Saturday Afternoon On Zingbot Watch
After an HoH Lockdown that lasted an hour, BB released the HGs into the house at 1:10pm, where they happily discovered they got the smaller table!
... and the Have Not Food for the week - Transylvanian Goulash.
Frankie must name 2 Have Nots, and he chooses Victoria and Christine, saying they've been Have Nots the least of anyone.. All the HGs ooh and Aah over the table for a few minutes, then it's game game game!
Cam 3
Rock Room
Derrick: You gotta pull yourself off. If you don't, we gotta get you pulled off. If Victoria does win it for some reason, I'm havin' her pull you off, put up Zach. You better beast it out there.. I better see that D-1 athlete out there.
Cody: If it's an athletic competition..
Frankie, Zach, Derrick
Derrick wants to call everyone up to HoH and make a gameplan.. Frankie leaves and Zach checks in with Derrick..
Zach: If I'm up on the block next to Caleb, are you voting to keep me?
Derrick: I mean, dude, out of anybody in this house, have I ever?
Zach: You're my boy..
BB: Derrick, please come to the Diary Room.
Cam 3
Christine and Cody
Cody: I'm gonna kick your butt in the Veto Comp today.
Christine: Good luck.
Cody: I can't wait to let you know who daddy is..
Christine: I'd like to know.
It dawns on Zach that Derrick's been in the DR a while now, and this could mean PoV. He shares the info. In the Living Room, Victoria and Caleb are sharing stories of home..
Livingroom chatter continues with Cody, Frankie, Donny, Zach and Christine. Everything from NYC geography to subways to streetcars in Arizona.
Zach: Uh, Big Brother, we're infested with Spiders, Squirrels and..
Derrick emerges from the DR. No Comp yet. Frankie takes this as his cue to run up to HoH go take a nap.
Frankie: (to us) Sorry I'm so boring, but I'm exhausted you guys. If I'm gonna crash this Veto Comp, I need a nap.
Cam 1 and 2
Derrick and then Donny head up to HoH to have a Team America meeting...
Donny: I can, on a Sunday or Monday, when I'm the only one up, get anything y'all want.
Frankie: Yayyyy!
Derrick: I'm thinking we put everything in a garbage bag BELOW the garbage bag that's currently in the recycling bin.
They all high 5.
Donny: That's my thought too. I even told em that.
Derrick: Great minds think alike, I guess. So it's only clothes, make sure we double bag it.. In the recycling bin, it's not gonna get disgusting..
Donny: And no one ever goes in it.
Derrick: Caleb, Bunny Slippers. Zach, the Gator Shirt.
Donny: He never takes it off.
Frankie: The Pink Hat!
Derrick: Cody..
Frankie: The Hawaiian hat..
Derrick: For you, what do you want?
Frankie: The eye wrap..
Derrick: We have to present it as a prank.. And they have to be involved in the neighborhood watch..
Donny: Their attention span is not that high..
Frankie: When should we do it, and who's taking what?
Derrick: We have to start the Neighborhood watch by Tuesday at midnight, cuz we've got to be done by Wednesday at midnight.
Donny: A lot of times at night, ya'll come up here, and I'm down there..
Derrick/Frankie: That's perfect!
Derrick: We do the distraction, you grab the stuff..
Planning for the task continues.
Donny: This is gonna be fun!
Derrick: And so doable.. And it's 20 grand. We gotta do it. OK.. so we'll wait til after the PoV.. then we'll start taking stuff. Do we have to all be involved for every item? Or can we all take some..
Donny: In the morning, when everyone's dead asleep, I could get anything. I could get stuff out of their pockets.
The meeting ends at 2:22pm. Derrick leaves first.. Donny stays back to talk game with Frankie.
Camera 1/2
Frankie and Donny
Donny: As a superfan, I watch Survivor and I watch Big Brother. On the last Survivor, people said, well, Why didn't he take someone he could beat? That's the way I am.
Frankie: Yep.
Donny: I may not make it to 2.. I may not make it to 6, but if I could make it to 2, I would take you, cuz I would wanna beat the best.
Frankie: Yeah..
Donny: Or I would wanna get beat by the best. You've won 4 HoHs, You are a competition beast. I think I've proved myself as a Big Brother fan.
Frankie: You have. And you're a beast as well.
Donny: I'm not sayin' we work together, I'm not sayin' we make a final 2, but I want you to know, I respect your game, moreso than the rest of these people..
Frankie: And I agree, and that's what I've been saying to you.. I respect you. I'm so honored we were put together. You and I are in a very unique position where we've both been completely isolated in this game.
Donny: Oh yeah.
Frankie: At one point in this game. Completely. Like everyone has turned their backs on us..
Donny: That week? They turned their back on you.
