PoV Spoiler, Aftermath & Afternoon Updates
Good Afternoon, BB Lovers! The live feeds went to trivia at 12:28pm BBT, signifying the beginning of the PoV Comp.
As of 3:01pm BBT
Feeds are Back
PoV Winner: Britney
Feeds are Back
PoV Winner: Britney
Matt: It's true.
Britney: She won like 3 HoHs.
Ragan: I think she won more PoVs on All Stars.
In HoH -
Ragan: It was such a sh*tty day yesterday, but today I feel so reinvigorated.. Jeff and Jordan hosting the comp...
In Taj -
Brendon and Rachel are talking with Hayden...
Rachel: She'll only use it if Matt puts up Kathy.
Hayden: Same scenario. Worse case scenario, you get to hang in the jury house.
Hayden excuses himself. Rachel and Brendon continue talking.
Rachel: How rude was it of Kathy to jump up and scream Yay when she beat me? She spent a week up in HoH, and now look at her.
Brendon: People are showing their true colors..
Rachel: Don't call a house meeting Brendon.
Brendon: I wanna bring up Pandora's Box, because he's lying about it.
Rachel: If you go this week, I'm gonna go next week. You need to stay here.
Brendon: I can't believe how badly I did today.
Rachel: Please don't push any buttons. You're gonna stay, and you're gonna do great. I'm ok with that. I'm ok with not being here.
Brendon: Thursday, one of us is gonna go home.
Rachel: I know, and it's gonna be me. The only reason I've been fighting is for us to be here together. I can't fight anymore. You have a much better chance at this game than I do.
Brendon: You don't think I was a really bad sport today?
Rachel: When?
Brendon: When I lost.
Rachel: I cried.
3:14pm BBT
Cam 1
HoH Room
Ragan, Britney
Reliving the PoV Comp, Hating on Rachel and Brendon, big time, and saying how much it was clear to them that Jeff and Jordan hated Rachel and Brendon...
Britney: I was absolutely elated, because Kathy knocked out Rachel, and I knocked out Brendon. The 2 weak players... They were so glad to have drawn our names out of the bag, because they were sure they could beat us. And her attitude toward me now is going to totally change. I don't even want to speak to her. I'm not interested in your 5k. I'm the same person I was yesterday..
Ragan: I just want this house to be happy.
***Good luck with that.
Britney: Oh my gosh.. Are they fighting? I'm gonna go look...
Feeds 3/4
3:10pm BBT
Kathy & Rachel are going at it. Screaming match, big time.
Rachel is asking for an apology for Kathy's behavior during the comp. Kathy's fuming at Rachel... I missed most of this while I was upstairs in HoH... Check it out on flashback
Kathy: I'm not gonna apologize!! End of Story!! I'm not gonna listen to it, Rachel. You're gone! I'll just get up and walk off.
Rachel: Way to have integrity, morals and character...
Kathy: I do!
3:20pm BBT - Rachel follows Kathy and brings the fight into the Cabana Room, where Kathy has gone off... They have words, then Rachel leaves, Britney comes in, and Kathy's full of fire, because it benefits her to be nasty to Rachel in front of the rest of the house, and that's the only game she's got.
Spark up the feeds, folks. It's getting very hot in there.
3:23pm BBT - Kathy goes up to the HoH and tells Ragan...
Kathy: She is gone home. Bye bye! I'm not apologizing to her. She don't own me.
Ragan: Rachel is manic. She's bipolar. There's something seriously wrong. If you were dealing with someone you knew was sick, you wouldn't be angry, you'd show compassion.. I think that's the road I'm going to take. I'm going to expect the both of them to do horrendous terrible things.
Kathy: They already asked Hayden if he'd keep them over me. She's just mad I kicked her butt.
Ragan: That was so awesome, Kathy. You set the tone for the entire comp.
3:26pm BBT - Back down to the Kitchen area...
Lane, Britney, Matt, Brendon, Rachel, Enzo
Now it's Brendon's turn. Rachel's trying to calm him.
3:52pm BBT
Around the house...
- HoH Room - Cams 1/2 - Britney, Matt & Kathy - All Rachel bashing, all the time.
- Cabana Room - Cams 3/4 - Lane, Enzo, Hayden - Brendon mocking...
Lane: I can't wait!
Enzo: The pressure just got to em today. They're done. They don't even wanna be here anymore. They wanna go to the jury house.
Off camera, Rachel and Brendon were last seen in Taj, enjoying time together. Rachel's quite certain she's the one going home, and she seems to be at peace with it. She's trying to pump him up to stay, fight, win.
4:00pm BBT
Cams 1/2
Britney, Ragan, Kathy
Britney: The bottom line is, Brendon chokes in competitions.
Ragan: Especially in quiz.
Kathy: hehehehe yup.
Ragan: Do you know who is gonna have the best Sunday ever?
Britney: Who?
Ragan: Kristen.
Kathy: And I'm sure Kristen'll be excited I did it too.
Britney: And to see him throw the ball..
Ragan: That was dangerous.
Kathy: He coulda hurt someone.
Britney: He should get a penalty nom.
BB: Rachel, please come to the DR.
Kathy: Oh, here goes trash talkin' Kathy.
Ragan: How cool was it to see Jeff and Jordan!! It's like, they weren't even real to me..
Gushing over Jeff and Jordan... Saying how much Jeff loved Enzo... Ragan feels like they bonded.
Kathy: I loved it when Rachel said, You could come hang with me in Vegas, and Jordan was like.. uhhh...
Britney: That was awesome. Jordan is so cute.
They can't get over how tall Jordan is...
4:10pm BBT
HoH Crew gets back to bashing Brendon and Rachel...
4:27pm BBT
The Cabana Crew is talking about Jeff & Jordan. Hayden admits to a man crush on Jeff. Ragan and Brendon have now both joined the other men in the Cabana. Ragan says he has a man crush on Jeff too, but a bit more intense... Talk about season 11 persists.
Enzo has gone up to join Kathy and Britney in the Rachel hate fest in HoH.
Seriously, folks. The feeds are on fire! Spark em up! If you need the 3 day free trial, here ya go.
4:38pm BBT
Cams 1/2
Britney, Matt, Kathy, Enzo
Britney's saying how they're going to come at her with the 5k. She's wondering how to deal with it. Kathy recommends she should be direct, confrontational and rude.
Kathy: I say we just ignore them. He called you a pussy the other day, Matt.
Kathy continues on about the PoV Comp, Rachel, Brendon, etc... Britney and Enzo both leave. Matt's yawning out loud, trying to make it very clear he'd like to have a nap now. Kathy keeps talking.
4:41pm BBT
Dining Area
Lane, Britney
Britney: It's kinda crazy..
Lane: What?
Britney: That I've won 3 PoVs... I've won every PoV I've been in so far. I wasn't in either of the ones Brendon won... and he's the only person who's won PoV besides me. Isn't that weird??
Lane: You gonna talk to em?
Britney: No. I don't even want to speak to them. I'm just gonna politely say "my mind is made up..."
Britney: This is gonna be the best final 6.
Talk turns to Jeff and Jordan and Brendon and Rachel. Lane says it's pretty clear from JeffJo's reactions that Brendon and Rachel are hated. Lane and Britney are certain that this season is loved, because of all the drama in the house.
4:55pm BBT
Britney & Rachel
Brendon leaves to give them privacy...
Britney: I don't think I'm gonna use it, if I'm being honest. It's not personal. Even if I did, one of you would still go home. And there's a saboteur in the house...
Rachel: You were willing to use to for Hayden.
