The Overnight Report
Good morning, BB Lovers! Happy Tuesday to you! Tuesdays are HoH blogging, tweeting and picture day in the Big Brother 16 house, and that tends to happen in the early afternoon.
Suspicions are beginning to swirl around Christine and Nicole, from inside and outside their alliances. Before we begin The Overnight Report, I'd like to call your attention to 2 conversations that happened in the earlier part of the evening.. At 9:30pm, Victoria told Derrick that she heard from Christine and Nicole that Derrick and others knew that Donny would be going up as the ReNom before it happened. Derrick took this information immediately to Cody, and surmised that Christine and Nicole are preparing to break away. Second, in a conversation between Donny and Jocasta (around 4:45pm), whom he told Cody he never talks game to, she stated that she did not trust Nicole and Christine, and he replied...
Donny: There's 4 people that haven't been on the block yet.
Jocasta: Christine, Frankie, Cody and Derrick.
Donny: Think about that.
OK.. Now, let's dive in to the live feeds and see what our lovely bunch of houseguests get into tonight!
Midnight BBT
Zach, Christine, Nicole
Cam 3
Topic: Amber
Zach: He knows the deal. Cody's not falling for anything,
Christine: It's just frustrating from a girl aspect. I don't blame Cody at all. I would be doing the same exact thing if I was in his boat, because..
Zach: Well, we're playing this game.
Christine: Exactly. But just from a girl's perspective..
Zach: Like today, we were hanging out on the hammock, and we said her name once, and she RUNS over there. She ran over there.
Christine: hahah
Nicole: but you know what's really funny? How mean she was to Caleb after the pickle deal today, and he still wants to go on a date with her?
Christine: Blows my mind.
Nicole: She goes, "I didn't think he'd do it."
Zach: He's pathetic. All he does he is go like this..
Christine: All the time. And then talk about yourself for 7 hours.
Nicole: He doesn't shut the f up about himself. Ooh, I'm so heated up right now.
Zach: That's the worst quality. When you're just talking about yourself? Like, no one gives a f*ck.
Christine: No one cares.
Cam 3
After comparing matching scars with Frankie, Caleb does a little spin, Bolero style, with attitude..
All he needs is a cape.. and a rose between his teeth.
Camera 1 - Amber and Christine are foraging in the kitchen.
Camera 3 - The jacuzzi crew has grown to include Hayden, Jocasta, Frankie
Jocasta: I like your outfit. Like I would wear that to the park with my kids. But then, I liked our night outifts.
Nicole: I loved those!
Jocasta: I was like, Yes! I'm wearing this for Halloween with Connor and Dylan. (sp?)
Nicole: When I was HoH, they took the outfit with the cape..
Frankie: The Hogwarts outfit?! They took it?!! Those were WB Issued Harry Potter costumes! That's so cool.
Nicole: Look at Derrick and all his friends.
**Derrick is off camera, alone on the couch.
Hayden: haha. What a loser.
Jocasta: hahahaahah
Derrick: I don't know what you said, Nicole, but it didn't sound like it was nice.
Nicole: I said look at Derrick and all his friends.
Derrick: Story of my life.
Nicole: was the kid who got food thrown at her at the lunch table.
ALL: No way.
Nicole: Seriously.. Never had anybody to sit with..
Frankie: Are you serious??
Hayden: That is so not true.
Jocasta: She is not tellin' the truth.
Nicole: My last year I sat with one person - my best friend.
Derrick: Yeah, it was her imaginary friend.
Jocasta: Nicole..
Frankie: I don't remember lunch in highschool.
Hayden: Lunch was the best time of the day for me..
Derrick: (off camera) No it wasn't. Recess. Boom!
Hayden: In high school? Recess in high school? What kind of high school did you go to, bro?
Derrick: I was in a special school. You guys didn't color in coloring books in high school??
Hayden: ♫Touch down, every morning.. I hope they play that every day. I wanna learn the routine.
Frankie: ☺4 Blow you pussycats, blow!
Camera 1 - Zach has relocated to the HoH Room, listening to music.
