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Thursday, July 29, 2010

BB12: Smack Down Before The Show Even Ends

The Live Show was still going on and the smack down between Rachel and Kristin began...

Rachel: Really? How would I make that up?
Kristin: We were not making out last night.
Rachel: Everybody knows you're a floater so float on off...
Kristin: I already know that you're gonna put the two of us up. I'm not stupid.
Rachel: Maybe I was. Maybe I wasn't. Thank you for making my mind up for me.

Get Ready for the live feeds to be on fire tonight!!!

We're waiting on the feeds to come back on.... and we will be reporting it!

6:09 PM BBT
Taj Room

Rachel: I didn't mean to go off on Kristin but they were lying.
Brendon: That's vindication for Andrew
Rachel: For Andrew! For the little guy who gets picked on!

Brendon tells Rachel to chill in the room and he will get her water....Lane comes in to congratulate Rachel and possibly begin the campaign not to be put up...

Ragan comes in to tell her to chill out, breathe and think about the longer term. He thinks she can still repair things with Kristin... They have a brief celebration about no Have Nots this week.

Britney comes in to give her a hug, and tells her to relax and they will talk about it later.

Brendon comes back in and tells her that he talked to Hayden and apologized. Everybody's tempers are running high...

Meanwhile in the
Cabana Room
Kathy & Kristin

Kathy is taking the opportunity to bash Rachel a bit more and get on her moral high horse.

The cameras travel with her as she goes out to Hayden to do the same. Hayden says that in the outside world, he would beat someone up for talking to him this way... Kathy goes to unpack, leaving a very nervous Hayden...

He goes into the Cabana Room...

Hayden: We're screwed.
Kristin: I tried so hard.
Hayden: I don't know how she won it.... America must hates us... (**Relevance?)

Kathy comes back. Hayden leaves. He goes to the Taj Room to talk to Rachel

Hayden: It was the heat of the moment.
Kristin: She was so mean. Brendon and I have been struggling so hard... I'm happy for you guys... It's not that but Kristin threw me under the bus. She straight up said she would put us up.
Hayden: You told everyone that we had a make-out session. It wasn't a make-out session. You said it in front of the whole house.
Rachel: Kristin put us up next to each other. Every single time she put me up. What kind of a friend does that.
Hayden: I heard all week that you would put us up if you won.
Rachel: I didn't say that specifically...
Hayden: I talk to people. More than you two do. You isolate yourself. I just wanted to apologize and clear the air because I like you... Kristin is great.

Rachel: She's not though. Her whole goal was to be the only girl left. She told me she wanted us to be the only girls standing. I told her we need to keep Brendon and Hayden safe. She told me she controls your vote.
Hayden: She doesn't control my vote. Whatever you decide I won't hold it against you.
Rachel: Kristin didn't talk to me the entire last week. She was my best friend when I was HoH. I tried to talk to her all week, but she wouldn't She wants us out.
Hayden: Most of the people want you out... I'm attracted to Kristin. I'm not going to lie. But I;m not here for a showmance. I'm not saying you and Brendon have a showmance. What you have ie real but I am not here for that. Outside of the house I would date her.
Rachel: I don't think your parents would like that.
Hayden: I wouldn't judge.
Rachel: You put us up against each other... and another thing Kristin out me up every single time (during the HoH).
Hayden: Because she thought you would put her up.
Rachel: And will very clearly do that now.

Hayden: I'm not here to influence what you're gonna do. I'm here to apologize for what I said out there. It's not me. If you put me up, you put me up.
Rachel: I just don't understand what happened to what we said two weeks ago. To get rid of the floaters. We were friends. The two couples. It's not good to have two strong couples fighting each other.
Hayden: It would be good for the rest of the house. We create drama and duke it out, and the rest of the house skates through...

The conversation is ongoing...

6:44 PM BBT
HoH Landing
Matt & Ragan

Matt is worried that he will be put up if there is a renom. Ragan assures him he will do everything in his power to prevent that.

Back in Taj

Rachel: If I had to put up two people up right now, I would put you two up. But I have some thinking to do.
Hayden: You weren't going to put us up on the block?
Rachel: I was not considering putting you on the block. Why would I lie right now?
Hayden: You don't have any reason to...
Rachel: I swear I wasn't thinking of putting you up. Kristin yes. She told me she was doing it for the house. (putting Rachel up during HoH)
Hayden: I heard it from several people.
Rachel: They're lying to you. I didn't say I would put you on the block. They want you to be against us. I wish you would tell me, so we can confront them.
Hayden: What about Andrew?
Rachel: I didn't talk to Andrew. He didn't like me. He went around the house telling people he wanted us out. Then telling us he was out friend.
Hayden: Let me ask you. Didi Brendon want to keep Andrew because of the competition thing.

Rachel: Yes! (**She goes on to talk about the get-rid-of-floaters strategy.) We don't want to play a game with people who aren't here to play the game. I dont' want to have a house, a jury house with people who don't want to play the game.
Hayden: So you're going to target Kristin.
Rachel: I didn't want to target Kristin. I liked her...I don't know what I'm going to do. I need to think.
Hayden: Let me ask you. If Kristin were to win PoV, who would you put up in her place. A floater?
Rachel: Yes. A floater...

Britney comes in to ask if Rachel or Hayden have anything black to put in the laundry. Rachel goes outside where Brendon asks her how her talk with Hayden went. Hayden has a quick pow wow with his boy Lane. He tells Lane he thinks he and Kristin are going up.

He goes to briefly check on Kristin who is alone in the Cabana room.

7:02 PM BBT

Rachel is filling in Brendon about her talk with Hayden. She is focusing on the fact that Hayden told her several people told him last week that they were gunning for him and Kristin. She insists that she didn't say that. They are both happy that they won and saved themselves in the game. That they will both go to jury.

Brendon: But we won't go to jury.
Rachel: Heck no. We have fought so hard.
Brendon: We need to find out who is on our side and who isn't... (**Good luck with that!)

7:12 PM BBT
Jumanji Room
Matt & Lane

They are going through the scenarios and how to keep Hayden and themselves safe. What votes they have for Hayden over Kristin. The Brogade is scrambling...

Matt: Kristin is gone this week basically.
Lane: Hayden has to stay and Kristin has to go.
Matt: What if she wins PoV?
Lane: They would probably put up Kathy.
Matt: That would be the worst case scenario.

They are saying that now that they can go to jury house, the brogade will start dominating the game.

Lane: Rachel and Brendon need to be gone.
Matt: Next week. Next f'ing week.
Lane: It was luck that she won....

(**How many weeks have they been saying this?)

BB: Rachel. Please go to the Diary Room.

Brogade out... to the kitchen to tell Hayden they are sorry Kristin will be going this week...

Hayden joins his lady love in the Cabana Room to apologize.

Kristin: Did you talk to Rachel?
Hayden: I apologized to her for what I said outside.

Rachel comes in.

Rachel: I just want to apologize.
Kristin: I don't accept your apology. What you said out there were lies...

Rachel walks out.