Britney: He promised me the world.
Rachel: I'll promise you the world and 5,000 dollars.
Britney: I don't want you to be mad at me. It's not at all personal. You're both on the block. If I take one of you off, the other is still going home.
Rachel: Any idea who?
Britney: Honest to G-d I have no idea. I've heard both. I don't know who. If I hear, I will tell you. I'm not gonna abandon you. I still want us to be friends. I know how bad this sucks. I know I'd be asking the same thing if I was on the block. But if I use it, I'm out next week.
Rachel: How?
Britney: It would ruin my chances of winning the money at the end of this game. We're in a whole new game now. There's jury to consider. I don't want to hurt you personally. I didn't put you in this position, and I'm sorry you're here.. but I can't do it to myself. It would mess up my game so badly. I know that you're really upset. You're not alone in this house. You feel like everyone hates you, and it's not true.
Rachel: But it doesn't make sense.. Why does everyone want me out so badly?
Britney: Because you're a huge competitor.
Rachel: I can't even bowl. Brendon and I are not that big of threats..
Britney: I'm just telling you the reasons people are coming after you. The big competitors in this game (she lists them)...
Rachel: I just don't understand why the big competitors don't want to all play on the same team.
Britney: When you're crying, when you're upset, come find me. You're not alone in this house. I've been through this. At the beginning of this game, I was so depressed...
Rachel: At your lowest point, I came to you and asked of you wanted to talk... I did everything I could to keep Monet here... I called a house meeting to keep Monet here...
Britney: I can't take the risk of looking like the saboteur... and I can't take the risk of turning everyone in the house against me. If I take you off the block, it guarantees I'll be gone in two weeks. I genuinely like you. It's purely from a game standpoint, and I can't put myself in that position. You understand this game, Rachel. We both do. And you know the repercussions that would come from me using this poV.
Rachel: Not even for 5,000 dollars. If you don't win 1st or 2nd, that's a lot of money.
Britney: Not even for 5,000 dollars. I want to be honest with you.
Rachel: You know I'm going home.
Britney: I don't know who's going home.
Rachel: I know I'm going home. Everyone thinks I'm a bitch.
Britney: I think everyone sees you as a competitor... When you win is as important is if you win.
Britney is doing a beautiful job here... Get that jury vote, doll. Rachel's tears start flowing, and Britney's compassion keeps coming... This is ongoing... The conversation comes full circle, and Rachel gets to a place of appreciation about her experience in the Big Brother House, saying she couldn't have asked for more...
5:25pm BBT
Britney & Rachel fall into a friendly comfort zone and start talking about the game in general, Jeff & Jordan, Mike O., the Saboteur and the effect he or she may or may not actually have on the house, in terms of voting, since that is the great unknown, as Annie, being first out, never got to vote...
6:15pm BBT
Around the house...
- Taj - Brendon and Rachel are snuggling, enjoying their time together, each trying to fall on their sword for the other, at this point.
- Backyard - Ragan, Britney and Matt are congratulating themselves on their excellent sportsmanship in the PoV comp, once Brendon and Rachel were out of it. "We were just playing like a bunch of friends out bowling." They're also talking about Britney's conversation with Rachel... A bit of bashing, but not too intense, compared to earlier.
- Someone's playing pool. I believe it's Hayden, Lane & Enzo.
- Kathy's whereabouts unknown.
Kathy has joined Britney on the couch outside..
Brendon and Rachel are now talking in Taj...
We're taking a blog break! The creatures are all calm for the moment, but as you well know, they have a habit of misbehaving when left unsupervised. So, someone please mind the critters!
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While the PoV was on...
While the PoV was on...
At the moment, Matt, Brendon, Rachel, Ragan, Enzo, Kathy and Britney are playing for the Power of Veto. Rather, Rachel and Brendon are fighting for the PoV & their lives in the game, and the rest of the HGs are fighting to extinguish one of those lives... or perhaps for some nifty prizes, cash or otherwise.
We'll have the PoV Spoiler and Aftermath in this post, just as soon as the feeds come back! ☺ Hopefully, we'll have BB11 Jeff in the house, too! Please refresh periodically to check for new info!
In the meantime... Julie said that this HoH was "the most powerful ever in BB," and I'm really wondering just what that entails. Matt's sure not giving us any clues yet... Then again, he hasn't been left alone long enough since he became HoH to actually talk to us live feeders and fill us in! Here's hopin'!
While we're waiting, pop into the comment section with your best limerick dedicated to the HG you hope to see win this PoV Comp! ;)
Or... if poetry isn't your thing, head over to eBay and pick out 2 gifts - 1 for your favorite HG and 1 for your least favorite. ;) Then email them to me at dishchicks at yahoo dot com. I'll post the funniest ones in a coming post. :)
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3 Days Free, Then 14.99 per Month!
Am I first?
Welcome Back...Feeling better?
We want Jeff! We want Jeff!
Jluvs- lol!
Remember that comp in season 10 "in the news", where former house guests were outside with bb10 Brian as host? It would be funny for them to have it again this year but all the previous HG playing are from Season 11!!
RubyRoo :) You are! Much better! Thank you! :)
JLuvs! :) Yes We dooooo!! :)
KatieBlue! :) That *would* be funny! Hysterical actually. Talk about AWKward!
Woohoo! Welcome Caro! So glad not to get got!
I'm anxiously awaiting the feeds returning and praying we see Jeff on the feeds (Although I doubt I should be PRAYING for something like that) ...can't wait to see who is all over him or just see the houseguests HAPPY for once...we shall see!
I'm hoping it's a quick comp but doubting it. =(
Anyone know what the pile of shoes was?
OK.. I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick, while there's a 99.99999% chance of the feeds not coming back yet. See ya in 15-20.
Oh Katie! That would be kind of FANTASTIC!
I'm back . . . I so hope Rachel wins POV, that will show the brigade.
Not so much on the Britney train . . . she is starting to sound like she did before Monet left. She is walking around a little too safe if you know what I mean . . . she has only had to really try once, right?
As for the rest of the comments: my favorite response I think came from jluvs . . . her banner would say, "BB11 is outside and waiting to kick your a**!!"
Oh yeah, it will be so interesting to see Jeff in there . . . however, I am sure he hasn't been watching the live feeds so he is unawares (spoken as Enzo would say it) of the BB11 bashing that is taking place . . . okay, now my letter 's' is sticking . . .
Laptops can be a pain . . .
Sooooo happy to see you're feeling better Carolyn! yay! :)
Katieblue, yes that would be so funny! :)
Hoping to see Jeff and Jordan SOON!!!!! And hoping that Matt wins POV!
Before I head off for a little sun . . . why are they discounting that the saboteur cannot be Ragan. I have seen where all the HG's have sworn upon something very close to them whether a child, wife, mother . . . all but Ragan . . . is this cast really that dense that they won't even suspect him?
Jessica and Eric in the HOH room:
OH, this house! Eric chuckles, It's doin me in!
Stephanie! Thank you! :)
Still waiting to hear from you bout PR :)
Hi Stephanie from the West Coast! :) I don't know.. It's like Ragan's made of teflon as far as their suspicions list goes.
Hi SassySis! :) Ditto on JeffJo! :)
Hi JLuvs :) Thank you!!
Hi Kristin! :) Thank you! I'm hoping for some Jeff too! No clue about the shoes...
Rubyroo, LOL at leaving conditioner in your hair! Hysterical!
Thanks Carolyn for all your hard work! I am excited for the feeds to come back.
