Big Brother 14: Endurance Comp Coverage
Happy Endurance Comp Night!!! The game of Big Brother 14 has been completely reset! The coaches are now players, and it's every HG for him or herself! Also, since the game is reset, that means No eviction, and Shane gets to play for HoH!
Well, the HGs called it! And now they're all fighting for their lives in the game! We'll be here covering the comp until we have a winner. I've got three 5 shot trenta americanos on standby.. and one already in me... no joke.
This is where Big Brother legends are made.. Who will that be tonight?? There is truly no comparison to watching an Endurance Comp with your own eyes... and no excuse not to when the free trial of the live feeds is as close as a mouse click.
Go for it! We'll be here...
7:10pm BBT Feeds are back!! Looks like everyone is still in it, and they are getting DOUSED!!
They're trying to find comfortable positions..
Joe: It's the eye of the tiger.. It's the thrill of the fight.
Shane: Stay in it, Brit! Fight!
Boogie: Brit's like, we're not a team anymore..
Dan: What's it feel like to watch people be tortured.
**oddly good.
Brit: I don't think being next to Ian and his jolly attitude was a good idea for me..
Dan: (referring to the game people with the water) Their hits.. You've got Janelle and Dan. Make sure you hittem in the mouth.
Janelle's turned herself around.. trying trying to find a good way to be.. and back to front again.. Boogie has a band across his eyes. I don't know why. birds start flying at them..
Wil: Dear Diary.. This is how I spent my summer..
Boogie and Brit are quietly talking.. as are Dan and Janelle..
All of a sudden, the birds poop all over them!
Janelle: you guys are just weird.
Boogie: That's so wrong.
Ashley: I would much rather be at Geisha House..
Boogie: I might Willie this shit. F this.
Ash: He's gonna try to make a deal.. This is gonna get insane..
Boogie: I can't win this. This is your contest, Ian. I've got a 180 pounds.. I'm gonna hang out for a while though..
7:23pm Bring on the rain!Looking at their faces.. Ashley looks very mind over matter.. Boogie looks like he's ready to wuss out any second. You look..
Frank: Dammit, yo. Lemme rest my arms for one second..
And the wall tilts forward.. Brit and Janelle are whispering.. Boogie's talking up Ian..
Frank: I already dropped a deuce.
Brit: Things are gonna get miserable in a couple hours when the sun goes down.. At the most, I'll last an hour and a half..
Ian: How long did the surfboard??
Brit: That's what we were talking about.. I think an hour and a half..
Janelle and Dan are both looking good.
..and determined!
Shane: Ok, let's get down to it. Which one of ya'll coaches pushed the button?
Boogie: Not me.
Dan: Not me.
Janelle: Not me.
Brit: (silent)
Ian: Can you imagine being Jodi? Sitting in sequester for 34 days.. and someone hits the button?? I hate to say it, but Willie was right..
Boogie: Willie was right?
Ian: He was all, "Play your own game."
Frank: I'm gonna have to work out biceps for a friggin month..
Wil: If you have any left.
and tilllllt...
Frank: Why don't we step up the odds and go one armed??
Here's Jenn.. Hangin' in quietly..
Boogie: This sucks. So collldd..
Wil: And we're back to day 1!
Frank: Exactly.
Wil's looking in excellent spirits..
Frank: The sea.. She's a mean bitch..
Checking in on Ian.. His body weight will help him in some areas and betray him in others. Once it gets cold, others will have an advantage..
Dan, Janie and Brit are in constant and quiet communication with one another.. Frank's talking plenty of smack.. Boogie's still hanging on, but as the sole coach who didn't hit the button, who knows for how long..
Boogie: Lean with it, rock with it.. Lean with it..
One hour in - and everyone is still hanging. Must be time for birds!
Shane: Thanks ya'll.
Frank: Appresh!
Boogie: He called it from the get go. I said no. They wouldn't ruin such a great concept! And here I am, hanging on. And Freezing. AUGH...
I love the random artistic view:
Dan: Good job guys!
7:56 - Time Check.
Jen looks solid. Ashley too. No one wants to be the first to drop.
Boogie: Find a happy place.
Brit: Who was THAT? Boogie!
(someone) who farted?
Brit: It was so wet!
8pm BBT
Boogie: it's a lot easier when watching at home.
Frank: ♫Everybody clap your hands.
