Big Brother 12: Wednesday Show Viewing Party
Good evening, BB Lovers! Welcome to the Wednesday Show Viewing Party!!
What a day on the live feeds!! Oh my gosh!!
As I write this at 4:47pm BBT, Andrew's up in HoH with Matt, telling him he's going to have a House Meeting and a public apology... Andrew's full of contrition at the moment. Matt tells Andrew he's not making it easy, but if he can get the 4 votes, Matt's offer to break the tie in his favor still stands. Further, Andrew tells Matt he has already privately apologized to Kristen, though he still plans to do so publicly, as well, once everyone comes inside. Matt tells Andrew he should always feel free to come to him any time, HoH or not.
Tomorrow night, with the live eviction & the HoH competition, Big Brother 12 starts all over again! I love this game!!
But first...
Live Feed viewers, rewind your minds! Tonight on the CBS broadcast, we'll see the Power of Veto Comps, some DR sessions and the PoV Ceremony we've all heard so much about, as well as whichever storyline the producers decide to share with the tv only crowd.
As with all BBDish Viewing parties, all the action happens inside the comment section. See ya there. We'll be publishing comments before the show begins and during the commercial breaks, cuz, well, we wanna watch too! ;0)
Howdy Carolyn and friends!!! whoohoooo!
Happy Show Night!
Good evening Carolyn, Genie, BB addicts.
My name is Wile E. Coyote aka Matt and I'm a super genius KABOOM!!!!!!
Not putting up Brenchel was a bad idea. I guess that would be a grenade the brogade tried to throw but dropped. Better luck next time guys.
Can't wait for POV contest, POV ceremony and the DRs, love those DRs :)
Hi everyone! ☺
Looking forward to seeing the Amazing Enzo and of course, Andrew's POV speech!
Happy Show Night!!
Hi RhondaM!
Hi MichiganMan!
Hi JLuvs!
Hi Sparklin!
I'm afraid Andrew might be hanging himself..... Is Matt playing both sides or is he really on Andrews side? These people confuse me!
good evening everyone! well it will be interesting to see what kind of editing CBS does tonight. I hope Abdrew holds off his meeting till after the show .
Hi KScoot - At this point, I have no idea, but I think it's a very safe offer for Matt to make..
OOops! Where are my manners?
Happy Show night everyone!!!
Hi Lisa! :) Happy Show night! :) Me tooooo! We'll be monitoring the feeds, just in case.
Kscooterfox: I think Matt is only on one side-his own!
Is this the place where I heard we are having a Nekkid Viewing Party? I'm here for it. Hope I'm not overdressed. I thought this tie was appropriate.
Evening friends! Yay- we can finally see the PoV and Andrew's speech!
Hello everyone!
Very interested to see Andrew's speech tonight and see for myself if they are making a big deal with good reason or not.
Wishing they would have been able to get out Rachel or Brenden this week. I'm finding myself quite irritated with their lack of game play... other than with each other.
Please tell me Andrews not timing his Ho9use meeting with the show!
I'm watching thru the link tonite so my child can watch something and leave me ALONE! LOL :)
Hello my BB Buddies!
I MADE IT! That in itself is a freaking miracle!
I know, tv not nearly great, at least I'll catch up on some stuff.
Happy show night ☺☺☺
Heya Gang!
Show Night, whohooo!
I was so happy to read in TOR that Ragan may be realizing he can't trust Matt. I really hope so!
HAHA! So my boyfriend is a tv only. I fill him in on the pertinent details but he sticks to the set.
So he's watching Sunday's show a little while ago and calls me up and says
Apparently he's under the assumption that anytime they show some nightvision bumpin n grindin, it's sex. He thinks Brenchel has been going at it since a few days after they met..
Kscoot, I'm so sorry about the robbery. That is terrible!!! Will it be covered under insurance? Oh I hope so!
Why does the announcer always say 'self-proclaimed genius' about Matt? Does AGP know better?
WHOOP! WHOOP! Hi Everyone!!!
Okay, Matt annoys the crap out of me in his DRs... is he really that cocky? Ug.
Happy Show Night!!