Camera 3 - Jacuzzi chatter continues..
Cam 1
Jocasta and Brittany
Brittany: You're not going to bed, are you?
Jocasta: I will be going to bed soon! It is 12:30. I'm so happy that you slept.
Brittany: Me too, but now I'm gonna be up.
Jocasta: Did you see they cleaned the kitchen?
Brit: I see.
Cam 3
Outside on the couch, chatter about Devin in the Cube PoV Comp..
Frankie: Can you imagine seeing it up close in HD? Him in the cube? He must've looked like a virile animal. Like a rabid creature.
Hayden: He looked like a caged animal.
Frankie: Literally.
Derrick: I looked at Christine and said, we're all challenging him..
Amber: Frankie was so into it. You were holding my hand and praying the whole time.
Hayden: Imagine Pao Pao in that thing.
ALL: Ohhh!!
In the end, they give Devin props for being such a comp beast.
Cam 1 and 2
Frankie and Christine
Frankie: He didn't wanna keep me in the loop with any of his decisions this week, which is fine.
Christine: He didn't want to?
Frankie: mm mm. He was very hesitant about talking in front of me.. I think he knew.. The person he was f'ing most was me.
Christine: Ooh.
Frankie: I keep reiterating to him, I'm not against this move. I'm just against it being.. at the wrong time.
Christine: Right. Right way, right time.
Frankie: Exactly. And then it'll happen, and that'll be it. I feel like, everyone's just gonna know. If we backdoor Caleb next week, he's gonna be like, ok, I'm done, I lost.
Christine: Do we backdoor Amber first?
Frankie: She'll be easier to live with.. cuz we can be like, we did that for you/your game, honey.
Christine: you're absolutely right.
Frankie: Whereas, if we do it the other way around, Caleb will not take it well, and he will be motivated by revenge, and if you nmotivate that man by revenge..
Christine: You're in trouble.
Frankie: He will be a truck.. a Mack Truck. It's unbelievable. Cody almost made the stupidest game move...
Christine: Omg.. It would have been SO..
Frankie: date, which is shocking, because there have been so many horrific, stupid moves. It would have been the exact same repeat. Caleb would have stayed, and Cody would have gone home next week. That's exactly what would have happened.
Cam 3
Amber and Brittany
Amber: Everyone's like, you're gonna be a target if you don't vote this way.. I told Jacosta, I'm so much closer to Brittany than Donny, and I have my suspicions about Donny.. I was thinking about just talking to everyone tomorrow, and see where everyone else is at.
Brittany: I feel like the only people that I wont have their vote, will be like Christine and Nicole, just because of that situation, which sucks.. And Jocasta..
Amber: Have you talked to Cody?
Brittany: Yeah, and that's why I think he picked Donny.. because I would have a good chance.
Amber: What is he saying?
Brittany: He tells me he wants me to stay, and he's gonna try to talk to everyone.
Amber: mm hmm
Brittany: I figured I'd have Caleb's vote. Derrick's vote.. Zach says he'd vote for me.
Amber: Zach's gonna do what Cody wants him to do.
Brittany: That's what I figured. I think.. The only ones I don't know about..
Amber: I mean, it does make me nervous, because I don't know where the house stands at this point. If I did, it would be easy. But at the same time, I'm voting for you, no matter..
Brittany: I think the only people I don't know about is Frankie, Zach, __, Christine..
Amber: It is stressful, but I promise you, I haven't even talked to Cody today to see where he stands. Or anybody. I haven't even asked Caleb anything. Have you talked to DOnny?
Brittany: A little bit. Donny doesn't understand why I picked Caleb to go in the Veto. I don't know.. I don't see.. I mean.. Like a house vote.. That's usually if everyone's voting.. like Joey to go.. SOmeone doesn't want a target on their back for being the only one who voted for someone to stay.
Amber: It makes me nervous..
Camera 1
Derrick and Zach
Derrick: We gotta win it. No one's gonna give it to us.
Zach: No one's gonna give it to us.
