The Overnight Report
Good morning, BB lovers!☺ Happy Monday to you! What follows is the after midnight portion of the Overnight Report. The most important stuff actually happened before midnight, and that's in it's own post: The Telling of Zach. I hope you'll give it a read.
We're also very fortunate in that Lessa snuck on here last night - Love it when that happens! - with a surprise post covering the Team America Task at it's most hilarious. You'll definitely want to check that out too.
OK.. I'm diving in to cover the after midnight now.. If I don't come up in 20 minutes, call an ambulance! I kid.. Please refresh this post every 20-30 minutes, and more info will magically appear before your increasingly well caffeinated eyes.
As we rejoin our HGs just before midnight, the Neighborhood watch is in full swing, and Donny doesn't seem real clear on the rules. After chatting openly in the kitchen, Derrick pulls Donny into the fire room.
Cam 1
Fire Room
Donny and Derrick
Derrick: Here's the problem. Frankie's not gonna do it. Me n you have to be with somebody different. We've already had Christine, Caleb, Victoria and Cody do it. But if it's me and you the whole time together, they're not gonna get up, so what I'm gonna do is try to keep somebody up with me until 4.
Donny: mm hmm
Derrick: Other than myself.. and then hopefully, if somebody doesn't get up with you right away, you might do a couple hours alone, until somebody wakes up.
Donny: That'd be fine.
**not according to the rules.
Derrick: I would love to do it with you.. I will not go to sleep for 24 hours.
Derrick: I'm not losin' another 5,000 dollars. I'm not guaranteed next week. I'm stayin' up. Me, you or Frankie always have to be with one of them..
Donny: And then we'll go to sleep.
Derrick: And then we're done.
Camera 3
Living Room
Caleb, Cody, Victoria and Frankie
Caleb's doing his shift of patrol for the Neighborhood Watch. Notice the headlamp.
Frankie: If you don't wanna do it, just go to bed.
Caleb: Well I mean..
Frankie: Christine's offered to stay up, Derrick's gonna stay up, and then I'll get up in the morning..
If nothing happens, we can stop.
Cody: The earlier I go to bed, it's gonna be so much easier for me to just wake up.
Frankie: Exactly.
Caleb: Us 3 are definitely gonna be in the spotlight tomorrow..
Frankie: So go to bed.
Cody: Were you gonna sleep upstairs again? If we're all going to bed at the same time, we can go and sleep up there.. the 3 of us.
Caleb: Say the last part again?
Cody: I thought you were stayin' up late, and me and him were gonna go to bed, but if you're gonna go to bed too.. Well, I was gonna sleep upstairs. Now I'm not going to. Unless.. you're sleeping down here.
Camera 1
Frankie and Derrick
Frankie: Caleb's crashing.. I'll get up in the morning..
Derrick: They said it has to be active. It can't be just people layin' around. I'll stay up. It has to be at least 1 other person besides one of us.
Frankie: oh
Derrick: It's gonna be hard. I'm gonna try to keep Victoria up with me..
Frankie: mm hmm
HoH Snugglefest..
Camera 1
Cody and Frankie
Following some nightly Chakra work on himself, Frankie joins Cody in the HoH bed.
Cody: We haven't had a slumber (party) in forever.
Frankie: We haven't! I know!
Cody: Gahhh..
Frankie: I hope we sleep well.
Cody: I think we will.
Frankie: I'm exhausted.
Cody:And that's the thing..
Frankie: Mmmm
Cody: What time did I.. I woke up so early today.
Cody shifts to get into the snuggle..
Frankie: mm
Cody: Not really.. I just didn't sleep much.
Frankie: Yeah, you were up talkin' to Donny forever..
They both enjoy the cuddle for a couple minutes, then Frankie breaks it to grab an antacid.. a bit of chatter about Frankie's planned wardrobe for the PoV Ceremony..
Frankie: It's gonna be an interesting couple of days.
Cody: Do you think he'll go out like Devin?
Frankie: I don't think he'll try.. sitting next to you. I don't think he'll try to throw you under the bus to anyone.