I hope BB has Natalie from last year host just because everyone talks about her so much.... see if they kiss her but or are blatantly rude.
Hi GusHockey :) Thank you! I am too!
So glad you are feeling better Carolyn!
I hope we aren't on the longest trivia run ever because they block Jeff's visit.
Kristin, Matt and Kathy asked for new shoes because Matt's disappeared and something happened to Kathy's when she was washing them.
Carolyn: He is definitely saboteur teflon! I think everyone is so convinced he wouldn't take it because he knows the game so well and knows that anything that forces you to deviate from your game plan is dangerous and probably unwise... but I guess the HGs don't necessarily know that the saboteur was given any choice in whether or not they were the saboteur... all they really know is that Matt's opening of the box is what unleashed it... so they are making a big (albeit true) assumption about whether or not the saboteur had a choice in accepting the mission.
I hope Rachel and Brendon can somehow use this to both escape this week... of course for that to happen, the veto has to get used.... oy vey!
Thanks, Michelle in IN :) Have faith...
Hi Stephen! :)
Hi Carolyn! What do we think the feeds have in store for us this evening?!
Rats, the HHBL is pulling me away for a painting project....be back soon, lovelies!!!
Later, JLuvs :)
Stephen - I'd say that depends *quite* a lot upon who wins.
Carolyn: This is true.... I was perhaps hoping for some new saboteur instructions! :-) Some instructions that, oh... I dunno... cause a few late night smackdown?! Tee Hee!
If Rachel wins POV and stays, then won the next HOH, would her reign be like Ronnie's?
I loved their excitement and then paranoia, after the "Sabatour's video last night. Enzo was so funny....he was like, Whatever! HaHa!!!! (I just love him, he is always fun to watch! Ya never know what's gonna come outta his mouth!)
MIchelle - Nahh.. I'm sure they'd all pucker up as fast as humanly possible.
Darn the trivia it always costs me on ebay. I start wondering and find the coolest stuff.
Hi Carolyn, Dishers
My feeds were acting like, I was going to say a Rachel but the way the last forty eight have gone I'll say like the rest of house. I don't like Brenchel's smug attitude but I also don't like the non stop bashing. Just shows you when they turn on each other it will be brutal.
I knew they wouldn't be done with POV yet. They never get done until after I leave for work :( Oh well I'll check in later. I do want Brenchel to stay on the block. Something needs to change in that house. A major player needs to fall.
I check in from work but won't comment again until late, if you'll are up.
Hi all. Whats with all the bashing these houseguest's are doing? My favorte one so far. Britny: OMG brendon talks so nice to me and then talks bad about me behind my back. LOL I love her DRs but why is it not ok for Brendon to do, but ok for her?
Hi Sandra :) hehehe! Me too!
Hi Michigan Man! :) Hugs! If ya need it, here's the mobile link: http://bit.ly/BBDishMobile
Hi Jadaz! :) I don't know, man.. THey've been *rough*! And then it spreads to some of the commentors, and it's like this brutal onslaught on whoever's transcribing and moderating...
Sassy :) Ditto!
Hi Carolyn! I had an amazing work out today!! **tap,tap,tap fingers & toes***waiting patiently****
Is it my imagination or have we been aving more trivia than feeds the last 2 days?
Does anyone know how impatient I am?...LOL...how long can a POV possibly take...
...ok just had to vent. I will take a chill pill now!
So sorry about that. I didn't think you girls got any of that since you got rid of the Anon's.
Hi MsFitz! :) That's wonderful! I had a massage and a little jacuzzi soak! :0)
Hi I4Git! :) Between the saboteur, nominations and PoV, yes we have had a lot..
KatieBlue :) People get passionate... and that's fine.. but the bashing stuff, when they just repeat whatever hideousness is coming out of HGs mouths and add more on top? blech.
Anyone else wondering just what makes this "the most powerful HoH ever in Big Brother"? I sure am!
Sorry, do you mind if I repost this in the current conversation? I think I just introduced myself to one person in the earlier section. :)
Hi everyone. My name is Gabe and this is my first post. Actually, this is the first year I have paid attention to the feeds and not just watched the live show. What a difference! I actually live 2 blocks from the BB House, which is always kind of fun...at least for me. lol
Anyway, this house is now officially driving me nuts. I understand Brenden, and especially Rachel, were kind of obnoxious when they won. And, for being such smart people, and winning so many comps, they really have played a stupid game by isolating themselves. But, the bashing by the other HGs, with Ragan now joining in, has really made me want B or R to win this thing. All of them are really turning into unlikeable people. I get casting a few people who stir stuff up (I work in TV) but when they are all being mean, who can you root for? Plus, I think the house is going to get super boring without them.
I would have to say after B and R, I am starting to pull for Hayden. or maybe even Matt and his smirk. I respect how the Brigade has operated under the radar, but I have a hard time rooting for anyone who doesn't win anything.
At first, I really pulled for Ragan, but he has become such a jerk...not just because he's the Sab...and he hasn't won anything. He thinks he is so smart, yet the Brigade will destroy him whenever they feel like it...and he won't know what hit him!
It felt good to get that out! lol Hope to chat some more with you guys.
I agree! The trivia is lasting forever...impatient isn't even the word. LOL I absolutely adore Big Brother. =) I think my boyfriend thinks I'm crazy
Yes Caro! Been wondering that since Julie said it, It obvz can't be just one dollar....has to be something kind of great. Maybe because he is the only one that gets to keep Jeff company? Like, he can get tips from Jeff? I dunno...trying to think of something that can truly be beneficial besides a POWER (because I'm not sure one would be released this early in the game).
Just saw that you posted a mobile site- YAY! I spent the last week on vacation checking the normal blog on the crackberry-ROUGH! Have enjoyed your blog since bb8. Thanks for your hard work!
As for the bashing the HG's are doing. Let's all be VERY REAL here.
ALL of the HG's are bashing. No one person is worse than the other. I mean honestly, Rachel has gone so far as to call someone a B***. SO with that said, whether you're on the Brenchel team or Brit Team or Brigade or whatever...Let's all just call a spade a spade. These HG's are all just driving each other crazy.
njww - That's what I've been doin on the BB...I need to go see what the mobile site is so I can add it.
Hey Gabe :) Absolutely fine! & Again, Welcome!! :) I used to live a couple blocks from there too, and I worked on the lot quite a few times...
Kristin - I agree.. It's gotta be *way* more than a dollar... Interesting thought about Jeff...
Hi njdww05! :) Thanks so much! I've been posting the mobile link pretty regularly on facebook and twitter.. are you with me on either of those?
Welcome to the Dish Gabe!
Kristin -I agree that all of the HGs are bashing. My point is that we're not in the house, so there's no need for us to join them in that. ;)
Nice to meet you Gabe. I have one request...since you live so close to te house, will you run over there and yell over the wall, that we want them to hurry it up...LOL
Because only this Hoh could release the power of the sabatour.
Oh Carolyn - I def agree. I find myself getting so annoyed with the hypocrital statements coming out of all of their mouths but most especially Rachel (I think it was after her goodbye speech to Kristen) and I probably joined in a little bit on that too so I'm going to TRY and watch it. Please forgive me if I go at her. I'll def try and keep the bashing down. =)
Are all the beds taken? I'd hate for Jeff to sleep in the have not room.
I was really hoping Jeff was going to hang in the house for a while. We need someone to stir these guys up.
Not trying to be negative, but if R and/or B go, things might get kind of boring.
I agree - I think if Brendon or Rachel were to leave it would becoming boring. It would essentially be the brogade dominating the house, and I don't care to see that.