Ian: If I get "PLease exchange your microphone for one in the storage room," I'm calling rigged.
Boogie: Is this deeper here?
Janelle: not at all..
Boogie: This is ridiculous. I don't wanna.. but I'm really hurtin..
Ashley: You're ready to fall.. You're tired..
Boogie: It's been fun, guys. I'm out.
And just like that, Jenn drops too. I guess she just didn't want to be 1st. She and Boogie hug on the sidelines..
Boogie: I'm just lookin' at everybody.. Shane, Frank.. THey'll be up there for 10 hours.
And with a splash.. Joe's out too!
ALL: Good job, Joe!
Frank: (spotting some crew members) Awww, hell no, yo?! Ya'll eatin' pizza??
Boogie: I'll cook you diJourno, Ian.
Joe: 210 pounds aint cuttin' it..
Boogie: 180 aint either. Do you want a water, Jenn? This comp was built for certain people.. Light weight.. Shane's muscles..
Shane: I broke my shoulder 5 years ago..
Frank: We gotta bone protruding over here! Are the feeds on showing this right now?
**you betcha!
Boogie: Ian looked over at me and said, how many hours do you have in you? OK.. I'm out. I think he's like 110.. Like.. a girl.
Brit looks like she's feeling no pain..
Dan: Can we get an update from the peanut gallery? How's everyone lookin'?
Joe: Girls are lookin' the best.
Frank: F*ck you, Joe.
Joe: Girls aren't even struggling.. or Ian..
Boogie: Do you think your outfit worked with the water?
Ian: Yeah.. basically a wetsuit.
Shane: Good job, everyone.. Nice work. Way to go Brit.. Actually.. I don't have to suck up anymore.. You're not my coach.
Joe: Lookin' good, Ash.. You look like you could live up there.
Ash: Just chillin'.
Janelle and Brit have a nice stretch while they can..
Dan and Danielle are stoic..
Dan: (to Ash and Ian) How are the star-crossed lovers down there? This is your Titanic moment.. Can you get a kiss in over there, Ian?
Ashley and Ian check in with eachother, quietly offering encouragement..
Just as I notice them, Frank sees Danielle's lips trembling..
Frank: Gettin' chilly out here?
Danielle: (nods) ♫It's a hard knock life for us..
Dan: How long you think we been goin'?
Frank: About 15-20 minutes.
Wil: Hey Girrrl..
Frank: Do your thing..
Dani: So we don't have a conpetition tomorrow?
Ash: We're all haves this week.
Wil: Wine tasting party..
Dani: Why would we have a comp if we're all haves?
Frank: Fight for what we're gonna eat..
8:23 check on the man to beat..
Brit: What's harder? This or labor?
Janelle: Labor!
Ian: What do you prefer, Janelle? This or the pressure cooker.
Janelle: Well that lasted 14 hours..
Ian: Do you think this will?
Janelle: Maybe..
Shane: Good job, Danielle..
Dani: Thanks.
Wil: Good job, "hangin'" in there..
Frank: Git it!
Shane: Sh*t!
Dani: If you fart..
Wil: I'm sorry!
Ash is quietly in her happy place..
Shane is trying to find a happy place.. My thoracic is empathetic.
Frank: (to the camera crew) Hey, you guys can go home in 15 minutes, if there's 2 cases of beer here in 15 minutes... What's gettin' me is I have more slack on my right side than I do on my left.
Shane: More actual rope?
Frank: Yeah.
8:30pm BBT Everyone but Boogie, Jenn and Joe are still in it! EPIC battle tonight. EPIC!
8:35pm Frank's the smack talker of the bunch.. I think it's more to keep himself entertained than anything strategic at this point..
Focus and determination are the name of the game. Shane and Janelle ring out "Good job, guys" to the HGs at large..
Shane: Dude, this water smells like ass.
**not touching that.
Shane: Ian did piss in it so..
Frank: oh!! That was cold!
Frank: Warn us next time!
Wil gives off a shiver.. 1st I've seen from him.. They are all completely soaked to the core.
Ashley slips off, and she's OUT!
Joe: Did you slip?
Ash: Yeah.. I didn't mean to do that.
Dan dives in and takes himself out..
Remaining in the Comp are... Shane, Frank, Ian, Janelle, Brit, Danielle, Wil
Here's the peanut gallery.. looking very Gilligan's Island
Joe: Danielle could go all night too. Look at her face.