Cody: He couldn't throw m under the bus in any way.
Frankie: I mean.. look at this, there are people stayin awake all night so we can catch him in the act, althuough Caleb fully believes it's Victoria.
Cody: hehe
Frankie: Hey, could be.. If it still happens next week, then we know.
**I'm looking forward to the Team America segment of the finale already. ☺
Talk turns to family...
Cody: Are you guys like crazy, inseparably tight?
Frankie: Yeah.. we're like best girlfriends..
Cody: If something happens, you get the first call.
Frankie: Definitely.
Frankie describes his relationship as part paternal, part best friend..
Camera 3 and 4
Derrick and Victoria
Neighborhood Watch Continues..
Caleb's on patrol.. Derrick and Victoria are horizontal support staff.
Caleb makes another circuit.. then joins Derrick on the couch for a minute, full of suspicion..
Caleb: (whispers) Hey.. do you think it might have been Cody? I think it could've been. He's the one who said to look under the trash. That's exactly where it was.
Derrick: Didn't you say too, look under the trash?
Caleb: No. He said it.. and then when we were inside, he said, "Hey, How bout we go look under the traash?"
Derrick: It still doesn't explain why Zach tried to steal a cue ball in front of you and just got caught. Why would he do that?
***Have you met Zach? There is no why..
Caleb wants to catch someone in the act tonight. Good luck with that, dear. And this concludes the Overnight Report.☺ We'll see you in a new top post when BB wakes the HGs!
If you've got some online shopping to do, we'd be so grateful if you'd use our links to get to your favorite e-commerce stores - Amazon, eBay. Walmart, BestBuy and when you're going shopping anyway.
You'll still get the same great deals, they'll throw us a little commission for sending you, and we'll get to keep blogging Big Brother! It's a win, Win, WIN! ☺
Oh Frankie Frankie Frankie... You're out next week. There's no way around it. Zach will compete in that hoh with Nicole & Hayden and I think he'll lose to both of them. I love love love Nicole, but I want Hayden to win and come back in. He'd put Frankie up against Derrick and that's what I want. It kills me that all of these people are willing to hand over $500k to Derrick. Unbelievable!
In addition, I have noticed that Frankie does not seem to feel that the rules apply to him. BB rules, TA rules, anything. So frustrating to watch him since his reveal. Totally different person now... And not in a good way.
Also- how many more weeks will people "not want to waste their hoh" on Victoria before she ends up in the Final 2 chairs?!! Have they not given this serious consideration?? It's killing me!!
Good Morning.
Funny stuff, I think it shows how bored they are if they get that excited. Something different for them to do. The night watch makes it pretty near impossible for people to sneak off and talk game, someone is always watching.
I was hoping that Donny would talk to Frankie about the re-nom, maybe a little country wisdom could show Frankie the light.
Derrick and Victoria one step closer to the final two.
Good morning, Alyson :) It has always been thus...
Good morning, Jerry :) I had hopes for a Donny talk too.. sigh.. But Zach's being a champ about the whole thing.. Good on him!
*(nap time)*
Wow, you missed the best convo between Caleb & Derrick. Caleb was telling Derrick just how corrupt cops are, and Derrick sat there, listening, with steam beginning to stream from his ears.
Good Morning!
Went crazy viral last night thru twitter!
Sending CBS a message! Doubt they will step in and apply the rule of a renom,
Frankie broke the rule that as HOH he is not allowed to tell the person he is nominating. Which he did with Zack.
I would think all the Hsg would would be aware of this and say something ….It would have been perfect if it was said during AD. Forcing CBS BB to enforce the renom.
The last time renom was enforced was BB12.
So unless that happens Zack will be on the block and barring a miracle will go to jury.
Haha….Does anyone else feel like Zack quietly taking his nom will last? me neither or at least I hope not!…
You stated "It kills me that all of these people are willing to hand over $500k to Derrick. Unbelievable!"
Can I ask why? I really don't mean to be snarky, I am just really over the "let the nice guy win" mentality in the competition shows. Derrick has BY FAR outplayed everyone in that house, essentially deserving the money. I just don't understand how it is unbelievable to conceive him winning. This is my problem with most of the Donny fans who are so incredibly angry that Derrick is ACTUALLY playing the game.
