee that M/J/J stay in this game. Natalie never won a thing neither did Lydia so they moght have a shot iin getting Russ out now and keeping there alliance in tact! Thats what i would do!
Damn, Russell must be living right because this time last week, he was a goner if he kept up his antics.
I hope that finally Jordan, Jeff, Michele and Russell and keep their heads on straight and focus on getting people out of the house.
Wow! I just got caught up on all of this. Chima not only blew it for herself, but for her "friends" too. And she calls herself a fighter? I think not. She's a quitter and poor loser. Not someone i would like to know. I'm so glad she is outta there! I wonder what Marcellas has to say about her now?
But I like the idea the America will get to vote now. :)
I just keep flashing on Ronnie and imagining his reaction to everything that has happened in the past 36 hours!
Hi Genie
If they go with America's vote to break a jury house tie it will all depend who the F2 are. If it's Jeff and Jordan then Jeff wins hands down. Jordan is cute and all but she is the Memphis this season. She makes good observations but you aren't getting a half mil for good observations. Ones that would likely be a tie are Michele and Russel, Lydia and Kevin, Natalie and Lydia, Jeff and Russel.
I think the most interesting, as far as votes, would be a F2 of Jordan and Nat. I see Russel as the swing vote on this one. Nat would most likely get Jessie, Lydia and Kevin and Jordan would get Jeff and Michele. Russel likes both of them. He would probably think that Nat played a better game since she manipulated the most. Jordan on the other hand. I think he just likes her more.
Keeping everything the same this week and going with one eviction doesn't alter the schedule of the show. If there were need for a tie breaker at the end they could add a show after America had a few days or a week to vote on it.
very well said Genie Sea i agree 100%
Hiya Ry! :)
Well. What I think happened is what we all saw happening. Chima unraveled.
For the obvious reasons, she needs to be in total control of her life. Once that control is, as she sees it, stripped away from her, she lashes out. It is directly related to what happened to her in her past.
Now, the question that begs to be asked is, why did she ever agree to walk into the house? It is very clear that once they walk in, their fate is not completely theirs. It depends on their actions certainly but also on that of others; and the game is ultimately controlled by Production.
It's called Big Brother, not Utopia, for a reason.
That is why I find it interesting when people talk about "fairness" in this game.
It's not about fairness, but about the ability to withstand the cricumnstances and every little twist that comes their way.
Big Brother is a controlled environment and the House Guests are human guinea pigs that we all watch and dissect.
End of Lecture Series on Big Brother Part Deux by Genie Sea
haha :)
As much as I would love it, they can't let Michelle just nominate someone else. They have to do another HOH comp. Then nominate 2 people. If Mich. is allowed to nominate Lydia, it would in essence give her two different people getting kicked out on her watch. Again, I would love that, but it wouldn't be fair.
Jluvs They have more on the CBS website. They are all pretty funny.
Did anyone else notice on the BRB Control Room feeds it showed what looked like Michelle coming out of the diary room with a peice of paper, and walked to the red room maybe to start waking people, and then cut to trivia??
If another nominee is selected this would be the perfect time to vote out Russell-I belive he could make it to the F2. I don't believe Natalie,Lydia,Kevin and Jordan could win HOH-Could they?
F2 M/J-both played the game and
drew the line in the sand.
Just my opinion.
Hey everyone! Did anyone else hear Jordan say last night that Lydia was a nanny for a British golfer???
RhondaM - there are pics online of Lydia pushing Paul and Heathers kid.
Thanx for ure input Genie! I do love coming here and seeing everyone's outlook on different situations in the game as they play out. Now to find out what will happen with this new round of fishies/trivia...
~ Ryan ~
Hiya Julieb!!Cat!! Lynn!! Carrie! Mark!!Mike!!! Rhonda!!! Sherry! Michgan Man!! :)
Hiya Danyelle! Yes I noted it on the post :)
i think it would be fair if she gets to nominate someone else cause chima was the reason chima left not because of michelle really it wouldnt be fair to michelle to have hoh taken away because chima decided to leave or because she got herself kicked out
anon @12:15
You said that when Chima realized that people were not playing the game it set her off! Are you kidding me? Jeff did not play the game? Michelle did not play the game?......the only one that did not "play the game" was Chima, messing with people's personal belongings and swearing she would mess with the producers if anyone messed with her idea of how things should go..........that girl is terrible and I hardly think she thought "gee, this is a terrible game and I think I will leave".....they took her out for breaking every BB rule....good riddens....she was a HUGE poor sport and a racist and hit people below the belt with her vile mouth....her poor family
Hi Genie! Hi everyone!