Derrick: The ones in our way are the ones that see what's goin' on, and they're trying to stop it.
Zach: Yeah
Derrick: We're only as strong as our numbers.. cuz there'll be a week we don't win HoH.
Zach: yeah
Derrick: And someone's gonna go, I know what's goin' on.. Derrick, Zach, Cody, Hayden, you're on the block. See if you guys can wiggle your way out of this one. And most of us will, but one of us might not.
Zach: We're in a great spot though.
Derrick: We're doin' well.
Zach: Especially if one of us can win HoH next week.. like Frankie or Christine or Nicole, or me. Or you.
Derrick: It's just a matter of we gotta pull it off. And if only one of us make it there, to the final 2..
Zach: Guaranteed 2 votes.
**Zach is referring to the Tres Amigos alliance, which is between him, Cody and Derrick, and exists only in Zach's head.
Derrick: You're guaranteed more than that. Almost 5, because of the Detonators, if they stay true.
Zach: yeah.
Derrick: It might be only one of us that make it. If it's me, you and Christine, and she wins the final HoH, she's gonna pick whichever one she wants.
Zach: Right. And that person's gonna win, most likely, because they have those 2 in the jury. Unless Cody's like, Christine deserves it more, and he picks her to win. hahaha.
Derrick: You never know, dude. It's Big Brother.
Cam 1
Frankie and Caleb
Caleb: You think? I with you'd tell her that. You're supposed to be on my side here.
Frankie: I am on your side.
Caleb: I'll get it. I'll get it for sure in the jury house. Ya know?
Frankie: Yup.
Caleb: Cuz then it ain't all this and this and a buncha other crap.
Camera 1 moves outside to join the group by the pool table... They're laughing it up, having a good time.
The crowd breaks up when Christine is called to the DR, right after mentioning something about moist sticks that cracks up all the guys, leaving Zach and Hayden alone at the pool table. Zach seizes the opportunity to bash Amber..
Zach: Dude, she's the worst. She's gotta go next week. Do you agree with that?
Hayden: (whisper) Either her or f'ing Caleb. I can't stand Caleb right now.
Camera 3
Derrick, Amber, Caleb, Cody
HoH Room
Caleb: Nicole's gonna go with whatever Christine says, Victoria's gonna go with whatever you say..
Derrick: Right. But I don't think she's gonna keep Brittany, even if I tell her to keep Brittany.
Caleb: Exactly.
Derrick; She's not on best terms with Brittany.
Amber: Yeah, she's not on best terms, plus she thinks it's a huge target.
Derrick: So there you go.
Amber: Brittany already thinks she doesn't have Christine and Nicole's vote over the bed situation.
Derrick; If I said to Victoria, you need to vote to keep Brittany here, she's gonna know something's up.
Caleb: yeah. At the end of the day, no, honestly, she has no votes. None. Because we're gonna go with what the majority..
Amber: I can even talk to Victoria..
Derrick: You gotta be careful though, because Victoria's still gonna be here next week.
Amber: I think it'd be fine if Victoria voted either way.
Derrick: yeah.
Amber: I think Victoria does see Brittany as a bigger threat though. I hate stuff like this. Literally, I was cleaning the bathroom, and I felt backed in a corner...
Caleb: Better her than you. All I can say. You're closer to the 500,000, and she's goin' home.
Amber gets up, offers to do their laundry and leaves with an "I love you guys."
Caleb: Love you too.
Amber turns at the door.
Amber: Dang, Cody! No love for 'Ber?
Cody: I said love you..
And she's gone.
Caleb: Yeah, there's no hope in keeping her. She's gonna go out with a 10-0 vote.
![]() |
♫Summer lovin' had me a bla-ast.. |
Cody: Yeah. And I think that's gonna be bad for.. I think Amber manned up, sayin' something to her, cuz I know Amber's not gonna lie to her. She can't lie. If she finds out right now.. She's gonna blow up.
Derrick: She's gonna Devin-ize it.