Kristin: I'm not going to be fake. We cause a huge scene on TV and then come inside and apologize....
Hayden: I had to apologize to her.

7:28 PM BBT
Around the house

  • At the pool table, Enzo is talking about the way he speaks and his whole interaction with Julie on the Live Show.
  • In the Cabana Room. Britney comes in to commiserate with Kristin, to tell her that she handled it well. Kristin says she won't accept Rachel's apology. Rachel said what she said outside and meant it. No use apologizing. Kristin goes on to say she doesn't' regret a thing she said. She is getting incensed.
  • Kathy brings her moral high horse into the room, saying how she is truthful all the time.... Britney and I leave the room...
  • At the pool table Enzo and Brendon are talking about Andrew.(** Now everyone will have great things to say about the dearly evicted.) Enzo is full of admiration for Andrew in front of Brendon. We will see what he says to his alliance.
Enzo: Andrew helped you guys out. He did great.
Brendon: She tried to bs that she was his friend the whole time.
Enzo: That's crazy.

They're playing pool and Enzo is playing Brendon...
  • In the kitchen, Hayden, Matt, Lane and Britney are eating and talking. Matt is saying how odd it is that the only people who saw Hayden and Kristin make out are Andrew, Rachel and Brendon. They are making fun of Andrew's speech and any thought of other alliances in the house other than the "power couple". This performance are for Britney's benefit.

7:56 PM BBT
Pool table
Brendon, Enzo & Rachel

Enzo: I don't know what's going in here. Secret alliances. That's what happens when you're friends with everyone. I don't know what's going on... (**Enzo is adjusting his BB halo for the "power couple.")

Brief bubbles

Enzo: Floaters watch out... I'm not a floater.
Rachel: No.
Brendon: Where is she?
Rachel: In the cabana. I tried to apologize to her. She wouldn't accept my apology.
Enzo: It's the heat of the moment.
Rachel: She told me to my face last week she would put me and Brendon up. And what was that during the competition? She put Brendon and me up. And kept putting me up.
Enzo: I know. What was that?


Brendon: She said she control Hayden's vote.
Enzo: Oh, she said that...
Brendon: They're hooking up in the house.
Rachel: I heard them last night.
Enzo: You can't mistake hooking up.
Rachel: They were hiding behind us.
Enzo: They were using you like decoys.
Brendon: She told Andrew you dug your own grave.

Britney comes out.

Enzo: We're game talking..

Talk turns to kegs. Enzo wants a "legit" game of flip cup. Britney provides some comic relief, re-enacting how she and others were acting during the fight between Rachel and Kristin.

She starts running around the yard. (**Hysterical!!)

8:10 PM BBT
Cabana Room
Kristen, Matt & Ragan

Kristin is telling them she will not cry over this and it will enrage them. She "will not accept their apology even if it bites her in the ass."

Meanwhile in
Enzo & Lane

Enzo is filling Lane in about his conversation with Brendon, making fun of Brendon and Rachel. He says he told them that he and Lane are friends but not allies. Talk turns to food.

8:30 PM BBT

Most of the HGs are preparing to feed. Kristin is sleeping in the Cabana Room. Enzo is staring at the Memory Wall.

The Camera crew are having fun.

BB: Rachel. Please come to the Diary Room.

HGs on Inside Lock Down. They are talking about a luxury comp...

8:51 PM BBT

BB: Brendon. Please go to the Diary Room.

9: 00 PM BBT

Enzo, Ragan and Brendon toast to the end of the Have Nots... It's cute. And let the feasting begin!

Kristin joins the rest of the HGs.

9:10 PM BBT

Kathy and Rachel are in the Storage Room. Rachel apologizes that she lost it earlier. She was affected by everything that has been happening.

Kathy: You have no reason to apologize.
Rachel: I didn't mean to attack you.
Kathy: It's in my nature to console people. I'm not mad at you.
Rachel: I know she's your friend...
Kathy: I'm your friend too. Please don't ask me to choose.

They hug it out. Rachel goes on to tell Kathy that she doesn't understand what happened with Kristin. Two weeks ago they were friends and now they are at each other's throats.

The FEEDS are on FIRE!!!! Spark up the live feeds !!!



Blogger Blue said...

w00t w00t!!!


July 29, 2010 at 6:09 PM  
Blogger wendy2 said...

OMG! I literally jumped out of my seat when Racheal won HOH!
I cant believe it..my hands are shaking with excitement. I said they were the ones to align with didnt I?
Kristen was steaming! I love it.

July 29, 2010 at 6:09 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

OMG!! Kristen really has shown her nasty side lately, her and Kathy have to go! I say put up your two BFF's, Kathy couldn't win if everyone threw the comp, Kristen, don't think so either!!

July 29, 2010 at 6:09 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Loved the look on Kathy's face and the fact that Hayden just backed off like I am not sayin a word.

July 29, 2010 at 6:09 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

Arghhhhh! So disappointed in RAgan!

July 29, 2010 at 6:10 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

come on feeeeeds!

July 29, 2010 at 6:10 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

Yay! feeds are back!

July 29, 2010 at 6:10 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

I've been wavering for the last few days on Rachel. I started out loving her, and still do, quite a bit.

But, lately, she has been leaving a bad aftertaste in my mouth.

I'm thrilled she won HoH again, but I think I may remain on the fence about her for a few days.

Hopefully, I will not completely lose my support for her.

July 29, 2010 at 6:10 PM  
Blogger Meredith S said...

Did anyone get HOH?? I got home late:(

July 29, 2010 at 6:11 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

Matt's words right now: How could it get any worse . . . this is how!

Enzo, go eat!

July 29, 2010 at 6:12 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

Syn my darlin'. You don't have to look for Left Coast feeds.

I have it on DVR. Come to Daddy and we can snuggle and watch it together. I have to see it again too.

I'll be SURE you have a good time.


July 29, 2010 at 6:12 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

Captain Kosher would be pleased!

July 29, 2010 at 6:12 PM  
Blogger lee said...

Carolyn, I hope you are listening to Brenchel...cause I can't stand to! I want to know what they are saying, but I'd much rather READ it! lol...

July 29, 2010 at 6:12 PM  
Blogger AshleyKP said...

I am so happy and very antsy right now. Every year I get soooo into Big Brother that I feel like I am in the house myself. Crazyyyyyyyy I am.

July 29, 2010 at 6:13 PM  
Blogger Syn928 said...

You can all thank me for the feeds returning. I knew as soon as I got up for a quick restroom break they would be back on.

In lieu of gifts, please hit the BBDish Tip Jar ;)

July 29, 2010 at 6:13 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

Brendon seems to be a bit controlling . . . i am not going to bother with trying to spell correcly or correct grammar . . .

July 29, 2010 at 6:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

honestly, I liked Kristen before I heard about the bf thing, so I won't mind seeing her go, but again, notice how the women are going after each other this season. I bet Rachel will nominate Kristen and Hayden. Should either of them win POV and take themselves off (or if the Brigade takes down Hayden) I'm 100% certain Kathy will be the replacement nom.

right now (and this is so ironic lol) the only woman out of the drama is Britney haha. Such a change from the 1st few weeks when everyone hated Britney! She has a great chance to just coast these next 2 weeks IMO.