Boogie: Yeah. New attitude too. Weird new cocky swagger.
Jenn: It's nice.
Brit starts quoting Housewives of Atlanta..
Brit: I don't want a dildo in my ass today..
Janelle: Shout out to Nene Leaks.
Danielle: Kiefer (Keith?) (new Mike O) Can we have a new time update?
***it's 8:51pm - you just hit the 2 hour mark. nice job, hgs!
Shane: Fuuuuck.. My frikkin shoulder might pop outa joint.
Brit: Does it look easier than it is, Dan?
Dan: Nope. Good job, guys.
8:55pm We hear the telling bird caws.. Splat!
Shane: Yummy! That got in my mouth. Shit!
Frank: There's a lot more around me and Wil than anyone else. It barely got you.
Shane: It got me! uughhh.
8:56pm - Big boy's in pain..
Shane: (softly) C'mon, stay with it, Frank. Stay with it.
Shane: Good job, guys.. and girls.. Keep it up!
Ash: Good job, guys.
Brit: Good job, Shane.
Frank: Bottomed out, yo! I'm used to that sound.
Shane: Frank! Really?
9pm BBT - Here comes the rain...
Wind, Rain and Major tilting!! Shane's calling out support to everyone.. individually..
Frank and Shane look like they're struggling the most. Frank, more than Shane..
There is so much wind and rain being blown right now, you can barely make out the HGs..
Over 2 hours into it, and 7 strong souls remain: Shane, Frank, Wil, Danielle, Janelle, Britney, Ian
9:As Janelle bends over to talk to Ian, his face is the picture of confidence..
Frank: Shit!
Frank slips and he drops! Not intentionally.
Joe: Dude, with your weight, I don't know how you made it that long.
Dan: And then there were 6.
Ashley: Think of rainbows and butterflies.
Dan: Good job, Danielle.
Dani: Thank you.
Jenn: Hang in, everybody. You're doing awesome.
Shane is groaning.. and clearly in pain. Wil is beginning to show some strain as well. Janie, Brit, Danielle and Ian are looking fine..
Wil: omg.. omg.. omg.. What is that? It's a f'ing wasp!
Shane: Better not sting me..
Wil: Welcome to the Hunger Games.. The last houseguest alive..
Shane: Good job, guys.. Good job, Ian..
Ian: Th-th-thanks Shane.
Shane: You a little cold??
Brit: I'm so cold.
Ian: But you're good.
Brit: But I'm f'ing freezing.
Danielle and Janie share smiles.. Britney bounces in place to keep warm.
Dan: The student has become the teacher..
Danielle: Alright, Daniel-san.
9:20pm and all's well. :0) Gah, I love a great Endurance comp!! :0) Even a great big smile from Jedi Janie..
Boogie: Lock your elbows if you have to. Everyone else is. It's not a rule. It's a safety thing. This is no time to be all Sorry, BB.
Ian: ok.
Jenn: I'm never felt so 37 in my life.
Frank: Good job, everybody. Stay warm if you can.
Joe; Ass kisser! It's a new game
All: haha
Jenn: Ian, doin' real good, my dude.
Boogie: britney, the machine.
Dan: Good job, Bama.
Joe: Cmon Shane. Give it up. You can't win.
Boogie; Way to tough it out, Vermont. Hold tight, Shane.
Shane: Aaargh!
Dan: i think it's just annoying for Britney. I don't think she feels any pain.
Joe: Janelle's not light..
Frank: Good job, Shane, killin it.
9:27pm Shane is clearly in pain..
..but is his resolve wavering.. at this point, that's all that matters.
9:28 He puts on a face of determination..
And BB kicks up the wind.
9:30pm Janie, Danielle, Brit, Ian and Wil are doin' fine..
I wonder what's going through Shane's head.. seeing how little pain everyone else is in, while knowing what he's dealing with. He stretches his legs..
Wil breaks the tension.. mocj whispering..
Wil: Are we still in an alliance?
Shane: Are we still good?
Dan: Good job, Danielle. You're not even shaking..
Wil: How're you doin'?
Shane: Shitty! How're you doin'?
Dan: I worry about his arms.
Boogie: He's an animal.
Wil: You ready?
Shane: yea..
Wil and Shane take a simultaneous dive!
And then there were 4.. :0) The 4 who have shown no pain yet.. Danielle, Janelle, Britney and Ian. Who needs to win this most?
