ReWind, ReSet, Coup D'Etat: Who Gets to Play when an HoH is Nullified?
Last night, together with the rest of the HGs, Frankie pushed the Rewind Button. He doesn't know it yet, but in doing so, he's nullified his own nominations before even making them.
Since we're all wondering who will be allowed to compete in the next HoH Competition, I thought I'd do some digging and see how this has been handled in the past. 2 seasons come to mind: Big Brother 11's Coup d'Etat and Big Brother 14's Reset Button. In both seasons, all HGs were eligible to compete following the event that nullified someone's HoH.
During Big Brother 11, Jeff got a Coup d'Etat power. On Day 40, Jeff chose to use the Coup d'État, thus overthrowing Head of Household Chima.
We all remember Chima's meltdown, which eventually led to her dismissal, but what we may not recall is that due to the Coup d'Etat being used, ALL houseguests were eligible to compete for HoH. Here's the Not So Live Show Viewing Party Post from that night. As you can see, everyone played, and Chima went out in round 5 of the HoH Comp.
Jeff removed both Lydia and Russell from the block, replacing them with Jessie and Natalie. Due to using the Coup d'État, Jeff was ineligible to vote during this eviction, as was Chima. Jessie then became the fifth HouseGuest to be evicted from the house in a vote of three to two. He became the first member of the Jury of Seven. Following Jessie's eviction, HouseGuests competed in the "Hit the Road" Head of Household competition. Due to the Coup d'État being used, all of the HouseGuests were able to compete.OK.. Moving forward, we had a ReSet Button during Big Brother 14. You'll recall that during a Live Eviction Show the Coaches were given the choice to hit the button and enter the game as players. All but Boogie hit the button, they reentered the game as players, and Shane's HoH was nullified.
As you can see from our BBDish Coverage of the Endurance Comp that Immediately followed, Shane was allowed to play for HoH.
And per Dan's command, the Endurance Comp winner, Danielle, even got a very Hollywood kiss from Shane..
Before the live eviction took place on Day 27, Julie Chen announced that America has chosen to give the coaches the opportunity to play the game and stop coaching. If the coaches voted to become players, the eviction would be canceled and everyone would play in the HoH, including Shane. However, if the coaches chose to keep the game the same, the eviction would continue, but one evicted HouseGuest would return the following week. Julie Chen also announced that only one vote was required to reset the entire game. One by one, the coaches were called into the Diary Room whether to hit the "Reset Button" or not. Britney, Dan and Janelle chose to hit the button, while Mike Boogie did not. With the vote of 3–1, the coaches were reverted to HouseGuest status and Joe and Frank were spared eviction. All hounded HouseGuests then began to participate in the "Walk the Plank" HoH endurance competition, in which the HouseGuests had to hold on to a bar. If they fell from the plank, they would be eliminated.
Here's hoping everyone gets to play this time, and while I'm hoping, I'll throw in one for a killer Endurance Comp on the live feeds this coming Wednesday Night! ☺
UPDATE: Julie Chen has now Clarified How It WILL Work. Check out that post to end the Rewind Button Mystery.
UPDATE: Julie Chen has now Clarified How It WILL Work. Check out that post to end the Rewind Button Mystery.
Its definitely possible, but BB is usually a stickler for the words they give Julie to read, rewinding the week back to the HOH comp it wouldnt be right for Derrick to play. Its BB so I can see them doing it, but cool de la and the coaches re-entering were special scenerios. Before every HOH comp Julie says "As outgoing HOH, you are not allowed to play"
Mmmmmmmmmm. Thank you for the picture of Jeff:)
Just read this article.
Seems like they will ALL get to play :)
Thank you Caro. Getting my ebay on through your links again!
So we think it is a rewind but no fast forward? No one is evicted Wed?
seems so silly.
I miss Danielle & Shane. That kiss was such a great moment in BB History.
I'm not sure much will change with this "twist". Victoria will still end up on the block and I think they'll shy away from putting Frankie up since he's been on a tear in the comps. I'm also starting to think Derrick's looking at how popular he thinks Cody and Caleb are with the jury and may want Frankie in the F2 if he can't have Victoria. Plus I wonder if he's also factoring in the production factor and how Frankie is their pet.
I'm not sure much will change with this "twist". Victoria will still end up on the block and I think they'll shy away from putting Frankie up since he's been on a tear in the comps. I'm also starting to think Derrick's looking at how popular he thinks Cody and Caleb are with the jury and may want Frankie in the F2 if he can't have Victoria. Plus I wonder if he's also factoring in the production factor and how Frankie is their pet.
Someone's going to be evicted. It's like when there's a double eviction minus the first eviction. They'll do another HOH, noms, POV comp and ceremony and then vote.
Carolyn just stopping in to make sure everything is okay? Haven't seen you on in a long while since you headed out for a bike ride. And that worries me. We have so many auto/bike/pedestrian accidents everyday I worry about that stuff. Be safe and see you soon.
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