Out of all of the memebers of the brogade I too like Hayden the best, but it would have been nice to see if he really would have chose Kristen over the brogade.
I am really hoping for a POV win from Brendon or Rachel - not sure they have a chance if they don't win the POV.
Just read Rachels HOH blog. It is safe to say the only punctuation she uses is an exclamation mark and apparently they are sold by the dozen.I have to go lie down :(
If previous HG's were in sequester I would guess that maybe Matt as HoH could bring back anyone HE chose.
But since they aren't I have no clue.
I want Rachel to win. Can't stand Matt and she's the only one gunning for him as far as I can tell. She can leave after she takes him out. ;D
Carolyn, how about some blocked feed games to distract the comments "bashing"? Just a thought.
Hi HaveNaughty :) Perhaps.. I was hoping for more of a power that Matt could control.
Kristin - Thanks :) I appreciate it very much. From this end, when you're transcribing all that venom and then more starts pouring in from the comments, it's like a battering ram to the soul.
KatieBlue - Hmmm... I hope they'd be gracious hosts and offer him a bed.. or the Cabana Room, at the very least!
Gabe :) I'm hoping he will too. he's supposed to spend the night. I hear ya on the R/B, but when all the so called "friends" have to start eating their own, the drama will definitely intensify! ;)
Hi Therese :)
Hi Marcia :) lol. enjoy!
Hi SingForTheDayX :) hehehe
Hey NC Mom of 3 - Good idea! :)
Gimme your best limerick (publishable please)
Dedicated to whomever you hope to see WIN this PoV!
Annnnd go!
*Popping in to say hello to everyone!*
I know I know - I've been a bad bad BB Disher this yr and I apologize!
Unfortunately I have a lot going on over here that has really dampened my perky, cheerful and goofy self and I've found I'm much more testy/grouchy and uber bitchy - which we all know wouldn't make commenting nice or pleasant for anyone.
I've not disappeared I'm just taking a sabbatical and I hope by this time next yr I can be more into BB.
Til then - enjoy the season and hopefully see you back here next summer!
I'm startin' to lose it. The loop music drives me insane... I usually just shut the feeds down when they go into comp mode, but I really want to be around for the immediate aftermath this time around. (Mostly because I'm hoping Jeff will be there... finally someone I like to watch! lol) I know the moment I turn them off they'll be back, too... *twitch twitch*
"They're coming to take me away HA HA"
I hope the "friends" start going for each other, too, but I REALLY hope it happens before it's down to just the Brigade.
I wanted to scream through my computer/TV when R and B were making their decisions. R had the potential to go all the way, B too, but R let her emotions take over. It actually surprised me how quickly it happened. Early on, I would have put money on her keeping things in check for the long run.
Check the post. ;)
I can't write limericks so I will just say GOOO BRITNEY! or Matt or Regan or Kathy.
Carolyn, a couple of seasons ago I remember you bought a computer table to use in bed. Do you still like it? I was looking at them on ebay. Any suggestions?
Hey WendyLady!! THere you are! Good grief you've been gone for ages. I'm glad you popped in to say hi, and I hope everything going on over there *vastly* improves way before next summer!
SingForTheDayX - Me too on the loop music.. and when it stops for a second, so does my heart!
Gabe :) It will..
Carolyn said...
Kristin -I agree that all of the HGs are bashing. My point is that we're not in the house, so there's no need for us to join them in that. ;)
Well said, Carolyn, & I am in full agreement. I posted this morning what I feel will drive the HG to act this way & I was hoping by what I posted some of it would be taken as food for thought.
Hello BBDisher Buddies!!!
Welcome Gabe...
Im Sunny and I live about 500,000 blocks from the BB house. lol
Geeezz Regan must be in his monthly cycle. His attitude sure has changed. Britney sure has reverted back into her old ways. She can do it but Rachel and Brendon cant??
As far as using the word "like" Britney is the queen of using it. I noticed even Lane and Enzo were running a close 2nd and 3rd to her.
Maybe Im wrong here, but didnt the HGs see how all the other nominated HGs acted when they were on the block. Rachel didnt invent being a disappointed nominee, sheesh... They all cried and acted out. Even Kristen had a pity party held for her.
I think what gets me most is the double standard they all seem to have. I can do it but you cant. blah...
Now waiting impatiently for J & J to arrive!!!
Hi Wendy I sure miss your late night banter. I hope all is well.
Her key was not in the lock
Once again she is put on the block
Angry her house mates would be
If she won POV
And next week she puts them on slop
She is from the city of sin.
The POV I sure hope she wins.
Lane will go in his place
Thinking he's safe
But out he will be with Mrs. Chen
MIchelle :) There's another option on the post. :0)
Sandra :) Lemme see if I have mine stored in my ebay faves...
Thanks, MsFitz :) I saw, and I thank you. It's a yearly battle...
Hi Sunny! :) Well said!
Stephen - Yayyyy!!!! :)
Thanks Caro! Some of my finest limericks right there if I do say so myself!
Hello Carolyn and fellow dishers!
I have a feeling that our feeds and even Showtime will be blocked tonight b/c of Jeff staying in the house.
I hope if they are blocked that they at least come back on long enough so we know who won the POV. I am hoping for anyone except R&B.
Here we go again, knew it wouldn’t be long
We have Rachel and Brendon up on the block
Fighting for their lives, trying to stay strong.
We wait for their fate, while we watch the clock.
Who I want to win, I have made clear
This powerhouse has won the most
And the house would be boring without them to fear.
Rachel and Brendon for the win, then we will all toast.
Nothing I would give to my least favorite houseguest would be PG enough for BBDish! LOL
Hi Toni! :) I hope you're on the mend! Don't be so pessimistic! Gotta have hope! :)
Stephen! :) Twas wonderful!
Therese! Yayyy!!! Great job!!
Sing - LOL!
Great limerick - I am really digging the 2nd verse.
Carolyn - Thank you! That was fun :-)
Matt told a lie
Matt wears pajamas
Matt must win POV or
Matt will see his demise
Dang it!!! Almost back then zap...gone!!
Rachel Reilly oh so willful
now you must be careful
on the block you go
others want you out you know
nows not the time to be mournful
Take heed and win the POV
for certain you will be
safe for all to fear
and once again hear
no one wants to be near
Rachel’s a girl who ain’t tame,
In fact she’s a Vegas style dame,
Wreaking havoc as Brenchel
She made the players lives hell
But at least she was playing the game!
Lol, Carolyn! It's just a gut feeling I have. I hope I am wrong. I need some QT with Jeff! :)
I am on the mend, thank you. I hope I never have to experience that kind of pain ever again. Whew!
OMGoodness... Stephen Ritchie Your limerick is amazing...
Gabe... you wouldnt happen to be responsible for that piece of paper flying into the back yard a few days ago???
Carolyn... Glad your feeling better.
There once was a Houseguest named Brandon
With Rachel he figured on landin'
He is quick with the kiss
But the POV he will miss
'Cause his feet are too big to be standin'
Trivia to bubbles?!
Oy, here we go!!!!!
Jeff's not staying. :(
OMG, Brit won again!!! That girl rocks!!!
Oh Ragan, I love you!
Brit won and Rachel and Brendon were out on the first leg of the POV. Ragan was talking about Jeff and Jordan! :D
I gotta feeling that tonight's going to be a good night!
These are too much fun Carolyn!
Although Rachel’s not the saboteur,
Ragan deflected attention to her.
Now livefeeders sit back and
Wait for Ragan to act
By giving the BB house a stir!
