Big Brother 12: Five Days til the Premiere!
Lying, conniving, back-stabbing, showmances, manipulations and betrayals soon to follow.
To all our US based BBDishers, I wish you a very happy 4th of July weekend! I *love* the 4th! =)
There's been a lot of speculation about when the new houseguests will be moved out of hotel sequester and enter the house. To my understanding, that should be happening today.
They'll get in there, meet each other for the 1st time, choose their rooms, have their 1st HoH Comp and start their honeymoon phase with the whole situation. Lying, conniving, back-stabbing, showmances, manipulations and betrayals soon to follow.
Why do they move in before our premiere date? Well, they need to give AGP (Allison Grodner Productions) and CBS ample footage for the premiere and the 1st Sunday show... When the feeds kick on for the 1st time, immediately following the west coast premiere at 9pm BBT on Thursday night, give or take a minute or 2, the Big Brother 12 houseguests will have already been in the house for several days, and we, the live feed viewers will go into rapid information hyper-drive!
We'll learn who's nominated and if they've already played PoV, who won that... We'll also learn what immediate effect the saboteur twist is having on the general paranoia level in the house! According to the commercials and press releases, the HGs will be told on night 1 that one of them is a saboteur, so the honeymoon's gonna be over real quick: instant paranoia around every corner! Expect the Unexpected & Trust No One.
More, we'll dive right in to getting to know the new HGs and how they're interacting with each other, minus the tv editing process, which is quite often incredibly misleading, both in terms of storyline and just who these people really are. Ya can't blame them. AGP does an amazing job. They've only got an hour, and most of that is filled with competitions, diary room sessions and entertaining clips. That, however, is not the game of Big Brother. In fact, I'd say that works out to about 3% of it, and that's a high guesstimate.
The real Big Brother happens on the feeds. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never had the feeds... like what seems to be *all* the new HGs, according to the interviews we've seen. Boy, are they in for a surprise!
If you haven't checked out all of Chelsia's interviews with the BB12 HGs yet, there are 8 up now, and they are far and away the best, most thorough interviews on the net. Once you get into the the Big Brother area of Superpass, by clicking in the upper left hand side where it says Big Brother, look down to the left, and click where it says PreSeason Interviews, then click on the name of the HG whose interview you'd like to see. Clicking the pic below will get you to the free trial for the feeds.
There's just 4 days left to take advantage of the 29.99 early bird special pricing on the feeds, so if you haven't done that yet, time's a tickin'! The deal ends on the 7th. Using the links here on BBDish to get to the free trial helps us in 2 ways:
- It's the main support of the site & that which keeps us able to keep on doing what we do, year after year.
- We really wanna win the exclusive BBDish hour long chat with Chelsia & Janelle!! There's a competition between the sites, and whoever gets the most early bird sign ups wins! We've always been the little engine that could... so Choo! Choo! =)
Thank you for being a part of the dish! Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!!! :0)
Get the Early Bird Special on the Live Feeds!
3 Days Free, Then 29.99 for 3 Months
Ends July 7th
Yayyy, I can't wait for this season to finally start!!
I finished up watching all of Chelsia's interviews last night and...
I LOVE these diverse houseguests! AND Chelsia! ♥
(reserving my fav. for now ☺)
Carolyn? You were 110% right to have us get the feeds and play around with them, to get used to the new format, BEFORE they go live! Thank you!
I am having some buggy issues with getting the flashback to play, so that means I have some troubleshooting to do (maybe a Win 7 thing???) and I would be soooo bummed if I realized this when they go live!
My recommendation to EVERYONE? Listen to Carolyn and GET YOUR FEEDS (through the Dish of course!) NOW! So if you have any glitches you have time to work 'em out before they go live!
Have a fabulous and SAFE weekend everyone! ♥
Goood Morning, BBDishers!!! :)
Hi Sammers! :) Me too!
Hey, Simply Sam! :) Thanks, honey... I tell everybody every year, and it never fails, some people always wait til the last possible moment to get the feeds, learn they have some glitch and find themselves in swamped customer svc hell...
or trying to get help from the non-pros on all the sites - once we/they are all swamped and either watching or covering the feeds...
We can only try. :)
P.S. I will say that I am predicting Matt is going to be our saboteur. Many signs pointed to this during the interview for me.
Simply Sam - please.. extrapolate!
Happy 5 Days to BB12 Carolyn!
Spacing out the interviews so that I have something to look forward to..
I am also having problems getting flashback to play on my PC and plan on calling them today to get it worked out.
Everyone, enjoy your holiday weekend. Be safe and take the opportunity to kiss the kids, family and friends! Our attention-diverting obsession is almost here!
Good Morning, MizJones! :)
You probably already know this, but just to be sure - flashback for the past seasons will be viewed the old way - using the RP download - not the new web based format.