I know that the best player doesn't always win (BB14 - Dan outplayed every single person in that house, but a bitter jury chose the nice guy) Survivor? Russell Hantz outplayed every single person on that island, but he lied the entire game and the jury was bitter about that, so gave it to the girl he used as a shield the whole game.
It saddens me that fans of these competition shows begrudge the person playing the game, because it may mean the nice guy may go home.
And Alyson, I am sorry to use your post as the example, but it is just that when I read you wrote the word "unbelievable" I just couldn't understand how it is so unbelievable.
I have been a dishchick for a long time now, but each season I comment less and less because I miss the days where we rooted for a good game, instead of Sainting and Crucifying our favorite and least favorite players.
Though Carolyn, I will always be here to read your reports and tip the jar. I love you and what you do and how you understand this game!!!! I 100% know I could not do what you do...I'd lose my mind lol
Good morning Caro.
I was watching out of the corner of my eye during the viewing show. As soon as we said goodnight I turned off the tv and giggled, even a snort came through every now and then. I don't even remember the last time I got so tickled
I watch the feeds on the laptop and I do the chat on the tablet. It's a cushy set up, laptop is set on a thing that lets air flow freely under it. That is set on a very large cutting board along with the speakers. The entire set up is then sitting on a very firm pillow placed long wise from my elbow to my left knee. My head is propped up with several pillows and my tablet is on my chest.
I watched the feeds all night until I began dozing around 5. Then again when Mac got up to eat and go out at 7.
I have a fresh pot of coffee made and a cup just poured for me so I'm ready to read Lessa's and your reports. After that I just may go back to 4pm bb time and watch it until 8:09 bb time. My clock said 11:09 when the really good stuff came to a halt.
I felt so bad for Zach with all the accusations knowing that he wasn't responsible. Do you think at anytime his innocence will be told to the other houseguest? I realize the guys can't come clean about TA, but it's not fair to let the others continue to believe Zach did it.
Just had a sip of coffee, on to the reports.
Good morning
Things that are clear from listening to the HGs.
Cody, Christine and Victoria will probably lose against anyone except each other.
Everyone in the house has now said they will vote Derrick to win. I think if Derrick doesn't win comps when he needs to certain people may be planning on how to cut him.
Donny is probably the only one who could best Derrick in final 2. He already has 4 votes. Depending on who Derrick cuts at the end, he may get a 5th.
Caleb has a big mouth. It was not his business to take it upon himself to fill Zack in on the plan. I'm glad he admitted to doing it. Otherwise I'm sure Derrick would have found a way to throw Frankie UTB. I'm glad he told Derrick he doesn't like cops. Maybe Derrick will take it personally and target Caleb next. I think it's funny that some people have said they would vote Caleb to win over Cody. I bet Cody's ego never even considered that as a possibility.
Zack knows why he is going OTB. He knows it
has nothing to do with the cue ball. He has not forgiven Frankie. I believe that Frankie wanted to believe he was forgiven but he realized that is not true. I wish Zack knew that Frankie is not responsible for everything that happened. It may have kept him in the game another week.
Frankie said immediately after winning HOH that he did not want to ask Zack to go OTB. I believe he was sincere in that moment. But it became obvious that Zack has not forgiven him and does not trust him. A lot of us, myself included, thought this was the best week to take a shot at Derrick. Now we all know there is a very good chance that Derrick will target Frankie next week, but Frankie doesn't know that. I do think he wants to cut Derrick before F2. But he thinks he has a couple weeks before Derrick is a threat whereas Zack is an immediate threat. Under the circumstances Frankie is making the best decision for his game.