Frankie: Oh, I know that. I might be happy and wonderful with everyone, because what's it gonna get me to be anything else? Know what I'm saying? Like, I have to be.. But I'm not stupid.
Donny: We were in the same situation.
Frankie: Yes. I feel like, you came out the best you possibly could have. That's all we can ask for, if everyone is trying to get us out, is to have 2 chances to take ourselves off..
Donny: As far as what we're here for.. We are givin' them a great season. I want you to know there's great respect, and I would like you to stay here as long as possible, and I wold like to stay here as long as possible.
Frankie: And I would want you to stay here as long as possible.
Donny: And you would not be my target.. I'd like to set with you at the end. I'd like to beat the best.
Frankie: I respect you, I honor you, and I am honored to play with you. Every time you win, I get so excited. And you got excited when I beat you in the Battle of the Block.
Donny: It's just like I'm settin' at home watchin' it on television. I'm pullin' for the underdog. I may be playin' against you, but I'm still excited you won.
Frankie: And you still were the 1st person to come shake my hand.
Donny: It was a great moment.
Frankie: It was.
Donny: And you recognized it yesterday.
Frankie: I did! I was like, Yes! Donny!
Donny: So.. Anything you do for me, I will do likewise..
Frankie: And.. I think that there might be an opportunity to do something very exciting if one of us wins the Veto. We'll see.
Donny: Absolutely. Alright, Frankie.
Frankie: You're awesome, Donny.
3pm --- Stretch!! Still waitin' on Zingbot! ;-)
4:58pm --- And without a single glimpse, we just went straight into the Jeff Loop... The Zingbot PoV Comp begins! See you soon in a New Top Post: PoV Spoiler and Aftermath
Who's your Daddy? Oy vey!
Good afternoon.
I got got (GayTor)
FL Girl
Derrick would get Momma J and Victoria's vote for sure. Probably Nicole's too. I dont think he has any worries vs Cody. Getting Victoria to the end would be too darn hard
Hope Donny or Frankie win POV. Want to see what Frankie would do. Would he put up Derrick?
Jumbo, he may not get Mama J's. Depends on what Hayden has told her.
Ahhh Donny is tryin... Not that I would trust Frankie, but at least he is trying!
So glad I refreshed :)
Go Donny!
20 grand? Don't they get 5 grand each or did they up it. 20 is kinda ridiculous. If I were the other HG, I'd still be super pissed about team America with Frankie & his sisters 17 mil followers. It really was so unfair cuz theres no way he wouldnt be chosen. The rich always get richer. I wish they'd get him out next week
Donny laying the groundwork to chop off that snakehead.
You see how Donnie is interacting with the other houseguests right now...... He should have been doing this the whole time and he wouldn't have felt so alone IMHO.
I am #TeamAnyoneButCodyOrDerrick, I just don't like Derrick. He acts like he is entitled to win because he has a wife and daughter. That comment about someone, Zach? taking food out of his daughter's mouth? Oy vey! And he was such a sore loser when Donny won BOB. Now he is not even HOH and he's planning to BD Zach. Does Frankie know about this? I have a feeling that Frankie has other plans and that Derrick may be in for a big surprise. And Cody has done absolutely nothing in this game except ride Derrick's coat tails; what a big baby about finally going on the block.
I don't think Donny will make it to Final 2, but am glad he put more than a few wrinkles in their plans. I hope he is his home town's hero when he gets home. My favorite players are Donny and Zach. They are the most down to earth even if Zach is a bit of a nutball and sometimes as annoying as hell. :)
I don't want Nicole to come back, in my opinion she has no game. Hayden would rock. We shall see!
I think Donny has approached the only two people, in the house, that he has any chance of getting anywhere with. Zankie have both been screwed over by their alliance, Donny realized that and knows that Derrick is the puppet master of the bunch.
If the three of them could get the opportunity to talk together maybe Frankie wouldn't put up Zach as a re-nom and something could come of a new alliance going forward.
They could control the house if Haden or Nicole came back into the house.
Do you think they will show Zingbot in the live feeds? They have done in past seasons. Just a Lil confused here. :-(
i wonder if Donny talking to Frankie was the result of his earlier talk with Zach about who the "head" is?
IMO, Donny has a better chance with Frankie than Derrick as the latter is just too leery of Donny because he knows Donny's on him.
let's get to veto now to see where the skittles er chips will fall.
"I think that there might be an opportunity to do something very exciting if one of us wins the Veto."
Things might just be looking up!
I appreciate Frankie and Donny having an earnest(seemingly) conversation. Donny is finally making some moves and possibly gaining some allies in the process. It's also nice to see that Frankie is not so naïve concerning his current "alliance".
Yup he has to cut ties
Donny has zero game and no ability to communicate with these people who are much more clever than he is. Sorry.
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