Big Brother 15: The Final Countdown
Happy Monday, BB Lovers!! 2 more days til BB15!! ♫ It's the fi-nal countdown!!!
We've met our HGs and gotten to know them a tiny bit, we've seen the house, we've learned that we will be more involved than ever this year, voting weekly for a BB15 MVP, and that there will be 3 nominations, instead of the traditional 2. We've been catching up with old friends in the great new chatrooms, and we've even begun stalking the live feeds for leaks.. ;-)
All that remains is to watch the Big Brother 15 Premiere Wednesday night at 8pm Eastern.. and then... after the folks on the west coast see it.. Magic.. The live feeds will cut on. There will be mayhem... and our summer will truly begin!
If you haven't signed up for the feeds yet, and you'd like to get in on the 23.99 deal, there's no time like the present! The deal ENDS tomorrow, Tuesday, June 25th.
Take 5 minutes right now, and get the deal before it goes poof! FYI - There is No Promo Code.
If you're not already, please follow us on twitter: @BigBrotherDish and join us on facebook: You can friend me, DishChickCarolyn, join the BBDish Group, or simply "Like Big Brother Dish." Either way, we'll alert you when something juicy goes down on the feeds. :-)
If you're looking for the #BBDishLucky15 tweet of the day, look no further! Some lucky disher who 1) signs up for the live feeds via the links here on BBDish and then 2) Retweets this tweet, is going to become the 14th winner! What do they win? A reimbursement from BBDish for the cost of their feeds!
Easy peasy!
We're almost there! Happy 2 days til BB15!!! :-)
Happy Monday afternoon to you Caro. I'm so excited for Wednesday night to arrive. Also so very glad that I did again this year get my live feeds through you.
Due to my cable company serving central Florida as of this morning my tv has been hijacked by the Zimmerman trial. If only the feeds were already on I could be knitting while spying in on the house. At least I do have Netflix so am watching some of the Doc Martin series. Only problem is that it's on the smart tv in the bedroom. I feel guilty lying on my bed all day long.
Big Brother can't start soon enough for me.
Happy Monday, Lynne!! :) Thank you SO much! You could always switch channels and watch the HEAT parade!!
Got my feeds through here a few days ago, and re-tweeted...ready to go Carolyn!!! Hope you have your typing fingers all ready to
Thank you very much, David!! My typing fingers are primed and ready!! (insert Rocky theme music here)
I cant waiiiit!!!. Its supposed to be 115 to 118 degrees here in az starting this friday through all of next week. it will be tooooo hot for me to be driving, being out n about running errands in the extreme hot weather. I am stocking up on groceries now for 2 weeks, get gas for 2 weeks, do laundry thursday for next week, straightening up n clean apartment before this friday hits, so I can CAMP IN in front of the live feeds, all weekend n go to work next week
I can't believe it's almost here!
I'm so excited for the new season!
Game-Play, Drama, Life, Social Experiences in the single most unique environment on the planet! So Awesome!
Love this show. Love this game.
Love this website and social interchange here that Caro has created!!!! (Most especially!)
My Goddess! My Beautiful Sunshine Caroline (actually Carolyn but Caroline rhymes better with sunshine...hehehe)!
How I've missed everyone. And how much I look forward to reconnecting with my on-line family.
Bring it on, CBS and Chen-Bot!
We are ready to go!
Love to all.
got my "vintage" :) Dolphin Crash t shirt on and ready to rock an roll on BB15!!
Just got my feeds!!! Can't wait for the show to start!!
For the first time since season 2 (when I first started watching) I am unable to access the live feeds. Thank you CBS for not allowing Canadians to access them. I have tried the VPN to no avail. Thank god for BBDish and the overnight report to give me all the dish :)
Hi Carolyn, all
I ended up voting for Jessie for BBMVP. I didn't necessarily like her best but it sounds like she has a good strategy so that's what I'm basing it off of.
I'm ready to go. I just hope work doesn't want me to be there late on Wed. :( I'll be home well before the feeds go live but might miss some of the show. Plus no pre-party with you all.
Welcome Back Blue!! I was beginning to think you had gotten lost!!
Typo on your page under BB TV Schedule - Wednesday at 8 pm.
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