9:39pm Janie's off!! "I'm too fat, guys."
9:40 And then there were 3!!
Janelle: Lookin' good you guys.. all 98 pounds of you!
Joe: Ian, how many hours you got in you?
Ian: Bout 5.
Danielle: I can't hear you!
Brit: He said you wont go up.
Danielle: Ian, I wanna see my family too.
Brit: If you drop, you're good.
Danielle: The same for you.
While dealmaking is beginning to happen on the comp, Boogie and Frank are plotting behind the bushes..
Boogie: Whatever happens, we have to make it so there's fighting..
Danielle: I'm ready for your speech, Dan.
Dan: Alright, Danielle, you've outlasted 2 bb winners.. and a badass like janelle.. You set the deal, you don't make the dea. You wanna win this game, it's on you. You win, you're seein' Colt, your mom, your dad.. Look at me, I picked you for a reason. I know this is in you. You gotta do it.
Danielle: You're good, Ian..
Ian: You too.
Danielle: I just really wanna see my family.
Ian: I do too.
Ian: I don't think anyone thought any of us had it.
Joe: Ian, you're been on Showtime for about 50 minutes,
**wrong. BBAD isn't live yet.
Ian asks Dan for a speech.. Dan delivers... I♥ Dan.
While Brit and Ian are giving each other permission to quit, Dan is pumping up Danielle..
Dan: All you gotta do is punch it in, Danielle.
Brit: Danielle's solid as a frikkin rock. We're the ones shaking.
Ian: I know. Should we just let her? I feel physically ill.
Brit: I have no blood in my forearms
Dan: A picture of your family's waiting, Danielle. It's up to you to go get it though..
Danielle: You're safe, Ian.
Ian: I know. I just wanna do it for my family. I think that's why all of us are here.
Danielle: I can't feel my hands.
Brit: Me neither
Dan: You gotta dig deep. You been up here for 2 hours.
Dan: Hang on. You're almost home, Danielle.
Ian: Danielle.. Shane's safe too.
Danielle: I know.. You already told me that.
Dan: Don't you give up.
Danielle: You know you're safe.
Ian: I know (begins to cry) It's just I want to see pictures of my family too. I think that's the only reason the 3 of us are up here now.
Danielle: Dan, I'm trying. I can't feel my arms.
Boogie: Star of the show. BB14. How bad do you want it. Ian.. Just think about wiping off the white stuff..
Ian: You mean, when I have my victory rub tonight?
Boogie: Well, that too buddy...
10pm BBT
Brit: If you want some privacy so we can 3 talk, ask for it..
Ian: Can we ask Danielle on that too?
Ian: Hooray for fake bird shit! Am I allowed to take a hot shower after this?
Brit: No Have Nots..
Jenn: Britney, lookin' good mama.
Brit: It's cold up here, Jenn.
Ian: She knows. She was up here.
Brit: Ian.. We're freakin' shakin' like leaves. She's solid.
Ian: I know she's solid. If you wanna get down, you can. All 3 of us are safe, I think..
Brit: I just wanna see my husband.
Ian: I know.. Only 1 of us is gonna get to see our family..
Here comes the rain..
Encouragement from the peanut gallery..
Janie: You got it, Brit.
Shane: C'mon, Brit. Hang in there, girl! C'mon, Danielle!
Ian: If I fall, will you fall?
Brit: What?!
Dan: It's all mental, Danielle. You got it.
Shane (whispers to Dan) If Ian's foot slips, he's done.
Brit: You have to face forward.
Ian: Like that?
10:08pm BBT
Ian makes sure he's 100% safe! and with the guarantee, he drops.
Britney asks for the same! And jumps!
Danielle is the new HoH!
Father Dan even ordained, heck, commanded a kiss from Shane.. Delivered..
Janelle: First Girl HoH!!!!
10:10pm BBT We have a winner! Dan even gave permission for a kiss from Shane.. lol. A few minutes later, Shane's acting as a human blanket for Dani inside the house..
And now the game starts allll over again!!! I love it!!!!
It's much more fun to watch an Endurance Comp for yourself!!
I am so exhilarated right now I can't stand it!!!
Welcome to Endurance!!!!
shocked shocked and shocked that Boogie did not hit the button!
Happy Endurance everyone!!! Here we go!!
I am curious to see how the coaches hold up... come on Brit!
