Wednesday Show Viewing Party
Good evening, Big Brother Lovers! Thank you for joining us for the Wednesday Show Viewing Party!
It's time to rewind your minds, as tonight, the TV Only people learn that Shane won the PoV and put Frank up as the ReNom. I'm really curious to see the edit on this one. There are so many possible story lines they can go with..
If you haven't gotten the feeds yet, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the 3 day free trial very soon! All the HGs are expecting an Endurance Comp for tomorrow's HoH, and the early and long lockdown really supports that! Not to mention the loud non-stop construction all day long! You don't want to miss it!
Please don't want to wait til the last minute, discover you have some technical glitch and be left out of all the fun. Do yourself a favor, dive on in and get the free trial tonight!
As with all BBDish Viewing Parties, the action is in the comment section. Come on in and say hi ! ☺ Tell us, who are you rooting for in the Endurance Comp tomorrow?? Do you think the coaches will be in it as players, or will they be in it as part of a coaches comp to bring a player back into the game? Or some other scenario??
In the event you miss the Big Brother 14 broadcast during it's time slot, please visit They upload full episodes. :)
Happy Wednesday Show!!!
Hi Carolyn, all
Bring on the Clowns!!!! :D
Hi Glad to be here with you all. I hope that the endurance lasts longer than it did last year. Maybe cuz they all seem to really want it so bad it will be a killer. Here's hoping.
Happy Veto Day Dishers!
Ugh, I am praying for a miracle in the next 24 hours?
What is everyone's take on Joe cheating as a h/n? Not once but twice that I know of.
Hi Carolyn,
Hi Everyone,
Happy Wednesday Show...
I am so excited about endurance tomorrow night and I am anxious to see who is voted off and if Wil fun..
Hi everyone. I made it. Wonder what the announcement was that was made? Part of it was that the speeches will be cut out tomorrow night.
I brought the wine who brought the snacks?
Hi everyone. I made it. Wonder what the announcement was that was made? Part of it was that the speeches will be cut out tomorrow night.
I brought the wine who brought the snacks?
Good Evening!! Thank you for coming to the Wednesday Show Viewing party here on BBDish!!
Hi MCornett!! :)
Hi MichiganMan!! :)
Hi WendyBBFanatic! :) -- I really don't think it was intentional.. do you?
Hi ShiShi!! :) I've got snacks! How you feeling about Cran Rangoon?
Hi FLGirl! :) What???? Where did you hear no live show??
Hi Pammm!! :) Me toooo!!!
Wendy when did he cheat. I didn't catch that!
Happy Wednesday night Carolyn and Fellow Dishers. I never thought about the endurance comp for just the about the 2 coaches left hanging get to stay in the game and the last one left also gets to pick someone to come back into the house?
Happy Wednesday show everyone!!
Soooo ready for the endurance comp tomorrow!!
And to see what's going to happen with the coaches!
hi glad to be here can't wait for the fire works with the votes ....
Hello Everyone... :)
wow these kids on jeopardy are so smart and cute
YaY! I'm ready to make fun of the edit which we know will be bad as usual. I'm taking bets on if we will be subjected to Willie Hantz again tonight. I'm thinking yes.
Greetings Carolyn, the Dish Goddess, and everyone.
No, I don't think it was either, but rules are rules, and that goes for ALL the HGs in my opinion.
Caro that sound great to me!
Caro-on Jokers
Good Evening!! Thank you for coming to the Wednesday Show Viewing party here on BBDish!!
Hi AJS!! :0)
Hi GoodTimes!! :)
Hi KellyBou!! :)
Hi NicoleThomas! :) Welcome!! Me too!!
Hi Kristin!! :) Me too!!
hi glad to be here can't wait for the fire works with the votes ....
He licked his fingers while making cheesecake and also sampled dinner last night. Think it was 10:30ish BBT today.
Haooy Wednesday Show!!
Hi GayTor!! :)
Shishi - Dig in! :)
FlGirl - Can you pop the direct link please?