Returning player-this is likely to be set up to be the ultimate showdown between Zack and his former alliance with Zack reigning supreme. I know it makes good television and I do love Zack. However, he has made a lot of bad choices and is at least 50% responsible for finding himself in this position. I still want Hayden to return. I want him to work with Donny. I want him to fill Christine and Frankie in on what went down with The Rationale and make them understand how Cody and Derrick were willing to let them take the fall for everything. Christine will never untangle herself from Cody and his hair. Frankie may not officially join Hayden, but that may give him the excuse he needs to take a shot at Derrick. Caleb, being all about loyalty, may be completely pee'd off that his alliance was making all these plans that did not include him and he may decide, once and for at, to join up with team Hay-Don.
One more thing.
A lot of people think TA destroyed Zack's game. Not true. Zack was always a loose cannon. Picking fights with people like Pao and Victoria as soon as feeds went live. Imploding, putting a target on himself and throwing his alliance under the bus by week two. His strategy was to make waves, thinking that if he put the target on himself everyone else would want to keep him around because he WAS a target. TA used him because he made it easy but, TA did not ruin his game. Zack started to bury himself early on and Derrick put the nail in his coffin. Yes, I said Derrick-NOT Frankie. We all know who really makes the decisions in that house.
This so much reminds me of the season Dan won
I forget the name of the guy he brought to finals with but that is what Cody is to Derrick
People complain about Victoria
But what had Codu done?
And he complained about having to go up on the block during skittles gate?
Poor Frankie so wrapped up in himself he can't see that he is a goner
ITA! Frankie is so in love with himself. If he could pull away from his ego he would be able to see what is really going on.
I've been faithfully following bbdish all season, but I don't really post much. Carolyn, you do an awesome job. I don't watch the feeds but I feel like I don't need to with your coverage!
1) Derek is playing the best game by far. He has masterminded the entire season so far, and this week is the first week that there was really a monkey wrench thrown his way. He deserves to win this year, which leads me to my #2
2) I don't understand the Donny love this year. One the one hand he is very good at telling everyone what they want to hear and knowing exactly when they need to hear it. And on the other hand, he has spent the bulk of season being a pawn for other peoples game. As a floater, he has a solid game going on, but he is not worthy, imo, of all the fan love. Nice guy, yeah, great bb player, not really - just a bit lucky.
3)Zankie - Their relationship is quite fake and it is getting old. I thought it was really cool at first and that it was great that bb was supporting a homosexual relationship - until you realize that Zack is just into the dramatics and playing Frankie to get further into the game. IMO, zack's diaries have made it very clear he isn't really interested in Frank like that and I think Frank spent a long time thinking he might have found something that could continue outside the house. It is not at all surprising that Frank will backdoor him - imo Zack has hurt Frankie way more than frankie could every hurt Zack, so sometimes when I see the 'poor zack' comments it boils my blood.
Loving this season tho.
I 100% agree with you. I am a Donnie fan because I think he is sweet. But I am first and foremost a Derrick fan and I think he should win because he has played the best Game by far.
Hey Earlybird :-) if I've missed something you found crucially important, it's always helpful to include a time/camera.
Hey Earlybird :-) if I've missed something you found crucially important, it's always helpful to include a time/camera.
Hi Yasmin! :-) Thanks!
Time permitting, before they wake up, I'll make a post about it.
Hi Yasmin! :-) Thanks!
Time permitting, before they wake up, I'll make a post about it.
Hey Lulu! :-) Thank you very much! I think this cast is just extra easy to fall in love with, especially after what we endured last summer.. ;-)
Good Morning Everyone, go girl! I'm right there on the band wagon with you rooting for Derrick. I think he has played a great game.
Good morning, TripL! :0) I'm glad u had such a great time with our summer buddies last night!
Hi Grendon! :-) With the following statement, and So many more, I concur! "Caleb has a big mouth. It was not his business to take it upon himself to fill Zack in on the plan. I'm glad he admitted to doing it. "
G'morning Mappy! :-) ok.. my still beating zankie loving heart needs you to expand on this thought.
Good morning, lscott! Memphis...
@Sam...are you reading my mind. I totally agree with you 1000% regarding Derrick, Donny and Zankie. You pulled the words right out of my mouth. Those opinions aren't very popular, obviously, but I loved the way you expressed my views. Thanks.