Another endurance where i dont see a man having a shot. Ian vs brit. Under 3 hours. Go Brit! Keep father Dan off the block!
I hope they hang on till their hands feel broken. This endurance competition where they actually COMPETE has been a long time coming! Who wants to start a poll on who will fall off first!! :)
Hi all {waves} :)
How funny was it Boogie had the headband on his eyes.
I don't know who I want to win now Ian, Dan, Shane again maybe. Decisions.
These are the comps we look forward to every year but have been let down in recent years. I am so excited!!!!! WHOOOO!!!!
I'm not gonna get got! I'm gonna be in here testing Blue's 'endurance'.
I am on the feeds - but don't see it? I just see BB trivia
OK I just signed up for the live feeds and nothing is happening, OMG!!! I know I know I should have not waited to the last minute, gonna refresh and hope it helps....
Oh Hi everyone, love the new twist!
going to be a looooong night!!
so superpass isn't loading my feeds! :( the one day it glitches..
no trivia..
no nothing...
just a white screen!
Anyone else having trouble loading the live feeds, or the superpass website in general ?
My live feeds aren't working. What's going on?
going to be a looooong night!!
I'm not sure why they didn't go through the eviction process before they gave the coaches the choice, and I'm not sure I like the fact that if 1 coach came in, they were all obligated. I wasn't surprised at all that Boogie didn't want to come in, as I see him as a target the very first time he's available.
Oh come on BB show us already!!!! We Pay for this coverage!!!!
I am sooo excited for the feeds to comeback. Wonder who will be out before we even get back to see. I love this game!! Thanks Caro for all you do I will be here with you until the last Hg is standing :)
wonder when the backdoor frank plan will be revealed to him lol
it is going to be a long night
new post as soon as i post coment lol
ok snacks pepsi , chips bbq and dritors, m&ms, grapes, sour patch kids, sweet tarts, popcorn all with in arms reach lets go bb start the feeds up already 7mins has passed come on come on
go dan, dani, brit shane, even jani couse i think shed put boogie up
Suuuuuupper excited!!
Wow! Kudos, BB!
HG's are very quiet right now. Looks like they are already over it.
This is friggin' awesome!! The only problem is now I have to learn a whole new game. God I live Big Brother!!!
Wow they sure are pelting them with water, they look like drowned rats, but they are still there all of them
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wanting to let go and having to let go are two differnt things. This is just like earthquake bb10 Dan will probably through it middle of the pack
Feeds are back but mine keep freezing. Is it just me?
I did not want the coaches to come in
Yay! Feeds are back, I am so pumped and ready for the long haul!!!
My feeds came on to Boogie the Blind assassin lol
Joe looks like he's in trouble already
Not happy about the coaches being in the game.... Newbies need their chance
This is awesome! I cant wait to see who is with who now!!
My feeds quit working, im really bummed =( Glad I have BBDish to keep me in the loop!
This is awesome!! I cant wait to see who is with who now!!!
Any predictions? I predict it's gonna be a very long night in the BB House!! ;) (I hope)
Boogie says "theres no way im gonna be able to do this, you gotta stay on here ian"
.....ian is playing his own game, buddy! You're on your own now! No Dr will to carry you along! mwahahahahaha
I think the newbies were exciting for endurance, I wonder how they'll feel about tomorrow - lol
You can't handle my endurance, GaYToR!!!! teehee
I thought hed be the only one who did!
Hello Carolyn and BBDishers!!!!!
OMG!!!! Boogie better be glad that they pushed the button! I knew Dan and Brit would but I was surprised Janelle did!!!!GO DAN, BRIT, DANIELLE & SHANE!!!! YAYYYYYY
Sorry for Caps but I'm so EXCITED!!! lol
all I get is " The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request."
Who wants to bet Joe is the first to go.
I hope Shane wins! Should be interesting to see what happens to the teams.
ugh my feeds arent working :( this isnt fair...
Oh no, Brit is afraid of birds!
I'm gonna guess that the servers are overloaded on Superpass because I can't get in. :( Hopefully people will give up soon, and I'll get in. :)
I'm taking over comment duty while Carolyn caps and such - so be patient with me. :) it's been a horribly long week at work and I need -
BIRDS. HAHAHAH. Ollie would flip out... hahahaha. That's so awesome!