I'd like to buy 2 p's
DVR is set to record both BB and olympics so I won't be channel flippin..also found the right comment section...been a rough day my compazine just isn't working on the chemo day after stuff...but I'm here!! Starting the show.....
Hmm.. It's entirely possible the food was on the have not menu..
Tripl in Cen FL - So blessed to have you here! (((hugs))))
Huh. No live show? Did we miss something? Please tell me this isn't true!!!!!
Avocado and cream cheese aren't on the HN's food list for two things.
I wish Joe would get a penalty nom. I want him out of there way more than Frank.
Hello dear Carolyn and dish friends!
I'm sadly SUCH a TV-only this is so busy but SO great! :) I've had like 2 minutes to read the dish...Thank you Caro for your spectacular updates! :)
Glad I have time to be here with you all tonight!
Hugs to all! :)
Wendy - No..
Here's the thing - Joker's is great and all, but it's entirely user generated content, so anyone can post anything at any time.
oh my gosh!! :0) Hi With It!! What a nice surprise! Welcome home!
Happy Wednesday y'all! This is the other Kmac who does not have a pic... I tried to just add one but it's tougher than it should be on an iPhone :-) so this post is a test !!!
ThanK you dishy-chickies!!!
Good evening Caro and dishers! I can't wait to see the look on Frank and Boogie's faces when Frank is renomed!
Hi KMac!! :) Yayy!! Proof I'm not losing my mind completely! But.. the pic didn't work..
Oh you bought it Brit, and the hook and sinker.
Hi MrsH!! :) Me too!! So nice to see you!
It's soo hard to do from an iPhone!! I gave up and had to do it from a desktop!
Lord have mercy!!
Joe says Shane's ego is out of control, however Joe's screaming in the DR is STILL out of control! Hahaha
Hi Caro! Thanks for the warm welcome! :)
Joe's yelling in the DR is louder than Dan's "play by plays!"
How can the rest of the house not HEAR him?!
I need Xanax if I have to listen to any more of Joe's DR's. Yikes dude! STOP YELLING! LOL!
Hi Carolyn! Who's ready for a lengthy endurance comp???
I wonder if Joe uses that voice and face to terrify his kids. I know it would terrify me.
Hi Tillman Girl!! Who's ready for a long, great endurance comp? MEEEEE!!!!! :)
***I need a mute button for Joe..
Hi ya'll!!! Me and the daughter are here :) We are joined this evening by daughter's best friend and my youngest (age 7) who is now a BB fan as well...we are all in agreement that we completely dislike Joe's DR sessions...stop screaming dude!!!! That is all...happy viewing to all :)
I love the Kmac names... that is MY MAC in the doggie bag picture.
Hi TXErNurse, daughter and BFF! :0) Welcome!!
Hi all!!!
Hiya Lovely Caro and dishers!
Should be interesting to see the DRs, especially Dans!! Maybe we can finally crack he is alliance wise!!
LOL Brittany:
Frank in the bozo wig!
Love that girl! :)
Ohhhhh. I HATE clowns!! Not sure I can watch this! Lol
Hi Cindy!! :)
Hi Emrys!! :)
Ashley! I'll miss her if she goes...LOL!
It's nice to be here, Caro! I've missed being a part of your viewing parties!
someone needs to make a deal with Frank so that he can stay in the game and get Shane out the guy is winning too many comps.
Hey everyone! Long time dish reader first time commenting this season.
Brits facial expressions during Joes HOH meeting gave me the major giggles. Like many, I'm not really rooting for anyone but am interested in seeing who gets the next HoH, if they are pegging Ian as a favorite, I wonder why Shane hasn't talked to him more?
LOVED Dans working with Ian though, hope he builds on that.
Rrright! But I was reminded that I started a blog for my daughter last year .... I planned on posting once a month as like an ongoing journal of her life ---- last post was sept 2011-
This goes to show how dedicated Carolyn is...hats off!!! Shane looks great in yellow!