Cody: Cuz now, it's kinda obvious we're working together. It's obvious that Caleb and I have maybe something going, cuz, to be honest, a lot of people are like, "Why does Caleb feel so safe that he took the money?" I'm like, well, I know for me, I just kept backin up, and I was like, people that never put me on the block are never goin' up for me, and that was my thing. I was like, Caleb had a chance to put me up, and he never did.
Caleb: Who said that to you?
Cody: It was a bunch of people. Victoria was like, "What?" And then I was talkin' with Donny, and he was like, " I don't understand," and I was like, "Well, here's the thing, Donny, I let everybody know in the beginning. People who didn't put me up aren't goin' on the block." So that's what was coming to me last night and today.. And now Jocasta is questioning me.
Derrick: Jocasta was probably a big one wantin' you to go up.
Caleb: Jocasta wanted me to go up??
Derrick: Jocasta never talks game to me. Most game I ever heard her talk. She's gonna go home soon anyway.
Caleb: Her and Victoria will be up next week, and one of them will go home.
Derrick: Yep. 100%.
**we'll see..
Camera 3
Caleb, Frankie, Cody, Derrick
Caleb: Me? I would've never kicked them 2400 goals.. if I knew I was goin' home, in my position, there's no point to sit here and do this.
Derrick: No, she thought there was a bigger incentive though. Donny told her there might be a Golden Power of Veto.
Caleb: But the fact that she fought harder than anyone to still be in this house, and you got Victoria, who I can't get to help me clean the kitchen.. "Nah, I'm from Israel. I gotta maid at home. I'm not cleanin' "
Derrick: But you started that sentence off with the perfect thing though: You're playin' with your heart. For all we know, when this is over and you flip on your tv, and they do the home town at Brittany's house, and it's gonna be 3 times the size of your boy's biggest house in Dallas.
Caleb: Right.
Checking on Camera 1, the chatter outside is about sleeping arrangements... then to Amber.. and McGriddles.
Backyard Couch
Camera 1
Amber, Hayden, Christine, Nicole, Victoria
Amber: I mean, you're not hiding anything. It's all out there.
Christine: Exactly.
Hayden: Oh, there's a lot of things about me now that are out there for sure. Including my body parts.
ALL: hehehe
Christine: You have showed your butt so many times in this house.
Hayden: SO many times... But I feel like it's not enough.
Victoria: Oh, Hayden, please don't, please don't.
He does. If you'd like to see it in all it's glory from the other angle, VERY up close, hairy and personal, you can flashback to 1:44am on Camera 1 on the live feeds..
Christine: Hayden!!!
Amber: Oh my goodness. The fact the you have an astronaut on your butt is just comical.
Christine: Hilarious.
Nicole looks kinda grossed out.
Nicole: You have like the hairiest butt in the world.
Amber: And it's hair like this.. (indicating the center region)
Hayden: I know.. Like the sides, nothing.
Camera 3
Caleb's telling the assembled about his restored truck.. He's very fond of it. Then Frankie launches into a Marilyn Monroe voice.. It's a very funny flashback on the feeds. Go to 1:59am on Camera 3. There's a short blip of fishies.. wait them out. ;-)
Caleb: It's nasty. Straight up muscle, baby.
Frankie: (voice) Just like you.. So.. nasty..
Caleb: Would you like to feel my quads?
Frankie: I would like to feel it, dirty.
Frankie: (voice) I can't wait to go for a ride in your nasty truck.
Caleb: Ha! Hahaha! In my dirty truck?
and so on..
Camera 1 - Victoria's chatting with Derrick about the musical sound of his name..and how sexy it must sound in French.
Camera 3 - Shenanigans, Laughter and Voices continue up in HoH...
Camera 1
Backyard Couch
Cody, Derrick and Nicole
Cody: You're a feisty one. I'm not sayin' I don't like it..I am liking it. I think it's a good feisty.
Derrick: I already told ya. I was scared of you when you were HoH.
Cody: It's not like you're a B word..
Nicole: I hope not.
Cody: It's like a Dammm.. Wow, Nicole.
Nicole: I'm not tryin to be feisty. I'm just tryina hold my own ground, because I feel like I could easily be pushed over, ya know?