Hey Gaytor!! _So glad you're feeling better!
Hi WIthIt! :)
Hi SmileyMom!
Hi Johnny5! - Gah, I hope not!
Hi JulieB! :)
Hi Syn!!! :)
Hi Shannon! :)
Nice to see you Syn!
GaYToR darling, what a fabulous tie ;-)
Why do people always say "backdoor Brendon AND Rachael"? They can't both be backdoored at the same time.
Hiya Genie!!! Will we get a smackdown tonite on the feeds? hehe
Hi Caro & Dish Family! What a wonderful day in the BB house.
Hey RedRhonda!! :) Welcome home, honey!
GaYToR- excellent point! ("backdoor Brenden AND Rachel) I'm going to keep noticing it now! :)
Did I miss roll call?
Hi Everyone!!!
I missed the afternoon stuff but will catch up!!!
Where's Ms. Fitz??????
I want ice cream again and need to blame it on her!!!
But since I just got home I am having a salad with fresh mozz, and tomatoes from my garden!!!
Show is looking good so far!!
Cut To: The Evil Mastermind Laugh... AGP setting him up much? lol
It will be interesting to see how CBS shows BB12 to the TV Onlies.
Hi Stephanie!! :) Nope! You're right on time. ;)
Hi Didi!! :) I'll be your excuse tonight. ;)
Shannon, my brother is a TV only and he freaks when I give him any hints about what's going on. Honestly, I couldn't stand being a TV only
Hi everyone! First time commenting this season, although I've been reading from the beginning. :)
I'm a TV-only, so I LIVE for this site. Normally my husband and I DVR the shows and watch them in peace after the kids go to bed. So, even though I won't be watching with you, it's the first time I've been here for your live show party, and I wanted to say hi!
Hi! :)
Evening Carolyn and Genie~~~Finally got the link to watch to work on my comp :) now I don't have to wait for the west coast time!!!
Happy show night everyone!!
Shannon, LOL!!!
I predict Matt'll be the first Brigade in the jury because of this move.
Good evening YOU!
Now I did my usual greeting.
I've missed so much on the feeds, but I've read every blog sentence until today and working on that now, or will finish after the show. I'm feeling like a TV Only. I don't tbink I've seen any of what they are showing.
(Caro, thanks. Not much.)
Hiya RhondaM! :)
Hiya MM! :)
Hiya JLuvs! :)
Hiya Sparklin! :)
Hiya Gaytor!! Have you been ill? I didn't get the memo!!! Huggies!
Hiya WithIt! :)
Hiya SmileyMom! :)
Hiya Johnny5! :)
Hiya JulieB! :)
Hiya Syn!!! :) YAY! You're off duty! :)
Hiya Shannon! :)
Hiya RED!!
Whodidimiss? :)
Hi Kemi!! :) Welcome to the comment section & the viewing party!! :)
Hi Miss Lissa! Happy Show night! :)
Hey MoNYC! :) Hugs!!
I think Andrew is over-reacting with the iced tea indecent. I fail to see how Rachel was inconsiderate just because she flavored the tea a little.
Haha! Andrew with his cleaning and Enzo's comments! :)
Hi DizzyManifesto! :)
Gaytor - :( Poor bubby..
Thank you Caro, you always make me feel so welcome!
BTW, they are getting themselves in trouble again on the feeds! Why do they insist on trying to figure out what the entire show is? I wonder so often just how much of this whole thing is acted, know that sounds strange, but most of their reprimands are about production.
Still say that these players appear more concerned with how they are playing out on TV, yet none seem to be really playing the game.
Hiya Stephanie!! :)
Hiya Lisa! :)
Hiya Kscoot!! :)
Hiya Didi!! :) How goes hun?
Hiya Kemi!! :)
Hiya MissLissa!! :)
Hiya Dizzy! :)
Hiya Mo!! :)
Hmmmmm. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but what if AGP omitted some HGs (The Brigade) and kept others (Brenchel)? Hmmmmmm...
LMAO @ Lane's attention span..
LOL...Lane is too funny..."give me some pop rocks!" Eats them all..."green apple isn't too good"
hahahahaa they showed Matt with his hand in his pants!!!