July 29, 2010 at 6:14 PM  
Blogger ronap said...

Wow! what a great show! Kristen has just become ugly (even in appearance - too bad) she screwed up. Hayden is just speechless.

July 29, 2010 at 6:14 PM  
Blogger RedRhonda said...

Why does Brendon insist on controlling Rachael?

July 29, 2010 at 6:14 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

OK, now vote Kristen the Saboteur just to mess with AGP again. I'll be Syn right now that she goes OUT!


July 29, 2010 at 6:14 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

I forget, does Ragan really like rachel or not?

July 29, 2010 at 6:14 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

At least everyone gets to eat this week.

July 29, 2010 at 6:15 PM  
Blogger Therese said...

I am suppose to be doing school work, and I cannot stop hitting the refresh button.

July 29, 2010 at 6:15 PM  
Blogger BBfreak said...

I love this showwwww.... The best show this season.... Huge Brenchel fan....

July 29, 2010 at 6:15 PM  
Blogger ronap said...

Go Rachel!! Yeah for her!

July 29, 2010 at 6:15 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

I'm seeing something now that I've thought but this is more proof and I don't think anyone else has voiced it.

Regan is as much of an a*s kisser as Kathy. He's already working on Rachael whom he despised up until 20 minutes ago.


July 29, 2010 at 6:16 PM  
Blogger ronap said...

Britney and Rachel are friends now?

They are whispering about Kristen.

July 29, 2010 at 6:16 PM  
Blogger RedRhonda said...

No smackdown tonight....Brendon won't let it happen!!! He is under control of the HG!!!

You know everyone will kiss ass this week but things change in a week!

July 29, 2010 at 6:17 PM  
Blogger *^*^*MsFitzTX*^*^*^ said...

Rachel needs to heed Ragan's advice & bring it down a notch.

It will be soooooo interesting to see if Kathy runs back to the arms of R/B. ha-ha!!!

I hope Rachel puts up Kristen but not Hayden. But even if she does the Brigade will save him.

July 29, 2010 at 6:18 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

Thank you Syn. I'm hitting the tip jar on Tuesday when we get paid,


July 29, 2010 at 6:18 PM  
Blogger M Renwick =D said...

Wendy............me too yayyyyyyyy!!!

July 29, 2010 at 6:19 PM  
Blogger Marcia said...

While the others sat stunned Kristen started with the denials...'none doth protest their innocence so loudly as the guilty!'LOL Yeahhh Andrew!!

I'm glad Rachel heard the makeout session herself so they can't say Andrew made it up out of spite.

July 29, 2010 at 6:19 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

It is hard to watch my yummy McYummy sad looking, but that is okay, no more smoochin the hussie!

July 29, 2010 at 6:19 PM  
Blogger lee said...

I have a question. On my feeds, the big one is always behind on the side ones. Is that happening to anyone else's? It's making me crazy!

July 29, 2010 at 6:19 PM  
Blogger RedRhonda said...

Blue, I feel I would like Rachael a lot better if she was not attached to her other half! I don't like that part of her and that is the part that has been showing a lot lately. It is very insecure and not a pretty side.

July 29, 2010 at 6:19 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am so off the Kristen boat. :(
I am so excited that Rachel won! Not looking forward to more Brenchel but whatever.
I love love love Andrew right now.

Dissappointed in Ragan's institutionalizing comment. I still want people to vote for him to be the new sabateur.. him or Matt. I think either could pull it off better.

July 29, 2010 at 6:20 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

Left Coast, I think Brendon has to try to control a bit, but not normally in his nature. Just my NSHO. Rachael doesn't think logically, and he is trying to keep her in the game too.

That's the way I see it anyway.


July 29, 2010 at 6:20 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

that was all crazy! Can't wait to see the feeds after they get drunk later!

July 29, 2010 at 6:21 PM  
Blogger Lisa Mason said...

ah new post got me!

July 29, 2010 at 6:21 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

BB, can I please stop by and hug my boyfriend, he looks so sad all by himself in the kitchen . . .

July 29, 2010 at 6:21 PM  
Blogger *^*^*MsFitzTX*^*^*^ said...

Hayden needs to not isolate himself. He needs to play this off.

He handled it w/ a whole lot more class than Kristen. I can't believe how much I liked Kristen until she got so high & mighty yesterday in that argument w/ Andrew she started to fall down the ladder & now she is clinging to the last rung for me.

July 29, 2010 at 6:22 PM  
Blogger Syn928 said...

Lee, lol, I'm torn because I wanted to know what they were saying too, but I wanted to hear Kristen and Kathy also.

I went with the quad cam and I'm trying to train my ears to listen and decipher it all.

I think I might need a valium.

July 29, 2010 at 6:22 PM  
Blogger wendy2 said...

Kathy hasnt skipped a beat..she's already all perky sweet to Racheal..lol

July 29, 2010 at 6:22 PM  
Blogger Nicole said...

At first I didn't like Rachel, but she has grown on me this past week and a half. So far there hasn't been anyone that I am an absolute uber fan of. Brendon and Haydon are yummy to look at though ;) This week is going to be great. Caro and Genie your fingers are going to be sore from typing all the drama from this week :)

July 29, 2010 at 6:22 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

BlueMe said...

But, lately, she has been leaving a bad aftertaste in my mouth.

The truth comes out. BlueMe is having an affair with a WOMAN. A woman that leaves a bad taste in his mouth. EWWWWW!


July 29, 2010 at 6:23 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

Kathy: I'm a sheriff but I can't lift my own suitcase...

July 29, 2010 at 6:23 PM  
Blogger Kas0831 said...

You KNOW Kristen wants to say, Kathy, just get the F away from me!!!

July 29, 2010 at 6:26 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

In my post:

GaYToR said...
OK, now vote Kristen the Saboteur just to mess with AGP again. I'll be Syn right now that she goes OUT!

'be' should have been BET. I'm giving Syn a chance to be rid of me for another week, next week. ;-P~~


July 29, 2010 at 6:26 PM  
Blogger Grendon said...

Obviously I am not happy. I think what Andrew did was awful. I know a lot of people don't agree. Let me clarify, yet again, Kristin is not my favorite. But how did she become the root of all evil?

Rachel's best friend Britney has said awful things about every female in the house-especially Rachel. Rachel herself has been as nasty as nasty can be. And Andrew, that wonderful person who was always looking out for Brendon and Rachel, well he said she was an idiot on more than one occasion.

I am not trying to hold him to a higher standard because of his religion because I do give him credit for not holding it over people's heads or cramming it down their throats. But normally a man of such deep faith would hold himself to a higher standard.

The only person who has played the game and stayed as true to his faith as Andrew is Kaysar. He was evicted from the house three times. He never left being as spiteful and hateful as Andrew.

July 29, 2010 at 6:26 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

Hayden, don't lie . . . please hunny!