I wish Kevin had separated himself from the trio sooner. I also wish he would step up his game play. As of now, he's doing NADA and is afraid to make any move. Which sucks, because that boy has it. He was the first to say who had the coup and why it would be so good for Jeff to use it, and how he would. He's the voice of reason for the trio and has constantly proven that he knows how to read people perfectly. I wish he would step up to the plate a little and use his skills. As it is, I'm ready for him to go home, too. I think Russell was right for wanting him gone, he could slide under and take it, and at this point I don't think he deserves it because he's too scared to do anything.
Michelle, thank you, I will def check them out!
Genie, AWESOME post to Ry!!! If only those houseguests could have read that too! :)
Afternoon Genie and Everyone!
I don't know what to think about all of this! Part of me thinks that she is just a diva and wants her way period! She didn't get it and threw a fit just like she said she would, time and time again.
Looking back, I wish she would have been the first one evicted. This never would have happened and we could have seen more of Laura and Casey (2 people who really wanted to play the game).
I feel bad about what happened to her but i'm sure she has been in some sort of therapy...and with all of the tests and such they have to go thru to get into the house, how did she slip through?
Russell's last name is Kairouz. That's Persian. But he may have an Arab/Lebanese mom and a Persian dad. In either case, there are plenty of Christians in the Middle East. Not all Middel Easterners are Muslim. But not all Muslims are terrorists either. In any case, Chima, imo, was a bigot and a racist. And she needs some therapy.
Unless, Gloria Allred, or Al Sharpton steps in, and reverses tables on CBS.
Bad situation for Allison, and CBS, and their sponsors, no matter how you slice it.
hey Genie Sea :)
Good Afternoon Everyboby, Wow last night was intense and of course I missed it. I feel asleep like around when the nomination ceremony was being done. I wake up and get on the blog and all I can say in OMG. And Syn your comment had me lol. So are we doing a POV comp now or and HOH comp. Also could Chima come back?
I wonder what Evel Dick would say about the whole Chima thing. He was brash and very out spoken in his season and i know a lot of ppl think he attack religion but i always thought he attack the ppl who bent the words of the bible to suit their needs.
We are an intelligent bunch, eh?
I love reading all your perspectives on this!
Well heck I just love all y'all anyways! :)
Wendy - Really? Where? I wanna see! But Jordan did say that last night around 12-12:30.
OK Tweeters, Marcellas said something about Chima...can someone find it???
Rhonda, she said Tiger Woods' wife was a nanny for another golfer, that is how they met.
I wonder if they will show her walking out the door? Never seen that happen before!
I am sorry in advance for sounding "preachy" in this post, but I must step in at this point, given what my and Carolyn's eyes have been subjected to in the comment moderation section:
At this point, I will sum it up. Chima said and did things in this game that will not sit right for a lot of us.
However, everybody has a chance to redeem themselves, and let's all hope that Chima finds her way.
**To those of you whose comments will never make it on this blog:
How about we leave the woman be, and not shower her with so much hatred?
Chima is human. If you disapprove of the things she has said, don't be like her and say similar things about her.
Why would Russell have a rosary if he was Muslim....pleaz
You're right.I don't understand the complaint"not fair".
Life isn't fair.Fair and Balanced?
BB never fair! Production has control again,finally.I couldn't believe they had to air a taped show to kowtow to someone they cast.
Wonder how much lotion and product she's getting now?
Good on ya Genie ☺ ♥ (and not preachy at all)
That's why we all come here....cause all the dishy chicks make it an enjoyable environment.
@Geanie - Well put
Lets move on and see what today holds... I hope all good things for todays feeds
Two new top posts will be up shortly: One by our very own Jun Song and another by Stephen Daigle! Whoop! :)
Cool 2 blogs from past HGs! I'm so looking forward to them!!
Good afternoon, Carolyn! You rock, thanks for getting up so early & getting all the scoop. I turned off the feeds about 12BBT & I guess that's about the time all He** broke loose. Dang it! I did see when she threw the mic into the pool. I had a huge feeling in my gut something was going to come down about her but figured AGP was weighing the options & it wasn't going to be an immediate decision.
HI!!! ***waving*** to All My BB Addict buddies.
Hi Genie!!!