Hello every one! I hope you're having a great evening.
Hmmm...Andrew really doesn't like Rachel? Interesting.
hehehe @ kosher tv....
Is AGP trying to make the Brogade look like buffoons, or do they not have to try that much?
Hi Aimee :) - I thought so too. He's been selling a bill of goods to Brendon about it, and Brendon's been buying it and reselling to Rachel. Clearly, her instincts are dead on.
Get on with the show already! I want to see the game and then the ceremony!
Yeah! Let's go!
I still have so much to catch up on today, I might not watch the West Coast version which has a totally different group of HG's and other types of comps ;0
Hi Caro and Genie Sea!
Lane is my 'dark horse'! He is just too funny. His comments are hilarious and said with a straight face. I still picture him telling Monet "I'm coming over to meet your parents when we get out of here"
Good Evening Everyone! Happy Wednesday Viewing Show Pahhhhrrrrtttyyyyy!!
Aimee: I have really been wondering about Andrew's "true" feelings towards Rachel. And Genie:no, they don't have to try hard, they make pretty good buffoons of themselves without any help. But it is entertaining
I didn't think Andrew sincerely liked Rachel, she is totally not someone he would hang out with in the real world.
Evening Everyone.
So was Andrew really aligned with Kristen and Hayden or
Just with Brendon, he doesn't like Rachel or he wouldn't have said it in the Diary Room would he?
Evening Everyone.
So was Andrew really aligned with Kristen and Hayden or
Just with Brendon, he doesn't like Rachel or he wouldn't have said it in the Diary Room would he?
Jluv, that is not hard to do. Matt always has his hand down his pants! At least whenever I see him. Okay, I was raised with three older brothers and I know they always had their hand there, but they grew out of it!! LOL
Love the country bumpkin music when Lane speaks . . .
A sac full o'bullets!
LMAO, Drive-In Beer Joint. Really Lane? lol.
HA Genie. They do it themselves, especially Lane and Enzo.
Lane please don't shoot turtles!!!
"We might be bored that day, and want to shoot a turtle"
I frickin' love Lane.
oh, Lane, you don't really shoot turtles,do you? :(
Hey CurlerChick!! :) Welcome! :)
RedRhonda, LOL! My dad is 67 and still hasn't grown out of it! :)
Seeing Enzo is worth it all!
OH Enzo should wear the Genie outfit more often! LOL
Oh no! Scowling at Lane! >:(
"You might feel like shooting a turtle" AND shooting at innocent animals.
Boo! (IMO, of course).
Today he was talking about road kill then saying he would have to save them. Don't believe his tough talk!!! They are really editing this!
Lane: it's called a unicorn.
LMAO....this show tonight has made me fall in love with Lane, he's just too funny :-O
Love their costumes!
Hi Heather in MN! :)
NOthing about Andrew throwing the comp!!!
Hiya Heather!! :)
Hiya CC!!
OHmygosh!!! The brogade doesn't know how to play!!!
Hi Genie!
Hi Carolyn!
Rachel: 32 feet!!
You just knew from the Diary Room that Lane would be first out!
Tar-et Cards?
I would so lose at this game, my gueses have been way low.
Hi Genie! I'm doing okay.
Carolyn- thanks! phew!
Gosh I hope Andrew gets to stay.
I do not like Lane with the talk of killing animals...blech!
I also don't like when they make fun of Andrew and his praying...
All yous . . .?
Book em Danno!
All Yous....LOL
Hi all!
Get segway to the commercial. Enzo's not bad at this job.
Enzo- "all youz" decided to stay!
Oh and I love that Andrew cleans!!
Hi Michelle in IN! :)
Hiya Michelle! - How's "yous"? hahaha
Okay, there was nothing about Andrew throwing the POV, cbs chose not to show or did it really happen?
"all yous" Enzo is all Jersey
Thanks for the reassurance about Lane (saving roadkill)... I don't want to not like him.
Gaytor - **Splat!** Healing Pie! for you :)
Syn, my love, they actually do have drive-in or actually drive-thru beer places in Dallas. It's true. There is a chain of them I know of called 'The Beer Barn'.