July 29, 2010 at 6:27 PM  
Blogger Ry said...

It should be interesting to see what happens with the rest of the night. Kristen is a definite nominee alongside of Hayden, but things do change in the BB House, oddly enough. Maybe she'll have some resentment for Matt & put Matt & Kristen up?

~ Ryan ~

July 29, 2010 at 6:27 PM  
Blogger Marie-Andree said...

I love that Rachel won HOH. She won it fair and square. I don`t think that Kathy will be able to suck up to Rachel again.

July 29, 2010 at 6:28 PM  
Blogger Lisa Mason said...

Kristen is stupid to lie . Just admit the relationship. Hayden will most likely tell the Brigade his true alliance is with them anyway. Yelling is not going to win her any friends. if they admit it, they can at least be open. not that I want to see more make out sessions. It's bad enough I have to see Brendon and Rachel. of course we can expect some C-bocking from Kathy because she will be up in HOH faster than Rachel can unlock the door. and please no more patron!I am not looking forward to Rachel and her nd "rain" (yes, that's how she spelled it in her hoh blog)
and note to Ragan: you let me down! Shouldn't have thrown that!

July 29, 2010 at 6:28 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

Syn928 said...

I went with the quad cam and I'm trying to train my ears to listen and decipher it all.

I think I might need a valium.

Come to Daddy. I have Valium. And I can help you with Quad lessons too.


July 29, 2010 at 6:30 PM  
Blogger *^*^*MsFitzTX*^*^*^ said...

I guess I'm not watching the same feeds but I do not see where Brendon is trying to control Rachel. I am seeing a friend & an ally trying to calm her down a little so she can take the higher road than Kristen at this point. I also do not think that Ragan has despised Rachel. I think he gets tired of B/R isolating themselves. And, if I was in the house believe me I'd be making nice /w the new HOH if I've had a pretty good relationship w/ them in the past & they were not suspect to the dislike I might have had w/ them lately.

July 29, 2010 at 6:30 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

The institutionalized comment wasn't funny at all. Andrew is a loving Christian man. Just because he's emotional doesn't make him insane.

I'm so bothered by this.

July 29, 2010 at 6:30 PM  
Blogger Michelle in Indiana said...

Sounds like we missed a bunch. Thanks BB.

July 29, 2010 at 6:31 PM  
Blogger Lisa Mason said...

ronap: Britney and Rachel were taking abubble bath in HOH the other night and ripping Kristen apart. It was so annoying. it seems that since Monet is gone, Brit has found someone else to talk about everyone with. Just not sure if she is being. That is why I dont understand why andrew thought it was a good idea tosay Kristen and Hayden were talking about everyone. because they all do it!

July 29, 2010 at 6:31 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

Turtles, I caught that about Kathy too. I'll never believe she is anything more than a dispatcher, which isn't an easy 'mental' job, or a crossing guard. I don't believe for a minute she actually goes out chasing the bad guys.


July 29, 2010 at 6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got back just in time to catch the new hoh and Rachel won again, man this is why i didnt like Matt all along he should have got Brendon or Rachel out (Brendon) I hope the Brogade keeps that on their minds..I cant help but think this show is rigged..

July 29, 2010 at 6:32 PM  
Blogger Michelle in Indiana said...

Everybody in the house wants you broken up. Start singing a new song Rachel!

July 29, 2010 at 6:32 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

Hayden is so down right now. And trying his best to be contrite and sincere in his apology.

He's really upset. And it is coming through loud and clear. Well, to me, anyway.

Can I give him a hug? (and maybe a little happy grope?hehehe)

July 29, 2010 at 6:32 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

btw I haven't been able to watch everything this week. Could someone tell me if they think Britney is now truly "aligned" with Rachel, or is Britney just clinging to her to survive for the next few weeks? It seemed like Britney couldn't stomach Rachel for the 1st 2 weeks but this past week they've been friendly...

July 29, 2010 at 6:32 PM  
Blogger Michelle in Indiana said...

I don't think your parents want you to date someone like that!?! Really Rachel!

July 29, 2010 at 6:33 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Poor Hayden, he is scared silly and probably not sure if he can count on the Brogade to help him out. Just hope Rachel doesn't get drunk tonight and mess up her and Brendon. Target on them is so huge and getting bigger by the second. I just hope they see Kristen for the hypocrite she is.

July 29, 2010 at 6:34 PM  
Blogger RedRhonda said...

B/R isolate themselves and wonder why everyone wants them out. I'm sorry it is a game, eventually everyone is on the block. Play the game, if your connection is that strong that you are that desperate, get out of the house! Rachael is making judgments on Kristen's character when she really shouldn't based on inside that house. Things in that house aren't real, it is all very exagerated (sp)

July 29, 2010 at 6:34 PM  
Blogger Johnny_5 said...

Kristen screwed Andrew. I think he evened the score

July 29, 2010 at 6:34 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

Did Hayden tell Kathy he would've punched Andrew out if he wasn't in the BB house?

July 29, 2010 at 6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I personally think everyone should vote for one of the guys in the BRAgade to be the new sabateuer...then hopefully people will get suspicious about one of them, and they'll be broken up...I do NOT want them as the final four. Think of the cockiness now...can you imagine if they made it to final four?? Oi vey

July 29, 2010 at 6:36 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

jluvs........Andrew is not Christian.

He's Modern Orthodox Jewish

July 29, 2010 at 6:36 PM  
Blogger Didi said...

I'm listening to the conversation Rachel and Hayden are having...

What if Kristen goes up against anyone other than Hayden (say a brogade buddy) and Hayden wins POV- WHO will he take off the block?

Hmmmmmmm.....love to see that happen- then that stupid phrase they say would be ringing in our ears (bros before ho's)

Ms. Fitz!!! Hi Everyone!!!!!

*I'm fading fast, although I want to say up.......

July 29, 2010 at 6:37 PM  
Blogger Johnny_5 said...

I'm no fan of Brenchel, but maybe now we can get this game out of the Muck

July 29, 2010 at 6:37 PM  
Blogger Johnny_5 said...

Im voting Enzo sabotuer, maybe it'll mess up his game

July 29, 2010 at 6:38 PM  
Blogger JulieB said...

Look at Hayden's jaw. He's biting his tongue and I don't think he likes what Rachel has to say at all.

July 29, 2010 at 6:38 PM  
Blogger Syn928 said...

I like Kristen and Hayden. Andrew, whether it be the truth or not, was spitting venom in his speech. Yeah, it was entertaining as hell, but still. I probably would have reacted the same way Kristen did. I can't fault her for human emotions.

Hayden I think is truly hurt because he was actually torn with his vote.

I think Kristen was too until Andrew basically attacked her in the bathroom. I say attacked as in "out of no where".

Bottom line ... Andrew is responsible for Andrew being outside of the house. He made stupid decisions.

It's disheartening to hear so many people jump off her bandwagon. But it's the BB game.

July 29, 2010 at 6:38 PM  
Blogger Grendon said...