Britney won POV!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guess Jeff isn't spending the night! :(
Happy Saturday afternoon everyone,
I'm not much of a poet, so I won't be writing any limericks today. Furthermore after finding out that Britney won POV and the additional disappointment of not seeing Jeff and Jordan, I'm going to have to check out of the feeds for a while. I cannot listen to the constant berating of other houseguests. I realize this happens every season, but not constantly as it seems to be happening this year. This isn't a game, it's just people hanging out and being ugly to each other.
Also, it's just not interesting to watch 4 not very likeable people running the game and every one else just letting them. So, I have turned off my feeds and I'll check in with the updates to see how things are going, but I'm done for a while.
Haha Nope wasn't me. I've been tempted at times over the years, though!
They say she has no soul
Today PoV is her goal
Beware those who quit
On their butts they do sit
As Rachel rules all but the mole.
Good for Britney... even though I am not happy unless this will make something happen with the "Most Powerful HoH EVER". Tired of the 3 Stooges in the HoH and their smug faces while they are bashing R & B while also lying to each other.
Now Britney is adding her PoVs to get up there with Janelle and Daniele as the Veto Queens.
@ Gaytor
If you are here... BBAD started with Season 8 and Evel. Prior to that season we had blackouts from nominations through competition on many occasion. At the time they did that so we HAD to watch the Actual Shows. We were allowed to see all with Kaysar coming back in Season 6 to fight for HoH for 14 hours before giving it up to Jennifer who used the emotional card and her lie eventually got the most loved HG sent packing again. Kaysar had a 82% approval. People loved him like no other. He sure was nice and hot. :-)
So most likely Rachel or Brendon is going home, although I wish the info on the Brogade would come out, and then Brittney would see her only chance is to team up with Brendon and Rachel.
wow the feeds are going nuts right now.
Way to go Kathy!!! Stand up to her & her self righteous, poor me attitude!!!
this whole argument just bothered me so much. kudos to kathy for beating rachel, but she should of called rachel out for being nasty and "not have integrity" in reference to last week with kristen.
Hi everyone!
So glad the feeds came back to the fighting! Holy crap!
Rachel asked Brendon to not say anything, not call a house meeting and be nice, so why isn't she doing the same....eek.
Rachel is sure taking offense to something.....
Did Rachel seriously just demand an apology from Kathy b/c Kathy cheered when she won against Rachel? Rachel only went up against Kathy b/c she thought she could beat her.
Oy! This is going to be a fun week. :/
I would love to continue with the lyrics, but I am so upset R/B didn't win that I don't think any of them would satisfy Carolyn's golden rule! LOL
Welp with Britney getting POV... the boredom will just get worse. Im hopeful but doubting there will be any big changes unless there is a smack down that doesnt include Rachel or Brandon...
Maybe the Brogade will implode before the POV ceremony or eviction.
*crosses fingers* that Rachel and Brendon can keep their cool. Yea I know unlikely. Britney will be a master button pusher this week.
Ahhh!! Totally calld this yesterday, as I'm sure many ppl did. Brit is pretty dominate when she wants to be! Knew she would win! Yay, Rachel is going to be going to Jury and I actually like that she is okay with it. Which is sorta weird for me...
I will bid you all goodnight. I need to lurk for awhile!
Well, there you go. Brit could make a huge power move and save one of them, but she won't. And, unless she wins stuff, her clock is ticking. IMO
Gotta walk the puppy. Good to meet you guys. I'll be back on a little later.
This season has broke my heart. I'm not sure I can do it anymore, my friends.
Confirmed... Jeff and Jordan hosted the PoV. In no way would Jeff be able to stay in the house. Have never and will never happen. That takes away the whole idea about the game and isolating people from the outside.
I don't believe that Kathy was being any more nasty than Rachel was. And I do not think she was doing it for the benefit of the house. Kathy & she have not been as close as they were when Rachel was HOH but that is both of them not just one. Kathy did give Rachel support last night & gave her a good pep talk. I do not think & I wasn't there but if Kathy cheered for everyone & was happy that she won then I say good for her & she doesn't owe anyone an apology!!
Wow, Brit is certainly making a name for herself isn't she?
Good for Kathy winning against Rachel -I would have been excited too!
Apology?? Come on
Granted I don't watch the feeds much this season... but as someone who suffers from the disorder, I wish Ragan wouldn't throw around the word Bi-Polar... it doesn't mean mere ups and downs... it is an awful thing that really stops you from functioning. Being in the Big Brother house is going to create ups and downs inherently, but if Rachel is bi-polar, they are giving her her meds and she isn't acting bi-polar in the house. I have not once seen her exhibit manic behavior... Ragan should stick with teaching communications and stay far far away from the world of medicine.
One more comment before I go...maybe Ragan is being the Sab...I don't know...but he is being a real jerk by saying Rach is sick. Come on dude, she's just an emotional girl. Ragan is really starting to bug me. She's playing the game (poorly at times LOL) but that's more than half the house can say right now. I know I keep saying this, but if only R and B would have taken out some of those other guys...oh what a different game we would have!
I'm glad Rachel called Kathy out... she goes to the power and kisses major butt.... as Britney would say, "Kathy... why are you talking like that? You're a leech, not a homo sapien."
Rachel is not bi-polar, and I am the first one to throw out a diagnosis.
Ragan-- High Road doesn't = calling someone bipolar are treating them with pity...
I am so upset that Rachel or Brendon did not win. Anything that comes out of Kathy's mouth seems disingenuous to me. From Rachel to Kristen to back to talking to Rachel and now she feels safe exploding on Rachel.
I really hope there is some kind of special power.
Hey everybody!!! So glad my girl Britney won POV, she is growing on me every day.
Really disappointed in Brenchel and the non stop (although sort of understandable) poor sportsmanship. Rachel has forgotten when Kristen was on the block Rachel smirked at her.
Also hasn't Rachel been on her period now for the entire season? I mean I'm just saying.
Rachel you can not demand Kathy apologize just because you don't like what she did, it is not an action that requires an apology. And maybe if you hadn't lit into Kathy and told her she wasn't classy, etc. then she might have apologized.
Jordan and Jeff hosted the comp. I can't find where anyone has mentioned that, but the houseguests were talking about it. Jordan and Jeff told them they haven't been watching this season, but Jordan knew that there are only a handful of HGs winning everything, so Brit said she doesn't believe they're not watching. They didn't seem all that thrilled about them being there.
Oh, Rachel, but yelling when she won HOH...floaters get your life vests... Kristen...isn't rubbing it into someone's face?
This debate is ridiculous.
Well, Jeff isn't staying & I can't listen to this anymore so I'm taking a break...
Hayden is really a good guy!
Kathy walks around selling her morals and integrity while she kisses up to each HoH. She did this with Rachel who did think she was a friend and shared her goodies with her. Having a 'friend' for whom you have voted to stay gleefully put an impending eviction in your face is like a betrayal.
Kathy as no class and this is why feelings are hurt. She cries and uses her sobstory about having to be there for Rachel and does not get sent packing but voted on and in return she acts like a jerk when all she could have said is "I apologize if my excitement of having won against such a strong competitor hurt your feelings. I could not help it but being true to who I am I see I hurt you." That is what a classy person would have done to an Underdog rather than kick them when they are down.
All I can say is wow...how sad is this
Hi Carolyn, I hope you feel better
Matt laughing quietly in the background is funny.
