Waiting on the Noms
Natalie: Hey, did we keep you up last night Russell?
Russell: Yeah.
Natalie: Yeah, but at least we made you laugh.
Russell: What? Hear you jacked off Jessie?
Lydia: Yeah.
Natalie: Not me. Let's get that straight.
Lydia: Hey, lemme tell you, it was very unexpected. Your sweatshirt was...
And... cut to Trivia! Nice timing, production! lol.
The time has come for the Nomination Ceremony... The plan is for Lydia and Natalie to be nominated, and everyone knows it. Still, we'll post the "spoiler" just as soon as the feeds come back. :) I'm beyond tempted to put the new banner up before the feeds even come back, but I'll be patient.
Me? I think I'm more apt to go with the skin cleanser. I'd feel like a banana on wheels in a yellow car.
More importantly, the BB11 HGs have finallllllly joined the ebay fray!! :)
Yippeee!!! Laura even included a video on the page... nice touch!!
And... one more thing to keep you entertained for the next few minutes. ;) Here's Julie Chen on the Early Show this morning, talking about Chima...
They should do another comp where ppl got to burn other HGs clothing - that sweater shirt would be the first thing up !
The trivia is showing that they are preparing for tonight's Live Telecast!! LOL
*sigh* the little things I find so amusing sometimes.....
This comment has been removed by the author.
afternoon all! hope everyone is having a good start to the week!
So do you think that Lydia spilled the beans to Natalie before anyone else that she told could about her "Happy Endings" with Jessie to try and keep Natalie from hooking up with Jessie in the Jury house or to try and show her some loyalty of her own?
i hope rus wins pov an then boom no one can bd him.
I hope final 4 is j/j /m/r
I can't believe the news about Lydia and Jessie
I hope Jeff is smart about his moves!!
Kent - Hiya smiley one!
Anyone have any good ideas for birthday presents for a 6 year old girl? My niece will be 6 in exactly 9 days, and I'm looking for something nice to get her!!!!
hello. just popped in to check if noms were revealed yet. Will stop by later :)
Geez Louise is it miserable outside today. Sorry just had to get that out of my system.
I really hope Michelle tells J/J about the convo with Russell to solidify F4 and they don't backdoor him.
Here is a video of Julie on The Early Show Talking About Chima's eviction!
Good (my) morning everyone.
WoW Carolyn, you had to WORK for that TOR. And you gave us an excellent one. We have the well rested Carolyn back and you better stay that way. We have to keep you healthy, mentally and physically.
Lots of ice and lots of bike rides for the rest of the season!
I still have the Morning comments to rush through before I know what everyone has said and who is here. Hopefully this Noms Ceremony will last at least that long.
Is anyone thinking the PoV comp could be at midnight, right after BBAD. If Production has said not today... well tomorrow starts at midnight. We haven't had a late night comp yet this year. I guess we may get a hint if after this, they get an indoor lockdown for the rest of the day. You might want to take your power nap early Carolyn. ;)
Lube... little things.. amusing...
Just be glad I'm not ready to start down that road quite yet. But it could happen at any time now. Be prepared. I ♥ you!
please refresh this post :)
I still think Erika's pink hat was the best item burned in that comp in Season 4!!
Can never have too many red bikini's!!!!! All mine are sooo old!!
May have to bid on that one! (I have great legs, don't ya know!!)
Carolyn, step away from the eBay! WWSS?
This is 3 times in 10 days you have made me look and found something I need. Yes I need the Corvette, but yellow is not my color either.
I got the 4GB flash drive.
That makes a Dirt Devil Dust Buster, a battery charger and now the Flash. *Stink Eye*
Okay I can't resist... Carolyn's comment in the post makes me want to sing ♫Woman in a Banana Car♫
Blue...do you know if she likes Hannah Montana? My nieces love her, and the Jonas Brothers and HSM!!! anything Disney related lol
Kimba, thank you for asking about the 'BE'... I didn't get it either. And thank you Carolyn for answering.
We just call it "morning wood"
:-p~~ Sometimes morning is the best time of day. *blush*
Hello Wendy Darling
Hiya, GaYToR!!!! 'Bout time you showed up today!!!!
WHOA the red dress & the bikini! wow.
I think Lydia told Natalie bc she had already told Jordan, & she knew it would hurt the alliance coming from anyone else. But I think there's not a shred of genuine personal concern, merely a CYA tactic.