I think most of the people in this house are 2 faced backstabbers. There is always one group in the house that talks smack about the other group. But this year people seem to individually tear apart other people. Unfortunately, even my poor sweet Ragan, who I did and still do want to love, has really been catty.

July 29, 2010 at 6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it would be epic if hayden kristen brenden and rachel formed a alliance...showmances...

July 29, 2010 at 6:39 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have to say I won't mind watching Hayden squirm a bit this week, even though he'll surely have the votes to stay (unless Kristen gets off the block and the replacement nom is Lane or Enzo). It's bothered me how comfortable Hayden has looked from week 1, even though he was the 1st player to target Brendon and Rachel. I wonder why they didn't come after him for that.

July 29, 2010 at 6:39 PM  
Blogger lee said...

RedRhonda...I feel the same way, but opposite! ;) I would love Brenden more away from Rachel. I'm not a Rachel fan AT ALL! I was really liking Brenden the first week, but now not so much! I cannot wait til they get separated...hopefully! Britney is the one growing on me!

July 29, 2010 at 6:39 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

Kristen just said "Just so he could get some more air time on TV.' I think she was talking about Brendon coming in to apologize.

That's something I've noticed a lot this year. Everyone gets upset that when they think someone else is getting more air time. I don't remember any other season ever being that way.

And that's probably a reason in the back of everyone's mind that makes them want to get rid of Rachael and Brendon. They know a showmance gets lots of airtime.


July 29, 2010 at 6:39 PM  
Blogger AMPK03 said...

as much as rachel annoys me. i couldnt have wished for a better outcome tonight. i was team Kristin but her true bitchy side came out and mixed with the valley girl accent..i hate it.

July 29, 2010 at 6:40 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

RAchel you are saying toooooo much! Close your mouth!

July 29, 2010 at 6:41 PM  
Blogger Johnny_5 said...

How did The Pants fall so low? I used to ;ove those pants.

July 29, 2010 at 6:42 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

omg omg omg omg!!!

July 29, 2010 at 6:42 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

Blue, I know he's Jewish. I just call anyone who loves and believes in God a Christian. Sorry if I offended anyone by calling him a Christian.

July 29, 2010 at 6:42 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

What's the matter, Carolyn?

You and Genie getting bored?


(I'm getting smacked, aren't I? lol)

July 29, 2010 at 6:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Matt got lucky again lol. His decision not to target Rachel and Brendon turned out to be a good move, as the new drama for the week doesn't involve him. Most likely Kristen or Kathy will be evicted, and Matt doesn't care about either of them. I don't like Matt, but he's back in a good position IMO.

July 29, 2010 at 6:43 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

JLuvs - As a Jew, I wasn't offended, though it *did* give me a giggle... I understood your intent. ;)

July 29, 2010 at 6:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am so tired of Rachael talking about how you should win competitions to be the winner of the game... part of the game is social, so that may just be someone else's strategy and doesn't mean that's wrong.

And her and Brendan are the targets because they have an obvious alliance and alliances are always the target. If she knew the game so well, she would understand that and stopy playing the pity card.

July 29, 2010 at 6:44 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

Johnny5, I'm so glad you're here.


July 29, 2010 at 6:44 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

BlueBerryPie! - Right in the kisser!

July 29, 2010 at 6:44 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

No offense, jluvs!!! lol

blue waves!!!! LOL

July 29, 2010 at 6:45 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

Thank you Carolyn, you made me feel better :)

July 29, 2010 at 6:45 PM  
Blogger patti said...

Rachel needs to get condoms in her HOH basket.......

just sayin'

July 29, 2010 at 6:45 PM  
Blogger RedRhonda said...

In all honesty I would not be kissing but the HOH when they both know that everyone wants them out, it is already known so that would be a bold face lie. I would be friendly, but not bs them.

July 29, 2010 at 6:45 PM  
Blogger lee said...

I can't listen to Rachel's chant of "brenden and I have to fight so hard every day in this house..." yadda yadda yadda.....

July 29, 2010 at 6:45 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

I ♥♥♥ blueberries!!!!

And, they are in season!!!!!!



July 29, 2010 at 6:46 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

I really wanted to see another Have Not week and for Enzo to be one of them. AGP was obviously showing a favoritism there since if he was caught cheating again he would have gotten a penalty nom. My Opinions are Golden.


July 29, 2010 at 6:47 PM  
Blogger Grendon said...

One more thing and then I will try to stop complaining.

I want Rachel evicted for many reasons. I could do a Letterman Top 10 list. But the #1 reason is this:

If I hear her say good-bye to one more person using the same recycled "No one comes between me and my man!" speech, I am going to throw a rock through my t.v. and that will not make my family very happy.

(Besides, since when does Rachel own Brendon and does she have a receipt to prove it?)

July 29, 2010 at 6:47 PM  
Blogger Johnny_5 said...


The way Kristen flipped on Andrew for Kathy did it for me. she's got time to change things, but for now she's got a plate of humble pie to eat

July 29, 2010 at 6:47 PM  
Blogger Ry said...

Big Brother needs to give them a few bottles of Tequila tonite, that'll liven everyone up again!

~ Ryan ~

July 29, 2010 at 6:48 PM  
Blogger lee said...

I think BB should create a montage of Matt's hand in his pants! His true alliance, right Carolyn? That was a good one!

July 29, 2010 at 6:48 PM  
Blogger Syn928 said...


Rachel: I pinky swear ... on my life.

July 29, 2010 at 6:49 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Please BB don't let Rachel drink tonight, put a muzzle on her or else she will give all her ideas away. I hate to see Hayden squirm but I hope she puts Kristen up and Kristen goes home. Andrew called it so correctly when he called Kristan out as the only one who didn't come to check on him after his house meeting. And given that he gave her a sincere public apology, the least she could have done was show some human compassion.

We are now seeing the real Kristen and under pressure her true self is screaming. Poor Hayden.

July 29, 2010 at 6:49 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

It's all good, Blue :)

July 29, 2010 at 6:49 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

BlueMe waves!!!! LOL

BLUE! Put that thing away. No one wants to see it. Well I do, but I don't want others to see what is mine and what they are missing! :-p~


July 29, 2010 at 6:49 PM  
Blogger Johnny_5 said...

Thanks Jluvs

I couldnt believe people thought outing K/H would be inconsequential

July 29, 2010 at 6:50 PM  
Blogger *^*^*MsFitzTX*^*^*^ said...

I also believe that Kathy does more than sits at a desk job or works in dispatch in her profession because of several things she has said during conversations...she wears a bulletproof vest, don't need that for a dispatching job. You can pass the physical during the training & then lose some of that physical training/ability over time. She is in a small precinct so her requirements for being on the force are lower than if she lived in & worked in a large town precinct.

Syn - I personlly have not jumped off anyone's bandwagon cuz I haven't been on one to begin with. Week to week this season my feelings have changed w/ these HG. Their complex & hard to figure out. It's a whole different type of season & my hats off to CBS for really changing up this game. Kristen acted w/ human emotion called guilt. Yeah, Andrew buried himself & he tried to pull of things that just plain didn't work but IMO Kristen did not treat him the same as she had treated him in the past couple of weeks. She had to have known Andrew was holding their secret so IMO she should have been a little bit more attentive to him this past week even if she didn't plan to vote for him.

