PoV Ceremony Spoiler & Aftermath
11:57am BBT The Feeds just went to trivia, and while this may seem a no brainer, Michele's been talking about and toying with using the PoV on Jeff all morning.
As soon as the feeds come back on, we'll have the spoiler posted right here....
12:48pm BBT... Feeds are back!!!
Jeff & Jordan are at the kitchen counter and neither one is over the moon... Rather, they're eating in silence... Flipping to Cam 1 to hear Kevin & Natalie in the Haves Room.
Kevin: That's what they're gonna do, is start baiting us.. Like Michele's already telling me: Natalie's not gonna take you...
Natalie: I'm just gonna be up front.
Kevin: If you don't win HoH, you can never tell her what you think.
Natalie: I know.. I have the speech all ready. "Michele, I think you're a backstabbing b-tch and a liar..."
Kevin: She's all, don't believe anything I say. What? Of course I'm not gonna believe you.
No happy dancing from any of these four. It seems Michele used the Veto on herself.
Kevin: We have a 66% chance next week of winning Veto, cuz, not including Jordan.
Natalie: I was gonna say we have 50...
Kevin: But Jordan's not 25...
OK.. Confirmed: Michele used the PoV on herself.
Jeff & Jordan are on the Block
Michele's still not on any cameras, but I'm flipping back to Jeff and Jordan.... Jeff's berating Jordan for giving up on herself.
12:54pm BBT
Kitchen Counter
Jeff & Jordan
Jordan: If you leave on Thursday, I'm gonna be pissed. I'm gonna say that in my speech. I hope nobody votes for me. I hope my mom wont be mad at me. Where do you wanna go lay down at?
They decide on the Green Room.
Jeff: We're such losers.
Jordan: I'm gonna go get my blanket. You want one?
Jeff: No, I'll use yours.
Jordan: Ok.
Jeff heads to the green room to wait for Jordan... me too.

12:59pm BBT
Green Room
Jeff & Jordan
Jordan: I'm gonna shut it. DO you care?
Jeff: No, shut it.
Jordan: Ooh. I wish we coulda won the Veto. I wish it was a different competition. Ya know?
Jeff: Yeah, i know.
Jordan: Kevin was like lookin at Naalie, and I thought he was gonna trick her, and then he looked at me, and he was like, Jordan.
Jeff: Nice trick.
Jordan: Or the only reason why she wont, is she thinks he'll take her to the final 2.
Jeff: She's stupid for this reason: if she keeps me, I could convince Michele not to go after her. She'd be 100% guaranteed next week. 100%.... Last game (of solitaire), then we're gonna get busy.
Jordan: Or the only reason why she wont, is she thinks he'll take her to the final 2.
Jeff: She's stupid for this reason: if she keeps me, I could convince Michele not to go after her. She'd be 100% guaranteed next week. 100%.... Last game (of solitaire), then we're gonna get busy.
Jordan: I feel bad now. I wish I woulda got rid of him and not Lydia.
Jeff: F'in scumbag. The only reason I want to stay now is to get rid of him. I'm not even gonna make it through this week. Natalie's never gonna break. She's gonna stick herself up Kevin's ass. So, whatever.
1:06pm BBT
Green Room
Jeff & Jordan
Jeff finishes his game of solitaire and lies down for a snuggle with Jordan... then he starts growling, and Jordan tells him to quit it and that he's sounding like Russell.
Jordan: You know you got Michele's vote. All you need is Natalie's, so stop stressing about it. It's not fair if I stay. I don't wanna stay. I'll be out next week. I don't wanna see him win. I'm gonna have to ask Michele about that.
Jeff: Go ahead if you want. Every word out of her mouth is a lie. I was talking to Natalie outside and she said...

1:12pm BBT
Jeff: Ok.. We're not gonna talk about it anymore. Wanna make out?
Jordan: Mm hmm.
Jeff's head snaps over with such a smile.
Jeff: What're you gonna do without me in here?
Jordan: Be bored outta my mind. I can honestly say I never thought I woulda made it this far... That money's nice, but I would wanna feel like I won it, ya know?
Jeff: No matter who stays, you have to try your best.
Jordan: But I'm not gonna beat Michele.
Jeff: You don't know that. You can't give up.
1:33 PM BBT - Jordan is called to DR.
1:54 PM BBT
BBVoice: House guests. This is a lockdown. Please go outside and close the sliding glass door.
Everyone, except Jordan who is still in DR, go outside and are napping around the sofas.
2:04 PM BBT - Lock down is over.
- Jordan is still in the DR.
- Kevin and Natalie are napping in the Red Room.
- All cams on Michele who is making herself a sandwich.
- Jeff is off cam.
Michele is on the bathroom sofa by herself.
Jordan comes out.
Michele: We were on lockdown when you were in DR.
Jordan: You were? That's weird. I was in there a while.
Michele is called to DR. Jordan joins Jeff who is napping in the Green Room mentions that she was surprised they were on lockdown, lies down and closes her eyes.
OMG is right Carolyn!
I'm on pins and needles about this Pandora's box deal!
goodbye michelle if she uses it on jeff then she needs to go home
why would she think jeff would save her and not jordon? come on girl wake u....
Why would Michele use the POV on Jeff? That would be throwing her game away as well as she knows she would be sent to jury on Thursday. Maybe she did it to see where Kevin and Natalie stand... I just dont get it.