Good morning everyone:)
Sad for Zack if he is the renom, but at this point I like so many of the remaining players I will be sad to see any of them go.
IMO, Derrick is playing the best game. I hope he does win the money b/c he has earned it. Keeping Cody and Victoria as buffers is smart game play for him. Keeping Donnie and Frankie as TA: smart for his wallet.
At this point, if anyone besides Christine goes home, I'll be sad to see them leave. Can we re-write the rules that people are eliminated, but get to stay in the house just becuase I like them;)??
A tiny part of me does wish we could watch what happens in the jury house...if only becuase once we get to F3, things get a little slow in the house.
Hope everyone has a great day!!! Caro, thank you for all you do!!!!!!!!!
Good morning, Sam :-) Thank you so much!!
Btw, people reading from their cel phones and tablets can tell, but for those of you reading from your computers.. allow me to explain why there are so many individual comments from me...
In the cel/tablet version of BBDISH, you have the option to hit reply to individual comments, and what you say shows up directly beneath that comment.
Btw, people reading from their cel phones and tablets can tell, but for those of you reading from your computers.. allow me to explain why there are so many individual comments from me...
In the cel/tablet version of BBDISH, you have the option to hit reply to individual comments, and what you say shows up directly beneath that comment.
Mappy, Wow! That's quite a scenario!! I wonder....
Mappy, I'm holding onto your fantasy but I just dont know if Frankie is that clever. If he was, however, he'd go down in history as one of THE most clever BB players in history. The move would be INCREDIBLE and take everyone by surprise. My worry is that he only cares about America and he's under the impression that America loves Derrick and himself. I almost wish he had communication with his family to know that BD'ing Derrick is the right move. I'd like to cling onto the hope you have, because it'd be EPIC, but I am too cynical at this point. Unfortunately, Frankie's been too predictable this season.
I definitely agree that if Derrick is in F2 he deserves to win. But, if someone like Donny, who has had the game figured out and has won a lot of comps, could ultimately be responsible for getting Derrick out I feel that would be a move that would make him worthy of winning.
I definitely agree about Russel and Survivor. He should have won. I think that IF he was not the best to ever play he is definitely near the top.
Ian vs. Dan-I think that is all in the perception. I think they played equally strong but different games. Ian would not have made it that far without Dan taking him into an alliance. But the Quack Pack would not have pulled off a lot of their biggest moves without Ian.
G'morning ShiShiiiii! :-) :-) :-)
I have also wondered tHe same thing. I think he has played a great game. I am a Donny fan as well. My final three dream team is 100% spiritually based, and most people laugh because it is VERY far fetched - Donny, Derick & wait for it.....
Jocosta lol....
It would take a miracle of God and that would be awesome to watch played out on tv!
But I have a sneaking feeling her presence is probably needed in the jury house!!!
Hahahaha Love you fellow dishers! Xoxo
I've been using my phone a lot this year. It took me a while to figure that out. I would respond to people without putting the @name at the beginning. Then when I was on my laptop one day I realized my responses weren't under the original comments. Therefore I left a lot of 'I agree' and 'thank you' type comments with no explanation of who I was thanking or agreeing with.
Thanks Caro
Oh and I love Mappy's scenario
I also think Derrick is playing the best game, although I like him less with every word that comes out of his mouth. I simply said the word "unbelievable" because so many of the hg's have spent so long in there and just announce they want Derrick to win and not themselves. It is unbelievable to me that multiple players that are STILL playing want him to win. He's never gonna get voted out because they like him so much they don't care if he beats them. That's what is unbelievable to me. Hats off to the gameplay that led them to feel this way!
I actually thought Frankie's actions since BoB did not ring true for some reason and, especially after his talk with Donny, I thought he might have something up his sleeve-mainly a Derrick renom but, if not Derrick then at least Victoria. After his talk with Zack I just don't know.
Of course, putting Derrick up could br Frankie's way of telling Zack, "You didn't trust me. Now you see that I am the ONLY one who has had your back. Now you owe me your trust and loyalty. Oh...and I expect to be picked up in a limo for my trip to the airport when you take me to Germany."