"Syn928 said...
my gueses"
Those are New Jersey geese if you didn't know!
Stupid typos *grumble grumble*
How you doin?
You know who's voice that is right?
Anyone hear from Toni???
Genie ...
Finger Pie for you... and Caro and Lessa too.
"This house is being taken over by Brenchel!"
Pass the bucket!
You can't get backdoored when you have the chance to save yourself!
Brenchel is taking over...please!
Hayden's Diary Room, too funny.
"Matt your supposed to be the brains of this operation.... we're screwed!"
Hayden has the right to gripe! He actually had the cajones to put Brenchel up at the very beginning!
Anyone else feel like the show is taped in HD? After watching the feeds all the time, it looks so crisp and bright on TV!! LOL
that sounded funny on the west coast win a trip to cuba
Gotta love a man that you can jump into his arms and he can hold you up!
Wow, Captain America - he is getting my attention . . . still got it bad for McYummy . . .
Haha! Lane!
"Hopefully he doesn't clone hisself!"
I love the DRs!
And is that the outfit that Rachel "ripped out of Kathy's hands?"
LOL @ Hayden....Matt is suppose to be the brains of the operation...really????
Gaytor - It better be a rum soaked finger! :)
GaYToR, I was just about to tell Syn that yeah, we got those in TX! lol
Me's just fine Genie. LOL
Happy Show Night!!
Hi I4Git! :)
Hi NewGirl! :)
Hi Kas! :)
House meeting about to happen!
Andrew just called a house meeting on the feeds...
Oh no! He just called their terrbile pairing - "Brenchel"!
BB feeding them in the DR much?!?
Is anyone else confused?
Matt- enough already with the hand in the pants! Have some class...
****Andrew would never do that!!!
thanks for the heads up, Genie!
Stephanie for the W. Coast,
How you doin'?
Is this point "moo" or what?! ;)
House meeting on the feeds!!!!
its 5:45 BBT.....andrew calling house meeting !~
House meeting on the feeds. Right now... BIG one.
House meeting!
awww.... i really like andrew....he is really baring his feelings during the house meeting... (crying) .....
Ohmygosh Andrew is going to make me cry. I feel for him!!!
There are a few drive thru beer barn places around Texas, probably all over the south.
I'm starting to think Andrew doesn't have a true alliance with any one. Not that that's a bad thing.
He just seems to have a truly difficult time relating to people in this game. He's probably fine in the real world, but there...not so much.
Andrew - it's insensitive to have this meeting during a show! Hello!!!
Stephanie- I was thinking the same thing- anyone heard from Toni?
And where oh where is Ms. Fitz?
Kathy!!! You are a liar!!!
I thought he would out Hayden and Kristen.
Don't know if it is enough to keep him.
I hope so.
No smack-down Genie!
Rum it is Genie. anything for you gurlz!
How about a 'Flaming Mojito finger Pie'? With 'eyeball shots'.
Syn, taret cracked me up too. Gonzo/Enzo/Bozo taking English vs. Jersey' lessons from Britney cracked me up the other night. About the only time I have actually laughed or liked anything Britney has said or done.
GaYToR, Jluvs - That's craziness about the drive through beer joints. I'm sure it's just to sell so you don't have to get out of your car. I was picturing like fast food though. I imagine the cops hang around there a lot though.
Is it possible to thank Andrew for doing the house meeting during the commerical? THANKS ANDREW lol
OMG Andrew pours his heart out and Enzo starts in with the ex-lax!!
What a house! Tell ya, these house meetings are very boring.
Well, that house meeting was disappointing. I wanted fists and yelling, not tears. :(
Andrew was pitiful though.
Thanks for the heads up Genie! :)
Brendon told him people would go to him after wards but I don't think they will. :(
Please let there be an America's vote to get Andrew back in!!!
is Brendon's appearance on this show sponsored by UCLA or what?
Why do I act like I don't know what is going to happen?
I`ve got a question and I`m hoping someone here will help me. In what section is the thing Ragan said about `truth`
Okay THAT was his big speech? Was Rachel's "reaction" directly after the ceremony?