Is right!
*sitting on pins and needles*
And still keeping the "Pandora's Box" in mind...
I really want to believe good things happen to good people.
That would be THE stupidest move in BB history, she's smarter than that.
just a crazy thought what if jeffs key gives him the golden power of veto and he removes himself then michelle removes herself that means natallie and jordon would have to go up oh that would be so very sweet...
repoested, since I got caught.....
Does anyone else get the impression that Michelle is infatuated with Jeff or is that just Kevin and Natalie being...well, themselves?
Omg.....I have got to have my daily Jeff! He can't go home! I hope Michelle is crazy enough to use POV on Jeff!
I would like to think Michelle isnt dumb enough to use the Veto on Jeff. I just cant believe that would even be an actual option to her. I would much rather see Michelle go than Jeff go but I hope she isnt that stupid.
Pins and needles at work waiting to see if Michelle is crazy enough to use POV on Jeff! I think she secretly hearts Jeff.
Crap I forgot what I was gonna say
these people make me crazier than my inlaws
OH to Shi Shi I think it was,yes I agree about Jeff,I can't believe he is ditting there being so bold,well Jordon too.
"we will drill 2 holes right in her back" what an arsehole
enjoy Jessie & Russel my sweet meat
Would taking Jeff off the block qualify as a 'Double Marcelles'?
She couldn't possibly save Jeff, could she? I mean . . . if she does that she should just walk out of the house through the DR, Chima style.
Don't do it Michele, pleaseeeeeeeee
Would be great if that PB key was some sort of golden idol,meaning the pov winner and the key holder were both safe for the week.
OMG - it might happen, then maybe Kevin will put Natalie up????? Oh, to wish.
Sending out good vibes to Michelle.
OMG is right, right, right!!! I just can't believe Michelle would be that dumb. As much as I'd like it, I don't believe it.
Hi everyone!!!!!! What suspense...
If michele uses the pov on jeff. Thats like a marcellas move. Give away your crown marcellas and kaysar. We have a new queen of stupidity (possibly) lol.
Hi Everyone!!!!
on pins and needles over here!!
see this pandora's box is even effecting all of us...this is really hard on my nerves to wait .. i just hope michelle is smarter then jeff thinks she is...thie wait is killing me darn pandoras box...
I can't remember which post the comment about how tv land doesn't get to see all the scheming that Natalie does, they also don't know that she is 24 unless they read the HG's profiles on CBS.com.
From what I understand, that is part of the competition, scheming - lying - deception - ugh - if this is all true, then Natalie deserves to win. Do I want her to win, no. I didn't want Evil Dick to win last season, but he really did do a lot of things in the house to make a lot of people wanting him to win, so, who am I to argue.
If Natalie wins will I watch BB again, maybe. If anyone else wins, will I watch BB, yes.
OMG!!!!! I picture Kevin saying that everytime I type it LOL
Afternoon Carolyn and all my BB buddies!
I can't stand it I need to know!!!
I'd like to be on pins and needles, Carolyn, but, I just can't see it happening. I just can't.
This would be far, far worse than Marcellas not taking himself off. Marcellas at least had a reason to believe Jason would keep him safe. Michele can't possibly imagine that Natalie/Jeff would keep her safe.
Do ya’ll think we will find out about the Pandora’s box today or on the live eviction show? I am thinking and hoping it will be for the live eviction, then there is still hope for Jeff to stay and Nat to go!
At this point..I want to see Jeff and Jordan go home!! I can't believe the mean things they are saying. I would rather listen to Natalie...Can't believe I just said that.
i wonder how michelles husband will feel if she saves jeff and gets sent out? she will tell him he reminded me of you i couldnt help myself..michell just dont do it.......omg.....
Anyone else notice that when Michele takes to Jeff she giggles and really can't complete a sentence really but when she talks to Kevin she is so clear and complete with everything?
Like Jordan, I may just poop myself, before this is over..
Please, please, please be safe Jeff..
Get Eliminated, Get Eliminated, Get Eliminated Natalie.
Don't know how it can be done, but as Julie says "Expect the Unexpected"
Michele can't be that dumb. She has to know she can't trust Nat and Kev. I don't care if she has crush on Jeff or not, she will never see him again after the show. This is making me so nervous.
what if michele wins all the PB money for an unselfish act like pulling jeff off the block! maybe thats why they haven't told them how much money they have won!
Good Day Blogger Buddies,
Just my thoughts:
What if the key Jeff found was like a 2nd pov ? Wouldnt that just get Kevin going, if Michelle takes herself off the block and Jeff could take himself off the block , Kevin would have to put Jordan and Nat up, Nat would most likey go home.
Oh boy, hurry up and come back on feeds. I wanna know whats going on.
Ok off to do housework , feeds are on , blog page is up so that after each chore I can check in and keep chatting with you fine people.
Boy, this is going to be hard to wait and see if Michele was a complete idiot and gave away her POV.
I was wondering if she was thinking she couldn't win the game and thought Jeff had a better chance of winning against Kevin and Natalie.
I think she has a problem with social skills. She hasn't "bonded" with anyone. She has tried, but it never works out for her.
As much as I like Jeff, I really hope Michele uses the PoV on herself. That would be such a bonehead move. I wish there was a way that Jeff & Michele could both stay!!!