- what was it I needed again? OH! A nap. *L* Bet I can last though - longer than the houseguests! :)
i had to switch to IE to get my feeds to work, chrome wasnt working after the show was over
I'm getting the same BeBee can't get superpass to come up
I get a server error after logging to the live feeds.. Grumble... CBS.. fix your servers or I pull my subscription...
LOL, bird poop!
my computer is reinstalling java.
it said thats the reason superpass wouldnt load.
hope i get to see some of this endurance!
The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
so sad...can't watch...keep us updated
Howdy, Lessa!!!
Sorry I haven't played with you for a few nights. I been a tired boy and sleeping in Never Never Land.
Miss you!!! ((((hugs))))
Bring on the poooooooooo!!!!!!
I love this thanks for this blog ! ! Hi every one ! ! !
Hey Blue! Miss you too! ((((hugs)))) Had to play all by myself... which is a sad re-enactment of my real life. *L*
Yeap. My feeds work on Internet Explorer.. Super disappointed with chrome.... I kept getting that error too
I love this ! ! ! Thanks for this blog ! ! ! Hi everyone ! ! !
Shane is going to be tough to beat tonight or he should be. I'd be so pissed if my HoH became void for any reason.
I hope now that the has-beens have gone into the game they need to be the next 4 voted out. AGP will never let that happen but a GaYToR can dream... Mike being out THIS week!
thankfully Internet Explorer is giving me feeds!!!!!!
I headed over to superpass and logged in early so I could be sure to get on. It must be that so many are trying to access. So far all the guests ar elooking good, no one is looking like they might drop, it's too early. IMHO
I feel ya, Lessa. Same here. At least I have Doggie and Kittie. :)
dang Super Pass, too many peeps trying to get in, mine ain't working either :(
bird poo!!! lmao
Speaking of poop - Blue hows your poopster doing with they Nyquil?
Carolyn, you are awesome!!!
Work is gonna be rough for me tomorrow 8 am (edt)!
Wonder what's gonna happen when one of them has to pee...??? I know if i was in that water and freezing it would be the end of me after a little while. LOL
At least the water is washing off some of the bird poop.
Michigan Man said...Bring on the poooooooooo!!!!!!
Bring on the Water tooooooooo!!!! lol
For everyone who's feeds aren't working... Try using Internet Explorer.
This one is pretty intense, not going to go all night unfortunately.
They make me nervous when they bend down like that.....
annnd they are finally working for me! phew!!!
I just opened another bottle of wine if anyone needs a glass... it's going to ~hopefully~ be a long night.
Boogie is already talking about jumping off... come on man... don't be such a wus (sorry I will try to be nice).
That poo really seems to be sticking,lol!
Gooooooo Janie. Man the whole house is against her. Would love to see her win.
My bet is on Boogie for the first out. *L* such a whiner.
And can I just say how excited I am? FATHER DAN! BACK IN THE GAME! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
I was teasing about the nyquil. I would never do that to her. Think about? Sure. Fantasize about it? Sure. But really do it? Welllllll...... LOL
Thanks for asking, though!!!!!
Very happy that they are all fighting for this!!! I'm impressed!!!!
Lessa wrote: "And can I just say how excited I am? FATHER DAN! BACK IN THE GAME! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"
Ditto that, Lessa!!!!!!
Shout it to the rooftops!!! w00t w00t!!!!!!!!!
Blue - my dog is older now and he sleeps through most things but every once in a while he hears Joe's outside voice and jumps.
Boogie can leave now. I'll start a petition.
OMG Boogie!!! Cut it out!!! If you drop you're on the block!!!!
Lessa said...And can I just say how excited I am? FATHER DAN! BACK IN THE GAME! WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
I agree with you Lessa!!! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
I'll start the chant
ABB - Anyone But Boogie
(sorry Boogie lovers)
I was in the comment section of the wrong post during the, hello everyone!! So glad to have the feeds...just wish I was off tomorrow! Have a feelin it'll be a long night! :)
I'm not buying what Boogie is selling about not being able to handle this competition. He's trying to make himself appear weaker than he is.
ABB!!! ABB!!! ABB!!! lol
i finally got it workin and then they put trivia!!!!!!!
Lessa was that Father Dan I heard dropping the 4 letter F Bomb?
Were you paying attention or playing with yourself? :p
Lessa I also thought of Ollie when I saw the birds!