Cody: You can't. You're a rock.
Amber comes out with more laundry.
Cody: Do you need help with anything there, 'Ber?
Amber: I don't. Thank you for asking though. That's very kind.
Cody: Are you doing all the laundry in the world?
Amber comes over for a snuggle..
..and she stays there.. on top of Cody's mic, so I can't tell you what he's saying.
Amber: Thanks for the love.
Caleb walks outside and Amber extracts her top half from Cody and spreads the hug love to Nicole.
Amber makes the full rounds.. Even Caleb gets a half hearted I'm only doing this because you're here and I don't want to be rude but please don't get the wrong impression hug.
Camera 3
Frankie, Zach, Amber, Christine
Amber: I need to stop having a soft spot for everyone in this house.
Frankie: We can have soft-spots for each other.. Once we get to jury, it'll be less hard. DOnny and Jacosta will be the 1st 2 members of jury, if everything goes to plan.
Zach: Did you talk to Victoria?
Caleb: Yes, I did. I said, Victoria, how's it feel to know Amsterdam is in the Netherlands, not Germany.
Christine: no way.
Amber: It's not that far from there though.
Frankie: It's super close.
Caleb: She's like, "my mom was there!" That's nice, but it still doesn't make it IN Germany.
Camera 1
Backyard Couch
Derrick, Brittany, Hayden
Derrick: I did clean the whole pool, by hand..
Brittany: Did you find an earring? I lost my diamond earrings.
**why did you bring them into the BB house?
Derrick: No.
Hayden: You did lose them!
Derrick: They're probably in Cody's bed.
Brittany: No, I lost em when I went in the pool..
Derrick: You never woulda found a diamond in the pool anyways.
Brittany: Are you kidding me? My daughter lost her diamond earring when we were at the Avi in Laughlin..
**You can see Derrick's wheel's turning.. OK.. so not only did you have diamonds, but your daughter too? Tell me again how much you need the money.
3:15am -
Camera 1 - Nicole and Christine are whispering in bed.. I can't make it out.
Camera 3 - Zach, Caleb and Amber in HoH. Amber has an aversion to the texture of bananas and Zach says he's getting fat in the house..
Zach: I'm getting fat in this house. I have a roll.. a 6 pack and a roll. I need to start working out.
Camera 1 - Derrick, Christine and Nicole -Derrick is having the opposite experience.. He's dropped about 20 pounds in the house.
Camera 3 - It's snack time in the kitchen with Caleb, Frankie, Amber.. Caleb has a pickle aversion, but he just ate one.
Zach: Wow. Beastmode Cowboy just ate a pickle.
Caleb: My mom's thinking, I cannot believe he just ate a pickle. You know, for the longest time, my oldest brother would drink pickle juice and my other brother would hold me down, and he'd breathe in my face, and I'd almost throw up. That's why I've been scarred from pickles.
Amber: Now I know what to do. Watch out, Caleb.
Caleb: Do that. Do that. I will shove a banana clean down your throat and watch you throw up on purpose.
Amber walks away..
Frankie: Ooooh my God.
Zach: You two have such an aggressive relationship.
Frankie: Serious sexual tension going on..
Zach: Yeah, serious..
Camera 2
Derrick, Nicole and Christine
Zach promises revenge on Nicole for scaring him.. Laughter..
Zach: I'm gonna scare the shit outta you when you're sleeping too!
Nicole: (laughing) I'm scared!!
Zach: You better be f'in scared! And Hayden's gonna help me!
Camera 3
Backyard Couch
Brittany and Zach
Brittany: It's just stupid. I just don't know why I got stuck as being one of the outsiders here.. It sucks. People have formed all these groups, and I', stuck fighting this alone.
Zach: Yeah, I feel you. I see that.
Brittany: It's not fair.
Zach: It's not fair.
**and now you know how Zach gets laid.
Brittany: How was everyone else chosen to save each other's ass, and here I am on the outside and I've done nothing but fight.. I've fought, I've been honest..