As much as Michele has been thru during the game, I just don't see her throwing it away. She can make F2 for sure. What bothers me is that she thinks that she needs Jeff to do it. She said that
OMG, I need to know! OMG
waiting on this actually is making me nervous...thats a good thing
The Zanyone.... Yes I kinda think she has a little crush on Jeff. I think Michele is going to be very upset when the game is over and she sees the things he has said and done to her behind her back.
I also think the reason she wants to keep him is she knows if she is F2 with him they have an equal chance of winning!
if michelle uses the pov of jeff how long will it take for him to start telling her how stupid she is and that he isnt voting for her?
Patti C,-
I couldn't have said it better!! LOL
Exactly how I feel too!
I really did (for once) have things to do today! Now I can't! Please hurry!!
I got a question.
In the past, the person that won the POV was able to save another person and their self?????
They said we would find out about the twist Tuesday night. So maybe it has something to do with the POV ceremony! Please Please Please BB let it have something to do with Jeff saving himself!
out of the 5 remaining i really dont have a favorite anymore..because just when i start to like someone they go flipside and get all mean and sinister..i know at this point in the game thats what we should exspect..who do you all want to win? who deserves it the most?
Hi Carolyn
So anxious, I forgot to even say hi!
Hey Kevin, if Jeff goes down, please replace him with NATALIE
Is it too much to hope for???
Well Michelle did mention in the pool room that useing the veto on the other nominee has worked in the past, All I could think was " ya, go ask Marcellus how that worked out for him" LMAO
Hi All! Well, it does seem to be an interesting day in the BB household!
Will she or Won't she being the theme of the day ... and yes, I would agree that pulling Jeff off the block instead of herself would qualify as a "double Marcellas"! OMG! She just has to save herself!
I admit that I haven't watched BB since last Tuesday .. I just can't take Natalie any longer! I did watch Russell's exit and the various interview segments, but that is it for me until Natalie is o-u-t .. at this rate that might be never again this season.
Sorry, it's not sour grapes, it's just that her constant nagging/lying/game talk gets on my nerves so bad that I have to turn her off.
Anyway, new subject, ... I did read some very interesting thoughts on what PB might mean to the game ... love the bribery scheme and also the BB buy-out option. I wonder if it could be a diamond veto? Hmmm? Maybe not, but interesting to speculate.
Ah well, my lunch time is up so it's back to work I go ...
Bye for now ... and, thanks for keeping me up to speed during my "boycott" ...
I've been long time reader just don't post much..you guys always say it all :)....I would just like to say that they one and only time someone was safe not using the veto on themself was when Daniel did it and Evil Dick held the deciding vote...only time!!! However I really want Jeff to stay so even if she does do it, I would be happy to still have eye candy daily :)
I just know Michelle is not that dumb...no way is she gonna save Jeff!
michele....NNNOOOWWWAAAHHH! (lips moving in slomo)
DaniD - That only holds true when the winner of the PoV isn't on the block.
Wouldn't it be fun to see where Kevin would flip to if Natalie were to leave this week?
KLynn -
I'd love to be able to publish your comment, but the only way I can do that is if you can state your opinion without attacking anyone else's.
*twiddles fingers*
Nat isn't half the liar, manipulator that she thinks she is. She's just the best one left in the house.
If she wins she would have to be the most unlikeable unpopular winner ever.
Also BB telling them that they wouldn't find out about how much money until today because of accounting, could have been a way to put it off until the POV ceremony.
I must say, CBS is giving us 'feeders' an exciting season, keeping us wondering... I usually know whats gonna happen before it shows on tv...this year, there has been more than one time that I couldn't wait to see the show, to find out!
michelle is smitten by jeff and us women tend to do silly things for the men we get crushes on. i just hope she wakes up before she utters the words i choose to use the veto on jeff..
Carolyn, are u refering to me?
Im confused, U published my last comment. I didnt think I attacked anyone? did I?
Sorry if thats the case.
this wait is killing me!!!!!
As much as I want Jrff to be safe, I really don't want Michele to do anything stupid. There has just got to be away for them both to be safe...lol.
these crickets are driving me nuts!
I know I am grasping at straws, but dangit I want Jeff to stay somehow. And I don't think Michelle is dumb enough to use the veto on him. Although I won't be upset if she does! :-)
Lynn - no no... someone else.. KLynn.
I think we all want to 'open' Pandora's Box and see what happens! I hope we are not putting so much hope into the PB, so we aren't as disappointed.
I also believe that Michelle has a crush on Jeff. IMO Natalie shouldn't be compared to Evil Dick, he was fun annoying! She is not. He didn't have a problem telling someone he didn't like them and lie about it. She does.
As much as I think that Michelle shouldn't use the veto on Jeff, she might do it anyway. We will have to wait and see............
...on pins and needles with everyone.
still makes me giggle every time i hear one of the HGs call Michele dumb...
like that's even possible with a PhD in neuroscience...
Oh ok, I was worried there , I really like this group, it breaks up the monoteny of talking to myself and the comp about BB.
if i hadn't gone off to do some chores i might be hyperventilating right now. please to explain wtf michele would be thinking to save jeff. i think - as someone else said - michele's loner act is just that - an act. and i do believe she is a tiny bit smitten with our dear jeff but WAY too smart to not use the veto on herself. i think michele is gunning for natalie just as hard as i am(oh yeah - i forgot i'm not there again). she sees what a lot of us see.