LMAO @ Britney's Joe impersonation...she has him down perfectly!!
Hi Gertrudis!! :) Welcome to the comment section!! :)
MrsH! :) I've missed having you!
TillmanGirl - Ditto! :)
Thanks, KMac :)
Hey! Better late than never, right??
Hi Judy!! :0) Welcome!!
no way would I give up my rings..
re the live show situation tomorrow night.. i have a couple emails out to confirm what's up..
Brit better watch trashing Janie-she's my fav! ;-)
Janelle is working her butt off that's for sure and Joe please stop yelling in the DR it's getting old..
Joes chin landing strip gets on my nerves as much as his ridiculously loud DRs do!
oooooh....Shane....shirtless and in pink! oolala!
Honestly, Joe reminds me so much of another annoying HG, who went on to win...Adam...I hated hearing his DR's...
hello fellow dishers... I'm really hoping something changes over the next 24 hours - screaming Joe has got to go!
Thanks Caro, you're the best!
Did Joe shed tears while begging Shane to save him?
This comment has been removed by the author.
I don't know why we wait for the shows to air..can any dishers stand outside the BB house and listen to Joe's DRs and report back to us each day?
So, only took me 25 minutes to get to the internet and finally get the live stream to work ... ARGH
Hi Dishers!!
it's a slow torture waiting for tomorrow!!
You know, I've been thinking lately how much the coaches have matured since they were on BB last; that is, all but Brit. She's still a drama queen, whiny-butt 20-something. Sad. Janelle is so much more mature, and Brit doesn't know what to do with it! lol!
Love Dan back in the Karate Kid headband! :)
Hi DavidB!! :) Yup!!
Hi Steph!! :) Geeesh! Welcome!
Hi Terry! :) LOL!
GayTor :) I didn't see any..
Wendy - Thanks :) I have a pretty vested interest..
Hi KimCat!! :) Welcome!
hello fellow dishers hoping something changes over the next 24 hours... screaming Joe has got to go! Very excited for tomorrow
Judy - I hear ya.. I find her much more enjoyable this season, but she does still favor much more negativity than I'd like..
Wait. Did Janelle say "they'll probably take Jenn or freakin' Ashley" right in front of Ashley?
By the way, did I hear it wrong or did Shane say after Britney that he liked Janelle's Chanel earrings as well?
My Guide on my cable box says "contestants compete for the role of head of household; Live."
It doesn't say there's an eviction, like it normally says.
Maybe a Sunday eviction, and coaches enter, too, on Sunday??
Judy - Thank you!
Terry :) Did he??
Hi JCo!! :) Too much multitasking on my end to answer that..
Brittany really freaks out too much
@kmacattack it's so awful! Super distracting and terrible lol
Hi Caro! Thanks for the warm welcome!
My 8 year old niece just said "whoa, Shane's handsome, like a Ken doll!" It appears he has universal appeal.
Looks like Frank really fell for it according to his DR
BB Canada ... oh my ... I am not sure I could handle another BB ... lol
Carolyn, I'll rewind it on DVR on commercial, but it sounded like he did. Zingbot also said something about it on Twitter as well.
--Just rewound it. He did say it, who knows if it was a poor edit or real time though.
Thanks, Terry! :)
Gertrudis -- Either that.. or I have the same taste as an 8 year old.. which i'm oddly ok with..
My two cents on Britney's maturity or lack thereof since her season...
A leopard doesn't change its spots. I didn't like here in BB12 and I like her less in BB14.
My son and his girlfriend are in the living room watching TV so I am sitting on my bed watching my lap top ... lol
ur welcome!
Makes sense, since the voting on the coaches entering is open till Friday.....
i havent looked into bb canada though i heard its coming, havent watched glass house either, sometimes the original is the best
dragon really Brittany, if coaches come into the game won't be pretty
"LIVE Thursday at 9"
Whoa! The results are on tomorrow night??!!??
It's gonna be a WILD night!!
Goodnight everyone!