I'm still not sure I buy the whole "We Expelled Her" story from CBS. I think they tried their damndest to get her to stay and she just wasn't having it after that coup d'etat. Leading up to her eviction on the live feeds, you can just tell she isn't herself and wants to quit the game. I think she had been in the DR a few times mentioning it, and they kept telling her to cool off and finaly she snapped... if anything I think maybe they kept telling her to "cool off" and she was sick of it so she started doing things she KNOWS they would finally allow her to leave for. I definitley think CBS is making it seem far too "we had to do it" when it was really, "she asked us, we wouldn't let her, but she finally intentionally did stuff that forced us to let her leave."
Okay, so was she expelled, or did she quit??? The HG's have led us all to believe that Chima quit, or at least, that has been my understanding.
So why is CBS spinning it that they expelled her?
I'm just full of comments and questions today, I know!!!! hehehe
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Darlings!
GA Gal♥
And last but not least Carolyn♥♥!
I was just sitting here watching "Lazy Town" with my granddaughter and the bad guy "Rodney Rotten" looks just like Jessie. Never noticed that before. giggle, giggle.
Genie Genie Bo Beenie......♫♫
Awww there is always so much love in here!
Ahh Carolyn, u teased me! when I read refresh i thought I was going to find out the noms! LOL
A six year old girlÉ how about a Hanna Montanna pink guitar. The love of music can last a lifetime.
Hey, Why did you remove the red QUIT over chimas face? LOL
Hello, lovely Carolyn, Genie, and ALL you wonderful Dishers!!!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday, I myself am neck deep in packing, we are supposed to close on our new house THIS Friday (finally!) so I'm just popping in to see what I've missed ;) I still would LOVE to see Lydia or Nat out this week.
xoxoxoxo! I'll be in and out, just know I'm thinking of the Dish! :)
So I started following BBdish last season but never posted, this season I have posted a few times but I watch your site like a hawk :o)While at work its always up b/c I can't have feeds at work so I have to know whats going on in BB. Today, my husband (who is also hooked on BBDish) recruited more peeps to check out your site. They watch BB but only on CBS, so they had NO idea what all happened over the weekend. After checking out the site the lady "yelled" at my husband b/c she is now hooked on your site as well. LOL! Thanks to everyone who makes this site so awesome!!
Blue, anything Hannah Montana or Barbie! :)
P.S. What does DOR mean, regarding Chima's departure?
Now the trivia screen shows that the HG's are playing a game that is secret........instead of the one about them preparing for tonight's live episode.......LOL
Someone is really on top of things there today, huh? hehehehe so cute.
Afternoon everyone!!! Hoping Jordan sticks to Nat and Lydia for noms. Last night on BBAD, when Jeff and Jordan were in the room, right before Michelle came back up there, they were talking about Michelle and Jordan was playing with the Remote, Jeff put some chapstick on and then the look in his eyes, as he walked toward Jordan (I thought he was going in for another kiss), but she said, Oh here comes Michelle and he just walked right past her and opened the door.
Blue...girls that age like anything "cute". Get her a purse with some nail polish and some jewelry. I have two girls and I know they like anything "girlie". If you have the store, Justice or Limited Too, girls like ANYTHING for there!
no legs - cuz i'm tired of stupid people calling me a racist.
it will be an interesting few days before the eviction. i too hope russ wins the pov for a couple reasons. first, nat has to leave. second, i dont want him to go and have it be 3 to 3 again and watch jeff get burned by kevin. J is putting too much faith in K. Hopefully if russ is called out he can get to the bottom of the lie, but doubtful given his previous attempt
Does anyone know what the stalking laws are in Chicago? I'm just sitting here trying to figure out how much I can *follow* Jeff once the season is over......ya know...legally.......
Blue - Buy her a book and a art/craft set. Don't give into the marketing ploys! haha :)
GA Gal!! :) Hahaha!!! Thank you! :) New addicts!! Yippeeee!!
Kent........thanks for the ideas, but Hannah Montanna is banned from their home.......my brother hates her!! hehehe
She does love Princess anything from Disney, but she has so much now, and I know others will be getting her more Princess things.......
I just dunno yet........*sigh*
blue lol.. now tell all the new folks you're only kidding... hehehe
Hi everyone! ((hugs))
Blue - I have a 6yr old girl. They love almost anything, but here's an idea. Buy her a cute purse, like Hannah Montana or just a cute something and fill it with hair accessories, fingernail polish, lip gloss, a mirror, etc.
Or if you want to spend a bit more, get her the pink Nintendo DS and a few games. My daughter loves hers.
C'mon feeds!
Jessica - Thanks very much for the heads up about Laura :)
GayTor - Feh on Suze
Blue - Muah!
Carolyn - Gawd again? Sheesh!
Blue - What's she like?
ooooooo........lots of good ideas are starting to come in!!!!