I can't believe Michele was even toying with that idea, it would be crazy. But I am totally Team Jeff, so I'm all for it!
On a slightly different note, do you think its strange that CBS is choosing to show us the whole Pandora's Box/key business on the Tuesday show, along with the Veto, instead of last night--I mean, if it purely was luxury (even if they said not to call it that) and it only had to do with grabbing money, don't you think they'd squeeze it in there because that's when they used to show the have/have-not comp.
:) exhale... inhale.. exhale..
Where are my manners!!!
Hey Carolyn! :)
Hey everyone else! :)
This loooooooong wait has me so nervous I forgot to greet everyone!!! :D
Becca - yes. i agree.
carolyn how long does it normally take for feeds to come back on after a pov? an hour right? i need some seeds now to so i dont bite off my nails
surely michele knows that if they want to evict jordan, they can put her up next to jeff instead of michele throwing herself on her sword. also, i think that michele is just too game smart to pull such a bonehead move unless she really has had it with staying in that house with people who treat her badly. i can relate.
i have to wonder, since she started that just after leaving the DR, maybe they put that idea out there to make the pov ceremony more interesting and she is playing along. after all, she has been gunning for natalie for a long time. i dont see her trying to allign with her.
You know I don't like Nat, but she is playing the game, not the kind game I like but she is playing it.
I don't want Jeff to go...I would miss all the eye candi!!! I wonder what kind of Cologne he wears....I so thought feeds were back..but I was wrong.
Yes I think Michelle would be wrong to use the VETO on Jeff but it would be nice for Kevin to put Nat up in his place.
Ok I got my headphones on since I am at work so I can listen to the bb music while I wait for the feeds to become live again.
Carolyn, sorry I have been spelling your name wrong all this time… after TOR and today you are gonna need a spa treatment for your back and shoulders! I do want to thank you for keeping us “in the know” , you are fabulous darling fabulous!
Carolyn - How long does the Veto Ceremony usually last????
I can't remember I'm so flustered!!! It feels like it's taking forever.
I do not believe Michele will use the PoV on anyone other than herself. I just refuse to believe that.
Ok Im not usually at a computer during the veto ceremony. How long do they usually take before the feeds come back? Is it normally this long?
she didnt do it
kevin jeff and michele F3 - kevin jeff and michele F3 - kevin jeff and michele F3 - kevin jeff and michele F3 -
i'm using my visualization and affirmations technique. do you think it's working?
It sounds like Michele used the veto on herself & Jordan is now up on the block :(
Me thinks Renop thought I had possibly compared ED to Natalie, no, my comment was that I didn't want either to win, they are both playing the game totally different.
Natalie isn't the same as Evil Dick. She is not even in the same league.
Natalie said something about... I want to celebrate tonight & drink a Mike's.
I switched away from her & her cocky partner.
OMG I really hope Jeff is safe. I am sick of watching BB to see the other side win in the end. with the exception of BB10 I liked dan. I think the pandoras box thing is Key (pun intended) for jeffs safety.
Rats!!! I don't think anything unusual happened :( Is all hope gone? Will Jeff be evicted? What about the door with the question mark? Stay tuned for the Thursday when all questions will be answered!!
good girl michelle
OMG I hope Jeff is safe. I'm sick of watching BB to see the other team win in the end. except for BB10 I liked Dan. I think the Key (pun intended) key to jeff's safety.
They NEED to send michelle home. What a horrible person to be telling EVERYONE in the house how she'd love to side with them and keep jeff and send jordan home and yadda yadda yadda. i really dislike her even more now, how silly i almost believed her on this one..
Ah well, it would have been nice. I really dislike Natalie
No Kevin you have about a 10% chance of winning POV against El Doctor!
Of course she used it on herself!
She isn't stupid.
Did Jordan make Jeff a sandwich?
Sorry, I just couldn't resist..
Ok, ok, last comment before lunch is over and work/meeting time begins ...
Really, Kevin (on PoV odds), "We have a 66% chance of winning ... Jordan isn't 25%"?!
And Natalie is?! Are you playing the same game I'm watching?
Sorry, just had to get that out ...
Its looking like Kev and Nat final 2 for sure.
Hi all... been staying away from the feeds since Saturday, because my head has been spinning so fast! I don't know who's aligned with who at this point... is Jeff for sure going home now?
This key is buggin' the heck out of me! I was hoping we would find out something after PoV...maybe we'll find out Thursday? Maybe they'll show the comp tomorrow night and then leave the tv's hangin' as to what it means (well, us, too, I guess! LOL). I'm really hoping that it is like an additional PoV thingy that can only be used right before the voting on Thursday...like a mini-coup d'tat...but would AGP really do something so similar in the same season, just weeks apart? I HOPE so! LOLOLOL
I just knew about the time I typed up my comment the feeds would come back and we would learn that Michele had not used it on Jeff.
Now, I just really really really really really hope that Michele wins BOTH HoH and PoV next week!!! Not only would she ensure her seat in final 3, but she would also decide which two HG's are on the block right up until the Live Eviction, and will still get to play in the final 3 HoH comp.!!!
That would be soooooo sweeeeeet!!♫♫
To anyone who watched BB on Showtime last night
Something was written on the bottom of the screen regarding Pandora's Box reveal on Tuesday, does anyone remember the exact wording?
Me a very unhappy camper now!