Wow, she is gone. I really am very relieved for all of us that were so outraged. I am not going to say anything further regarding what led to this. It has been said over & over again. I will put her in my prayers. She is a sad & angry person & that is a very heavy burden to carry through life.
Off to catch up on all that went down.
***Hi Blue*** I'm happy to see your sweet smiling face!!!
I can't believe I waited on those fishes last night for over an hour and then went to bed.. the feed must have come on not long after that. I was up until after Chima throwing her mic.. and hiding Russell's stuff, she decided he was guilty of taking her chips because he didn't answer her when she asked them if they had eaten her chips ... boy is she a poor sport, the queen diva expecting everyone to do her bidding when she was in charge, but refusing to do anything when she was put on the block.. what if the 'other side' had acted like that every time they were put up.. everyone in the house would have been disliked..
Sherry - Russell is Catholic not Muslim, not that it makes a difference, but it pertains to your comment.
I believe when viewers hear the word "fair", they take it for face value and do not take a moment to see where the other party is coming from. Yes, this is bb and it is controlled by production but I do believe certain things that have happened in this game is "unfair". I believe that if you lose a comp, than you lose, simple as that. You knew before signing up for bb that there would be comps that someone has to lose. However, on the outside looking in, we see about everything. Not just the rating boosting stunts that production pull(yes, even the biased unfair ones) but also we read what other fans say and all of that.
No matter what the case, life is just unfair in general. It is human nature for people to fight for equality.
Just like when Jeff and Jordan were at the bottom of the totem pole. I can not begin to express the number of complaints I seen on various sites and chatrooms about how unfair things were for J&J. And to think the other alliance won their "power" in comps. Built their alliances through their own scheming. SO was it really unfair that J&J cuddled all day and didn't play the game? Or is just the way the cookie crumbled bcs of their choices in the house??
If chimsa "racist" comments can be aired on television, well so should bradens. Also Jeffs "gay" comments should be on television.
Your favorite players may NOW have the upper hand in the game but that does NOT make everything right.
At this point, I just wish Kevin could win it all. He is such a sweetheart.
Hugs Genie! I think most of the negativity will settle now that Chima can no longer be heard. One can hope. Or, lol, you can always direct them to CBS forums!
This is all kinda exciting though. I'm very anxious to see what will happen.
I don't even know what to do about the banner now, lol. Guess I'll email Carolyn about that one.
I guess I am just ticked about all the fairness c^&p too. Chima knew when the HOH competition was going on that the mystery power was out there- they all did. She didn't have to be so ruthless and totally mess her game over by saying such nasty things. At least Jessie tried to kiss a little butt thinking about the mystery power.
Very well said Genie!!! - I have been a lurker here this season & have fallen in love with the I love that you keep a very well informed, but also clean & nice. I like that no trash talk is tolerated.
As much as I didn't care for the way Chima was behaving, she has to be the one to own it. Unfortunately in todays world she will most likely not be left alone to get the help that she needs.
Thank you again for all of your hard work that you do for us!!!
Hi all..
I think Michelle should get to make another nomination. She didn't get Chima out of the house. She quit on her own. She was a sore loser, and that all there is to it. Why shouldn't she get to nominate someone else??
Thank you Genie Sea!!
It appears they have taken the HOH room away from Michele...interesting!
Sounds like they will play another HOH.
Poor Michele. She deserved the room.
I went to Steven's myspace and Oh my gosh I loved BB10 and miss those goofs Wow.
I am loving BB11 also, but it is so completely different from the last one.
I feel for Chima, maybe if she is able to review her behavour on the show, she may see where she needs a bit of healing. Most people don't get such an advantage point, we just have jaded memories to fall back on.
Another HoH Comp in an hour?
Lord, my nerves are shot!
ut oh sounds like they r getting ready to play for hoh today!!!
Wow this is not fair. Just because chima left ( which is not michele's fault) michele no longer has hoh and they are doing a new comp. This is not fair what so ever no1 got evicted , so why should her hoh be take4n away
Make everything right?
Angelluva, interesting observations! I always like reading what you have to say because it makes me think twice about my own opinions. But I have a question- you say the J&J weren't playing the game at the beginning, and maybe they weren't. But, to me, if they weren't, then certainly neither is Kevin at this point. He could take the whole thing but he refuses to rock the boat, even a little. I don't think he deserves to win for his (admittedly) kind spirit any more then Jeff or Jordan should. How do you see his actions recently in comparison to Jeff/Jordan at the beginning of the game? It's the same stuff to me. Just my .02. :)
GAME CHANGER. Michele's HOH is over. this is crap, & she doesnt even get to compete for it
Here Here Genie!