Thank you all!!! I'm taking notes!!!
w00t w00t!!
(Yes, she is a girly girl.......)
And now I am all caught up. At least for the next 3 to 5 minutes. That would be a record if it actually happend.
kevin said...
I'm glad you noted that , per Jordan's *no booger* request, Michele was the buffer in the threesome sleepover. Some people are getting the idea that this is all about Michele wanting to interfere w romance. It isn't, in my opinion.
I don't think she is c'blocking at all other than the same type of cuteness we have seen over and over and for that we have plenty of FB to go to because it is almost always the same.
I know you voyeuristic ladies out there want to see more and hope they take it all the way, but it just isn't going to happen. Jeff is a gentleman, and Jordan is going to stick with not embarrassing her family on nat'l TV.
Yes, if it happened TV Onlys would be shown the brief telling moments. Production people are pervs too.
I love that they are close but I don't wait nightly for a 'booger'.
Well, except for a booger with Smurfette or Syn or Jack or Bama's Tush or... and the list goes on and on and on. OH, I have to mention Indigo, my Prince by name and my latest lust, Mark590.
Now to read and comment and wait for this to be over. Think there will be a smackdown when we get back to the live feeds?
Oh, and on the food. It was revealed at Noon BBT. Think they have it for 24 hours so they can eat again at Noon BBT tomorrow?
And... can someone verify if Natalie's slop pass was for the whole season? That would be so wrong. In the past, as far as I recall, they have only been good for 1 week.
Maybe (crossing appendages and sticking pins in my Natalie doll) this will get her a penalty vote from BB.
Hi peeps!
Just gotta say I'm so looking forward to tomorrow night's show!
LMAO!!! Okay, Carolyn!!!
New Peeps!!! I'm only kidding about stalking Jeff!!! I'm just being silly!!!hehehehehehe
Sassy :)
Tiffada :)
I thought you removed the QUIT over Chima's face because of the conflicting stories of what really happened.
I still tend to believe CBS more than I believe Chima, and the HGs are just saying what Chima told them, so perhaps we'll never know the truth.
I just know MANY past HGs have wanted to DOR and none have, production always talks them off the ledge, but not this time.
They wanted her gone IMHO.
Jluvs - ha we think alike
Stephen - ya I agree with you, i think its just all how CBS is wording it. Showing them that they got the best of Chima, and not that Chima got the best of CBS...
Blue - a disney movie...i used to love gettin Disney movies (gah im so gay lol)
Carolyn - I blame my addiction on you!!! lol im just emailing my friend and we are already discussing how to get me on BB12 lol we shall see!
Carolyn......she's all Girl......loves Princess, crafts, clothes, *lipsticks* (which is what she calls her candy flavored lip glosses hehehe), zoos.......and animals in general (but NOT bugs, hehehe).........um.......lets see.......
Hey Genie! :)
Huggies Rhonda! :)
Hi All!
Julie mentioned 3 other times in the 11 seasons having to 'expel' someone from the game. Does anyone remember them? I remember one guy went apesh*t but can't remember names or seasons....
Hey Blue I know a few policemen in Chicago I'll give you their name so you know who to ask for if you get caught.
Comes in waving Good Afternoon to all you BBDishers!
I been reading and reading in here but havent posted today... so I figured it was time to say...
Im watchin You !! lol
yay I got 2 hellos from Genie! I feel so loved!!!
You can get a gift card to Build-a-bear
You all make me smile! One year we should have a BBdish After Party somewhere! :)
patti - that too.
genie - it was a preemptive strike.
Truth is, we don't know... We know what the HGs believe, we know what Chima is saying happened, and we know what CBS and production are saying happened.
It's all very Rashomon.
I got my daughter an Easy Bake Oven when she was 6 and we spent alot of quality time together. It also inhanced her love of cooking, taught her to follow directions, & some science in what happens when you mix things together. - A hint though, I didn't & still don't buy the packets they sell. I either use full size mixes or something from scratch.
I know Gaytor, but gosh...we are so lovin' Jeff and Jordan and their budding relationship!! We want MORE! HaHa!!! I just wanna see Jeff take her in his arms and kiss her!! What can I say....I like all that romance! HaHa!!!
RhondaM!! I luv the idea of buying her an actual cute purse and filling it with those items!!! She doesn't have her first purse yet, and I think she would LOVE that!!!!
Taking special note of that idea!!!Thank You!!!
I know what you can get, Blue....Anything with the Jonas Brothers on it!! (Just go to the Disney Store) Every little girl LOVES the Jo Bro's!!
Yes, they all want to be a princess. Here's a pic of my little princess.