Gabe: Coudn't have said it better myself.... I have never (that I remember) let anything any HG has said affect me on a personal level... I am steaming mad and shaking over here... the nerve of that kid... I hope Brendon doesn't give them the satisfication of voting any of them out and gives Ragan a nice little "love tap" on the side of the head to get himself evicted.
Rachel's problem is that she can't see anything from anyone else's point of view.
It's not that Kathy would cheer against Rachel - I bet she was just delighted that she had finally done something well in a comp!
ok.. i'm bummed cbs lied to us about jeff..
i'm bummed the rachel/brendon situation seems hopeless...
i'm bummed this once happy household has disintegrated into such a hateful place...
There is a difference acting out of excitement when you save your ass in the game versus when you win something just to tear somebody down. Rachel has been targeted since week one and she has had to fight so every time she has saved herself there has been genuine excuberance.
A big difference.
MsFitz: I think what Rachel meant when she said apologize was apologize for being so fake to her when she was HOH and then turning her back on her now... if Kathy had been up front about not being on Rachel's side, Rachel wouldn't have had a problem. I don't think it was Kathy celebrating so much, it was how fake she has been to Rachel the past few weeks...
If Hayden had won last week and Kristen jumped up and down, Rachel wouldn't have cared. But just Kathy's fakeness is what upset her. But it is a game, and people have to be fake sometimes to win.
Anyways, just my take on why Rachel is mad... not her actions during veto but her fake niceness towards her since week 2
oops - forgot to say HI ALL!
Hi everyone!!!! oh, i am so thrilled that Britney won!! The sore losers make me giggle!! :)
Carolyn: CBS officially released that Jeff would be in there for more than the comp? That is awful! I guess we have to add CBS to the list of people who's rumors we can't publish! LOL
As a mom of Bi-polar twins... I hear ya Stephen Ritchie...
Regan should stick to what he knows. He was one of my favorites last week, with his comments on Bi-polar aside, he has become very nasty and his compassion for others has been lost.
I think Hayden will be my fav this week. His mother's interview was a kick to hear. I think he and Lane should stick together and boot the the rest of the brogade and Britney to the curb.
So sad that RAchel or Brendon didn't win . . . don't get me wrong they do rub me the wrong way, I just like turmoil in the house . . . not that there isn't turmoil . . .
Where is Jeff? I was so hoping to see our 'gardener' . . . I'm just saying, he was the best eye candy . . . Hayden is close, but he is no Jeff . . .
Rachel deserves every bad thing said about her in relation to how she plays the game.
What a hypocrite she is. She is the very biggest cheerer when the game unfolds how she wants it to and now she expects cold-stone faces when she doesnt with. And her ridiculous mocking and grinning faces when Kris/Hay lost for example, is NO better than Kathy being excited for winning. So glad Rachel is out this week.
Kevin - I totally agree with you.
Gabe, what kind of puppy do you have? We are all animal lovers here - I think most of us have at least one..
I'm not gonna discount the fact that Jeff won't spend the night in the house. He still could show up later today. Heck, it's only 3:50 in the house.
Haha I'm still here...can't get away from this. I really hope Hayden is being genuine...because I'm starting to really like him.
You guys are all right, though, about Rach and her reactions when she was winning. But, someone in that house has to step up and show some class. This bashing is really hard to watch. It's never fun to watch a group gang up on one or two people.
Another thought...I think if Enzo would win something I could get behind him. But, doesn't look like that will happen.
I am bummed about all of those things as well.
The only way I see a good outcome this week is if Ragan acts as the sab and convinces Britney that she has to use to POV to backdoor someone and make up a story about someone in the house...
Maybe Ragan has been so mean to Rachel since the saboteur gig because he wants it to seem like he has NO REASON to save Rachel and reccommend going after other people because he hates her.... he might approach it from the "this is the best thing to do for the game" angle... if that is true, it just sucks he has to be so nasty about it...
I am bummed too.
After having started out loving these people and this House... I now can't. Very little compassion and lots of spew.
Players like Kathy and Ragan who does little but brown nose are all so high and mighty. Ragan did not win by his own account in the Sab.2 Anyway, as I see a real player being ousted before hateful floaters once again who never take a stand that may be risky (like putting people on the block)... I am done for now.
If anything exciting happens with the twist... I won't want to watch another season like the last. Sure, I liked Jordan as a person but a good player she was not.
These people SUCK and the majority think they are so smart and knows who is this and that. Clueless.
Kettle... meet pot!
I am watching Season 3 right now and it is so weird that the veto winner couldn't use it to take themselves off the block... Amy just won it and she was on the block and I am like YESSS she won... oh wait... she can't use it on herself! LOL
Hugs, Tage :)
*smiles and hugs* to Sunny! :-)
HighHorse - three Cheers for you!!!
I probably shouldn't say puppy anymore, since Roxy is almost 3! lol But, she is a sweet little Puggle. We are always cruising the streets of Studio City together.
I also volunteer with a rescue group here in LA. So, sometimes we'll have a temporary visitor staying at the house. Roxy, is never a big fan of sharing me. :)
Good afternoon everyone!
I can barely watch the feeds right now. I have no real favorite, but I can't stand all the personal bashing of B/R. Can they PLEASE just play the game? I hate to defend Rachel because I have seen her act up for sure. But she has figured out that no one except for Brendan really likes her as a person....and that is a tough place for anyone to be in.
One thing I have figured out in life is that there are always two sides to every story...and people will always find a way to defend the side they are on and make the other side seem wrong. I just hate when it gets so personal. There's no way for Rachel to win...nothing she can do will be right in their eyes--IMO.
I do recall Julie saying on the show something like (paraphrasing) "Jeff will spend the night in the house..."
I am still hoping that he will come back and mess with them tonight. Heck - he has to find SOME place to sleep tonight before he heads to Asia.
Tage & Stephen - To me there is no difference in cheering for a win or cheering because you save yourself. What about the time Rachel smirked when the POV was not used or made a remark & singled out someone after winning the HOH. Every single person in this house is guilty of some sort of bad social behavior. IMO, Rachel was being hypocritical in her argument with Kathy. she did not have to apologize for cheering that she beat Rachel. It's a game & she was excited.
As I said in my statement I was not out there so I cannot say for sure what happened & what Kathy actually did & I don't think any of us saw her but if Kathy was excited about beating someone than more power to her. She has faulted in every single challenge & she had every right to be excited to finally beat someone & not be the 1st one out & she also knew that Rachel picked her (which Rachel admitted) because she thought she would beat her so that only made her more excited.
Stephen - I also said that Kathy & Rachel worked both ways. They both turned their backs on each other & have not been as close. Kathy has also outright said to others she used her that week. Rachel fell for it. They are not at summer camp they are there to win 1/2 million dollars. Why not? It's part of the game. As brutal as it is, it is part of the game. Lie, cheat, back stab, part of the game.
Jane - Big hugs to you too!
Tage: I agree. Normally with every cast I am like "ohhhh... I don't think I am gonna like this season..." But then about 2-3 weeks in, I start loving it and I just realize I had bias the first week because I had all summer to fall in love with the last cast.
This season I didn't like anyone but Rachel and Ragan and sort of Britney.... but this cast just hasn't grown on me and we are already to the jury! Also, normally when casts seem lame to me, I at least can imagine a situation where the house gets flipped and things start to get interesting. I only see this season as playing out status quo...
I hope AGP has little production assistants surfing the blogs to see how people are taking to the new season and they take it into high consideration for next weeks casting.
The more I think about it, I'd bet that Jeff will show up in the house later in the day.
Jeff entering the house with the others right after the POV contest would probably "dummy down" everyone's reaction. CBS wouldn't want that.