Carolyn: I can't.
Rock Room
Amber, Nicole, Frankie, Cody
Nicole: Let's just all just..
Frankie: Fondle Cody?
**We have a winner!
And with that pleasant thought, this concludes the Overnight Report. ☺ See you when BB wakes the HGs!
I'm sure it was just a typo, but in your transcription of the 12:32am convo you brought Amanda back in the house. :)
These people are bad enough, without resurrecting her!
I have to admit, the boys are playing a great game. I may not like it, but they were probably smart to keep Caleb safe this week, for the numbers.
Right now the detonators, especially Derrick and Cody, are sitting pretty and everything is going according to plan.
They are playing very smart.
Would live to see someone else win HOH this week and throw a monkey wrench in their plans. Jocasta, Donny, or Victoria would shake things up a bit. Otherwise it is going to be a pretty boring, predictable remainder of the season.
I actually just watched Sunday's CBS show...crazy how they made it look like TA settled on Amber as the physical threat instead of Brittany.
I have to say, at first I thought choosing Brittany as the physical threat was a cop out......but after those 2400 goals which she battled through like a champ...I have to give her props. I know for sure I wouldn't have been able to do that and I suspect a good portion of the HGs wouldn't have either. She should be proud of herself.
Oh....I almost forgot....good morning Carolyn and early risers....Enjoy the day!
Good morning, I slept late today, felt good. Thanks for the updates.
We know that Donny has the measure of the other guests. It is good that Derrick now has a measure of Christine and Nicole, will make for some more interesting nominations and votes.
I don't understand why Derrick thinks that Britt is against him. After all that has happened she still thinks that Derrick and Cody are supporting her. Poor delusional girl.
It's a hard week, for a fan, when you don't want either nominees voted out. In the end I want Donny to stay because I think he has the best chance of going forward, there are no veils over his eyes.
This group is beginning to turn into the same paranoid highschoolers that previous groups have, they are just, mostly, nicer people at the core.
Still rooting for the underdogs.
Caleb really showed his true colors in his convo with Derrick @ 1:30 AM.
HE wouldn't have completed the 2400 soccer goal punishment if he KNEW he was going home.
That just goes to show, when the chips are down, he'd rather throw in the towel, instead of doing whatever he had to do to stay in the house.
Cody really made the wrong choice in his renom, but I guess it's something he'll have to live with, when it comes back to bite him in the butt!
Good Morning!
Thank You Carolyn TOR!
Between the 2 noms! who is a more threat to the upstairs ? Britt? or Donny?
IMO Donny! okay hear me out…
Love Donny…
But if I were part of the upstairs
and at this point i'm just grouping the mega alliances together and calling it the "Upstairs vs The Downstairs)
Donny is smarter and has a gift of persuasion!
He is more likely to target them and talk others into turning on them and each other.
Brittany has proven she can't talk game!
It will be the upstairs demise if they follow thru with voting out Britt!
I would love to see Donny win HOH! shake it up.
Hahahaha Carolyn! Great Overnight Report.
"And now you know how Zack gets laid" ZING!
The Summer Loving lyrics under Cody's picture - LOVE!
Have a great day:)
Good Morning Carolyn and my other BB Buddies! I haven't had a chance to read the TOR yet just wanted to say hi. I'll be back!
Good morning, EarlyBird! :) Thank you! Definitely a typo! I'm getting better as the season goes on, but Amber/Amanda is definitely my synapse fail of BB16!
Good morning, Tam!! :)) I concur re the Donny choice. But... The guys settled on Amber, not Brittany.. that wasn't an editing thing. Amber was always their declared physical threat. Even though Brittany was the target.
Good morning, Jerry! :) I'm so glad you had a nice sleep in!☺ Hugs!!
Good morning, Yasmin! I think he is too.. No hearing out required.. but the boys are afraid of the girls for some reason.. go figure.
Good morning, Silence&Sunshine! :) hehehe! Thanks! I couldn't resist either of those..
Good morning, ShiShi!♥ Hiiiii!!!