July 29, 2010 at 6:51 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

LOL re condom Patti. BB gives them Dental Dams, (good for oral) and in the past they have supplied condoms but no one has talked about it this season.


July 29, 2010 at 6:51 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

It looks like the catapillars crawled onto Britney's face . . . i'm just sayin . . .

July 29, 2010 at 6:51 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

Blue do you like plums? Peaches? I got some for ya. Come and feast. MWAH!!!


July 29, 2010 at 6:52 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

GaYToR you are so right about Ragan being a butt kisser. And I'm glad you caught that about Kathy too. I mean puh-lease spare me. I too think she just makes coffee and donut runs.

July 29, 2010 at 6:52 PM  
Blogger Judy in NJ said...

OK I guess I am in the minority here but.......

I'm glad Andrew's gone.. this is not the game for him and it was painful to watch him. I felt sad and embarassed for him.

I am not on the Brenchel team. I am on their team as individuals. I cannot stand hearing anymore "we have to fight so hard...." That is the choice they made when they went into this "relationship". They cannot blame the house for their predicament.

I think the brogade is funny as hell with all their blunders. It makes me laugh... they're the keystone brigade!!

Enzo has surprised me. I enjoy listening to him and love how he can lighten any tense situation with simply the word "WOW" LOL

I love Ragan...and yes he is floating but that is HIS game... He can pull that off because he is so likable!!!

My two cents

July 29, 2010 at 6:54 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

Lee and RedRhonda, you guys crack me up with your absolute opposites, I love it :)

July 29, 2010 at 6:54 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

:) hehe @ lee ;) who are you on twitter?

July 29, 2010 at 6:54 PM  
Blogger lee said...

Are you kidding me? Rachel is giving Hayden relationship advice? How old is she? I know Brenden is 30, right?

July 29, 2010 at 6:55 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Hi Judy in NJ!!! :) Wow! Long time no see!

July 29, 2010 at 6:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Carolyn, have I missed something, or have there not been any BB chops this season? I really loved that site :)

July 29, 2010 at 6:56 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

GaYToR, if I was waving with *that*, it would start a windstorm that would wrap around the entire planet!!!!

Now be nice, or I will get Turtles after you!!!!! LOL

July 29, 2010 at 6:57 PM  
Blogger Michelle in Indiana said...

I can't take this. going to watch the chess match before my head explodes!

July 29, 2010 at 6:57 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

CVenus hasn't been doing any chops this season.. :( I miss her too. I'll be giving her a call over the weekend.

July 29, 2010 at 6:57 PM  
Blogger Sunshine Mom said...

Rachel is being so disrespectful to Hayden, i can handle it. "your parents wouldn't would like you bringing hoe a girl like her" "you are 24 years old i doubt you will get married to Kristen" guh..

July 29, 2010 at 6:57 PM  
Blogger lee said...

OH, did you say that on twitter, Caro? I am on twitter, but I don't tweet. I just snoop! ;) I'm eel68, I think...

July 29, 2010 at 6:58 PM  
Blogger *^*^*MsFitzTX*^*^*^ said...

Hayden you are a champ. I'm so glad to see someone that is in a Showmance playing for himself or at least talking like he is playing for himself!

July 29, 2010 at 6:59 PM  
Blogger MG said...

It's so nice for Rachel to wash the sheets for Hayden and Kristen!!

July 29, 2010 at 7:00 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

I need to close off the viewing party window. I think I'm putting half my comments there. **I'm losing it.** Just like someday I'll lose my virginity, or is that Syn will lose his.

The new banner makes me very sad as far as the grey pics go. :-(


July 29, 2010 at 7:00 PM  
Blogger Marcia said...

I know some of you think Andrew was wrong for his speech but to me it was the equivalent of tossing a flash grenade into the house-it stunned everyone and FINALLY got this game moving!True colors have been exposed so we'll see whose smart enough to start paying closer attention and start thinking how they plan to win this game.IMHO

July 29, 2010 at 7:00 PM  
Blogger lee said...

I was going to ask about Cvenus. I miss her, too! She is very entertaining!

July 29, 2010 at 7:01 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

GaYToR, as far as plums and peaches are concerned.........I'm working more for oranges, tangerines and Clementine's this season, to score a date with Carolyn!!!!!!!

July 29, 2010 at 7:01 PM  
Blogger Michigan Man said...

I'll be on the other side of just about everyone but I'm for Kristen on this one.

Lie, lie, lie and when someone accuses you of something, call them crazy.

Brendon and Rachel are not underdogs. They have dominated in every competition. The only reason they don't have a strong alliance is they spend all their time playing kissy face and grab azz. Brendon had their third in Andrew and Rachel was to dumb to see it.

If they can win HOHs back to back, then more power to them. If not they should go. Matt is probably happy they have now made it to the jury. He just has to make sure he makes it too.

July 29, 2010 at 7:01 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

lee - i twitpic'd it ;)

July 29, 2010 at 7:02 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

Blue, LOL LOL LOL!!!

July 29, 2010 at 7:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Interesting feeds. Happy to see Rachel and Brendan safe for a week so they can enjoy at least one week in the BB House. And they will be part of the Jury.

Get rid of Kristin and if she gets PoV then put up Ragan... he will have the votes to stay. But I doubt Rachel will do that... so silly because Ragan has to get out of his idiot mood. He is so sweet... but so gullible. So who will be the Showmance police this evening to watch out for Hayden and Kristin making out.


July 29, 2010 at 7:03 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

lol@blue! i love clementines!

July 29, 2010 at 7:03 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

I'll be back friends, gotta run to the store!!!

July 29, 2010 at 7:04 PM  
Blogger Rusty said...

When Rachel wins she gets on a big power trip. For the rest of the week it will be the whiney, "Me and Brendon were going home, blah blah blah".

I think the Bro-Gade are safe this week. If any of them win the POV they will pull off Hayden. I don't think Krazy-Eyes Kathy or Rrrrrragan would stir the pot and change the HOH votes.

Either way, enjoy your last week Kristin. At least you're not on slop and on the block at the same time.

Team Lane or Enzo!

July 29, 2010 at 7:04 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Hey Tage! :)

:::deep exhale:::

oh my goodness!!!

July 29, 2010 at 7:05 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

Judy in NJ I agree with all you said except Enzo. I just can't bring myself to like him. I've tried.

Keystone Bragade is so true. They aren't even really be an alliance. Enzo and Lane are the only two always together. I ♥ Lane. Love his accent, ♥ his openness, and after his talk last night about being shy, I relate to him so much.

No one will believe it but I am VERY shy in person and out of drag. Drag lets me hide behind a persona. Here I am GaYToR, another crazy. I definitely have the Sybil Syndrome, but I only have 3 in me.