Wheeeeeeew that was a scare. Did Mich do all this for Jeff's jury vote. Only she knows for sure. Now Michele win HOH and POV and send Nat home.
I still say Kevin should have put up Natalie... would have been way smarter!
I think it's possible that the original PB thing was not supposed to include any power, however, faced with losing the most popular couple...as far as tv viewers..they may change it to include some kind of power, since Jeff won it....any thoughts?
Carolyn Thx 4 answering Danis question about Veto power.
I always said Michele was smitten towards Jefe, just her demeoner when shes around him.."dah ah umm aw" kinda sounded like me around girls in high school.LOL friends called me a "socialy challenged"
I only hope Micheles pulling our strings by saying she wants to save Jefe. does anyone know what a "REMRORA" is....
Oh good Michelle did not do anything crazy to "prove her loyalty" to Jeff and Jordon. I tryley believe that she can winn next Veto let's remember she was the third last out in the endurance and she won 1 HOH and 2 Veto's and she is is always very close 2nd to ronnie in the HOH and 2nd to Jeff in last weeks veto. I am not sure about anything else but this chick is awsome when you think about it
Gooooooo Michelle!
The rest of the week is going to be long. Jeff is definitely going to leave the house on Thursday. Natalie will vote to evict Jeff, and even if Michele votes to evict Jordan, that makes Kevin the tie breaker, and he will vote to evict Jeff, as well. Or it will be 2-0 to evict Jeff.
I don't see it happening any other way.
is thursday show live?
Has anyone in BB history ever been allowed to forfeit...would they let Jordon do that...she really wants to go, instead of Jeff
'The veto comp and ceremony along with a surprise twist will air Tuesday'
BBAD last nite
In past seasons have BB ever given the houseguest two chances to change the game?
I really had hoped that Jeff and Jordan would make it to the end but it really irks me if Natalie makes it.
Sorry for my manners..Hi everyone
how did jeff and jordan fall so far, so hard, and so fast....
i don't remember seeing a team crash and burn like this in bb history...
Michele has won 3 vetoes, not 2.
Maybe we aren't finding out anything bout the key or twist until the live show, they might show a lil on Tuesday but we might not know the full twist till Thursday
I still can't get past that Jeff still believes Nat over Michele. I wish Michele knew that. She has tried so hard to be loyal to him. Noone is blaming Nat for anything, if they only knew how nasty she is.
Afternoon everyone.
I'm so glad I didn't invest my morning listening to all that talk for naught.
St. Carolyn of the Dradle is the best, and I never have to worry about missing anything because she catches it all.
Mama definitely needs a new set of ears for transcribing that much Natalie.
I've read all the Morning Report and comments, and now PoV Ceremony Spoiler, which HA! Spoiler?
Now on to these comments.
Someone just posted something about Natalie being 10 steps ahead of the rest...You are so right on, I hate to agree, but she is, Im not calling anyone a vicious name nor being derogitory, But I just read the book Sociopath next door, And you know whom it describes to a T?
Is anyone a little hopeful that the key may mean something? At the end of Sunday's show, they said a twist. It just can't be the money, can it? A twist, to me, sounds like something that can effect the game.
Just poppin' in real quick before I head off to register for school.
I have to ask...am I the only one who thinks Michele will win if she goes final 2 with Natalie??
From the "Morning Report":
Jordan: I will too. And it's God's plan.
I explained my feelings about that yesterday. I don't feel the need to go into it again today. It is nowhere near what it has been in some of the past seasons but it's there. *Bucket Please*
Becca...I agree with the Pandora's box theory. AND...wouldn't it be the best if Jeff got a secret power TWICE??? That would really piss off the Jury House, huh? heeheee
Hey Gang - This is feeling like the perfect time for a little blog break. :)
I'll see ya back here in a bit!
Lee- I was thinking that too it just can't be the money, they just get 10,000 that really isn't a twist of anything so i think there is more coming.
OK, I was thinking again. If they show the "twist" Tuesday, wouldn't the HG's know about it now? Tuesday isn't live. I would think that the twist would happen at the POV ceremony. Oh, I don't know what to think anymore...
Tallen - there is a fish called a Remora. They are the tiny fish you see swimming around or clinging onto sharks.
Brother Mouzone said...
I'd like to be on pins and needles,...
I knew you had to have a kinky side.
Lee, I'm with you...that key HAS to have something to do with the twist and I am holding onto that "Hope" in the Pandora's Box that it will somehow save Jeff and send Natalie home! :)
Thanks Rosaritoe...
On BBAD last night it was written on the bottom of the screen:
"The veto comp and ceremony along with a surprise twist will air Tuesday"
So maybe there is still hope for Jeff with the surprise twist...
Thanks Blue
I wasn't really sure but if you look at the stats Michelle has done the best at the comps on combined.
Carolyn sees me post and she runs off faster than Syn... no, actually Syn stays around just to frustrate me, as I do him. ;)
But Smurf is here. Think I'll pinch his cheeks again.
*pinch* *pinch* *PINCH!* *PINCH!*
Those last two pinches were much harder. I worked my way down the Blue and I wanted to be sure he felt them. Does that mean I am calling him a numbass? LMCAO
HI guys its hard to tear myself away from you! Carol thanks for your work today.
