Big Brother 14 House Pictures Leaked!

Someone got an itchy publish finger and leaked the Big Brother 14 House Pics from last week's media day!
They weren't supposed to be released til July 2nd, to coincide with the reveal of the Big Brother 14 HGs and the 4 BIG surprises, but here it is June 30th..
and we've got House pics!

The people in the pictures you are seeing are NOT the Big Brother 14 houseguests. They are journalists (and BB12/13 Rachel & Brendon) that were in the house for media day, a yearly event BB does for extra publicity.
Without further ado, here's the link to ALL the pics: Click Me!
The more I look, the more I *love* all the wall textures.. I'll post all the pics here on BBDish come Monday when the lush, high quality images are released by CBS.
Interesting to note - All the pictures I've seen are stamped wlbb. WLBB gets a yearly pre-season interview with Big Brother Executive Producer Allison Grodner. If this interview happens again for Big Brother 14, can we surmise that this leak was actually granted from the highest level? Hmm.. Something to think about.
With only 12 more days til the premiere of Big Brother 14, that means there are only 11 more days to take advantage of the 29.99 Early Bird Special on the Live Feeds. 9.99/month gets you full access and oodles of other goodies, like $10/month of free music, live shows, interviews, commentary, chat rooms full of other BB fans, and this year... with your subscription comes free access to the feeds via your iphone, ipad or android device!
I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the special offer sooner than later. You want to make sure everything works just right on your system, and you want to allow yourself time to address it with tech support if that's not the case.
As always, thank you for using the links here on BBDish to get your feeds! Your live feed signups are what allow independent BB sites to keep on doing what we do. :)
Have a splendid weekend!
Looks like there's 14 spots on the wall for house guests with 13 key slots and 14 spots at the table. I suppose they could change all of that and just use those numbers for media day but I think the premiere may have a competition to send a few home on night 1 or on premiere night.
Carolyn, you rock! Thanks for the link to the BB house! I love the textured walls too. Can hardly wait!
Im confused, why is that I saw pics of the hoh comp, one of the houseguest already has a HOH key, nomination ceremony, and saw a girl walk out with her bag. Is a leak of the British Big Brother and not USA? Isn't it a bit early to be doing all the houseguest stuff early or not? This is totally spoiling ahead. If it is usa We already know what happens. ALl Im saying is its just a bit early but I do know what to expect NOW. IT looks like they change the rooms to the atari game scenery. We shall see.
yes i noticed that as well, so maybe the 18 house guests thing is wrong or the 4 mentors thing is right...who knos??/
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!
Happy Saturday, everyone!
I'm getting so stoked!!!
Thanks AGAIN, Carolyn for your BBDish. Going to get my feeds from you AGAIN this year!!!
I did place a little "ka-ching!" in the jar for you, Lovely Caro, for the party has already started! I love TheDish, I'm a proud member since the ever unforgettable BB8!
Thanks for the update! :)
Hi Carolyn,
Hi fellow BBDISH lovers...
This just makes things more exciting...I like certain things in house and it looks like a new kitchen..
I just want to know why the pic of Rachel??????
Have a great weekend everyone..:):)
Thanks Carolyn! AG probably wants to feed us a taste to get our BB14 juices flowing! It is working. Do the House Guests know that they have been selected yet?
The people in the pictures you are seeing are NOT the Big Brother 14 houseguests. They are journalists (and BB12/13 Rachel & Brendon) that were in the house for media day, a yearly event BB does for extra publicity.
Hi Everyone! :)
Sorry to dash in and out like this, but today it nutso!!
Thank you for being here!!!!
itsagame, those ppl you see in the house in the leaked pics were not contestants,they were jounalists,no one has seen the hg's yet!
I was wondering when the actual HGs are notified that they will be on the show.
NikkiP44, I think the houseguests are in sequester - that may have just happened yesterday or the day before that they were picked up and whisked away! :) We'll get their names on Monday (tomorrow)! HOORAY! SO EXCITED! (yes I yelled!)
Hi to all my summer family members, thanks Carolyn your website. It's by far the best BB one out there.
Any more news on a Canadian Big Brother in the fall?
I would love a Survivor crossover but how about a Real Housewive joining the cast?? That would be awesome!
Long distance hugs from Canada
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