Also, anyone notice that look of pity Kathy gave Andrew as he sat down?
LMAO at the "WTF" faces at that POV meeting. Kathy's was classic!
I love Britney's DRs!
Ok, wow Andrew.. that was an interesting speech. Not exactly an effective "big move." I can see now why everyone flipped on him. Nail, meet coffin.
Hey Syn, when I used to live in Texas, quite a few years ago. Drinking age was lower and whenever you would go somewhere people would give you a 'roadie'. Beer for the road because drinking and driving was still okay then. I couldn't believe it!
Kathy, lay low? Which planet would that happen on, surely not planet Earth . . .
They didn't show Rachael's reaction!! How come? We heard it all week.
Syn, LOL!
But what is a tragedy is that anyone can drink themselves into oblivion and then get behind the wheel of a car, anywhere in the entire United States. Terrible.
I'm not a drinker anyway, so it just makes me sick that it happens everyday, all day long.
oy.. poor bubby.. watching andrew cry..
Watching Andrew cry is hard. I remember when I was ill once, not being able to eat solid food and getting proper sleep. All I did seemed to be was cry . . .
I hope the tables turn. I really don't want the evil puppet master and his gang of flunkies to win! Anything!
That was funny. Andrew "it worked for Matt so...Brendon and Rachel I'm coming after you and Brendon use the Veto on me." LOL
LOL Syn, you are right about not having to get out of the car thing.
It's here that you can walk in just about anyplace and get drinks to go. Everyone uses plastic cups here. and we are 24/7. Also no liquor stores. Liquor is all sold at grocery and convenience stores. I only know of two stores that sell nothing but liquor, beer, and whine.. (no that wasn't a misspelling or typo :-p )
I really hope it's Kathy who leaves tomorrow!!!
How long you all hanging in tonight?
I know Carolyn! It's killing me!!!
Red - a "roadie"? LMAO!!!
deep breaths..
and stepping away for a moment with one clear message.
do not, under any circumstance, drink and drive.
Well my kid wants to play on the computer now. At least I finally got to join in on a show party!!!
I'll be back soon! :)
Did anyone notice when they cut to Matt after Kathy said he would put Rachel up he had his middle finger up against his face while rolling eyeballs?
GaYToR can back me up about drive thru daiquiris. Some places hand you the straw and others just leave part of the paper on the tip as though you're not going to drink and drive. It's so funny.
I'm sorry, Carolyn.
Ha Red. You are telling our age. That drinking age changed to 18 the same year I turned 18. It changed back when I was 25 I think. That was difficult for a lot of our friends that were caught in the middle of the age change... so used to going to bars and then BAM, they were once again underage.
That's unbelievable RedRhonda. I'm so glad that there are laws against that now. When I worked in Retail and managed a store, even though I was around the same age, some of the "kids" that worked for me would come in and talk about the night before when they got drunk and then drove home. I made their lives miserable. I would talk really loudly because they were still hung over. And I even made one girl cry because of how I was telling her the dangers of drinking and driving. I hope that it at least affected her to where she wouldn't do it again.
Did Rachel seriously just ask what sloppy joes are?!?!?!?! Seriously????
I can't believe not a single one of the HGs are going to see if Andrew is okay now. I thought his speech was classy, especially considering all the things he COULD have said. Did you notice how much Matt seemed to respond to him? I kind of think he's feeling bad about his whole lost HOH now.
OH BB, why don't you leave Andrew alone for a bit . . . It is so sad watching him.
You know, I was thinking today how this is one of those science experiments. Lets put a lot of people in an environment where they can't leave or have any contact with the outside world, make them compete to eat, and then, we will hook up cameras so we can watch them all day and all night . . .
Really, who came up with this idea?
thanks, Jluvs
ok.. i'm back.
AMEN Carolyn. It was stupid back then but we did it. Now I don't even go around the block if I've even had one drink. I don't even have to be drunk, I just won't do it. Too afraid a breathalyser test would show BAD from a fresh sip. I wait hours past my last sip.