I just returned from the CBS website and there was a question asked "list Natalies good qualities" LOL 6 pages on that subject and no one has listed (1)one redeeming quality! that is just so funny..what are we just smarter than those in that house, And after all that Michele tried to do for Jefe, and he still dosent see, IM shocked at his chose of choosing a judgement of character. I pity him, I do think he might be a very shallow. No matter what you gals go on his good looks.
As smart as Michelle is..I wish she would have had J/J/M all go to Kevin..W/OUT Natalie and threaten that ALL THREE would vote for Natalie in the F2 if he didn't put her on the block ...at least TRY...NONE of them ever considered that the three together forces f2 into America voting..which is N/K's greatest fear.
Who actually thought that Michele would use the veto on Jeff? Lets be real she would never do that but some Jeff fans wished it. So now we say goodbye to Jeff. Liked him but not after the way he has been bashing Michele.
Michele for the win !
Why is there another lockdown?
Just want to let you know that I have been kindly informing people all over the Internet that unless they support Jeff and Jordan than they will not be welcome on your site.
This is a Jeff and Jordan site...which is sad. Everyone should be able to like who they want. People can make negative nicknames about all the HG except for Jeff and Jordan. (i.e. Gnat??)
Then you go and make excuses for Jeff's behaviour as if he is the only one to ever have pressure on him in the bb house. Get real.
Silly school girl crush.
Btw...your not very flattering to look at in your pic, you should change it, carolyn:)
Well thank goodness. I never doubted Michele (except for a minute when even I doubted her sanity).
Rock on Brain.
Hiya Everyone!
Just got home... Lordy! What a group!
I will be publishing comments while Carolyn is taking a break :)
Ah. Jeff. Now calling Kevin a scumbag. What a nice guy Jeff is...Don't let the door hit ya on the way out, Jeff.
I am so bummed. Got my hopes up for Jeff. They made two mistakes: They should have evicted Kevin instead of Russell. Then Michelle would have won that HOH and bounced Natalie. And two, if they had only just won that veto, Michelle would have be gone. Damn. So annoyed. Jeff and Jordan were so close. Now I have no interest in a season without Jeff and Jordan. The remaining J is the only left to root for. But no more cuteness come Thursday. Canceling feeds and Showtime. I just can't bear to look at Natalie and Kevin any longer. It had better be Michelle and Jordan in the finals.
Am I insane to still hold out hope for the Pandora Box saving Jeff on Thursday? Why do they keep calling it a twist that could change the game if it was just them grabbing money?
OMG Kevin just said that Jordan left the game..Strange lockdown after POV.
Anybody know what's going on?
There's Genie!! Hiya, Miss Genie!!!
Hiya Blue!!! Smoochies! :)
Patti - That was Kevin's speculations.
Don't hold your breath about Pandora's Box. It will only torture you. AG already said is didn't have any mystery powers, that it just added to the HoH's responsibilities. Meaning, it was up to the current HoH Kevin to decide whether to keep all the money or share it with the HG's. Finite.
On the other hand, all the "toying" that Michele did will certainly add suspense to the POV ceremony edit. Just what production needed, some drama to contrast the boredom that is so prevalent in the house right now.
Hi Genie,
About as exciting as watching paint dry... Hehehehehehe
Hiya Pamela! :) That mess was all cleared up, so no worries :)
Thank you very much..
sister came home today
The feeling I have is that Michele really has a chance to win this whole thing hands down. The people left have no talents except those seen on the surface.
GaYToR, I'm "pinch protected". Can't pinch me. hehehehe
I am so tired of seeing these people sleep..
BB needs to give them something to do so we are entertained...
AGP are you listening.
Pamela - Good to hear! YAY! :)
*tickles Blue*
what if the key allows you to come back into the house (door) when you get evicted? Didn't that happen a couple seasons ago when one houseguest thought they were evicted but the door locked?
*Stomps thru the house*
get up bitches!! I'm bored :D
Lovely afternoon Dishers!
I never once believed Michelle would use the POV on Jeff. I figure either BB had her do it to give them a storyline, or she did it in attempt to garner jury house votes. If J&J think that she even considered it, they'll vote for her over the other two weasels. [Yes, I know they’re all weasels.]
What’s she’s doing laying in the bathroom with her half-eaten lunch sitting on the kitchen counter? I have no clue. Now that BB called her to Room 101, she may never get to finish it.
MsFitz, the question about a "remora" reminds me of one of the cast members in BB can u guess which 1?LOL
I wanted to address the statement someone mention JJ's game, if you recall b4 americas vote, they had NO game, their only aspiration was about getting to the jury hse, Only after the AM.vote did they have any power.They used it poorly. they thought min by min. they beleived those that were wanting them out, they didnt believe in those that were with them R/M. they grew hateful resentful of them. and only embraced/befriended those against them that were backstabbing them continuely IE: LML!
Now I ask besides their "cuteness" do you see them as of yet using there heads intelligence over emotions? LOL I think the longer Jefe listens to Jordo, the less intelligents he gets..whatever it is, it must be contagious. those are my thoughts at the moment,
ANd How many times should we save Jeff? by wishing for another power he has NOT earned.
Nazar - Carolyn has created an environment where BB lovers can come and voice their opinions and support whomever they wish as long as they follow the above rules.
I personally would not have published your comment because you are being rude to our hostess who published it anyway.
Which goes to show you, all opinions are welcome even those that come from the nether regions.
As for for the "gnat" point, sometimes that goes unnoticed because we are human not machines. And Carolyn especially logs in over 16 hours a day transcribing, capping, moderating, and doing behind the scenes work.