Rachel: How rude was it of Kathy to jump up and scream Yay when she beat me? She spent a week up in HoH, and now look at her.
Pot - Kettle!
Sorry but apparently Rachel has no recollection of her actions when she or Brendon won. The ONLY reason she apologized to Kristen was because Brendon begged her to for him. Kathy would have cheered no matter who she beat...she should be happy about it, she didn't whoose (sp) out.
Usually I'm all for the underdog, but not this time, I've had enough.
Delusional hypocrite thy name is Rachel!
Goooo Brit & Hayden! Hayden because he truly seems to be the most sincere, compassionate and caring while still fighting to win and keeping his alliance. Brit because she is (although nasty at times) very amusing and mostly right on the money!
'I love you, you love me, we're a happy family...' ha!
I have to say I'm not sure that Rachel is upset with Kathy for being fake these last few weeks and then celebrating her success in the PoV comp today ...
It has been a season of fake ... fake friendships, fake alliances and fake apologies ... that's nothing new. But we've also seen a lot of "unsportsman-like" conduct discussed with vigor (Andrew's excitement when Rachel won HoH was notably mentioned several times, for example) by those who are not excited about the win ... Every nuance of someone's reaction in the challenges has been put under scrutiny. Not surprising that Rachel did not appreciate Kathy's celebration when Rachel has so much at stake. But I do think it was Kathy's celebration and not the fake-ness of her previous friendship with Rachel that is at issue.
Bottom line, it's really hard to watch someone celebrate a win when it means such a devastating loss for you ... Rachel's just hit bottom with the realization that either she or "her man" will be leaving this week. And feeling her hard work has all come to nothing ... A very human reaction under the circumstances ... imo
ok so this sucks rach will go home best player of the season deserves the 25grand
ok heres the groups
mean girls Brit,kathy an Ragen
an brendon
for now Im hoping bren wins hoh
pus bragade up
but f4 now id say is enzo hay, brit bren(wish it was rach)
Oh Gabe, that is wonderful! I do the same here with our local Animal Care and Control, and my Lab loves the company!
I love the name Roxy!
I really wish Rachel or Brendon would have won veto :(
This is my least favorite cast! Everyone is so catty and hateful, I don't even like watching the feeds anymore!
Enzo: You are delusional... Ragan should consult his DSM 4 and do some more diagnosis on the house and pin Enzo as schizophrenic. Jordan loving the brigade? That is what they call a "delusion of gradjeur" in psychological world...
I can't wait for the boys to get out of the house and watch the episodes and see how lame their alliance is... they don't do anything.
Hayden- 1 HOH and it wasn't anything good..... it was happenstance that he was the last one on the hot dog.
Matt- 2 HOH, both thrown to him by the 2nd weakest player in the house...
Now lets compare to:
Rachel: 2 legitimately earned HOHs
Brendon: 2 HOHs, both when his butt was on the line.
Britney: 3 POVs
Okay, I am adding another noise I cannot stand . . . Kathy's laughing . . . really, as bad as RAchel's . . . probably because she is just floating along . . . in my opinion. I know you all have different opinions on what a floater is, I just think she is one. Floats to where ever the power is . . . that's what it means to me . . .
Oh my . . . the cackling, really, I have to mute now . . .
Yes!!! I am so pleased..And I totally believe Jeff and Jordan hates them #1 they talked about they were better than Jeff and Jordan so I knew they wouldn't be fond of them..#2 Jeff is like the second coming (in some peoples eyes) and they are as pure as the driven snow..I am not surprised at all they didn't like them..A Vegas waitress and a guy like Brendon..no way let's face it...Jeff was a man's kind of man..He never let Jordan run him so he has little or no respect for someone that said they would give her the POV if he won..Come on..I know alot of people are upset but some feel the same way I do..Excited!
Kevin, Highhorse - I 100% agree w/ both of you!
haha. Thanks Kevin. Too bad I had a typo (with= win). I was typing so furiously due to Rachel's delusional hypocrisy. What fallacious arguments she uses! And the problem is, the hypocrisy prompts the house guests to speak badly of Rachel. (It is often said that hypocrisy is one of the most frustrating situations, so no wonder it perpetuates the house guests into a proverbial tailspin when referencing Bren and Rach.)
MsFitz: I guess we agree to disagree. Regarding the smirk, the difference is that Rachel didn't pretend to like Kristen... Kathy did pretend to like Rachel when she was in power........ one is being two-faced and one is being straight up. At least how I see it.
wow what a day
well here is what i learned:
andrew really took out more than kristen with his speech. it took out rachel and ultimatley brendon. and becasue kristen and hayden refused to admit what andrew was saying was true. ragen is going to feel like such a fool in two weeks when he realizes the brogade was real, rachel was not lying nor was andrew.
kathy is such a non existant player i can not think of someone in the past who played such a poor game with such bravado.
poor britney, she sholud take the %5K
she will be remiss in three weeks for not taking it.
love ya
I wonder when the brigade will show their alliance . . . I wonder if Ragan really believes the words that are coming out of his mouth. I have lost lots of respect for his game play . . . Matt started as a snake and still is, he hasn't changed no matter who was in charge . . . I am not team Matt, but I'm just saying . . .
As much as the catty behavior of this group has been bad, I think there were worse seasons with more personal attacks. The ones that stand out for me are Evil Dick, Josh going after Amanda with hang yourself, Chima calling Russell a terrorist, etc.
This group's behavior is more just plain high school type catty and mean and other than Ragan and his uninformed comments about Rachel being bipolar, the comments have just been snarky verus what I would call cutting.
That being said, and as much as I hate the lack of competitive play that we have seen in the past, I am now thinking this cast was designed by BB to act the way they have been acting. Their game play is different and other than Brenchel, everyone else is playing a non physical game.
Somehow I think this is part of the plan and the design of how this season is supposed to go. Although I much more prefer the real good hard core competitive style of play I am accepting that this is a different season.
Just my thoughts.
MsFitz: I just noticed the 3rd paragraph of your comment so sorry I didn't respond in the same comment. I did admit that it is a game, and the backstabbing is part of the game and certainly allowed... I was just attempting to distinguish it to explain why Rachel was mad.
Agree to disagree. A big difference when your life is on the line. Always more of an excuse. And smirking is not cheering. But then again, Rachel can't even breath quiet enough for all those who have done nothing but bash her all season, in house or not. And Brendan can't be called more pussy, whimpy and whatever else he has been called for being a sensitive man.
I am disgusted by the hate all around. I have said from the beginning all have their own faults, but when they and we react only to the mistakes 'of the other guys'... I have had it.
Now D-U-N-N. Can't take the BS anymore. Out to kiss some furry friends and enjoy the summer.
One more thing...I am completely appalled at Ragan calling Rachel bipolar. In the house, she has gone from the highest of highs (HOH twice) to the lowest of lows (on the block, losing POV). If Ragan had won anything at all, or been on the block, he would understand. Just sayin.
I have mad respect for Kathy right now. She stood up to Rachel and didn't take any BS. It was Rachel who attacked Kathy. I saw the whole thing and followed it.
Rachel went up to Kathy all nice and sweet and asked to talk to her. They went into the cabana room and Rachel shut the door and starting attacking Kathy. Kathy reacting the way she did was because Rachel attacked her. She stood up for herself. Anyone that does that, is awesome in my book!
LOL- I just had a hilarious vision of a line-up of house guests waiting to get into Rachel's room, all demanding apologies for each time she was excited against them, or acted in a way that was not in accordance to being 'a friend'. That would be one long waiting line
Sorry for the comment slow down.. I was transcribing..