That's cute, Curlerchick!! My doggie can hear a leaf blow across the yard and feels the need to yap at it for 10 minutes. *sigh*
So excited for tonite! While I"m a little po'd that the didn't do the eviction and then let the coaches hit their button, I'm very glad Shane gets to be in the comp.
I would love to see Shane, Ian, Brit or Dan win. Esp Ian just to see where his mind is at!
trivia, someone is dropping
OMG endurance. OMG OMg sorry I'm tardy to the party, but I had dinner guests. I JUST finished the show.
This si gonna be good.
My feeds still aren't on. Those who have feeds....what's happening?
My daughters pc did the same. Mine is loading but keeps freezing:( thank goodness for BBDish!!!;)*****
Is this what the Titantic sounded like, all the creaking and groaning??
or not :)
Jenn hasn't spoken a word since it started!
I'm so happy my man Dan is back in the game! He is my all time favorite.
Gosh. My 3 favorites of all time are Dan, Janelle, and Jun. And now two of my faves are playing in the same game.
I can't begin to describe how excited I am about this.
By the way, Jeff and Jordan round out my top 5.
curlerchick I am starting every comment tonight with:
But I don't think he will last long. He's a spoiled rich boy creature of comfort. And he will probably TRY to win playing the only game he knows how to play.
He'll tell everyone he wants to be evicted before Jury but that is what will save him again.
Barf Bag anyone?
Dan looks like the cat that ate the canary!!!
Joe is struggling big time.
Doesn't look like Brittney has broke a sweat.
Give em some rain!!
I can't tell if Dan is actually hurting or if he's staying stretched out.
No way Joe is not the first one down. He already looks like he is in pain...
Mind over matter works up until the point gravity wins
Come on feeds! I don't know who I want to win HOH! Not Joe, Frank, Wil or Ashley.
Hi Carolyn,
Hi Lessa,
Hi everyone,
This is a great night for BB fans this endurance, no eviction, coaches in the game and players coming back next week...
So fun..
Off to read all the comments and the post..
Am I the only one that forgets Jen is in the game unless they show her on the feeds?
i guess my fav endurance was the rope swings!! This type just like the surfboards, seem to be aimed to not go as long..
GaYToR, Lessa is playing with me. :P
Danielle is looking good!!!! GO Danielle keep my all time favorite Fathar Dan safe!!!!
Whoo Hoo! I have feeds!
Gaytor I thought that was Boogie that dropped the F bomb.
Joe is gonna fall!
Goooo Jani. Win this for all of your fans and yourself!!!!!
So we are like what 45-50 minutes in and everyone is still on! That's an accomplishment from past few years! :) I am happy.
My top five. Dan Memphis Keesha Renny and Keesha
Going to be an hour soon that they have been at it and no one has fallen of yet!! This is going to be GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!
Ian must want to increase the size of the target on his back
Joe is about done.
I am soooo happy that everyone is hanging on for dear life...this could go all night!!!
rob tan.......You named Keesha twice. You must REALLY like her. LOL
I really liked Keesha and Renny, too. Voted for Keesha for America's Fave.
rob tan said...My top five. Dan Memphis Keesha Renny and Keesha
LOL I agree but you put Keesha twice!!! I would add Jeff to that!
I love that look of pain on Boogies face! Lol
I'm surprised Joe is still up. Kudos to these HGs, much more fight than the past couple of seasons.
Would love to watch, but just got an internal server error.
Know you have nothing to do with this Carolyn, but surely those running the feeds website knew there was going to be a LOT of people watching. Isn't this what they wanted, and now the server can't handle the traffic. Really??
How much does production love Frank? Why did they not go through with the eviction and then bring the coaches in? If I remember correctly in the first POV it was all set up for him to win with all of the $1 coins in front of him. Now he is about to get kicked out and a huge twist saves his butt.
Shi Shi it probably was Mike. It sounded like Dan's voice though. BUT... My feeds froze right at the end of the 'k'.
Ya always know when Skippy goes to the Trivia button that production is telling them something. This would be so much better if they had no outside contact and never know when bird poop, rough seas, or rain is coming.
Frank has a Clif bar in his pocket. lol
LOL@Shi Shi!
Me, too!!!
well Foogie (Frank + Boogie) survive another week. dam i wanted to see him go :(. DishChick Carolyn if you like Foogie and wanna use it then by all means lol
anyone having trouble getting onto superpass? :(
I think they all have to hang on because no one knows how the coaches coming in will affect their game not even the coaches. Maybe they should do endurance earlier in the season more often
omg my pc fliched and now i cant get pass the sign in on superpaSS they are over loaded or something its saying an internal error prevented the site from fufilling my request! grrrrrrrrrrrr i am SO mad!