Not to mention the senseless deaths it causes. I'm not MADD crazy but I just know it isn't right. My father taught me that when I started driving. Of course it was ok for him to have a 6-pack on the way home from work, but it was a do as I say situation.
Not to say I have never done it, but that was back in my very stupid youthful invincible years.
Sorry if this has been discussed, I'm just watching now on DVR...they are really highlighting Lane tonight!
fyi - Genie's getting a post together of the house meeting...
we'll hang here til it;s ready though. :)
Patti Z - I think Andrew said he was going to go pray, that could be why no one is checking on him . . . the other thing, it is dinner time!
Good night good people
I know she doesn't give them any material to work with but when will they acknowledge Kristin's existance? If she wins will they show her then? Or show diary room entries of Matt and Brendon talking about how she won?
Welcome back Caro. (((HugZ)))
Just one more thing on drinking and driving...
I preach about that just as hard as I do about unsafe sex. Both can kill you. Both are stupid because it's a life-taking risk, and not necessarily your own life.
Now moving on. I missed that fast house meeting. Guess I have to go to front page, or go to flashback.
Carolyn, Hugs to you!
Awww, Lane is talking to Andrew :)
Oh Syn, I live in Reno where it happens a lot here. It drives me absolutely insane. It is a very big issue with me! When my kids were in HS I helped with a program where they all actually participated in one of their classmates simulating ALL the happenings of DUI accident including ambulance, memorial, etc. I cannot understand drinking and driving for any reason....get a driver, cab, anyone!
Sorry, off the soapbox. And yes Gaytor, I am showing my age :) Love ya!
Hey Ruel :) I don't know how I missed you...
Thanks, GayTor.. You know about my little sister, right?
My earlier comments about no one checking on Andrew were after the house meeting this evening. It was a tear jerker and not at all what I was expecting. I really do not want Andrew voted out tomorrow, even though his game play is really lacking. He has a great heart.
PattiZ - :) Agreed!
Michelle in IN - :) thank you!
Stephanie, thanks for the clarification about why the HGs weren't checking on Andrew. I missed that he said he was going to pray, and I was thinking how heartless they all were.
Does anyone watch America's Got Talent.
Excellent performance by the Jabberwakees right now. They won the show previously and are now a Vegas Show.
doing their routine to Queen.
Hi all! Carolyn, et al, love this site and it has really made this season more enjoyable. Love all your comments too - what a great group of commentators! Live in Texas and felt compelled to say that drinking and driving is abhorred in Texas. Very strict laws and I haven't seen a beverage barn in years.
As for the show, strangely drawn to Brenchel - not sure why, but they seem kinder than the others. Although, Britney is growing on me - hysterical chica!
Ruel, too funny. Kristen even mentioned it (today I think or last night) about how in the DR they don't really ask about her, they just ask her about "Brenchel". She's not enjoying that.
I think they will at least show her fight with Andrew today on tomorrow's show. And tonight we at least got a quick clip of she and Hayden kissing.
Carolyn, very sorry about any personal tragedies you've had to endure.
I'm sorry Caro. I hated it years ago and am insensed now at the laws, but will not go into that. Here in this state they are fighting it on a daily basis.
Yes Carolyn, I do. Sending all kinds of hugs, well maybe not ALL, your way.
lane is really growing on me, and he's defiantly one of my favorites in the house
Gaytor - thanks, hon
RedRhonda, Thank you :)
Syn, Thanks :)
Hi FancyJane! :) THanks so much! I hope you'll feel free & welcome to join us commenting in here too!
Hi Maggie! :) He does have some great one liners.. and just now, he proved he's got a great heart.
When and where was the house meeting??
Hi Jane :)
5:45pm BBT - Use Quad Cam for best view.
RedRhonda - hugggs.. not at all. all good.
What is with the pillow in front of her mic . . . why isn't BB yelling at her . . .
Wow, is it just me or are all the HG's this season just ninja whispers? I know that Kathy and Kristen are talking but can't hear a word and Brenden's the same. geez Speak up so we can hear HG'
BB: Kristen. Please do not obstruct your microphone.
Hi all, sorry I am super late is the party still going or am I waaaaay to late?
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