Watching tomorrow night with the beau so I prob won't be here (don't want him to feel neglected).
I'll be thinking of ya'll!!!!!
Hugs! :)
I'm guessing we'll see Ian's meltdown tomorrow night.
Sounds like the show will be live tomorrow, unless BB is stringing us along.
There we have it.. "Who will be evicted and will the coaches enter the game? It all happen LIVE Thursday night at 9 o clock"
can't wait until tomorrow night I will bring the salsa and chips! have a great night Carolyn and dishers!!
I'll be back after I reboot my body. I sat here watching the show and let my sugar drop to 42. EEK! JUICE STAT!!
ok.. So I have a decision to make.. I'm going with we are having a live show and endurance comp tomorrow..
That means I need to switch from being diurnal to nocturnal but quickly..
Tomorrow night could be a VERY long one!!!
Janelle's lips look really bad.
Janelle is the worst kind of person. Just a mean girl to be a mean girl..
Spreading lies around this house like there is no tomorrow. No wonder Joe has been doing the same thing.
I sincerely hope that Boogie comes back with a vengeance when Frank goes out that door, with Ian leading the new alliance ship as HoH.
These people pick on Ian, tearing him down after the veto ceremony just because he is an easy target. Personal attacks make me lose a TON of respect for a person, and Janelle's team is full of these kind of people. Janelle attacked Dani's emotions spreading lies saying JoJo said about her calling her fat, etc..
This game sometimes, really gets your emotions going. /endrant
In other news, since I am very impatient, I signed up for the feed tonight Caro, using your link! Thanks for everything you do!!
Does anyone else wonder if there will be any repercussions for Joe not following the rules of being a have not? Just curious to hear peoples thoughts about this.
Joe hasn't been sleeping on his have not bed the last few nights. He told Janelle that and said that bb still hasn't busted him out on it. He also asked Janelle if she thinks he would get some kind of penalty vote.
Hi Sisoruen!! :) I think it was an innocent mistake.
Hiya Matt! :) Thank you very much!!
Hi SweetMelBelle! :) Thanks so much for your support :)
Siso - hm
Ok so just a couple of observations.
If I anyone was on the fence about which way Shane swings, I think that hot pink, feminine cut tank top should be some indicating.... Just sayin...
Does anyone else find it a little sad how much of Boogie's identity is wrapped up in his BB performance?
Thank u Judy! Nice to sees another janie fan!! :)
KMac - I keep reading and rereading that trying to figure out if I'll offend a few dear people if publish it.. I know it wasn't intended in a bad vein.. do you mind terribly if I don't publish?
Hi Carolyn! Yes, it makes me wonder. Idk,, maybe it might be nothing at all; I guess it depends on how strick they are regarding the h/hn rules. what kind of repercussions can they hand down?
Sisoruen.. If it's blatant, like Jen in BB8, they have the option to give a penalty vote or even a penalty nom.. If it's an innocent mistake, usually nothing.
It sounds so insignificant, but Joe really isn't following the have not rules by not sleeping on the have not bed.
Ashley slept on the floor in there too. For what it's worth, I've seen him sleeping on the have not bed plenty.
Carolyn, it is blatant on Joe's part. He actually said a few days after being chosen as a have not that he really doesn't care if bb penalizes him. He said he would follow the food restrictions but will not comply with the sleeping in the have not bed.
Watch the live feeds tonight; he just might disregard the have not rules all together or he might initially begin on the have not bed, but he will eventually move onto the floor.
I'm sad that I work tomorrow ... I get off right when Bb starts .... I think I am going to ask if I can leave early
Yeah, I am still new to big brother. I just wanted to point it out. I don't know if bb is stickler for rules.
Omg joe has to stop yelling at me.
Omg joe has got to stop yelling at me.
Omg joe has to stop yelling at me.
Is the bar still open and serving? Shots of your choice for Everyone (On Carolyn of course)... body shots! ;p
GayTor! hehehe!! It is!! OK.. just try not to salt up the boobage!
zomg!! Hi CeeMurph!!! :0)))
Stephanie from the Left Coast! MWAH!