And I for one, strongly urge to apologize.
Thanks and have a good day.
I agree Genie, Nazar should apologize. That was a very childish letter.
Love this site and everyone on it..
well while we are at it
what if the Key opens the door to a room full of bugs,& Natalie has a heart attack & has to leave the show!!!
= D
Wow, just reading through some of the comments, wow! Some of them are really outlandish!
BTW, Hi Genie Sea!
BTW, Carolyn, don't change your picture, you are a stunning goddess! Since I am not a stunning goddess, my picture is my granddaughter (stunning goddess in the making) ;-)
Now I'm getting tickled???? *looks at Genie* hehehe
I sound like Elmo when I get tickled!!!!
*with lisp* "Stop it!"teehee
*blue gropes Genie!!!*
I think the other thing that we dishers need to remember, the HG's don't see all that we see. As a matter of fact, they will never see the DR's unless someone has taped or DVR'd all the shows. Or they watch all the shows on CBS.com.
Will there be a BB12? If so, how are they ever going to top this one? (well, minus the sleeping all day long).
I'm not going to defend Carolyn against *that* one negative comment because it is so outlandish and untrue and even laugh-out-loud-able it isn't worth responding to.
Whoa Nazar,take a pill.
I'm new & they publish my comments about J/J all the time.you just need to be semi-mature & civil,maybe that is your problem.
ya'll blogs get trolls too eh?
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for Nazar. Apparently they didn't take the time to read the Rules and especially the Golden Rule.
I have had nothing but giggles, chuckles and laughs with the community on this site, sometimes I just lurk and giggle but I enjoy it none the less.
I am sorry that you and Genie must wade through that kind of trash, hopefully there are enough of us that post the other kinds of comments that we outweight the negative.
Have a great day you two! Don't let a moody little cloud take away your sunshine.
Stephanie, I agree with you about picture of Carolyn. It is beautiful, and I alos have a picture of my granddaughter for very same reason.
Michelle, you are so funny..
Stephanie: If I'm not mistaken, CBS has picked up Big Brother for another 2 seasons.
Oh and FYI - Though I see all the HGs' strong and weak points, in case you haven't noticed I have been and still am a Michele fan. :)
Nazar - The only comments that don't get published are the ones that break the rules, post unacceptable links or are made in an attempt to spread rumors. We don't care who you support.
I have to say I am sad that you would allow yourself to reacat the way you did to Carolyn over a silly show. I would just like you to know that this site supports everyone it's only the comments such as yours that gets a lashing.
I have been on this site for years and I to get upset when someone bashes on someone I like. For example last week everyone was bashing on Jordan and Jeff so you need to check your facts before you treat someone, that works their butt off to give us blow by blow information, in that manner. Very sad to see that the game has turned you to make personal attacks.
Which reminds me,I think I forgot to edit a word in my post about the house guests waking up lol
I meant it jokingly,I was gonna fix it,but hit enter too fast
I think I am going to take a nap, not! OMG!!! JOrdan better fight her tushie off!
Why is there a lockdown????
Hey Everyone :)
Thanks very much!
Gonna open a new top post so we don't all have to wallow in one sad person's negativity. ;)
Wow, that was downright hateful!
Carolyn is beautiful.. are you nuts??
*bangs head repeatedly on desk*
her pictre? Seriously? That's really rude, no matter who it is directed at.
And out of all of the sites out there, this is the fairest one to all of the HGs.
Related to Gnat, by chance?
OH and another thing. "Bashing" is not when someone makes a comment you do not like. It is when you make unfounded, unreasonable and/or rude comments which do not get published. That's why I wasn't going to publish that obnoxious one. But it isn't my site, I am just helping a good friend out. Someone who should be thanked not abused.
End of rant. We will now go back to our previously scheduled programming.
Just wanted to log on real quick now that I'm home from work. Gotta take a quick nap, then I'm yours for the rest of the night.
Um, I wholeheartedly disagree with that one person's ugly post about this site and Carolyn in particular. I have made it pretty clear, imho, that I am no fan of J/J (especially after they backstabbed and took out my babydaddy Russell). Never once, have I felt censored or attacked. Sure, I do feel outnumbered by the J/J fans & supporters, but everyone is beyond friendly. And I even got to nickname Jordan "Cookie Monster" (since she's always eating the cookie dough).
Stay beautiful Carolyn & Genie, and keep it classy as always. Smooches
Hi Everybody!
I am able to sit at my pc after one of the worst days I have had in a very long time and get to read a comment bashing our beloved Carolyn. How rude!
Before I can move on to the new top post ...
LMAO! This is a Jeff/Jordan site only?
Why the heck didn't someone send me that memo? Guess MsFitz, ltcmek, Alyson, and the other more vocal Jeff/Jordan followers missed the memo too.
I certainly wouldn't have been beating my head against a wall trying to get people to jump back on the Jeff/Jordan train here. Chugging along like the little engine that could.
Nazar, I think you would be shocked to find out just who Carolyn's favorite is. I know I would be. That's the beauty of this site. You can't tell who she's pulling for because this is the least biased site I've seen. Why don't you go tell all your little internet friends that? I suggest you take a longer browse through the comments and you will see just how wrong you actually are in regards to what kind of site this is.
Carolyn, I will gladly replace every HG's pic with your beautiful smiling face.