Jennifer, just call em and tell them what you told me.
2 things
(1) Enzo is still delusional
(2) I hope the new nerd herd realizes that the love they have for Jeff and Jordan is not going to be how this summer's viewers react to them in public...
Carolyn: Never apologize for slow comment moderation... and by slow i mean "slow" because you still do it amazingly fast... even when transcribing at the same time!
Maybe they'll sneak Jeff in after everyone's gone to sleep to find a bed to crash in, and they won't discover him until morning?
Stephen - I am soooo with you.
I'm having a tough time really getting into BB this season. I'm here more because I'd miss all of you! :)
I liked Ragan, I really hope his bitchiness is because of his new role. I'm still enjoying Lane and Hayden.
It's the non-stop negativity in the house I think. I have enough stuff going on that I can't have that stuff affect home.
I hope they get fed some happy pills soon. It's so much more fun to watch fun!
Doesn't Matt see the golden opportunity in front of him? Get Britney to use the veto and get the brigade to backdoor someone else... then B/R are REALLLLLY indebted to him and the rest of the house is gunning after them more than ever. Safe from everyone and preserving jury votes....... how could he not?
Well now with the saboteur back, it may look suspicious...
Ms Fitz, Kevin and I are forming a virtual alliance! ;)
That's it for me!
I hope things can turn around & y'all have fun!!!
Thank you, Carolyn!!!
I don't see why anyone isn't fascinated by how well "The Brigade" is playing the entire house and has a very good chance at being the first 4 person alliance to stay intact to the final 4! That is a brilliant achievement and the way that this game has been played has been subtle and very BB. If you're a true BB fan you should be loving it. I guess because its an all male alliance, thats why they're not popular. Oh well...
Julie B! That's what I said the other day!!!! If it wern't for the PEOPLE at the dish, I would have been an at home viewer only early into the season....... this season is really bad. I am watching old seasons and they are soooo good.... AGP needs to figure it out!
HighHorse, Ms Fitz, Kevin Alliance? I'm IN!!!
What't our name? LOL!
Stephen Ritchie, you are so cute I hate to disagree with you - but I disagree with just about everything you are saying here. That said, you are very entitled to your opinions. I just do not see how anyone can continue to defend Rachel's behavior.
What still leaves me baffled, is when the Brigade (all smart and all) going over who America would vote for, hello! He is standing right there! Ragan!!!
Ohhhh and another note.... the Brigade (maybe Matt as an exception) will NEVER be in an All-Star cast.
Think back to Season 6... Janelle, Howie, James and Kaysar were picked.... the nerd herd that controlled the house (or "the friendship" as they called themselves... sounds more like a cult if you ask me...) wern't even in the mix.... Even the nerd herd in that season was entertaining and helped make the cast worth watching... this season's nerd herd doesn't have the same effect for me (except for Britney, she is funny but only the way she gets edited and not how she really is in the house.)
Although I admire Rachel for her hard play, I think the meaness she has shown in her goodbye DR sessions is telling. No one likes to be on the bottom in any situation, no one likes to lose. Bottom line is Rachel is acting very much the poor loser and refusing to take ownership for having any role in how the house feels about her. Remember when she dogged Andrew for putting his baby food in the frig? Rachel only sees things from her point of view and in her world, she is right and everybody else is wrong.
Gnite, MsFitz :)
HighHorse said...
Ms Fitz, Kevin and I are forming a virtual alliance! ;)
I want in...pleassssseeee!!! lol
Tage, Stephanie and I are the other alliance! We are gonna dominate this house! Just call us the Little Julie Chens! LOL
I can't resist...
No one wants to be in an alliance with me??? :::pout!:::
Where are all the comments from people that are happy 1 of them are leaving?
All I see is people that are "bummed" this is the only site that defends these people.
I know this is your site Carolyn but it's not fair!
We know you love Rach and Bren but come on people have been coming on here for years and every year it's the same thing.
People your rooting for.
I know you won't post this, it's not for you to post!
Wrrrrrrr: I completely disagree. A true BB fan loves alliances flipping on each other and making side deals.... if the Brigade was out in the open and fighting and had targets, I would have mad respect. But hiding behind Britney winning their vetos and just being fake people... no respect there. I am probably one of the biggest BB fans out there and I think its the best when someone is very up front about their intentions and give it their all and either win or go down in a blaze of glory!
Brenchel on the block, the magnificent Britney won PoV AGAIN (seriously, they need to stop underestimating this girl), Jeff & Jordan visiting (what a breath of fresh air! Good people on the show for the first time this season).
I am ELATED. Just, so, so happy.
And if they take Matt down with them, then all the better IMO... I used to be Team Matt (he's my type, despite his stature) but he's a total jerk for the most part, and I won't miss him.
Ragan has won my heart over again, honestly. But it's probably my hatred for Rachel clouding my judgment, lol.
Kevin: It isn't so much defending her actions as understanding them. Does she act childish sometimes? Yes. Is she annoying sometimes? Yes. Do I want to tell her to tone it down a bit sometimes? YES! LOL! But I do understand why she is doing what she is doing and I don't fault her for it. Just like I understand why Kathy is playing the whole house and don't fault her for it. Just like I don't like how Lane and Enzo are playing the game, but I don't fault them for it. I think it is boring how they play the game, but its their game to play and they should do it!
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Stephen, that's actually a really good thought. It won't happen, though. These HG's think they are thinking longterm and strategically, but their actions are all based on their personal dislike for each other. I am a big B and R fan, but they are as guilty as anyone. Rach taking out Kristn?? She will be kicking herself for a long time for that one once she gets out and watches back. The Brigade has made the season boring to watch, but they could easily take this thing to final 4.
Carly, if you take the trouble to read, rather than accusing me, you'll see there are posts from both sides.
Carolyn: You are so neutral with your coverage that we don't know where your head is in the game. That makes you dangerous! We could never align with you!
It seems like you are playing both sides of the house... dare I call you a floater?!! Better get your life jacket! haha!
Just kidding.... Carolyn you are always welcome to come with Stephanie and Tage and I in the Little Julie Chen alliance!
Carly: I think its the opposite... I always feel like I am the only one left supporting Rachel!
I think people are bummed because it is more entertaining with B/R around.... not because they like them! LOL
I think we really can't throw any stones at these HG's especially on their actions . . . I know that I would go stark raving crazy being locked in a house, not even a real house, fake grass, mirrors all over the place . . . BB telling you what to do and when to do it . . . please, I love my freedom!
Hey Stephen, can you please think of a better name for our alliance? Nothing against Julie Chen, but maybe the Chenbots, that has a better ring to it . . .
Lovely Carolyn, you are always a treasured part of my alliance! I will never turn my back on you! Never! Every other alliance will only be a side alliance, sorry Stephen . . .
gotta add one more thing...
Sparklin said...
HighHorse said...
Ms Fitz, Kevin and I are forming a virtual alliance! ;)
I want in...pleassssseeee!!! lol
You're In!
Carolyn - You're the HOH every week!!!
Holmes: I have read as well and it is pretty BAD but... I am guessing that she doesn't treat an HOH blog as seriously as an academic paper. When I am on here, on facebook, etc. my spelling and punctuation, etc is AWFUL! Blogging online and writing a dissertation are quite different things. I am sure when she presents her thesis she will have her commas, periods and apostrophes correctly ordered.
I don`t think that I can listen to them being so nasty all night long.
I wonder if they realize how it puts them all in a bad light.
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