Big Brother 12 Houseguests Move In
Game On!!
Have a wonderful 4th of July Weekend!!!
I wasn't going to post anything til Monday, but something just came up that I absolutely must share right now.
What's that, you ask?
Well, I mentioned earlier today that I expected the Big Brother 12 HGs to be moving in today...
They did! And they look awfully happy about it!
Wanna see? :0)
Game on!! Are you ready for some Big Brother 12 on the live feeds?? :0) It's after midnight on the east coast, so I'm calling it! Happy 4th of July & Happy *4* more days til Big Brother 12!!
Get the Early Bird Special on the Live Feeds!
3 Days Free, Then 29.99 for 3 Months
Ends July 7th
I see my early fave there: Goooooooooo Annie!!
Andrew definitely looks excited.
Can't believe it's sooooo close! W00T!!! (That was for you Blue!)
I am sooooo excited, I have been watching BB11 all day today and yesterday, and using the archives on your site LOVE IT!
How cool is this?!?!? hehe! :)
**pardon, i'm having a serious bb dork moment... carry on! ;)
Good Night Carolyn...
Good night everyone..
Have a great 4th of July..
Hope you had a blast today Carolyn..
Thanks for pic with post..they do look happy and we all know they will party tonight..
Goodnight, Pamela :) Sweet dreams. Have a wonderful 4th! (i did, thanks!)
Syn!!! Thanks so much for the gorgeous graphic!
Jay! :) Me too! So psyched! Very cool you're using the archives. Love that!
lol, Carolyn, you are more than allowed too! It's so special getting to see the houseguests actually in the house this soon. I don't recall ever getting a glimpse of them actually in the house before, so I'm gonna go ahead and call it: This is BIG News!
Jay, I've watched BB7, I'm half way through BB8, and I watched most of Season BB10, all in preparation of BB12! Well BB7 was to get a refresher on Howie ... Boy are we in for a treat and crazy times!
YESSSSSS!!!!! Let Thursday get here quickly pleaseeeee!!!
Thursday can't get here fast enough!!!
Shhh Syn! Don't jinx MY girl! ☺
Oops. Did I just type that out loud? *giggles*
This is so exciting!!
yeah it's great, I cant get the feeds until Wed. because payday is friday but I am definitely gettin' 'em. Caro did you watch press day on
Psssst SimplySam ... one word ... Busted! :P
K, gang, y'all have a great rest of the 3rd, and an awesome 4th! I'm off to catch some zzzzzz's for work tomorrow. Note: If your phone breaks tomorrow, please don't call your phone company, I'd love to have a relaxed peaceful day at work tomorrow. K? Thx!
jay - I watched a couple of em, but since the real release happened the same day, press day was a wash for me this year. I didn't put it on the blog, because it wasn't necessary, and every year when i do, it confuses sooooo many people about who the HGs actually are.
Hi everyone!!! :) I'm having a total BB spaz over here. hehehe!
Wooot! This just made me even more excited for BB to start! Too bad we can't start watching them NOW! :)
it was hard to is horrible here, i kept having to wait for it to buffer
It is soooooo good to be back!! Summer is officially here. Waves to Carolyn and everyone:)
Hi Julsy! :) Ditto that!!!
Hey Simply Sam! :) hehehe.. nope, you did not say that out loud. I'll deny it on your behalf. ;)
Hey Michelle in Indiana! :) I know, right?! It's gonna totally fly though... and I have a surprise for you (and everyone) come Tuesday. ;)
Night Night, Syn!!
Hi 3maybe1more! :) - Me too! I'm been spazzing for the last hour! lol.
Hey Jay!:) I had a couple of buffering issues too, so I tried pausing it, and hitting play, and it started right back up for me. :)
Hi Viewtiful!:) Welcome Home!! It's great to have you back!
I am almost to the part where Jeff uses the Coup De Tat....and where Chima goes bonkers haha
Woot! Carolyn's surprises are always the best!!
WOW Carolyn I don't remember ever seeing a picture of them entering the house BEFORE the show even starts up!!
I can't wait, Thursday just can't get here quick enough!
I'm off to run the Atlanta Peachtree Road Race 10K with 55,000 other runners this morning! Up at 2:30am, volunteering 5-7:30am then the race and fun fun fun!!
I'll come home catch a nap and then catch up with everything tonight!!
Hope everyone has a FANTASTIC 4th of July!!
Aloha Carolyn!
I have missed you dearly!!! Cant wait for the Summer of 2010 to officially begin!! I LOVE BB Season!!! Its so great to see all of our AWESOME, BEAUTIFUL, WITTY, FUNNY, CRAZY BB fans here too!
love love to everyone!!!
Kristin <3
IslandGirl!!! :) Welcome home!!! Aloooooooha!
Janice!! WOw! What a day!!!
Everyone - Thank you for being here... I'm dashing out to a parade now. See ya later! :)
Happy 4th everyone! Seeing that picture of the HG's entering the house is awesome! Only 4 More Days!!!
~ Ryan ~
Hey Carolyn and all dishers,
Thanks so much for posting this pic of the houseguests the moment they walked into the house. Sure we will see it on Thursday but it won't be in real time like this pic. Awesome!
Can you refresh my memory. I know there was a post where you said we won't have to download real player this year but go on the site and sign in. Am I correct about this or was I reading something wrong? How does this all work? I am ready to clicky click on your early bird special link so we can hopefully get the interview with Janelle :P
Happy 4th to all,
Brian a.k.a indigoprince
Wooohooo, only 4 more days!! I am so excited! Have been enjoying your posts all ready Carolyn :) Hope everyone has an awesome 4th of July! Be safe!!
Hello everyone! I've been gone the past 24 hours, and looks like I need to catch up!!! Lovely Caro, I am amazed at the photo of them coming into the house!!! How did you score that, you incredible DishDiva you!!! ;-)
Okay, I'm off to read everything! Haven't even read everyone's posts yet! xoxo
OH, and Happy Independence Day!!!
Hope everyone has safe fun!
Everyone have a Happy 4th of July. I'm eating everything I can today. Syn isn't here to stop me. I ate the sign anyway so now no one knows.
This news has me so excited all 6 of my nipplez iz tinglin'!
To borrow from the Monday Night Football song...
♫ Are you Ready for Some BB? ♫
nevermind . . . . it's just a picture. . doh!
4 days to go, can hardly wait.
Hey all. Question for u. If I get the live feed can I view them on my phone and computer or laptop or is it only one device per account?
Carolyn...You posted 58 pictures on facebook about 6 hours ago.
hello all
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