Flashback for the current season, however, will be in the new web set-up of the feeds.
Hope you get it all sussed out easily! :) Kudos to you for taking care of it in advance of the mayhem! :)
Good morning, Carolyn!
We're very excited for season 12. Thanks for posting this "honeymoon week" information. Each year, it's a little confusing as to how there's already so much information available on the premiere night ... Anywho -- you're our home page for the remainder of summer. More to come!
Good Morning, Mary & Matthew! :)
Welcome home! Thanks so much for making me your homepage! I'm honored!
I'm sneakin' out!
Time to go help decorate a float for the 4th of July parade with this wonderful group of women:
Team SOS: Warriors on Water
My mom's on the team. :)
Good Morning Carolyn..
Good Morning everyon and Happy 4th weekend to all...stay safe and have fun.
Thanks for the grat post with all the info. I agree 3% is high, verything you want to know is on the live feeds. You can always tell someone who does not have them...totally different opinions.
Like being in the dark.
Have fun working on the float..
Pam B
I just want to thank you ahead of time for all the time you spend keeping those of us who can't really afford to get the feeds in the loop. I appriciate all that you do!!!!!!!
So excited for a new summer of BB!!
Just popping in to wish everyone a safe and Happy 4th!
OT Great video Carolyn! What an amazing group of women.
Hi Pamela!! :)
Hello Alex!! :)
Hi Michelle in Indiana!! :)
I just ran home to grab something real quick, so I thought I'd publish & say hi too!
Back to the float! :)
Hi Carolyn! I'm a long time reader here & am about to order the live feeds for the first time! I have a question though, how do you go about cancelling them after the three months so they do not charge you when the season is over?
anyone concerned that there's only one non-white hg? I wonder if the lady who got cold feet was asian or even muslim. Anyways hope it becomes a great season. I also think they are already in the house.
I'd love to comment but i'm too weak.
SeymourYN928 won't feed me.
♫ ♪ ♫ Sudenly, SeymourYN928 ♫ ♪ ♫
I think we, I think we can...choo choo..
Betcha go and watch Matt's interview again...
Mwahahaha ☺
I will predict who I think will be a big fan favorite after 24 hours of being able to see them walking around and interacting with each other...
I know... I'm a stubborn, pain in dah pooper. *grins*
Wish we could see your float! ☺ And hope you had a great day! I am beginning my BB Armageddonesque stock up... ☺
Happy 4th Carolyn! my password for google hasn't been working so I am sorry if i posted this more than once
Hi everyone! :D
All right, I can use flashback just fine, but is it possible to test the new interface for the live feeds? I click on the "Live Feeds Coming Soon" box on SuperPass but all that does is reload the page....if flashback is working fine for me, can I be confident that the live feeds in the browser are gonna work for me, too?
Talk about bugs with the feeds..I was charged $39 instead of $29 and I cannot access flashback.
I would be in tears if this were happening on Thursday. I have a few days to work out the glitches.
Happy 4th of July!!!!
stealing this from elsewhere to show you.. incase you have not seen it yet.
I am having problems loading flashbacks so decided to upgrade realplayer...also got chrome (which is it, keeping it) but fachbacks still doesn't work so will call in a.m. and get it going. I am sure it is something I am not seeing and will be very easy to fix...but thanks for talking about is so fast ..think I will enjoy it..thanks again..
Happy 4th Carolyn and all your family too*****
Hey all my favorite dishers,(thats each and everyone of you) please have a happy and safe 4th and remember all our soldiers fighting all over the world. I lost my first husband in the Veit Nam war...
love ya all****
pam b
"GaYToR said...
I'd love to comment but i'm too weak."
YESSSSSSSSS!!! My plan was a success!!!
Remember everyone:
Don't Feed The GaYToR!!!
Happy July 4th to Everyone! I hope you all have / had a fantastic celebration this weekend! And no BBQ for GaYToR! I'm watching you all!
Hey everyone!! :)
I know it's kinda late, but...
New Top Post!!
~JD - Thank you!
I Just Got The feeds My family already knows I cant Live without them
Good Morning Carolyn,
Good Morning Felloew Disher...
Just 4 BB day, I will be so excited,I am a mess already) and than the live feeds...
Looking forward to your surprise on Tuesday...
HAPPY DANCING...with coffee..
thank you Carolyn for everything u do for us little are sooooooooooooo grateful to have you.<3...:)
Are we going to feed the gaytor today????
poor gaytor..he needs something...
Yes, GaYToR is going to a BBQ. I'm feeding myself.
I'm planning on having a sinful ( Synful ) smoked turkey neck (Or is it more like a chicken neck? hmmm) and maybe a thigh.
I need my energy. Getting the feeds today and my sound fixed, by someone who knows what she is doing, tomorrow.
Can't wait!!1 Just got the feeds!!!!
can not wait!!
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