Oh I thought I read they had managed to convince themselves it was Brittany. Just further proof my brain is not firing in all cylinders lately. Thanks for clearing that up.
Payday is Thursday (hooray) and I should be able to get the feeds ... and maybe a boa.
Nicole always acts like someone stole her candy
@Tam...." actually just watched Sunday's CBS show...crazy how they made it look like TA settled on Amber as the physical threat instead of Brittany".
Tam they actually DID put up Amber as the physical threat, not Brittany.
So Brit is doing her rendition of Devin's strategy ("I have kids"). The boohoo sob story only goes so far before people start tuning you out. (Especially when you talk about your assets IE diamond earrings for you & your daughter. )
I am still not clear on who Caleb is more obsessed with, himself or amber. It really could go either way.
I honestly wish people would man up & stop playing derrick & frankie's game!
My thoughts for the day.
Good morning, Carolyn! Again, thank you for all you do! ♡
I just have to say Brittany running around saying she "deserves to be here more than _____" is not a whole lot different than Derrick, Frankie, et al saying basically it's no big deal that she's going home because she's probably "loaded". It's a double standard and neither are reason to keep or vote out anyone. Off my soapbox now. Thanks for all you do Carolyn.
Good morning all. I was all for Caleb being put up, but then when I heard Derrick's reasoning I had to agree with him. This was the best move for Cody. I'm just so sorry the girls are being picked off. I don't think any of the girls are playing the game. Brittany never even tried to make a deal with Cody. In fact, I don't remember anyone on the block trying to make a deal except for Devin. Donny does know the game so I'm sure they're too frightened to keep him. Plus, who would want to be sitting next to Donny at the finals?
I do see a little spark coming from Christine, but it may be too late to rally the other side. I was starting to regret buying the feeds until yesterday made it worthwhile. Maybe there's hope for an interesting season yet. How about a tutoring session by Dan or Janelle?
Thanks, Shi Shi. My brain circuits get crossed sometimes.
Good Morning
Brittany & Cody crushed hard on each other at points in the game so it was no surprise that Brit tried to solidify her stay with playing on Cody's emotions. While I hate that Donny's up instead of Caleb, it might be a better game move if Cody sticks to his alliance. Whatevs-it's done. She secured her exit by mentioning her daughter had diamond earrings. IMO who the f cares whether she needs the money! It's BB - they all were chosen and they all deserve it if they get to the end....some just work harder than others or endure more hardship on the way-but whoever lasts deserves it. However, brittanys victim mentality is sooooo annoying.
Caleb showed his true colors overnight. 1) he wouldn't have done the goals (he's a pisspoor sport and quitter) and 2) he's is in stalker mode thinking ahead to the jury house and convincing himself that he will get "it" for sure there. I hope cbs is paying attention. It's sad that he's been hyper focused on the wrong goal. I hope he's out before jury so he can deal with his obsession before finale night.
Derrick is showing signs of imploding. LOL cannot wait for those strings to break. Right now I'm wondering if Victoria is only using him because she gets that he's the power center. Hopefully she's not just hiding in his shadow. Wish her & Donny would talk serious game. I think she understands more than she vocalizes. But maybe that's just my wishful thinking.
Gawd, I hope it's not endurance Thursday. The boys just might skate through again. Unless it's something catered to a woman's physique but Frankie is slim and agile so he might win that. Hmm questions would be perfect.
@yasmin - totally agree that Donny is the bigger threat to the upstairs-but the upstairs is to focused on "get the girls out so they don't revolt" to see that Donny could spearhead them AND that there are two weak links in zach and Hayden.
@carolyn - I'm laughing with you on how zach gets laid but I still like this kid and I can't put my finger on why. I think he's possibly in mean boy character and might have a sensitive side (he lives for his little brother). Maybe he reminds me of my own adult son who was equally abrasive at that age. Probably that. *Sigh*
Here's to having two non-detonaters/upstairs crew as the next HoH.
Thank you for your hard work <3
Good Morning to all. Another great day in BB world!!