Now if you want to watch your TV you know you can always send your hawt son to me. But just him, not the gf. He won't get to watch TV here but think he would enjoy 'other things we could do'. What kind of beer does he like?
I think so!
He did!
So sorry about the mixup earlier Caro. In the future I will leave what I read elsewhere, elsewhere.
So... re: Coaches coming in to play tomorrow, or "Getting the CHANCE to come in and play for $500K".
I never go anywhere else blog or site wise. My heart belongs only to The Dish. I notice the Dish Poll is 60% against them coming in. Has anyone else looked at polls that have a majority wanting them back in?
I haven't put any calendar together on it but I'm wondering if by anyone's calculation there is time for all 4 to come in, just 2, or something else. I'd definitely add a double eviction week to the mix since I believe that has been happening every season.
Frank "if you're 18 and need a prom date" LOL
also Carolyn said boobage ;)
Psst! :) Live Show Viewing Party Invitation Please RSVP :)
Hi Michigan Man!! :) hehehe!
Hi Show The Love! :) Wrong is fine.. NOthing wrong with wrong.. I don't even remember what it was about..
FL Girl - No worries.. It just scared the bejezzus outa me! :)
GayTor - I'm guessing the TV ONly folks will rule the roost on the coach thing..
How do we RSVP, facebook newb, still.
gaytor - honey.. no cursing, please..
MIchigan Man - You just click the link and click yes where it asks you if you'll be attending.
Carolyn said...
gaytor - honey.. no cursing, please..
Oh is this about my comment? About Shane's pink tank? No wasn't supposed to be mean...But I surely don't want to offend anyone....
Looking at the cable guide for tomorrow, ****'s **** is scheduled to come on at 10 PM BBT as is usual for Thursday nights. No idea why they go with the one hour delay on live show night but Allison Grodner couldn't surprise me with anything she attempts. 13 seasons of her unfair skewing the game... why would she change now?
I heard when he said that and I think it was kind of part of their ploy to make frank and boogie feel safe because he was basically saying it didn't matter if he took the penalty vote he was going home anyways... If that makes sense.
Hi Carolyn! I just found this blog and it's wonderful!! I have already ordered the live feeds and I used your link! Thanks for all you do!!!
ok, didn't see no where to click yes but wrote I'll be there instead.
I want to turn on the feeds to see if there is any hope of Joe leaving tomorrow but Olympic Men's All Around Gymnastics and some swimming finals have my full attention.
Did anyone else see the Hungarian guy break the World Record about 8:30 GaYToR Central Time?
Please, if you find it offensive in the least take it down.
Hi Janie!! Thank you very much! Welcome to the Dish!
Michigan Man! :) Cool!
Thanks for the nice welcome! I am obsessed with BB so I am so glad I found you guys! I love your side comments when posting, they are hilarious, especially the ones about Shane! He is eye candy for sure!
This explains a lot about Danielle. She was supposed to be on a dating show. Now we know why she's looking for love, in Shane.
Thanks very much, Janie :) -- If he ever goes on the block, don't be surprised to see a "Save The Eyecandy" banner flying. ;)
This could be the greatest moment in reality show history. Boogie is going to lose his mind.
Boogie said he's not coming into the game. Wow. Interesting.
Dan just wants to stay in the game to promote his book, to funny.
Wil wants to work with Danielle and Shane, didn't see that one coming.
Taking away the noms final plea. This is going to be an interesting Thur. show. Finally something new. Wonder if maybe the horn will sound, after Frank is voted out, and no one goes out. That would put a fire in Frank and Boogie for sure.
(This is my first time posting, so forgive me if this information already exists somewhere.)
Has anyone transcribed the crazypants stuff Ashley keeps saying? She is my new favorite HG and I love her little word journeys.
Has anyone transcribed the crazypants stuff Ashley keeps saying? She's my new favorite HG and I love her little word journeys.
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