Father Dan is cursing a bit this season, and talking about more personal things,such as his sex life. Very surprised. I love him, though...
ltcmek, try using internet explorer
Is anyone else kicked off the feeds! I keep getting an error report on my iPad.
LOL @ GaYToR - ABB -
here comes the birds
i cant belive they have all hung on for 58 mins
momentarily lost feeds, came back boy superpass is having it rough toinight
Is anyone else getting an Apache error? I am unable to view the feeds...
go dan dani brit shane jani too maybe, whoo hoo lets goo
The water spraying on them seemed to be concentrated in the middle. I think Shane is getting very little of it... Just confirmed that with the bird poop.... Its concentrated more towards the middle. The people on the outsides aren't getting hit as much... Except for those spouts above their heads.
I do enjoy a soaking wet Shane.
I think I'll ask Santa for one this year.
get off the button skippy
Somehow I picked the all Boogie feed. I'd switch but know the feeds would freeze if I tried. At least I have Brit too.
Boogie doesn't want to be the first to fall!!!! lol If he falls first OMG...specially before Joe, Ashley or Jen...he would die!!!! LOL
While I am watching the comp live, Carolyn is capturing some amazing Screen Caps!!!
Good job, Chica!!!! Thanks!!!!
If your having trouble with the feeds, try using Internet Explorer.
LOL wet fart by Boogie, he's using chemical warfare
Well, called Superpass and their customer support office is closed. Please keep me updated guys and I'll keep trying on this end to get the feeds back.
Michigan Man, I made sure I was on quad. And I'm with you, since so many people are having issues, I'm not about to try to switch cams.
I learned a few years ago, on possible Endurance nights, turn on my live feeds at the beginning of the live show. The traffic is always heavy.
I got lost ... had to log back on ... Hi! Happy Endurance~~
If i did a top 6, i woulda put Keesha 3 times
Boogie is OUT! Jenn right behind
LOL@JadeDarkStar "get off the button skippy" Too funny!!! :)
UN-BE-LIEV-ABLE Boogie!!!!
Um Dani looks the Best kunda makes you go hhhmmmm....oh and Boogie the first one Jenn that was a no brainer...
And the Boogie is down!
Yayyyyy ABB!!! ABB!!! ABB!!!
Boogie and Jenn out!!! Lets go Frank...its your turn to fall!!! lol
wow boogie and jen out first secound
dan danio jani brit shane have got to win
Don't forget to go see how hard Carolyn is working on the Blog. She's getting fantastic screen caps and transcribing at the same time.
Carolyn you ROCK! (but you know I have felt that way for years.)
Heee. I called it! :P Boogie is first out!
Jen's out? wth
Phelps just got gold
Boogie and Jenn. Not surprised.
Joe is surprising me, though. Thought he'd be down by now.
LMAO!!! As I am typing this, Joe just took the plunge!!!! HA! Never mind.
@rob tan...If i did a top 6, i woulda put Keesha 3 times
LOL!!!! I loved Keesha!!
Yayyyy bye bye JOE!!!!
joe made it hour and 5mins not bad
they are dropping fast now
No go for Joe
Shane's not gonna make it much longer
He thought Frank was safe and he was running things
here comes more bird poop and rain, yeah,
stay up there jani dan dani brit shane come on stay stay
De-Lurking to say I am rooting for Ian and hope he finally enjoys a week of real food.
Back to Lurking!
Janelle's auditioning to be the next Cat Woman.
Ian is getting so cocky. I hope he screws up and falls.
I thought I heard the birds - sorry I jumped the gun
I second or third or whatever number we are on...awesome pics Carolyn!!!!
All hail our BB Queen.
watch how loose Shane's handle is. I hope it doesn't come off!! or break
I must be really lagged. On my feeds no one is out yet. WEIRD!
WiscoFirefigher said...Ian is getting so cocky. I hope he screws up and falls.
I agree!!!! 100%
Britney seems like she can go all night.
GaYToR, that is weird.
So cute, Danielle singing "It's a Hard Knock Life"...
i want see ian frank and wil out of it then ash, and id be happy with jani brit dan dani or shane takign it
Is everyone have a great time?
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