To my way of looking at things, BB is a game of strategy where playing w/ emotions ends badly w/ your game-throat being slit. Since season 2 where I hated on/against some players all game for being awful, ugly people, I have watched w/o picking favorites until late in the game, usually final 4. For me, picking a favorite gets in the way of seeing many nuances of players' games, because of that filter. Thus, I strive for objectivity. But that's just me. Each to his own and however one chooses to watch the BB game, it's a great experience. I'm not calling out anyone on that account. No way, no how.
What I was reffering to earlier was the imprecise language that folks use. If you mean 'I Want such and such' and you say 'such and such Should' have been done, you aren't communicating clearly. The result is, it makes you sound like you don't understand the game, or don't care about the end game of the various players. After all (at the end of the day - hehehe), "we play to win the game." For an example of saying what you really mean, check out Grendon's comment yesterday afternoon at July 21, 2014 at 1:57 PM. Very balanced. I get it that we tend to have a similar response as Zach. We get bored and just want to see some drama.
Britney, Jocasta, Donny, Amber, Nicole... these are next to go; unless something changes, this group has the game on auto-pilot. So here is something to root for if you want a new dynamic in the House. The Outsiders have to WIN, especially Donny. Donny has the observational and misting skills to shake things up. But he has to win. Only as HoH will he have the power base to effect a change. Then everyone will scramble, come to him, and he can make deals for a new paradigm. And this is the perfect time for Donny as many fractures have occurred in the big alliance. But Donny has to pick carefully, like a master jeweler examining a piece of rough, looking for the right angle to strike. If right, he will shatter the existing pattern and end w/ a small but strong cadre to move forward w/ and win the game.
That's something to look forward to as a big change.
You want??
This might be a duplicate post. Didn't see it pop up on either morning report. Disregard if it is. Good Morning
Brittany & Cody crushed hard on each other at points in the game so it was no surprise that Brit tried to solidify her stay with playing on Cody's emotions. While I hate that Donny's up instead of Caleb, it might be a better game move if Cody sticks to his alliance. Whatevs-it's done. She secured her exit by mentioning her daughter had diamond earrings. IMO who the f cares whether she needs the money! It's BB - they all were chosen and they all deserve it if they get to the end....some just work harder than others or endure more hardship on the way-but whoever lasts deserves it. However, brittanys victim mentality is sooooo annoying.
Caleb showed his true colors overnight. 1) he wouldn't have done the goals (he's a pisspoor sport and quitter) and 2) he's is in stalker mode thinking ahead to the jury house and convincing himself that he will get "it" for sure there. I hope cbs is paying attention. It's sad that he's been hyper focused on the wrong goal. I hope he's out before jury so he can deal with his obsession before finale night.
Derrick is showing signs of imploding. LOL cannot wait for those strings to break. Right now I'm wondering if Victoria is only using him because she gets that he's the power center. Hopefully she's not just hiding in his shadow. Wish her & Donny would talk serious game. I think she understands more than she vocalizes. But maybe that's just my wishful thinking.
Gawd, I hope it's not endurance Thursday. The boys just might skate through again. Unless it's something catered to a woman's physique but Frankie is slim and agile so he might win that. Hmm questions would be perfect.
@yasmin - totally agree that Donny is the bigger threat to the upstairs-but the upstairs is to focused on "get the girls out so they don't revolt" to see that Donny could spearhead them AND that there are two weak links in zach and Hayden.
@carolyn - I'm laughing with you on how zach gets laid but I still like this kid and I can't put my finger on why. I think he's possibly in mean boy character and might have a sensitive side (he lives for his little brother). Maybe he reminds me of my own adult son who was equally abrasive at that age. Probably that. *Sigh*
Here's to having two non-detonaters/upstairs crew as the next HoH.
Thank you for your hard work <3
New Top Post!
I don't comment here often, but read everyday. I was catching up on yesterday's post and just had to tell you I literally was laughing out loud at your commentary here. I think your assessment is spot-on! :)
Brittany: It's not fair.
Zach: It's not fair.
**and now you know how Zach gets laid.
Have a good Wednesday,
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