One can only hope!!! It would make for great TV and go down in BB history as one if the biggest game moves ever!!! But I don't think Frankie will do it.
For every season of BB I've rooted for the underdogs, especially if they are also pleasant people. I usually have my hopes dashed.
I recognize great game play and I think Derrick has played a masterful game to this point. I don't like comparing one season with another because they are all completely different games.
I don't like the name floater, since most of the players do go from alliance to alliance as the game goes on, they all can't be floaters. Why the distinction?
I don't understand why no one, except Donny, has caught onto Derrick's game.
Most of this season has been on a steady course toward Derrick, and a pawn, as the final two. I root for anything that would upset the apple cart or just make him sweat a bit. It would make it all a lot more interesting.
Psst!☺ New Top Post! Monday Morning Before the PoV Ceremony
@Carolyn, I agree about this year's cast. There isn't 1 person I was over lol Even Devin didn't get to me as much as he did the HG's. He was just overplaying the game. Definitely way better than last season.
@Grendon, I agree that the BB14 winner could be perception, I see great validity in what you say. I still think Dan's game was superior, but that could just be my bias as I loved BB10 :)
@alybx, I think sometimes us viewers forget that these HG's bond. They don't know all that we know. Conversations they have or are had behind them are not documented for them to flash back to and read. I believe that most viewers (especially live feeders, like myself) forget about these things and judge these HG's far too brutally. With that being said, I go to what you said about how much they like Derrick. They do, because he is always a voice of reason, a shoulder to cry on, and they don't see the manipulation and game play that we see. It's fine to say "I wish they would suspect something is amiss" but too many viewers are calling them "stupid" or making Derrick out to be some horrible person because they don't like that he is playing a better game than there fave, and may be responsible for getting their favorite out. Not that you said this, but since we were on the subject lol (I get carried away sometimes haha)
Alas, there isn't a HG this year that I don't like. Even Christine (shocker!). It does not matter what my opinion of her closeness with Cody is, as her husband has made it more than vocal that he loves and supports his wife...and anything other than that is just NOT OUR BUSINESS.
(Let he without sin cast the first stone...and I'm not even religious! ha)
I love to look at Cody on a daily basis, and prefer he stay quiet lol
I love how outgoing Frankie is and how comfortable he is being himself. And I love how comfortable the house is with his being himself.
Derrick, his love for his family and awesome gameplay.
And finally Zach, my BB16 crush....I love him...though I understand why he is being sent home.
Good morning. Surprised how well Zach is taking it. good instincts.
There should be campaigning to get Victoria to vote out Cody. He is her biggest obstacle to getting to the final 2 with Derrick. This could get flipped. Im not really a fan of Zach but I dont like how this played out. I think Derrick will win and Donny needs to start explaining this to these youngins. Have a great day. Finger crossed.
Hi all!
I have to put my 2 cents in about Derrik. 1st off I'm an avid fisher. If it wasn't for BBDish I would know nothing. This is the only site I visit for my spoilers. Thank you every one who types the reports! Now back to Derrik, I think this man is playing an awesome awesome game. He is not only playing his game but IMO he's playing Victorias game, Caleb's game and anyone else who comes to him for advice. It must be the cop in him but with the words he uses he helps them with there problem turning it around to helping his game. That's what I see. I also think if (when) he makes it to F2 he will win against any one he sits by. Please no haters just stating MO that's why I don't comment on blogs. Happy Monday! Keep blogging!
It's not that people don't think Derrick deserves to win the game. Of course he deserves it much more than anyone else in that house!
This is just mho, but I think it's simply an anger at the rest of the house for not getting off their butts and playing! They are really jumping the gun to identify Derrick as their potential winner without even trying to compete with him! Two HGs talk about how they will vote for Derrick with 6 weeks left in the season--and IT NEVER OCCURS TO EITHER OF THEM TO AT LEAST TRY TO SEND HIM OUT??? No one even tries to get the frontrunner out? No one even tries to create an alliance to evict him EVEN THO THEY JUST ADMITTED THEY ARE GONNA LOSE OTHERWISE!
It is a bizarre season.
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