July 29, 2010 at 7:05 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

jluvs - hurry back :)

July 29, 2010 at 7:05 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

MM, I'm with you, I don't understand why people are calling Brenchel the underdogs either, they are dominating the comps!

July 29, 2010 at 7:05 PM  
Blogger PattiB in Michigan said...

Judy in NJ -- I agree with you -- it was painful watching Andrew these last few days.

And I love the Bro-gade for the same reason you do -- they're just like the keystone cops!

My vote of the new sab: Brittney -- I think she would be fun to watch and her diary sessions would be extremely entertaining!!

July 29, 2010 at 7:05 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

I love ya, Carolyn, you always make one feel special. You are very special yourself :)


July 29, 2010 at 7:06 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Sticking my head in quickly to say hiiiii! I will be needing ice for my hands tonight! lol :)

July 29, 2010 at 7:06 PM  
Blogger jluvsturtles said...

Toni, if you're out there, you are missed dearly. Sending you well wishes and hugs.

July 29, 2010 at 7:07 PM  
Blogger Johnny_5 said...

If Rachel puts Kathy up i'll be disappointed. she deserves to go, but it does nothing to change the Brigade dynamic

July 29, 2010 at 7:08 PM  
Blogger Therese said...


I will agree with that - I do feel like I am back in high school when I hear Rachel say, "no one is going to get in between me and my man," with that said I am still rooting for them.

For me I think it is that they are underdogs, and if anyone else in the house won, they would have been put up. Also, I think it is powerful how strong these twosome teams can be. I think they feel genuine about their feelings, not saying it will last, but what they feel now has been enough to pull them thorough.

July 29, 2010 at 7:09 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

BlueMe we don't need a windstorm from you. Enzo has the corner on that market this year. I can smell 'em from here.

Well, I'd be able to if we didn't have the oil smell. (Actually we don't anymore. It was bad for a few days at first. DAMN! 100 day today.


July 29, 2010 at 7:09 PM  
Blogger Grendon said...

Michigan Man

I'm on your side

July 29, 2010 at 7:09 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

Magic fingers Genie and Caro! You will both need hand massages . . .

July 29, 2010 at 7:10 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

Genie, I'll bring you fruit flavored ices of various kinds for your hands, and for you to enjoy as cocktails.

July 29, 2010 at 7:10 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

Oh GaYToR. You're just jealous because I get more beads dropping my boxers during Mardi Gras than you do.


July 29, 2010 at 7:12 PM  
Blogger ~leen~ said...

think they will bring someone back with pandora's box? heard all evicted hg's are sequestered.

July 29, 2010 at 7:12 PM  
Blogger Grendon said...

Rachel just told Brendon "That means we both go to jury."

When!?! Are they going now? Can I call them a cab, give them a ride, bake them a bon voyage cake?

July 29, 2010 at 7:12 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

jluvs, could you pick up some peanut M&M's at the store for me??????'


I'm craving them!!! LOL

July 29, 2010 at 7:13 PM  
Blogger RedRhonda said...

Rachael is lying to Brendon. Hayden told her he was not making out (yes, lie) , but she just told Brendon he admitted it to her!

Too bad that the rest of house does not believe her anyway.

July 29, 2010 at 7:13 PM  
Blogger curlerchick said...

I was disappointed Rachel won HOH

I can't stand watching her Hootchie Momma act. She maybe smart but has no idea how she is appearing to others, with her clothing (no underwear or next to it on live tv) and her posing for the camera's on the feeds.

I'm ready to move on!

July 29, 2010 at 7:14 PM  
Blogger Judy in NJ said...

Hugs Carolyn, I've been popping in now and then.... haven't been that addicted this season as others... but tonight was a blast!!!

GayTor... yes yes yes I love Lane too... His humor is soooooo enjoyable... he drops a line and I laugh so hard.. one of my early favorites was to Annie when she was put on the block and he went to talk to her... he said something to the effect of "want a massage? are you vulnerable right now" It was too funny.

Enzo lives in the town I grew up in so I didn't think I would enjoy him, but he is just a simple guy.

love and enjoy you GaYToR

July 29, 2010 at 7:14 PM  
Blogger lee said...

Did you see BB12 is a trend topic thing on Twitter?

July 29, 2010 at 7:14 PM  
Blogger Syn928 said...

MsFitz, perhaps bandwagon was the wrong terminology, lol. She's been hardly mentioned at all because she's been virtually invisible. It's just bad that for her to get the spotlight it's been in fights. If it ever came down to Rachel vs Kristen, I'm Kristen all the way.

I think that Hayden and Kristen had been much smarter with their showmance than Brendon and Rachel had been. Their downfall was assuming Andrew was asleep.

I've been struggling with a fave all season long, and Hayden and Kristen are etching up that list.

If there is an underdog in this game, it would be them. In my honest opinion.

July 29, 2010 at 7:14 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Blue - Thank you! Smoochies! :)

July 29, 2010 at 7:15 PM  
Blogger lee said...

Am I the only one that likes the Brigrade? Matt is my least fave, but I do love Hayden, Lane and Enzo!

July 29, 2010 at 7:15 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

Now Ducky McDuckerson is trying to get TV time!! Seriously he is staring straight at the camera . . .

July 29, 2010 at 7:15 PM  
Blogger Judy in NJ said...

** sending ice and lotion for Genie's hands

July 29, 2010 at 7:16 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

Genie, I'm tossing you a whole case of fingers. All full sets. You're gonna need 'em.

I think tonight might last longer than the endurance comp.


July 29, 2010 at 7:16 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

♫ Baby, Baby, Where did my Syn Go ♫


July 29, 2010 at 7:17 PM  
Blogger Kas0831 said...

GOOD PLAN!!! "Be in our alliance, or you're a target!"

I said in the last post, they can win the competitions but they have ZERO strategy/common sense!!

July 29, 2010 at 7:17 PM  
Blogger RhondaM said...

Hey guys! I just won a mug from BBlivefeeds on FB, for guessing Rachel would be the next HOH. So cool!

July 29, 2010 at 7:18 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

Matt and Lane need to stop talking worst case scenario - every time they do, it comes true . . . oh, wait, keep on talking guys . . .

July 29, 2010 at 7:18 PM  
Blogger Stephanie from the West Coast said...

I forgot to mention, one thing I agree with in regards to Matt, in his HOH blog, he kept talking about how people are playing to get to the JH, fourgettaboutit . . . I am playing for the $500K

July 29, 2010 at 7:20 PM  
Blogger Tillman Girl said...

Rachel winning really will keep things exciting this week. I may have to get the feeds.

July 29, 2010 at 7:20 PM  
Blogger tg said...

ok, it just took me almost 2 hours to watch the live show, lol. I kept rewinding almost everything.

So... now I see Ragan is going to be Rachels Best friend as well as Kathy. I really dislike kathy and all her stories about high norals etc..

i think Rach should put Kristen and Hayden to get Kristen out or backdoor Kathy as a major floater.

Looks like the brogade plus Brittant are gonna skate right on by, oh poo poo on that.

July 29, 2010 at 7:21 PM  
Blogger jane said...