I wish I had a picture as nice as Carolyn's
or Genie's
or Gaytor's
green looks like a nice skin color
Genie point well made.
I hope that I have not offended anyone on here, even though I have no filter. I try.
As I read thru, I only try to induce opinions by playing devils advocate. not to insult anyone. LOL I only wish when IM done posting and rereading my post, I now relize why I never received good grades in the english language/grammar. with that said
Pam and Michele I have to laff about you waking up the HG. and stop sleeping. reminds me of going to the S.D. Zoo durning certian hours of the day, I never saw any creatures due to the fact they were all sleeping! I get the same feeling about watchin the HG. they need to prod em, with the exception of Natalie, she can sleep, oh wait thats what she does most of the time anyways,except when shes eating or being annoying.
I again want to thank you all.
"I am so bummed. Got my hopes up for Jeff. They made two mistakes: They should have evicted Kevin instead of Russell."
I realized Kevin needed to go a long time ago.
Man I must really love you ladies because for the first time I am more offended by someone's words than by their total diregard for grammar. All I have to say is if you don't appreciate the amount of time, effort and work Carolyn and Genie Sea put into this site then maybe it is not the site for you.
(P.S. sorry but your does not mean you are. The word you were looking for Nazar was you're)
*Ashley exhales*
Just had to get that off my chest.
Nazar - you have the makings of a perfect BB house guest.
And following your lead, next time I am invited to a dinner party I'll be sure to tell the hostess her dress is hideous and the food sucks.
May your day be as lovely as you are.
I have to agree with Blue ... Nazar's commentary doesn't rise to a level deserving of a response.
Carolyn, you know how much we all adore you ... and bless your heart for being fair to all and actually publishing that total rubbish! *hugs*
Well I be dipped in poo
Jordan is thinking of HERSELF for a minute & Natalie is giving her some decent advice.
*feels almost proud*
stephanie, The TV onlys do know Natalie is 24 because on the first episode she said i Dr that she is going to pretend to be 18. and also when Casey was evicted,she told him in her goodbye message.
that was short lived
they are talkin michelle smack again,& nat is lying like a rug
OMFG Jordan,YOU told Michelle to try & get Jeff to stay & vote you out!You told them both to campaign for him to stay, so she did,& now you think she is against you & backstabbing.
Holy damn!
New Top Post!!! :)
Meg in SC: I agree, If all the PB was about is the money, they wouldn't be calling it a "twist' then it would be a "luxury" comp. So there has got to be more. Only thing is ,if that key does give Jeff some power the target on his back will be even bigger and Nat and Kevin for sure will be saying how the show is fixed for him to win. Or they will think America voted for him again. I dont see him winning this game, but I really want Michelle to,anyway. I would be happy seeing Jeff in fianl 2.
Nazar - would you like some cheese with your "whine"?
Couple of comments and then I'll move on to the new thread...
Someone said if the key gives Jeff some kind of power that it is yet another thing he hasn't earned...um, everyone had an equal chance to find the key, he found it first, hence he 'earned' it and it was not given to him. Lookin' like maybe it doesn't do anything to help his game anyway, but still, I wanted to point that out.
Also, while I adore J $ J and am rooting for them, I would not be disappointed with a Michelle win at all! Wouldn't even mind seeing Kevin there in the F2, just please, no Natalie. She has played the game, no doubt about it, but I just don't care for her and never have...but if she DOES win...oh well, I'll definitely be watching next season! I'm hooked! What can I say.
Finally, Carolyn you are BEAUTIFUL! Adding my accolades to those others have posted this afternoon. Kudos to you and THANK YOU!!!! {{{Carolyn}}}
Tallen, how dare you insult Carolyn like that. I have been coming to this site for years and have never posted any thing until this season. If you want to be a troll, go to another site and you have no right to talk bad about this site anywhere on the internet. Carolyn stays up for hours and hours so people like me, who do not have the feeds, can give us detailed information on what is going on... Thank god for Carolyn and the rest of her friends for doing that. I am from Maine and people just do not treat people like that here and you should do it anywhere. Thank you Carolyn.. you totally make my day everyday with this site. I check it several times a day for updates. Thank you soooo soooo much. Oh btw, your picture is great! Tallen can just go back to the other boards for all we care. Right? Thank you so much again.
wmic - thanks very much, but it wasn't tallen.. it was nazar ;)
Nazar said...
Just want to let you know that I have been kindly informing people all over the Internet that unless they support Jeff and Jordan than they will not be welcome on your site.
This is a Jeff and Jordan site...which is sad. Everyone should be able to like who they want. People can make negative nicknames about all the HG except for Jeff and Jordan. (i.e. Gnat??)
Then you go and make excuses for Jeff's behaviour as if he is the only one to ever have pressure on him in the bb house. Get real.
Silly school girl crush.
Btw...your not very flattering to look at in your pic, you should change it, carolyn:)
August 31, 2009 1:55 PM
Carolyn, I cannot thank you enough for all the work you put into this site. It is my favorite BB site of them all. I have told all my friends about it and they ask me "where did you find that site, it's awesome"! So, kudos to you Carolyn for giving us all the information who do not have the 24/7 feed. As I have posted before, I am J&J fan, so I am praying that the "key" is a key to the HOH twist that I hope is coming soon. CBS would be smart to do this (imo) of course. Expect the Unexpected. Thanks again, Peace to you all!
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