Oh, btw, Hi Carolyn, Genie, Jane. and everybody else who loves BB. I haven't posted since the beginning of the game because my computer crashed. Needless to say, I was frantic. All I could think about was the feeds and bbdish. Got it (sorta) up after 2 weeks, well enough to run the feeds most of the time and get you guys. (Though I keep getting a timed out on refreshing or loading a page here.) Anyway, I have just read this site since then. Crazy, but to me, it is like jumping on a moving merry-go-round to jump in here.
Chima's picture is gray!
Is Kevin HOH? He was requesting things for his basket?
Genie ~ that was my point. He wouldn't have a rosary if he was Muslim, so why would she REALLY believe that, which I believe she did.
Michele is no longer HoH? Let's go Jeff/Jordan/Russell for HoH!!!
~ Ryan ~
HATE conflicting edits/posts whatever that message is!!
It just nevers stops in there!
I LOVE IT! this is soooo fun!
**New TOP Post
It looks like they are getting ready to play for a new HOH..I hope Jordan wins..
Carolyn and Genie!! Great job!!!!
You guys must be fed up. My suggestion is to take the rest of the weekend off - update the blog but do not publish comments. ;)
Unfortunately- it looks like they have to hold another HOH comp today and consider the last one a wash. they're going to start the week over again. But it looks like they told Michele that she can't play in the HOH today- no idea why. To me that doesn't seem fair. They're already building the comp outside. Chima's picture on the wall is now gray.
Last year Dan was told who to vote for in the game behind the HOH's back and one year they had twins trading places with each other without the HG's knowledge and how about the people in the house that knew each other but no one else knew.
This isn't the first behind the back surprise. The 3 widows are just sore losers and they seem to have forgotten how they have back stabbed (Casey?) so GAME ON. See ya Chima
Hello Hello everyone, Hey Genie :-)
Wife came home from MN so I have been welcoming her home and trying to get things underway for her since her mother's funeral last week..........hence why i haven't been on
I am shocked, just shocked. We all know my views on Chima and why, to reiterate them would annoy even me, but this I didn't expect from her because regardless of my personal opinions on the woman, i DID think she was one hell of a strong woman that could and would withstand anything that house threw at hear she may have possibly quit shocks me....
I read other posts and comments previous to this one, and Jane, I agree with you wholeheartedly on the jist of what you had to say, that Chima had no place in that house if she was in fact that emotionally unstable from the get go........
While nothing, nothing, in my opinion excuses her vile behavior and some of the horrendous statements she had to make regarding cultures, ethnicities etc. it still is apparent that this woman is going to need some help here...........I have the unfortunate background of having people in my life whom I love & care for that have withstood far worse things than she had to (yes, I said worse) and yet they somehow managed not to evolve into racist garbage............
It would be humane in my opinion for her to be allowed to be debriefed, like they do for soldiers that have come home from war, because I truly think she cracked if she of all people quit......
I don't like her so much as an iota more because I saw that she may have been more fragile, but I am not heartless and think she needs help, not just after this show but in general because if she has this deep seeded turmoil in her, she won't be fit for life in general.........
All that aside, I am thrilled she is gone, for more than one obvious reason as you can imagine :-)
New Top Post! :)
I agree with you, there is NO difference. I do not tell people who should be their favorite players and who should not be, or how they should choose their favorite. All I am saying is, if something is unfair, it is unfair. I feel that if Chima, Natalie, Jessie, or Lydia or anyone else who would use the CDE on J&J, would have gotten it and actually used it on J&J than the same people that are saying that the CDE is "golden and fair" would not be all for it.
No matter if you like your favorite player because they are a good game player or because they make a cute couple, you will "defend" them. I try not to look at Kevin through rose colored glasses so I do agree with everyone when they say he is a weak player.
Kevin was not my first choice pick. I liked more of the HG but they have either been evicted or I just fell out of love with them(lol). Kevin is just my last resort. Not my last resort in a bad way but as said, he is a weak player(so far).
Genie Sea said...
Gaytor - I love you :) I love blue too, and he can have his chicken and eat it too :)
HEHE! And I love you too Princess Genie of Dish.
Cracked me up with Lube having his chicken and eating it too. I'm sure he does. Of this I am sure! *giggle*
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