This is the last non jury house week right, Brenchel are both on jury?

July 29, 2010 at 7:21 PM  
Blogger Michelle in Indiana said...

Genie, I know you are buried right now and not that I don't find it highly amusing, because I do, but when you get a chance you may want to change a word in this sentence.
"Rachel goes outside where Brendon asks her hoe her talk"

July 29, 2010 at 7:22 PM  
Blogger *^*^*MsFitzTX*^*^*^ said...

WOW!!! Kristen might as well pack her bags now!!!

July 29, 2010 at 7:24 PM  
Blogger lee said...

Wow, Kristin! Guess she doesn't want to stay...Somebody is a bad loser!

July 29, 2010 at 7:25 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

After Kristen just said that to Rachel I will be glad that she leaves. She has just turned so catty and hateful. I thought she was the sweetest before this but now I feel like she has been the only one there that has been fake the whole entire time.

July 29, 2010 at 7:25 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

Syn wrote: "I've been struggling with a fave all season long,"

That's me, Syn.

This season's cast has been very intriguing, and very different from past seasons. For one thing, they all are so much more intelligent that previous seasons (IMO) and there also seem to be more people who really know and genuinely respect the game.

There are things about each of them I dislike, and things about each of them I do like.

Usually, by now, I have a fave or two picked out, but this season I have found myself struggling to define a clear difference between my fave's and non-faves.

I'm truly enjoying it. This has been proving to be an especially great season to watch because of the diversity in game play and personalities.

July 29, 2010 at 7:26 PM  
Blogger lee said...

BLUE, did you ever have the peanut butter M&M's? Sooooooo yummy!

July 29, 2010 at 7:26 PM  
Blogger jane said...

Hum, perhaps Kristen is not playing very wisely at this moment? Or maybe it's me.

July 29, 2010 at 7:26 PM  
Blogger Kas0831 said...

I foresee some CRAZY fights this week. Kristen apparently doesn't care about her life in the game! LOL

July 29, 2010 at 7:27 PM  
Blogger tg said...

and how rude of me to say hi to everyone since i got got on the new post, si HI EVERYONE.

Thank you Carolyn, Genie Sea for doing a great job tonight as always.

So I guess there are going to be 3 hoh this week, which willl be Rachel, Brendon and RAGAN.

Why oh why dpes Ragan feel like he needs to run the whole house? I dont unnderstand it and does everyone believe and trust what he says?

July 29, 2010 at 7:28 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

Does anyone think Rachel may get docked or fined on her weekly stipend for saying the 'f' word on national television during the HoH Live Competition. It didn't air here, probably because of the few second delay being a live show.

But, she did curse, and the HG's have mentioned it a couple times now tonight (before the feeds cut to lava lamps).

I just wonder if she'll get in trouble for it.

July 29, 2010 at 7:28 PM  
Blogger Kas0831 said...

Can't believe they're not even considering the chance that Andrew heard them. He was sleeping, not dead!

July 29, 2010 at 7:29 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Jane - That should be the case. The only thing that could change that is if they bring someone back.

July 29, 2010 at 7:30 PM  
Blogger Genie Sea said...

Judy!! Thank you :)

Gaytor!! Thanks hon! Caro and I will need them. :)

July 29, 2010 at 7:30 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

fyi - i'm comment b*tch tonight. ;) Genie's got her hands full enough with the critters.

July 29, 2010 at 7:31 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

Jane, yes, I believe so.

July 29, 2010 at 7:31 PM  
Blogger tg said...


It does seem that very smart and intelligent people do lack common sense skills ansd sometimes people skills as we saw in Andrew. This is only my observation though but seems to hold true on this cast for sure.

July 29, 2010 at 7:31 PM  
Blogger *^*^*MsFitzTX*^*^*^ said...

Carolyn - I got the feeling by telling Andrew tonight that Matt's story about his wife is a lie that wouldn't it be unfair to bring anyone back w/ knowledge like that?

July 29, 2010 at 7:33 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

Caro wrote: fyi - i'm comment b*tch tonight. ;)

That's not nice!!!!

You are most nights!!!! LOLLOLOL

(j/k) (love ya)

July 29, 2010 at 7:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

am I evil for being annoyed that Rachel and Brendon will be able to spend more time together in sequester? I was hoping 1 would be booted out in the 1st 4 weeks and the other would be stuck in sequester lol. Now that Rachel won HOH, it looks like they won't be split up for very long, if at all...

July 29, 2010 at 7:35 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

MsFitz - Definitely unfair.. and yet the evicted HGs are *still* being sequestered...

July 29, 2010 at 7:35 PM  
Blogger Sparklin said...

This sorta sucks for me because I like Kristen, but I was excited that Rachel won because otherwise it would have been too typical of a week and eviction.

I'm having a hard time this year. Now that Monet is gone, I'm sort of enjoying all of them ~ the back-stabbing, mean-spirited nastines...just typical BB. I think some times we remember our other hg's as being much nicer than they actually were :)~
I'm not thrilled with Kristens coldness towards Andrew. She played it right though; be nice to both until she knows how the house is going and then ignore the other one...cold!
I'm def. not thrilled with Matts lie about his wife, R&B alienating themselves..etc. But when they are just hanging out chatting, they each have a cute, amusing, likeable side ~ IMO

July 29, 2010 at 7:37 PM  
Blogger Blue said...

Lee, no I have not. But, they do sound yummy!!!!

M&M's are one of my all time favorite candies!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmm

July 29, 2010 at 7:37 PM  
Blogger MG said...

If you were afraid to be mortified then you shouldn't have started a showmance with Hayden. You can lie to everyone but the feed watchers!!!

July 29, 2010 at 7:38 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

:( No more kosher tv...

July 29, 2010 at 7:39 PM  
Blogger GaYToR said...

Caro!!!! You are never a b*tch! Wash your fingers with soap for even typing it. You have the patience of a Saint.

St. Carolyn of the Jewish Faith. That has a ring to is doesn't it?


July 29, 2010 at 7:39 PM  
Blogger lee said...

BLUE...you must try them! You'll never go back to the peanut ones! ;) I believe they are in a reddish bag!

July 29, 2010 at 7:41 PM  
Blogger AMPK03 said...

does kristin realize that what rachel "accused" her of is actually true? you got got! if she was smart she wouldnt react the way she is right now. ugh i cant believe i ever liked her. was it not just 2 weeks ago when she was u rachels a**? ohh the hipocracy.

July 29, 2010 at 7:41 PM  
Blogger *^*^*MsFitzTX*^*^*^ said...

Carolyn - things that make you go hmmmmm!!!

Blue - i doubt Rachel will be fined for saying the "F" word. Julie just gave her a warning but it wasn't aired here either. There is always a 7-10 second delay on live TV because of the "wardrobe malfunction' that happened during the SB & the FCC has cracked down so hard after that incident. If it wasn't heard by the TV audience then FCC will not fine & I doubt if Rachel would lose any $$$ for it.

July 29, 2010 at 7:41 PM  

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