I have gotta get up from here and finish cleaning my house! (I think I should hire a maid and cook during Big Brother Season! HaHa!!!)
Hi Carolyn, I think I am more addicted to your site than I am the show! I have seen about half the seasons of BB but I do not know who the others that were asked to leave are...can you fill me in.
I dont remember the Slop Pass described as being valid for the entire season either.
Gaytor- it must be something with we "southern gentlemen" that we arent on the edge of our seats waiting for "booger." LOL all these BBDish ho's have FILTHY minds! LOL.
Let 'em Work!
Let 'em Live!
Ooooh, Carolyn made me run to my dictionary (well, I didn't run far, just opened another tab) to learn rashomon! Thank you, I believe I can use that word. . . well, maybe not so much... LOL!! ;0)
this nomination is taking awhile i wonder if someone is pulling a chima?
I guess you'd be racist if you put expelled or kicked out over Chima's pic.
I believe they bent over backwards to keep her(no live show).
I think they came to and end with the mic in the jacuzzi.
You have done such a great job this week.
Thanks for giving me yesterday off.
*Jots down all the girlie gift tips*( I have 5 sons 3 grandsons and finally have a couple of granddaughters)Guessing they dont make Tonka trucks in pink. *giggles*
Disney does have a Princess DVD set(online). With Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, etc.
bluex1969 said...
I'm just full of comments and questions today, I know!!!! hehehe
My dear heart, you are full of it every day. ♥ U!
Carolyn, as for his stalking question, don't make him fib to the new people. He's serious. And once the season is over he will be pregnant again. This time it will be LilBlueBits Schroeder.
But he has to stand in line on Jeff. a very long line.
Why on earth does K/L/N think it's ok for them to lie and manipulate, but not ok for J/J/M/R to? This dumbfounds me. Be mad, be sad, but quit talking about them lying, and "it's not fair", crap!
if it serves as an example to future HGs hopefully it will make em think twice about how far to cross the line with BB
side note: when I want a question mark I get É anyone know why É
ÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉÉ grrrrrrrrr
and instead of the at symbol i get " quotion marks
Genie Sea said...
You all make me smile! One year we should have a BBdish After Party somewhere! :)
And good morning Dish Princess and Queen of Late Night Smackdowns, Genie! MUAH!
I have been pushing for that After Party all season and think it should be here in New Orleans, the party capital of the US. ;-)
Blue - Girls (and some boys) like to feel pretty. Get her a princess dress to dress up in, or a dress-up kit, or a ballerina outfit, or play-makeup..... Anything to make her feel like she's a princess!
Hello all!
I'm curious about Chima's exit. Quit? Expelled? Yeesh. Whatever happened, I didn't like the letter she wrote about it so I hope she gets in some kind of trouble along the way.
Here are my two cents on the game right now: I hope they evict Natalie and keep Russell one more week. I think Jeff can get him to throw the HOH comp [to Jeff] and then boom, get him out. Russ can't be trusted beyond this week.
The paranoia that will come with the thought of Natalie and Jessie alone in the jury house together will probably lead Lydia to her own eviction the next week, leaving Jeff, Jordan, Michele and Kevin as final 4.
That is my prediction and hope.
Has there been any "booger" in the HOH room this week? No? Good. Keep your hands to yourself, Jeff. Kennel up.
Hope everyone's having a marvelous Monday!
For what it's worth, and that ain't much, I think the truth about Chimagate lays somewhere in between. She pushed and pushed and was clearly trying to see how far she could push. I totally believe she told them she wanted to leave, at some point(s). I also believe that in the beginning they pressured her to stay (they always do).
Whoever ended the game of chicken really only matters to Chima's pride, and maybe her lawyer. Either way she is barred from Viacom and her life in showbiz is probably over. Maybe the technicalities will play out in legal disputes to come, but for us, it's just more drama. For CBS it's just another day. For Chima, I hope it's a lesson learned, though she is certainly going to learn it the hard way.
I don't condone what she did, but I definitely feel for her. I think the producers have a huge responsibility here for casting a woman who's mass-murderer rapist was put to death just months before. On what planet could any person be stable after that?
Afternoon everyone!
I just watched the Chen from this morning and she said this was the 3rd time someone was asked to leave the BB house. I remember the knife incident and now Chima, but who was the other?
Keep up the great work Dishers!
**pinches Gaytor on his butt**
My Granddaughter loves "Hello Kitty"..you are getting lots of great suggestions..
Now I am really looking forward to the tuesday show. What a little tease from Chenbot.
Blue ~
I gave my granddaughter and grandson each a Nintendo DS when they turned 6 and they love it. Mario cart was a big hit too.
Keeps them entertained when they're in the car also.
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